Panelstatements are statements that are stored in the data source and are called for certain situations.

The following table gives an overview of the reserved entries of the file/table panelstatements(.xml).

Application ID Description
Product research 55 Search for product search entries
Placeholder colors 11 Load the colors used for placeholders.
Allow-Login Action 139

The script is executed immediately after the successful login and can be used to reject or accept a connection according to your own criteria. If a connection is rejected, it is automatically disconnected again and the login dialog opens again.

Return values

With return 0 (no error) the connection is accepted. Otherwise the connection will be rejected.


  • The action must be a cScript.
  • Global variables are not valid here yet.
  • The action is not executed for XML offline data folders.

The following global variables are defined in the script:

int gLogins;	// Number of successful logins after InDesign® start
DBC/SOAP gDBC; // The data connection to be checked

Here is an example of an ODBC connection:

int main ()
	int		ret 	= 0;
	char	m 		[1200];
	char	serv 	[255];
	char	name 	[255];
	char	usr 	[255];

	sprintf (m, "Really login?\nSRV:%s\nDB:%s\nUSR\:%s",
	sql::server (gDBC, serv),
	sql::dbname (gDBC, name),
	sql::user (gDBC, usr));
	if (alert ("OK", "Don't login", 0, 1, 4, m) != 1) ret = 1;

	return ret;
After-Login Action 92 After successful data connection After login or setting a new XML folder login actions can be executed.

The following statement types are permitted :

  • cscript
  • sql select (result columns ignored, only SOAP and database)
  • sql update ( SOAP and database only)
  • exec complete_sql_command ( only SOAP and database)

The SQL statements may contain the usual <placeholder> for environment values. The script defines the global variable gLogins, which counts (separately) how many SOAP/ODBC logins were performed and how often the XML folder was changed. (The variable gLogins is used in particular to suppress welcome messages at program startup (gLogins == 1), so it is only needed in the XML login actions.)

Double click in the product pool 95 Load the ID of the script that should run on Doubleclick on a product.

URLLink download folder 141

Customizing the download folder for URL images, see here.

Here an example for a login script. The script can be used for XML data folders. The welcome message is automatically suppressed when the program starts.

int main
	if (gLogins > 1)
		showmessage (
			"%d. Welcome to the test environment",

	return 0;