In priint:comet ID and priint:renderer publications and related data are shown in the Publication panel and processed in several menu actions and cscript functions. The underlying data is usually retrieved from the priint:planner and managed in a SQL database.
The following diagram shows the raw architecture:
As can bee seen from this diagram, all requests from priint:comet ID resp. priint:renderer pass a component called CometPublication. So, by replacing this component, it should be possible to integrate arbitrary publication systems with priint:comet and priint:renderer.
This document shows what is required to do so.
Two important Notes
- The priint:planner is hard linked to a SQL Database. Currently there is no way to integrate 3d party publication systems in the priint:planner UI.
Partially this can be done by implementing priint:planner UI plug-ins, which is not topic of the concept shown here.
Certain operation will also be provided as an API, which is also not topic of this documentation.
Implementing custom CometPublication plug-ins only affects priint:comet ID desktop and server and priint:renderer.
Future releases of the priint:publishing server and related components may provide a more elegant way to integrate 3d party publication systems (such as an entity model and connectors similar to the approach for product data).
As the API shown here uses Comet data types (i.e. data structures specific to priint:comet rendering and output applications) and mapping from entity view to Comet types is a common task done by the CometBridge, this will most probably not affect the concept shown here, though at the time this cannot be guaranteed.
You need
- priint:publishing server Version 4.1.0, minimum Revision 9939 / Build #757
- a recent devstack (Eclipse etc.) with the PubServerSDK and CometBridgeSDK
- to start, best refer to the DemoCometPublicationPlugin provided by Werk II, which contains further documentation and implementation examples
In addition, accessing publication data other than from the priint:planner requires
- a custom implementation of a CometPublication plug-in
- activation of the custom plug-in for a comet project
Implementation is described in Section 3, the configuration is described in the following.
- in Ison, connect with your server, open the Repository Explorer view and navigate to your Comet project:
- edit the file cometproject.xml and add a xml element named
to the
section like shown below:
- the value must be set to the JNDI name of the custom publication plug-in, for the demo plug-in this would be java:global/DemoCometPublicationPlugin/DemoDelegateToDefault!com.priint.pubserver.comet.bridge.publication.CometPublicationPluginLocal
- to disable the custom plug-in (and reactivate standard data access) remove this element or set the element content to empty.
Currently there is no UI in Ison for setting a custom publication plug-in except by editing the XML file directly.
Note, that this is not the recommended way.
Instead of configuring a publication provider plug-in in Ison, you could pack your custom plug-in into an EJB jar named CometPublication and use the same package and class names like in the default implementation (or find another way to ensure, that your plug-in will be deployed using the same JNDI name like the original plug-in)..
In this case, you must undeploy the original plug-in and replace by your own implementation. Despite the fact, that in this case you also would have to implement all interface methods (and not only the one that need adaptions according to your requirements), this would most probably cause problems whenever you update your priint:publishing server installation.
Therefore, this procedure is not recommended.
Implementation Approach
Interface Overview
The CometPublicationPluginLocal interface defines methods to
- access publication structure (root tree, subtrees, properties of publication nodes)
- access to publication meta data (publication types)
- retrieve parameter definitions and parameters set for particular documents
- access workflow definitions and workflow status of particular documents
- checkin / checkout / revert documents and get document status
- get products selected or scheduled for certain documents
For a detailed description of all methods refer to the CometBridgeSDK (resp. CometBridgeSDK-javadoc.jar) delivered with the priint:publishing server devstack.
In most cases, you do not want to override all methods, so you have the choice to
- implement com.priint.pubserver.comet.bridge.publication.CometPublicationPluginLocal
in this case you will have to implement all methods
- extend com.priint.pubserver.comet.bridge.publication.CometPublicationPluginDefault
This will delegate all calls to the default CometPublication plug-in and allows to override only specific methods.
