Name | Description |
file::FTP-Upload einer Datei. |   |
Name | Description |
FormatStrings | Formatted outputs for strings. |
Includes | #include from various data sources. |
RegularExpressions | Regular expressions. |
Stringfunctions | Description of the string functions Example |
TaggedText | Description of the extended syntax for TaggedText as it can be used in textmodel, frame und table. Unfortunately, despite a long search, we have not been able to find an official documentation for TaggedText from Adobe. Here you can find an old description for CS 4 (boah, 2008!). But still ... Example |
batch | Batch methods You can find more information about batch support here. |
DEPRECATED Behavior of push buttons. Example |
book | Deal with InDesign® books Example |
bookmark | Bookmarks Example |
color | The color class functions apply records to the InDesign® color panel. |
csv | Read and write CSV files. Example |
datapool | Definition of the data pool for placeholder. |
dialog | Creation of custom modal dialogs. Example |
document | Document methods. |
element | Methods for using objects of the Element class. |
elementlist | Lists of objects of type Element |
excel | Read and write the cell contents of Excel tables. |
file | File operations. |
floatlist | List of float values. Example |
frame | The module processes document frames of InDesign® documents. Example |
graph | Drawing graphs. |
DEPRECATED Page grids |
html | HTML import and export methods You can find more information about HTML support here. |
hyperlink | Hyper link methods Example |
idtype | Methods for using objects of the idtype class. |
idtypelist | List of IDs of type IDType |
image | Creating previews from image files and images Example |
interactive | The class provides methods to deal with interctive objects like push buttons, multi state objects, text fields and so on. |
item | Definition and query of ItemRef objects. |
itemlist | The class provides methods to ensure the internal representation of InDesign® objects. |
itemlistlist | List of frame lists. |
json | Functions to read, write and manage JSON Objects |
keyvalues | Functions to manage key value pairs |
layer | Layers of an InDesign® document |
library | Using the InDesign® Libraries. |
link | Elements of placeholder lists (link list). |
linklist | Placeholder lists. Example |
list | Integer lists. Example |
list64 | Integer lists. Example |
logger | Customized log output. |
multistate | Support of InDesigns® multi state objects (panel Interactive:States). |
page | Pages and page numbers of a document |
placeholder | Comet placeholders |
prefs | Functions for exporting and importing user profiles and program settings. |
priint | priint. |
product | Methods to deal with the objects of the panel Product Pool. |
productlist | List of products. Example |
progress | Progress bar Example |
publication | Access to data and functions of the Publication Planner. Example |
query | A database connection can send and execute SQL instructions to the database with the assistance of a query, and retrieve the results of the instructions. Example |
rect | Rectangle. Example |
rectlist | List of rectangles of type Rect. Example |
server | Supporting data exchanges between the whiteboard and InDesign® Server. |
soap | Current SOAP/PubServer connection and execution of available services. |
sql | Current database connection and execution of database procedures and functions. |
string | Methods for using objects of the string class. |
stringlist | String lists. Example |
system | System information Example |
table | Working with InDesign® tables. Example |
test | Example |
text | Processing strings |
textmodel | Processing the document text. |
timer | Profiling / Benchmarking Example |
tvi | Adjust broadcast information in a frame |
xml | Accessing the XML structre of an InDesign® document. Example |
xmlexport | Export of InDesingn documents to XML. |
xmlnode |   |
xmlquery | Data selection from XML files. |
• InDesign®, InDesign® Server
• Illustrator®
• comet_pdf
Name | c/o | Description |
a | ||
abs | ••• | Absolut value of a given integer. |
absf | ••• | Absolut value of a given float. |
alert | •• | Display the standard dialog with a message and up to three buttons to answer. Example |
alloc | ••• | Memory allocation. Example |
aoinfo | •• | Open the AO dialog for additional information about edititions and pages Needs the plug in "Edition" to be installed and is not supported by InDesign® Server. Example |
askpopup2 | •• | dialog with two database-supported pop-up menus. Example |
askstring | ••• | Entry dialog for a text Example |
askstring2 | •• | dialog with a maximum of two entry fields and two database-supported pop-up menus. Example |
b | ||
batch::get_hotfolder_in | • | Get the input folder. |
batch::get_hotfolder_out | • | Get the output folder. |
batch::get_interval | • | Get the waiting interval between two batch jobs |
batch::get_running | • | Returns wether the batch operation is running |
batch::get_start | • | Get the designated starting time of the batch operation. |
batch::set_hotfolder_in | • | Set the input folder. |
batch::set_hotfolder_out | • | Set the output folder. |
batch::set_interval | • | Set the waiting interval between two batch jobs |
batch::set_start | • | Set the starting time for the batch operation To start the batch operation at the designated time, batch::start has to be called afterwards. Has no effect when the batch operation is already running. |
batch::start | • | Start the batch operation if it is not already running. |
batch::stop | • | Stop the batch operation if it is running. |
beep | •• | Generate a warning signal. |
• | DEPRECATED Please use the function interactive::add_action instead. |
behavior::audio | • | Set the Overlay Creator properties for a video. |
• | DEPRECATED Please use the function interactive::set_task_data instead. |
behavior::enable_action | • | Enable/disable oush button actions. |
• | DEPRECATED Please use the function interactive::get_task_data instead. |
• | DEPRECATED Please use the function interactive::get_event instead. |
• | DEPRECATED Please use the function interactive::get_task instead. |
• | DEPRECATED Please use the function interactive::get_actions instead. |
behavior::get_overlaycreator_type | • | Get the "Overlay Creator" of a document frame. |
behavior::hyperlink | • | Set the Overlay Creator properties for a hyperlink. |
behavior::image | • | Set the Overlay Creator properties for a web view. |
behavior::move_action | • | Move an action of a push button to a new event type and/or another position in the list of actions. |
behavior::panorama | • | Set the Overlay Creator properties for a panorama. |
behavior::remove_action | • | Delete a push button action. |
behavior::scrollable | • | Set the Overlay Creator properties for a scrollable frame. |
behavior::sequence | • | Set the Overlay Creator properties for an image sequence. |
behavior::slideshow | • | Set the Overlay Creator properties for a slide show. |
behavior::video | • | Set the Overlay Creator properties for a video. |
behavior::webview | • | Set the Overlay Creator properties for a web view. |
bit_and | ••• | Bit wise AND. |
bit_not | ••• | Bit wise NOT. |
bit_or | ••• | Bit wise OR. |
bit_xor | ••• | Bit wise exclusive OR. |
book::all_documents_do | • | Editing of all documents in a book. |
book::close | • | Close a book. |
book::count | • | Determine the number of currently open books. |
book::count_docs | • | Count the documents of an opened book. |
book::create | • | Create a new empty book. |
book::create_toc | • | Create a table of contents of all text anchors of all documents of a book. |
book::export_ | • | Export a book as a PDF document. |
book::get_by_path | • | Determine from the file path of an InDesign® book the current reference in the program. |
book::get_current | • | Get the currently 'active' book. |
book::get_master | • | Get the Style Source of the book. |
book::get_nth | • | Get the nth open book. |
book::get_path | • | Determine the complete path of a book. |
book::insert | • | Insert a document to a opened book. |
book::is_valid | • | Does a given reference point to an open book? |
book::moveto | • | Move a document to an new position inside the book. |
book::nth_doc | • |   |
book::open | • | Open a book. |
book::position | • | Find the location of a document inside a book. |
book::remove | • | Removes a document from an opened book. |
book::repaginate | • | Repaginate an open book. |
book::save | • | Save a book. |
book::set_current | • | Set the currently 'active' book. |
book::set_master | • | Set the Style Source of the book. |
bookmark::add | •• | Create a new bookmark as a sibling of an existing bookmark. |
bookmark::add2 | •• | Create a bookmark to an existing anchor created with hyperlink::create. |
bookmark::change_color | • | Change the font color of the bookmark. |
bookmark::change_fontstyle | • | Change the font style of the bookmark. |
bookmark::change_name | •• | Change the bookmarks name |
bookmark::change_parent | •• | Change the bookmarks parent |
bookmark::change_pos | •• | Change the bookmarks position inside the parent level. |
bookmark::child | •• | Find a child by its name |
bookmark::childs | •• | Count the number of children |
bookmark::create | •• | Create a new bookmark. |
bookmark::create2 | •• | Create a bookmark to an existing anchor created with hyperlink::create. |
bookmark::find | •• | Find a bookmark by its name |
bookmark::goto_ | •• | Jump to the bookmarks destination |
bookmark::is_valid | •• | Does the reference point to an existing bookmark? |
bookmark::level | •• | Get the nesting level of a bookmark |
bookmark::name | •• | Get the name of a bookmark |
bookmark::nthchild | •• | Get the n-th sibling of a bookmark |
bookmark::parent | •• | Query out the bookmarks parent |
bookmark::position | •• | Sibling position of a bookmark |
bookmark::remove | •• | Remove a bookmark from the document. |
boolstr | ••• | Return the boolean string representation (i.e. |
c | ||
clear_script_clipboard | • | Clear the memory of the Script Clipboard. |
color::count_profiles | •• | Get the number of available, used or embedded color profiles. |
color::count_swatches | •• | Number of visible color swatches of a document. |
color::define | •• | Define a new color entry in the InDesign® color panel. |
color::define_cmyk | •• | Define a new color entry in the InDesign® color panel. |
color::define_lab | •• | Define a new color entry in the InDesign® color panel. |
color::define_rgb | •• | Define a new color entry in the InDesign® color panel. |
color::get_colors | •• | Color values of a swatch. |
color::get_nth_profile | •• | Determine color profile data. |
color::get_nth_swatch | •• | Name of n-th visible swatch of a given document. |
color::get_space | •• | Color space of a swatch. |
color::get_tint | •• | Tint of a swatch. |
color::get_type | •• | Get the type of a swatch. |
color::is_locked | •• | Is a given swatch locked? |
color::is_reserved | •• | Is a given swatch reserved by InDesign®? |
color::is_spot | •• | Is a given swatch a process color? |
color::redefine_swatch | •• | Change the definition of swatches of type kSwatchTypeBaseColor. |
color::set_profile | • | Set color profile and rendering values for documents and images. |
cos | ••• | Cosinus |
cosh | ••• | Sinus hyperbolicus. |
