InDesign® C++ API Error Codes
Error Value | Error Code Name | Error String |
0x2 (2) | Unknown Adobe Prefix + 2 (0x2) | User canceled this action. |
0x101 (257) | kProgramError | Program error |
0x102 (258) | kDirectoryNotFoundError | Cannot find the folder “^1”. |
0x103 (259) | kMemoryFullError | Out of memory |
0x104 (260) | kFileNotFound | The file ^1 was not found |
0x105 (261) | kSharedLibraryNotFoundError | Cannot find the shared library “^1”. |
0x106 (262) | kMemoryLowError | Running low on memory. Please close document windows or quit other applications to free up memory. |
0x107 (263) | kMemoryFailedError | Adobe InDesign® has run out of memory and is shutting down. Please save any necessary changes to any open Adobe InDesign® documents. |
0x108 (264) | kResourceFileOpenError | Cannot open resource file. |
0x109 (265) | kPlugInConflictError | Plug-in ^1 conflicts with plug-in ^2. Plug-in ^1 will be ignored. Please remove one of the plug-ins and restart Adobe InDesign®. |
0x10C (268) | kTooManyOpenFilesError | Too many files are open. Please close documents, shutdown other applications, disable fonts, or turn off virtual memory. |
0x10D (269) | kCouldntResolveAliasError | One or more file shortcuts could not be resolved. Please verify that the original file or files still exist and try this operation again. |
0x10E (270) | kItemsDontFitError | Cannot paste or place items. Items do not fit within the pasteboard. Try making the pasteboard offset larger in the Guides and Pasteboard Preferences dialog. |
0x10F (271) | kMissingPluginPageItem | This item is associated with a missing plug-in and cannot be changed without the plug-in. |
0x110 (272) | kRevertScrapFailedError | Adobe InDesign® is running low on disk space. Please delete unnecessary files to free up more disk space, and then restart InDesign®. |
0x112 (274) | kSchemaConversionError | Adobe InDesign® could not complete the conversion because data in the file did not match what was expected. |
0x113 (275) | kCantCreateRecoverCmdError | Adobe InDesign® could not complete the recovery because the plug-in that contains the data was not found in the application. |
0x202 (514) | kCantDeleteEmptyTextError | Cannot delete empty text. |
0x203 (515) | kInvalidPropertyForOversetTextError | This property is not valid for overset text. |
0x204 (516) | kInvalidRequestForRootStyleError | Invalid request on a root style. |
0x205 (517) | kStyleNameAlreadyExistsError | A style with this name already exists. |
0x206 (518) | kCantMoveTextToAnotherDocumentError | Text cannot be moved from one document to another. |
0x207 (519) | kCantMoveTextToItsCurrentLocationError | Text cannot be moved to its current location. |
0x208 (520) | kCantCompleteOperationStorysLockedError | Cannot complete operation. Story is locked. |
0x209 (521) | kCantMoveStyleOrSetError | Cannot move style or group. Target does not exist. |
0x20A (522) | kStyleGroupNameAlreadyExistsError | A style group with this name already exists. |
0x20B (523) | kEmptyStyleNameError | A style name can not be empty. |
0x20C (524) | kEmptyStyleGroupNameError | A style group name can not be empty. |
0x20D (525) | kReservedStyleNameError | The style name is reserved. |
0x20E (526) | kLongStyleNameError | A style name can not have more than 255 characters. |
0x20F (527) | kCircularBasedOnError | Circular based on relationship cannot be set. |
0x210 (528) | kStyleNameContainsBracketError | A style name cannot contain brackets. |
0x211 (529) | kCannotCopyParentToChildGroupError | A style group can not be copied in to its child. |
0x212 (530) | kCannotFindTextAttributeError | Could not find text attribute. |
0x213 (531) | kCannotCopyStyleGroupIntoItSelfError | A style group can not be copied into itself. |
0x214 (532) | kLongVariableNameError | A variable name can not have more than 64 characters. |
0x215 (533) | kInvalidAnchorDestination | Anchor destination is invalid. |
0x216 (534) | kCannotReAnchorMemberOfGroupError | Cannot re-anchor member of group. |
0x217 (535) | kErrorInvalidTag | Invalid tag for style mapping. |
0x301 (769) | kCantMoveToLayerError | Cannot move subselected items to a new layer. Ungroup the selection, or select entire group or graphic frame. |
0x302 (770) | kCantMoveInlineToLayerError | Cannot move an inline graphic to a new layer. Select its text frame. |
0x303 (771) | kCantDeleteLayerError | Can't delete this layer. |
0x304 (772) | kCantDropOnLayerError | Cannot drop items onto locked or hidden layers. |
0x305 (773) | kLastLayerError | A document must have at least one layer. |
0x306 (774) | kLockedLayerError | Could not complete the request because the layer is locked. |
0x307 (775) | kLayerNameAlreadyExistsError | A layer with this name already exists. |
0x308 (776) | kCantMoveLockedItemsToLayerError | Cannot move locked items to a new layer. |
0x501 (1281) | kCantExceedPubPageLimitError | Number of pages in a publication cannot exceed ^1. |
0x502 (1282) | kCantExceedSpreadPageLimitError | Spread cannot have more than ^1 pages. |
0x503 (1283) | kLastSpreadError | A document must have at least one spread. |
0x504 (1284) | kCantMoveToSpreadError | Cannot move subselected items to a new spread. Ungroup the selection, or select entire group or graphic frame. |
0x505 (1285) | kLastPageError | A document must have at least one page. |
0x506 (1286) | kCantSetPageSizeError | Cannot set specified page size. Document page size must be between ^1 and ^2 points. Columns and margins may also be too large for specified page size. |
0x507 (1287) | kCantDetermineSpreadError | Cannot determine the spread this object is on. It might be an anchored object that is in overset or uncomposed text. |
0x508 (1288) | kObjectsNotOnSameSpreadError | Cannot select two objects on different spreads. |
0x509 (1289) | kCantDeleteObjectBeingDeletedError | Cannot delete an object that is already in the process of being deleted. |
0x50A (1290) | kPageSizeSmallerThanMarginsAndColumnsError | This page size does not fit with the current margin and column settings. Select the appropriate pages in the Pages Panel and then adjust using the Margins and Columns dialog box. |
0xADC (2780) | kInkMgrErrCantAliasProcessInk | Cannot alias a process ink. |
0xAF3 (2803) | kBleedBetPagesGTHalfSpaceBetPagesError | The 'Bleed Between Pages' value cannot be greater than half of the 'Space Between Pages' value. Resetting the bleed to be half of the space between pages. |
0xE01 (3585) | kDatabaseError | Could not complete your request because of a database error |
0xE02 (3586) | kSaveToOpenFileError | Cannot save to the file “unknown document”, because it is already open. |
0xE03 (3587) | kNewDocFailedError | Cannot create new file. |
0xE04 (3588) | kOpenDocFailedError | Cannot open “unknown document”. |
0xE05 (3589) | kRecoverDocFailedError | Cannot recover “unknown document”. Please try to open it using the File menu. |
0xE06 (3590) | kSaveDocFailedError | Cannot save “unknown document”. |
0xE07 (3591) | kSaveAsDocFailedError | Cannot save “unknown document” under a new name. |
0xE08 (3592) | kReadFailedError | Cannot read from “unknown document”. |
0xE09 (3593) | kWriteFailedError | Cannot write to “unknown document”. |
0xE0A (3594) | kNewUIDFailedError | Cannot add data to “unknown document”. |
0xE0B (3595) | kDeleteFailedError | Cannot delete data in “unknown document”. |
0xE0C (3596) | kSaveACopyFailedError | Cannot save a copy of “unknown document”. |
0xE0D (3597) | kCannotConvertFileError | Cannot open “ ”. Please upgrade your plug-ins to their latest versions, or upgrade to the latest version of Adobe InDesign®. |
0xE0E (3598) | kSaveDocCouldntShowUIError | Cannot save the document. No destination file supplied. |
0xE0F (3599) | kSaveDocPreviewFailedError | Could not save “unknown document” because the file is locked. Use the 'Get Info' command in the Finder to unlock the file. |
0xE10 (3600) | kDocHasPrereleaseContentError | Cannot open "unknown document". The document was edited by a pre-release version of InDesign®. |
0xE11 (3601) | kDynamicConversionFailure | Cannot convert "unknown document". Please upgrade your plug-ins to their latest versions, or upgrade to the latest version of Adobe InDesign®. |
0x1401 (5121) | kCircularMastersError | The master you are applying is already formatted by the master you are trying to apply it to. |
0x1402 (5122) | kMasterPageItemAlreadyOverriddenError | This master page item is already overridden on the page. |
0x1403 (5123) | kMasterPageItemNotOverrideableError | This master page item does not allow overrides. |
0x1701 (5889) | kImageImportFailedError | Import image failed. |
0x1702 (5890) | kImagePlaceFailedError | Error encountered while reading image. Image may be damaged or incompatible. Resave the image with different settings and try again. |
0x1703 (5891) | kImageUnsupportedColorSpaceError | Cannot place this image. Unsupported color space. |
0x1901 (6401) | kCantDragDeletedTextError | Cannot drag deleted text. |
0x1902 (6402) | kCantDropIntoDeletedTextError | Cannot drop text into deleted text. |
0x1903 (6403) | kCantDragFootnoteMarkerError | Cannot drag text containing a footnote marker into the footnote associated with the marker. |
0x1904 (6404) | kCantDragILGMarkerError | Cannot drag text containing an anchored object marker into the object associated with the marker. |
0x1905 (6405) | kCantDragTableMarkerError | Cannot drag text containing a table marker into the table associated with the marker. |
0x1906 (6406) | kCantDragNoteMarkerError | Cannot drag text containing a note marker into a note. |
0x2501 (9473) | kPDFLibraryError | PDF Library Error: |
0x2502 (9474) | kPDFLibraryNotPresentError | External PDFLibrary Not Found. |
0x250A (9482) | kPDFPageReflowDrawOrderError | Page ^1 will not reflow correctly in Acrobat 5.0. Use InDesign's® Arrange menu commands or Acrobat's order tool to fix the problem. |
0x250B (9483) | kPDFPageReflowTextTransError | Page ^1 will not reflow correctly in Acrobat 5.0 because the text is affected by page item transparency. |
0x250C (9484) | kPDFPageReflowFigureTransError | Page ^1 will not reflow correctly in Acrobat 5.0 because an image is affected by page item transparency. |
0x250D (9485) | kPDFExportFailed | Failed to Export the PDF file. |
0x250E (9486) | kPDFPageReflowFlattenError | Page ^1 will not reflow correctly in Acrobat 5.0 because transparency or overprint simulation is used with Acrobat 4.0 compatibility. |
0x250F (9487) | kPDFCreateThumbnailError | Unable to create thumbnail images. |
0x2510 (9488) | kPDFAttachToTreeError | Unable to finalize structure for PDF eBook. |
0x2511 (9489) | kPDFPlayDisplayListError | Unable to display a PDF image on the page. |
0x2512 (9490) | kAcrobatNotFoundError | Unable to view this file because Acrobat was not found. Check your Acrobat installation. |
0x2513 (9491) | kFileAlreadyOpenError | Cannot save to the file “^2”, because it is already open. |
0x2514 (9492) | kCannotAccessPasswordPropertyError | Cannot Access Password Property |
0x2515 (9493) | kPDFBookExportNoDocumentsError | Unable to create PDF file for a book with no documents. |
0x2518 (9496) | kPDFExportReadOnlyJDFExistError | Error while creating JDF File. Cannot save to the file "^1". You may not have permission or the file may be in use. |
0x2C01 (11265) | kItemDoesNotIntersectBoundsError | This value would cause one or more objects to leave the pasteboard. |
0x2C02 (11266) | kItemTooSmallError | Requested operation would cause one or more objects to be too small. Please check whether the stroke weight is too large. |
0x2C03 (11267) | kItemTooLargeError | Requested operation would cause one or more objects to be too large. |
0x2C04 (11268) | kIllegalScaleValueError | Requested value is not a legal scale value. |
0x2C05 (11269) | kIllegalDimensionError | Requested value is not a legal dimension. |
0x2C06 (11270) | kUnableToSetBoundingBoxError | Unable to set bounding box. |
0x2C07 (11271) | kPathIndexOutOfBounds | Path index out of bounds. |
0x2C08 (11272) | kPointIndexOutOfBounds | Point index out of bounds. |
0x2C09 (11273) | kIllegalSkewValueError | The value must be between -360.0 ° and 360.0 °. |
0x2C0A (11274) | kObjectIsLockedError | Object is locked. |
0x2C0B (11275) | kCantSplitThisObjectError | Cannot split path into multiple paths. Please use the Pen Tool to remove the point. |
0x2C0C (11276) | kPathOPResultEmptyError | Could not complete operation. Pathfinder result describes empty region. |
0x2C0D (11277) | kCantMoveInFrontBehindError | Could not move item in front of or behind another item. Items don't have same parent (layer). |
0x2C0E (11278) | kBadInLineMoveError | The requested distance would cause this inline item to exceed its container boundary. |
0x2C0F (11279) | kCannotConvertShapeError | Cannot convert item to the shape. Shape type unknown or the items' bounding box is too small. |
0x2C10 (11280) | kCannotJoinPathPointsError | Cannot join these two path points. The two points are not end points, or are the same point. |
0x2C11 (11281) | kGraphicAttrNotSupportedError | Object doesn't support this graphic attribute. |
0x2C12 (11282) | kGraphicAttrMixedSelectionError | The content of this object has multiple values for this graphic attribute. |
0x2C13 (11283) | kNoValidPIParentFoundError | Cannot create page item. No valid parent found. |
0x2C14 (11284) | kImageInfoNotAvailableError | A value is not available for this type of image. |
0x2C15 (11285) | kUnsupportedRotateParametersError | Cannot rotate with non-absolute and parent relative transform context at the same time. Incompatible parameters. |
0x2C16 (11286) | kUnsupportedShearParametersError | Cannot shear with non-absolute and parent relative transform context at the same time. Incompatible parameters. |
0x2C17 (11287) | kCannotUnlinkItemNotOverriddenError | Cannot unlink page item. It is not overridden on the given page. |
0x2C18 (11288) | kCannotTransformAgainError | There are no transformations to play back. |
0x2C19 (11289) | kCannotConvertToLineError | Cannot convert a text frame to a line. |
0x2C1A (11290) | kCannotConvertPointToShapeError | Cannot convert a point to another shape. |
0x2C1B (11291) | kCannotConvertOrthogonalLineToShapeError | Cannot convert an orthogonal line to another shape. Resulting shape would be too small. |
0x2C1C (11292) | kCannotConvertLineToClosedPath | Cannot convert a line to a closed path. |
0x2C1D (11293) | kCannotMoveBetweenDocsError | Cannot move item(s) between documents, they must be duplicated to target document first. |
0x2C20 (11296) | kInvalidOperationOnUnplacedContentError | Operation not permitted on unplaced content. |
0x2C21 (11297) | kEmptySplineErrorCode | Selection contains frame(s) with no content. |
0x2C22 (11298) | kXMPMetadataAbsentErrorCode | Selection has content with no metadata. |
0x2C23 (11299) | kXMPPropertyAbsentErrorCode | Metadata property is not present on some selected content. |
0x2C24 (11300) | kXMPPropertyValueStructTypeErrorCode | Metadata property has a structure value type. |
0x2C25 (11301) | kXMPPropertyValueArrayTypeErrorCode | Metadata property has an array value type. |
0x2C26 (11302) | kXMLStructureAbsentErrorCode | Selection has content with no associated structure. |
0x2C27 (11303) | kXMLAttributeAbsentErrorCode | Structure attribute is not present for some selected content. |
0x2C28 (11304) | kMixedMetadataTextErrorCode | Selection has no unique metadata text. |
0x2C29 (11305) | kMixedStructureTextErrorCode | Selection has no unique structure text. |
0x2D01 (11521) | kUnknownVendorError | Unknown vendor name. |
0x2D02 (11522) | kBadQuoteStringError | Illegal quotation mark string. |
0x2D03 (11523) | kAddDictionaryPathError | Cannot add dictionary path. |
0x2D04 (11524) | kRemoveDictionaryPathError | Cannot remove dictionary path. |
0x3E02 (15874) | kFontStyleNotAvailableError | The requested font style is not available. |
0x3E03 (15875) | kFontFamilyNotAvailableError | The requested font family is not available. |
0x3E04 (15876) | kWorkspaceUnavailableError | The ScriptRequestData object could not supply a workspace context. |
0x3E05 (15877) | kDatabaseUnavailableError | The workspace context could not supply a database. |
0x3E06 (15878) | kCannotGetFontManager | Unable to find a FontManager on the workspace |
0x3E07 (15879) | kCantGetFontObjectError | Unable to retrieve an IScript font object from the font family |
0x3E08 (15880) | kCorruptFeatureCode | An OpenType feature appears to be corrupt; it has more than 4 characters. |
0x3E09 (15881) | kUnknownOpenTypeFeature | A requested OpenType feature is not in the known features list. |
0x3E0A (15882) | kCantGetFontProperty | The requested scripting property is unavailable for the font. |
0x3E0B (15883) | kCantGetUsedFontsList | Unable to acquire the list of fonts used in the document. |
0x3E0C (15884) | kCantGetGraphicsUsedFontsList | Unable to acquire the list of fonts used inside graphics within the document. |
0x3E0D (15885) | kIndexBeyondEndOfFontList | The supplied font index is beyond the last font in the list. |
0x3E0E (15886) | kCantGetFontsDocument | Unable to retrieve the document using the font. |
0x3E0F (15887) | kCantGetDocumentFontManager | Unable to retrieve the document's font manager. |
0x3E10 (15888) | kCantGetFontUIDFromName | Unable to retrieve the font's UID from its name. |
0x3E11 (15889) | kCantGetFontFromUID | Unable to get the font family from its UID. |
