Using the new Planning & Briefing capabilities in the priint:planner 4.1 allows a more flexible way to set up publications and documents.
This Howto describes, how to use planning data in the priint:comet plug-ins resp. priint:pdf renderer. We focus on configuration and Java development aspects.
Working with planning data requires priint:publishing server and priint:comet plug-insVersion 4.1. Please use the latest available release; while basic functionality should work with any 4.1 version, the full functionality as described in this documentation requires
- priint:publishing server 4.1 Build >= 4775
- priint:comet InDesign plug-ins 4.1 >= R20456
The following examples use standard DataMapping and DataProcessing methods delivered with priint:publishing server.
We assume, that an entity model and Comet project already exist, also some example data would be nice. In that regard, the output on your system probably will differ from the result shown in the examples.
The configuration of all other resources (DataProvider, placeholder, templates, Java methods) is described in the section Example implementation, so at least it should be possible to achieve equivalent results in your environment.
(1) To keep it simple, we use the same document in all of the following examples.
The first step should be, to create a publication and a document in the priint:planner. Once the document has been created, open he planning panel by right-clicking on the document:
(2) In the right area of the Planning panel, you see content and configuration from your data source and comet project, in the left area you see, what is actual planned for this document.
By drag and drop content to the left area, you can add content to the document:
(3) Content added to the document can be configured for this particular document, e.g. use different template, only select certain attributes / sub nodes etc.
When finished, click the Save button to persist the planning data for this document.
(4) That's all for configuration.
Switch to InDesign, connect to the priint:publishing server, open the Publication Panel and check out the document just configured:
Standard Build with Planning Data
The first example uses a find statement, which is part of the standard delivery, and the standard priint:comet build function.
- Open the Product Pool Panel
- Select "Find planned products" from the Method drop down menu
- Click on the Search button
You can select these items, assign a template and use the Build button at the bottom of the panel to add these products to the document.
Not very surprisingly, you will see a result similar like this:
We now configure a Multiframe placeholder (details see in the Example implementation section), this placeholder loads all sub buckets of a product and inserts the same "Product label" template for each of them.
- link this frame with the first entry in the list
- select "Create sub elements of selected products" from the Product pool panel menu
The result shows labels for each of the three child buckets of the product, we selected.
Remember: in the Planning panel, we only selected two of the child buckets, therefore, what we see in the first example, is simply the result of the standard Build, Planning just serves as kind of customizable find method.
Multiframe with Planning Sub Elements
This example requires some additional plug-ins, which are shipped as Demo projects. Code is shown below in the Example implementation section.
We select another find statement from the Method drop down menu: "Find document plannings". As obvious, the list shows more or less the same content:
We link the frame to another placeholder, we just configured for that purpose (again, implementation details can be found in the Example implementation section), choose the same "Product Label" template for sub elements and link again with the first entry in the product list.
After selecting "Create sub elements of selected products", we see the following result:
Table Composition based on Planning Data
Similar to the Mutliframe example, we can use planning data in table insert methods, i.e.: generate rows and columns based on the Planning hierarchy, rather than the product structure.
Based on a data provider, which returns the child buckets of a planning record as RecordIds, we configure a table insert method, which we use to copy rows of this very simple table (implementation details can be found in the Example implementation section):
We link this table to the first entry of the "Find document plannings" result list, click into the first (and only) table cell and select "Build complete table" from the Table composition panel menu.
This will lead to the following result:
Again, not that exiting, just what we expected: a row resp. cell has been generated for each child bucket of the planning record.
Example Implementation
Standard Build with Planning Data
Step by Step:
- in ISON create a data provider, which loads an arbitrary entity attribute and maps to string. In most configurations, a data provider for the entity label (such as "Bucket Label" or "Product Label") already exists
- configure a placeholder, which uses this data provider
- save and checkin the new data provider and placeholder
- in the priint:planner set up a document as described above
- in InDesign connect to the priint:publishing server
- create a simple template, which uses this placeholder
- create a simple page template
- checkout this document
- open the Product pool panel and find products planned for this document by using the "Find planned products" method
- select all products
- select the template you just created in the pop up menu next to the find method selection
- click the Build button (brick symbol) at the bottom of the Product pool panel
- select the page template you just created and click "Ok"
This example just demonstrates, that in InDesign / priint:comet you can work with planning data almost like with other entity data.