cp1252_to_tagged | •• | Convert a cp1252 string to TaggedText encoded unicode Example |
csv::close | ••• | Close a CSV file and remove the object from memory. |
csv::cols | •• | Number of columns in a given line of the file. |
csv::lines | •• | Number of lines in file. |
csv::open | ••• | Open a CSV file. |
csv::read | ••• | Read a value from a CSV file. |
csv::save | ••• | Save a CSV file. |
csv::write | ••• | Write a value into a CSV file. |
d | ||
datapool::aem_get_list | •• | EXPERIMENTAL! Get the list of contents of a folder of an AEM® (Adobe Experience Manager®). |
datapool::alloc | ••• | Create a new variable from the datapool data type. |
datapool::get_dbc | ••• | Ascertain the database connection of the datapool. |
datapool::get_files | ••• | Ascertain the database connection of the datapool. |
datapool::get_label | ••• | Determine the (unique) name of a data connection. |
datapool::get_main_template | •• | Get the main template and (optionally) the sub templates of a template. |
datapool::get_products | •• | Create list(s) of products and sub-products |
datapool::get_template_name | •• | Get a templates name. |
datapool::get_vendor | ••• | Database vendor of the data connection. |
datapool::login | ••• | Create or change a database connection. |
datapool::logout | ••• | Finish current data connection. |
datapool::release | ••• | Delete a variable of the datapool type. |
datapool::set_dbc | ••• | Set the database connection of the datapool. |
datapool::set_files | ••• | Set the file source of the datapool. |
datapool::set_vendor | ••• | Set the database vendor of the data connection. |
datapool::suppress_warnings | •• |   |
datapool::type | ••• | Type of the (current) database connection. |
declared | ••• | Is an identifier defined in the script or not? Example |
decode_base64 | ••• | Decode a base64 encoded string. Example |
dialog::checkbox | •• | Insert a checkbox |
dialog::confirmbutton | •• | Insert a button. |
dialog::dialogbuttons | •• | Insert dialog button set |
dialog::dropdown | •• | Insert a dropdown |
dialog::floatfield | •• | Insert an input field, which only accepts float numbers. |
dialog::intfield | •• | Insert an input field, which only accepts float numbers. |
dialog::label | •• | Insert a text label |
dialog::listen | •• | Register a callback function |
dialog::multilinetextfield | •• | Insert a multi-line textfield. |
dialog::multilinetextinfo | •• | Insert a multi-line textinfofield. |
dialog::rbutton | •• | Get the value (label) of a button |
dialog::rcheckbox | •• | Get the value of a checkbox |
dialog::rconfirmbutton | •• | Get the ID of the closing button. |
dialog::rdropdown | •• | Get the value of dropdown |
dialog::rfloatfield | •• | Get the value of a float field |
dialog::rintfield | •• | Get the value of an int field |
dialog::rlabel | •• | Get the value of a label |
dialog::rmultilinetextfield | •• | Get the value of a textfield |
dialog::rmultilinetextinfo | •• | Get the value of a textinfofield |
dialog::rtextfield | •• | Get the value of a textfield |
dialog::setenabled | •• | Enable or disable an element |
dialog::setvisible | •• | Show or hide an element |
dialog::show | •• | Show a dialog |
dialog::size | •• | Set the dialog size |
dialog::suppress_listeners | • | (De)activate all listener functions. |
dialog::textfield | •• | Insert a textfield |
dialog::title | •• | Set the dialog title |
dialog::wascancelled | •• | Has the last dialog been cancelled? |
dialog::wasconfirmed | •• | Has the last dialog been confirmed? |
dialog::wbutton | •• | Set the value (label) of a button |
dialog::wcheckbox | •• | Set the status (checked or unchecked) of a checkbox |
dialog::wdropdown | •• | Set entries of a dropdown |
dialog::wfloatfield | •• | Set the value of a float field |
dialog::wintfield | •• | Set the value of a int field |
dialog::wlabel | •• | Set the value of a textfield |
dialog::wmultilinetextfield | •• | Set the value of a multi line textfield |
dialog::wmultilinetextinfo | •• | Set the value of a multi line textinfofield |
dialog::wtextfield | •• | Set the value of a textfield |
display | ••• | like printf |
document::adapt | • |   |
document::adapt_many | • | Apply page adaptions for the front document. |
document::adapt_self | • |   |
document::alloc | ••• | Create a reference to an open document. |
document::allow_shuffle | • |   |
document::apply_frame_info | •• | Restore saved information about a frame from the data sources and set it back to the frames. |
document::article::create | •• | Create a new empty article in the specified document. |
document::article::get_members | •• | Create a list of all elements (members) of an article. |
document::article::get_name | •• | Determine the name of an article within the articles list. |
document::article::get_pos | •• | Determine the position of an article within the articles list. |
document::article::get_use_for_export | •• | Is the article included to the accessibility tags of the document export? |
document::article::member::get_pos | •• | Determine the position of a frame in an article. |
document::article::member::remove | •• | Remove a frame from an article. |
document::article::member::set_pos | •• | Move frame inside the members list of an article. |
document::article::members::add | •• | Add a member (a frame) to an article. |
document::article::members::add_multi | •• | Add any number of members (frames) to an article. |
document::article::remove | •• | Delete an article. |
document::article::set_name | •• | Change the name of an article within the articles list. |
document::article::set_pos | •• | Move an article in the article list. |
document::article::set_use_for_export | •• | Should the article be included into the export? |
document::articles::count | •• | How many articles are in a given document? |
document::articles::find | •• | Create a list of all articles in a document that contain a specific frame. |
document::articles::get_nth | •• | Get the nth article of a document. |
document::begin_sequence | •• | End the undo sequence of the script and start a new sequence. |
document::build_products | • | Comet3-Product Build-Up. |
document::check_url_links | ••• | Check all Web Images of the document. |
document::clean_storyscrap | •• | Remove unused text stories of a document. |
document::close | •• | Closing a document. |
document::close_by_name | • | Closing a document. |
document::close_sequence | •• | Close a opened sequence and commit or rollback changes. |
document::cometgroup_recreated | • | Reset a Comet group ID. |
document::concat | • | Concatanation of one document to another. |
document::count | ••• | How many documents are open in the moment? |
document::count_missions | • | Counts the number of missions in the document. |
document::create | •• | Create a new empty document. |
document::create_mission_ui | • | Opens the dialog for creating missions. |
document::current | •• | Ascertain the InDesign® document of the script. |
document::delete_frame_info | •• | Delete saved information about the document's frames from the data sources. |
document::delete_frame_info2 | •• | Delete saved frame infos for this document data sources. |
document::delete_missions | • | Deletes all missions from the document. |
document::dump_uidtranstable | •• | Internal use only. |
document::duplicate | • | Copy a document in a new file. |
document::embedded_urls | ••• | Get all frames of a document which have an embedded Web Image. |
document::end_sequence | •• | End the undo sequence of the current script. |
document::execute_missions | • | Executes all Missions of the document. |
document::export_ | • | Export a document in a specific target format. |
document::export_color_profiles | •• | Export color profiles of a given document. |
document::export_notes | • | See document::notes::export_ |
document::export_styles | • | XML-Export of document styles and colors. |
document::find_frame | •• | Find the first frame which is linked with an object of a required class. |
document::folder | ••• | Folder of the given document with path delimiter (: or /) at the end. |
• | DEPRECATED Please use the function document::path9 instead and remove the document name from this result. |
document::force_redraw | ••• | Force redrawing of the document window. |
document::get_articles | •• | Get a list of all articles in a document. |
document::get_bleed | ••• | Get current document bleed. |
document::get_blendingspace | •• | Get the transparency blending space of a document. |
document::get_book | • | Get the book of a document. |
document::get_color_profiles | •• | Determine the names of the color profiles set in the document. |
document::get_custompoints | • | InDesign® -API documentation : "custom points for horz/vert ruler". |
document::get_default_style | • | Get the current default paragraph or text style. |
document::get_display_name | •• | Title of the document in the document window. |
document::get_firstpagetype | •• | Determine if the first document page is a left, middle or right page. |
document::get_front | ••• | Get the front document. |
document::get_image_url_folder | ••• | Get the path for the downloads of Web Images of the document. |
document::get_keynudge_inc | • | Keyboard nudge increment. |
document::get_links | •• | Get document links. |
document::get_masterpages | •• | Get information about the parent pages/spreads of a given document. |
document::get_modified | •• | Get the modified-state of a document. |
document::get_notes_printable | • | |
document::get_nth | ••• | Path or window title of n-th opened document. |
document::get_pageref | •• | Get the UID of a page. |
document::get_pasteboard_gutter | • | Get the documents pasteboard borders. |
document::get_pdf_accessibility_order | •• | Which order is used for the tags of accessible PDFs? |
document::get_placeholder_visibility | ••• | Get the visibility of document placeholders. |
document::get_ppi | • | Pixel/Points for the document. |
document::get_slug | •• | Get current document slug. |
document::get_spreadref | •• | Get the UID of a spread given by its index. |
document::get_styles | •• | Collect all style names of a document. |
document::get_units | • | Get a document unit. |
document::get_visible_areas | • | Calculate the visibles areas of Comet groups. |
document::getid | ••• | Get the Comet id of a document. |
document::has_overset | • | Is there at least one text or table cell with overset text in the document? |
document::hide_notes | • | See document::notes::hide |
document::html_export | • | HTML export of a document or parts of a document. |
document::import_masterpage | • | Import/update parent spread(s) of a document from another document. |
document::import_masterpages | •• | Import all parent pages from another document. |
document::import_notes | • | See document::notes::import |
document::import_styles | •• | Import styles from another document. |
document::individualization | •• | Serialize a document, see here for more information about serializations. |
document::insert_macro | •• | Define a database-stored template within the given document. |
document::is_opened | ••• | Shows whether a document is opened or not. |
document::is_valid | •• | Does the reference point to an existing document? |
• | DEPRECATED Please use the functions file::get_nth and document::concat instead. |
