
You can use Adobe InDesignServer® for rendering pages, exporting PDF documents, create previews and several more rendering tasks.
Connecting publishing server with InDesignServer requires some additional setup steps, which are described in this document.

This guide does not cover installation and configuration in a Comet 3 environment, it also does not cover installation of alternative renderers, such as the priint:renderer.


This documentation refers to

Step by Step

This is a very short summary, detailed description for each step can be found below.

  1. install InDesignServer according to Adobe InDesignServer installation instruction (see Section 3)
  2. install priint:comet plug-ins for InDesignServer (see Section 4)
  3. create or setup paths and folders for log files, cache, temporary documents and publication documents (see Section 5)
  4. configure services or start manually with appropriate startup parameters (see Section 6)
  5. configure InDesignServer instances in the priint:suite admin component and connect publishing server to InDesignServer instances (see Section 7)

Installation Hints for Adobe InDesignServer

Install InDesignServer according to the Adobe InDesignServer documentation.


Depending on the version you will have to enter a serial number upon installation or when first starting the server or both. It may also be required to run a tool named "Adobe Provisioning Toolkit" (adobe_prtk) to properly license InDesignServer.
Detailed information can be found in the documentation delivered with your copy of Adobe InDesignServer.

Fonts, PDF Profiles (“Joboptions”), Dictionaries and InDesignServer

Beside the OS font system, fonts must be installed in the Fonts directory in the InDesignServer Installation directory. Please refer to the Adobe InDesignServer documentation for more information.

If you cannot use PDF Profiles (“Joboptions”) or dictionaries with InDesignServer, this might just be a system privileges / account issue. Depending on the OS, these settings are saved in global / default and / or user directories, such as

Usually you just have to copy these folders into your “local” (i.e. user) settings folder. Please see http://helpx.adobe.com/content/dam/kb/en/407/kb407987/attachments/ID_Presets___Prefs.pdf for more information.

Additional Hints

Mac OS X:
If you want to connect to an ODBC data source, you have to install the iODBC framework, which can be downloaded from http://www.iodbc.org/dataspace/iodbc/wiki/iODBC/Downloads. Scroll down to the Mac OS X section and select the installation package suitable for your OS version (for Mac OS X 10.6, 10.7 and 10.8 you can use the 10.5 package).
Alternatively you can install any of the ODBC drivers available from Openlink, this includes installation of the framework. For more information visit http://www.openlinksw.com.

In a publishing server environment, you usually do not need ODBC connections, therefore you'd rather install a plug-in version without ODBC connection support instead. See section "Choosing the right Plug-ins" below for details.

Installation of priint:comet Server Plug-ins for Adobe InDesignServer

Choose the right Plug-ins

priint:comet plug-ins for InDesignServer are delivered as ZIP archives, e.g. Comet 4.0.5 R9722 (Mac), CS6(Server).zip or Comet 4.0.5 R9722 (Windows), CS6(Server-x64).zip.

Please note:

The following table shows the plug-ins contained in the Server ZIP archive. Plug-ins marked with "x" must be installed, plug-ins marked with "o" are highly recommended being installed.

Plug-In / File Name (Mac, Windows) Description Comment Install

Comet [Server].InDesignPlugin

Comet [Server64].pln

Scripting support  



WebService for publishing server / CometServer communication  

CoreService [Server].InDesignPlugin

CoreService [Server64].pln

Support for all connection types (except of OCI)

only one of these plug-ins must be present

CoreService [Internet][Server].InDesignPlugin

CoreService [Internet][Server64].pln

SOAP connections

CoreServlett [Server].InDesignPlugin

CoreServlett [Server64].pln

Reader Plugin

Documents [Server].InDesignPlugin

Documents [Server64].pln

Support for publication, publication parameters, etc.  

