
The following list contains all exceptions declared in one of the public PubServerSDK, the private CometServer4SDK, in core plug-ins delivered by Werk II or in the CometServer 3.4 application.
Information provided for each exception:


This document refers to


PubServer exceptions will occur on priint:publishing server (aka Comet 4) installations only. For CometServer 3.4 installation. please refer to the CometServer section below.

Almost all exceptions thrown by the priint:publishing server kernel or priint:publishing server plug-ins subclass com.priint.pubserver.exception.PubServerException. Most of them are defined in the PubServerSDK, so they can be referenced in any priint:publishing server module (this means: in plug-ins developed by partners or other vendors also).


Class: com.priint.pubserver.exception.PubServerException

Super class: java.lang.Exception

Error code: -

Description: Abstract base exception for all public exceptions in publishing server.
This is a checked exception (Application Exception). It does NOT force a transaction rollback of the EJB container.





Class: com.priint.pubserver.auth.AuthManagerException

Super class: com.priint.pubserver.exception.PubServerException

Error code: -

Description: Thrown, when registering an Authentication plug-in fails.


Cause: priint:publishing server, 3d party (partner) authentication plug-ins

Component: priint:publishing server kernel


Class: com.priint.pubserver.comet.bridge.dataprocessing.CometDataProcessingException

Super class: com.priint.pubserver.exception.PubServerException

Error code: -

Description: Thrown, when certain Comet data processing operations fail


Cause: Application data, Comet project configuration

Component: CometDataProcessing


Class: com.priint.pubserver.comet.exception.CometException

Super class: com.priint.pubserver.exception.PubServerException

Error code: various

Description: Base class for exception thrown by the CometBridge / CometConfiguration plug-ins
Occurence of this exception and subclasses of this exception is a hint, that an error was trapped during any kind of "Comet" data processing (e.g. initializing project configuration, loading placeholders etc.), but not necessarily, that the error was raised in the Comet application.


Cause: priint:publishing server, CometBridge, CometConfiguration, Comet project configuration, 3d party (partner) plug-ins

Component: priint:publishing server kernel, CometBridge, CometConfiguration, DataMapping- and DataProcessing plug-ins


Class: com.priint.pubserver.comet.exception.ConfigNotFoundException

Super class: com.priint.pubserver.comet.exception.CometException

Error code: 5

Description: Thrown, when a required configuration item cannot be found or when a configuration item, which was expected to exist (because it is referenced in other configurations) does not exist.


Cause: Comet project congifuration

Component: CometConfiguration, CometBridge


Class: com.priint.pubserver.comet.exception.ContainerEmptyException

Super class: com.priint.pubserver.comet.exception.CometException

Error code: -

Description: Thrown, when a configuration file does not contain any or not the expected item.


Cause: Comet project configuration

Component: CometConfiguration, CometBridge


Class: com.priint.pubserver.comet.exception.OperationUnsupportedException

Super class: com.priint.pubserver.comet.exception.CometException

Error code: 4

Description: Thrown, when an operation is not supported, either because it is not implemented yet or is not allowed in a priint:publishing server environment.
Reasons can be misconfiguration or incompatible versions of components (e.g. outdated version of CometBridge or outdated version of priint:comet InDesign plug-ins).


Cause: Comet project configuration, CometBridge

Component: CometConfiguration, CometBridge, priint:comet InDesign plug-ins


Class: com.priint.pubserver.comet.exception.SessionInvalidOrExpiredException

Super class: com.priint.pubserver.comet.exception.CometException

Error code: 2

Description: Thrown, when a session is invalid or has expired. This is a special case of the com.priint.pubserver.exception.InvalidSessionException: a session may be a valid priint:publishing server session and though be invalid in the Comet context, because some required initialization (e.g. linkage to Comet project) is missing.


Cause: Client applications, user interaction

Component: CometConfiguration, CometBridge


Class: com.priint.pubserver.comet.exception.UnresolvedDependenciesException

Super class: com.priint.pubserver.comet.exception.CometException

Error code: -

Description: Thrown, when dependencies declared in a comet configuration items cannot be resolved, e.g. a script referenced in a template does not exist.


Cause: Comet project configuration, Ison, user interaction

Component: CometConfiguration, CometBridge


Class: com.priint.pubserver.config.exception.ConfigManagerCheckinException

Super class: com.priint.pubserver.exception.PubServerException

Error code: -

Description: Thrown, if checkin of a configuration file fails.


Cause: Application / configuration data, Ison, user interaction

Component: priint:publishing server kernel, Ison, 3d party (partner) plug-ins


Class: com.priint.pubserver.config.exception.ConfigManagerCheckoutException

Super class: com.priint.pubserver.exception.PubServerException

Error code: -

Description: Thrown, if check out of a configuration file fails.


Cause: Application / configuration data

Component: priint:publishing server kernel, Ison, 3d party (partner) plug-ins


Class: com.priint.pubserver.config.exception.ConfigManagerDeleteException

Super class: com.priint.pubserver.exception.PubServerException

Error code: -

Description: Thrown, if deletion of a configuration file fails.


Cause: Application / configuration data, Ison, user interaction

Component: priint:publishing server kernel, Ison, 3d party (partner) plug-ins


Class: com.priint.pubserver.config.exception.ConfigManagerException

Super class: com.priint.pubserver.exception.PubServerException

Error code: -

Thrown if a procedure in a ConfigManagerRemote implementation gets a problem when working on a configuration file.



Cause: Application / configuration data, Ison, user interaction

Component: priint:publishing server kernel, Ison, 3d party (partner) plug-ins


Class: com.priint.pubserver.config.exception.ConfigManagerFileIsAlreadyLocked

Super class: com.priint.pubserver.exception.PubServerException

Error code: -

Description: Thrown if a checkout of a config file fails, because it is locked in the repository.


