AccessDeniedException | |
Action | The Interface Action. |
ActionWithNoDestinationException | |
AddLayerException | |
AggregatedException | |
AllocatedStringTooShortException | |
ApplyMultAttributesCmdException | |
ApplyTagException | |
Area | Interface for the area XML type Interface for the area XML Type, implemented in AreaImpl. |
Area | The Interface Area. |
AssignableError | |
AuthorizationFailureException |
BadPositionException | |
BaselineGrid | The Interface BaselineGrid. |
BasicPage | |
BBox | Interface for the bbox XML type. |
BBox | The Interface BBox. |
BeginTagNotFoundException | |
Bleed | The Interface Bleed. |
BookmarkEmptyException | |
BookmarkNotFoundException | |
BoundingBox | The Interface BoundingBox. |
BuildException | |
ByteArrayDataSource | Class responsible for ByteArrayDataSource |
ByteArrayDataSource | Class responsible for ByteArrayDataSource |
Edge | The Interface Edge. |
Edges | The Interface Edges. |
EdgeType | The Enum EdgeType. |
Element | Interface for the element xml type Interface for the element xml type, implemented in ElementImpl. |
Element | Java class for the Comet3 Element type. |
Element.ElementAttribute | Attributes for the Comet3 Element type. |
Element.PlacementType | The enum Placement type. |
ElementDocument | The Class ElementDocument. |
ElementList | The type Element list. |
ElementList.PlacementType | The enum Placement type. |
ElementNotFoundException | |
ElementNotFoundException | |
ElementProperties | The Interface ElementProperties. |
ElementTags | The Interface ElementTags. |
ElementType | The Enum ElementType. |
EmergencyExitException | |
EmptyGraphException | |
EmptySettingNameException | |
EndOfFileException | |
EndTagNotFoundException | |
ErrorCode | |
ErrorCode.Domain | |
ErrorDomain | Tagging interface for error domains |
ErrorResolver | |
Event | |
EventBuilder | |
EventChain | |
EventDispatcher | |
EventTerminatedException | |
EventWithParams | |
ExceptionHelper | |
Ext | Interface for the ext xml type. |
File | Interface for the manifest-file XML type
Interface for the manifest-file XML type used in the |
FileIdExistsException | |
FileIdNotFoundException | |
FileNotFoundException | |
FileVersionTooNewException | |
FileVersionTooOldException | |
Fill | The Interface Fill. |
FindAndReplaceListLoadException | |
FitFrameCmdException | |
FittingOptions | The Interface FittingOptions. |
Font | |
FontCommandCreateException | |
FontFaceNotFoundException | |
FontMap | |
FontNotFoundException | |
Format | The Enum Format. |
Formedit | The Interface Formedit. |
Frame | The Interface Frame. |
Frame | The Interface Frame. |
FrameNotFoundException | |
Frames | The Interface Frames. |
FrameScriptException | |
FrameSQLException | |
FrontLayoutNotFoundException | |
FunctionVariable | Interface for a function variable instance, i.e.: a function variable definition for a particular placeholder including the values actually defined and selected for this particular placeholder |
Generator | Interface for the manifest-generator XML type
Interface for the manifest-generator XML type used in the |
GeometryNotFoundException | |
GeometryNotValidException | |
GetScrapControllerException | |
GivingUpException | |
GlobalSizeClashException | |
GlobalTypeClashException | |
GraphXMLFilenotValidException | |
Grid | The Interface Grid. |
Group | The Interface Group. |
GroupDocument | The Class GroupDocument. |
GroupNotFoundException | |
Guide | The Interface Guide. |
Guide |
HierarchyNotFoundException | |
Hyperlink | The Interface Hyperlink. |
KeyLabel | interface for a key label pair as used as value list for function variable definitions e.g. |
KeyValue | Java class for the Comet3 KeyValue type. |
KeyValue.KeyValueAttribute | Attributes for the Comet3 KeyValue type. |
KeyValueList | The type Key value list. |
MailAccountNotFoundException | |
MalformedXMLException | |
ManifestDocument | JAXB class for the manifest XML document type. |
Margin | The Interface Margin. |
Margins | |
Master | |
MasterOverride | |
Masters | |
MasterSpread | The Interface MasterSpread. |
MasterSpreadNotFoundException | |
MaxWidthTooSmallException | |
MemoryFullException | |
MergeLayerException | |
Metadata | Interface for Metadata of a W2ML document, e.g. |
MetaDataCreateException | |
MetadataCreationCommand | |
MetadataCreationCommand.MetadataCreationCommandBuilder | |
MissingTokenException | |
MoveFrameCmdException | |
MoveLayerException |