DataFiles [Server].InDesignPlugin

DataFiles [Server64].pln

File mappings / global script variables  

EmbeddedLink [Server].InDesignPlugin

EmbeddedLink [Server64].pln

Support for text placeholders and tags  

FrameLink [Server].InDesignPlugin

FrameLink [Server64].pln

Support for frame placeholders and tags  

PageAdapter [Server].InDesignPlugin

PageAdapter [Server64].pln

Non-proportional adaption full version install either both readers or both full versions

PageAdapter [Model][Server].InDesignPlugin

PageAdapter [Model][Server64].pln

PageAdapter-Reader [Server].InDesignPlugin

PageAdapter-Reader [Server64].pln

Non-proportional adaption build support and reader

PageAdapter-Reader [Model][Server].InDesignPlugin

PageAdapter-Reader [Model][Server64].pln

PageTemplates [Server].InDesignPlugin

PageTemplates [Server64].pln

Page templates support  

PageTemplates [Model][Server].InDesignPlugin

PageTemplates [Model][Server64].pln


Placeholder [Server].InDesignPlugin

Placeholder [Server64].pln

Placeholder support  

Products [Server].InDesignPlugin

Products [Server64].pln

Build support  

ToDoList [Server].InDesignPlugin

ToDoList [Server64].pln

Comments and tasks  

ToDoList [Model][Server].InDesignPlugin

ToDoList [Model][Server64].pln


Installation Procedure

Mac OS X: please use the Archive Utility application or ditto to unpack the plug-ins archive.


ditto -xk 'Comet 4.0.5 R9722 (Mac), CS6(Server).zip' .

This will create a folder named Werk II R9722 and unpack all plug-ins in this folder.

Licensing priint:comet Server Plug-ins

If this is your first installation, you have to license the priint:comet plug-ins.

  1. After installing the plug-ins start InDesignServer from a command line.
    Windows: in the command prompt type (finish each line with [Enter])
    cd C:\Program Files(x86)\Adobe\Adobe InDesign CS5 Server\
    Mac: in a Terminal window type (finish each line with [Enter])
    cd /Applications/Adobe\ InDesign\ CS5\ Server/ 
    (depending on the installation location and CS version the path may differ).
  2. After a while you should see a message like
    . The plugins will only work as reader. If the full functionality
    . of priint.comet is needed, you need a valid license from Werk II
    . If you have a valid license file w2.lic,
    . please place this file into the Plug-Ins folder or restart
    . InDesign Server with the -cometlic  option
    . If you do not have a valid license, then for ordering please
    . copy and paste the following lines and send them to 
    . license@werk-ii.com
    "InDesign Server CS6"
  3. As instructed on the screen, copy and paste the last five lines and send them to license@werk- ii.com (for the sake of convenience you can as well use license@priint.com). In return you will receive a license file. Just save this file in the priint:comet plug-ins folder (next to the priint:comet Server plug-ins) and restart InDesignServer. Please contact license@priint.com for pricing information also.

Paths and folders

You must setup the following paths and folders to use the priint:comet plug-ins

Cache Path

This path is used by the plug-ins to store temporary data (downloaded templates, actions etc.).

Configuration: InDesignServer command line parameter -cometcache
Example: C:\comet\cache_instance1\

Comet Log

This is the file comet log messages are written to.

Configuration: InDesignServer command line parameter -cometlog
Example: C:\comet\logs\comet1.log

Comet API Log

This is the file comet API log messages are written to.

Configuration: InDesignServer command line parameter -cometapilog
Example: C:\comet\logs\api1.log

Temporary Session Files

This is the folder, temporary session data is written to and read from. Typically this is a network mount, because other components (publishing server / CometServer) access this folder too.

Configuration: priint:suite adminstration, variable tmpPath. See screenshot below. Don't forget to click the "save" button after changing this value!
Example: \\Shared\publishing_server\tmp

Document Files

This is the folder, documents (e.g. publication documents) are written to and read from. Typically this is a network mount, because other components (publishing server / CometServer) access this folder too.

Configuration: priint:suite adminstration, variable documentRoot. See screenshot below. Don't forget to click the "save" button after changing this value!
Example: \\Shared\publishing_server\documents

priint:suite administration

Configuring Adobe InDesignServer


Configuration Parameters

No matter how you are going to start InDesignServer (see Section "Manual startup vs. service" below), InDesignServer instances are configured by a set of command line parameters. Either you type them in in a Terminal windows or Command Prompt, or they are saved in a service configuration file.