The basic concept is best explained with this example:
package com.customer.publication; @Stateless(mappedName=MyPublicationPlugin.MAPPED_NAME) @LocalBean @PubServerPlugin public class MyPublicationPlugin extends CometPublicationPluginDefault implements CometPublicationPluginLocal // (implied by inheritance) { public static final String MAPPED_NAME = "com.customer.publication.MyPublicationPlugin"; }
- create an EJB project in Eclipse
- add the PubServerSDKs to the Java build path
- create a class like shown above
- create the required PluginLibraryControl class (see PubServer plug-ins examples)
- build and deploy this plug-in
- if your EJB jar is called e.g. MyPublicationEJB, the JNDI name will be java:global/MyPublicationEJB/MyPublicationPlugin!com.priint.pubserver.comet.bridge.publication.CometPublicationPluginLocal
- define this name as the publication provider plug-in for your Comet project like shown above
This plug-in (hopefully) does, what it is supposed to do, i.e.: nothing (but delegate all method calls to the default publication plug-in as defined in the super class). From here you can start to override all methods according to your requirements.
Publication Structure
Publication Tree
This method is supposed to return the root of the publication tree.
Return type: List<com.priint.pubserver.comet.bridge.entitydata.Publication>
Parameter hints:
The method does not have any parameters.
Returns a list of direct descendants of a publication node. In case of publications, descendants will probably be sub-publications or documents, in case of documents descendants should be spreads (or none).
Return type: List<com.priint.pubserver.comet.bridge.entitydata.Publication>
Parameter hints:
- publicationId (String) id of the parent node
Master Documents
This method is supposed to return the list of (active) master documents.
Return type: List<com.priint.pubserver.comet.bridge.entitydata.Publication>
Parameter hints:
The method does not have any parameters.
Returns a list of publications matching certain search criteria
Return type: List<com.priint.pubserver.comet.bridge.entitydata.Publication>
Parameter hints:
- publicationId (String): id of the parent publication
- subPublicationsId (String): id of a sub publication
- documentName (String): name of the document
- workflowStatusId1 (String): a workflow status id
- workflowStatusId2 (String): alternative workflow status id
- workflowStatusId3 (String): alternative workwflow status id
- param1 (String): identifier of a document parameter
- value11 (String): value1 of this parameter
- value12 (String): value2 of this parameter
- value13 (String): value3 of this parameter
- param2 (String): identifer of another document parameter
- value21 (String): value1 of this parameter
- value22 (String): value2 of this parameter
- value23 (String): value3 of this parameter
- param3 (String): identifier of another document parameter
- value31 (String): value1 of this parameter
- value32 (String): value2 of this parameter
- value33 (String): value3 of this parameter
- restrictiveCheckbox (boolean): AND (true) or OR (false) linkage of search criteria
- recursive (boolean): if true also search sub publications
Publication and Document Properties
Gets a document property
Return type: String
Parameter hints:
- documentId (String): id of the document
- propertyName (String): non normative name of a document property.
In the print:planner the following properties are supported:- description
- masterdocument
- sort
- label
- label2
Sets a document property
Return type: -
Parameter hints:
- documentId (String): id of the document
- propertyName (String): non normative name of a document property.
In the print:planner the following properties are supported:- description
- masterdocument
- sort
- label
- label2
- propertyValue (String): new value for the property
Gets the root publication Id of a document
Return type: String
Parameter hints:
- documentId (String): id of the document
Gets the Id of the direct parent of a document
Return type: String
Parameter hints:
- documentId (String): id of the document
Gets the root publication Id of a publication
Return type: String
Parameter hints:
- publicationId (String): id of the publication
Publication Meta Data
Gets the list of publication types configured on this system.
Return type: List<com.priint.pubserver.comet.bridge.entitydata.PublicationType>
Parameter hints:
The method does not have any parameters.
Publication Parameters
Gets the list of all parameters configured on this system.
Return type: List<com.priint.pubserver.comet.bridge.entitydata.Parameter>
Parameter hints:
The method does not have any parameters.
Gets the list of applicable drop down values for a certain parameter.
Return type: List<com.priint.pubserver.comet.bridge.entitydata.Parameter>
Parameter hints:
- parameterId (String): id of the parameter
Gets parameters and their values for a particular document
Return type: Map<String, String>
Parameter hints:
- documentId (String): id of the document
Sets a parameter value for a particular document.
Return type: -
Parameter hints:
- documentId (String): id of the document
- parameterName (String): name (identifier) of the paramater
- count (int): how many values should be set (1 .. 3)?