Cause: Application / configuration data, Ison, user interaction

Component: priint:publishing server kernel, Ison, 3d party (partner) plug-ins


Class: com.priint.pubserver.config.exception.ConfigManagerValidateException

Super class: com.priint.pubserver.exception.PubServerException

Error code: -

Description: Thrown, if the validation of a configuration XML failed.


Cause: Application / configuration data, Ison, user interaction

Component: priint:publishing server kernel, Ison, 3d party (partner) plug-ins


Class: com.priint.pubserver.plugin.exception.ConnectorException

Super class: com.priint.pubserver.exception.PubServerException

Error code: -

Description: Thrown if a procedure in a ConnectorRemote implementation gets a problem when processing the data from the connector.
This signals malfunctioning in the connector itself, either due to flawed input arguments or wrong implementation.
If possible, this object should pass exceptions that are thrown internally in the cause argument of the exception.


Cause: Connector plug-in implementation, application data, entity model configuration, Comet project configuration

Component: 3d party (partner) connector plug-ins, priint:publishing server EntityManager


Class: com.priint.pubserver.plug-ins.datamapping.DataMappingException

Super class: com.priint.pubserver.exception.PubServerException

Error code: -

Description: Thrown, if an error occurs in a standard data mapping methods.


Cause: Application data, data provider configuration

Component: priint:publishing server DataProviderManager, DataMapping plug-in


Class: com.priint.pubserver.plugin.exception.DataProviderException

Super class: com.priint.pubserver.exception.PubServerException

Error code: -

Description: Thrown if a procedure in a sDataProviderManagerRemote} implementation gets a problem executing a data provider call.
This signals a malfunctioning of the data provider itself or that the provider does not exist.


Cause: Data provider configuration, application data

Component: priint:publishing server DataProviderManager


Class: com.priint.pubserver.plugin.exception.DataSourceException

Super class: com.priint.pubserver.exception.PubServerException

Error code: -

Description: Thrown if a procedure in a {@link com.priint.pubserver.plugin.interfaces.ConnectorRemote} implementation gets a problem when connecting, accessing, modifying data in the underlying data source (e.g. a JDBC source or a REST Service).
This signals a malfunctioning of the data source itself or the transport layer (e.g. database is not up, or firewall blocks connection).


Cause: Connector configuration, Connector plug-in implementation, data source systems, system sanity

Component: priint:publishing server EntityManager, 3d party (partner) connector plug-ins


Class: com.priint.pubserver.document.exception.DocumentLockManagerException

Super class: com.priint.pubserver.exception.PubServerException

Error code: -

Description: Thrown if a procedure in a DocumentLockManagerRemote implementation gets a problem when locking or unlocking a resource, e.g. because a file is already locked when trying to lock it.
Usually this exception is caught in the priint:publishing server ConfigManager and will be propagated as a ConfigManagerFileIsAlreadyLocked exception.


Cause: Configuration data, Ison, user interaction

Component: priint:publishing server DocumentManager, plug-ins or 3rd party (partner) plug-ins


Class: com.priint.pubserver.plugin.exception.EntityManagerException

Super class: com.priint.pubserver.exception.PubServerException

Error code: -

Description: Thrown if a procedure in a ConnectorRemote implementation gets a problems when connecting, accessing, modifying data in the underlying data source (e.g. a JDBC source or a SOAP Service).


Cause: Connector plug-in implementation, application data, entity model configuration, Comet project configuration

Component: 3d party (partner) connector plug-ins, priint:publishing server EntityManager


Class: com.priint.pubserver.plugin.exception.InvalidArgumentException

Super class: com.priint.pubserver.exception.PubServerException

Error code: -

Description: Thrown to indicate that a method has been passed an invalid argument.
E.g. Input null when null is not allowed.
This is a checked exception differing from the java runtime exception in java.lang.IllegalArgumentException.


Cause: Configuration, application data, client applications

Component: priint:publishing server kernel, plug-ins, 3d party (partner) plug-ins


Class: com.priint.pubserver.exception.InvalidResultTypeException

Super class: com.priint.pubserver.exception.PubServerException

Error code: -

Description: Thrown when a method returns a result of a different type than expected.


Cause: Configuration, application data, client applications

Component: priint:publishing server kernel, plug-ins, 3d party (partner) plug-ins


Class: com.priint.pubserver.exception.InvalidSessionException

Super class: com.priint.pubserver.exception.PubServerException

Error code: -

Description: Throw this type of exception if a publishing server session is not valid - i.e. sessionId is not related to a session within the server, e.g. because it has expired.
For the time being publishing server session is related to shiro session.


Cause: Client applications, system sanity

Component: priint:publishing server kernel, plug-ins, 3d party (partner) plug-ins


Class: com.priint.pubserver.webclients.ison.IsonClientNotConnectedException

Super class: com.priint.pubserver.exception.PubServerException

Error code: -1

Description: Thrown, if an Ison client is not connected to a priint:publishing server. This is a client exception and should never occur on server side.


Cause: IT infrastructure, client applications, system sanity

Component: Ison client


Class: com.priint.pubserver.exception.JCRException

Super class: com.priint.pubserver.exception.PubServerException

Error code: -

Description: Thrown, if errors occur in the repository implementation. Mostly this is just a wrapper for the underlying javax.jcr.RepositoryException.


Cause: IT infrastructure, system sanity

Component: priint:publishing server kernel


Class: com.priint.pubserver.plugin.exception.NotImplementedException

Super class: com.priint.pubserver.exception.PubServerException

Error code: -

Description: Thrown if a class implementing one of the interfaces defined in com.priint.pubserver.plugin.interfaces does not support a method defined in the interface.
E.g. many of the methods of the com.priint.pubserver.plugin.interfaces.ConnectorRemote interface are not mandatory.
That means, you have to implemented a stub, that throws this error. This will tell the caller the state of affairs.