A typical startup command on Windows looks like this (all in one line):

InDesignServer.com -configuration Instance1 -cometport 4711 -cometcache C:\comet\cache\instance1 -cometlog C:\comet\log\comet1.log -cometapilog C:\comet\log\api1.log -cometlic C:\comet\w2.lic -cometxmlparser fast -previews -LogToApplicationEventLog 

A typical startup command on Mac looks like this (all in one line):

./InDesignServer -configuration Instance1 -cometport 4711 -cometcache /var/comet/cache/instance1 –cometlog /var/comet/log/comet.log -cometapilog /var/comet/log/api.log -cometlic /var/comet/w2.lic -cometxmlparser fast -previews

The following table gives an overview of available and mandatory parameters:

Argument Name Argument Value Description Mandatory / Recommended
common Adobe / InDesignServer parameters:
configuration <configuration name>

If you run several instances on one InDesignServer host, each instance must have an unique “configuration name” (such as “instance1”, “instance2” etc.).

Again, the configuration option must be unique for each InDesignServer instance running on the same machine.

iorfile <path to iorfile> This is the communication endpoint for Corba connections. You must provide a file name, the destination folder must exist and must be writeable for the InDesignServer user. If the file provided already exists, this file must be writeable for the InDesignServer user. no, deprecated
previews - Calculate previews for embedded or linked images. For whiteboard applications or if documents are exchanged with InDesign Desktop you should always turn this option on, otherwise you will see grey squares instead of images in previews and when first opening the document with InDesign Desktop no / yes
nopreviews - Turn preview calculation of no / no
LogToApplicationEventLog - Redirect output to the system console (Mac) or Event Log (Windows) no / yes
pluginpath <path[,path]> Additional plug-in folder paths, relative to the application. This can be useful in multi instance environments when running several instances with different purposes (e.g. with / without priint:comet Server plug-ins or with different Plug-In versions) no / depends
priint:comet parameters:
cometport <port>

(SOAP Support only) Listen for SOAP requests on the given port. If the Soap Support Plug-In is installed, setting this option will enable the SOAP Service.

The cometport option must be unique for each InDesignServer instance running on the same machine.

cometlog <comet log file path>

Enable common logging and write logs to <comet log file path>. You should enable logging on development systems and to trace errors on productive systems. The destination folder must exist, otherwise logging will fail.

If set, the cometlog option must be unique for each InDesignServer instance running on the same machine.

no / yes (at least while developing)
cometapilog <api log file path>

Enable API logging and write logs to <api log file path>. This will trace the complete communication between priint:cometserver and InDesignServer. The destination folder must exist, otherwise logging will fail.

If set, the cometapilog option must be unique for each InDesignServer instance running on the same machine.

no / yes
cometlogrotate <# bytes> Rotate comet logs, if the log file exceeds the size of <# bytes> bytes. Default is 2MB, -1 will disable log rotate at all (not recommended). This setting applies to all log files. no / no
cometlic <license file path> Read license from <license file path> rather than w2.lic in the plug-ins folder. To make plug-in updates easier, we recommend using this option and keep the license file outside of the plug-ins folder. no / yes
cometcache <cache folder path> Set the comet cache path. The cache path must be unique for each InDesignServer instance running on the same machine, so it’s highly recommended using this option. The default is ~/Documents/XCache, which might not be useful in a server environment. yes / yes
cometidmlcache <on | off>

Turn IDML cache on (default is off). With IDML cache turned on, all templates will be resaved as IDML and then opened from the IDML file. This will slow down the first builds a little bit, but can help to speed up subsequent builds, reduce size of generated documents and solve problems caused by sorrupted or outdated templates.

You can skip this option, unless you encounter frequent performance or stability issues when generating pages.

no / no
cometxmlparser <classic | optimized | fast> Which XML parser to use. You should skip this option or set it to fast no / no
cometdrawidle <true | false> Enable / disable draw idle features. If turned on (default), InDesignServer will prepare previews whenever “idle”. You should not turn it off, except you notice problems with previews. no / no
cometparanoidredraw <true | false>

With paranoidredraw turned on, every spread is forced to be rendered in kPrinting mode before the first preview request, even if the spread has not been changed after the document has been openend.