0x3E12 (15890) | kCantGetMissingFontFromUID | Unable to retrieve missing font from its UID. |
0x3E13 (15891) | kUnableToIdentifyFont | Unable to identify the requested font. |
0x3E14 (15892) | kCantGetFontFromGraphic | Unable to retrieve font from list of fonts in a graphic |
0x3E15 (15893) | kGeneralFontEnumerationFailure | Unknown error in enumerating fonts. |
0x4201 (16897) | kDefaultMojikumiReadOnlyError | Default Mojikumi is read-only. |
0x4202 (16898) | kDefaultKinsokuReadOnlyError | Default Kinsoku is read-only. |
0x4901 (18689) | kFindChangeInvalidClipboardErr | Current clipboard contents cannot be used for change. |
0x4902 (18690) | kChangeGlyphInvalidFontGroupErr | The font group specified in the Find criteria does not match the font group in the Change criteria. Please specify the same font group or specify a single font. |
0x4C01 (19457) | kConflictSectionSettingError | Must set continue numbering as false before changing page number start. |
0x4C02 (19458) | kDuplicateSectionError | Another section already exists with this prefix. Please choose another one. |
0x4C03 (19459) | kEmptySectionNameError | Please specify a section prefix of no more than five characters. |
0x4C04 (19460) | kSectionContainsSpaceError | Section prefix contains one or more space characters. |
0x4C05 (19461) | kBadSectionCharacterError | Section prefix contains one or more illegal characters (, and +). |
0x4C06 (19462) | kCantDeleteDefaultSection | Cannot delete the default section in a document. |
0x4C07 (19463) | kBadSectionStartPageNumber | Starting page number of a section must be between 1 and 999999. |
0x4C08 (19464) | kDuplicateSectionStartPageError | Another section already exists on this page. |
0x4C09 (19465) | kNoAvailablePageSectionError | No available page in document after last section, must provide a page start value. |
0x4C0A (19466) | kEmptyAlternateLayoutNameError | Alternate layout name is blank. Please provide one for the default section. |
0x4C0B (19467) | kDuplicateAlternateLayoutNameError | Alternate layout is a duplicate, it must be unique, or ends with invalid characters ('*' or ':') |
0x6E01 (28161) | kCantSwapActiveProxyTargetError | Unable to switch stroke/fill proxy target type due to the current selection context. |
0x7301 (29441) | kNoFilterFoundError | Cannot place this file. No filter found for requested operation. |
0x7302 (29442) | kImportFailedError | Import failed. |
0x7303 (29443) | kOpenFailedError | Open failed. |
0x7304 (29444) | kNoFilterFoundOpenError | Cannot open this file. No filter found for requested operation. |
0x7305 (29445) | kAlreadyOpenError | This file is already open by another user or another application. This file may be stored on a network server and cannot be opened until the other user closes it. |
0x7306 (29446) | kFileDoesNotExistError | Either the file does not exist, you do not have permission, or the file may be in use by another application |
0x7307 (29447) | kCannotOpenFileError | The file could not be opened. You may not have permission or the file may be in use by another application. |
0x7308 (29448) | kIncompatibleMediaTypeError | Cannot place this file. No filter found for requested operation. |
0x730A (29450) | kFileInaccessibleError | The file is not accessible. |
0x770A (30474) | kReadOnlyPropertyError | '^1' is a read only property. |
0x770B (30475) | kInvalidCollectionItemError | The requested member of the collection does not exist. |
0x770C (30476) | kObjectDeletedError | The requested action could not be completed because the object no longer exists. |
0x770D (30477) | kInvalidParameterError | Invalid parameter. |
0x770F (30479) | kMissingRequiredParameterError | Missing required parameter '^1' for method '^2'. |
0x7710 (30480) | kNoDataOfTheRequestedTypeError | No data available of the requested type. |
0x7711 (30481) | kOutOfRangeError | Data is out of range. |
0x7712 (30482) | kInvalidCreateOnCollectionError | Cannot create an additional item. Operation not permitted on this object. |
0x7713 (30483) | kCannotCompileScriptErr | Cannot compile script. |
0x7714 (30484) | kScriptExecutionCanceled | User canceled this action. |
0x7715 (30485) | kIncompatibleScriptLanguageError | Incompatible or unsupported scripting language. |
0x7716 (30486) | kModalDialogOpenError | Cannot handle the request because a modal dialog or alert is active. |
0x7717 (30487) | kSetPropertiesFailedCompletelyError | Request to set properties failed to set any property. |
0x7718 (30488) | kGetPropertiesFailedCompletelyError | Request to get properties failed to get any property. |
0x7719 (30489) | kHandleMethodFailedCompletelyError | Request to handle method failed for all objects. |
0x771A (30490) | kNoScriptFileAvailableError | No file is associated with the currently active script. |
0x771B (30491) | kNaNError | Value is NaN (Not a Number). |
0x771C (30492) | kUnrecognizedEventTypeError | ^1 is not a recognized event type. |
0x771D (30493) | kCantDeleteTargetOfActiveScriptEvent | Cannot delete the target of an active script event. |
0x7796 (30614) | kInvalidScriptTargetError | Invalid object for this request. |
0x7797 (30615) | kPropertyNotApplicableError | The property is not applicable in the current state. |
0x7798 (30616) | kPropertyValueLockedError | The property's value is locked and cannot be changed. |
0x7799 (30617) | kCantDeleteDefaultStyleError | The default style cannot be deleted. |
0x779A (30618) | kCantRenameThisItemError | The name of this item cannot be changed. |
0x779B (30619) | kItemWithThisNameAlreadyExistsError | An item with that name already exists. |
0x779C (30620) | kInvalidVersionNumberError | Invalid version number. |
0x779D (30621) | kObjectFromDifferentDatabaseError | Request failed because object is from a different document or workspace. |
0x779E (30622) | kObsoleteScriptingRequestError | Request failed because the underlying functionality is no longer available in the current version of the application. |
0x779F (30623) | kEventIsNotCancelableError | This event is not cancelable. |
0x77A0 (30624) | kCantReplaceWithDeletedObjectError | Invalid parameter. Cannot replace using the object to be deleted. |
0x77A1 (30625) | kObsoleteMethodParameterError | Request failed because the parameter '^1' is obsolete. The underlying functionality is no longer available in the current version of the application. |
0x7C01 (31745) | kNoEmbeddedProfileAvailableError | No embedded profile available. |
0x8402 (33794) | kCantSearchOnEmptyTextError | Object contains no text for find/change. |
0x8404 (33796) | kInvalidSearchModeError | Invalid Search Mode. |
0x8406 (33798) | kFCInvalidQueryNameError | Invalid Query Name. |
0x8407 (33799) | kFCReadOnlyQueryFileError | Query file is locked or read-only. Unable to save the query. |
0x8408 (33800) | kFCQueryFileNotFoundError | Query file not found. |
0x8409 (33801) | kInvalidFindFontError | Invalid Find Font |
0x840A (33802) | kInvalidFindGlyphIDError | Invalid Find Glyph |
0x840B (33803) | kInvalidReplaceFontError | Invalid Replace Font |
0x840C (33804) | kInvalidReplaceGlyphIDError | Invalid Replace Glyph |
0x840D (33805) | kFCPrefAttributeNotPresentError | Requested Attribute is not present in find/change preferences. |
0x8C01 (35841) | kNoAssociatedPageItemError | No page item is associated with this link. |
0x8C02 (35842) | kLinkMissingError | Link missing. |
0x8C03 (35843) | kOPIOrDCSLinkError | Link is an OPI or DCS link. |
0x8C04 (35844) | kHiddenPageItemError | Page item is hidden or on a hidden layer. |
0x8C05 (35845) | kLinkFileNameError | Unable to determine link filename. |
0x8C06 (35846) | kNotSystemFileLinkError | Link is not a system file. |
0x8C07 (35847) | kUnableToBringAppToFrontError | Unable to bring application to the front. |
0x8C08 (35848) | kEditorNotFoundError | No editor found for this link. |
0x8C09 (35849) | kInvalidParameterErr | Link request failed due to invalid parameter. |
0x8C0C (35852) | kUnableToCreateFileError | Cannot create the file. The folder may be write protected. |
0x8C0D (35853) | kDiskFullError | Out of disk space. |
0x8C0E (35854) | kFileLockedError | Cannot create the file because it already exists and it is write protected. |
0x8C11 (35857) | kLinkIsNotEmbeddedError | Unable to unembed link. Link is not embedded. |
0x8C13 (35859) | kCantLinkToSnippetFileError | Cannot link to an InDesign® Snippet file. Please choose another file. |
0x8C14 (35860) | kLinkIsEmbeddedError | Link is embedded. |
0x8C15 (35861) | kLinkFileAlreadyExistsError | Cannot copy the link. The file already exists. |
0x8C16 (35862) | kLinkCopyFileTypeError | Cannot copy the link. The file type doesn't match the original. |
0x8C1B (35867) | kInvalidChildLinkOpError | Operation is not permitted on child links. |
0x8C1D (35869) | kCantCreateResourceError | Cannot create the link resource from the given URI. |
0x9201 (37377) | PSFilterPrefix + 1 (0x9201) | The file uses an unsupported color space. Only RGB, CMYK, L*a*b*, grayscale, indexed, and bitmap formats are supported by the Photoshop filter. |
0x9202 (37378) | PSFilterPrefix + 2 (0x9202) | Cannot place file. To place an Adobe Photoshop duotone image, you must first save it in the Photoshop EPS or PDF format. |
0x9203 (37379) | PSFilterPrefix + 3 (0x9203) | The file uses an unsupported bit depth. Only 8 bit RGB, CMYK, L*a*b*, grayscale, indexed, and 1 bit bitmap formats are supported by the Photoshop filter. |
0x9204 (37380) | PSFilterPrefix + 4 (0x9204) | The file contains at least one spot color that uses an unsupported color space. |
0x9205 (37381) | PSFilterPrefix + 5 (0x9205) | The file is an unrecognized format. It may not be a Photoshop file, or may be corrupt. |
0x9206 (37382) | PSFilterPrefix + 6 (0x9206) | Internal error. |
0x9207 (37383) | PSFilterPrefix + 7 (0x9207) | The file contains two or more spot channels with the name "^1". Each spot channel must have a unique name. |
0x9208 (37384) | PSFilterPrefix + 8 (0x9208) | The image's spot channel "^1" conflicts with a reserved swatch name. Please rename the spot channel in the image file and try again. |
0x9240 (37440) | PSFilterPrefix + 64 (0x9240) | No Error. |
0x9241 (37441) | PSFilterPrefix + 65 (0x9241) | General error. |
0x9242 (37442) | PSFilterPrefix + 66 (0x9242) | User Cancelled. |
0x9243 (37443) | PSFilterPrefix + 67 (0x9243) | Silent Error. |
0x9244 (37444) | PSFilterPrefix + 68 (0x9244) | Internal error. Nil Pointer. |
0x9245 (37445) | PSFilterPrefix + 69 (0x9245) | Internal error. Assert Failed. |
0x9246 (37446) | PSFilterPrefix + 70 (0x9246) | An unknown error occurred. |
0x9247 (37447) | PSFilterPrefix + 71 (0x9247) | Memory is full. |
0x9248 (37448) | PSFilterPrefix + 72 (0x9248) | Internal error. Bad cast. |
0x9249 (37449) | PSFilterPrefix + 73 (0x9249) | Internal error. Standard unknown error. |
0x924A (37450) | PSFilterPrefix + 74 (0x924a) | File error occurred. |
0x924B (37451) | PSFilterPrefix + 75 (0x924b) | File not found. |
0x924C (37452) | PSFilterPrefix + 76 (0x924c) | Disk is full. |
0x924D (37453) | PSFilterPrefix + 77 (0x924d) | File is locked. |
0x924E (37454) | PSFilterPrefix + 78 (0x924e) | Disk is locked. |
0x924F (37455) | PSFilterPrefix + 79 (0x924f) | Disk is write Protected. |
0x9250 (37456) | PSFilterPrefix + 80 (0x9250) | No Permission to Write. |
0x9251 (37457) | PSFilterPrefix + 81 (0x9251) | File could not be opened. |
0x9252 (37458) | PSFilterPrefix + 82 (0x9252) | File is already open. |
0x9253 (37459) | PSFilterPrefix + 83 (0x9253) | File is open for writing. |
0x9254 (37460) | PSFilterPrefix + 84 (0x9254) | Illegal file name. |
0x9255 (37461) | PSFilterPrefix + 85 (0x9255) | Duplicate file name. |
0x9256 (37462) | PSFilterPrefix + 86 (0x9256) | Read past end of file. |
0x9257 (37463) | PSFilterPrefix + 87 (0x9257) | Too many files are open. |
0x9258 (37464) | PSFilterPrefix + 88 (0x9258) | Disk error. |
0x9259 (37465) | PSFilterPrefix + 89 (0x9259) | The file is an unrecognized format. It may not be a Photoshop file, or may be corrupt. |
0x925A (37466) | PSFilterPrefix + 90 (0x925a) | The file uses an unsupported bit depth. Only 8 bit RGB, CMYK, L*a*b*, grayscale, indexed, and 1 bit bitmap formats are supported by the Photoshop filter. |
0x925B (37467) | PSFilterPrefix + 91 (0x925b) | The file uses an unsupported color space. Only RGB, CMYK, L*a*b*, grayscale, indexed, and bitmap formats are supported by the Photoshop filter. |
0x925C (37468) | PSFilterPrefix + 92 (0x925c) | An unexpected value was encountered in the file. It may not be a Photoshop file, or may be corrupt |
0x925D (37469) | PSFilterPrefix + 93 (0x925d) | File cannot be written. Disk may be locked or full. |
0x925E (37470) | PSFilterPrefix + 94 (0x925e) | File cannot be read. File may not be a Photoshop file, or may be corrupt. |
0x925F (37471) | PSFilterPrefix + 95 (0x925f) | File cannot be read. File may not be a Photoshop file, or may be corrupt. |
0x9260 (37472) | PSFilterPrefix + 96 (0x9260) | Internal error. Layer not found. |
0x9261 (37473) | PSFilterPrefix + 97 (0x9261) | Internal error. Layer could not be written |
0xA401 (41985) | kICMissingStoryError | MissingStory |
0xA402 (41986) | kICUnableToConvertError | UnableToConvert |
0xA406 (41990) | kObjectCreationLocationError | Can't create object at this location |
0xA407 (41991) | kCantFindPrefsError | Can't find preferences |
0xA408 (41992) | kNoTargetOrTextModel | No text target or text model |
0xA409 (41993) | kInvalidUserNameError | A valid username must be provided. |
0xA40A (41994) | kICCheckoutError | Unable to check out this file. It may be in use by someone else. |
0xA40B (41995) | kObjectNotEditableInCopyError | This object is not editable when this file type is opened in InCopy. |
0xA40C (41996) | kICCheckOutINCDError | This story needs to be converted to "InCopy Document" format in order to edit it. |
0xB301 (45825) | kCantCreateTOPOnInlines | Cannot create text on a path on an inline graphic |
0xB302 (45826) | kTOPAlreadyExists | Text on a path already exists |
0xB303 (45827) | kPathIsNotAvailable | Path is not available |
0xB603 (46595) | kCantSetRowTypeError | Cannot set row type. |
0xB604 (46596) | kCellRotationAngleError | Valid cell rotation angles are {0,90,180,270}. |
0xB605 (46597) | kInvalidCellRangeError | Invalid cell range. |
0xB606 (46598) | kCellsTooSmallToSplitError | Cells too small to split. |
0xB607 (46599) | kCantDeleteCellError | Cells cannot be deleted. |
0xB608 (46600) | kTableStyleAttributeNotDefinedError | This attribute is not defined for table styles |
0xB609 (46601) | kCellStyleAttributeNotDefinedError | This attribute is not defined for cell styles |
0xB60A (46602) | kCannotFindStyleByThatNameErrorCode | A style by that name cannot be found |
0xBC01 (48129) | kSaveReadOnlyExportPresetsError | Cannot export presets. The selected file is read-only. |
0xBC02 (48130) | kGenericExportPresetsError | Cannot export presets to the selected file. |
0xBC03 (48131) | kWrongFormatImportPresetsError | Cannot import presets from this file. It is not of the appropriate type. |
0xBC04 (48132) | kGenericImportPresetsError | Cannot import presets from this file. |
0xBFB4 (49076) | kXMLCannotTagPartialHyperlinkErr | Cannot tag the selected text because the text contains part of a hyperlink or cross-reference. Change the text selection to include the entire hyperlink or cross-reference. |
0xBFB5 (49077) | kPropertyHasNoCurrentValueError | This property currently has no value. |
0xBFB6 (49078) | kNoSuchAttributeError | Attribute '^1' not found. |
0xBFB7 (49079) | kXMLCannotRelinkErr | Cannot change the element to be associated with this object. Try creating a new element. |
0xBFB8 (49080) | kLoadTagListErr | A parsing error occurred. Some or all of the tags used in the XML file may not have been loaded. |
0xBFBA (49082) | kXMLCannotAutoTagErr | The object or the parent story is already tagged or cannot be tagged |
0xBFBB (49083) | kAlreadyProcessingRulesErr | Can't call StartProcessingRuleSet while a rule set is still being processed! |
0xBFBC (49084) | kStructureIteratorInvalidErr | Invalid structure iterator for the current XML rules processor detected! Please modify the rules so the structural changes happen after the children nodes have been processed (or skipped). |
0xBFBD (49085) | kXMLCantProcessXPathFragmentErr | Adobe InDesign® cannot process^1XPath expression '^2' |
0xBFBE (49086) | kXMLSetContentOnNonGraphicFrameErr | Set Content must be called on a XML element that is a frame |
0xBFBF (49087) | kXMLPlaceIntoCopyInvalidDBErr | Item to copy must be in same document |
0xBFC0 (49088) | kXMLImportTableErr | Import table failed |
0xBFC1 (49089) | kXMLDuplicateTagNameErr | A tag with that name already exists. Please choose a different name. |
0xBFC2 (49090) | kXMLInvalidRubyElementErr | <^1> is an invalid Ruby element or appears in the wrong order. |
0xBFC3 (49091) | kXMLContentAlreadyTaggedErr | This content is already tagged |
0xBFC4 (49092) | kXMLCannotTagFootnoteTextErr | Tagging of footnote text is not supported |
0xBFC5 (49093) | kXMLNonExistAttributeErr | Attribute does not exist |
0xBFC6 (49094) | kXMLTableAlreadyTaggedErr | This table is already tagged |
0xBFC7 (49095) | kXMLInvalidAttributeNameErr | The attribute has an invalid name. |
0xBFC8 (49096) | kCannotPlaceContentAlreadyPlacedErr | The element you are trying to place has already been placed in the layout. |
0xBFC9 (49097) | kXMLPlaceElementInvalidGraphicFrameErr | The object you are placing into must be a graphic frame. |