If you take a closer look to the results shown in the Product pool panel, you will notice, that the IDs provided with the product data refer to the Bucket linked with the planning record - not to the planning record itself.
This is, because the find statement used here returns a list of Buckets and in this case the CometBridge standard mapping is used to transform planning data to priint:comet product items
The same mapping is used e.g. for the cscript publication::get_document_product_planning function.
Extract of the find statement method used in this example
@PubServerMethod( type=PluginMethod.MethodType.FIND_STATEMENT, label="Find planned products", description="Find all products planned to given Document in Planning & Briefing") public List<Bucket> findPlannedProducts ( @PubServerMethodParameter( name="modelId", defaultValue="<Model.Id>") String modelId, @PubServerMethodParameter( name="context", defaultValue="<Entity.Context>") Context context) throws CometException { List<Bucket> result = new ArrayList<Bucket>(); // ... try { EntityManagerLocal em = getEntityManager(); List<Planning> plannings = em.getPlanningByDocument(sessionId, modelId, documentID, "", ""); for (Planning p : plannings) { List<Bucket> buckets = em.getEntityBucketsByIdentifier(sessionId, modelId, p.getBucketId(), p.getEntityBucketId(), null, ""); if (buckets != null) { result.addAll(buckets); } } } catch (Exception e) { throw new CometException(this, UNABLE_TO_FIND_BUCKETS + e.getMessage(), e); } return result; }
Multiframe with Planning Sub Elements
This example is based on a custom find statement, which returns the Planning record Ids. To retrieve the child elements, we use the standard getEntityPlanningsByIdentifier query method and a custom mapping method, which returns the Bucket children as Elements. Code for the find statement and mapping method is shown below. Step by Step configuration:
- for the content, use the same placeholder and template ("Bucket Label" or similar) like in the first example
- create a priint:publishing server plug-in, add the mapping method shown below, create an EJB jar and deploy this plug-in on the priint:publishing server
- create another data provider for the Repeating elements. Use the getEntityPlanningsByIdentifier query method and the getSubPlanningsAsElements mapping method, we just created.
- create a Multiframe placeholder, which uses this data provider. In our example, we called this Subplannings.
- Add the data processing method setTemplate to the processing chain of this placeholder. This will allow us to define the templates used for sub elements in InDesign as a function variable (more information about Generic placeholders can be found in the Generic Placeholder Howto)
- Save and checkin the data provider and placeholder.
- in InDesign connect to the priint:publishing server and check out the example document.
- open the Product pool panel and find products planned for this document by using the "Find document plannings" method
- create a simple frame, link this to the Subplannings placeholder and configure the template to be used in the Placeholder values panel.
- link this placeholder to the first entry of the result list shown in the Product pool panel.
- select "Create sub elements of selected products" from the Product pool panel menu. This will load all planned child buckets of the planning record and insert a template for each of them.
Custom find statement implementation
For detailed information about find statements, refer to the Find statements Howto.
One key feature is, that find statements can return either a list of Buckets or a list of priint:comet products. The latter allows to use an arbitrary mapping for the find results, in this case we create products using the Planning record identifier.
Note the Mappingutils method call to create a correct string identifier for the planning record. This is part of the CometBridgeSDK, which provides several methods for any type of entity data. Whenever possible, methods from the SDK should be used.
The second parameter (in this case null) allows to include parent information; this is required, if your placeholder needs to access parent properties to load properly. In most cases, this is not necessary.
