Welcome to the priint:comet Python API!¶
- Contents
- Changelog
- Introduction
- Usage
- Known Issues
- Examples
- Toggle frame visibility
- Toggle frame lock state
- Show all script tags
- Reflection
- Generate page previews
- Get publication info
- Disable all panels
- Get all style names
- Read Excel file to HTML
- Get CTextModel style runs
- Get CLink information from document
- Get swatch information from document
- Output all sibling book documents to the logfile
- Parse and traverse an XML tree
- API Reference
- Modules
- comet
- comet.batch
- comet.book
- comet.color
- comet.datapool
- comet.dialog
- comet.document
- comet.element
- comet.excel
- comet.frame
- comet.host
- comet.html
- comet.hyperlink
- comet.idtype
- comet.link
- comet.logger
- comet.placeholder
- comet.prefs
- comet.product
- comet.progress
- comet.publication
- comet.rect
- comet.table
- comet.test
- comet.xmltree
- Classes
- comet.CBook
- comet.CBookmark
- comet.CColor
- comet.CCometGroup
- comet.CCrossRef
- comet.CDialog
- comet.CDocument
- comet.CElement
- comet.CExcelBook
- comet.CFrame
- comet.CGroup
- comet.CHyperlink
- comet.CHyperlinkDestination
- comet.CHyperlinkSource
- comet.CIDType
- comet.CLayer
- comet.CLink
- comet.CPage
- comet.CPageItem
- comet.CParameter
- comet.CPlanning
- comet.CProduct
- comet.CPublication
- comet.CPublicationType
- comet.CQuery
- comet.CRect
- comet.CSOAP
- comet.CSQL
- comet.CSwatch
- comet.CTable
- comet.CTextModel
- comet.CWorkflowStatus
- comet.CXMLNode
- comet.CXMLTree
- comet.CometError
- Modules