0xBFCA (49098) | kXMLPlaceFrameAlreadyHasContentErr | The graphic frame you are placing into already has content. |
0xBFCB (49099) | kXMLElementHrefImportErr | The file specified by the href attribute cannot be found or is not importable. |
0xBFCD (49101) | kXMLLockedElement_ModifyErr | Cannot modify elements that contain locked content, or are contained by locked content. Please unlock or check out the content and try again. |
0xBFCE (49102) | kXMLLockedElement_DeleteErr | Cannot delete elements that contain locked content, or are contained by locked content. Please unlock or check out the content and try again. |
0xBFCF (49103) | kXMLLockedElement_MoveErr | Cannot move elements that contain locked content, or are contained by locked content. Please unlock or check out the content and try again. |
0xBFD0 (49104) | kXMLLockedElement_MoveToErr | The destination where you are moving the element is locked. Please unlock before moving. |
0xBFD1 (49105) | kXMLMoveElementTargetInSourceErr | The element you are trying to move contains the element you are moving to. |
0xBFD2 (49106) | kXMLInvalidTagNameErr | The tag you are trying to create has an invalid name. |
0xBFD3 (49107) | kXMLCannotTagCellContentsErr | Tagging of table cell contents is not supported. |
0xBFD4 (49108) | kXMLAttributeAlreadyExistsErr | Attribute already exists. |
0xBFD5 (49109) | kXMLFrameContentNotTaggableErr | The content of the frame is not taggable. |
0xBFD6 (49110) | kXMLObjectNotTaggableErr | The frame or frame content is not taggable. |
0xBFD7 (49111) | kXMLInvalidTableElementErr | <^1> is an invalid table element or appears in the wrong order. |
0xBFD8 (49112) | kXMLInvalidAssetURLErr | The asset <^1> is specified with an invalid URL. |
0xBFD9 (49113) | kXMLInvalidCommentPIOperationErr | This operation cannot be performed on the selected element. |
0xBFDA (49114) | kXMLPlaceIntoInlineErr | Elements cannot be placed into an inline. |
0xBFDB (49115) | kXMLMoveMultiTaggedInlineErr | This inline element cannot be moved. |
0xBFDC (49116) | kXMLCannotTagWithinRubyErr | Tagging of Ruby contents is not supported. |
0xBFDD (49117) | kXMLCopyToImageSubFolderErr | A file error occurred while copying ^1 to the image sub folder. |
0xBFDE (49118) | kXMLConvertOptimizedImageErr | Error Optimizing image '^1'. System may be low on memory or disk space. |
0xBFDF (49119) | kXMLConvertFormattedImageErr | Error Formatting image '^1'. System may be low on memory or disk space. |
0xBFE0 (49120) | kXMLParentElemCantContainChildErr | Placed graphic elements cannot contain any child elements. |
0xBFE1 (49121) | kXMLDTDAlreadyExistsErr | A DTD already exists. |
0xBFE2 (49122) | kXMLCannotDeleteElementErr | This element cannot be deleted. |
0xBFE3 (49123) | kXMLInvalidDTDXMLReferenceErr | DTD element not found. |
0xBFE4 (49124) | kXMLNILDTDErr | DTD not found. |
0xBFE5 (49125) | kXMLInvalidNMTokenErr | NMToken is invalid. |
0xBFE6 (49126) | kXMLInvalidIDNameErr | The attribute value has an invalid ID name or IDREF. |
0xBFE7 (49127) | kXMLBadRootElementTypeErr | Root element tag does not match DOCTYPE declaration element type. |
0xBFE8 (49128) | kXMLEMPTYElementWithContentErr | An EMPTY element cannot contain content. |
0xBFE9 (49129) | kXMLUnexpectedElementErr | This element is not valid at this position. |
0xBFEA (49130) | kXMLMissingElementErr | A required element is missing. |
0xBFEB (49131) | kXMLUndeclaredElementErr | This element is undeclared. |
0xBFEC (49132) | kXMLMissingRequiredAttributeErr | A required attribute is missing. |
0xBFED (49133) | kXMLExtraAttributeErr | This attribute is undeclared. |
0xBFEE (49134) | kXMLNotUnparsedEntityInAttValueErr | The ENTITY type attribute value does not refer to an unparsed entity. |
0xBFEF (49135) | kXMLUndeclaredEntityInAttValueErr | The attribute value refers to an undeclared ENTITY. |
0xBFF0 (49136) | kXMLUndeclaredNotationInAttValueErr | The attribute value refers to an undeclared NOTATION. |
0xBFF1 (49137) | kXMLAttValueNotInEnumErr | The attribute value does not match one of the enumerated values. |
0xBFF2 (49138) | kXMLDuplicateIDAttValueErr | This ID attribute value must be unique. |
0xBFF3 (49139) | kXMLFixedAttributeDefaultErr | #FIXED attribute type value does not match declared default value. |
0xBFF4 (49140) | kXMLIDNotFoundErr | ID referenced by IDREF attribute value not found. |
0xBFF5 (49141) | kXMLMissingReplacementTagErr | You must specify a replacement tag when deleting a tag. |
0xBFF6 (49142) | kXMLTagNameLockedErr | This tag name is locked and cannot be changed or deleted. |
0xBFF7 (49143) | kXMLIllegalElementMoveErr | The element cannot be moved to the destination. |
0xBFF8 (49144) | kXMLNoContentModelErr | No element declarations are found in the DTD. |
0xBFF9 (49145) | kXMLChildrenContentModelWithContentErr | This element type cannot contain content. |
0xBFFA (49146) | kXMLAddElementToDocErr | XML elements cannot be added to the document element. Please add XML elements to the 'Root' element. |
0xBFFB (49147) | kXMLInvalidENTITYNameErr | The attribute value has an invalid ENTITY name. |
0xBFFC (49148) | kXMLInvalidNOTATIONNameErr | The attribute value has an invalid NOTATION name. |
0xBFFD (49149) | kXMLLockedContent_ModifyErr | This action cannot be completed because the content it would affect is locked. |
0xBFFE (49150) | kXMLCannotTagDeletedTextErr | Tagging of deleted text is not supported |
0xBFFF (49151) | kXMLCannotTagNoteTextErr | Tagging of note text is not supported |
0xD201 (53761) | kUnableToDeleteActionError | Unable to delete an application-defined action. |
0xD202 (53762) | kActionIsNotEnabledError | Action is not enabled. |
0xD203 (53763) | kUnableToDeleteMenuError | Unable to delete a top-level menu. |
0xD204 (53764) | kDismissedPreviewableModalDialogError | The requested action opened an asynchronous previewable modal dialog. This is not compatible with the scripting architecture, and so the dialog has been automatically dismissed using the default button. |
0xD900 (55552) | kTestSkippedError | The test was skipped. |
0xD901 (55553) | kPanelNotFoundError | Panel not found. |
0xD902 (55554) | kCannotScrollError | Cannot scroll. |
0xD903 (55555) | kMenuNotFoundError | Menu not found. |
0xD904 (55556) | kMenuDisabledError | Menu disabled. |
0xD905 (55557) | kWidgetDisabledError | Widget disabled. |
0xD906 (55558) | kWidgetNotFoundError | Widget not found. |
0xD907 (55559) | kListItemNotFoundError | List item not found. |
0xD908 (55560) | kInvalidWidgetTypeError | Invalid widget type. |
0xD909 (55561) | kAppleScriptNotInstalledError | AppleScript not installed. |
0xD90A (55562) | kCancelSuiteError | Suite cancelled. |
0xD90B (55563) | kNoListItemSelectedError | No list item selected. |
0xD90C (55564) | kWidgetListItemNotFoundError | Widget list item not found. |
0xD90D (55565) | kInvalidLanguageError | Invalid language. |
0xD90E (55566) | kWidgetNotVisibleError | Widget not visible. |
0xD90F (55567) | kQAInvalidUIDRefParameterError | Invalid UIDRef parameter. |
0xD910 (55568) | kSnapshotNotFoundAndLocked | Snapshot not found and locked. |
0xD911 (55569) | kDontRunOrLogTestError | Don't run or log test: This test is not designed to run in the current context (application, feature set,...). |
0xD912 (55570) | kCantRunWithoutIdleTaskError | Can't run without idle task: Try running headless, or use InDesign® Server. |
0xD915 (55573) | kParsingSuiteDescriptionFileError | Failed to parse the suite description file. |
0xD916 (55574) | kDuplicateSuiteNameError | A suite with this name is already loaded. |
0xD917 (55575) | kCannotAddSuiteError | Cannot add this test suite. |
0xD918 (55576) | kInvalidDescriptionFileSuiteNameError | The suite name in the description file is invalid. |
0xD919 (55577) | kInvalidSuiteNameError | This suite name is empty or otherwise invalid. |
0xD91A (55578) | kSuiteDoesNotExistError | The specified suite does not exist. |
0xD91B (55579) | kCannotRemoveSuiteError | Cannot remove this test suite. |
0xD91C (55580) | kCannotCreateSuiteError | Cannot create a test suite. |
0xD91D (55581) | kCannotWriteSuiteListError | The suite list cannot be written to. You may need to check out this file, or change its permissions. |
0xD91E (55582) | kCannotApplyBenchDataError | The suite found data for restarting benchmarking tests, but could not apply the data. |
0xD91F (55583) | kQAStatusExpiryOutOfRange | The value following EXPIRES for ^1 in ^2 is later than acceptable (see MinimalStatus.txt); entry ignored. |
0xD920 (55584) | kQAStatusBadExpiry | Bad or missing value following EXPIRES for ^1 in ^2 (see MinimalStatus.txt); entry ignored. |
0xD921 (55585) | kQAStatusUnrecognizedTag | Unknown tag following ^1 in ^2. |
0xD922 (55586) | kQAStatusTooManyProductTags | Excess product tags ignored following ^1 in ^2. |
0xDD00 (56576) | TestPrefix5 + 0 (0xdd00) | QE_TestPanel cannot load this suite. |
0x10004 (65540) | kSaveBookFailure | Fail to save the book! |
0x10005 (65541) | kSaveAsBookFailure | Fail to save the book as another book! |
0x10007 (65543) | kOpenBookFailure | Fail to open the book! |
0x10008 (65544) | kNewBookCmdFailure | Fail to create a new book! |
0x10009 (65545) | kOpenBookCmdFailure | Fail to open the book! |
0x1000A (65546) | kSaveBookCmdFailure | Fail to save the book! |
0x1000B (65547) | kSaveAsBookCmdFailure | Fail to save the book as another book! |
0x1000C (65548) | kCloseBookCmdFailure | Fail to close the book! |
0x1000D (65549) | kAddDocToBookCmdFailure | Fail to add document to the book! |
0x1000E (65550) | kRemoveDocFromBookCmdFailure | Fail to remove document from the book! |
0x1000F (65551) | kReorderDocInBookCmdFailure | Fail to reorder document in the book! |
0x10010 (65552) | kSaveACopyBookFailure | Fail to save a copy of the book! |
0x10011 (65553) | kSaveACopyBookCmdFailure | Fail to save a copy of the book! |
0x10012 (65554) | kInvalidScriptExportDocsFailure | The book does not contain one or more documents specified for export. |
0x10013 (65555) | kInvalidScriptExportFormatFailure | Book export is not supported by the desired export format. Expected a supported format enumeration or a string as specified in Export Dialog. |
0x10014 (65556) | kNoBookOpenError | No books are open. |
0x10F01 (69377) | kXMLSystemErr__E_LowBounds | System Error |
0x10F02 (69378) | kXMLSystemErr_Array_BadIndex | System Error |
0x10F03 (69379) | kXMLSystemErr_Array_BadNewSize | System Error |
0x10F04 (69380) | kXMLSystemErr_AttrList_BadIndex | System Error |
0x10F05 (69381) | kXMLSystemErr_AttDef_BadAttType | System Error |
0x10F06 (69382) | kXMLSystemErr_AttDef_BadDefAttType | System Error |
0x10F07 (69383) | kXMLSystemErr_Bitset_BadIndex | System Error |
0x10F08 (69384) | kXMLSystemErr_BufMgr_NoMoreBuffers | Out of memory: the buffer manager cannot provide any more buffers |
0x10F09 (69385) | kXMLSystemErr_BufMgr_BufferNotInPool | The passed buffer was not found in this manager's pool |
0x10F0A (69386) | kXMLSystemErr_CPtr_PointerIsZero | The pointer has not been set |
0x10F0B (69387) | kXMLSystemErr_CM_BinOpHadUnaryType | System Error |
0x10F0C (69388) | kXMLSystemErr_CM_MustBeMixedOrChildren | The content type must be mixed or children |
0x10F0D (69389) | kXMLSystemErr_CM_NoPCDATAHere | PCDATA nodes are not valid here |
0x10F0E (69390) | kXMLSystemErr_CM_NotValidForSpecType | The ^1 operation is invalid for the specification type |
0x10F0F (69391) | kXMLSystemErr_CM_UnaryOpHadBinType | The unary operation node had a binary node type |
0x10F10 (69392) | kXMLSystemErr_CM_UnknownCMType | Unknown content model type |
0x10F11 (69393) | kXMLSystemErr_CM_UnknownCMSpecType | Unknown content specification type |
0x10F12 (69394) | kXMLSystemErr_CM_NoParentCSN | The parent element has no content specification node |
0x10F13 (69395) | kXMLSystemErr_DTD_UnknownCreateReason | The creation reason has an unknown value |
0x10F14 (69396) | kXMLSystemErr_ElemStack_EmptyStack | The element stack is empty |
0x10F15 (69397) | kXMLSystemErr_ElemStack_BadIndex | The element stack index given was beyond the stack top |
0x10F16 (69398) | kXMLSystemErr_ElemStack_StackUnderflow | The element stack was already empty when a pop request occurred |
0x10F17 (69399) | kXMLSystemErr_ElemStack_NoParentPushed | A parent operation was requested, but only one element is on the stack |
0x10F18 (69400) | kXMLSystemErr_Enum_NoMoreElements | The enumerator contains no more elements |
0x10F19 (69401) | kXMLSystemErr_File_CouldNotOpenFile | Could not open file: ^1 |
0x10F1A (69402) | kXMLSystemErr_File_CouldNotGetCurPos | Could not query the current file position |
0x10F1B (69403) | kXMLSystemErr_File_CouldNotCloseFile | Could not close the file |
0x10F1C (69404) | kXMLSystemErr_File_CouldNotSeekToEnd | Could not seek to end of file |
0x10F1D (69405) | kXMLSystemErr_File_CouldNotSeekToPos | Could not seek to required position in file |
0x10F1E (69406) | kXMLSystemErr_File_CouldNotDupHandle | Could not duplicate the file handle |
0x10F1F (69407) | kXMLSystemErr_File_CouldNotReadFromFile | Could not read data from file |
0x10F20 (69408) | kXMLSystemErr_File_CouldNotResetFile | Could not reset file to beginning |
0x10F21 (69409) | kXMLSystemErr_File_CouldNotGetSize | Could not determine the file size |
0x10F22 (69410) | kXMLSystemErr_File_CouldNotGetBasePathName | Could not determine the base pathname of the file |
0x10F23 (69411) | kXMLSystemErr_File_BasePathUnderflow | The base path had too few levels to include the relative part of the path |
0x10F24 (69412) | kXMLSystemErr_Gen_ParseInProgress | Parse may not be called while parsing |
0x10F25 (69413) | kXMLSystemErr_Gen_NoDTDValidator | A DOCTYPE was seen but the installed validator does not understand DTDs |
0x10F26 (69414) | kXMLSystemErr_Gen_CouldNotOpenDTD | Could not open DTD file '^1' |
0x10F27 (69415) | kXMLSystemErr_Gen_CouldNotOpenExtEntity | Could not open external entity '^1' |
0x10F28 (69416) | kXMLSystemErr_Gen_UnexpectedEOF | The end of input was not expected |
0x10F29 (69417) | kXMLSystemErr_HshTbl_ZeroModulus | System Error |
0x10F2A (69418) | kXMLSystemErr_HshTbl_BadHashFromKey | System Error |
0x10F2B (69419) | kXMLSystemErr_HshTbl_NoSuchKeyExists | System Error |
0x10F2C (69420) | kXMLSystemErr_Mutex_CouldNotCreate | System Error |
0x10F2D (69421) | kXMLSystemErr_Mutex_CouldNotClose | System Error |
0x10F2E (69422) | kXMLSystemErr_Mutex_CouldNotLock | System Error |
0x10F2F (69423) | kXMLSystemErr_Mutex_CouldNotUnlock | System Error |
0x10F30 (69424) | kXMLSystemErr_Mutex_CouldNotDestroy | System Error |
0x10F31 (69425) | kXMLSystemErr_NetAcc_InternalError | System Error |
0x10F32 (69426) | kXMLSystemErr_NetAcc_InitFailed | System Error |
0x10F33 (69427) | kXMLSystemErr_NetAcc_TargetResolution | System Error |
0x10F34 (69428) | kXMLSystemErr_NetAcc_CreateSocket | System Error |
0x10F35 (69429) | kXMLSystemErr_NetAcc_ConnSocket | System Error |
0x10F36 (69430) | kXMLSystemErr_NetAcc_WriteSocket | System Error |
0x10F37 (69431) | kXMLSystemErr_NetAcc_ReadSocket | System Error |
0x10F38 (69432) | kXMLSystemErr_Pool_ElemAlreadyExists | The element ^1 already exists |
0x10F39 (69433) | kXMLSystemErr_Pool_BadHashFromKey | Hashing the key returned an invalid bad hash value |
0x10F3A (69434) | kXMLSystemErr_Pool_InvalidId | The passed identifier is not valid for this pool |
0x10F3B (69435) | kXMLSystemErr_Pool_ZeroModulus | The modulus value cannot be zero |
0x10F3C (69436) | kXMLSystemErr_RdrMgr_ReaderIdNotFound | The indicated reader identifier was never found |
0x10F3D (69437) | kXMLSystemErr_Reader_BadAutoEncoding | The automatic encoding has an unknown value |
0x10F3E (69438) | kXMLSystemErr_Reader_CouldNotDecodeFirstLine | Could not decode first line of entity: ^1 |
0x10F3F (69439) | kXMLSystemErr_Reader_EOIInMultiSeq | End of input was hit in the middle of a multibyte sequence |
0x10F40 (69440) | kXMLSystemErr_Reader_SrcOfsNotSupported | The current transcoding service does not support source offset information |
0x10F41 (69441) | kXMLSystemErr_Reader_EncodingStrRequired | EBCDIC files must provide an encoding= string |
0x10F42 (69442) | kXMLSystemErr_Scan_CouldNotOpenSource | The primary document entity could not be opened. Id=^1 |
0x10F43 (69443) | kXMLSystemErr_Scan_UnbalancedStartEnd | Unbalanced start/end tags found, cannot continue |
0x10F44 (69444) | kXMLSystemErr_Scan_BadPScanToken | The call to scanNext() is illegal at this time |
0x10F45 (69445) | kXMLSystemErr_Stack_BadIndex | The index is past the top of stack |
0x10F46 (69446) | kXMLSystemErr_Stack_EmptyStack | The stack is empty, cannot access members |
0x10F47 (69447) | kXMLSystemErr_Str_ZeroSizedTargetBuf | The target buffer cannot have a max size of zero |
0x10F48 (69448) | kXMLSystemErr_Str_UnknownRadix | The given radix is not supported. Use 2, 8, 10, or 16 |
0x10F49 (69449) | kXMLSystemErr_Str_TargetBufTooSmall | The target buffer is too small to accept the results |
0x10F4A (69450) | kXMLSystemErr_Str_StartIndexPastEnd | The start index is past the end of the string |
0x10F4B (69451) | kXMLSystemErr_Str_ConvertOverflow | The converted value exceeds the maximum binary value allowed |
0x10F4C (69452) | kXMLSystemErr_Strm_StdErrWriteFailure | Could not write to the standard error stream |
0x10F4D (69453) | kXMLSystemErr_Strm_StdOutWriteFailure | Could not write to the standard output stream |
0x10F4E (69454) | kXMLSystemErr_Strm_ConWriteFailure | Could not write to the console |
0x10F4F (69455) | kXMLSystemErr_StrPool_IllegalId | String pool identifier was not legal |