package com.priint.pubserver.comet.findstatement; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; import javax.ejb.LocalBean; import javax.ejb.Stateless; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; import com.priint.pubserver.comet.bridge.entitydata.Product; import com.priint.pubserver.comet.bridge.util.MappingUtils; import com.priint.pubserver.comet.exception.CometException; import com.priint.pubserver.plugin.PluginControlDefault; import com.priint.pubserver.plugin.PluginMethod; import com.priint.pubserver.plugin.PluginUtils; import com.priint.pubserver.plugin.annotation.PubServerMethod; import com.priint.pubserver.plugin.annotation.PubServerMethodParameter; import com.priint.pubserver.plugin.annotation.PubServerPlugin; import com.priint.pubserver.plugin.entitydata.Context; import com.priint.pubserver.plugin.entitydata.Planning; import com.priint.pubserver.plugin.interfaces.EntityManagerLocal; import com.priint.pubserver.util.Constants; @Stateless(mappedName=DemoPlanningStatement.MAPPED_NAME) @LocalBean @PubServerPlugin public class DemoPlanningStatement extends PluginControlDefault { public static final String MAPPED_NAME = "com.priint.pubserver.comet.findstatement.DemoPlanningStatement"; private static final Logger LOGGER = LoggerFactory.getLogger(DemoPlanningStatement.class); private EntityManagerLocal getEntityManager() throws CometException { String sessionId = PluginControlDefault.getSessionId(); return PluginUtils.getPlugin(Constants.MANAGER_ENTITY, sessionId, EntityManagerLocal.class); } @PubServerMethod( type=PluginMethod.MethodType.FIND_STATEMENT, label="Find document plannings", description="Find planning records to given document in Planning & Briefing") public List<Product> findPlannedProducts ( @PubServerMethodParameter(name="modelId", defaultValue="<Model.Id>") String modelId, @PubServerMethodParameter(name="context", defaultValue="<Entity.Context>") Context context) throws CometException { List<Product> result = new ArrayList<Product>(); String sessionId = getSessionId(); String documentId = context.getDocumentId(); if (documentId!=null && !documentId.isEmpty()) { try { EntityManagerLocal em = getEntityManager(); List<Planning> plannings = em.getPlanningByDocument(sessionId, modelId, documentId, "", ""); if (plannings != null) { for (Planning planning : plannings) { Product product = new Product(); product.setId(1); // 1st ID must be nonzero product.setStringId(MappingUtils.createPlanningId(planning, null)); product.setColumn1(planning.getLabel()); product.setColumn2("PLANNING"); result.add(product); } } } catch (Exception e) { throw new CometException(this, "Document Id is null or empty." + e.getMessage(), e); } } else { LOGGER.error("DocumentId is empty!"); } return result; } }
Custom mapping method implementation
Multiframe placeholders require a data mapping method, which returns a list of priint:comet Elements to load sub elements. In our mapping method, we get the sub plannings from the Planning record retrieved from the data query method and map this to elements.
In contrary to the find statement above, we use the Bucket identifiers for the resulting elements, rather than the Planning identifier.
private InitialContext initialContext = null; private DataMappingToElementLocal getElementDataMapping() { try { if (initialContext == null) { initialContext = new InitialContext(); } return (DataMappingToElementLocal)initialContext.lookup( DataMappingToElementLocal.JNDINAME); } catch (NamingException e) { LOGGER.error( "Failed to lookup Element Data Mapping, reason='" + e.getMessage() + "'", e); initialContext = null; } return null; } private EntityManagerLocal getEntityManager() throws CometException { String sessionId = PluginControlDefault.getSessionId(); return PluginUtils.getPlugin(Constants.MANAGER_ENTITY, sessionId, EntityManagerLocal.class); } @PubServerMethod(type=PluginMethod.MethodType.DATA_MAPPING) public List<Element> getSubPlanningAsElements( @PubServerMethodParameter(name="in", description="result from query", defaultValue=ParameterTags.Tag.ENTITY_RESULTLIST) List<Planning> in, @PubServerMethodParameter(name="entityModel", description="Entity Model", defaultValue=ParameterTags.Tag.MODEL_ID) String entityModel, @PubServerMethodParameter(name="context", description="context", defaultValue=ParameterTags.Tag.ENTITY_CONTEXT) Context context ) { List<Element> result = new ArrayList<Element>(); DataMappingToElementLocal mapping = this.getElementDataMapping(); for (Planning p : in) { for (Planning subPlanning : p.getListPlanning()) { try { EntityManagerLocal em = this.getEntityManager(); List<Bucket> buckets = em.getEntityBucketsByIdentifier( PluginControlDefault.getSessionId(), subPlanning.getEntityModelId(), subPlanning.getBucketId(), subPlanning.getEntityBucketId(), context, ""); if (buckets != null && !buckets.isEmpty()) { result.addAll(mapping.bucketsToElements(buckets, entityModel, context)); } } catch (EntityManagerException | CometException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } } return result; }
Table Composition based on Planning Data
The table composition example is just a variant of the Multiframe example above. We use the same custom find statement, the same query method in the data provider and a very similar mapping method: Step by Step configuration:
- create a priint:publishing server plug-in, add the mapping method shown below, create an EJB jar and deploy this plug-in on the priint:publishing server
- create another data provider for the Record Ids / table rows. Use the getEntityPlanningsByIdentifier query method and the getSubPlanningsAsRecordIds mapping method, we just created.
