A number of small tasks to be completed in the document should be stored for later processing.
Within the document structure, multiple tasks are stored, that can later be executed automatically at any arbitrary point in time. Various different types of tasks can be stored this way, e.g. reorganizing the document or updating placeholders.
These tasks are called Missions, and are stored in the XML structure of the document. They can be created using scripts or input masks. You can also edit and reorder them manually.
In the XML structure, there is one main element with the 'missions' tag, which is hierarchically directly below the document node. This node may have any number of children with the 'mission' tag, each mith two attributes: 'type' and 'parameters'. These attributes are input values for a mission, and get evaluated when it gets executed.
Currently the following mission types are available:
Name | Description | Type | Parameters | Parameter descriptions |
Reorganize | Reorganizes the document | reorganize | [page %PAGENUMBER%] |
Update placeholders | Loads placeholders based on the parameters | loadPlaceHolders | frameUID %FRAMEUID%;[framePlaceHolder];[[plhID %PLACEHOLDERID%];[plhID %PLACEHOLDERID2%];...] |
Currently, scripting is required to create new missions. The command document::create_mission_ui opens an input mask where one or more missions can be creted. Additionally, you can specify a list of frames as input to this function to create missions for those frames.
To execute all missions, use the script command document::execute_missions.
To delete all missions, use the command document::delete_missions.
Additionally, the following cScript functions are provided:
document::create_missions_ui without frame list parameter | document::create_missions_ui with frame list parameter |
Mission to load all placeholders of a frame | Mission to load the frame placeholder of a frame |
Mission to load specific placeholders of a frame | Mission to reorganize the document |