0x10F50 (69456) | kXMLSystemErr_Trans_CouldNotCreateDefCvtr | Could not create a default transcoder |
0x10F51 (69457) | kXMLSystemErr_Trans_InvalidSizeReq | The maximum size to translate is larger than the declared block size |
0x10F52 (69458) | kXMLSystemErr_Trans_Unrepresentable | Unicode char 0x^1 is not representable in encoding ^2 |
0x10F53 (69459) | kXMLSystemErr_Trans_NotValidForEncoding | Character ^1 is not valid for encoding ^2 |
0x10F54 (69460) | kXMLSystemErr_Trans_BadBlockSize | The requested block size is not equal to the size set during construction |
0x10F55 (69461) | kXMLSystemErr_Trans_BadSrcSeq | An invalid multi-byte source text sequence was encountered |
0x10F56 (69462) | kXMLSystemErr_Trans_BadSrcCP | ^1 is not a valid value for encoding ^2 |
0x10F57 (69463) | kXMLSystemErr_Trans_BadTrailingSurrogate | Leading surrogate character was not followed by trailing surrogate character |
0x10F58 (69464) | kXMLSystemErr_Trans_CantCreateCvtrFor | Could not create a converter for encoding: ^1 |
0x10F59 (69465) | kXMLSystemErr_URL_MalformedURL | The URL was not correctly formed |
0x10F5A (69466) | kXMLSystemErr_URL_UnsupportedProto | The URL used an unsupported protocol |
0x10F5B (69467) | kXMLSystemErr_URL_UnsupportedProto1 | Unsupported URL protocol: '^1' |
0x10F5C (69468) | kXMLSystemErr_URL_OnlyLocalHost | Only localhost is supported at this time |
0x10F5D (69469) | kXMLSystemErr_URL_NoProtocolPresent | No protocol prefix present |
0x10F5E (69470) | kXMLSystemErr_URL_ExpectingTwoSlashes | Expected // after protocol |
0x10F5F (69471) | kXMLSystemErr_URL_IncorrectEscapedCharRef | % must be followed by two hex digits |
0x10F60 (69472) | kXMLSystemErr_URL_UnterminatedHostComponent | Unterminated host component |
0x10F61 (69473) | kXMLSystemErr_URL_RelativeBaseURL | The base part of the URL cannot be relative |
0x10F62 (69474) | kXMLSystemErr_URL_BaseUnderflow | The base part has too few levels to include relative part |
0x10F63 (69475) | kXMLSystemErr_URL_BadPortField | The port field must be a 16 bit decimal number |
0x10F64 (69476) | kXMLSystemErr_Vector_BadIndex | The passed index is past the end of the vector |
0x10F65 (69477) | kXMLSystemErr_Val_InvalidElemId | The element identifier was invalid |
0x10F66 (69478) | kXMLSystemErr_Val_CantHaveIntSS | When reusing the validator, no internal subset is allowed |
0x10F67 (69479) | kXMLSystemErr_XMLRec_UnknownEncoding | The passed recognizer encoding was not known |
0x10F68 (69480) | kXMLSystemErr_E_HighBounds | System Error |
0x10F69 (69481) | kXMLSystemErr_W_LowBounds | System Error |
0x10F6A (69482) | kXMLSystemErr_W_HighBounds | System Error |
0x10F6B (69483) | kXMLSystemErr_V_LowBounds | System Error |
0x10F6C (69484) | kXMLSystemErr_V_HighBounds | System Error |
0x10F6D (69485) | kXMLSystemErr_Ext_LowBounds | System Error |
0x10F6E (69486) | kXMLSystemErr_Ext_TranscoderProblem | ^1/^2: A transcoder reported an error. The U.S. English error message is: ^3 |
0x10F6F (69487) | kXMLSystemErr_Ext_AXEProblem | ^1/^2: AXE reported an internal error. The U.S. English error message is: ^3 |
0x10F70 (69488) | kXMLSystemErr_Ext_BIBProblem | ^1/^2: BIB reported an internal error. The U.S. English error message is: ^3 |
0x10F71 (69489) | kXMLSystemErr_Ext_UnknownProblem | ^1/^2: An unknown error was reported. The U.S. English error message is: ^3 |
0x10F72 (69490) | kXMLSystemErr_Ext_CouldNotWriteToFile | Could not write data to output. |
0x10F73 (69491) | kXMLSystemErr_Ext_AXEDOMProblem | ^1/^2: AXE reported an internal DOM error. The U.S. English error message is: ^3 |
0x10F74 (69492) | kXMLSystemErr_Ext_XPathProblem | ^1/^2: AXE reported an internal XPath error. The U.S. English error message is: ^3 |
0x10F75 (69493) | kXMLSystemErr_Ext_XSLTProblem | ^1/^2: AXE reported an internal XSLT error. The U.S. English error message is: ^3 |
0x10F76 (69494) | kXMLSystemErr_Ext_UnresolvedEncodingConflict | Encoding conflict cannot be resolved. Parse terminated. |
0x10F81 (69505) | kXMLSystemErr_Ext_HighBounds | System Error |
0x11601 (71169) | kMissingTOCEntryInStyleError | You may use [Default] style without adding a TOC entry. Each TOC style should have at least 1 TOC entry. |
0x11602 (71170) | kDeleteDefaultTOCStyleError | Cannot delete [Default] TOC style. |
0x11603 (71171) | kAddDuplicateTOCEntryInStyleError | All the paragraph styles are picked in the TOC entries and we cannot pick a duplicate one. |
0x11604 (71172) | kTOCEntryIncludeStyleError | The paragraph style picked in TOC entries is invalid. Please pick a valid paragraph style. |
0x12201 (74241) | SangamServicerPrefix + 1 (0x12201) | Cannot convert document. A memory error occurred during the conversion. Please close windows or applications and try again. |
0x12202 (74242) | SangamServicerPrefix + 2 (0x12202) | Cannot convert document. An unknown error occurred during the conversion. |
0x12601 (75265) | kNoMetaDataAvailableError | No Metadata information available. |
0x12602 (75266) | kInvalidMetaDataError | File does not contain valid Metadata. |
0x13001 (77825) | kInvalidDataPageEntryError | Page entry is invalid |
0x13002 (77826) | kInvalidDataXRefError | Topic entry is invalid |
0x13003 (77827) | kInvalidRefedDataXRefError | Referenced topic entry is invalid. |
0x13004 (77828) | kRecursiveXRefError | Cross reference is recursive |
0x13005 (77829) | kImportTopicsError | Import Topics Failed |
0x13006 (77830) | kInvalidCapitalizeOptionError | Can't use en_SelectedTopicEntry or en_IncludeSubentries when do capitalization for indexes |
0x13007 (77831) | kStoryLockedError | The index could not be updated because one or more stories are locked. |
0x13008 (77832) | kGenerateIndexError | The index could not be generated. One or more index entries contain invalid characters. Please delete any invalid characters from the index entries. |
0x13009 (77833) | kInvalidIndexOptionsSeparatorsError | The index could not be generated. One or more invalid characters were found in the index entry separators. Please correct the entries in the Entry Separators section of the Generate Index dialog box. |
0x1300A (77834) | kDocMissingFromBookError | The index could not be generated. One or more documents for the book could not be found. |
0x13505 (79109) | kHyperlinkWrongDocumentErr | Cannot set this property to an object in another document. |
0x13506 (79110) | kHyperlinkInvalidNameErr | This name is already in use by another object |
0x13507 (79111) | kHyperlinkObjectInUseErr | The object you have chosen is already in use by another hyperlink. |
0x13508 (79112) | kHyperlinkZeroRangeSourceErr | Hyperlink Text Sources cannot have an insertion point as their text. |
0x13509 (79113) | kHyperlinkNoMarkerErr | This hyperlink text object doesn't have a text marker |
0x1350B (79115) | kHyperlinkManualNameNotAllowedErr | You cannot change the name of this destination because manual names are not allowed. |
0x1350C (79116) | kBookmarkEmptyListErr | The list of bookmarks is empty, there is nothing to delete. |
0x1350D (79117) | kBookmarkMissingErr | Could not delete bookmarks because one or more of them couldn't be found. |
0x1350E (79118) | kBookmarkEmptyNameErr | A bookmark must have a name. |
0x13510 (79120) | kHyperlinkExternalDocsNotOpenErr | Some hyperlinks couldn't be updated because the documents they point to are not open. Please open the documents or hold down Option/Alt while choosing Update Hyperlinks. |
0x13511 (79121) | kDocumentNotFoundErr | Hyperlink destination document not found. Please verify the document's location in the Hyperlinks panel before choosing this hyperlink. |
0x13512 (79122) | kDocumentNotSavedError | The destination you have specified is in another document that has not yet been saved. Please save the other document first. |
0x13514 (79124) | kDocumentsMayNotMatchError | The External Page destination requires that its database not match that of the page you are pointing to. |
0x13515 (79125) | kDataBaseNotFoundError | One or both of the databases could not be found when trying to create an External Page Destination |
0x13516 (79126) | kCreatingCircularBookmarkRelationshipErr | Cannot nest a parent bookmark under its own child bookmarks. |
0x13517 (79127) | kXRefFormatInUseErr | One or more formats you are deleting are used by cross-references in the document. |
0x13518 (79128) | kHiddenDestinationInUseErr | The destination you have chosen is a hidden destination and already in use by another hyperlink. A hidden destination cannot be shared by multiple hyperlinks. |
0x13519 (79129) | kCanNotChangeParaDestToNewParaErr | You are not allowed to change a paragraph destination to a different paragraph. You may create a new paragraph destination and delete the unwanted one. |
0x1351A (79130) | kInvalidXRefDestErr | The destination is invalid. You can only create cross-references to a text anchor or paragraph destination. |
0x1351B (79131) | kCharStyleNotFoundErr | Character style name "^1" does not exist in this document. |
0x1351C (79132) | kUnknownBuildingBlockErr | The building block name is not recognized and will be ignored. |
0x1351D (79133) | kInvalidDelimiterErr | The delimiter must be a single-character. |
0x1351E (79134) | kCannotDeletingLastFormatErr | The document must have at least one format. |
0x1351F (79135) | kInvalidIncludeDelimValueErr | The attribute for including the delimiter must be "true" or "false". |
0x13520 (79136) | kInvalidXRefFormatStringErr | Incorrect syntax: an element is not specified properly. For details and examples, see Help. |
0x13521 (79137) | kNoBuildingBlockErr | No building block: Insert one or more building blocks so that the cross-reference includes useful information. |
0x13522 (79138) | kPartialXMLInRangeErr | Cannot create hyperlink or cross-reference. The text selection includes only the opening or closing tag of an XML tag pair. Change the text selection to include the entire XML element. |
0x13A01 (80385) | kCannotCreatePreflightProfileError | Cannot create preflight profile. |
0x13A02 (80386) | kCannotCreatePreflightRuleError | Cannot add preflight profile rule. |
0x13A03 (80387) | kPreflightRuleAlreadyExistInProfileError | Preflight profile rule already exists in the profile. |
0x13A04 (80388) | kPreflightRuleDoesnotExistInProfileError | Preflight profile rule does not exist in the profile. |
0x13A05 (80389) | kProfileNameAlreadyExistsError | Preflight profile name already exists. |
0x13A06 (80390) | kProfileNameBlankError | Preflight profile name must not be blank. |
0x13A07 (80391) | kProfileNameInvalidError | Preflight profile name contains illegal characters. |
0x13A08 (80392) | kDeletePresetProfileError | Cannot delete a preset preflight profile. |
0x13A09 (80393) | kCannotEmbedProfileError | Cannot embed preflight profile. |
0x13A0A (80394) | kLoadProfileOpenDocError | Cannot load profile from selected document |
0x13A0B (80395) | kLoadProfileActiveDocError | Cannot load profile into the same document |
0x13A0C (80396) | kLoadProfileFailedError | Failed to load profile |
0x13A0D (80397) | kLoadProfileNoEmbeddedProfileError | Document does not have any embedded profile |
0x13A0E (80398) | kRenamePresetProfileError | Cannot rename a preset preflight profile. |
0x13A0F (80399) | kAggregatedResultIsNotAvailableError | Aggregated Result for this process is not available. |
0x13A10 (80400) | kPreflightingIsOffForDocumentError | Preflighting is turned off for this document. |
0x13A11 (80401) | kCannotEmbedDefaultProfileError | Cannot embed a preset preflight profile |
0x13A12 (80402) | kCannotEditDefaultProfileError | Cannot edit a preset preflight profile |
0x13B01 (80641) | kNoPathCreated | NoPathCreated |
0x13B02 (80642) | kPathCreated | PathCreated |
0x13B03 (80643) | kPathCompleted | PathCompleted |
0x13B0A (80650) | kInvalidSelectionError | Cannot create outlines from overset text. |
0x13B0B (80651) | kNoCharactersSelectedError | Please select one or more characters that can be converted to outlines. |
0x13B0C (80652) | kBadCommandDataError | Cannot create outlines due to bad data. |
0x13B0D (80653) | kCreateOnLockedLayerError | Can't create page item on a locked layer. |
0x13C01 (80897) | PNGImport + 1 (0x13c01) | Cannot place this file. Unsupported PNG format. |
0x13C02 (80898) | PNGImport + 2 (0x13c02) | . |
0x13C03 (80899) | PNGImport + 3 (0x13c03) | . |
0x13C04 (80900) | PNGImport + 4 (0x13c04) | Cannot place this file. Please close windows or other applications and try again. |
0x13C05 (80901) | PNGImport + 5 (0x13c05) | Cannot place this file. Invalid PNG file. |
0x13C06 (80902) | PNGImport + 6 (0x13c06) | Cannot place this file. Internal PNG filter error. |
0x13C07 (80903) | PNGImport + 7 (0x13c07) | Cannot place this file. Unsupported PNG image file version. |
0x13C08 (80904) | PNGImport + 8 (0x13c08) | PNG Options |
0x13C09 (80905) | PNGImport + 9 (0x13c09) | Use &Transparency Information |
0x13C0A (80906) | PNGImport + 10 (0x13c0a) | Choice |
0x13C0B (80907) | PNGImport + 11 (0x13c0b) | &White Background |
0x13C0C (80908) | PNGImport + 12 (0x13c0c) | &File-defined Background Color |
0x13C0D (80909) | PNGImport + 13 (0x13c0d) | Apply &Gamma Correction |
0x13C0E (80910) | PNGImport + 14 (0x13c0e) | Gamma &Value: |
0x13C0F (80911) | PNGImport + 15 (0x13c0f) | Error encountered while writing PNG image. |
0x14003 (81923) | kChangeMediaLocationFailed | Could not change the movie/sound to the requested media file. |
0x14006 (81926) | kChangePosterFailedError | The poster image could not be changed to the requested image. |
0x14502 (83202) | kUnableToAddToStateError | One of the items being added is not allowed to be in any of this page item's states. |
0x14503 (83203) | kNoStatesAvailableError | No more states can be added to this item. |
0x14504 (83204) | kCustomStateNamesNotSupported | Custom state names are not supported on this type of page item. |
0x14F02 (85762) | kSoundAttrNotAvailableError | Sound attribute not available. |
0x15A01 (88577) | kVCCancelledError | The Version Cue operation was cancelled |
0x15A02 (88578) | kVCUnauthorizedError | kVCUnauthorized |
0x15A03 (88579) | kVCNoSuchResourceError | No such resource |
0x15A04 (88580) | kVCNoContentError | No content |
0x15A05 (88581) | kVCPermissionDeniedError | Permission denied |
0x15A06 (88582) | kVCLockedElsewhereError | Locked elsewhere |
0x15A07 (88583) | kVCLockedByOtherError | Locked by other |
0x15A08 (88584) | kVCLockedExclusivelyError | Locked exclusively |
0x15A09 (88585) | kVCLockedSharedError | Locked shared |
0x15A0A (88586) | kVCLockRevokedError | Lock revoked |
0x15A0B (88587) | kVCNoSuchReplicaError | No such replica |
0x15A0C (88588) | kVCWouldClobberLockedError | Would clobber locked |
0x15A0D (88589) | kVCWouldClobberModifiedError | This operation would clobber a file that has been modified |
0x15A0E (88590) | kVCWouldClobberCurrentError | Would clobber current |
0x15A0F (88591) | kVCNoSuchParentError | No such parent |
0x15A10 (88592) | kVCNoMountPointError | No mount point |
0x15A11 (88593) | kVCCantMountParentError | Cannot mount parent |
0x15A12 (88594) | kVCCantMountChildError | Cannot mount child |
0x15A13 (88595) | kVCMountPointsDifferError | Mount points differ |
0x15A14 (88596) | kVCNotInARMError | Not in ARM |
0x15A15 (88597) | kVCCollectionAlreadyExistsError | Collection already exists |
0x15A16 (88598) | kVCNonCollectionAlreadyExistsError | Non-collection already exists |
0x15A17 (88599) | kVCCantCaptureUnlessCurrentError | Cannot capture unless current |
0x15A18 (88600) | kVCNetworkFailureError | The Version Cue call failed due to network failure |
0x15A4F (88655) | kVCUnexpectedError | An unexpected error occurred while working with the Version Cue server |
0x15A50 (88656) | kVCNotEnabledError | Version Cue is either not installed or not enabled |
0x15A51 (88657) | kVCFileNotManagedError | The document is not managed by Version Cue |
0x15A52 (88658) | kVCLinkNotManagedError | The link is not managed by Version Cue |
0x15A53 (88659) | kVCLinkEmbeddedError | The link is embedded in the document |
0x15D01 (89345) | kSaveBackWrongDocType | This is not a valid InDesign® Interchange document. |
0x15D02 (89346) | kSaveBackWrongBuildNumber | This document was exported by a different build of InDesign®. |
0x15F02 (89858) | kUnknownJSObjectTypeError | Unknown object type. |
0x15F0A (89866) | kTargetEngineNotFoundError | Target engine '^1' not found. |
0x15F0B (89867) | kCantDeleteDefaultMainEngine | The default engine 'main' cannot be deleted. |
0x16101 (90369) | kUserActionStreamErr | Error reading or writing a file stream. |
0x16103 (90371) | kCannotUndoError | Unable to undo the last command. |
0x16104 (90372) | kCannotRedoError | Unable to redo the last command. |
0x16105 (90373) | kCannotSetPortError | You cannot set the port once the server is running. |
0x16106 (90374) | kCannotSetConfigurationError | You cannot set the configuration once the server is running. |
0x16107 (90375) | kActionsEventNotHandledError | The selection (or target) does not support this command. |
0x16304 (90884) | kNoDocumentOpenError | No documents are open. |
0x16305 (90885) | kCantCloseLastWinError | Can't close last document window. Close the document instead. |
0x16306 (90886) | kNoWindowOpenError | No document windows are open. |
0x16307 (90887) | kUntitledNoPathError | Untitled files have no path. |
0x16308 (90888) | kUntitledNoFullNameError | Untitled files have no full name. |
0x16309 (90889) | kCantEditColorPropertyError | Cannot edit this color property. |
