Open the AO dialog for additional information about edititions and pages Needs the plug in "Edition" to be installed and is not supported by InDesign® Server.

Open the AO dialog for additional information about edititions and pages Needs the plug in "Edition" to be installed and is not supported by InDesign® Server.

Name Type Default Description
Return int   0 - dialog canceled
1 - dialog closed with Save
dialogTitle char* - dialog titel
dialogWidth int - Width of dialog window (not supported now)
numRows int - numner of list elements, min 2, max 32
selectStatement char* - statement to load available attributes. The statement must return 4 result columns (3 numbers, 1 string)

Example: select id, 0, 0, "", `key`, `value` FROM ao_attribute
updateStatement char* - statement to store changed attributes.
: Example : UPDATE ao_attribute SET `key` = ?, value = ? WHERE id = ? AND (1 OR ? OR ? OR ?)
options int 0 Options
0: Leave parameter names untouched (default)
1: parameter names changable

&Open an AO dialog

aoinfo (
  gEditionName, 400, 10,
  "SELECT id, 0, 0, '', param, value FROM attribute WHERE id > 0",
  "UPDATE attribute SET param = ?, value = ? WHERE id = ? AND (1 OR ? OR ? OR ?)",

version 1.3 (R155), 11. August 2006

priint:comet InDesign® Plug-Ins, comet_pdf

Alphabetic index HTML hierarchy of classes or Java