Customers reported, that they had occasional problems with text placeholders, which appeared to be empty in previews. This is a known problem for placeholders, that have just been loaded or updated, but not yet rendered in kPrinting mode; it is not a known problem for placeholders in documents just opened. However, since it seems to be a potential problem, the potential solution would be to turn cometparanoidredraw on.

no / no
cometthreshold <# bytes> Threshold in bytes before writing script results (like XML strings) in tmp files rather than returning the string. This setting is relevant for the Corba connection only, the default value is 32768. Higher values may improve performance, on the other hand large result strings (> 512k) sometimes cause failures in the Corba connection. no / no (not relevant for SOAP communication)
one of the following criteria:
  • uptime=nd | nh | nm | ns documents=n
  • jobs=n
  • memory[=low] time=hh:mm:ss headroom=nG | nM | nK

Shutdown the InDesignServer instance or purge memory after (every) n days / hours / minutes / seconds uptime, after n documents or n jobs have been processed, when memory is low, at a certain time or when no more n GB memory can be allocated.

See Section “5.8 Advanced InDesignServer Configuration” for more information.

for debugging and troubleshooting. See Section 8 Troubleshooting below.
There are several more options related to the SOAP communication, which should be more or less self- explanatory. Changing them is only required, if you encounter problems with the SOAP communication:
cometaccepttimeout <accept timeout in ms> default: 1000 (= 1s) no / no
cometreceivetimeout <receive timeout in ms> default: 60000 (=60s) no / no
cometsendtimeout <send timeout in ms> default: 60000 (=60s) no / no
cometyield <yield ms> milliseconds to yield between listen attempts, currently unused no / no
cometconfig <config.xml path> Path to the Autocomet configuration file (batch mode). no, deprecated
playback OFF | RECORD | ON

Since v4.0.5 R16200 Use of recorded data in $XCACHE

priint:comet plugins can record received data from external data sources. Recorded data can used in playback mode. WERK 2 reserves the right to turn off this feature at any time - please contact WERK 2 if you plan to use recoreded data.

no / no

Startup Configuration

You can start and stop InDesignServer manually or as a service. There is no general advantage of one way over the other (once running, InDesignServer and the priint:comet Server plug-ins support all features, whether you started InDesignServer as a service or manually), so, which way is more suitable for you primarily depends on the intended use.


Manually Start / Stop

Manually start / stop InDesignServer on Microsoft Windows

Open a command prompt, change to the InDesignServer installation directory

cd C:\Program Files\Adobe\Adobe InDesign CS5 Server\
Start a InDesignServer instance (type all in one line)
InDesignServer.com -configuration instance1 -cometport 4711 -cometcache
To stop this instance hit CTRL-c in the console window (InDesignServer will process the signal when idle the next time, so shutdown may take a while). If it’s not possible to shutdown InDesignServer in the console window, kill the process in the Windows Taskmanager.

To start a second or third InDesignServer instance open another command prompt, cd to the installation directory and type (for example, type all in one line)

InDesignServer.com -configuration instance2 -cometport 4712 -cometcache
Remember, that configuration, cometport and cometcache must be unique for each instance running on one server.

Manually start / stop InDesignServer on Apple Mac OS X

Open a Terminal window, change to the InDesignServer installation directory

cd /Applications/Adobe\ InDesign\ CS5\ Server/
Start a InDesignServer instance
./InDesignServer -configuration -cometport 4711 instance1 -cometcache
To stop this instance hit CTRL-c in the Terminal window (InDesignServer will process the signal when idle the next time, so shutdown may take a while). If it’s not possible to shutdown InDesignServer in the Terminal window, find out the process id with
ps a|grep -i [i]ndesignserver
This will output something like
2805 s000 S+ 0:00.00 /bin/bash ./InDesignServer -iorfile /var/comet/ids1.ior -cometcache /var/comet/cache/instance1
2807 s000 S+ 0:05.27 ./InDesignServer.app/Contents/MacOS/InDesignServer -iorfile /var/comet/ids1.ior -cometcache /var/comet/cache/instance1
The first number is the process id of the InDesignServer process, in this case you would terminate InDesignServer with
kill -9 2805
To start a second or third InDesignServer instance open another Terminal window, cd to the installation directory and type (for example)
./InDesignServer -configuration instance2 -cometport 4712 -cometcache
Remember, that configuration, cometport and cometcache must be unique for each instance running on one server.