0x1630A (90890) | kCantDuplicateColorError | Cannot duplicate this swatch. |
0x1630B (90891) | kScriptingCannotCopyCut | Cannot copy/cut due to invalid selection state. |
0x1630C (90892) | kScriptInvalidConfiguration | The configuration was invalid or the user cancelled. Please try the same operation in the user interface to see more detailed information. |
0x1630D (90893) | kNoScriptIsActiveError | No script is active. |
0x1630E (90894) | kSetRegistrationInkTypeError | Cannot set ink type to registration. |
0x1630F (90895) | kClipboardIsInaccessibleError | Cannot access clipboard unless a document is active. |
0x16310 (90896) | kNoSwatchNameError | Swatch must have a name. Please supply one. |
0x16311 (90897) | kNoUniqueSwatchNameError | Swatch name is already in use. Please choose another. |
0x16312 (90898) | kCantDeleteColorError | This color cannot be deleted. |
0x16313 (90899) | kColorNameExistsError | A color with the same name exists. |
0x16314 (90900) | kInvalidColorValueError | One or more of the color values is invalid. |
0x16315 (90901) | kIncorrectNumberColorValueError | An incorrect number of color values was given. |
0x16316 (90902) | kNoUniqueTintError | This tint value already exists for this color. Please choose another. |
0x16317 (90903) | kCreateSpotCopyError | The spot color "^1" already exists in this document. If you create a copy of this spot color you will add an additional separation plate to this document. Create the copy? |
0x16318 (90904) | kReplaceSpotError | A spot color named "^1" already exists in this document. The spot color you are copying will add an additional separation plate to this document. Replace the copied color with the document's color instead? |
0x16319 (90905) | kDuplicateSwatchExistsError | A swatch named "^1" already exists in this document, and its color values are identical to the swatch you are copying. Create the copy? |
0x1631A (90906) | kSameNameSwatchExistsError | A swatch named "^1" already exists in this document, but its color values differ from the swatch you are copying. Replace the copied swatch with the document's swatch? |
0x1631B (90907) | kCantEditColorError | This color cannot be edited. |
0x1631C (90908) | kCantEditColorWithLibGradientError | Cannot replace color swatch with a gradient swatch. Please choose a color swatch. |
0x1631D (90909) | kCantEditTintWithLibTintError | CantEditTintWithLibTinttError |
0x1631E (90910) | kDeleteInkAliasError | Deleting a spot color that is an alias ink for another. Continuing will reset ink alias to default. |
0x1631F (90911) | kChangeSpotInkAliasError | Changing from a spot to a process color resets any alias defined for the spot color. |
0x16320 (90912) | kPantoneOldNewOverlapError | The swatch named "^1" is equivalent to an existing swatch named "^2". Continuing with new "^1" will replace "^2". |
0x16321 (90913) | kCantMergeSwatchError | Cannot merge this swatch with the one specified. |
0x16323 (90915) | kReservedSwatchNameError | Reserved swatch name. Please choose another. |
0x16324 (90916) | kMixedInkSwatchCreationError | Mixed ink swatches must contain at least two inks and at least one spot ink. |
0x16325 (90917) | kExceedMaxMixedInkSwatchesInGroupError | Maximum number of mixed ink swatches for a mixed ink group is 1000. |
0x16326 (90918) | kMixedInkParentMustHaveTwoInksError | You must enable two or more inks in the ink list to define a mixed ink swatch. |
0x16327 (90919) | kMixedInkParentProcessInksOnlyError | Removing spot colors will convert all mixed inks in this group to individual process colors and eliminate the mixed ink group. Convert inks anyway? |
0x16328 (90920) | kMultiSwatchLibSelectionError | Duplicate swatch name(s) and duplicate swatchbook names already exist in the document. Swatches with duplicate names will not be added. |
0x16329 (90921) | kMultiSameSwatchNameError | Duplicate swatch name(s) already exist in the document. Swatches with duplicate names will not be added. |
0x1632A (90922) | kMultiPantoneOldNewOverlapError | Duplicate swatchbook names already exist in the document. The existing swatches will be replaced. |
0x1632B (90923) | kMultiSameTintSwatchNameError | One or more selected tint swatches already exist and will not be added. |
0x1632C (90924) | kExceedMaxInksInInkGroupError | Mixed inks can have no more than 27 spot color inks and no more than 31 inks total. |
0x1632D (90925) | kDeleteSpotInMixedInkError | Deleting a spot color that is a component in a mixed ink group or swatch will change the affected mixed ink definitions. Delete the spot colors anyway? |
0x1632E (90926) | kDeleteSpotInMixedInkDestructError | Deleting spot colors will remove the mixed ink swatch or group. Click OK to delete swatches. |
0x1632F (90927) | kCantEditSpotWithMixedInkError | Cannot replace a spot color swatch used in a mixed ink with another mixed ink swatch. Please choose a color swatch that is not a mixed ink swatch. |
0x16330 (90928) | kCantEditTintWithMixedInkError | Cannot replace a color swatch used in a tint swatch with a mixed ink swatch. Please choose a color swatch that is not a mixed ink swatch. |
0x16331 (90929) | kCantDuplicateSwatchError | Cannot duplicate the selected swatch. |
0x16332 (90930) | kLoadSwatchesActiveDocError | You cannot load swatches into same document. |
0x16333 (90931) | kLoadSwatchesOpenDocError | Cannot load swatches from selected document. Either this is not InDesign® document or the document is damaged. |
0x16334 (90932) | kLoadSwatchesNotSwatchbookError | The file "^1" could not be opened because it is an unknown swatch format. |
0x16335 (90933) | kSaveSwatchesError | Error while saving swatches. |
0x16336 (90934) | kInvalidExportFormatForObjectError | The specified object does not support the desired export format. |
0x16337 (90935) | kScriptCantPasteError | Unable to paste current scrap item |
0x16338 (90936) | kInvalidSwatchNameErr | Invalid swatch name. Please choose another. |
0x16339 (90937) | kUnsavedNoPathError | Unsaved documents have no path. |
0x1633A (90938) | kUnsavedNoFullNameError | Unsaved documents have no full name. |
0x1633B (90939) | kCantCloseDocumentWithActiveEventsError | Cannot close document because it is the target of an active event. |
0x1633C (90940) | kCantSaveDocumentWithOpenTransactionError | Cannot save document because there are open transactions in process on the database. |
0x1633D (90941) | kCantSaveDocumentInUseByBGTasksError | Cannot save document because it is in use by one or more background tasks. |
0x1633E (90942) | kCantSaveAsDocumentInUseByBGTasksError | Cannot save document to another file because it is in use by one or more background tasks. |
0x1633F (90943) | kCantSaveACopyDocumentInUseByBGTasksError | Cannot save a copy of document because it is in use by one or more background tasks. |
0x16340 (90944) | kCantRevertDocumentInUseByBGTasksError | Cannot revert document because it is in use by one or more background tasks. |
0x16341 (90945) | kCantCloseDocumentInUseByBGTasksError | Cannot close document because it is in use by one or more background tasks. |
0x16342 (90946) | kCantQuitWithBGTasksError | Cannot quit because of one or more tasks running in the background. |
0x16343 (90947) | kFileInUseByBGTasksError | Cannot save to the file "^2" because it is in use by one or more background tasks. |
0x16344 (90948) | kAsynchronousExportUnsupportedFormatError | This file format cannot be exported asynchronously |
0x16401 (91137) | kInvalidPaletteWorkspaceFileErr | '^1' is not a valid workspace file. |
0x16402 (91138) | kCantToggleAppBarError | Can't change Application Bar state when Application Frame is turned on. |
0x16403 (91139) | kRemoveFromNotSupportedError | 'Remove From Selection' option not supported for this object type. |
0x16404 (91140) | kMenuFileFormatIncompatible | Menu set is incompatible or corrupt. |
0x16405 (91141) | kScriptInvalidWorkspaceFileErr | The specified workspace does not exist or is not a valid workspace file. |
0x16406 (91142) | kScriptInvalidMenuSetFileErr | The specified menu set does not exist or is not a valid menu set file. |
0x16407 (91143) | kDeletePaletteWorkspaceErr | Could not delete workspace '^1.' |
0x16408 (91144) | kPaletteWorkspaceFileFormatIncompatible | Old or incompatible workspace version. |
0x16409 (91145) | kScriptInvalidShortcutSetFileErr | The specified shortcut set does not exist or is not a valid shortcut set file. |
0x1640A (91146) | kSetKeyObjectNotSupportedError | 'Set Key Object' option not supported for this object type. |
0x17602 (95746) | kMalformedURL | Download failed due to malformed URL. |
0x17611 (95761) | kUnsupportedProtocolError | URL not found. The address specified may be invalid or unavailable. |
0x17614 (95764) | kURLToContentTypeIsNotSupported | URL does not reference a recognized movie type. |
0x17617 (95767) | kInvalidOrUnsupportedSoundFormat | Sound format is invalid or unsupported. |
0x17618 (95768) | kPosterSelectionIsNotAvailable | Poster from movie selection is not available for QuickTime VR movies. |
0x1761B (95771) | kPosterSelectionFailed | Could not get the poster. The movie format may be corrupted or unsupported, or a QuickTime component may be missing. |
0x1761C (95772) | kCouldNotFindServer | Could not access the URL because the server could not be found. |
0x17C01 (97281) | kXMLParserErr_W_LowBounds | Parser Error |
0x17C02 (97282) | kXMLParserErr_NotationAlreadyExists | Notation '^1' has already been declared |
0x17C03 (97283) | kXMLParserErr_AttListAlreadyExists | Attribute '^1' has already been declared for element '^2' |
0x17C04 (97284) | kXMLParserErr_ContradictoryEncoding | Encoding (^1, from XML declaration or manually set) contradicts the automatically detected encoding; ignoring conflict and continuing |
0x17C05 (97285) | kXMLParserErr_UndeclaredElemInCM | Element '^1' was referenced in a content model but never declared |
0x17C06 (97286) | kXMLParserErr_UndeclaredElemInAttList | Element '^1' was referenced in an ATTLIST but never declared |
0x17C07 (97287) | kXMLParserErr_W_HighBounds | Parser Error |
0x17C08 (97288) | kXMLParserErr_E_LowBounds | Parser Error |
0x17C09 (97289) | kXMLParserErr_ExpectedCommentOrCDATA | Expected comment or CDATA |
0x17C0A (97290) | kXMLParserErr_ExpectedAttrName | Expected an attribute name |
0x17C0B (97291) | kXMLParserErr_ExpectedNotationName | Expected a notation name |
0x17C0C (97292) | kXMLParserErr_NoRepInMixed | Repetition of individual elements is not legal for mixed content models |
0x17C0D (97293) | kXMLParserErr_BadDefAttrDecl | Bad default attribute declaration |
0x17C0E (97294) | kXMLParserErr_ExpectedDefAttrDecl | Expected default attribute declaration |
0x17C0F (97295) | kXMLParserErr_AttListSyntaxError | Attribute list syntax error |
0x17C10 (97296) | kXMLParserErr_ExpectedEqSign | Expected equal sign |
0x17C11 (97297) | kXMLParserErr_DupAttrName | Duplication attribute name |
0x17C12 (97298) | kXMLParserErr_BadIdForXMLLangAttr | Parser Error |
0x17C13 (97299) | kXMLParserErr_ExpectedElementName | Expected an element name |
0x17C14 (97300) | kXMLParserErr_MustStartWithXMLDecl | Must start with an XMLDecl |
0x17C15 (97301) | kXMLParserErr_CommentsMustStartWith | Comments must start with <!-- |
0x17C16 (97302) | kXMLParserErr_InvalidDocumentStructure | Invalid document structure |
0x17C17 (97303) | kXMLParserErr_ExpectedDeclString | Expected a 'version=', 'encoding=', or 'standalone=' declaration |
0x17C18 (97304) | kXMLParserErr_BadXMLVersion | Bad XML version string |
0x17C19 (97305) | kXMLParserErr_UnsupportedXMLVersion | Unsupported XML version, '^1' |
0x17C1A (97306) | kXMLParserErr_UnterminatedXMLDecl | Unterminated XML declaration |
0x17C1B (97307) | kXMLParserErr_BadXMLEncoding | Bad XML encoding declaration, '^1' |
0x17C1C (97308) | kXMLParserErr_BadStandalone | Bad standalone declaration |
0x17C1D (97309) | kXMLParserErr_UnterminatedComment | Unterminated comment |
0x17C1E (97310) | kXMLParserErr_PINameExpected | Processing instruction name expected |
0x17C1F (97311) | kXMLParserErr_UnterminatedPI | Unterminated processing instruction |
0x17C20 (97312) | kXMLParserErr_InvalidCharacter | Invalid character (Unicode: 0x^1) |
0x17C21 (97313) | kXMLParserErr_UnexpectedTextBeforeRoot | Unexpected text before root element |
0x17C22 (97314) | kXMLParserErr_UnterminatedStartTag | Unterminated start tag, '^1' |
0x17C23 (97315) | kXMLParserErr_ExpectedAttrValue | Expected an attribute value |
0x17C24 (97316) | kXMLParserErr_UnterminatedEndTag | Unterminated end tag |
0x17C25 (97317) | kXMLParserErr_ExpectedAttributeType | Expected type (CDATA, ID, NMTOKEN, ..) for attribute '^1' of element '^2' |
0x17C26 (97318) | kXMLParserErr_ExpectedEndOfTagX | Expected end of tag '^1' |
0x17C27 (97319) | kXMLParserErr_ExpectedMarkup | Expected tag name, comment, PI, or other markup |
0x17C28 (97320) | kXMLParserErr_NotValidAfterContent | Not valid after content |
0x17C29 (97321) | kXMLParserErr_ExpectedComment | Expected comment |
0x17C2A (97322) | kXMLParserErr_ExpectedCommentOrPI | Expected comment or processing instruction |
0x17C2B (97323) | kXMLParserErr_ExpectedWhitespace | Expected whitespace |
0x17C2C (97324) | kXMLParserErr_NoRootElemInDOCTYPE | No root element in DOCTYPE |
0x17C2D (97325) | kXMLParserErr_ExpectedQuotedString | Expected quoted string |
0x17C2E (97326) | kXMLParserErr_ExpectedPublicId | Expected public identifier |
0x17C2F (97327) | kXMLParserErr_InvalidPublicIdChar | Invalid character in public identifier (Unicode: 0x^1) |
0x17C30 (97328) | kXMLParserErr_UnterminatedDOCTYPE | Unterminated DOCTYPE declaration |
0x17C31 (97329) | kXMLParserErr_InvalidCharacterInIntSubset | Invalid character in internal subset (Unicode: 0x^1) |
0x17C32 (97330) | kXMLParserErr_ExpectedCDATA | Expected CDATA section |
0x17C33 (97331) | kXMLParserErr_InvalidInitialNameChar | Invalid initial name character |
0x17C34 (97332) | kXMLParserErr_InvalidNameChar | Invalid name character |
0x17C35 (97333) | kXMLParserErr_UnexpectedWhitespace | Unexpected whitespace |
0x17C36 (97334) | kXMLParserErr_InvalidCharacterInAttrValue | Invalid character in attribute value (Unicode: 0x^1) |
0x17C37 (97335) | kXMLParserErr_ExpectedMarkupDecl | Expected a markup declaration |
0x17C38 (97336) | kXMLParserErr_TextDeclNotLegalHere | Text declaration not legal here |
0x17C39 (97337) | kXMLParserErr_ConditionalSectInIntSubset | Conditional section in internal subset |
0x17C3A (97338) | kXMLParserErr_ExpectedPEName | Expected parameter entity name |
0x17C3B (97339) | kXMLParserErr_UnterminatedEntityDecl | Unterminated entity declaration, '^1' |
0x17C3C (97340) | kXMLParserErr_InvalidCharacterRef | Invalid character reference |
0x17C3D (97341) | kXMLParserErr_UnterminatedCharRef | Unterminated character reference |
0x17C3E (97342) | kXMLParserErr_ExpectedEntityRefName | Expected entity name for reference |
0x17C3F (97343) | kXMLParserErr_EntityNotFound | Entity '^1' was not found |
0x17C40 (97344) | kXMLParserErr_NoUnparsedEntityRefs | Unparsed entity references, '^1', not valid here |
0x17C41 (97345) | kXMLParserErr_UnterminatedEntityRef | Unterminated entity reference |
0x17C42 (97346) | kXMLParserErr_RecursiveEntity | Recursive entity expansion |
0x17C43 (97347) | kXMLParserErr_PartialMarkupInEntity | Partial markup in entity value |
0x17C44 (97348) | kXMLParserErr_UnterminatedElementDecl | Unterminated element declaration, '^1' |
0x17C45 (97349) | kXMLParserErr_ExpectedContentSpecExpr | Expected content specification expression for element '^1' |
0x17C46 (97350) | kXMLParserErr_ExpectedAsterisk | Expected asterisk |
0x17C47 (97351) | kXMLParserErr_UnterminatedContentModel | Unterminated Content model |
0x17C48 (97352) | kXMLParserErr_ExpectedSystemId | Expected system id |
0x17C49 (97353) | kXMLParserErr_ExpectedSystemOrPublicId | Expected system or public id |
0x17C4A (97354) | kXMLParserErr_UnterminatedNotationDecl | Unterminated notation declaration |
0x17C4B (97355) | kXMLParserErr_ExpectedSeqChoiceLeaf | Expected ',', '|', or ')' characters |
0x17C4C (97356) | kXMLParserErr_ExpectedChoiceOrCloseParen | Expected '|' or ')' characters |
0x17C4D (97357) | kXMLParserErr_ExpectedSeqOrCloseParen | Expected ',' or ')' characters or close parenthesis in content model of element '^1' |
0x17C4E (97358) | kXMLParserErr_ExpectedEnumValue | Expected enumeration value for attribute '^1' |
0x17C4F (97359) | kXMLParserErr_ExpectedEnumSepOrParen | Expected | enumeration separator, or closing paren |
0x17C50 (97360) | kXMLParserErr_UnterminatedEntityLiteral | Unterminated entity literal |
0x17C51 (97361) | kXMLParserErr_MoreEndThanStartTags | There are more end tags than start tags |
0x17C52 (97362) | kXMLParserErr_IllegalRefInStandalone | Reference to external declaration in standalone document. Entity=^1 |
0x17C53 (97363) | kXMLParserErr_ExpectedOpenParen | Expected an open parenthesis |
0x17C54 (97364) | kXMLParserErr_AttrAlreadyUsedInSTag | The attribute '^1' is already used in element '^2' |
0x17C55 (97365) | kXMLParserErr_BracketInAttrValue | A '<' character cannot be used in attribute '^1', except through &< |
0x17C56 (97366) | kXMLParserErr_Expected2ndSurrogateChar | A leading surrogate character was not followed by a legal second character |
0x17C57 (97367) | kXMLParserErr_ExpectedEndOfConditional | Expected ']]>' to end a conditional section |
0x17C58 (97368) | kXMLParserErr_ExpectedIncOrIgn | Expected INCLUDE or IGNORE here |