document::jpeg | • | Export all spreads or pages to jpeg. |
document::justify_text | • | Vertical justification. |
document::justify_text_reset | • | Reset vertical justification. |
document::link_with_unique_placeholder | • | Synonym for prepare_translations. |
document::linked_urls | ••• | Get all frames of a document which have a Web Image. |
document::load | • | Create and open a document from a database template. |
document::metadata::get_author | •• | Get the author of the document. |
document::metadata::get_author_descr | •• | Get the document description of the author. |
document::metadata::get_author_title | •• | Get the title of the documents author. |
document::metadata::get_copyright | •• | Get the copyright note of the document. |
document::metadata::get_copyright_state | •• | Get the Copyright-State of the document. |
document::metadata::get_copyright_url | •• | Get the Copyright Info URL of the document. |
document::metadata::get_descr | •• | Get the description of the document. |
document::metadata::get_keys | •• | Get the defined keywords of the document. |
document::metadata::get_title | •• | Get the documents title. |
document::metadata::set_author | •• | Set the author of the document. |
document::metadata::set_author_descr | •• | Set the document description of the author. |
document::metadata::set_author_title | •• | Set the title of the author of the document. |
document::metadata::set_copyright | •• | Define a Copyright note of the document. |
document::metadata::set_copyright_state | •• | Define the Copyright-State of the document. |
document::metadata::set_copyright_url | •• | Define the Copyright Info URL of the document. |
document::metadata::set_descr | •• | Set the author of the document. |
document::metadata::set_keys | •• | Define the keywords for the document. |
document::metadata::set_rating | •• | Define the Rating of the document. |
document::metadata::set_title | •• | Set the document title. |
document::move_masterpage | • | Move a parent page entry in the list of parent pages on the panel Pages. |
document::move_pageitems | • | Reposition the contents of document pages. |
document::name | ••• | File name of the current document. |
document::notes::change_group | • |   |
document::notes::delete_groupnotes | • | Delete the Groups notes of a Comet Group. |
document::notes::delete_note | • | Delete particular Comet Notes. |
document::notes::export_ | •• | Export Comet notes of a document. |
document::notes::find | • | Find Comet Notes. |
document::notes::get_printable | •• | Printability* of Comet notes. |
document::notes::hide | • | Hide all Comet notes of a given document. |
document::notes::hide_note | • | Hide particular Comet Notes. |
document::notes::import | •• | Import Comet notes into an InDesign® document. |
document::notes::set_pdf_prefs | •• | Default setting for PDF comments. |
document::notes::set_printable | •• | Set the printability* of Comet notes. |
document::notes::show | • | Show all Comet notes of a given document. |
document::notes::show_note | • | Show particular Comet Notes. |
document::open | ••• | Open an InDesign® document. |
document::open_copy | •• | Open a copy of an InDesign® document. |
document::open_sequence | •• | Open a command sequence. |
document::page | ••• | Current page of a given document. |
document::page_elements_shown | •• | Are Page elements currently shown in the document? |
document::pages | ••• | Number of pages in the document. |
document::path | ••• | File path including file name of the given document. |
document::path9 | •• | The file path including file name of the given document in the syntax of MacOS 9 (':'). |
document::pathX | ••• | File path including file name of the given document. |
document::pdf_export | •• | PDF export of document pages or spreads in any order. |
document::place_indesign | • | Import frames from a InDesign® document or snippet (inds or idml). |
document::place_items | •• | Insert a template saved in the database or in a file into the given document. |
document::place_snippet | •• | Insert a snippet into the given document. |
document::plugin | •• | Wich plug-in executes the current cScript? |
document::preflight | •• | Preflight a document to check for errors. |
document::prepare_translations | • | Prepare a document for automatic translations. |
document::print | • | Printing a document. |
•• | DEPRECATED With long script actions it is sometimes the case that the undo memory managed internally by InDesign® can overflow. |
document::remove_duplicate_missions | • | Removes all duplicates of all missions in the document, leaving only one instance of each mission. |
document::remove_masterpage | • | Remove a parent spread from a given document. |
document::remove_redundant_tags | • |   |
document::remove_url_links | ••• | Remove the Web Image links from all frames of the document. |
•• | DEPRECATED Update the presentation of the complete document. |
document::resize | • |   |
document::revert | •• | Revert document to last saved version. |
document::save | ••• | Saving a document. |
document::saveas | ••• | Saving a document using a given destination path. |
document::schwarzfilmtausch | •• | Prepare document for the so called 'Schwarzfilmtausch'. |
document::select | ••• | Set the current front document. |
document::select_by_name | • | Set the current front document. |
document::set_bleed | •• | Change the document bleed. |
document::set_blendingspace | •• | Set the transparency blending space of a document. |
document::set_default_style | • |   |
document::set_display_name | • | Set the display name of the document. |
document::set_firstpagetype | •• | Define whether the first page of the document is a left or right page. |
document::set_modified | • | Set the modified-state of a document. |
document::set_notes_printable | • | |
document::set_pasteboard_gutter | • | Set the documents pasteboard borders. |
document::set_pdf_accessibility_order | •• | Specify which order should be used for the tags of Accessible PDFs. |
document::set_placeholder_visibility | ••• | Set the visiblity of document placeholders. |
document::set_slug | •• | Change the document slug. |
document::set_startpage | •• | Set the start page and numbering format of the front document |
document::set_units | • | Set document measurement units. |
document::setid | ••• | Set the Comet id of a document. |
document::show_folio | • | Open the Folio preview of a given document. |
document::show_invisibles | ••• | Show/Hide invisible characters of texts of the document. |
document::show_notes | • | See document::notes::show |
document::show_page_elements | •• | Show or hide the page elements linked with any document page. |
document::split | • | Split a document into its pages. |
document::start_stamping | • | Starts the 'Stamping' of frames. |
document::stop_stamping | • | Finish stamping frames. |
document::store_macro | • | Save the current frame selection to the database. |
document::sync::after | • | The synchronization of a variant is complete. |
document::sync::before | • | Prepare a variant for synchronization with the master document. |
document::sync::cleanup | • | Clean up the document after a /URL[synchronization]{../InDesign/Plugins/sync_documents.html}. |
document::sync::create_variant | • | Create a variant of a sample document. |
document::sync::groups | • | Synchronization of the frame groups. |
document::sync::layers | • | Synchronization of layers. |
document::sync::masterspreads | • | Synchronization of master spreads. |
document::sync::pages | • | Synchronization of pages. |
document::sync::possible | • | Check if a given document can be synchronized with another document. |
document::sync::remove_empty_layers | • | URL[Remove empyt local layers]{../InDesign/Plugins/sync_documents.html#remove_superflous_layers}. |
document::sync::remove_empty_pages | • | Remove empty local pages. |
document::sync::styles | • | Synchronization of style definitions. |
document::sync::swatches | • | Synchronization of swatches. |
document::table_of_content | • | Insert or update table(s) of content (TOC). |
document::update_crossrefs | • | Update all cross reference placeholders of a given document. |
document::update_links | • | Update (the) links of the document. |
document::update_url_links | ••• | Update all Web Images of the document modified on server side. |
document::write_frame_info | •• | Store all information about frames in the document to the data sources. |
e | ||
editscript | •• | Editing a script. |
element::alloc | •• | Create a new object of type Element. |
element::classid | •• | Get the class Id of an element |
element::copy | •• | Copy the contents of one element to another. |
element::entity_class | • | Get the EntityClass part of a StringID. |
element::entity_id | • | Get the EntityID part of a StringID. |
element::formatstring | •• | Get the format string of a given object. |
element::frames | •• | Get a list of all frames of an repeated element. |
element::from_xml | • | Create a Element object from a xml structure. |
element::group_id | • | Get the GroupID part of a StringID. |
element::id | •• | Get the first number of a given object. |
element::id2 | •• | Get the second number of a given object. |
element::id3 | •• | Get the third number of a given object. |
element::masterframe | •• | Get the main frame of a repeated element. |
element::ordernumber | •• | Get the order number of an repeated element. |
element::parent_entity_class | • | Get the Parent EntityClass part of a StringID. |
element::parent_entity_id | • | Get the Parent EntityID part of a StringID. |
element::parent_group_id | • | Get the Parent GroupID part of a StringID. |
element::parent_record_id | • | Get the Parent RecordID part of a StringID. |
element::record_id | • | Get the RecordID part of a StringID. |
element::release | •• | Delete an element object created using element::alloc |
element::set_classid | •• | Set the class Id of a given object. |
element::set_formatstring | •• | Set the format string of a given object. |
element::set_id | •• | Set the first number of a given object. |
element::set_id2 | •• | Set the second number of a given object. |
element::set_id3 | •• | Set the third number of a given object. |
element::set_stringid | •• | Set the string id of a given object. |
element::set_templateid | •• | Set the template Id of a given object. |
element::stringid | •• | Get the string id of a given object. |
element::templateid | •• | Get the template Id of an element |
element::to_xml | • | Generate a XML structure of a Element object. |
elementlist::add_all | •• | Append all elements from list src to list target. |
elementlist::alloc | •• | Create a new empty list of type ElementList. |
elementlist::append | •• | Append element to the list |
elementlist::from_xml | •• | Create a ElementList object from a xml structure. |
elementlist::get | •• | Get the i-th element of the list. |
elementlist::get_area_built_elements | •• | Get all elements built by an repeating element. |
elementlist::insert | •• | Insert element into the list. |
elementlist::length | •• | Ascertain the number of elements of a list |
elementlist::release | •• | Delete a list again that was created with elementlist::alloc |
elementlist::remove | •• | Remove the given ID from the list. |
elementlist::remove_pos | •• | Remove a position from the list. |