Running InDesignServer as a Windows Service

If during the installation the component "ID SERVER SERVICE FILES" was selected, the installer will register two Windows services that can start and monitor InDesignServer instances without an interactive user session login.
You can configure, add and remove instances by using the Windows Management console plugin. It can be found in the InDesign Server installation directory as InDesignServerService.msc. To launch the Windows Management console, just double click the .msc file. This is how it should work, below you find explanations how to fix problems, if it doesn’t work out if the box.

  1. double click the InDesignServerService.msc file in the InDesignServer installation directory. This will launch the Windows Management console.
  2. right click on the InDesignServerService entry in the left tree view. Select New > New InDesign Server instance. A new entry will show up in the list view. A double click will open the configuration dialogue for this instance. The configuration is equivalent to the command line configuration mentioned above
    • leave the port number empty (we do not use the Adobe built in SOAP service)
    • type in all command line arguments in the second input field. Refer to Section 6.1 Configuration Parameters for details.
  3. open the service settings in the Windows service administration tool and under the Log On panel assign an account that's equipped with the proper privileges to run InDesignServer.
  4. restart the InDesignServerService service to activate new instances or new settings
By using the process view in the Windows Taskmanager, you should see one InDesignServer process for each instance alongside one single InDesignServerService.
For more details please refer to Adobe's "Introduction to Adobe InDesign CS6 Server" documentation, e.g. chapter "Configuring InDesign Server Windows Service".
Windows Management Console Error

In some cases the management console plugin needs manual fixes to work properly. If double clicking the .msc file results in an error message, open a command prompt with administrator privileges, navigate to your InDesign Server installation directory (e.g. C:\Program Files (x86)\Adobe\Adobe InDesign CS6 Server) and enter the following command

regsvr32 InDesignServerMMC64.dll /u
to remove the damaged registration and reinstall it with
regsvr32 InDesignServerMMC64.dll
After this, you should be able to launch the management console plugin.

Error #1053

If InDesign Server Service does not start properly and exits with an error "#1053 The service did not respond to the start or control request in a timely fashion.", there are two ways to fix the problem:

  1. Does not affect the rest of the system, but doesn’t work on all machines
    1. open the Windows service configuration dialogue
    2. find "InDesignServerService"
    3. select "Properties" from the context menu (right click) and under "Recovery" switch "First failure" and "Second failure" to "Restart the Service"
  2. Reliable, but affects all services
    1. click the Start button, then click Run, type regedit, and click OK.
    2. in the Registry Editor, click the registry subkey
    3. in the details pane, locate the ServicesPipeTimeout entry, right-click that entry and then select Modify.
      Note: If the ServicesPipeTimeout entry does not exist, you must create it by selecting New on the Edit menu, followed by the DWORD Value, then typing ServicesPipeTimeout, and clicking Enter.
    4. click Decimal, enter the new timeout value in milliseconds, and then click OK.
    5. restart the computer
    The default value is 30000ms (=30s), which seems to be too short for some servers running as a virtual machine or on low hardware resources.
    This instruction was adapted from the Microsoft Technet WebSite, more information can be found at http://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/library/dd349403%28v=ws.10%29.aspx.

Other Problems

There are also cases where de- and manually re-registering the service is necessary if the above steps do not help. To do so

  1. open the command prompt with administrator privileges
  2. navigate to your InDesign Server installation directory and find "InDesignServerService"
  3. enter the follow command to unregister the service:
    InDesignServerService /install /u
  4. Reboot the system, with administrator privileges run the following command in the same directory
    InDesignServerService /install

Running InDesignServer As A Mac OS X Service using launchd

To start and run InDesignServer using launchd, you must define a daemon for each InDesignServer instance. To do so, put a configuration file into /Library/LaunchDaemons/. This file should have a reasonable name (so it can be identified for later editing) and must have the extension .plist.

