# # OCI Flags # #define OCI_DEFAULT 0x00000000 /* the default value for parameters and attributes */ /*-------------OCIInitialize Modes / OCICreateEnvironment Modes -------------*/ #define OCI_THREADED 0x00000001 /* appl. in threaded environment */ #define OCI_OBJECT 0x00000002 /* application in object environment */ #define OCI_EVENTS 0x00000004 /* application is enabled for events */ #define OCI_RESERVED1 0x00000008 /* reserved */ #define OCI_SHARED 0x00000010 /* the application is in shared mode */ #define OCI_RESERVED2 0x00000020 /* reserved */ /* The following *TWO* are only valid for OCICreateEnvironment call */ #define OCI_NO_UCB 0x00000040 /* No user callback called during ini */ #define OCI_NO_MUTEX 0x00000080 /* the environment handle will not be */ /* protected by a mutex internally */ #define OCI_SHARED_EXT 0x00000100 /* Used for shared forms */ /************************** 0x00000200 free **********************************/ #define OCI_ALWAYS_BLOCKING 0x00000400 /* all connections always blocking */ /************************** 0x00000800 free **********************************/ #define OCI_USE_LDAP 0x00001000 /* allow LDAP connections */ #define OCI_REG_LDAPONLY 0x00002000 /* only register to LDAP */ #define OCI_UTF16 0x00004000 /* mode for all UTF16 metadata */ #define OCI_AFC_PAD_ON 0x00008000 /* turn on AFC blank padding when rlenp present */ #define OCI_ENVCR_RESERVED3 0x00010000 /* reserved */ #define OCI_NEW_LENGTH_SEMANTICS 0x00020000 /* adopt new length semantics */ /* the new length semantics, always bytes, is used by OCIEnvNlsCreate */ #define OCI_NO_MUTEX_STMT 0x00040000 /* Do not mutex stmt handle */ #define OCI_MUTEX_ENV_ONLY 0x00080000 /* Mutex only the environment handle */ #define OCI_SUPPRESS_NLS_VALIDATION 0x00100000 /* suppress nls validation */ #define OCI_MUTEX_TRY 0x00200000 /* try and acquire mutex */ #define OCI_NCHAR_LITERAL_REPLACE_ON 0x00400000 /* nchar literal replace on */ #define OCI_NCHAR_LITERAL_REPLACE_OFF 0x00800000 /* nchar literal replace off*/ /* convert date : yes|no */ #convertdates=no # OCI_THREADED | OCI_OBJECT | OCI_NEW_LENGTH_SEMANTICS environment=131075