0x17C59 (97369) | kXMLParserErr_ExpectedINCLUDEBracket | Expected [ to follow INCLUDE or IGNORE |
0x17C5A (97370) | kXMLParserErr_ExpectedTextDecl | Expected a TextDecl here: <?xml ... |
0x17C5B (97371) | kXMLParserErr_ExpectedXMLDecl | Expected a XMLDecl here: <?xml ... |
0x17C5C (97372) | kXMLParserErr_UnexpectedEOE | Unexpected end of entity ^1 |
0x17C5D (97373) | kXMLParserErr_PEPropogated | A PE propagated out of the int/ext subset. Discarding extra text |
0x17C5E (97374) | kXMLParserErr_ExtraCloseSquare | An extra ] character was found and ignored |
0x17C5F (97375) | kXMLParserErr_PERefInMarkupInIntSubset | Parameter entity references are not allowed inside markup in the internal subset |
0x17C60 (97376) | kXMLParserErr_EntityPropogated | An entity propagated out of the content section into Miscellaneous |
0x17C61 (97377) | kXMLParserErr_ExpectedNumericalCharRef | Expected to be followed by a numeric character value |
0x17C62 (97378) | kXMLParserErr_ExpectedOpenSquareBracket | Expected an open bracket ('[') here |
0x17C63 (97379) | kXMLParserErr_BadSequenceInCharData | The sequence ']]>' is not allowed in character data |
0x17C64 (97380) | kXMLParserErr_IllegalSequenceInComment | Illegal sequence '--' in comment |
0x17C65 (97381) | kXMLParserErr_UnterminatedCDATASection | Unterminated CDATA section |
0x17C66 (97382) | kXMLParserErr_ExpectedNDATA | Expected NDATA |
0x17C67 (97383) | kXMLParserErr_NDATANotValidForPE | NDATA is not legal for parameter entities |
0x17C68 (97384) | kXMLParserErr_HexRadixMustBeLowerCase | Hex radix character references must use 'x', not 'X'' |
0x17C69 (97385) | kXMLParserErr_DeclStringRep | '^1' has already been set. Ignoring redundant setting |
0x17C6A (97386) | kXMLParserErr_DeclStringsInWrongOrder | The XMLDecl strings must be in the order: version, encoding, standalone |
0x17C6B (97387) | kXMLParserErr_NoExtRefsInAttValue | External entities cannot be referred to from attribute values |
0x17C6C (97388) | kXMLParserErr_XMLDeclMustBeLowerCase | The XML or Text declaration must start with '<?xml ', not '<?XML ' |
0x17C6D (97389) | kXMLParserErr_ExpectedEntityValue | Expected a literal entity value or PUBLIC/SYSTEM id |
0x17C6E (97390) | kXMLParserErr_BadDigitForRadix | '^1' is not a valid digit for the indicated radix |
0x17C6F (97391) | kXMLParserErr_EndedWithTagsOnStack | The input ended before all started tags were ended. Last tag started was '^1' |
0x17C70 (97392) | kXMLParserErr_AmbiguousContentModel | The content model for element '^1' is ambiguous |
0x17C71 (97393) | kXMLParserErr_NestedCDATA | Nested CDATA sections are not allowed |
0x17C72 (97394) | kXMLParserErr_UnknownPrefix | The prefix '^1' has not been mapped to any URI |
0x17C73 (97395) | kXMLParserErr_PartialTagMarkupError | The start and the end tag were in different entities |
0x17C74 (97396) | kXMLParserErr_EmptyMainEntity | The main XML document cannot be empty |
0x17C75 (97397) | kXMLParserErr_CDATAOutsideOfContent | CDATA is not allowed outside the root element |
0x17C76 (97398) | kXMLParserErr_OnlyCharRefsAllowedHere | Only numeric character entities or special character entities are legal here |
0x17C77 (97399) | kXMLParserErr_Unexpected2ndSurrogateChar | Got an unexpected trailing surrogate character |
0x17C78 (97400) | kXMLParserErr_NoPIStartsWithXML | No processing instruction starts with 'xml' |
0x17C79 (97401) | kXMLParserErr_XMLDeclMustBeFirst | The XML or Text declaration must start at line/column 1/1 |
0x17C7A (97402) | kXMLParserErr_XMLVersionRequired | The 'version=' string is required in an XMLDecl |
0x17C7B (97403) | kXMLParserErr_StandaloneNotLegal | The 'standalone=' string is only allowed in the main XML entity |
0x17C7C (97404) | kXMLParserErr_TooManyColonsInName | When namespaces are enabled, a name can have only one colon character, |
0x17C7D (97405) | kXMLParserErr_InvalidColonPos | When namespaces are enabled, the colon cannot be the first or last character |
0x17C7E (97406) | kXMLParserErr_ColonNotLegalWithNS | Colons are not allowed in this name when namespaces are enabled |
0x17C7F (97407) | kXMLParserErr_SysException | A system exception occurred during processing |
0x17C80 (97408) | kXMLParserErr_XMLException | Parser Error |
0x17C81 (97409) | kXMLParserErr_UnexpectedEOF | Unexpected end of file exception. Message: ^1 |
0x17C82 (97410) | kXMLParserErr_E_HighBounds | Parser Error |
0x17C83 (97411) | kXMLParserErr_V_LowBounds | Parser Error |
0x17C84 (97412) | kXMLParserErr_ElementNotDefined | Unknown element '^1' |
0x17C85 (97413) | kXMLParserErr_AttNotDefined | Attribute '^1' not defined |
0x17C86 (97414) | kXMLParserErr_NotationNotDeclared | Notation '^1' was referenced but never declared |
0x17C87 (97415) | kXMLParserErr_RootElemNotLikeDocType | Root element different from DOCTYPE |
0x17C88 (97416) | kXMLParserErr_RequiredAttrNotProvided | Required attribute '^1' was not provided |
0x17C89 (97417) | kXMLParserErr_ElementNotValidForContent | Element '^1' is not valid for content model: '^2' |
0x17C8A (97418) | kXMLParserErr_BadIDAttrDefType | ID attributes must be #IMPLIED or #REQUIRED |
0x17C8B (97419) | kXMLParserErr_InvalidEmptyAttValue | This type of attribute cannot have an empty value |
0x17C8C (97420) | kXMLParserErr_ElementAlreadyExists | Element '^1' has already been declared |
0x17C8D (97421) | kXMLParserErr_MultipleIdAttrs | Element '^1' has more than one ID attribute |
0x17C8E (97422) | kXMLParserErr_ReusedIDValue | ID '^1' has already been used |
0x17C8F (97423) | kXMLParserErr_IDNotDeclared | ID attribute '^1' was referenced but never declared |
0x17C90 (97424) | kXMLParserErr_UnknownNotRefAttr | Attribute '^1' refers to an unknown notation '^2' |
0x17C91 (97425) | kXMLParserErr_UndeclaredElemInDocType | Element '^1' was used in the DOCTYPE but never declared |
0x17C92 (97426) | kXMLParserErr_EmptyNotValidForContent | Empty content not valid for content model: '^1' |
0x17C93 (97427) | kXMLParserErr_AttNotDefinedForElement | Attribute '^1' is not declared for element '^2' |
0x17C94 (97428) | kXMLParserErr_BadEntityRefAttr | Attributes of type ENTITY/ENTITIES must refer to an external, unparsed entity |
0x17C95 (97429) | kXMLParserErr_UnknownEntityRefAttr | Attribute '^1' refers to an unknown entity '^2' |
0x17C96 (97430) | kXMLParserErr_NotEnoughElemsForCM | Not enough elements to match content model : '^1' |
0x17C97 (97431) | kXMLParserErr_NoCharDataInCM | No character data is allowed by the specified content model |
0x17C98 (97432) | kXMLParserErr_DoesNotMatchEnumList | Attribute '^1' does not match its defined enumeration or notation list |
0x17C99 (97433) | kXMLParserErr_AttrValNotName | The values for attribute '^1' must be names or name tokens |
0x17C9A (97434) | kXMLParserErr_NoMultipleValues | Attribute '^1' does not support multiple values |
0x17C9B (97435) | kXMLParserErr_NotSameAsFixedValue | Attribute '^1' has a value, '^2', that does not match its #FIXED value, '^3' |
0x17C9C (97436) | kXMLParserErr_RepElemInMixed | Element types cannot be duplicated in Mixed content models |
0x17C9D (97437) | kXMLParserErr_V_HighBounds | Parser Error |
0x17CA1 (97441) | kXMLParserErr_NO_MEMORY | Out of memory |
0x17CA2 (97442) | kXMLParserErr_SYNTAX | Syntax error |
0x17CA3 (97443) | kXMLParserErr_NO_ELEMENTS | No element found |
0x17CA4 (97444) | kXMLParserErr_INVALID_TOKEN | Not well-formed |
0x17CA5 (97445) | kXMLParserErr_UNCLOSED_TOKEN | Unclosed token |
0x17CA6 (97446) | kXMLParserErr_PARTIAL_CHAR | Partial character |
0x17CA7 (97447) | kXMLParserErr_TAG_MISMATCH | Mismatched tag |
0x17CA8 (97448) | kXMLParserErr_DUPLICATE_ATTRIBUTE | Duplicate attribute |
0x17CA9 (97449) | kXMLParserErr_JUNK_AFTER_DOC_ELEMENT | Junk after document element |
0x17CAA (97450) | kXMLParserErr_PARAM_ENTITY_REF | Illegal parameter entity reference |
0x17CAB (97451) | kXMLParserErr_UNDEFINED_ENTITY | Undefined entity |
0x17CAC (97452) | kXMLParserErr_RECURSIVE_ENTITY_REF | Recursive entity reference |
0x17CAD (97453) | kXMLParserErr_ASYNC_ENTITY | Asynchronous entity |
0x17CAE (97454) | kXMLParserErr_BAD_CHAR_REF | Reference to invalid character number |
0x17CAF (97455) | kXMLParserErr_BINARY_ENTITY_REF | Reference to binary entity |
0x17CB0 (97456) | kXMLParserErr_ATTRIBUTE_EXTERNAL_ENTITY_REF | Reference to external entity in attribute |
0x17CB1 (97457) | kXMLParserErr_MISPLACED_XML_PI | Text declaration not at start of external entity |
0x17CB2 (97458) | kXMLParserErr_UNKNOWN_ENCODING | Unknown encoding |
0x17CB3 (97459) | kXMLParserErr_INCORRECT_ENCODING | Encoding specified in the XML declaration is incorrect |
0x17CB4 (97460) | kXMLParserErr_UNCLOSED_CDATA_SECTION | Unclosed CDATA section |
0x17CB5 (97461) | kXMLParserErr_EXTERNAL_ENTITY_HANDLING | Error in processing external entity reference |
0x17CB6 (97462) | kXMLParserErr_NOT_STANDALONE | Document is not standalone |
0x17CB7 (97463) | kXMLParserErr_UNEXPECTED_STATE | Unexpected parser state. |
0x17CB8 (97464) | kXMLParserErr_ENTITY_DECLARED_IN_PE | Entity declared in parameter entity |
0x17CB9 (97465) | kXMLParserErr_FEATURE_REQUIRES_XML_DTD | Requested feature requires XML_DTD support in expat |
0x17CBA (97466) | kXMLParserErr_CANT_CHANGE_FEATURE_ONCE_PARSING | Cannot change settings once parsing has begun |
0x17CBB (97467) | kXMLParserErr_UNEXPECTED_DOCTYPE_NAME | Unexpected DOCTYPE name |
0x17CBC (97468) | kXMLParserErr_USER_HANDLER_ABORT | User abort from limit handler |
0x17CBD (97469) | kXMLParserErr_UNBOUND_PREFIX | Unbound namespace prefix |
0x17CBE (97470) | kXMLParserErr_NUM_GENERIC_ERROR_MESSAGES | Generic parser error |
0x17CC9 (97481) | kXMLParserErr_CaseMismatch | Expected keyword '^1', found a match with the wrong case, please correct |
0x17CCA (97482) | kXMLParserErr_NUM_X_PARSER_ERRORS | Generic extended parser error |
0x17E02 (97794) | kIllegalRadioButtonIndexErr | Invalid radio button index |
0x19333 (103219) | kXMLXPathErr_INVALID_EXPRESSION_ERR | XPath expression error |
0x19334 (103220) | kXMLXPathErr_TYPE_ERR | XPath type error |
0x19335 (103221) | kXMLXPathUnknown_ERR | Unspecifed XPath error |
0x19338 (103224) | kXMLDOMErr_INDEX_SIZE_ERR | DOM transformation error: Invalid index. |
0x19339 (103225) | kXMLDOMErr_DOMSTRING_SIZE_ERR | DOM transformation error: Invalid string size. |
0x1933A (103226) | kXMLDOMErr_HIERARCHY_REQUEST_ERR | DOM transformation error: Invalid Hierarchy. |
0x1933B (103227) | kXMLDOMErr_WRONG_DOCUMENT_ERR | DOM transformation error: Wrong document. |
0x1933C (103228) | kXMLDOMErr_INVALID_CHARACTER_ERR | DOM transformation error: Invalid character. |
0x1933D (103229) | kXMLDOMErr_NO_DATA_ALLOWED_ERR | DOM transformation error: No data allowed. |
0x1933E (103230) | kXMLDOMErr_NO_MODIFICATION_ALLOWED_ERR | DOM transformation error: No modification allowed. |
0x1933F (103231) | kXMLDOMErr_NOT_FOUND_ERR | DOM transformation error: Item not found. |
0x19340 (103232) | kXMLDOMErr_NOT_SUPPORTED_ERR | DOM transformation error: Instruction not supported. |
0x19341 (103233) | kXMLDOMErr_INUSE_ATTRIBUTE_ERR | DOM transformation error: Attribute is in use. |
0x19342 (103234) | kXMLDOMErr_INVALID_STATE_ERR | DOM transformation error: Invalid state. |
0x19343 (103235) | kXMLDOMErr_SYNTAX_ERR | DOM transformation error: Syntax error |
0x19344 (103236) | kXMLDOMErr_INVALID_MODIFICATION_ERR | DOM transformation error: Invalid modification. |
0x19345 (103237) | kXMLDOMErr_NAMESPACE_ERR | DOM transformation error: Invalid namespace. |
0x19346 (103238) | kXMLDOMErr_INVALID_ACCESS_ERR | DOM transformation error: Invalid access. |
0x193CA (103370) | kStylesheetEntityNotResolved | The external entity '^1' can not be found. Encountered in style sheet |
0x193CB (103371) | kStylesheetNotFoundErr | Stylesheet '^1', specified in the XSLT processing instruction can not be found. File was exported without any transformations performed. |
0x193CC (103372) | kStylesheetIncludeNotFoundErr | xsl:include file '^1', can not be found |
0x193CD (103373) | kStylesheetImportNotFoundErr | xsl:import file '^1', can not be found |
0x193D1 (103377) | kStylesheetNotFoundOnImportErr | Stylesheet '^1', specified in the XSLT processing instruction can not be found. File was imported without any transformations performed. |
0x193D2 (103378) | kXMLDTDValidityErr_MultiNotation | Element '^1' has more than one NOTATION attribute specified. |
0x193D3 (103379) | kXMLDTDValidityErr_NotationOnEmptyElement | An attribute of type NOTATION must not be declared on an element declared EMPTY. |
0x193D4 (103380) | kXMLDTDValidityErr_DuplicateToken | The notation names in a NotationType attribute declaration, and the NmTokens in an enumeration attribute declaration must all be distinct. |
0x19400 (103424) | kXMLTransformerErr_NoError | No Error |
0x19401 (103425) | kXMLTransformerErr_NOT_OK | Generic Error |
0x19402 (103426) | kXMLTransformerErr_XML | kAXEXSLTransformerErr_XML |
0x19403 (103427) | kXMLTransformerErr_BAD_CHAR | Illegal character for encoding '^1' |
0x19404 (103428) | kXMLTransformerErr_FILE_OPEN | Cannot open file '^1' |
0x19405 (103429) | kXMLTransformerErr_MEMORY | Not enough memory to open processor |
0x19406 (103430) | kXMLTransformerErr_UNSUPP_XSL | Unsupported XSL instruction '^1 |
0x19407 (103431) | kXMLTransformerErr_BAD_XSL | Non-XSL instruction |
0x19408 (103432) | kXMLTransformerErr_REQ_ATTR | Missing required XSLT attribute |
0x19409 (103433) | kXMLTransformerErr_BAD_ATTR | Unexpected attribute '^1' |
0x1940A (103434) | kXMLTransformerErr_UNKNOWN_AXIS | Unknown axis '^1' |
0x1940B (103435) | kXMLTransformerErr_EXPR_SYNTAX | Wrong expression syntax |
0x1940C (103436) | kXMLTransformerErr_BAD_NUMBER | Number in bad format |
0x1940D (103437) | kXMLTransformerErr_BAD_VAR | Illegal variable name |
0x1940E (103438) | kXMLTransformerErr_INFINITE_LITERAL | Missing right delimiter of a literal |
0x1940F (103439) | kXMLTransformerErr_LPAREN_EXP | '(' expected |
0x19410 (103440) | kXMLTransformerErr_RPAREN_EXP | ')' expected |
0x19411 (103441) | kXMLTransformerErr_LPARCKET_EXP | '(' or '[' expected |
0x19412 (103442) | kXMLTransformerErr_RBRACKET_EXP | ']' expected |
0x19413 (103443) | kXMLTransformerErr_EMPTY_PATT | Pattern empty |
0x19414 (103444) | kXMLTransformerErr_BAD_TOKEN | Token '^1' not recognized |
0x19415 (103445) | kXMLTransformerErr_BAD_AXIS_IN_PATTERN | Illegal axis in pattern |
0x19416 (103446) | kXMLTransformerErr_BAD_PATTERN | Invalid pattern |
0x19417 (103447) | kXMLTransformerErr_VAR_IN_MATCH | Match pattern contains a variable reference |
0x19418 (103448) | kXMLTransformerErr_BAD_PREFIX | Invalid namespace prefix '^1' |
0x19419 (103449) | kXMLTransformerErr_EXTRA_COLON | '^1' contains two colons |
0x1941A (103450) | kXMLTransformerErr_ELEM_MUST_EMPTY | XSL element '^1' must be empty |
0x1941B (103451) | kXMLTransformerErr_ELEM_CONT_TEXT_OR_LRE | XSL element '^1' can only contain XSL elements |
0x1941C (103452) | kXMLTransformerErr_ELEM_CONTAINS_ELEM | Element '^1' cannot contain element '^2' at this point |
0x1941D (103453) | kXMLTransformerErr_ELEM_MUST_BE_PCDATA | Element '^1' must contain PCDATA only |
0x1941E (103454) | kXMLTransformerErr_ELEM_TOPLEVEL | Element '^1' can only be used at top level |
0x1941F (103455) | kXMLTransformerErr_BAD_ELEM_CONTENT | Bad element content |
0x19420 (103456) | kXMLTransformerErr_DUPLICATE_RULE_NAME | Duplicate rule name '^1' |
0x19421 (103457) | kXMLTransformerErr_DUPLICATE_ASET_NAME | Duplicate attribute set name '^1' |
0x19422 (103458) | kXMLTransformerErr_NONEX_ASET_NAME | Non-existent attribute set name '^1' |
0x19423 (103459) | kXMLTransformerErr_CIRCULAR_ASET_REF | Circular reference to attribute set '^1' |
0x19424 (103460) | kXMLTransformerErr_DUPLICIT_KEY | Duplicate key '^1' |
0x19425 (103461) | kXMLTransformerErr_KEY_NOT_FOUND | Key '^1' not found |
0x19426 (103462) | kXMLTransformerErr_FORMAT_DUPLICIT_OPTION | Option '^1' specified twice |
0x19427 (103463) | kXMLTransformerErr_FORMAT_OPTION_CHAR | Option '^1' must be a single character |
0x19428 (103464) | kXMLTransformerErr_FORMAT_DUPLICIT_NAME | Duplicate decimal-format name '^1' |
0x19429 (103465) | kXMLTransformerErr_FORMAT_NOT_FOUND | Decimal-format '^1' not defined |
0x1942A (103466) | kXMLTransformerErr_FORMAT_INVALID | Invalid format string |
0x1942B (103467) | kXMLTransformerErr_NUMBER_LEVEL | Value '^1' invalid for attribute level of xsl:number |
0x1942C (103468) | kXMLTransformerErr_NUMBER_LETTER_VALUE | Value '^1' invalid for attribute letter-value of xsl:number |
0x1942D (103469) | kXMLTransformerErr_CIRCULAR_INCLUSION | Circular inclusion of '^1' |
0x1942E (103470) | kXMLTransformerErr_VAR_NOT_FOUND | Variable '^1' not found |
0x1942F (103471) | kXMLTransformerErr_VAR_CIRCULAR_REF | Circular reference to variable '^1' |
0x19430 (103472) | kXMLTransformerErr_CONTEXT_FOR_BAD_EXPR | Expression is not a node set |
0x19431 (103473) | kXMLTransformerErr_BAD_ARGS_N | Invalid number of function arguments |
0x19432 (103474) | kXMLTransformerErr_BAD_ARG_TYPE | Illegal argument type |
0x19433 (103475) | kXMLTransformerErr_FUNC_NOT_SUPPORTED | Function '^1' not supported |
0x19434 (103476) | kXMLTransformerErr_RULE_NOT_FOUND | Called non-existent rule '^1' |
0x19435 (103477) | kXMLTransformerErr_MULT_ASSIGNMENT | Conflicting variable bindings '^1' |
0x19436 (103478) | kXMLTransformerErr_ATTR_YES_NO | Attribute '^1' must have a yes/no value |
0x19437 (103479) | kXMLTransformerErr_ATTRIBUTE_TOO_LATE | Attribute '^1' created after a child has been added |