- create a Table insert method placeholder, which uses this data provider. In our example, we called this Sub plannings as record Id.
- the target of this table insert method must be set to TABLE. This means: we use the Root table record id to load entries for this insert method.
- Save and checkin the data provider and table insert method.
- in InDesign connect to the priint:publishing server and check out the example document.
- open the Product pool panel and find products planned for this document by using the "Find document plannings" method
- create a simple table (1 cell resp. 1 row and 1 column), add some text in the table cell and link this text to the content placeholder created for the first / second example (e.g. "Bucket Label")
- open the Table compsition panel
- configure the Copy row property of the cell.
- for Insert, choose the table insert method, we just created
- check the Allow many results check box
- in the Query cell IDs section set ID to RowRecordID and check the RowRecordSrringID checkbox below (leave the other checkboxes unchecked).
- link the table to the first entry of the result list shown in the Product pool panel.
- select "Build complete table" from the Table composition panel menu. This will create a row for each planned child bucket of the planning record and link the content placeholder in the cell to this bucket..
As said before, the technical requirements for this example are very similar to the Multiframe example above. The mapping method used in the data provider is slightly different, because table insert methods require a list of RecordIds as return type:
private InitialContext initialContext = null; private DataMappingToRecordIdLocal getRecordIdDataMapping() { try { if (initialContext == null) { initialContext = new InitialContext(); } return (DataMappingToRecordIdLocal)initialContext.lookup( DataMappingToRecordIdLocal.JNDINAME); } catch (NamingException e) { LOGGER.error( "Failed to lookup RecordId Data Mapping, reason='" + e.getMessage() + "'", e); initialContext = null; } return null; } private EntityManagerLocal getEntityManager() throws CometException { String sessionId = PluginControlDefault.getSessionId(); return PluginUtils.getPlugin(Constants.MANAGER_ENTITY, sessionId, EntityManagerLocal.class); } @PubServerMethod(type=PluginMethod.MethodType.DATA_MAPPING) public List<RecordId> getSubPlanningAsRecordIds( @PubServerMethodParameter(name="in", description="result from query", defaultValue=ParameterTags.Tag.ENTITY_RESULTLIST) List<Planning> in, @PubServerMethodParameter(name="context", description="context", defaultValue=ParameterTags.Tag.ENTITY_CONTEXT) Context context ) { List<RecordId> result = new ArrayList<RecordId>(); DataMappingToRecordIdLocal mapping = this.getRecordIdDataMapping(); for (Planning p : in) { for (Planning subPlanning : p.getListPlanning()) { try { EntityManagerLocal em = this.getEntityManager(); List<Bucket> buckets = em.getEntityBucketsByIdentifier( PluginControlDefault.getSessionId(), subPlanning.getEntityModelId(), subPlanning.getBucketId(), subPlanning.getEntityBucketId(), context, ""); if (buckets != null && !buckets.isEmpty()) { result.addAll(mapping.bucketsToRecordIds(buckets)); } } catch (EntityManagerException | CometException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } } return result; }
Cscript API for Planning Data
The easiest way to use planning data in cscript is using the publication::get_document_product_planning function. This function returns the list of products planned for this document using the standard data mapping, i.e.: use the Bucket identifiers for the string Ids, rather than the identifier of the planning record.
The benefit is, that the result of this function call can be used for common build functions like this:
ProductList products = publication::get_document_product_planning(); productlist::establish(products, 0, document::pages(gDocument), "", pageTemplateId, defaultTemplateId, flags, preScript, 0, "", msg);The drawback is, that thus only the first level of the planning is respected. All other data is loaded according to the product hierarchy.