Example (file /Library/LaunchDaemons/com.priint.comet2.plist)

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE plist PUBLIC ="-//Apple Computer//DTD PLIST 1.0//EN" "http://www.apple.com/DTDs/PropertyList-1.0.dtd">
<plist version="1.0">
      <string>/Applications/Adobe InDesign CS6 Server/InDesignServer.app/Contents/MacOS/InDesignServer</string>

Pretty straightforward. To add more command line arguments, you would simply add more string- element pairs (or single string-elements) to the ProgramArguments array. To add another instance, you just have to copy this file to – say - /Library/LaunchDaemons/com.priint.comet2.plist and change the cometport, configuration and cometcache values.

On system startup all daemons found in /Library/LaunchDaemons are started (unless OnDemand is set to true, which at the time of this writing doesn’t make sense in a publishing server environment).

To start the service manually, open a Terminal window and type

sudo launchctl load /Library/LaunchDaemons/com.priint.comet1.plist
To stop manually, use
sudo launchctl unload /Library/LaunchDaemons/com.priint.comet1.plist

It is not recommended saving Daemon files in the /System/Library/LaunchDaemons folder. These entries may be deleted on system updates. Daemons in /Library/LaunchDaemons will be started literally the same way like daemons in /System/Library/LaunchDaemons.

Connecting priint:publishing server to InDesignServer Instances

To use InDesignServer with the publishing server, they first must be configured in the comet_admin database resp. priint:suite administration console.

During installation, you can choose whether to support InDesignServer or not, and choose the number of instances, server address, port range etc. for InDesignServer. You can change this configuration later, however some of these settings can only be edited directly in the database and will require a server restart.

General Information

The publishing server connects to InDesignServer via SOAP over HTTP. Just now we have configured one or several InDesignServer instances, each with a unique cometport (see above). The server IP address plus this port number is the service endpoint we need to connect to this InDesignServer instance.

Example: server address name is ids.intranet.enterprise.com, cometport is 4711, service endpoint therefore is http://ids.intranet.enterprise.com:4711/.

The InDesignServer instances need to connect back to the publishing server (actually to the Comet3 WebService provided by the CometBridge priint:publishing server Plugin), this is a SOAP over HTTP connection also.

Note: we do not support HTTPS respectively SSL for the InDesignServer WebService and though we support HTTPS for the callback service, it is not recommended using SSL here.
Instead, it is highly recommended securing all InDesignServer service ports and the port used for callback service. This is subject to the system provider or solution partner and can be solved e.g. by establishing firewall rules, which limit access to these ports to the publishing server host respectively the InDesignServer host.

Basic Configuration

The callback address and credentials can be configured in priint:suite > Administration > Preferences > AdminDB property

Settings in this panel:

callback configuration

InDesignServer Configuration

There should be at least two preconfigured server entries in the priint:suite > Administration > Preferences > AdminDB property > Indesign servers node. Actually we do not configure physical servers here, but only server types (LOCAL, REMOTE etc.), see screenshot below.
If for any reason these nodes do not exist in your installation, you have to edit the /pubserver/pluginconfig/com.priint.pubserver.preferences.InDesignServers/custom/InDesignServers.xml config file in the configs repository (using ISON Eclipse [Repository view]). This file should look like following:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?><con:PluginConfig xmlns:con="com.priint.pubserver.config.manager/20130620">
        <cfg:InDesignServers xmlns:cfg="http://priint.com/pubserver.appserver.config/v1">
            <cfg:InDesignServers serverId="2">
                <cfg:serverName>Remote Server</cfg:serverName>
            <cfg:InDesignServers serverId="3">
                <cfg:serverName>Offline Server</cfg:serverName>
If these entries are missing, add into /pubserver/pluginconfig/com.priint.pubserver.preferences.InDesignServers/custom/InDesignServers.xml config file :
<cfg:InDesignServers serverId="2">
    <cfg:serverName>Remote Server</cfg:serverName>
<cfg:InDesignServers serverId="3">
    <cfg:serverName>Offline Server</cfg:serverName>
You must restart glassfish / publishing servers to see the changes.

server types

InDesignServer Instance Configuration

By opening the REMOTE server node, you should see instances configured for this server type (see screenshot).