0x19438 (103480) | kXMLTransformerErr_ATTRIBUTE_OUTSIDE | Attribute '^1' created with no parent element |
0x19439 (103481) | kXMLTransformerErr_BAD_CHAR_IN_ENC | Character '^1' is illegal in the output encoding |
0x1943A (103482) | kXMLTransformerErr_PI_TARGET | Invalid processing instruction target '^1' |
0x1943B (103483) | kXMLTransformerErr_ELEM_IN_COMMENT_PI | Element created inside a comment, processing instruction or attribute |
0x1943C (103484) | kXMLTransformerErr_XSL_MESSAGE_TERM | xsl:message '^1' terminating |
0x1943D (103485) | kXMLTransformerErr_URI_OPEN | Cannot open document ^1 |
0x1943E (103486) | kXMLTransformerErr_URI_CLOSE | Cannot close document ^1 |
0x1943F (103487) | kXMLTransformerErr_URI_READ | Cannot read from document ^1 |
0x19440 (103488) | kXMLTransformerErr_URI_WRITE | Cannot write to document ^1 |
0x19441 (103489) | kXMLTransformerErr_ARG_NOT_FOUND | 'arg:^1' not found |
0x19442 (103490) | kXMLTransformerErr_DUPLICATE_ARG | Duplicate argument '^1' |
0x19443 (103491) | kXMLTransformerErr_UNSUPPORTED_SCHEME | Unsupported URI scheme |
0x19444 (103492) | kXMLTransformerErr_INVALID_HLR_TYPE | Invalid handler type |
0x19445 (103493) | kXMLTransformerErr_UNKNOWN_ENC | Unknown encoding '^1' |
0x19446 (103494) | kXMLTransformerErr_SDOM | A DOM exception was reported: '^1' The U.S. English error message is: ^2 |
0x19447 (103495) | kXMLTransformerErr_NONE | No error |
0x19448 (103496) | kXMLTransformerErr_EX_NAMESPACE_UNKNOWN | Excluded prefix '^1' is not bound to any namespace |
0x19449 (103497) | kXMLTransformerErr_INVALID_DATA_IN_PI | Invalid sequence in PI data |
0x1944A (103498) | kXMLTransformerErr_UNSUPPORTED_EXELEMENT | Extension element '^1' not supported |
0x1944B (103499) | kXMLTransformerErr_ATTR_MISSING | Required attribute '^1' is missing |
0x1944C (103500) | kXMLTransformerErr_JS_EVAL_ERROR | kAXEXSLTransformerErr_JS_EVAL_ERROR |
0x1944D (103501) | kXMLTransformerErr_W_UNSUPP_LANG | Function lang() not supported, returning false |
0x1944E (103502) | kXMLTransformerErr_W_NO_STYLESHEET | The included or imported stylesheet '^1' contains no xsl:stylesheet or xsl:transform element |
0x1944F (103503) | kXMLTransformerErr_W_HLR_REGISTERED | Conflicting registration of a '^1' handler ignored |
0x19450 (103504) | kXMLTransformerErr_W_HLR_NOT_REGISTERED | '^1' handler not registered |
0x19451 (103505) | kXMLTransformerErr_W_OLD_NS_USED | The obsolete XSLT namespace URI '^1' not recognized |
0x19452 (103506) | kXMLTransformerErr_W_XSL_NOT_XSL | Namespace URI '^1' bound to 'xsl' is not the current XSLT URI |
0x19453 (103507) | kXMLTransformerErr_W_OUTPUT_ATTR | Conflicting attribute '^1' on xsl:output, using last |
0x19454 (103508) | kXMLTransformerErr_W_DISABLE_OUTPUT_ESC | Output escaping cannot be disabled on a non-text node |
0x19455 (103509) | kXMLTransformerErr_W_UNSUPP_OUT_ENCODING | Output encoding '^1' not supported, using 'UTF-8' |
0x19456 (103510) | kXMLTransformerErr_W_UNSUPP_XSL | Ignoring unsupported XSL instruction '^1' |
0x19457 (103511) | kXMLTransformerErr_W_XSL_MESSAGE_NOTERM | Non-terminating xsl:message '^1' |
0x19458 (103512) | kXMLTransformerErr_W_SORT_DATA_TYPE | Unknown data type '^1', sorting as text |
0x19459 (103513) | kXMLTransformerErr_W_SORT_ORDER | Invalid sort order '^1', using ascending sort |
0x1945A (103514) | kXMLTransformerErr_W_SORT_CASE_ORDER | Invalid case order '^1', using default |
0x1945B (103515) | kXMLTransformerErr_W_LANG | Unsupported language '^1' on xsl:sort |
0x1945C (103516) | kXMLTransformerErr_W_NO_WCSXFRM | International sorting unavailable on this system - sorting natively |
0x1945D (103517) | kXMLTransformerErr_W_BAD_START | Document starts with unrecognizable sequence |
0x1945E (103518) | kXMLTransformerErr_W_NUMBER_GROUPING | No valid value of attribute grouping-size or grouping-separator of xsl:number -- ignoring |
0x1945F (103519) | kXMLTransformerErr_W_NUMBER_NOT_POSITIVE | Number is not positive -- using absolute value or 1 |
0x19460 (103520) | kXMLTransformerErr_W_ATTSET_REDEF | Attribute '^1' redefined in attribute set '^2' |
0x19461 (103521) | kXMLTransformerErr_W_ALIAS_REDEF | Alias '^1' redefinition |
0x19462 (103522) | kXMLTransformerErr_W_INVALID_QNAME | '^1' is not a valid QName |
0x19463 (103523) | kXMLTransformerErr_W_INVALID_NCNAME | '^1' is not a valid NCName |
0x19464 (103524) | kXMLTransformerErr_W_DOC_FRAGMENT | Fragment identifiers are not supported in the document() function (uri: '^1') |
0x19465 (103525) | kXMLTransformerErr_W_NONE | Warning - no error |
0x19466 (103526) | kXMLTransformerErr_PI_SYNTAX_ERROR | xml-stylesheet PI Syntax error: '^1' |
0x19467 (103527) | kXMLTransformerErr_W_UNSUPP_OUTPUT_METH | Unsupported xsl:output method '^1'; using xml output |
0x19468 (103528) | kXMLTransformerErr_DUPLICATE_ATTRIBUTE | Duplicate attribute '^1' |
0x19469 (103529) | kXMLTransformerErr_INVALID_OPERAND_TYPE | Invalid operand type in comparison |
0x1946A (103530) | kXMLTransformerErr_INVALID_DOM_OUTPUT_METH | Text format specified by 'xsl:output method=' is not appropriate for a DOM. |
0x1946B (103531) | kXMLTransformerErr_NO_CLIENT_ENTITY_RESOLVER | Usage Error: Client failed to provide entity resolver. |
0x1946C (103532) | kXMLTransformerErr_NOSUPP_STYLESHEET_IN_STYLESHEET | Unsupported feature: embedded stylesheet in xml-stylesheet PI. |
0x1946D (103533) | kXMLTransformerErr_DUPLICATE_OUTDOC | Duplicate output document URI '^1' |
0x1946E (103534) | kXMLTransformerErr_ATTRIBUTE_MISPLACED | Attribute '^1' misplaced |
0x1946F (103535) | kXMLTransformerErr_USER_ABORT | Client Error: User Handler Abort. |
0x19470 (103536) | kXMLTransformerErr_NUM_ERRORS | AXE XSLT generic error |
0x19901 (104705) | kCantLoadTypeLibraryError | Unable to load ^1 (Version ^2). |
0x19902 (104706) | kArgumentsAreReadOnlyError | Arguments passed to scripts are read-only. |
0x1A202 (107010) | kDMMissingDataSource | The data source file cannot be found. Choose the Select Data Source command again to find the data file. |
0x1A204 (107012) | kDMErrItemsOnMasterPage | One or more master pages include placeholder fields. You cannot merge or preview data records until you delete all placeholders from master pages. |
0x1A205 (107013) | kDMErrorFieldMismatch | There is at least one data placeholder that cannot be found in the data source. Make sure all the placeholders correspond to the fields in the data source. |
0x1A206 (107014) | kDMMissingPlaceHolders | Missing Placeholders |
0x1A207 (107015) | kDMCannotPlaceOnMasterErr | You cannot place a data field on a master page. |
0x1A208 (107016) | kDMMultpleRecordDenied | Multiple records per page not allowed for a multi-page document. |
0x1A209 (107017) | kDMScriptingOpDenied | Data merge scripting operation denied. Either the Data Merge panel is closed, or it is minimized and preview is on. |
0x1A20A (107018) | kInvalidRecordRangeStringKey | One or more of the records specified are not valid record numbers. |
0x1A20C (107020) | kDMEmpty_File_Error | This data file is not a text file. Choose the Select Data Source command again and then select a comma-separated or tab-delimited text file. |
0x1A20D (107021) | kDMOpen_Error | The data source cannot be opened. Confirm that the file exists and that you have rights to open it, then choose the Select Data Source command again. |
0x1A20E (107022) | kDMNo_Records_Error | The data source file you selected has no records. Please fix the file or select a file that contains records. |
0x1A20F (107023) | kInvalidDataSourceTypeError | The data source file you selected either has no records or is not a supported file format. Please fix the file, select a file that contains records, or select a supported file type. |
0x1A210 (107024) | kDMCannotPlaceOnMasterPageError | Data merge objects cannot be on both document and master pages. Please place all data merge fields either on document pages or on master pages. |
0x1A211 (107025) | kDMCannotPlaceOnRegularPageError | Data merge objects cannot be on both document and master pages. Please place all data merge fields either on document pages or on master pages. |
0x1A212 (107026) | kDMCannotMergeMixedFieldsError | There are data fields on master pages and document pages. You cannot merge or preview data records until you position data fields either on master pages only, or on document pages only. |
0x1A213 (107027) | kDMNoPlaceholderOnRegularPagesError | Cannot create merged document because no placeholders are present. Please add items from the Data Merge panel to the document pages and try again. |
0x1A214 (107028) | kDMPlaceholderInMasterFootnotesError | One or more data placeholders are in a footnote on a master page. The merged document may be incomplete or incorrect. |
0x1A401 (107521) | kBNCharAndTypeRequiredError | Both bullet character and bullet type must be specified or neither should be specified |
0x1A402 (107522) | kBNFontReqdForUnicodeWithFontError | Font must not be text font for bullets of type Unicode with font |
0x1A403 (107523) | kBNFontReqdForGlyphWithFontError | Font must not be text font for bullets of type glyph with font |
0x1A404 (107524) | kBNTextFontStyleForNonTextFontError | Font style must not be text font style when the font is not text font |
0x1A405 (107525) | kBNMissingFontStyleForFontError | The font style does not exist for the specified font |
0x1A406 (107526) | kBNNegativeLeftIndentError | Left indent cannot be less than zero |
0x1A407 (107527) | kBNNeedLIAndFLIError | Both left indent and first line indent should be specified |
0x1A408 (107528) | kBNNegativeLIPlusFLIError | The sum of left indent and first line indent should not be less than zero |
0x1A409 (107529) | kBNNeedTabBetweenLIAndFLIError | When the first line indent value is negative, the tab must be positioned between the first line indent and left indent |
0x1A40A (107530) | kBNNeedTabAfterFLIError | The tab must be positioned to the right of the sum of left indent and first line indent |
0x1A40B (107531) | kBNLIMustBeAtLeast18pError | Left indent must at least be 18 points |
0x1A40C (107532) | kBNInvalidNumberingStyleError | The specified numbering format does not exist |
0x1A40D (107533) | kBNFindChangeListNoneError | Cannot set bullets or numbering properties in Find/Change if the list type is none or not set |
0x1A40E (107534) | kBNFindChangeListBulletError | Cannot set bullet properties in Find/Change if the list type is numbered |
0x1A40F (107535) | kBNFindChangeListNumberError | Cannot set numbering properties in Find/Change if the list type is bulleted |
0x1A412 (107538) | kBNDeleteDefaultListStyleError | Default list cannot be deleted. |
0x1A413 (107539) | kBNModifyDefaultListStyleError | Default list cannot be modified. |
0x1A414 (107540) | kBNInvalidTextAfterTabSpaceError | A tab character in the Text After field is not in a valid location. Please delete the tab or make it the last character in the field. |
0x1A415 (107541) | kBNInvalidNumberLevelPlaceholdersError | Number field specifies a level that is lower than the current list level. Change the Level setting, or change the Number field to use levels equal to or higher than the current level. |
0x1A416 (107542) | kBNInvalidNumberFormatNoneError | The format is None but number placeholders are specified. Please select a number format other than None, or remove the number placeholders from the Number field. |
0x1A417 (107543) | kBNInvalidNumberTabSpaceError | A tab character in the Number field is not in a valid location. Please delete the tab or make it the last character in the field. |
0x1A418 (107544) | kBNEmptyListStyleNameError | The list must have a name. |
0x1A419 (107545) | kBNExistingListStyleNameError | A list with the specified name already exists. |
0x1A41A (107546) | kBNChapterNumberNotUserDefinedError | Chapter number of the document is not user defined. Can't Modify Chapter Number. Please assign ChapterNumberType.userDefined to chapterNumberPreferences.chapterNumberType before this statement. |
0x1A41B (107547) | kBNDocIsNotContentOfBookError | The Document is not part of active book. Chapter Number can't depend on previous document in Book. |
0x1A41C (107548) | kBNInvalidListError | The list specified is not valid. |
0x1B40A (111626) | kINXCoreWrongDocType | This is not a valid InDesign® Interchange document. |
0x1B40B (111627) | kINXCoreWrongBuildNumber | This InDesign® Interchange document was exported by a different build of InDesign® . |
0x1B40C (111628) | kINXCorePrereleaseFile | This InDesign® Interchange document was exported by a pre-release build of InDesign®. |
0x1B40D (111629) | kINXCoreWrongFeatureSet | This InDesign® Interchange document was exported by a different version of InDesign® (Feature Set is different). |
0x1B40E (111630) | kINXCoreWrongLanguage | This InDesign® Interchange document was exported by a different version of InDesign® (Language is different). |
0x1B40F (111631) | kINXCoreSetAttrFailed | Could not assign an attribute value. |
0x1B410 (111632) | kINXCoreCreateChildFailed | Could not create a child object. |
0x1B411 (111633) | kINXCoreNotCompactStyle | This InDesign® Interchange document does not have the "compact" format. |
0x1B412 (111634) | kINXCoreImportFailed | An attempt to import InDesign® Interchange data has failed due to an unspecified error condition. |
0x1B413 (111635) | kINXCoreNotIntendedReader | This file contains data that cannot be read by this version of Adobe InDesign®. Adobe InDesign® version 0.0 or later is required. |
0x1B414 (111636) | kINXCoreInvalidDOMInformation | The InDesign® Interchange document contains invalid version information. |
0x1B415 (111637) | kINXCoreNotExpandedStyle | This InDesign® Interchange document does not have the "expanded" format. |
0x1B416 (111638) | kINXCoreUnknownElementType | The InDesign® Interchange document contains an unknown type of XML element. |
0x1B417 (111639) | kINXCoreInternalError | InDesign® has encountered an unexpected condition while importing this file. |
0x1B418 (111640) | kINXCoreCantOpenSubFile | This InDesign® Interchange document does not have all of its components. The UCF component file "^1" could not be found. |
0x1B419 (111641) | kINXCoreSubFileAlreadyOpened | This InDesign® Interchange document cannot be opened. The UCF component file "^1" cannot be opened more than once. |
0x1B41E (111646) | kINXCoreExportFail | Failed to export the file. File cannot be written. Disk may be locked or full. |
0x1B432 (111666) | kINXCoreInvalidComponentName | ^1 is not a valid IDML component name. |
0x1BE02 (114178) | kBadEnumErr | An invalid enumerated value was encountered. |
0x1BE03 (114179) | kAssignmentExistsError | An assignment with the specified file path already exists. |
0x1BE04 (114180) | kNoAssignmentPathError | A unique assignment file path is required to create an assignment. |
0x1BE05 (114181) | kCantDeleteUnAssignmentErr | The Unassigned InCopy Content assignment cannot be deleted. |
0x1BE08 (114184) | kAcquireMailServiceErr | An error occurred while acquiring the email service. |
0x1BE09 (114185) | kCreateMessageErr | An error occurred while creating the email message. |
0x1BE0A (114186) | kSendMessageErr | An error occurred while sending the email message. |
0x1BE0B (114187) | kAddAttachmentErr | An error occurred while adding an attachment. |
0x1BE0E (114190) | kAssignmentFileNotFoundErr | The assignment file could not be found. |
0x1BE14 (114196) | kAssignmentWrongDocTypeErr | The selected package file requires an InDesign® document that cannot be opened. |
0x1BE15 (114197) | kAssignmentExplodeForOpenErr | An error occurred opening the package file. |
0x1BE1A (114202) | kCreatePkgNoPackagePathError | A path is required to create an assignment package. |
0x1BE1B (114203) | kCreatePkgUnassignmentNotAllowedErr | The Unassigned InCopy Content assignment cannot be packaged. |
0x1BE1C (114204) | kCreatePkgAlreadyPackagedErr | The assignment is already packaged. |
0x1BE1D (114205) | kCreatePkgCheckedOutByOtherErr | One or more stories in the assignment are checked out by another user. |
0x1BE1E (114206) | kCancelPkgNotPackagedErr | The assignment is not packaged. |
0x1BE1F (114207) | kCreatePkgSubmitBeforePackageFailedErr | An error occurred while submitting a story before package. |
0x1BE20 (114208) | kCreatePkgCheckedOutErr | One or more stories in the assignment are checked out, please submit them before packaging. |
0x1BE21 (114209) | kCreatePkgNotPackagedErr | The assignment is not packaged. |
0x1BE22 (114210) | kCreatePkgSaveAsnErr | The assignment could not be saved. The package operation failed. |
0x1BE23 (114211) | kCreatePkgJobBagErr | The assignment package manifest file could not be created. The assignment file location may be locked. |
0x1BE24 (114212) | kCreatePkgFailure | The package operation failed. |
0x1BE25 (114213) | kGetUpToDateNotPackagedErr | The assignment is not packaged. |
0x1BE26 (114214) | kCreatePkgCheckOutAfterPackageFailedErr | One or more stories could not be checked out, please check the path for these stories and try again. |
0x1BE27 (114215) | kPackageAssignmentNameErr | This assignment cannot be packaged because the assignment name includes one or more of these characters: / \ ? | * : " < > |
0x1BE28 (114216) | kCreatePkgDocNotSavedErr | The assignment cannot be packaged because the InDesign® document is not saved. |
0x1BE29 (114217) | kCreateAssignmentDocNotSavedErr | The assignment cannot be created because the InDesign® document is not saved. |
