
Two method allow to create or get a PDF of a document:

Generated PDFs are preserved until either


String w2mlString = "";
Path destinationFile; // ... initialization 
try (OpenedDocument document = ((Renderer) renderer).openDocument(
                                    new TmpCopyFromString(w2mlString))) {
  // createPdf enforces creation (including full rendering) of the Pdf document
  // The created file is deleted, when the document is changed or closed, so 
  // probably after a createPdf call you want to copy the file:
  Path pdfPath = document.createPdf();
  Files.copy(pdfPath, destinationFile);
catch (PdfLibraryException e) {
  // PdfLibraryException are exceptions 
  // triggered by the underlying pdflib
  // library
catch (RendererException e) {
  // Exceptions thrown during rendering
catch (Exception e) {
  // Exceptions thrown during auto-close


String w2mlString = "";
try (OpenedDocument document = ((Renderer) renderer).openDocument(
                                      new TmpCopyFromString(w2mlString, W2MLDocumentType.class))) {
  // getPdf returns the data of an already existing or newly generated
  // Pdf file. As preserved files are deleted automatically, whenever 
  // the document is changed, you should usually call getPdf rather than
  // createPdf
  byte[] pdfData = document.getPdf();
catch (PdfLibraryException e) {
  // PdfLibraryException are exceptions 
  // triggered by the underlying pdflib
  // library
catch (RendererException e) {
  // Exceptions thrown during rendering
catch (Exception e) {
  // Exceptions thrown during auto-close

PDF Profiles / Joboptions

You can provide a pdf profile (aka "joboptions") when creating a Pdf. Please refer to the Plug-Ins documentation for information, how to create and how to manage pdf joboptions.

The Pdf profile can be provided with the Options parameter to both getPdf and createPdf method:

String w2mlString = "";
try (OpenedDocument document = ((Renderer) renderer).openDocument("DSN", new TmpCopyFromString(w2mlString))) {
  byte[] pdfData = document.getPdf(
  Options.create().add(Option.PDF_PRESET, "customprofile")
catch (Exception e) {
  // All exceptions

The profile name can be either

In both cases, the ".joboptions" file extension can be added or not.

String w2mlString = "";
Path   pdfProfilePath = Paths.get("C:\\MyMachine\\customer\\dual\\flyer1979.joboptions");
try (OpenedDocument document = ((Renderer) renderer).openDocument(
                                              new TmpCopyFromString(w2mlString, W2MLDocumentType.class))) {
  byte[] pdfData = document.getPdf(
  Options.create().add(Option.PDF_PRESET, "file://" + pdfProfilePath.toAbsolutePath().toString())
catch (Exception e) {
  // All exceptions

Partial PDFs

Both getPdf and createPdf methods allow to specify a page range to generate. To be precise: the partial PDF is extracted from the complete PDF. Since we cannot predict the page content of particular pages, unless we render the document starting from the first page, we also generate the complete PDF and extract pages afterwards.

String w2mlString   = "";
List<Integer> pages = new ArrayList<>();
try (OpenedDocument document = ((Renderer) renderer).openDocument(
                                              new TmpCopyFromString(w2mlString, W2MLDocumentType.class))) {
  // get number of spreads in document
  int spreadCount = document.getSpreadCount();
  // export all 'even' spreads
  for (int idx = 0; idx < spreadCount; ++idx) {
    if (idx % 2 == 0) pages.add(idx);
  byte[] pdfData = document.getPdf(pages);
catch (PdfLibraryException e) {
  // PdfLibraryException are exceptions 
  // triggered by the underlying pdflib
  // library
catch (RendererException e) {
  // Exceptions thrown during rendering
catch (Exception e) {
  // Exceptions thrown during auto-close