Cause: Installation, configuration, plug-ins or 3d party (partner) plug-ins implementation

Component: priint:publishing server kernel, plug-ins, 3d party (partner) plug-ins


Class: com.priint.pubserver.parameterparser.exception.ParameterInterpreterException

Super class: com.priint.pubserver.exception.PubServerException

Error code: -

Description: Thrown, if the parameter parser or interpreter fails. Basically the parameter interpreter uses the java.lang.reflection API to invoke methods, so no prediction is possible about the underlying exception.


Cause: Configuration, client applications, plug-ins or 3d party (partner) plug-ins implementation

Component: priint:publishing server kernel, plug-ins, 3d party (partner) plug-ins


Class: com.priint.pubserver.exception.PasswordPolicyViolation

Super class: com.priint.pubserver.exception.PubServerException

Error code: -

Description: Thrown to indicate, that a password does not match the password policies.

Remarks: At the time this exception is never raised.

Cause: Installation, Configuration, user interaction

Component: 3d party (partner) authentication or UserManager plug-ins


Class: com.priint.pubserver.plugin.exception.PluginException

Super class: com.priint.pubserver.exception.PubServerException

Error code: -

Description: Thrown if a basic plug-in handling process like initialization or loading of instances, or notification processing fails.


Cause: Installation, system sanity, plug-ins or 3d party (partner) plug-ins implementation

Component: priint:publishing server kernel, plug-ins, 3d party (partner) plug-ins


Class: com.priint.pubserver.exception.PubServerAuthenticationException

Super class: com.priint.pubserver.exception.PubServerException

Error code: -

Description: Thrown, if authentication fails.


Cause: Installation, configuration, user interaction, 3d party (partner) plug-ins implementation

Component: priint:publishing server kernel, plug-ins, 3d party (partner) plug-ins


Class: com.priint.pubserver.exception.PubServerRolledbackException

Super class: com.priint.pubserver.exception.PubServerException

Error code: -

Description: Abstract base exception for all public exceptions in publishing server that should force a rollback of the current transaction on the EJB container.
This is a checked exception (Application Exception). It DOES force a transaction rollback of the EJB container.


Cause: Installation, configuration, plug-ins or 3d party (partner) plug-ins implementation, system sanity.

Component: priint:publishing server kernel, plug-ins, 3d party (partner) plug-ins


Class: com.priint.pubserver.session.exception.SessionManagerException

Super class: com.priint.pubserver.exception.PubServerException

Error code: -

Description: Thrown, if basic SessionManager operations (e.g. creating a session) fail.


Cause: System sanity, client applications, plug-ins or 3d party (partner) plug-ins implementation

Component: priint:publishing server kernel


Class: com.priint.pubserver.exception.SessionNotAuthenticated

Super class: com.priint.pubserver.exception.PubServerException

Error code: -

Description: Thrown if a publishing server session is not authenticated - i.e. user login failed - when authentication is required.


Cause: System sanity, client applications, plug-ins or 3d party (partner) plug-ins implementation

Component: priint:publishing server kernel


Class: com.priint.pubserver.webclients.ison.SoapPubServerException

Super class: com.priint.pubserver.exception.PubServerException

Error code: -

Description: Declarative exception for the Ison SOAP WebService interface.


Cause: Installation, Configuration

Component: priint:publishing server kernel / Ison WebService


Class: com.priint.pubserver.plugins.datamapping.demo.TableDataMappingException

Super class: com.priint.pubserver.exception.PubServerException

Error code: -

Description: Exception for Table Data Mapping. Thrown on any exception that cannot be handled within the plug-in code, but has to be handled outside by the calling code.


Cause: Configuration, application data

Component: DataMapping plug-in


Class: com.priint.pubserver.plugin.authentication.UserManagerException

Super class: com.priint.pubserver.exception.PubServerException

Error code: -

Description: Thrown if a user manager methods fails with no remedy.


Cause: Configuration, client applications, 3d party (partner) authentication or UserManager plug-ins implementation

Component: priint:publishing server kernel, plug-ins, 3d party (partner) plug-ins


Class: com.priint.pubserver.plugin.exception.PluginRuntimeException

Super class: java.lang.Exception

Error code: -

Description: Thrown if a plug-in catches a runtime exception and decides to rethrow it as checked exceptiom to the caller.


Cause: Any

Component: priint:publishing server kernel, plug-ins, 3d party (partner) plug-ins


Class: com.priint.pubserver.plugin.exception.LifeCycleException

Super class: java.lang.RuntimeException

Error code: -

Description: Thrown to indicate that startup exception for plug-ins.
Signals that a plug-in could not be deployed the correct way or went into an abnormal status during runtime.
May also be thrown in shutdown.


Cause: Installation, Configuration, system sanity

Component: priint:publishing server kernel


Class: com.priint.pubserver.comet.exception.CometRuntimeException

Super class: java.lang.RuntimeException

Error code: -

Description: Thrown, if a XML exception (JAXBException) occurs during processing of Comet configuration files.


Cause: Comet project configuration

Component: CometConfiguration plug-in, CometBridge plug-in


CometServer plug-in / CometServer 3.4

The CometServerLight archive can be installed as a standalone application (version 3.4) or as a priint:publishing server plug-in (version >= 4).
In both cases, the application contains a number of components, such as the priint:suite UI, priint:planner, priint:rendering server controlling and API etc. (the name of the application archive CometServerLight is a little bit misleading). The following exceptions can occur on systems with installed CometServerLight.ear only, on other systems you do not have to bother about these exceptions.

Almost all of the following exceptions derive from com.werkii.server.exception.ServerException. Most of them are declared in the application itself or in the private SDK, so they are very unlikely to be thrown in any other component than the CometServerLight application.


Class: com.werkii.server.exception.ServerException

Super class: com.priint.pubserver.exception.PubServerException (in CometServer 3.4: java.lang.Exception)

Error code: various

Description: Base class for exceptions thrown or mapped by the CometServer component. This exception is often instantiated directly; in this case, the error reason must be determined by the error message.