- parameterValue1 (String): new first value for parameter
- parameterValue2 (String): new second value for parameter
- parameterValue3 (String): new third value for parameter
Publication Workflow
Gets all workflow states configured on this system
Return type: List<com.priint.pubserver.comet.bridge.entitydata.WorkflowStatus>
Parameter hints:
The method does not have any parameters.
Gets the current workflow status for a particular document
Return type: com.priint.pubserver.comet.bridge.entitydata.WorkflowStatus
Parameter hints:
- documentId (String): id of the document
Gets all workflow states applicable for a particular document
Return type: List<com.priint.pubserver.comet.bridge.entitydata.WorkflowStatus>
Parameter hints:
- documentId (String): id of the document
Gets the next workflow states, which can be assigned to a a particular document
Return type: List<com.priint.pubserver.comet.bridge.entitydata.WorkflowStatus>
Parameter hints:
- documentId (String): id of the document
Sets the workflow status for a document
Return type: -
Parameter hints:
- documentId (String): id of the document
- actionId (String): id of the next workflow step
- url (String): optional url, if applicable for this workflow step
Gets the product selection ("old planning") for a document
Return type: List<com.priint.pubserver.comet.bridge.entitydata.Product>
Parameter hints:
- entityModelIdentifier (String): identifier of the entity model
- context (Context): context criteria (e.g. language, country ...) for products
- documentId (String): id of the document
Gets the product planning (-> Planning and Briefing, "new planning") for a document
Return type: List<com.priint.pubserver.comet.bridge.entitydata.Product>
Parameter hints:
- entityModelIdentifier (String): identifier of the entity model
- context (Context): context criteria (e.g. language, country ...) for products
- documentId (String): id of the document
- entityIdentifier (String): id of entities, if empty / null: all entities
- searchSring (String): optional search string
Checkout and Checkin of Documents
Configuration of Checkout / Checkin
The behavior of the publication panel and checkout / checkin process is controlled by a couple of panelstatements (or publication event scripts, some of the functionality is implemented in document event scripts also). These scripts are generated for each Comet Project and can be adapted to custom requirements in ISON later.
Usually you do not have to change the standard configuration scripts, unless for special requirements (e.g. open documents from file system instead of downloading, check in automatically when closing a document etc.).
Overview of Publication Scripts
The implementation examples below refer to the standard configuration. The following list explains the basic functionality of the standard configuration scripts
In the Login script, some preferences for the publication panel are set. You can change this by editing the session::after login script in the Events > Login section in ISON.
// Control, if files should be // kPriintAlwaysDownload = downloaded via SOAP // kPriintNeverDownload = accessed from file system // kPriintAutoDownload = accessed from file system if possible, // download via SOAP otherwise priint::set_pref(kPriintDownloadPolicy, kPriintAlwaysDownload); // do not allow users to change these settings. // You should not change this value priint::set_prefs_editable(0); // use soap proxy to access publication structure // Required for backward compatibility with old (Comet 3) projects priint::use_soap_proxy(1);
This script is responsible for getting status information (available, opened / checked out etc.) for each publication node shown in the panel. The document status should be assigned to the global variable gDocumentStatus and thus be propagated to the panel.
The standard script requests the document status from the server (by calling priint::document_status):
// ... status = priint::document_status("<Content_StringID>"); if (status >= 0) { if (status == kOpenedByUser) { status = kOpenedOnClient; } *gDocumentStatus = status; } else { *gDocumentStatus = kNotRegistered; } // ...
This script is called, when the user clicks the ckeckout button or the cscript publication::checkout method is called. If successfull, the script must copy the local path of the checked out document to the global variable gDocumentPath.
The standard configuration does some checks and then calls the priint:checkout function, which does all the downloading, saving local copy of document etc.
// check status again right before downloading: status = priint::document_status("<Content_StringID>"); if (status != kAvailable && status != kOpenedInSession) { return -1; } // call the checkout function, this will trigger a couple of server operations: result = priint::checkout("<Content_StringID>", path); if (result == 0) { // if successfull, copy path to the global (result) variable strcpy(gDocumentPath, path); } else { wlog("", "* FAILED with result code %d\n", result); return result; }
publication::after checkout
This script is called after a checked out document is opened for the first time.