elementlist::to_xml | •• | Generate a XML structure of a ElementList object. |
encode_base64 | ••• | Create a base64 coded string of a given char* string. Example |
excel::close | ••• | Close an Excel file and remove the object from memory. |
excel::col2i | ••• | Convert an Excel column name of the form A, B, ..., Z, AA, AB, ... |
excel::count_sheets | ••• | Number of sheets in the Excel file. |
excel::first_col | ••• | Get the index of the first used column of an Excel sheet. |
excel::first_row | ••• | Get the index of the first used row of an Excel spreadsheet. |
excel::get_border | ••• | Determine the configured border style of a cell. When fetching the outer border for merged cells, you have to fetch them from the actual indices and not the anchorcell. e.g. |
excel::get_color | ••• | Determine the configured colors of a cell. When fetching the outer border colors for merged cells, you have to fetch them from the actual indices and not the anchorcell. e.g. |
excel::get_colwidth | ••• | Width of a column of a table relative to the total width of the table. |
excel::get_colwidth_pt | ••• | Width of a column of a table. |
excel::get_font | ••• | Font settings of a given cell. |
excel::get_format | ••• | Get the formula of cell of an Excel sheet. |
excel::get_formula | ••• | Formula of cell of an Excel sheet. |
excel::get_merge | ••• | Determine the merged area of a cell. |
excel::get_rowheight | ••• | Height of a row in a table |
excel::get_type | ••• | Type of cell of an Excel sheet. |
excel::i2col | ••• | Conversion of a column number into the form A, B, ..., Z, AA, AB, ..., which is commonly used in Excel. |
excel::last_col | ••• | Get the index of the first not used column right behind an Excel sheet. |
excel::last_row | ••• | Get the index of the first unused row under an Excel sheet. |
excel::nth_sheet | ••• | Name of the n-th sheet of an Excel file |
excel::open | ••• | Open an Excel file. |
excel::read | ••• | Read a value from an Excel sheet. |
excel::read_image | ••• | Read an image from an Excel sheet. |
excel::save | ••• | Save an Excel file. |
excel::to_xml | ••• | Export an Excel sheet into XML. |
excel::write | ••• | Write a value into a cell of an Excel sheet. |
f | ||
file::aem_get_asset | •• | EXPERIMENTAL! Download an AEM® (Adobe Experience Manager®) asset. |
file::aem_put_asset | •• | EXPERIMENTAL! Create and update assets and folders of an AEM® (Adobe Experience Manager®). |
file::close | ••• | Close a file |
file::count | ••• | Number of elements in a folder |
file::create | ••• | Create a file or folder in the file system. |
file::download | ••• | Load a file defined by an URL. |
file::download_webimages | ••• | Parallel download of a list of Web Images. |
file::duplicate | ••• | Duplicate a folder or a file. |
file::enable_datafile | ••• | Activate or deactivate a data file classification. If a classification is activated all classifications are automatically deactivated with the same alias name. |
file::exists | ••• | Does the file/folder exist? |
file::extender | ••• | Ascertain the file extension of a file. |
file::get_date | ••• | Get datetime of file. |
file::get_nth | ••• | Get the nth element of a folder |
file::getdatafile | ••• | Get the path of a data file entry. |
file::isfile | ••• | Does the specified path point to a file? |
file::isfolder | ••• | Does the specified path point to a folder? |
file::launch | ••• | Opening a file in your standard program. |
file::md5hash | ••• | Get the md5hash of a file. |
file::move | ••• | Move a folder or a file. |
file::name | ••• | Ascertain the name of the file. |
file::open | ••• | Open a file to read or write. |
file::path | ••• | Ascertain the path of a file. |
file::pdf_count_pages | ••• | Get the number of pages in a PDF document. |
file::read | ••• | Reading from a file. |
file::read_str | ••• | Read the contents of a file as a String. |
file::remove | ••• | Removes a file or folder. |
file::rename | ••• | Rename a folder or a file. |
file::select_file | •• | File selection by means of a file dialog. |
file::select_folder | •• | Folder selection by means of a file dialog. |
file::set_date | ••• | Change a files date and time. |
file::setdatafile | ••• | Change the path definition of a data file entry. |
file::shortname | ••• | Ascertain the name of a file without file extension |
file::size | ••• | Get the size of file or folder. |
file::uncurtain | ••• | Replace a possible $-alias at the beginning of the path by its current value. |
file::unzip | ••• | Extract from out from an archive. |
file::volume | ••• | Ascertain the drive part of a file path. |
file::wait | ••• | Test whether a file exist. |
file::write | ••• | Write in a file. |
file::zip | ••• | Create a ZIP archive from of a file or folder. |
floatlist::add_all | • | Append all elements from list src to list target. |
floatlist::alloc | ••• | Create a new empty list of type FloatList. |
floatlist::append | ••• | Append a value to the list. |
floatlist::clear | ••• | Remove all elements of the list |
floatlist::first | ••• | Get the first non-empty entry record of a given FloatList. |
floatlist::from_xml | • | Create a FloatList object from a xml structure. |
floatlist::get | ••• | Get the i-th element of the list. |
floatlist::get_pos | ••• | Search for the first position of a value in the list. |
floatlist::insert | ••• | Insert a value into the list. |
floatlist::last | ••• | Get the last non-empty record of a given list. |
floatlist::length | ••• | Ascertain the number of elements of a list. |
floatlist::next | ••• | Get the next record of a given list. |
floatlist::prev | ••• | Get the previous record of a given list. |
floatlist::release | ••• | Delete a list again that was created with floatlist::alloc. |
floatlist::remove | ••• | Remove the first occurence of an given value from the list. |
floatlist::remove_pos | •• | Remove a position from the list. |
floatlist::sort | ••• | Sort the list |
floatlist::to_xml | • | Generate a XML structure of a FloatList object. |
frame::add_list_to_group | ••• | Add a list of frames to an InDesign group. |
frame::add_to_area_build_chain | •• | Adds a frame to an area build frame chain. |
frame::add_to_cometgroup | ••• | Add a frame to a given Comet Group. |
frame::add_to_group | ••• | Add another frame to the InDesing group to which the first frame belongs. |
frame::anchor | •• |   |
frame::append | •• | Append text to a the text of a frame. |
frame::apply_display_details | • | Apply the display details given in the Page adaption. |
frame::apply_fitting_options | •• | Apply the frame fitting options of a given frame. |
frame::apply_frame_info | •• | Restore saved information about a frame from the data sources and set it back to the frame. |
frame::apply_layout_rules | ••• | Execute the layout rules of a frame. |
frame::apply_magnet_rules | •• | Apply adapter rules of a given frame. |
frame::apply_magnets | •• | Apply magnets of a given frame. |
frame::bbox | ••• | Get the co-ordination of the frames bounding box. |
frame::bbox_on_creation | •• | Get the frames bounding box at import time (only valid for frames imported by templates). |
frame::bring_forward | •• | Bring forward the frame for one Z-layer. |
frame::bring_to_front | •• | Bring the frame to the front of its page. |
frame::change_rule_param | • | Change a parameter of a layout rule. |
frame::check_url_link | ••• | Check whether the image is a Web Image and was changed on server side. |
frame::clear_fitting_options | •• | Clear the frame fitting options of a given frame. |
frame::color | ••• | Set the fill color of the frame. |
frame::color_cmyk | ••• | Fill the frame in the specified color. |
frame::color_rgb | ••• | Fill the frame in the specified color. |
frame::copy_image | • | Copy an image into another frame. |
frame::count_columns | •• | Get the number of text columns of a frame. |
frame::count_script_tags | ••• | Count the number of defined script labels of a given frame. |
frame::create | •• | Create a new frame or a line. |
frame::create2 | •• | Create a new frame, position is given releativ to the page (not as in create relative to the pages margins) |
frame::create_columns | •• | Create text columns in the specified frames. |
frame::create_subtextframe | • | Create a new text frame as a sub-frame to another frame. |
frame::create_subtextframe_f | • | Create a new text frame as a sub-frame to another frame. |
frame::create_textframe | •• | Create a new text frame. |
frame::create_textframe_f | •• | Create a new text frame. |
frame::delete_frame_info | •• | Delete frame infos from the data sources More information at Frame infos |
frame::delete_textframe | ••• | Delete a frame and its content from the document. |
frame::doclink::copy_to_folder | •• | Copies links' resources to the specified folder, and optionally relinks the resources. |
frame::doclink::get | •• | Get a frame's link. |
frame::doclink::get_frame | •• | Get the frame of a link. |
frame::doclink::get_path | •• | Get the complete path of a link reference. |
frame::doclink::get_state | •• | Get the state of a frame link. |
frame::doclink::get_type | •• | Determine the type of a frame link. |
frame::doclink::relink | •• | Import a new image into the link. |
frame::doclink::update | •• | Update the link by reimporting the data. |
frame::duplicate | ••• | Duplicate an existing document frame. |
frame::embed_file | •• | Embed an image into a frame. |
frame::embed_image | •• | Embedding an image in a frame. |
frame::embed_url | •• | MAGIC Import an embedded image from an URL. |
frame::excel_import | • | Insert the Excel table into the text. |
frame::excel_update | • | Update a table of the text in a text table. |
frame::export_embedded_image | •• | Export an embedded image into a file. |
• | DEPRECATED Please use the function html::export_ instead. |
frame::fit | •• | Adjust a frame and all its sub-frames to the size of its contents. |
frame::fit_better | ••• | Adjust a frame to the size of its contents. |
frame::fit_image | •• | Fitting an image and its frame together. |
• | DEPRECATED Please use frame::inline_, frame::inline_above, frame::anchor and frame::get_anchor instead. |
frame::get_alt | • | Determine the settings for the alternative text of a frame. |
frame::get_anchor | •• | Get the properties of an inline-above or anchored frame. |
frame::get_area_build_chain_members | •• | Moves a frame inside the order of an area build frame chain. |
frame::get_area_build_order | •• | Get the order of a frame inside an area build frame chain. |
frame::get_area_build_parameter | •• | Get a layoutparameter for the area build mode. |
frame::get_area_build_placed_into | •• | Get the layout frame in which an element frame was placed during an area build process. |
frame::get_blending | •• | Get opacity and blend mode of frames. |
frame::get_blendmode | • | Get frames blend mode. |
frame::get_chapter_id | •• | Find the chapter id of a frame. |
frame::get_color | •• | Get the background color of a frame. |
frame::get_cometgroup | ••• | Get the CometGroup-ID of a frame. |
frame::get_cometgroup_member | •• | Search for a frame with a given Comet label within the Comet Group of the frame. |
frame::get_corner | •• | Get corner options of a frame. |
frame::get_display_details | • | Find out the page adaption image details. |
frame::get_fill_level | • | Calculate the size of the shape and (if available) the image of a given frame. |