Remarks: Error codes of ServerExceptions do not have a specific meaning.


Component: CometServer


Class: com.werkii.server.exception.AccessDeniedException

Super class: com.werkii.server.exception.ServerException

Error code: 1201

Description: Thrown, when a user tries to run an operation with unsufficient privileges, such as


Cause: Configuration

Component: CometServer


Class: com.werkii.server.exception.AuthorizationErrorException

Super class: com.werkii.server.exception.ServerException

Error code: 538655

Description: Mapped exception from priint:comet ID server plug-Ins

Remarks: At the time this error is never raised by priint:comet plug-Ins




Class: com.werkii.server.exception.BadPositionException

Super class: com.werkii.server.exception.ServerException

Error code: 538645

Description: Mapped exception from priint:comet ID server plug-Ins, when an items postition would be illegal after processing a request


Cause: Comet prject configuration, 3d party (partner) client applications

Component: CometServer, priint:comet ID server plug-Ins


Class: com.werkii.server.exception.BinaryTransportException

Super class: com.werkii.server.exception.ServerException

Error code: 1228

Description: Indicates errors when reading data from or writing data to files.


Cause: Installation, Configuration, Runtime problems (e.g. disk full)

Component: CometServer


Class: com.werkii.server.exception.CancelException

Super class: com.werkii.server.exception.ServerException

Error code: -

Description: Thrown, when a task has been canceled, most likely an import job.


Cause: User interaction

Component: CometServer


Class: com.werkii.server.exception.CheckConfigurationException

Super class: com.werkii.server.exception.ServerException

Error code: 4711

Description: Thrown when serious configuration issues occur.


Cause: Installation, configuration

Component: CometServer


Class: com.werkii.server.exception.ClassInstantiationException

Super class: com.werkii.server.exception.ServerException

Error code: 1231

Description: Thrown, when a class cannot be instantiated dynamically.

Remarks: At the time, this exception is never raised.


Component: CometServer


Class: com.werkii.server.exception.CometCScriptErrorException

Super class: com.werkii.server.exception.ServerException

Error code: 538624

Description: Mapped priint:comet plug-Ins error; thrown, when a cscript error occurs.


Cause: Comet project configuration

Component: Project


Class: com.werkii.server.exception.CometNoLicenseException

Super class: com.werkii.server.exception.ServerException

Error code: 538625

Description: Mapped priint:comet ID server plug-Ins error; thrown, when no proper license can be found.


Cause: Installation

Component: priint:comet ID server plug-Ins, priint:pdf renderer


Class: com.werkii.server.exception.CometOfflineException

Super class: com.werkii.server.exception.ServerException

Error code: 13

Description: Failures in the "Offline" mode (i.e.: no renderer is available) when operations are requested, which require a renderer.


Cause: Comet project configuration

Component: CometServer


Class: com.werkii.server.exception.CometSOAPClientException

Super class: com.werkii.server.exception.ServerException

Error code: 1240

Description: Thrown, when a SOAP client exception occurs

Remarks: At the time this exception is never raised

Cause: IT infrastructure

Component: CometServer


Class: com.werkii.server.exception.ConfigurationException

Super class: com.werkii.server.exception.ServerException

Error code: 4711

Description: Thrown, when configuration issues occur. Check the underlying / nested exception for the actual error reason.

Remarks: Can only occur in CometServer 3.4 environments using the 3.4 Connector interfaces for authorization or document data access.

Cause: Installation, configuration

Component: CometServer


Class: com.werkii.server.exception.ConnectionFailedException

Super class: com.werkii.server.exception.ServerException

Error code: 538657

Description: Mapped priint:comet ID server plug-Ins error; thrown, when connecting to a datasource fails.


Cause: Installation, configuration, Comet project configuration

Component: priint:comet ID server plug-Ins, priint:pdf renderer


Class: com.werkii.server.exception.ConnectionRequiredException

Super class: com.werkii.server.exception.ServerException

Error code: 538643

Description: Mapped priint:comet ID server plug-Ins error; thrown, when an operation was requested, which requires a connection, but no connection is available (e.g. was lost).


Cause: Installation, configuration, Comet project configuration

Component: priint:comet ID server plug-Ins, priint:pdf renderer


Class: com.werkii.server.exception.CScriptOrCometPluginException

Super class: com.werkii.server.exception.ServerException

Error code: -

Description: See CometCScriptErrorException.

Remarks: At the time this exception is never raised.

Cause: Comet project configuration



Class: com.werkii.server.exception.DocumentCheckinConnectorException

Super class: com.werkii.server.exception.ServerException

Error code: 1252

Description: Exception caused by a DocumentException raised by a document connector implementation.

Remarks: Can only occur in CometServer 3.4 environments using the 3.4 Connector interfaces for authorization or document data access.

Cause: IT infrastructure, Installation, configuration

Component: CometServer, 3d party (partner) Connector plug-ins


Class: com.werkii.server.exception.DocumentCheckinNetworkError

Super class: com.werkii.server.exception.ServerException

Error code: 1251

Description: Thrown, when network errors occur while checking in document data.

Remarks: Can only occur in CometServer 3.4 environments using the 3.4 Connector interfaces for authorization or document data access.

Cause: IT infrastructure, Installation, configuration

Component: CometServer, 3d party (partner) Connector plug-ins


Class: com.werkii.server.exception.DocumentCheckoutConnectorException

Super class: com.werkii.server.exception.ServerException

Error code: 1254

Description: Exception caused by a DocumentException raised by a document connector implementation.

Remarks: Can only occur in CometServer 3.4 environments using the 3.4 Connector interfaces for authorization or document data access.