0x1BE2A (114218) | kStoryFormatNotCompatibleErr | The story format is not compatible with this assignment. |
0x1C201 (115201) | kDTEmptyFieldNamesError | The selected data source has one or more empty field names. Please fix the file or select another file. |
0x20200 (131584) | kMissingCellStylePropertyErrorCode | Could not find matching property! |
0x20201 (131585) | kMissingWorkspaceErrorCode | Cannot find the workspace to add the cell style to! |
0x20203 (131587) | kCantGetNthCellStyleErrorCode | Could not get the Nth cell style! |
0x20204 (131588) | kCantRedefineCellStyleErrorCode | Could not redefine cell style! |
0x20205 (131589) | kCantGetCellStyleEventDataErrorCode | Can't get event data! Aborting! |
0x20206 (131590) | kCantGetStyleErrorCode | Can't get cell style! |
0x20207 (131591) | kCantCreateCellStyleBasedOnExistingErrorCode | CantCreateCellStyleBasedOnExisting |
0x20208 (131592) | kCantGetCellStyleNameErrorCode | Cannot get style name! |
0x20209 (131593) | kCouldntCreateCellStyleErrorCode | Could not create cell style! |
0x2020A (131594) | kCantGetFileToLoadCellStylesErrorCode | Could not get the name of the file to load styles from! |
0x2020B (131595) | kCouldNotGetLoadCellStylesOptionErrorCode | Could not get load options! |
0x2020C (131596) | kCouldNotLoadCellStylesErrorCode | Could not load cell styles! |
0x2020D (131597) | kCouldNotGetCellStyleToApplyErrorCode | Could not get style to apply! |
0x2020E (131598) | kNoCellSelectedErrorCode | No cells selected! |
0x2020F (131599) | kCouldNotApplyCellStyleErrorCode | Could not apply cell style! |
0x20210 (131600) | kCouldNotGetCellStyleToDeleteErrorCode | Could not get style to delete! |
0x20211 (131601) | kCouldNotDeleteCellStyleErrorCode | Could not delete style! |
0x20212 (131602) | kCouldNotGetCellsToApplyToErrorCode | No cells to apply to! |
0x20213 (131603) | kCouldNotGetNamedCellStyleErrorCode | Could not get cell style with the given name! |
0x20214 (131604) | kInvalidCellStyleRealNumberPropertyErrorCode | Invalid real number property! |
0x20215 (131605) | kCannotFindCellStyleColorErrorCode | Cannot find specified color! |
0x20216 (131606) | kCantGetCellStyleGradAttrErrorCode | Cannot get value for gradient property! |
0x20217 (131607) | kCantGetCellStyleParentErrorCode | Cannot get parent cell style! |
0x20218 (131608) | kCannotGetCellStyleVertJustErrorCode | Cannot get vertical justification! |
0x20219 (131609) | kCannotGetCellStyleFirstBaselineErrorCode | Cannot get first baseline! |
0x2021A (131610) | kCannotGetCellStyleStrokeErrorCode | Cannot get stroke property! |
0x2021B (131611) | kCannotGetCellStyleBoolValErrorCode | Cannot get Boolean value! |
0x2021C (131612) | kCannotGetCellStyleInt32ValErrorCode | Cannot get integer value! |
0x2021D (131613) | kCantGetReplacementCellStyleErrorCode | Cannot get replacement style name! |
0x2021E (131614) | kCouldNotGetRemoveCellOverridesParamErrorCode | Cannot get remove overrides parameter! |
0x20300 (131840) | kCouldNotAppendTableStylesErrorCode | Could not append table styles! |
0x20301 (131841) | kMissingTableStylePropertyErrorCode | Missing table style property! |
0x20302 (131842) | kCouldNotAppendNthTableStyleErrorCode | Could not get nth table style! |
0x20303 (131843) | kCantGetTableStyleEventDataErrorCode | Can't get event data! |
0x20304 (131844) | kCantGetTableStyleErrorCode | Can't get table style! |
0x20305 (131845) | kNoTablesErrorCode | No tables! |
0x20306 (131846) | kCouldNotApplyTableStyleErrorCode | Could not apply table style! |
0x20307 (131847) | kCouldNotCopyTableStyleErrorCode | Could not copy table style! |
0x20308 (131848) | kNoTableSelectionErrorCode | No table selection! |
0x2030A (131850) | kCouldNotCreateTableStyleErrorCode | Could not create table style! |
0x2030B (131851) | kCouldNotGetFileToLoadTableStylesErrorCode | Could not get file to load table styles from! |
0x2030C (131852) | kCouldNotLoadTableStylesErrorCode | Could not load table styles! |
0x2030D (131853) | kCouldNotGetLoadTableStylesOptionErrorCode | Can't get load table style option! |
0x2030F (131855) | kCouldNotGetTableStyleErrorCode | Could not delete table style! |
0x20310 (131856) | kInvalidTableStyleRealValueErrorCode | Invalid real value! |
0x20311 (131857) | kCouldNotGetTableStyleFootersBreakErrorCode | Cannot get footers break! |
0x20312 (131858) | kCouldNotGetTableStyleHeadersBreakErrorCode | Cannot get headers break! |
0x20313 (131859) | kCouldNotGetTableStyleStrokeOrderErrorCode | Could not get stroke order! |
0x20314 (131860) | kCouldNotGetTableStyleStrokeErrorCode | Could not get stroke! |
0x20315 (131861) | kCouldNotGetTableStyleColorErrorCode | Cannot get specified color! |
0x20316 (131862) | kCouldNotGetTableStyleBoolValErrorCode | Cannot get Boolean value! |
0x20317 (131863) | kCouldNotGetTableStyleInt32ValErrorCode | Cannot get integer value! |
0x20318 (131864) | kCouldNotGetTableStyleNameErrorCode | Cannot get table style name! |
0x20319 (131865) | kCouldNotGetParentTableStyleNameErrorCode | Cannot get parent table style! |
0x2031A (131866) | kCouldNotGetTableStyleHeaderRowsErrorCode | Cannot get header rows |
0x2031B (131867) | kCouldNotGetTableStyleFooterRowsErrorCode | Cannot get footer rows! |
0x2031C (131868) | kCantGetRemoveTableOverridesParamErrorCode | Cannot get remove table overrides parameter! |
0x2031D (131869) | kCantGetReplacementTableStyleErrorCode | Cannot get replacement table style! |
0x2031E (131870) | kTableStyleHeaderRowsInvalidErrorCode | Header rows are invalid! |
0x2031F (131871) | kTableStyleInvalidInt32ErrorCode | Invalid integer value! |
0x20320 (131872) | kTableStyleFooterRowsInvalidErrorCode | Footer rows are invalid! |
0x20321 (131873) | kTableStylePropertyNotDefinedErrorCode | Table style property is not defined! |
0x20322 (131874) | kCantRedefineStyleErrorCode | Cannot redefine style |
0x20501 (132353) | kDynDocs_ExportFailureError | Failed to export the file. |
0x20502 (132354) | kDynDocs_FlatteningFailureError | An error occurred while flattening. |
0x20503 (132355) | kDynDocs_OpenFileError | Failed to open file for writing. |
0x20507 (132359) | kDynDocs_ImageConvertError | An error occurring converting a raster image. |
0x20508 (132360) | kDynDocs_RasterizeError | An error occurring while rasterizing content. |
0x20509 (132361) | kPageTrans_CannotFindError | Cannot find the requested page transition. |
0x2050A (132362) | kPageTrans_SettingError | Cannot set page transition information. |
0x2050B (132363) | kPageTrans_BadDirectionError | The specified direction is not supported by the page transition. |
0x2050C (132364) | kMotion_OpenPresetFileError | Failed to read motion preset file. |
0x2050D (132365) | kMotion_BadPresetFileError | The file selected is not a motion preset, please choose another. |
0x2050E (132366) | kMotion_MotionXMLError | An error occurring while converting motion preset XML. |
0x2050F (132367) | kMotion_BadPresetDescriptionError | The XML description for the motion preset is invalid. |
0x20510 (132368) | kMotion_CannotDeleteLockedPresetError | Cannot delete locked motion preset. |
0x20511 (132369) | kMotion_CannotEditDefaultPresetError | Cannot edit default motion preset. |
0x20512 (132370) | kMotion_RenameDefaultPresetError | Cannot rename a default motion preset. |
0x20513 (132371) | kMotion_PresetNameEmptyError | Motion preset name must not be blank. |
0x20514 (132372) | kMotion_PresetNameAlreadyExistsError | Motion preset name already exists. Please choose a different name. |
0x20515 (132373) | kMotion_PresetNameInvalidError | Motion preset name contains illegal characters. |
0x20516 (132374) | kMotion_CannotEditPresetError | Cannot edit locked motion preset. |
0x20517 (132375) | kMotion_PresetExistsReplaceError | A preset file named '^1' already exists. Do you want to replace it with the one you are importing? |
0x20519 (132377) | kMotion_AnimationMotionPathError | Failed to set animation motion path. |
0x2051A (132378) | kMotion_AnimationSetPropertyError | Failed to set animation properties. |
0x2051C (132380) | kMotion_AnimationSaveCopyError | Failed to save a copy of animation settings as motion preset file. |
0x2051D (132381) | kMotion_AnimationSaveCustomError | Failed to save animation settings as custom preset. |
0x2051E (132382) | kMotion_DETimingListError | Timing list scripting error. |
0x2051F (132383) | kMotion_DEFailToRemoveEventError | Failed to remove an event trigger from timing list. |
0x20520 (132384) | kMotion_DEFailToSetDelayError | Failed to set time delay for a target item. |
0x20521 (132385) | kMotion_DENotOnSameSpreadError | Target must be on the same spread. |
0x20523 (132387) | kMotion_DETargetAlreadyExistsError | Target already exists for this event trigger. |
0x20524 (132388) | kMotion_DESelfTriggerMoveTargetError | Cannot move a self-triggered target. |
0x20525 (132389) | kMotion_DESelfTriggerAddTargetError | Cannot add target to self-triggered event. |
0x20526 (132390) | kMotion_DESelfTriggerReplaceTargetError | Cannot replace target for a self-triggered event. |
0x20527 (132391) | kMotion_DESelfTriggerUnlinkTargetError | Cannot unlink target from a self-triggered event. |
0x20528 (132392) | kMotion_DEInvalidTriggerEventError | Invalid triggering event. |
0x20529 (132393) | kMotion_CannotDeleteUsedPresetError | Cannot delete this motion preset. It is applied to one or more page items. |
0x2052A (132394) | kMotion_CannotCreateDefaultAnimationError | Failed to create an empty animation preset. |
0x2052B (132395) | kMotion_DEMediaNotAllowedInPageClickEventError | Movies and Sounds are not allowed in page click event. |
0x2052C (132396) | kMotion_AnimationUnknownEaseTypeError | Unsupported ease type. |
0x2052D (132397) | kMotion_DECantDeleteButtonTimingListError | Cannot delete button timing list directly. To delete, remove button action list. |
0x2052E (132398) | kMotion_DEAddTargetError | Failed to add target to the timing list. |
0x2052F (132399) | kMotion_DECannotMoveTargetError | Failed to move or reassign target. |
0x20530 (132400) | kMotion_DECreateDynamicTargetError | Internal Error: Failed to create a dynamic target. |
0x20531 (132401) | kMotion_DEFailToRemoveTargetError | Failed to remove target from a event trigger. |
0x20532 (132402) | kMotion_CustomPresetNameAlreadyExistsError | This preset name already exists. Selecting OK will replace the existing preset. |
0x20533 (132403) | kMotion_PresetFilesFailedToLoadError | One or more of the preset files selected failed to load. |
0x20534 (132404) | kMotion_DECannotMoveGroupError | Failed to move or reassign timing group. |
0x2053C (132412) | kDynDocs_UnableToCopyRequiredResourceError | Failed to export the file. A media file could not be overwritten in the Resources folder. The media file may be opened or in use by a web browser or other application. |
0x2053D (132413) | kDynDocs_MissingLinkForResourceError | Failed to export the file. A media page item has a missing link, so its file could not be copied to the Resources folder. |
0x20701 (132865) | kConditionTag_NameExistsAlreadyErr | A condition with that name exists already. |
0x20702 (132866) | kConditionTag_DoesntExistErr | The condition does not exist. |
0x20703 (132867) | kConditionTag_ReplacementDoesntExistErr | The condition to use in place of the deleted condition does not exist. |
0x20704 (132868) | kConditionTag_InvalidColorErr | The specified color is invalid. |
0x20705 (132869) | kConditionTag_LockedContentErr | The content is locked and cannot be modified. |
0x20706 (132870) | kConditionTag_HiddenTextErr | The content is hidden and cannot be modified. |
0x20707 (132871) | kConditionTag_LoadSameDocErr | You cannot load conditions or sets into the same document. |
0x20708 (132872) | kConditionTag_LoadOpenDocErr | Cannot load conditions or sets from this file. The file may be in use or an unsupported format. |
0x20709 (132873) | kConditionTag_EmptyNameErr | A condition name cannot be empty. |
0x2070A (132874) | kConditionTag_HiddenTextAnchorErr | You cannot apply conditions to a selection of hidden text anchor(s). |
0x21A01 (137729) | kBookMasterDocMissing | Style source document in book is missing. |
0x21B01 (137985) | kInvalidArticleParameterError | Invalid Article passed. Article is not part of this document. |
0x21B02 (137986) | kInvalidMemberParameterError | Invalid member passed. Member is not part of this article. |
0x21B03 (137987) | kParentGroupNotPartofArticleError | The parent group of the member is not part of this article. |
0x21B04 (137988) | kItemsBelongToDifferentGroupsError | The items belong to different groups within this article. |
0x21B05 (137989) | kInvalidChildParameterError | Invalid page item passed. Item is not part of any group. |
0x21D01 (138497) | kPlaceAndLinkFailedError | Place and Link Failed. |
0x21D02 (138498) | kPlaceAndLinkInlineError | Cannot handle the request because the target or source of place and link cannot be an anchored object. |
0x21D03 (138499) | kInvalidSourceMappingNameParameterError | The source mapping name '^1' is invalid. |
0x21D04 (138500) | kInvalidDestMappingNameParameterError | The destination mapping name '^1' is invalid. |
0x22101 (139521) | kInvalidAlternateFlowsInLayoutErrorID | HTML Pagination Error. More than one story spans multiple pages. |
0x22102 (139522) | kNoEligibleExpansionPageForLayoutErrorID | HTML Pagination Error. Cannot find a master page with a primary text frame for use as an expansion page. |
0x22300 (140032) | ContentDropper + 0 (0x22300) | Content Place Failed |
0x22301 (140033) | ContentDropper + 1 (0x22301) | Content Load Failed |
0x3CD00 (249088) | kQATestThreadingBadData | TestThreading couldn't retrieve its parameters. |
0x3E001 (253953) | kQAScriptVantive356564 | Test-scripting response for verifying Vantive 356564. |
0x3E002 (253954) | kQAScriptBroadcastFailed | Test-scripting couldn't broadcast. |
0x3E003 (253955) | kQAScriptBadData | Test-scripting couldn't retrieve any parameters. |
0x3E004 (253956) | kQAScriptUnknownTest | Test-scripting couldn't find test. |
0x3E005 (253957) | kQAScriptTestMgrNotFound | Test-scripting couldn't find ITestMgr. |
0x3E006 (253958) | kQAScriptRunningTestNotFound | Test-scripting couldn't find running test. |
0x3E007 (253959) | kQAScriptUnregisteredTestSuiteNotFound | Test-scripting couldn't find kUnregisteredTestSuiteBoss. |
0x3E008 (253960) | kQAScriptTestSuiteTreeViewMgrNotFound | Test-scripting couldn't find ITestSuiteTreeViewMgr. |
0x3E009 (253961) | kQAScriptTestPathNotFound | Test-scripting couldn't find test path. |
0x3E00A (253962) | kQAScriptTestSuiteNotFound | Test-scripting couldn't find test suite. |
0x3E00B (253963) | kQAScriptTestPrefsNotFound | Test-scripting couldn't find test ITestPrefs. |
0x3E00C (253964) | kQAScriptAutoUIPrefsNotFound | Test-scripting couldn't find test IAutoUIPrefs. |
0x3E00D (253965) | kQAScriptFailedSettingTestPrefs | Test-scripting failed setting ITestPrefs. |
0x3E00E (253966) | kQAScriptFailedSettingBenchPrefs | Test-scripting failed setting IBenchPrefs. |
0x3E00F (253967) | kQAScriptUnknownTopic | Test-Scripting doesn't recognize this topic. |
0x3E010 (253968) | kQAScriptTopicNotImplemented | Test-Scripting recognizes this topic, but support hasn't been implemented. |
0x3E100 (254208) | QAScriptTestPrefix + 0 (0x3e100) | The requested operation failed. |
0x3E101 (254209) | QAScriptTestPrefix + 1 (0x3e101) | Test-scripting couldn't find the specified plug-in. |
0x3E102 (254210) | QAScriptTestPrefix + 2 (0x3e102) | Test-scripting couldn't find this plug-in information. |
0x3E103 (254211) | QAScriptTestPrefix + 3 (0x3e103) | Test-scripting didn't recognize this purge level. |
0x3E104 (254212) | QAScriptTestPrefix + 4 (0x3e104) | The test suite is busy. Try running separate tests from separate scripts. |
0x3E105 (254213) | QAScriptTestPrefix + 5 (0x3e105) | Test-scripting couldn't acquire IServerSettings. |
0x3E106 (254214) | QAScriptTestPrefix + 6 (0x3e106) | Test-scripting didn't recognize this coverage operation. |
0x3E107 (254215) | QAScriptTestPrefix + 7 (0x3e107) | Test-scripting found coverage in the wrong state for this operation. |
0x3E108 (254216) | QAScriptTestPrefix + 8 (0x3e108) | Test-scripting expected a number but did not find one. |
0x3E109 (254217) | QAScriptTestPrefix + 9 (0x3e109) | Test-scripting received a value that was out of range. |
0x3E10A (254218) | QAScriptTestPrefix + 10 (0x3e10a) | The specified file does not exist. |
0x3E10B (254219) | QAScriptTestPrefix + 11 (0x3e10b) | The specified file is invalid. |
0x3E10C (254220) | QAScriptTestPrefix + 12 (0x3e10c) | The specified suite description file cannot be loaded onto the local list, because it has already been loaded onto the default list. |
0x3E10D (254221) | QAScriptTestPrefix + 13 (0x3e10d) | The specified suite description file cannot be loaded onto the default list, because it has already been loaded onto the local list. |
0x3E10E (254222) | QAScriptTestPrefix + 14 (0x3e10e) | Test-scripting can't print to QASessionAssertLog.txt. Are asserts being logged? |
0x3E10F (254223) | QAScriptTestPrefix + 15 (0x3e10f) | The supplied string is not in the form, nameOfSuiteA:nameOfSuiteB. |
0x3E110 (254224) | QAScriptTestPrefix + 16 (0x3e110) | Test-scripting could not open the document. |
0x3E111 (254225) | QAScriptTestPrefix + 17 (0x3e111) | Test-scripting could not save the document. |
0x3E112 (254226) | QAScriptTestPrefix + 18 (0x3e112) | The specified location does not exist. |
0x3E401 (254977) | kPrefabScriptMakeFailed | Prefab couldn't make the specified model. |