The priint:comet InDesign Desktop Preview panel can be used to show alternative content for placeholders or items selected in the Product panel.
A preview statement is provided for each Java method of a PubServer Plug-In deployed on the server and annotated as PluginMethod.MethodType.PREVIEW_STATEMENT. Preview methods must follow certain conventions regarding the method signature and return type.
This documentation shows how to implement preview statement methods.
To implement preview statements, you need
- PublishingServer Server version 4.0.3 or newer.
- the PubServerSDK
- Java development environment, such as Eclipse
- InDesign Desktop (CS6 .. CC 2019) with priint:comet Plug-Ins version 4.0 or newer
Step by step
To demonstrate the principle of implementing custom preview statements, we start with a simple step by step example.
- open an existing priint:publishing server plug-in library project or create a new plug-in library project
If unsure, how to create or use a plug-in library project, please refer to the How to create a plug-in library guide. - add an priint:publishing server plug-in class to this project, e.g.
package com.priint.pubserver.comet.previewstatement; @Stateless(mappedName="com.priint.pubserver.comet.previewstatement.HelloWorld") @LocalBean @PubServerPlugin public class HelloWorld extends PluginControlDefault { }
- create a new priint:publishing server method like shown below:
@PubServerMethod( type=PluginMethod.MethodType.PREVIEW_STATEMENT, label="Weekdays", description="All weekdays in the specified locale") @CometPreviewStatementProperties(selectionTarget=SelectionTarget.NONE) public List<Preview> getLocalizedWeekdays( @PubServerMethodParameter String modelId, @PubServerMethodParameter Context context, @PubServerMethodParameter String entityId, @PubServerMethodParameter String recordId, @PubServerMethodParameter String recordGroupId, @PubServerMethodParameter String entityClass, @PubServerMethodParameter String searchLocale, @PubServerMethodParameter String searchUnused) throws CometException { try { List<Preview> result = new ArrayList<>(); String locale = searchLocale != null && !searchLocale.isEmpty() ? searchLocale : context.getLanguage(); if (locale == null || locale.isEmpty()) { locale = "de"; } DateFormatSymbols symbols = new DateFormatSymbols(new Locale(locale)); String[] shortNames = symbols.getShortWeekdays(); String[] longNames = symbols.getWeekdays(); for (int i = 1; i < shortNames.length; ++i) { TextPreview p = new TextPreview(); p.setId(1); p.setId2(0); p.setId3(0); p.setStringId(shortNames[i]); p.setName(shortNames[i]); p.setDescription("The name of day #" + i + " of week in locale '" + locale + "'"); p.setText(longNames[i]); result.add(p); } return result; } finally { } }
- export the plug-in library to an EJB jar file and deploy it on your PublishingServer
- login with InDesign Desktop and open the preview panel. You should now see a new find statement like shown in this screenshot:
- By selecting the entry "Weekdays" or clicking the search button, the weekdays are shown using the default locale or locale set as "searchValue1"
- a preview statement is defined by implementing a Java method annotated as @PluginMethod with type=PluginMethod.MethodType.PREVIEW_STATEMENT
- several preview statements are defined by implementing more than one Java method (i.e.: each find statement has it's Java method counterpart)
Preview statements / Java method details
Java preview statement methods must meet the following requirements:
- the method must be annotated as a @PubServerMethod with type=PluginMethod.MethodType.PREVIEW_STATEMENT
- return type is a list (java.util.List) with elements of types derived from com.priint.pubserver.plugin.entitydata.EntityData or com.priint.pubserver.comet.bridge.entitydata.Preview
- type and order of parameters is mandatory as shown in the next section
The method signature of Preview Statements isn't declared in a Java interface (as the method name is subject to the Plugin developer), but the parameter number and order must be exactly as follows:
- String modelId: the identifier of the entity model [1st]
- Context context: language, country, assortment ... [2nd]
- String entityId: identifier of the entity [3rd]
- String recordId: identifier of the record [4th]
- String recordGroupId: group identifier of the record [5th]
- String entityClass: class of the entity (e.g. Bucket, KeyValue ...) [6th]
- String searchValue1: search value 1 [7th]
- String searchValue2: search value 2 [8th]
All parameters must be annotated as @PubServerMethodParameter
The modelId parameter is set to the identifier of the entity model associated to the Comet project, the current session is connected to.
The context parameter is initialized according to the product panel configuration.
The entityId, recordId, recordGroupId and entityClass parameters are set from the calling environment, i.e.: selection in the InDesign document or Product panel (if applicable).