Cause: IT infrastructure

Component: CometServer, 3d party (partner) Connector plug-ins


Class: com.werkii.server.exception.DocumentCheckoutNetworkError

Super class: com.werkii.server.exception.ServerException

Error code: 1251

Description: Thrown, when network errors occur while checking out document data.

Remarks: Can only occur in CometServer 3.4 environments using the 3.4 Connector interfaces for authorization or document data access.

Cause: IT infrastructure, Installation, configuration

Component: CometServer, 3d party (partner) Connector plug-ins


Class: com.werkii.server.exception.DocumentCloseTimeoutException

Super class: com.werkii.server.exception.ServerException

Error code: 1236

Description: Thrown, when a document cannot be closed in time, probably caused by network problems, long running tasks block an InDesignServer instance or when InDesignServer has crashed


Cause: IT infrastructure, Comet project configuration, corrupted documents or resources

Component: CometServer


Class: com.werkii.server.exception.DocumentCorruptedException

Super class: com.werkii.server.exception.ServerException

Error code: 1247

Description: Thrown, when a document remained in corrupt status from previous operations performed on this document


Cause: Comet project configuration, corrupted documents or resources

Component: CometServer


Class: com.werkii.server.exception.DocumentEmptyException

Super class: com.werkii.server.exception.ServerException

Error code: 1249

Description: Thrown, when no proper information could be obtained for a document requested from a document connector.

Remarks: Can only occur in CometServer 3.4 environments using the 3.4 Connector interfaces for authorization or document data access.

Cause: IT infrastructure, application integration

Component: CometServer


Class: com.werkii.server.exception.DocumentExistsException

Super class: com.werkii.server.exception.ServerException

Error code: 1233

Description: Thrown, when trying to use a physical file resource for a new document, which already exists.


Cause: Installation, application integration, application data

Component: CometServer


Class: com.werkii.server.exception.DocumentInUseException

Super class: com.werkii.server.exception.ServerException

Error code: 1235

Description: Thrown, when trying to overwrite a document, which is currently in use. This could also be caused by check out attempts, if the document has already been checked out.


Cause: application integration, application data

Component: CometServer


Class: com.werkii.server.exception.DocumentLockedException

Super class: com.werkii.server.exception.ServerException

Error code: 1246

Description: Thrown, when trying to check in a document, which is currently opened on the server or vice versa.


Cause: Comet project configuration, application data

Component: CometServer


Class: com.werkii.server.exception.DocumentNotFoundException

Super class: com.werkii.server.exception.ServerException

Error code: 538628

Description: Mapped priint:comet ID server plug-ins error. There's a number of possible reasons:


Cause: Installation, configuration, Comet project configuration, user interaction

Component: priint:comet ID server plug-ins


Class: com.werkii.server.exception.DocumentNotOpenedException

Super class: com.werkii.server.exception.ServerException

Error code: 1227

Description: Thrown, when an operation is performed on a document, which is not currently opened.

Remarks: Usually systems are configured to open documents implicitly when required, so this exception is very unlikely to occur.

Cause: Configuration, 3d party (partner) client applications

Component: CometServer


Class: com.werkii.server.exception.DocumentNotRegisteredException

Super class: com.werkii.server.exception.ServerException

Error code: 1241

Description: Thrown, when a document ID cannot be resolved.


Cause: Application data, application integration, 3d party (partner) client applications

Component: CometServer


Class: com.werkii.server.exception.DocumentNotUniqueException

Super class: com.werkii.server.exception.ServerException

Error code: 1242

Description: Thrown, when two entries in the publication database or in the adm_document table have the same ID. This should never occur in normal operation and could be a hint for overall system corruption.


Cause: Installation, Configuration, Comet project configuration, 3d party (partner) client applications

Component: CometServer


Class: com.werkii.server.exception.DocumentOutdatedException

Super class: com.werkii.server.exception.ServerException

Error code: 538630

Description: Mapped priint:comet ID server plug-ins error; thrown, when an operation cannot be performed on a document, because the document structure / status has changed in the meantime.

Remarks: At the time this error is never raised by priint:comet plug-ins


Component: priint:comet ID server plug-ins


Class: com.werkii.server.exception.DocumentSaveException

Super class: com.werkii.server.exception.ServerException

Error code: 1234

Description: Thrown, when errors occur while trying to save or store a document.


Cause: Installation, runtime problems (e.g. disk full)

Component: CometServer


Class: com.werkii.server.exception.DocumentVanishedException

Super class: com.werkii.server.exception.ServerException

Error code: 538631

Description: Mapped priint:comet ID server plug-ins error; thrown, when an operation should be perorfmed on a document, which is not currently opened on a specific InDesignServer instance.
This should never occur in normal operation and is most probably a hint for InDesignServer crashes, network / commuication problems or overall system instability.


Cause: Installation, configuration, scaling, Comet project configuration

Component: priint:comet ID server plug-ins


Class: com.werkii.server.exception.ElementNotFoundException

Super class: com.werkii.server.exception.ServerException

Error code: 538638

Description: Mapped priint:comet ID server plug-ins error; Thrown, when an element (i.e. frame) cannot be found.


Cause: Client applications, application data, corrupted documents or resources


Class: com.werkii.server.exception.GenericBuildErrorException

Super class: com.werkii.server.exception.ServerException

Error code: 538647

Description: Mapped priint:comet ID server plug-ins error; Thrown, when building (generating) pages fails for any reason.


Cause: Comet project configuration, application data, 3d party (partner) client applications, corrupted documents or resources

Component: priint:comet ID server plug-ins, priint:pdf renderer


Class: com.werkii.server.exception.GroupNotFoundException

Super class: com.werkii.server.exception.ServerException

Error code: 538637

Description: Mapped priint:comet ID server plug-ins error; Thrown, when a CometGroup cannot be found / resolved.