From R20546, an addtional parameter is supported, which allows to retrieve the Planning IDs rather than the IDs of the bucket linked with a planning in the result of the publication::get_document_product_planning function.
publication::get_document_product_planning ( char * documentId = 0, // documentId, defaults to current document char * entityId = "", // result entity, defaults to empty (= all) char * searchString = "", // search strings: search criteria for result records int mappingFlag = 0 // flag for ID mapping // 0 = use bucket ID (default) // 1 = use planning ID // 2 = use bucket ID aand planning ID as parent );
In the priint:comet plug-ins 4.1 R19501, new cscript data types have been introduced, which allow to load and process planning data in cscript. In conjunction with the Java / cscript bridge, this allows more flexible ways to set up product lists or placeholders to use planning data rather than product data.
More information can be found in the Java / cscript Howto and in the cscript Online-documentation shipped with priint:comet plug-ins.
The new data types are:
Planning // single planning record PlanningList // a list of planning recordsNew functions introduced to process planning data are
// Planning publication::planning::alloc // create a new planning record publication::planning::copy // copy a planning record publication::planning::release // release a planning record publication::planning::get // get an int property of a planning record publication::planning::gets // get a string proeprty of a planning record publication::planning::getlist // get a list property of a planning record publication::planning::getfloat // get a float property of a planning record publication::planning::to_xml // serialze a planning record to XML publication::planning::from_xml // unserialize a planning record from XML // PlanningList publication::planninglist::add_all // add all elements of one list to the other publication::planninglist::alloc // create a new planning list publication::planninglist::release // release a planning list publication::planninglist::length // get the number of entries publication::planninglist::get // get a particular planning entry publication::planninglist::to_xml // serialize list to XML publication::planninglist::from_xml // unserialize list from XMLPlease refer to the plug-ins Online-documentation for detailed information.
DataQuery Methods for Planning Data
All methods are part of the EntityManagerRemote resp. EntityManagerLocal interface (package com.priint.pubserver.plugin.interfaces) and implemented in the PubServerEntityManager Plugin.
For detailed description including parameter documentation, please refer to the PubServerSDK Java documentation.
public List<Bucket> getEntityChildBucketsOfPlanning( String sessionId, String entityModelIdentifier, String entityId, String parentPlanningId, String resultEntityId, final Context context, String records, String searchStr) throws EntityManagerException;
Returns the list of buckets linked to sub plannings of a planning record.
public List<Bucket> getEntityCordedBucketsOfPlanning( String sessionId, String entityModelIdentifier, String entityId, String parentPlanningId, String resultEntityId, final Context context, String records, String searchStr) throws EntityManagerException;
Returns the list of target buckets of planned cords of a planning record.
public List<KeyValue> getEntityKeyValuesOfPlanning( String sessionId, String entityModelIdentifier, String entityId, String parentPlanningId, String resultEntityId, final Context context, String records, String searchStr) throws EntityManagerException;
Returns the list of planned KeyValues of the bucket linked to a planning record.
public List<MediaAsset> getEntityMediaAssetsOfPlannning( String sessionId, String entityModelIdentifier, String entityId, String parentPlanningId, String resultEntityId, final Context context, String records, String searchStr) throws EntityManagerException;
Returns the list of planned MediaAssets of the bucket linked to a planning record.
public List<Price> getEntityPricesOfPlannning( String sessionId, String entityModelIdentifier, String entityId, String parentPlanningId, String resultEntityId, final Context context, String records, String searchStr) throws EntityManagerException;
Returns the list of planned Prices of the bucket linked to a planning record.
public List<TableData> getEntityTableDataOfPlannning( String sessionId, String entityModelIdentifier, String entityId, String parentPlanningId, String resultEntityId, final Context context, String records, String searchStr) throws EntityManagerException;
Returns the list of planned TableData of the bucket linked to a planning record.
public List<Text> getEntityTextsOfPlannning( String sessionId, String entityModelIdentifier, String entityId, String parentPlanningId, String resultEntityId, final Context context, String records, String searchStr) throws EntityManagerException;
Returns the list of planned Texts of the bucket linked to a planning record.
public List<Planning> getEntityPlanningsOfDocument( String sessionId, String entityModelIdentifier, String entityId, String resultEntityId, final Context context, String searchStr) throws EntityManagerException;
Returns the plannings of a particular document.