The two search... parameters are set to the values entered by the user in text input fileds 1 to 2. Empty fields will result in an empty String, the value will never be null.
Return Type
Return type must be java.util.List. The list elements must be either
- one of the com.priint.pubserver.plugin.entitydata types (MediaAsset, Text, Bucket etc.).
- com.priint.pubserver.comet.bridge.entitydata.Preview (or derived type). This allows detailed control, which values are propagated to the Preview panel.
Preview Statements Decorations
You can use the @PubServerMethod respective @PubServerMethodParameter attributes to control certain aspects of the Preview panel UI
Statement Label
The statement label (as shown in the drop down menue for available preview statements) is set by the @PubServerMethod label attribute.
@PubServerMethod( type=PluginMethod.MethodType.PREVIEW_STATEMENT, label="Get text alternatives" ) public List<Text> getTextAlternatives( @PubServerMethodParameter String modelId, @PubServerMethodParameter Context context, // ...
Search Field Labels
Search fields cannot be disabled, they are always visible and editable in the panel. If no label is defined for the search field parameters, default labels (e.g. Suchfeld 1) are shown.
By using the @PubServerMethodParameter name attribute, the label of search input fields can be defined:
@PubServerMethod( type=PluginMethod.MethodType.PREVIEW_STATEMENT, label="Get text alternatives" ) public List<Text> getTextAlternatives( @PubServerMethodParameter String modelId, @PubServerMethodParameter Context context, // ... @PubServerMethodParameter(name="Locale") String locale, @PubServerMethodParameter(name="<0x200A>") String unused) throws CometException { // etc. ...
The second search field is not used for this preview statement. Since an empty string would result in the default value ("Search field 2"), we use the Unicode hairspace sign <0x200A> to make the label somewhat "hidden".
Note: the space for labels is very limited in the InDesign Preview panel, only about 7 to 10 characters can be shown. The full label is always shown in the tooltip, when the mouse pointer is moved over the label text field.
Preview Behaviour (@CometPreviewStatementProperties)
The @CometPreviewStatementProperties annotation allows to control the behaviour of a preview statement (in our first example you may already have noticed the @CometPreviewStatementProperties selectionTarget property).
The attributes applicable for the @CometPreviewStatementProperties annotation are described in the following.
selectionTarget controls, whether the statement is dependent on the document, the product panel, both or no selection. Possible values are:
- NONE: this statement does not require or process any selection
- DOCUMENT: this statement refers to the (and requires a) document selection
- PANEL: this statement refers to the selected entry in the product panel
- BOTH: this statement referens to the document seletion or the product panel selection. In this case, the document selection takes precedence over the panel selection.
Defines, whether this statement requires a selection or not. In case of selectionTarget=NONE, the attribute value has no effect.
Possible values:
- true (default): the statement requires an appropriate selection. If nothing is selected, the statement cannot be executed
- false: the statement does not require selection.
Just like placeholders, preview statements can be configured to use the parent IDs (record, entity, group, class) rather than the ID of the record itself.
Possible values:
- true: use the parent IDs
- false (default): use the record IDs
Result Properties (@CometPreviewResultProperties)
The @CometPreviewResultProperties annotation allows to control some of the basic result properties when using EntityData return types and standard mapping.
The label of a CometPreviewLinkScript.
When using standard mappings for the results of a preview method call, the ID of this script is used for all result objects.
If a script with this label does not exist or isn't a CometPreviewLinkScript, an exception will be raised.
ID of a CometPreviewLinkScript.
When using standard mapping for the results of a preview method call, the ID of this script is used for all result objects.
Note: if linkScriptLabel and linkScriptId are defined, the linkScriptLabel attribute takes precedence over the linkScriptId attribute.
The priceProperty attribute allows easy control, which property of a price entity is used for the result values.
Possible values are:
- CometPreviewResultProperties.PriceProperty.AMOUNT
- CometPreviewResultProperties.PriceProperty.CURRENCY
- CometPreviewResultProperties.PriceProperty.ITEMPRICE
- CometPreviewResultProperties.PriceProperty.LABEL
- CometPreviewResultProperties.PriceProperty.LISTPRICE (default)
- CometPreviewResultProperties.PriceProperty.MINORDERQUANTITY
- CometPreviewResultProperties.PriceProperty.OLDITEMPRICE
- CometPreviewResultProperties.PriceProperty.OLDPRICE
- CometPreviewResultProperties.PriceProperty.PACKAGINGUNIT
- CometPreviewResultProperties.PriceProperty.PRICE
- CometPreviewResultProperties.PriceProperty.PRICEUNIT
- CometPreviewResultProperties.PriceProperty.QUANTITYOFPACKAGINGUNIT
- CometPreviewResultProperties.PriceProperty.VALIDFROM
- CometPreviewResultProperties.PriceProperty.VALIDTO
Use proxy for MediaAsset data.