Cause: Application data, 3d party (partner) client applications, corrupted documents or resources

Component: priint:comet ID server plug-ins


Class: com.werkii.server.exception.IllegalDocumentStateException

Super class: com.werkii.server.exception.ServerException

Error code: 538629

Description: Mapped priint:comet ID serveID server plug-ins error.

Remarks: At the time this error is never raised by priint:comet ID server plug-ins


Component: priint:comet ID server plug-ins


Class: com.werkii.server.exception.InDesignServerStatusException

Super class: com.werkii.server.exception.ServerException

Error code: -

Description: Super class of more specific exceptions which might occur on application communication layer. Whenever a InDesignServerStatusException occurs, this rendering instance will be unregistered, which may cause consequential errors, e.g. DocumentVanishedException or DocumentNotFoundException

Remarks: See


Component: CometServer


Class: com.werkii.server.exception.EndpointNotFoundException

Super class: com.werkii.server.exception.InDesignServerStatusException

Error code: 1223

Description: Thrown, when a communication endpoint (URI of a WebService endpoint or path to priint:pdf renderer command) cannot be resolved.


Cause: Configuration, installation, IT infrastructure

Component: CometServer


Class: com.werkii.server.exception.IllegalEndpointStateException

Super class: com.werkii.server.exception.InDesignServerStatusException

Error code: 1224

Description: Thrown, when a endpoint is in an illegal state.


Cause: Configuration, installation, IT infrastructure, system sanity

Component: CometServer


Class: com.werkii.server.exception.InDesignServerWasDownException

Super class: com.werkii.server.exception.InDesignServerStatusException

Error code: 538658

Description: Mapped priint:comet ID server plug-ins error; Thrown, when the renderer detects differences in the system uptime timestamps expected by CometServer and the actual uptime of this rendering instance.
If documents are opened on this instance at the time, when this error occurs, this will most likely lead to DocumentCorruptedExceptions.


Cause: IT infrastructure, system sanity

Component: priint:comet ID server plug-ins


Class: com.werkii.server.exception.InDesignServerTimeoutException

Super class: com.werkii.server.exception.ServerException

Error code: 1248

Description: Thrown, when a specific InDesignServer instance is busy for a long time and cannot be obtained for a requested operation.
Reasons can be long running jobs or InDesignServer crashes.


Cause: Configuration, IT infrastructure, Comet project configuration

Component: CometServer


Class: com.werkii.server.exception.InitializationErrorException

Super class: com.werkii.server.exception.ServerException

Error code: 538627

Description: Mapped priint:comet InDesignServer plug-ins error; Thrown, when initializing / registering an instance fails, e.g. because the "CometEnvironment" folder cannot be loaded.
Note: this error is also raised, if initialization of external sessions in CometServer 3.4 connector environment fails.


Cause: Installation, IT infrastructure, configuration

Component: priint:comet ID server plug-ins, CometServer


Class: com.werkii.server.exception.InvalidBoundsException

Super class: com.werkii.server.exception.ServerException

Error code: 538635

Description: Mapped priint:comet ID server plug-ins error; Thrown, when bouds (coordinates or dimensions) passed with a request are invalid.


Cause: Comet project configuration, client applications

Component: priint:comet ID server plug-ins


Class: com.werkii.server.exception.InvalidGridIDException

Super class: com.werkii.server.exception.ServerException

Error code: 538646

Description: Mapped priint:comet ID server error; Thrown, when an invalid grid ID was passed for a build request


Cause: Comet project configuration

Component: priint:comet ID server plug-ins


Class: com.werkii.server.exception.InvalidParameterFormatException

Super class: com.werkii.server.exception.ServerException

Error code: 1229

Description: Thrown, when a parameter format or value is invalid, e.g. a null value was passed, when null is not allowed or a double value, when an integer was expected


Cause: Client applications

Component: CometServer


Class: com.werkii.server.exception.InvalidSessionException

Super class: com.werkii.server.exception.ServerException

Error code: 1200 or 2

Description: Thrown, when a session has expired or a session ID is invalid.

Remarks: Note that in priint:comet plug-ins interfaces, invalid sessions are always indicated with error code 2. This error code must not be used for other purposes.

Cause: Client applications, system sanity

Component: CometServer


Class: com.werkii.server.exception.InvalidSetupParamsException

Super class: com.werkii.server.exception.ServerException

Error code: 538642

Description: Mapped priint:comet ID server plug-ins error; thrown, when setup parameters (such as document page dimensions) passed with a request are invalid.


Cause: Comet project configuration, client applications

Component: priint:comet ID server plug-ins


Class: com.werkii.server.exception.InvalidTemplateIDException

Super class: com.werkii.server.exception.ServerException

Error code: 538641

Description: Mapped priint:comet ID server plug-ins error; thrown, when a template ID is invalid (i.e.: this template does not exist or is not applicable for the actual page type).


Cause: Comet project configuration

Component: priint:comet ID server plug-ins


Class: com.werkii.server.exception.InvalidXMLException

Super class: com.werkii.server.exception.ServerException

Error code: 538633

Description: Mapped priint:comet ID server plug-ins error; thrown, when a XML processed by priint:comet plug-ins does not match the expected structure.


Cause: Client applications, Comet project configuration

Component: priint:comet ID server plug-ins


Class: com.werkii.server.exception.MalformedXMLException

Super class: com.werkii.server.exception.ServerException

Error code: 538632

Description: Mapped priint:comet ID server plug-ins error; thrown, when a XML processed by priint:comet plug-ins is not well formed.


Cause: Client applications, Comet project configuration

Component: priint:comet ID server plug-ins


Class: com.werkii.server.exception.NoDatabaseConnection

Super class: com.werkii.server.exception.ServerException

Error code: 1239

Description: Thrown, when there is no database connection available where there should be one.

Remarks: At the time this exception is never raised.