The standard script requests some properties and parameters for the current document from server and transfers these values to document XML attributes:
int result = 0; result = xml::set_document_attribute(gDocument, "publication", publication::get_rootpublication_id(gDocumentID)); result = xml::set_document_attribute(gDocument, "documentId", gDocumentID); result = publication::apply_parameters(gDocument, gDocumentID); result = document::set_display_name(gDocument, publication::get_label (gDocumentID)); return result;
document::after open
This script is called, after an arbitrary document has been opened. In the server context, the publication::aftercheckout script is called:
if (system::is_server()) {
publication::aftercheckout(gDocumentID, gDocumentPath);
This script is called, when an entry in the publication panel has been double clicked. Also this script is called during the checkout process after the document has been opened.
The standard script just checks, in which context the script was called and outputs a log message:
wlog("", "# Publication doubleclick or checkout: row %d : %d (%s of %s of %s)\n\.", gClicked+1, gRecordID, "<Name>", "<DokumentInfo>", "<parent.DokumentInfo>"); // Finish script in case of a double click if (!document::is_valid(gDocument)) return 0; // if gDocument refers a valid document, this script is // executed in a checkout / open context. We can operate on // that document below, if required. return 0;
publication::before close
This script allows to react to closing of publication documents and is called, before the document is closed (i.e. gDocument can be used to refer to the current document).
The standard script just outputs a log message.
publication::after close
This script allows to react to closing of publication documents and is called after the document has been closed (i.e. gDocument is undefined).
The standard script just outputs a log message.
publication::after save
This script is called, after a publication document has been saved.
The standard script just outputs a log message.
document::after save
This script is called, when an arbitrary document is saved.
In the server context, the publication::checkin script is invoked, which will - on the server - not actually checkin the document, but update all metadata (including previews) for the current document.
if (system::is_server()) {
publication::aftersave(gDocumentID, gDocumentPath);
publication::checkin(gDocumentID, gDocumentPath);
This script is called, when the user clicks the checkin button or the cscript publication::checkin function is called.
The standard script basically calls the priint::checkin function, which does all the packing, cleaning, uploading etc.:
int result = priint::checkin(gDocumentID, gDocumentPath);
THis script is called, when the user clicks the revert button or the cscript publication::revert function is called.
The standard script calls the priint::revert function, which does all cleaning, server communication etc.
int result = priint::revert("<Content_StringID>", gDocumentPath);
Document Transfer Format
A document consists of
- a binary document representation, i.e. a InDesign document or a W2ML file.
This file is requested by calling the checkoutDocument method and uploaded to the server with checkinDocument - a meta data archive, which is requested from the server by calling downloadMetaData and uploaded via uploadMetaData.
For both kind of files (or binary data) we use the com.werkii.comet.soap.CometPriintRemote.ServerDocument class in Java.
This class defines the following properties:
- content (DataHandler): content of the document / archive
- filename (String):
name of the file, e.g. 536871098.indd or MyDocument.w2ml - path (String): usually empty; only required, if you prefer to access files from a file system path (e.g. file server) instead of downloading, which is not recommended.
- documentID (String): unique identifier of this document resp. meta data associated with this document
Binary Document
The binary document representation is either an InDesign document or a W2ML document.
- content: zipped binary content of the document (see checkoutDocument example below).
- filename: must be the name of the document (without the .zip extension)
- when unzipping, the name of the unzipped file must match the name set as filename property of the ServerDocument
Meta Data Archive
The meta data archive is a folder containing several XML files and JPG previews of each individual spread of the document. None of the XML files or previews must be present, usually the folder and it's content is generated by InDesign Desktop when checkin in a document or by InDesignServer / priint::pdf renderer when saving a document.
If a meta data folder for the document does not (yet) exist, an empty folder should be zipped and set as ServerDocument.content.
- content: zipped meta data folder (see downloadMetaData example below).
- filename: name of the folder (without the .zip extension). The name of the meta data folder must be <DocumentName>.<extension>.meta
- when unzipping, the name of the unzipped folder must match the name set as filename property of the ServerDocument
Checkout Sequence
The typical checkout sequence (unless changed in the configuration) is as follows:
- request for document status => call the documentStatus method
- if the document is available: request for document meta data => call the downloadMetaData method
- if meta data download succeeds: request for document data => call the checkoutDocument method
- if any client side error occurs during the checkoutDocument call, revertDocument is called finally, to allow the server to reset the document status.