If set to true, media preview and data will be requested from PubServer. This requires, that the media files are accessible from the server file system.
If set to false, media assets are accessed directly from InDesign and previews are calculated on the client. This requires, that the media files are accessible from the client file system.
Possible values:
- true: use media proxy
- false: directly access media assets
Preview Processing Properties (@CometPreviewProcessingProperties)
The @CometPreviewProcessingProperties annotation allows deeper control, how result data is mapped and processed.
Mapped name of a Plugin to map results from a preview method call.
This value can only be set in combination with dataMappingMethod(). If defined, results from a preview method call will be mapped to com.priint.pubserver.comet.bridge.entitydata.Preview objects using this method rather than the standard mapping.
Mapping methods must match these requirements:
- the first parameter must be of type java.util.List<?>
- the result type must be java.util.List<com.priint.pubserver.comet.bridge.entitydata.Preview>
- they should be capable of mapping any expected input type (e.g. Bucket, MediaAsset, Text, Preview...) to link com.priint.pubserver.comet.bridge.entitydata.Preview
More values from the request context can be accessed by declaring [2..n] parameters and using one of the following defaultValues:
- String ParameterTags.Tag.MODEL_ID: the identifier of the entity model
- Context ParameterTags.Tag.ENTITY_CONTEXT: language, country, assortment ...
- String ParameterTags.Tag.ENTITY_ID: identifier of the entity
- String ParameterTags.Tag.RECORD_ID: identifier of the record
- String ParameterTags.Tag.RECORD_GROUPID: group identifier of the record
- String ParameterTags.Tag.ENTITY_CLASS: class of the entity (e.g. Bucket, KeyValue ...)
- String ParameterTags.Tag.FIND_VALUE1: search value 1
- String ParameterTags.Tag.FIND_VALUE2: search value 2
Name of a method to map results of a preview method call.
This value can only be set in combination with dataMappingPlugin, see the dataMappingPlugin documentation for further information.
Mapped name of a Plugin to post process results of a preview method call.
This value can only be set in combination with dataProcessingMethod. If defined, results from a preview method call will be passed to this method.
Processing methods must match the following requirements:
- the first parameter must be of type java.util.List<Preview>
- the result type must be java.util.List<Preview>
More values from the request context can be accessed by declaring [2..n] parameters and using one of the following defaultValues:
- String ParameterTags.Tag.MODEL_ID: the identifier of the entity model
- Context ParameterTags.Tag.ENTITY_CONTEXT: language, country, assortment ...
- String ParameterTags.Tag.ENTITY_ID: identifier of the entity
- String ParameterTags.Tag.RECORD_ID: identifier of the record
- String ParameterTags.Tag.RECORD_GROUPID: group identifier of the record
- String ParameterTags.Tag.ENTITY_CLASS: class of the entity (e.g. Bucket, KeyValue ...)
- String ParameterTags.Tag.FIND_VALUE1: search value 1
- String ParameterTags.Tag.FIND_VALUE2: search value 2
Name of a method to post process results of a preview method call.
This value can only be set in combination with dataProcessingPlugin, see the dataProcessingPlugin documentation for further information.
Use placeholder data processing for all results.
If set to true and the statement is run from a placeholder context, all result data is processed using the same instructions like this placeholder.
Possible values
- true: use data processing instruction from the placeholder
- false: do not use data processing instructions from placeholder
Examples for preview statements for each EntityData type (Text, Price, MediaAsset etc.) including mixed results and results not bound to entities (like the HelloWorld example above) can be found in the DemoPreviewStatements project available on the documentation site.
Standard DataMapping methods for previews are implemented in the CometDataMapping Plugin and can be referred via the com.priint.pubserver.comet.bridge.datamapping.DataMappingToPreviewLocal interface defined in the PubServerSDK
The result types com.priint.pubserver.comet.bridge.entitydata.Preview and derived types com.priint.pubserver.comet.bridge.entitydata.TextPreview, com.priint.pubserver.comet.bridge.entitydata.ImagePreview and com.priint.pubserver.comet.bridge.entitydata.SnippetPreview are also defined in the PubServerSDK.