Component: CometServer


Class: com.werkii.server.exception.NoInDesignServerInstanceAvailableException

Super class: com.werkii.server.exception.ServerException

Error code: 1225

Description: Thrown, if no InDesignServer / Renderer instance can be obtained for a request. This can be a hint for misconfiguration (e.g. no suitable InDesignServer instances configured), bad system scaling or recent InDesignServer crashes.


Cause: Configuration, IT infrastructure, system sanity, priint:comet plug-ins version

Component: CometServer


Class: com.werkii.server.exception.NotATmpFileException

Super class: com.werkii.server.exception.ServerException

Error code: 1237

Description: Thrown, when an operation expects a temporary file, but the file or document ID passed does not refer to a temporary file.


Cause: Client applications

Component: CometServer


Class: com.werkii.server.exception.NotYetImplementedException

Super class: com.werkii.server.exception.ServerException

Error code: 1230

Description: Thrown, when a method is not yet implemented in the actual CometServer version.


Cause: Installation, configuration, client applications

Component: CometServer


Class: com.werkii.server.exception.PathException

Super class: com.werkii.server.exception.ServerException

Error code: 1232

Description: Thrown, when a path cannot be resolved or accessed on the server file system.


Cause: Configuration, client applications

Component: CometServer


Class: com.werkii.server.exception.PlaceholderNotFoundException

Super class: com.werkii.server.exception.ServerException

Error code: 538639

Description: Mapped priint:comet ID server plug-ins error; thrown, when a placeholder does not exist or the document does not contain placeholder matching the given criteria.


Cause: Comet project configuration, client applications

Component: priint:comet ID server plug-ins


Class: com.werkii.server.exception.PleaseCheckConfigurationException

Super class: com.werkii.server.exception.ServerException

Error code: 4711

Description: This specific exception is thrown, when a document ID for a publication document cannot be resolved by the priint:planner (though it is supposed to be associated with a publication document).
The same error code is also used in ConfigurationException and CheckConfigurationException.


Cause: Application data, system sanity

Component: CometServer


Class: com.werkii.server.exception.RepositoryNotFoundException

Super class: com.werkii.server.exception.ServerException

Error code: 1244

Description: Thrown, when a document ID is associated with an non existing repository.


Cause: Application data, system sanity

Component: CometServer


Class: com.werkii.server.exception.ServerStateException

Super class: com.werkii.server.exception.ServerException

Error code: 1238

Description: At the time this exception is only thrown, when it is not possible to process a unique ID for a new document.


Cause: System sanity

Component: CometServer


Class: com.werkii.server.exception.SpreadNotFoundException

Super class: com.werkii.server.exception.ServerException

Error code: 538636

Description: Mapped priint:comet ID server plug-ins error; thrown, when a spread cannot be found (either invalid spread ID or out of range).


Cause: Client applications, corrupted documents or resources

Component: priint:comet ID server plug-ins


Class: com.werkii.server.exception.TargetInvocationException

Super class: com.werkii.server.exception.ServerException

Error code: 1243

Description: This is a wrapper for any exception, which might occur during an operation and must be packed in a com.werkii.server.exception.ServerException to be propagated.
Please check log files for the underlying / original exception to examine more specific error reasons.


Cause: Runtime errors

Component: CometServer


Class: com.werkii.server.exception.TargetNotFoundException

Super class: com.werkii.server.exception.ServerException

Error code: -

Description: Super class of PageNotFoundException.
This exception does not seem to be instantiated directly.

Remarks: At the time this exception is never raised.


Component: CometServer


Class: com.werkii.server.exception.PageNotFoundException

Super class: com.werkii.server.exception.ServerException

Error code: 538634

Description: Mapped priint:comet ID server plug-ins error; thrown, when a page cannot be found (e.g. invalid page ID or out of bounds).

Cause: Client applications, corrupted documents or resources

Component: priint:comet ID server plug-ins


Class: com.werkii.server.exception.UncaughtException

Super class: com.werkii.server.exception.ServerException

Error code: 1111

Description: Thrown, when an exception was not caught though it ought to be caught in the underlying code.


Cause: Installation, configuration

Component: CometServer


Class: com.werkii.server.exception.UnknownExportFormatException

Super class: com.werkii.server.exception.ServerException

Error code: 538649

Description: Mapped priint:comet ID server plug-ins error; thrown, when an export format (such as JPG, PNG etc.) cannot be processed by the priint:comet plug-ins.


Cause: Client applications, Comet project configuration, priint:comet plug-ins version

Component: priint:comet ID server plug-ins


Class: com.werkii.server.exception.UnknownPDFProfileException

Super class: com.werkii.server.exception.ServerException

Error code: 538640

Description: Mapped priint:comet ID server plug-ins error; thrown, when a PDF profile requested is unknown.


Cause: Installation, configuration, client applications, priint:comet plug-ins version

Component: priint:comet ID server plug-ins


Class: com.werkii.server.exception.UnknownPoolException

Super class: com.werkii.server.exception.ServerException

Error code: 538656

Description: Mapped priint:comet ID server plug-ins error.

Remarks: At the time this exception is never raised.


Component: priint:comet ID server plug-ins


Class: com.werkii.server.exception.UnknownServiceException

Super class: com.werkii.server.exception.ServerException

Error code: 538654

Description: Mapped priint:comet ID server plug-ins error; thrown, when a service name requested is unknown, i.e.: there is no entry in the connections.xml file matching this service name.


Cause: Installation, configuration

Component: priint:comet ID server plug-ins


Class: com.werkii.server.exception.UnrecoverableErrorException

Super class: com.werkii.server.exception.ServerException

Error code: 538644

Description: Mapped priint:comet ID server plug-ins error; thrown, when serious unrecoverable errors occur (such as out of memory).
As implied by the name, this error is not recoverable and will most probably lead to other exceptions. You should shutdown all services, clean up corrupted resources and restart the sytem again.