frame::get_fitting_options | •• | Get fitting options of a given frame. |
frame::get_frameinfoid | • | Returns the value of the script tag with the key "frameInfoId". |
frame::get_group | ••• | Query the InDesign® group frame of a frame. |
frame::get_layer | ••• | Ascertain the name of the layer on which a frame is located. |
frame::get_lineends | •• | Determine the line ends (aka arrows) of the path of a frame. |
frame::get_link | •• | Find the next text frame in a text frame chain. |
frame::get_magnet_is_rotation_only | •• | Is a given magnet used in format adaption or in page rotations? |
frame::get_magnet_is_white | •• | Is a given magnet a frame or an image (white) magnet? |
frame::get_magnet_reference | •• | Is a given magnet used in format adaption or in page rotations? |
frame::get_magnet_type | •• | Get the type of a magnet. |
frame::get_nail | •• | Is an edge or a side of a frame nailed by the page adapting tool? |
frame::get_name | ••• | Get a frame's name. |
frame::get_nth_script_tag | ••• | Get the nth key/value pair of the script labels of a given frame. |
frame::get_objectstyle | •• | Retreive (path and) name of a frames object style. |
frame::get_opacity | •• | Get the tranparency of a frame. |
frame::get_origin | •• | Get the UUID of the frame. |
frame::get_overprint | •• | Get the overprint of a frame. |
frame::get_page_element | •• | Find the page element of a given frame or its Comet group. |
frame::get_pdf_accessibility | • | Determine the settings for the accessible description text of a frame. |
frame::get_printable | • | Printability* of frames. |
frame::get_rotate | ••• | Get the current rotation of a frame. |
frame::get_scale | •• | Get the current frame scaling. |
frame::get_script_tag | ••• | Find the value of a script tag of a frame. |
frame::get_size | ••• | Get the co-ordination of the frames bounding box. |
frame::get_skew | •• | Get the current skew angle of a frame. |
frame::get_smart_item_data | •• | Get the frame properties to support products buildings. |
frame::get_stroke | •• | Get the properties of the frames stroke. |
frame::get_stroke_color | •• | Get the stroke color of a frame. |
frame::get_template | •• | Find the template that inserted a frame into the document. |
frame::get_textpos | • | Find the position of the text shown in a frame of chained text frame list. |
frame::get_type | • | Determine the (geometric) type of a frame. |
frame::get_url | ••• | Get the web address (URL) stored behind the frame. |
frame::get_url_alignment | •• | Get the initial alignment of the Web Image. |
frame::get_url_filedate | •• | Get the time stamp of the original file of a Web Image. |
frame::get_url_importdate | •• | When was the last time the Web Image was imported? Format: DD.MM.YYYY HH:MM:SS e.g. |
frame::get_url_importresult | •• | Get the last import result of a We Image. |
frame::get_url_sizeinfo | •• | Initial size hint of Web Image. |
frame::get_url_state | •• | Get the last import result of a Web Image. |
frame::get_visible_area | • | Calculate the size of visible part(s) of a frame. |
frame::get_z_order | •• | Get the Z order of a given frame. |
frame::getbbox_before_adapt | •• | Get the original bounding boxes of a frame before the current page adaption was started. |
frame::gettext | ••• | Get text content of a Text frame |
frame::getwrap | •• | Get contour and spacing |
frame::getwrap_contour | •• | Get options for text wraps around frames and objects. |
frame::getwrap_ignore | •• | Does a frame apply text wraps or not? |
frame::getwrap_invert | • | Inverted wrap |
frame::getwrap_side | •• | Get options for text wraps around frames and objects. |
frame::getwrap_zorderbased | •• | Check Z order of frame for text wrapings? |
frame::group | ••• | Group a selection of document frames. |
frame::group_content | ••• | Get a list of all frames of an InDesign®/Illustrator group. |
frame::has_embedded_image | •• | Does the given frame contain an embedded image? |
frame::has_embedded_url | ••• | Check whether a frame has an embedded Web Image. |
frame::has_image | •• | Does the given frame contain an image? |
frame::has_linked_url | ••• | Does a frame have a Web Image? |
• | DEPRECATED Please use frame::isinline and frame::get_anchor instead. |
frame::hide | ••• | Hide a frame. |
frame::image | ••• | Place a file into a frame. |
frame::image_blackcolor | • | Overlay the black of a B/W image with the given color. |
frame::image_blackcolor_cmyk | • | Overlay the black of a B/W image with the given color. |
frame::image_blackcolor_rgb | • | Overlay the black of a B/W image with the given color. |
frame::image_getpath | ••• | Ascertain the path of the image of a Graphic Frame. |
frame::image_getpath_bbox | •• | Calcalute the bounding box of the current clip path. |
frame::image_getpos | •• | Ascertain the position of an image in a Graphic Frame. |
frame::image_getrotation | •• | Rotation of an image of a Graphic Frame. |
frame::image_getscale | •• | Scaling of an image of a Graphic Frame. |
frame::image_getsize | •• | How big is the image of a Graphic Frame. |
frame::image_getskew | •• | Skew of the image of a Graphic Frame. |
frame::image_pos | •• | Set the position of the image inside a given Graphic Frame. |
frame::image_rotate | •• | Rotate the image inside a given Graphic Frame. |
frame::image_scale | •• | Set the scaling of the image inside a given Graphic Frame. |
frame::image_size | •• | Set the size of the image inside a given Graphic Frame. |
frame::image_skew | •• | Skew the image inside a given Graphic Frame. |
frame::incoming_magnets | •• | Get all incoming magnets of one given side of a frame. |
frame::inline_ | •• | Change a frame to a text inline or anchored frame. |
frame::inline_above | •• | Create an "inline above" frame at a given text position. |
frame::inlinepos | •• | Ascertain the text position of an inline frame. |
frame::insert | •• | Inserting the text into a frame. |
frame::insert_crossref | • | Insert a cross reference destination into a text. |
frame::insert_macro | • | Insert a text template. |
frame::is_area_build_masterframe | •• | Determines wether the frame is the first element of an area build frame chain. |
frame::is_at_back | •• | Is the given frame the last frame on its page? |
frame::is_directinline | •• | Is the frame a direct inline? |
frame::is_empty_graphicframe | •• | I the given frame an empty Graphic Frame? |
frame::is_graphic | •• | Is the frame a graphic? |
frame::is_graphicframe | •• | Is the given frame a Graphic Frame? |
frame::is_group | •• | Is the frame a group? |
frame::is_guide | • | Is the frame a "guide layer"? |
frame::is_hidden | ••• | Get the curren visibility of a frame. |
frame::is_in_front | •• | Is the given frame the frontmost frame on its page? |
frame::is_inline | •• | Is the frame an inline? |
frame::is_locked | ••• | Is the given frame locked by InDesign® ? |
frame::is_masteritem_overriden | •• | Given a parent page item, check whether it is overridden on a given document page. |
frame::is_media | • | Is the frame a media object? |
frame::is_member_of | •• | Check whether a frame is a member (direct or via sub groups) of the given Comet Group. |
frame::is_note | • | Is the given frame a Comet note or not? |
frame::is_overriden_masteritem | •• | Give a page item, check whether it is an overridden parent page item. |
frame::is_qrcode | • | Does the frame contain a QR code? |
frame::is_standoff | • | Is the frame a "stand off"? |
frame::is_textframe | ••• | Is the frame a textframe? |
frame::is_textinset | • | Is the frame a "text inset"? |
frame::is_textonpath | • | Is the frame a "text on path"? |
frame::is_valid | •• | Does the reference point to an existing frame? |
frame::isinline | •• | Is the specified frame located within the text? |
frame::link | •• | Connect two text frames so that the content of the first frame with continue into the second frame where there is an excess. |
frame::link_url | •• | Place a URL based file into a frame. |
frame::link_with_unique_placeholder | • | Synonym for prepare_translations. |
frame::lock | ••• | Protect a frame from manual changes. |
frame::move_in_area_build_order | •• | Moves a frame inside the order of an area build frame chain. |
frame::move_to_ilayer | ••• | Move a frame to another layer of the document. |
frame::move_to_layer | ••• | Move a frame to another layer of the document. |
frame::moveto | ••• | Move a frame to a specified position. |
frame::noshadow | • | Remove the shadow of a frame. |
frame::note::change_dest | •• | Change the destination of a Comet Note. |
frame::note::get_dest | •• | Determine the type and destination of a Comet Note. |
frame::note::remove | •• | Remove a Comet Note from the document. |
•• | DEPRECATED Change the transparency of a frame. |
frame::outgoing_magnets | •• | Get all outgoing magnets of one given side of a frame. |
frame::oval | • | Change the form of a frame to an oval or a circle. |
frame::override_masteritem | •• | Override a given parent page item for a document page. |
frame::overset | ••• | Should these text parts of the text model or frame be non-visible? |
frame::parent | •• | Determine the enclosing frame of a frame. |
frame::place_file | • | see frame::image |
frame::place_pdf | •• | Place a PDF into a given frame. |
frame::place_pdf_with_crop | •• | Place a PDF in a frame. |
frame::polygon | • | Change the form of a frame to a polygon. |
frame::prepare_translations | • | Like document::prepare_translations, but the function works in the text model of the given frame only. |
frame::rappend | •• | Recursive safe appending text to a frame. This function works like frame::append but it is 'revursive safe' for self calling placeholders. |
frame::rectangle | •• | Change the form of a frame to a square. |
frame::refpoint | •• | Get the co-ordinates of a reference point of a frame. |
frame::regrouped | •• | A group was resolved and recreated. |
frame::reimport | •• | Update the connection of a frame. |
frame::reimport_all | •• | Update the connections of all frames of the document. |
frame::reimport_list | •• | Update the connections of all frames of the given list. |
frame::reimport_selected | •• | Update the connections of all selected frames of the document. |
frame::release_inline | •• | Make an inline a 'normal' frame, i.e. |
frame::remove | • | Synonymous for delete_textframe. |
frame::remove_from_area_build_chain | •• | Removes a frame from an area build chain. |
frame::remove_from_cometgroup | ••• | Remove a frame from a Comet Group. |
frame::remove_image | •• | Delete an image of a grafic frame |
frame::remove_masteritem_override | •• | Remove all overrides from a given frame. |
frame::remove_redundant_tags | • |   |
frame::remove_sub_cometgroups | •• | Remove all frames from any Comet subgroup of a frame. |
frame::remove_url_link | ••• | Remove the link to a Web Image from the frame. |
frame::reorganize_area_build_frames | •• | Reorganizes the already built repeating elements in an area build chain. |
frame::replace | ••• |   |
frame::replace_all | •• | Replace text in a frame. |
frame::resize | ••• | Change the size of a frame. |
frame::restore_text | •• | Replace the specified text frame with database-stored content. |
frame::rinsert | • | Recursive safe inserting text in a frame. This function works like frame::insert but it is 'revursive safe' for self calling placeholders. |