- if checkout succeeds: request for document properties (root publication ID, label, parameters)
Checkin Sequence
The typical checkin sequence (unless changed in the configuration) is as follows:
- create and upload meta data => call the uploadMetaData method
- if meta data upload succeeds: upload document data => call the checkinDocument method
- if uploading document succeeds: reset the local docment status and clean up workspace
Method Details
The documentStatus method is usually called fromthe publication::status script or any other cscript, that uses the priint:document_status function.
Depending on the document status, certain functions for this document are visible / enabled in the publication panel or not.
In Java, you should use the CometPublicationPluginLocal.DocumentStatus enumeration to set the appropriate status for the document.
- DocumentStatus.AVAILABLE
for documents, which are not currently opened or checked out by other users.
A download button will be shown and enabled next to the document. - DocumentStatus.OPENED_ON_SERVER
for documents, which are currently opened on the server (e.g. being edited in Whiteboard).
A (disabled) locked button will be shown next to the document. - DocumentStatus.OPENED_ON_CLIENT
for documents, which are currently opened on a client (e.g. checked out by another user).
A (disabled) locked button will be shown next to the document. - DocumentStatus.OPENED_BY_USER
for documents, which are currently opened on a client by the same user.
A (disabled) locked button will be shown next to the document. - DocumentStatus.OPENED_IN_SESSION
for documents, which are currently opened in the same session.
A download button will be shown and enabled next to the document. - DocumentStatus.NOT_EXISTING
for documents, which actually do not exist physically.
No button will be shown for this document / node. - DocumentStatus.NOT_REGISTERED
for nodes, which are unknown or are not actually documents (but e.g. publication nodes).
No button will be shown for this document / node.
Parameter hints
- sessionID (String): used to identify the session.
- documentID (String): unique identifier of the document
- callback (String): currently unused / empty
Implementation Example
public DocumentStatusResult documentStatus(String sessionID, String documentID, String callback) throws RemoteException { DocumentStatusResult result = new DocumentStatusResult(); result.setResultCode(0); CometPublicationPluginLocal.DocumentStatus status = CometPublicationPluginLocal.DocumentStatus.NOT_REGISTERED; // TODO: evaluate and set actual document status result.setStatus(status.getId()); return result; }
The checkoutDocument method is usually called from the publication::checkout script during the checkout sequence or any other cscript, that uses the priint::checkout function.
The method should return the zipped content of the InDesign document resp. W2ML document, see Document transfer format for further information.
Parameter hints
- sessionID (String): used to identify the session.
- documentID (String): unique identifier of the document
- masterDocumentID (String): currently unused / empty
- callback (String): currently unused / empty
- options (String): optional parameter string. This usually contains "mac:<client mac address>;download:true;zip:true". Some of these values were required in former versions for backward compatibility and now can be ignored.
Implementation example
public CheckoutDocumentResult checkoutDocument(String sessionID, String documentID, String masterDocumentID, String callback, String options) throws RemoteException { CheckoutDocumentResult result = new CheckoutDocumentResult(); try { ServerDocument document = new ServerDocument(); String filename = documentID + ".indd"; String filePath = File.separator + "var" + File.separator + "priint" + File.separator + "documents" + File.separator + filename; document.setFilename(filename); document.setDocumentID(documentID); document.setPath(""); // empty String zipFilename = filePath + ".zip"; com.werkii.server.utils.Zip.zip(filePath); document.setContent(new DataHandler(new FileDataSource(new File(zipFilename)))); result.setDocument(document); result.setResultCode(0); } catch (ServerException | IOException e) { result.setResultCode(1); } return result; }
The downloadMetaData method is usually called from the publication::checkout script or any other cscript, that uses the priint::checkout function. From the InDesign client side, this method cannot be called separately, it will always be invoked during a checkout sequence.
The method should return the zipped content of the meta data folder, see Document transfer format for further information.
Parameter hints
- sessionID (String): used to identify the session.