Cause: Configuration, scaling, system sanity, corrupted documents and resources

Component: priint:comet ID server plug-ins


Class: com.werkii.server.exception.UnsufficientPrivilegesException

Super class: com.werkii.server.exception.ServerException

Error code: 1245


Remarks: At the time this exception is never raised


Component: CometServer


Class: com.werkii.server.exception.UnsupportedProtocolException

Super class: com.werkii.server.exception.ServerException

Error code: 1226

Description: Thrown, when the protocol for a renderer instance is not supported.


Cause: Configuration, installation

Component: CometServer


Class: com.werkii.server.exception.WorflowJobTechnicalFailureException

Super class: com.werkii.server.exception.ServerException

Error code: -

Description: Thrown, if technical errors occur during processing a workflow business rule.


Cause: Application data, corrupted documents or resources

Component: BusinessRuleManager, BusinessRule plug-ins or 3d party (partner) BusinessRule plug-ins.


Class: com.werkii.server.exception.WorkflowJobBussinessException

Super class: com.werkii.server.exception.ServerException

Error code: -

Description: Thrown, if violation of business rules occur during processing a workflow business rule.


Cause: Application data, corrupted documents or resources

Component: BusinessRuleManager, BusinessRule plug-ins or 3d party (partner) BusinessRule plug-ins.



Class: com.priint.comet.common.CometException

Super class: java.lang.Exception

Error code: -

Description: Thrown in CometServer WebService implementations, such as the CometAdmin, CometWhiteboard or CometServerAPI_V2.
The main intention is to have a thinline, serializable wrapper for arbitrary ServerExceptions. CometExceptions propagate the error code, server module name and message of the original target exception.


Cause: see target exception

Component: CometServer


Class: com.priint.comet.connector.ConnectorException

Super class: java.lang.Exception

Error code: -

Description: Base class for Exceptions thrown during connector initialization or when invoking connector methods.

Remarks: Can only occur in CometServer 3.4 environments using the 3.4 Connector interfaces for authorization or document data access.

Cause: Connector configuration, 3d party (partner) connector implementations

Component: CometServer


Class: com.priint.comet.connector.auth.AuthenticationException

Super class: com.priint.comet.connector.ConnectorException

Error code: -

Description: Base class for exceptions thrown during authentication connector initialization or when invoking methods of a authentication connector.

Remarks: Can only occur in CometServer 3.4 environments using the 3.4 Connector interfaces for authorization or document data access.

Cause: Connector configuration, 3d party (partner) connector implementations

Component: CometServer


Class: com.priint.comet.connector.list.ConnectorAuthenticationList.ConnectorAuthenticationExceptions

Super class: com.priint.comet.connector.auth.AuthenticationException

Error code: -

Description: Wraps one or several exceptions during authentication connector initialization or method call. The exception will only be raised, if all attempts to initialize or call a authentication connector fail.

Remarks: Can only occur in CometServer 3.4 environments using the 3.4 Connector interfaces for authorization or document data access.

Cause: Connector configuration, 3d party (partner) connector implementations

Component: CometServer


Class: com.priint.comet.connector.auth.LoginBlockedException

Super class: com.priint.comet.connector.auth.AuthenticationException

Error code: -

Description: Thrown, when login is denied (e.g. because this account is inactive).

Remarks: Can only occur in CometServer 3.4 environments using the 3.4 Connector interfaces for authorization or document data access.

Cause: Connector configuration, 3d party (partner) connector implementations

Component: CometServer


Class: com.priint.comet.connector.auth.WrongCredentialsException

Super class: com.priint.comet.connector.auth.AuthenticationException

Error code: -

Description: Thrown, when login credentials (either login or password or both) are wrong.

Remarks: Can only occur in CometServer 3.4 environments using the 3.4 Connector interfaces for authorization or document data access.

Cause: Connector configuration, 3d party (partner) connector implementations

Component: CometServer


Class: com.priint.comet.connector.document.DocumentException

Super class: com.priint.comet.connector.ConnectorException

Error code: -

Description: Base class for exceptions thrown during document connector initialization or when invoking methods of a document connector.

Remarks: Can only occur in CometServer 3.4 environments using the 3.4 Connector interfaces for authorization or document data access.

Cause: Connector configuration, 3d party (partner) connector implementations

Component: CometServer


Class: com.priint.comet.connector.list.ConnectorDocumentList.DocumentExceptions

Super class: com.priint.comet.connector.document.DocumentException

Error code: -

Description: Wraps one or several exceptions during document connector initialization or method call. The exception will only be raised, if all attempts to initialize or call a document connector fail.

Remarks: Can only occur in CometServer 3.4 environments using the 3.4 Connector interfaces for authorization or document data access.

Cause: Connector configuration, 3d party (partner) connector implementations

Component: CometServer


Class: com.priint.comet.connector.document.TargetException

Super class: com.priint.comet.connector.document.DocumentException

Error code: -

Description: Wraps exceptions raised in the target of a document connector (e.g. Java.lang.IOExceptions in the Filesystem document connector implementation).

Remarks: Can only occur in CometServer 3.4 environments using the 3.4 Connector interfaces for authorization or document data access.

Cause: Connector configuration, 3d party (partner) connector implementations

Component: CometServer


Class: com.priint.comet.connector.InappropriateConnectorException

Super class: com.priint.comet.connector.ConnectorException

Error code: -

Description: Thrown, if a connector cannot be used for the purpose it was configured for.

Remarks: Can only occur in CometServer 3.4 environments using the 3.4 Connector interfaces for authorization or document data access.

Cause: Connector configuration, 3d party (partner) connector implementations

Component: CometServer


Class: com.priint.comet.connector.InitializationException

Super class: com.priint.comet.connector.ConnectorException

Error code: -

Description: Thrown, if errors occur during connector intialization.

Remarks: Can only occur in CometServer 3.4 environments using the 3.4 Connector interfaces for authorization or document data access.

Cause: Connector configuration, 3d party (partner) connector implementations

Component: CometServer