frame::rmv_magnets | •• | Remove all nails, magnets and adapter script from all frames of a given list. |
frame::rotate | ••• | Rotate a frame. |
frame::rreplace | •• | Recursive safe replacing text in a frame. This function works like frame::replace but it is 'revursive safe' for self calling placeholders. |
frame::scale | ••• | Scale a frame by the given scaling factors. |
frame::scale_to | ••• | Scale a frame to the given factors. |
frame::select | • | Select a document frame. |
frame::send_backward | •• | Send backward the frame for one Z-layer. |
frame::send_to_back | •• | Send a frame to the back. |
frame::set_alt | • | Define an alternative text description for a frame. |
frame::set_area_build_parameter | •• | Set a layoutparameter for the area build mode. |
frame::set_blending | •• | Set opacity and blendings of frames. |
frame::set_corner | •• | Set corner options of a frame. |
frame::set_creationdate | •• | Set the frame date anew. |
frame::set_fitting_options | •• | Set the frames fitting options. |
frame::set_frameinfoid | • | Sets the script tag with the key "frameInfoId" to the specified value |
frame::set_lineends | •• | Set the line ends (aka arrows) of the path of a frame. |
frame::set_magnet | •• | Set or remove magnets for priint::adjust. |
frame::set_nail | •• | Set or remove priint:adjust nails. |
frame::set_name | ••• | Set a frame's name. |
frame::set_objectstyle | •• | Apply object style to a frame. |
frame::set_origin | •• | The call is part of the document synchronization. |
frame::set_overprint | •• | Set the overprint of frames. |
frame::set_pdf_accessibility | • | Define an accessible description text for a frame. |
frame::set_printable | • | Set the printability* of a frame. |
frame::set_script_tag | ••• | Set the value of a script tag of a frame. |
frame::set_smart_item_data | •• | Set the frame properties to support products buildings. |
frame::set_top_options | • | Set the (text on path) options. |
frame::shadow | • | Shadow (DropShadow) of a frame defined by the RGB values of the color. |
frame::shadow | • | Shadow (DropShadow) of a frame defined by color name. |
frame::show | ••• | Change the visibility state of a frame. |
frame::shows_textend | ••• | Does the frame contain the end of the text? |
frame::size | • | see frame::get_size |
frame::skew | •• | Skew a frame horizontally. |
frame::spline | • | Change the form of a frame to a potato. |
frame::star | • | Change the form of a frame to a star. |
frame::store_macro | •• | Exporting the contents of the current text model. |
frame::store_magnet_distances | • | Save magnet distances of a frame and all frames reachable from this frame. |
frame::store_text | • | Write the content of a frame in the data base. |
frame::stroke | •• | Definition of the frame contour. |
frame::stroke_cmyk | •• | Definition of the frame contour with CMYK color. |
frame::stroke_rgb | •• | Definition of the frame contour with RGB color. |
•• | DEPRECATED Please use the frame::parent function instead. |
frame::textlength | • | If the defined frame is a text frame, the length of the text will be returned, otherwise 0. |
• | DEPRECATED Please use the function interactive::get instead. |
frame::ungroup | ••• | Resolve frame grouping. |
frame::unlock | ••• | Allow manual changes to a frame. |
frame::update_url_link | ••• | Update a Web Image. |
frame::vignette | • | Edges and corners |
frame::wrap | •• | Set the contour type and spacing |
frame::wrap_contour | •• | Set options for text wraps around images. |
frame::wrap_ignore | •• | (De) Activate wrap for frame |
frame::wrap_invert | •• | Invert a text wrap. |
frame::wrap_side | •• | Set options for text wraps around frames and objects. |
frame::wrap_zorderbased | •• | Take care on Z order of text wrap. |
frame::write_frame_info | •• | Write information about a frame into the data sources. |
free | ••• | like release Example |
ftoa | ••• | Convert a float into a string |
fval | ••• | Convert a string of a float number into a string Example |
g | ||
get_netweight_str | •• | Get the net weight string of a given string. |
get_realindex | ••• | Get the byte index of an UTF-8 index. |
get_script_clipboard | • | Fetch a value from the Script Clipboard. |
get_utf8index | ••• | Get the byte index of an UTF-8 index. |
graph::draw | • | Replace the contents of a frame with a graph. |
grid::bottom | • | Get the Y value of the right lower point of a grid place. |
grid::height | • | Get the height of a grid place. |
grid::left | • | Get the X value of the left upper point of a grid place. |
grid::right | • | Get the X value of the right lower point of a grid place. |
grid::top | • | Get the Y value of the left upper point of a grid place. |
grid::width | • | Get the width of a grid place. |
h | ||
html::export_frame | •• | Export the content of a text frame as HTML. |
html::raw_text | ••• | Converts an HTML input String to raw text which contains not formatting options. |
html::tidy | •• | Cleans an HTML input string and tries to output valid XHTML. |
html::to_tagged | •• | Converts an HTML input String to InDesign® TaggedText. |
hyperlink::add_nameddest | • | Create a named text anchor in the document. |
hyperlink::appearance | •• | Change the appearance of a hylerlink. |
hyperlink::borderwidth | • | Borderwidth of an hyperlink.. |
hyperlink::color | • | Get the color of the hyperlink border. |
hyperlink::count | •• | Get the number of hyperlinks in a textframe. |
hyperlink::create_pagedest | •• | Create a new hyper link from a text to a page. |
hyperlink::create_textdest | • | Create a text link to a named text anchor. |
hyperlink::create_urldest | •• | Create a new hyper link from a text to an URL. |
hyperlink::delete_ | • | Delete a hyperlink or a hyperlink anchor. |
hyperlink::delete_all | • | Remove all hyperlinks from a document. |
hyperlink::destination | • | Find a hyperlinks destination. |
hyperlink::find | • | Find all cross reference destinations of a given name and a given Comet ID. |
hyperlink::find1 | • | Find on property of one cross reference destination with the given name and Comet-ID. |
hyperlink::frame_create_pagedest | •• | Create a new hyper link from a frame to a page. |
hyperlink::frame_create_urldest | •• | Create a new hyper link from a frame to an URL. |
hyperlink::get_alttext | • | Get the alternative text of a hyperlink. |
hyperlink::get_next_unique_key | •• | Get next available unique hyperlink key of a document. |
hyperlink::get_nth | •• | Get the nth hyperlink of a text frame. |
hyperlink::get_pos | •• | Determine text position and length of a hyperlink in a text. |
hyperlink::get_source | • | Retreive the hyper link of a given frame. |
hyperlink::goto_destination | • | Jump to the hyperlinks destination. |
hyperlink::goto_source | • | Jump to the hyperlinks source. |
hyperlink::hide | • | Hide the hyperlinks border. |
hyperlink::hilight | • | Hilite state of the hyperlink. Attention The hilight state is not used in InDesign® , it only matters when the file is exported to PDF. |
hyperlink::is_valid | • | Does the reference point to an existing bookmark? |
hyperlink::name | •• | Find the hyperlinks name. |
hyperlink::set_alttext | • | Set the alternative text of a hyperlink. |
hyperlink::setname | • | Change the name of a hyperlink. |
hyperlink::show | • | Show the hyperlinks border. |
hyperlink::type | •• | Determine the type of a hyperlink. |
hyperlink::visible | • | Hyperlink visible or not? |
i | ||
idtype::alloc | ••• | Create a new ID of type IDType. |
idtype::clone | ••• | Create a clone of an existing ID. |
idtype::copy | ••• | Copy the contents of one ID to another. |
idtype::entity_class | •• | Get the Entity.Class of a StringID in PublishingServer schema. |
idtype::entity_id | •• | Get the Entity.Id of a StringID in PublishingServer schema. |
idtype::from_xml | • | Create a IDType object from a xml structure. |
idtype::group_id | •• | Get the Record.GroupId of a StringID in PublishingServer schema. |
idtype::id | ••• | Get the first number of a given ID. |
idtype::id2 | ••• | Get the second number of a given ID. |
idtype::id3 | ••• | Get the third number of a given ID. |
idtype::is_equal | ••• | Compare two IDType objects. |
idtype::parent_entity_class | •• | Get the Entity.ParentClass of a StringID in PublishingServer schema. |
idtype::parent_entity_id | •• | Get the Entity.ParentId of a StringID in PublishingServer schema. |
idtype::parent_group_id | •• | Get the Record.ParentGroupId of a StringID in PublishingServer schema. |
idtype::parent_record_id | •• | Get the Record.ParentId of a StringID in PublishingServer schema. |
idtype::record_id | •• | Get the Record.Id of a StringID in PublishingServer schema. |
idtype::release | ••• | Delete an idtype object created using idtype::alloc or idtype::clone |
idtype::set_id | ••• | Set the first number of a given ID. |
idtype::set_id2 | ••• | Set the second number of a given ID. |
idtype::set_id3 | ••• | Set the third number of a given ID. |
idtype::set_stringid | ••• | Set the string id of a given ID. |
idtype::stringid | ••• | Get the string id of a given ID. |
idtype::to_xml | • | Generate a XML structure of a IDType object. |
idtypelist::add_all | •• | Append all elements from list src to list target. |
idtypelist::alloc | •• | Create a new empty ID list of type IDTypeList. |
idtypelist::append | •• | Append element to the list |
idtypelist::clear | •• | Remove all elements of the list |
idtypelist::find | •• | Search for the position of a given ID1 in the list. |
idtypelist::find_id2 | •• | Search for the position of a given ID1 in the list. |
idtypelist::first | •• | Get the first non-empty entry record of a given string list |
idtypelist::from_xml | •• | Create a IDTypeList object from a xml structure. |
idtypelist::get | •• | Get the i-th element of the list. |
idtypelist::get_from_panel | •• | Fill the list with the requested IDs of the given panel. |
idtypelist::get_pos | •• | Search for the position of a value in the list. |
idtypelist::get_responsibles | •• | Get the list containing the names of the people who can be entered as responsible for a Comet Note. |
idtypelist::insert | •• | Insert element into the list. |
idtypelist::last | •• | Get the last non-empty record of a given list |
idtypelist::length | •• | Ascertain the number of elements of a list |
idtypelist::mark_in_panel | •• | Change the eye mark of panel entries. |
idtypelist::next | •• | Get the next record of a given list. |
idtypelist::prev | •• | Get the previous record of a given list. |
idtypelist::release | •• | Delete a list again that was created with idtypelist::alloc |
idtypelist::remove | •• | Remove the given ID from the list. |
idtypelist::remove_pos | •• | Remove a position from the list. |
idtypelist::sort | •• | Sort the list |
idtypelist::to_xml | •• | Generate a XML structure of a IDTypeList object. |
image::alloc | ••• | Create a preview of a file. |
image::alpha_channel_index | • | Get the index of a given alpha channel inside the image of a frame. |
image::alpha_channel_name | • | Get the Name of n-th alpha channel of the image currently set in the frame. |
image::alphaindex | • | Get the index of the currently used alpha channel of a frame. |
image::barcode | ••• | Create a machine-readable code (Barcode, EAN, QR-Code, ...). |
image::bytes | ••• |   |