Obsolete | Annotation to tag obsolete methods, classes, fields etc. |
Opacity | The Interface Opacity. |
OpenedDocument | |
OpenInPlace | DocumentAccessProvider implementation to open a document using the original path. |
OpenInPlaceTranslated | DocumentAccessProvider implementation to open a document using the original path and translating the path to a representation resolvable for renderer processing the document referred by this DocumentAccessProvider. |
Option | Options allow fine-tuning of rendering operations. |
Options | Internal use only The Class Options. |
Options.FontMapping | |
Options.OptionEnumerationType | The Interface OptionEnumerationType. |
Options.OptionListValue | The Class OptionListValue. |
Options.OptionValue | The Class OptionValue. |
Options.PackageFormat | The Enum PackageFormat extension OptionEnumerationType |
Options.PreviewColorSpace | The Enum PreviewColorSpace extension OptionEnumerationType |
Options.PreviewEncoding | The Enum PreviewEncoding extension OptionEnumerationType |
Options.PreviewFormat | The Enum PreviewFormat extension OptionEnumerationType |
Options.PreviewQuality | The Enum PreviewQuality extension OptionEnumerationType |
Options.PreviewTransparency | The Enum PreviewTransparency extension OptionEnumerationType |
Options.Scope | The Enum Scope extension OptionEnumerationType |
Options.SnippetFlag | The Enum SnippetFlag extension OptionEnumerationType |
Options.XmlAttribute | The Class XmlAttribute. |
Origin | Values for the origin XML attribute of several elements. |
OutOfHeapException | |
OutOfMemException | |
OutOfPlaceException | |
OutputCmdListLoadException | |
OverlapException | |
Owner |
RangeDataNotFoundException | |
RangeException | |
Record | Interface for the record xml type Interface for the record xml type. |
RecordId | Java class for the Comet3 RecordId type. |
RecordId.RecordIdAttribute | Attributes for the Comet3 RecordId type. |
RecordIdList | The type Xml record id list. |
Rect | Interface for the rect xml type. |
Reference | The Interface Reference. |
ReferencePoint | |
ReferenceType | The Enum ReferenceType. |
RelativeTo | The Enum RelativeTo. |
RemoveLayerException | |
RenameLayerException | |
Renderer | |
Renderer.RendererBuilder | |
RendererCapability | Taggig interface for renderer capabilities not covered by standard RendererLink interface |
RendererCapabilityClippingPreview | |
RendererCapabilityGroupPreviews | |
RendererCapabilitySpreadPreview | |
RendererCapabilitySpreadPreviewWithoutReopening | |
RendererControl | |
RendererException | |
RendererFactory | Interface for renderer factories Beside the interface methods defined here, a RendererFactory must provide a static factory method for the factory itself. |
RendererIOException | |
RendererLink | |
RendererObserver | |
RendererUtils | |
ReplaceTagTextException | |
ResizeFrameCmdException | |
RotateFrameCmdException |
Variable | |
Variable.Type | |
VariableList | The type variable list. |
VariablePointsToNullException |
W2ML | |
W2MLDocument | The Class W2ML. |
W2MLDocumentType | Class to indicate W2ML documents. |
WorkflowStatus | Java class for the Comet3 WorkflowStatus type. |
WorkflowStatus.WorkflowStatusAttribute | Attributes for the Comet3 WorkflowStatus type. |
WorkflowStatusList | The type Xml workflow status list. |
WritePermissionException | |
WrongAlphaChannelIndexException | |
WrongColumnsForCompressException | |
WrongIconIndexException |
XmlBigDecimalList | The type Xml big decimal list. |
XmlBigIntegerList | The type Xml big integer list. |
XmlBooleanList | The type Xml boolean list. |
XmlByteList | The type Xml byte list. |
XmlCalendarList | The type Xml calendar list. |
XmlDoubleList | The type Xml double list. |
XmlElement | The interface Xml element. |
XmlElementAttribute | The interface Xml element attribute. |
XmlElementGrid | The interface Xml element grid. |
XmlElementPosition | The interface Xml element position. |
XmlException | |
XmlFloatList | The type Xml float list. |
XmlIntegerList | The type Xml integer list. |
XmlInvalidTextFrameException | |
XmlLongList | The type Xml long list. |
XmlNoTextFrameException | |
XmlPathMissingException | |
XmlPathNotFoundException | |
XmlQueryException | |
XmlShortList | The type Xml short list. |
XmlStringList | The type Xml string list. |
XmlTag | The interface Xml tag. |
XmlVoid | The type Xml void. |
XpAttributeUtilsException |
ZipException |