public List<Planning> getEntityPlanningsByIdentifier( String sessionId, String entityModelIdentifier, String entityId, String resultEntityId, final Context context, String searchStr) throws EntityManagerException;
Returns the planning record with the Id provided as parameter.
public List<Planning> getEntityPlanningsOfDocument( String sessionId, String entityModelIdentifier, String entityId, String resultEntityId, int pageIndex, final Context context, String searchStr) throws EntityManagerException;
Returns the plannings of a page.
public List<Planning> getEntityTextsOfPlannning( String sessionId, String entityModelIdentifier, String entityId, String parentPlanningId, String resultEntityId, final Context context, String records, String searchStr) throws EntityManagerException;
Returns the list of subplannings of a planning record.
DataMapping Methods for Planning Data
List<String> planningPropertyToString(List<Planning> plannings, String propertyName);Gets an arbitrary Planning property as String.
The property name can either be set in the dataprovider configuration in ISON or can be defined as a function variable in a generic placeholder. The list of available properties is set up using the getPlanningProperties value list method, see below.
List<RecordId> planningsToRecordIds(List<Planning> plannings, Context context);Maps Planning records to RecordIds using the standard mapping. The RecordIds refer to the Bucket entities linked to this Planning record.
List<RecordId> planningsToRecordIdsGeneric( List<Planning> plannings, Context context, String groupNameProperty);Maps Planning records to RecordIds using the standard mapping. The RecordIds refer to the Bucket entities linked to this Planning record.
In addition, the groupName field can be set to any property of the Planning record. This can be configured in ISON or defined as a function variable in a generic placeholder. Available properties are set up using the getPlanningProperties value list method also.
List<RecordId> planningsToPlanningRecordIds( List<Planning> inputList, Context context, String idProperty, String id2Property, String id3Property, String stringIdProperty, String groupNameProperty)
Maps Planning records to RecordIds using the standard mapping. The RecordIds refer to the Planning record.
All properties of the result RecordIds can optionally be set to any property of the planning record using the idProperty, id2Property, id3Property, stringIdProperty or groupNameProperty parameter.
These parameters are exposed as function variables and thus can be defined for individual placeholders in the document.
List<Element> planningsToElements(List<Planning> plannings, Context context);Maps Planning records to Elements using the standard mapping. The Elements refer to the Bucket entities linked to this Planning record.
If a template is defined for the Planning record, this template is used for the resulting element, otherwise the template defined for the bucket is used.
List<Element> planningsToElementsGeneric( List<Planning> inputList, Context context, String idProperty, String id2Property, String id3Property, String stringIdProperty, String templateIdProperty, String classIdProperty, String formatStringProperty);Maps Planning records to Elements using a customized mapping.
All fields of the resulting Elements can be configured either in ISON or as function variables in a generic placeholder. By setting all propertyNames to "> Default property", the same result can be achieved like if using the standard ToElements mapping method.
List<Product> planningsToProducts(List<Planning> plannings, Context context);Maps Planning records to Products using the standard mapping. The Products refer to the Bucket entities linked to this Planning record.
If a template is defined for the Planning record, this template is used for the resulting product, otherwise the template defined for the bucket is used.
List<Product> planningsToProducts( List<Planning> plannings, int mappingFlag, Context context );Maps Planning records to Products using the standard mapping. Depending on the mappingFlags, the result products refer to
- the Bucket entities linked to this Planning record (mappingFlag = 0)
- the Planning record (mappingFlag = 1)
- the Bucket with planning ID as parent information (mappingFlag = 2)
Various methods for Planning Data
List<ValueItem> getPlanningProperties(Map<String, Object> parameters);Returns all properties applicable for planning data plus three values at the top:
- > Default property: use the default property (like defined in the standard mapping
- > Empty: leave this field empty
- > Compound Id: use the Compound Id (entity identifier, class, group Id, Id + parent IDs separated with '#')
Utility methods
package com.priint.pubserver.comet.bridge.util; class MappingUtils { public static String createBucketIdWithPlanningParent(Bucket bucket, Planning parent); public static String createPlanningId(Planning planning, Bucket parent); }
Create Comet3 compound IDs from a planning record resp. a bucket with a planning parent.