image::clipindex | •• |   |
image::clippath | • | Get the clip paths bounding box. |
image::count_alpha_channels | • | Get the number of alpha channels of the image currently used by a frame. |
image::count_layers | • | Count layers of an image. |
image::count_paths | • |   |
image::error | • | Error state of image. |
image::layerindex | • | Get the index of an image layer given by its name. |
image::layername | • | Get the name of an image layer given by its index. |
image::pathindex | • |   |
image::pathname | • |   |
image::preview | • | Mac only Create a preview of an image. |
image::qrcode | • | Create a QR code. |
image::qrcode_getcontent | • | Text content of a QR Code. |
image::qrcode_gettype | • | Type of a QR code. |
image::release | ••• | If images are no longer required, the image data must in any case be deleted again! |
image::save | •• | Save an image to a file. |
image::set_alpha_channel | •• |   |
image::setalpha2 | •• |   |
image::setclip | •• |   |
image::setclip2 | •• |   |
image::show_layer | • | Change the visibility of an image layer. |
image::snapshot_frame | •• | Create a preview of a document frame. |
image::snapshot_frames | •• | Create a preview of document frames. |
image::snapshot_page | •• |   |
inch2pt | ••• | Conversion from inch to point (pt). |
interactive::add_action | •• | Add an action to an interactive object. |
interactive::add_frame | • | Add a frame or group to a state of an interactive object. |
interactive::count_actions | •• | Count the actions of an interactive object. |
interactive::create | •• | Create a new interactive object from an existing frame. |
interactive::create_multistate | • | Create a new multi state object from a given list of objects. |
interactive::get | •• | Search the interactive object containing a frame. |
interactive::get_actions | •• | Get a list of (all) actions of a interactive object. |
interactive::get_event | •• | Event, that triggers an interactice objects action. |
interactive::get_frames | • | Get a list of all items (frames or groups) of an states object. |
interactive::get_nth_action | •• | Get an action of an interactive element by its index. |
interactive::get_pdf_option | •• | Get PDF options from an interactive object. |
interactive::get_task | •• | Get the task executed by an action. |
interactive::get_task_data | •• | Get the parameter of a task of an action of an interactive object. |
interactive::is_formfield | •• | Does the frame have a formfield object (but is not a multistate)? |
interactive::is_multistate | •• | Does the frame have a multistate object? |
interactive::move_action | • | Move an action of an interactive object. |
interactive::remove_action | • | Delete an action of an interactive object. |
interactive::resolve | •• | Resolve interactive objects. |
interactive::set_pdf_option | •• | Set PDF options of an interactive object. |
interactive::set_task_data | • | Change the properties of an formield task. The function may chenge the current document selection. Take care to use the task dependent function parameters! |
item::alloc | ••• | Reserve memory capacity for an InDesign® object. |
item::assign | ••• | Copy on ItemRef to another. |
item::define | •• | Define a reference to a document object. |
item::defined | ••• | Does the reference indicate a valid object? |
item::exists | •• | Does the reference indicate an existing object? |
item::fitframe | •• | Fit the frame, in which a reference is displayed, to its contents. |
item::get_class | •• | Get the class of an existing document object. |
item::getint | •• | UID of the reference. |
item::release | ••• | The reserved memory of an object reference is again released. |
itemlist::adapt_by | • | Adapt a list of frames by a given size change. |
itemlist::adapt_cometgroup_by | • | Adapt the frames of a Comet group by a given size change. |
itemlist::adapt_cometgroup_to | • |   |
itemlist::adapt_to | • | Adapt a list of given frames to a given size. |
itemlist::add_to_cometgroup | ••• | Add a list of frames to a Comet group. |
itemlist::align | • | Align a list of frames. |
itemlist::allframes | ••• | Create a list of all frames of the document. |
itemlist::allframes_of_doc | ••• | Create a list of all frames of a document. |
itemlist::alloc | ••• | Create a new empty list. |
itemlist::append | ••• | Expand the list with appending |
itemlist::appendlist | •• | Expand list by appending an additional list |
itemlist::apply | •• | Apply a function to all entries of an ItemList. |
itemlist::apply1 | •• | Applying a function on all entries of an ItemList and deleting the ItemList |
itemlist::apply_frame_info | •• | Restore saved information about a frame from the data sources and set it back to the frames. |
itemlist::apply_frame_info2 | •• | Restore saved information about a frame from the data sources and set it back to the frames. |
itemlist::apply_layout_rules | •• | Apply the layout rules for a given list of frames. |
itemlist::are_members_of | ••• | Check whether a given list of frames are members of given Comet group. |
itemlist::articles | •• | Get a list of all articles in a document. |
itemlist::bbox | ••• | Ascertain the frame surrounding the frame of the list. |
itemlist::chained | ••• | Create a list of all linked frames of a text. |
itemlist::check_url_links | ••• | Check the state of the Web Images of a frame list. |
itemlist::clear | ••• | Remove all objects from the list |
itemlist::convert_to_trailer | •• | Register frames added by the Build Support as to be a product trailer. |
itemlist::create_cometgroup | ••• | Create a new Comet group from the given frame list. |
• | DEPRECATED Please use the function interactive::create_multistate instead. |
itemlist::create_snippet | • | Create a new snippet. |
itemlist::delete_frame_info | •• | Delete frame infos for all frames of a comet group from the data sources. |
itemlist::delete_frame_info2 | •• | Delete frame infos for a list of frames from the data sources. |
itemlist::doc_notes | •• | Create a list of all Comet Notes of a document. |
itemlist::duplicate | • | Duplicate a list of existing document frames. |
itemlist::embed_urls | •• | Link the provided frames to the given images in the web for embedding. |
itemlist::embedded_urls | ••• | Get all frames of the given document with an embedded Web Image. |
itemlist::frame_notes | •• | Create a list of all Comet Notes of a given frame. |
itemlist::get | ••• | Get the i-th element of a specified list. |
itemlist::get_cometgroup | ••• | Get the Comet group ID of a list of frames. |
itemlist::get_cometgroup_members | ••• | Get all members of a Comet group. |
itemlist::get_pos | ••• | Position of an object in the list |
itemlist::group_notes | •• | Create a list of all Comet Notes of the Comet Group of a frame. |
itemlist::hyperlinks | •• | Get a list of all hyperlinks of the text of a frame. |
itemlist::inlines | •• | Get all inlines and anchored frames of a text or text range. |
itemlist::insert | ••• | Expand the list with inserts |
itemlist::intersections | •• | Create a list of all frames interseting the given frame. |
itemlist::length | ••• | State the length of the list. |
itemlist::link_urls | •• | Link the provided frames to the given Web Images. |
itemlist::linked_urls | ••• | Get all frames of the given document, linked against an Web Images. |
itemlist::logical_groups | • | Collect a sub-list of frames that satisfy the same logical conditions. |
itemlist::masteritems | •• | Create a list of all items on a parent page. |
itemlist::move_by | •• | Move a list of frames by a given offset. |
itemlist::move_cometgroup_by | •• | Move a Comet group by a given value. |
itemlist::move_cometgroup_to | •• | Move a Comet group to a new (absolute) position. |
itemlist::move_to | •• | Move a list of frames to a new (absolute) position. |
itemlist::page_notes | •• | Create a list of all Comet Notes of a given page or page number. |
itemlist::pageframes | •• | Create a list of all frames of a document page. |
itemlist::pageframes_of_doc | •• | Create a list of all frames of a document page. |
itemlist::pdf_export | • | Creates a PDF of the provided frame list using the specified pdf profile. |
itemlist::release | ••• | Release of memory occupied by an ItemList. |
itemlist::relink | • | Find all placeholders in a frame list and relinks them to a new ID |
itemlist::remove | ••• | Delete an object from the list |
itemlist::remove_cometgroup | ••• | Remove all frames of a given Comet group from the document. |
itemlist::remove_from_cometgroup | ••• | Remove frames of a list of frames from a given Comet group. |
itemlist::remove_items | ••• | Remove a list of frames from the document. |
itemlist::remove_pos | ••• | Delete an object from the list |
itemlist::remove_url_links | ••• | Remove the Web Image links from a list of frames. |
itemlist::resolve_cometgroup | ••• | Resolve a Comet group. |
itemlist::revert | •• | Revert a given ItemList. |
itemlist::rmv_magnets | •• | Remove all nails, magnets and adapter script from all frames of a given list. |
itemlist::rotate | • | Rotate a list of frames. |
itemlist::scale | • | Scale a list of frames. |
itemlist::select | •• | Select the frame of a list in the document. |
itemlist::selected | ••• | Create a list of all selected frames of the document. |
itemlist::set_creationdate | •• | Reset the frame date of every frame in the list. |
itemlist::skew | • | Skew a list of frames. |
itemlist::sort | •• | Sort a list of frames. |
itemlist::store_magnet_distances | •• | Save magnet distances of all frames and all reachable frames of a given list. |
itemlist::subframes | •• | Create a list of sub-frames of an InDesign® group frame. |
itemlist::subframes_of_list | •• | Create a list of sub-frames of a frame list. |
itemlist::update_url_links | ••• | If neccessary, reload the Web Images of a list of frames. |
itemlist::write_frame_info | •• | Store information about a frame group to the data sources. |
itemlist::write_frame_info2 | •• | Write all information about a frame list to the data sources. |
itemlistlist::alloc | •• | Create a new empty list. |
itemlistlist::append | •• | Insert an object to the list. |
itemlistlist::clear | •• | Clear all entries of a ItemListList. |
itemlistlist::first | •• | Get the first object of the list and define the current list pointer at the list start. |
itemlistlist::get | •• | Get the list element |
itemlistlist::get_pos | •• | Define the index which has an object in the list. |
itemlistlist::insert | •• | Insert an object in the list. |
itemlistlist::last | •• | Get the last object of the list and define the current list pointer at the list end. |
itemlistlist::length | •• | Current length of the list |
itemlistlist::next | •• | Move the current list pointer one position onwards and get the next object of the list. |
itemlistlist::prev | •• | Move the current list pointer one position onwards and get the next object of the list. |
itemlistlist::release | •• | Delete a list from the active store. |
itemlistlist::remove | •• | Delete an object from the list. |
itemlistlist::remove_pos | •• | Remove an object from the list. |
itoa | ••• | Convert a number into a string. Example |
j | ||
json::alloc | ••• | Allocate a new JSON object. |
json::get_attributes | ••• | Get a list of all attribute names of a JSON object. |
json::get_error | ••• | Get the error description stored in the JSON object. |