- documentID (String): unique identifier of the document
- callback (String): currently unused / empty
Implementation example
public DownloadMetaDataResult downloadMetaData(String sessionID, String documentID, String callback) throws RemoteException { DownloadMetaDataResult result = new DownloadMetaDataResult(); try { ServerDocument document = new ServerDocument(); String filename = documentID + ".indd"; String metaDataPath = File.separator + "var" + File.separator + "priint" + File.separator + "documents" + File.separator + filename + ".meta"; // create new / empty meta data folder, if it does not yet exist: if (!(new File(metaDataPath)).exists()) { (new File(metaDataPath)).mkdirs(); } document.setFilename(filename); document.setDocumentID(documentID); document.setPath(""); // empty String zipFilename = metaDataPath + ".zip"; com.werkii.server.utils.Zip.zip(metaDataPath); document.setContent(new DataHandler(new FileDataSource(new File(zipFilename)))); result.setDocument(document); result.setResultCode(0); } catch (ServerException | IOException e) { result.setResultCode(1); } return result; }
The checkinDocument method is usually called from the publication::checkin script or any other cscript, that uses the priint::checkin function.
The method should save and unzip the document data uploaded from the client (see Document Transfer Format for further information) and reset the document status, if checkin succeeded.
Parameter hints:
- sessionID (String): used to identify the session.
- document (ServerDocument): document ID and content uploaded from client
- callback (String): optional parameter string. This usually contains "mac:<client mac address>;zip:true". Some of these values were required in former versions for backward compatibility and now can be ignored.
Implementation example
public CheckinDocumentResult checkinDocument(String sessionID, ServerDocument document, String callback) throws RemoteException { CheckinDocumentResult result = new CheckinDocumentResult(); try { String documentID = document.getDocumentID(); String filename = documentID + ".indd"; String filePath = File.separator + "var" + File.separator + "priint" + File.separator + "documents" + File.separator + filename; String zipPath = filePath + ".zip"; // probably further check / cleanup is required, before trying // to save the uploaded data... if (document.getContent() != null) { if (!CASUtils.saveBytes(new File(zipPath), document.getContent())) { throw new Exception("Saving uploaded data failed."); } com.werkii.server.utils.Zip.unZip(zipPath, (new File(filePath)).getParent()); } result.setResultCode(0); // + reset document status etc. } catch (Exception e) { result.setResultCode(1); } return result; }
The uploadMetaData method is usually called from the publication::checkin script or any other cscript, that uses the priint::checkin function. From the InDesign client side, this method cannot be called separately, it will always be invoked during a checkin sequence.
The method should save and unzip the meta data uploaded from the client (see Document Transfer Format for further information).
Parameter hints:
- sessionID (String): used to identify the session.
- documentID (String): unique identifier of the document
- document (ServerDocument): document ID and content uploaded from client
- callback (String): optional parameter string. This usually contains "mac:<client mac address>;zip:true". Some of these values were required in former versions for backward compatibility and now can be ignored.
Implementation example
public UploadMetaDataResult uploadMetaData(String sessionID, String documentID, ServerDocument document, String callback) throws RemoteException { UploadMetaDataResult result = new UploadMetaDataResult(); try { String filename = documentID + ".indd"; String metaDataPath = File.separator + "var" + File.separator + "priint" + File.separator + "documents" + File.separator + filename + ".meta"; String zipPath = metaDataPath + ".zip"; if (document.getContent() != null) { if (!CASUtils.saveBytes(new File(zipPath), document.getContent())) { throw new Exception("Saving uploaded data failed."); } com.werkii.server.utils.Zip.unZip(zipPath, (new File(metaDataPath)).getParent()); } result.setResultCode(0); } catch (Exception e) { result.setResultCode(1); } return result; }
The revertDocument method is usually called from the publication::revert script or any other cscript, that uses the priint:revert function
Basically the method should reset the document status (e.g. unlock)
Parameter hints
- sessionID (String): used to identify the session.
- documentID (String): unique identifier of the document
- callback (String): currently unused / empty
Implementation example
public RevertDocumentResult revertDocument(String sessionID, String documentID, String callback) throws RemoteException { RevertDocumentResult result = new RevertDocumentResult(); // TODO: check, if document can be reverted, unlock document, cleanup etc. result.setResultCode(0); return result; }