json::get_float | ••• | Determine the floating-point value of a property of a JSON object. |
json::get_int | ••• |   |
json::get_list | ••• | Determine the list of values of a JSON attribute. |
json::get_object | ••• | Get a sub-object of a JSON object. |
json::get_string | ••• | Determine the string value of a property of a JSON object. |
json::get_type | ••• |   |
json::parse_array | ••• | Parse a new JSON object from a given JSON string. |
json::parse_object | ••• | Parse a new JSON object from a given JSON string. |
json::read | ••• | Allocate a new JSON object from an input file in JSON format. |
json::release | ••• |   |
json::serialize | ••• | Export a given JSON to a string. |
json::set_error | ••• | Set a JSON error. |
json::set_float | ••• |   |
json::set_int | ••• | Set the value of a property of a JSON object. |
json::set_list | ••• |   |
json::set_object | ••• | Insert a JSON sub-object into a JSON object. |
json::set_string | ••• | Set the value of a property of a JSON object. |
json::write | ••• | Write a JSON object to an output file. |
k | ||
key_value_mapping | •• | Dialog for assigning key-value pairs. Example |
keyvalues::add_all | ••• | Append all elements from list src to list target. |
keyvalues::alloc | ••• | Alloc a KeyValues list object |
keyvalues::clear | ••• | Release a KeyValues list |
keyvalues::contains | ••• | Check, if a particular entry exists in a KeyValues list |
keyvalues::from_xml | ••• | Create a KeyValues object from a xml structure. |
keyvalues::get | ••• | Get the value of an entry in a KeyValues list |
keyvalues::get_keys | ••• | Get all keys of a KeyValues list as a StringList. |
keyvalues::get_values | ••• | Get all values of a KeyValues list as a StringList. |
keyvalues::length | ••• | Get the length (number of entries) of a KeyValues list |
keyvalues::put | ••• | Add a key value entry to a list or replace an existing entry |
keyvalues::release | ••• | Delete a list created with keyvalues::alloc and all its entries from memory. |
keyvalues::remove | ••• | Remove an entry from a KeyValues list |
keyvalues::to_xml | ••• | Generate a XML structure of a KeyValues object. |
l | ||
layer::add | ••• | Create a new document layer behind a given layer. |
layer::add_i | ••• | Create a new document layer behind a layer given by its index. |
layer::add_prefixed | •• | Create a new named/prefxied document layer behind a given layer. |
layer::add_prefixed_i | •• | Create a new named/prefxied document layer given by its index. |
layer::copy | •• | Copy the contents of the layer from into the layer to. |
layer::copy_ii | •• | Copy the contents of the layer from into the layer to. |
layer::copy_in | •• | Copy the contents of the layer from into the layer to. |
layer::copy_ni | •• | Copy the contents of the layer from into the layer to. |
layer::count | ••• | How many layers does the active document have? |
layer::default_name | •• |   |
layer::front_name | •• | Get the name of the active document layer. |
layer::get_index | ••• | Find out the layer index of a given document frame. |
layer::get_lock | ••• | Is the given layer locked or not? |
layer::get_lock_i | ••• | Is the given layer locked or not? |
layer::get_name | ••• | Find out the layer name of a given document frame. |
layer::get_printable | ••• | Is a given layer printable? |
layer::get_ui_color | •• | Get the name of the color of a layer of the front document. |
layer::get_visible | ••• | Is the given layer visible or not? |
layer::get_visible_i | ••• | Is the given layer visible or not? |
layer::index | ••• | At which position is the layer at? |
layer::lock | ••• | Lock a layer by name |
layer::lock_i | ••• | Lock a index given layer. |
layer::merge | •• | Copy the contents of the layer from in the layer to. |
layer::merge_ii | •• | Copy the contents of the layer from into the layer to. |
layer::merge_in | •• | Copy the contents of the layer from into the layer to. |
layer::merge_ni | •• | Copy the contents of the layer from into the layer to. |
layer::move | ••• | Change the sequence of the layer. |
layer::move_ii | ••• | Change the sequence of the layer. |
layer::move_in | ••• | Change the sequence of the layer. |
layer::move_ni | ••• | Change the sequence of the layer. |
layer::name | ••• | Name of the i-th layer. |
layer::remove | ••• | Delete a layer specified by name. |
layer::remove_i | ••• | Delete a layer specified in your index. |
layer::rename | ••• | Change the name of a layer. |
layer::rename_all | •• | Rename all layers. |
layer::rename_i | ••• | Change the name of a layer |
layer::rename_prefixed | •• | Change the name of a layer in accordance with a specified prefix. |
layer::rename_prefixed_i | •• | Change the name of a layer in accordance with a specified prefix. |
layer::select | ••• | Activate a layer specified by name. |
layer::select_i | ••• | Activate a layer specified in your index. |
layer::set_printable | ••• | Set the printability of a layer. |
layer::set_visible | ••• | ZDisplay or hide a layer specified by name. |
layer::set_visible_i | ••• | Display or hide a layer specified in your index. |
layer::sort | •• | Sort from layer list from top to bottom. |
layer::unlock | ••• | Lock a named layer. |
layer::unlock_i | ••• | Unlock a layer by index. |
library::add_asset | • | Create a new asset. |
library::asset::copy | • | Copy an asset from one library to an other. |
library::asset::get | • | Get a library asset by its (case insensitive) name. |
library::asset::get_creationtime | • | Get create date/time of an asset. |
library::asset::get_description | • | Get an assets description. |
library::asset::get_lib | • | Get the library of an asset. |
library::asset::get_name | • | Get an assets name. |
library::asset::get_usertype | • | Get an assets user type. |
library::asset::place | • | Place an asset into a document. |
library::asset::release | • | Release the memory allocated by an asset. |
library::asset::remove | • | Remove an asset from its library. |
library::asset::set_creationtime | • | Set an assets creation date and time. |
library::asset::set_description | • | Set an assets description. |
library::asset::set_name | • | Set an assets name. |
library::asset::set_usertype | • | Set an assets user type. |
library::asset::update | • | Change an assets content. |
library::close | • | Close a library. |
library::count_assets | • | number of assets of a library. |
library::get_nth | • | number of assets of a library. |
library::get_path | • | Complete path of an open library. |
library::get_preview | • | Get an assets previews. |
library::open | • | Opening the library. |
link::bottom | •• | Positions of a frame placeholder or the frame around the current text of a text placeholder. |
link::classid | •• | Get the class number of the element |
link::clear_content | •• | Delete internal memory for the text content of a placeholder |
link::content | •• | Ascertain the text of a placeholder |
link::content_length | •• | Length of the text in bytes, which is to be ascertained for the placeholder. |
link::count_funcvars | •• | Count the number of defined function variables of a script action of a placeholder. |
link::crossref::anchor_ref | •• | Document reference of hyperlink destination. |
link::crossref::bottom | •• | Bottom coordinate of the of the cross reference destinations text frame. |
link::crossref::destination | •• | Comet ID of the cross reference destination (may append by a number). |
link::crossref::document | •• | Document name (folder, path) of the cross reference destination. |
link::crossref::frame | •• | Text frame reference of the cross reference destination. |
link::crossref::hyperlink_ref | •• | Document reference of hyperlink. |
link::crossref::info | •• | Information about the hyperlink destination (url, email, ...). |
link::crossref::left | •• | Left coordinate of the of the cross reference destinations text frame. |
link::crossref::name | •• | Name of the cross reference destination (may append by a number). |
link::crossref::page | •• | Page number of the cross reference destination. |
link::crossref::pagename | •• | Page name of the cross reference destination. |
link::crossref::pos | •• | Anchor text position of the cross reference destination. |
link::crossref::right | •• | Right coordinate of the of the cross reference destinations text frame. |
link::crossref::src_frame | •• | Frame of hyperlink source. |
link::crossref::src_textlen | •• | Text length of hyperlink source. |
link::crossref::src_textpos | •• | Text position of start of hyperlink source. |
link::crossref::top | •• | Top coordinate of the of the cross reference destinations text frame. |
link::crossref::type | •• | Type of hyperlink destination. |
link::crossref::x | •• | X coordinate of the of the cross reference destinations text position. |
link::crossref::y | •• | Y coordinate of the of the cross reference destinations text position (baseline). |
link::frame | •• | Frames or (for text placeholders) text frames of a placeholder |
link::get_nth_funcvar | •• | Get the name and the current value of a function variable of a placeholders action script. |
link::get_ui_value | • | Get the display text of a link in the dialog sortlinks_dialog. |
•• | DEPRECATED Get the text content which the placeholder shows in the document. |
link::height | •• | Positions of a frame placeholder or the frame around the current text of a text placeholder. |
link::id | •• |   |
link::id2 | •• |   |
link::id3 | •• |   |
link::imagepath | •• | Image of a frame placeholder |
link::isframe | •• | Is the placeholder a frame? |
link::layer | •• | Name of the layer on which the placeholder is located. |
link::left | •• | Positions of a frame placeholder or the frame around the current text of a text placeholder. |
link::length | •• | Length of the placeholder text in the document. |
link::override_sync | •• | Override the sync status which is stored in the element by the status "override". |
link::pagenum | •• | Page number (beginning with 1) of the placeholder in the document. |
link::pagestr | •• | Page name of the placeholder in the document. |
link::placeholderid | •• | Get the placeholder ID of the element. |
link::pos | •• | On text placeholder the start position of the placeholder. |
link::postfix | •• | Get the current postfix of the placeholder in the document. |
link::postfix_if_empty | •• | Get the current prefix of the placeholder if its content is empty. |
link::prefix | •• | Get the current prefix of the placeholder in the document. |
link::prefix_if_empty | •• | Get the current prefix of the placeholder if its content is empty. |
link::remove_override_sync | •• | Remove the "override" sync status which is stored in the element. |
link::right | •• | Positions of a frame placeholder or the frame around the current text of a text placeholder. |
link::set_maxlen | •• | Set the maximum length of the text which can be ascertained from a document placeholder. |
link::set_ui_value | • | Set the text to display in the dialog sortlinks_dialog. |
link::sid | •• |   |
link::sync | •• |   |
link::top | •• | Positions of a frame placeholder or the frame around the current text of a text placeholder. |
link::width | •• | Positions of a frame placeholder or the frame around the current text of a text placeholder. |
link_exportgroup | •• | Special dialog for the support of the transmission planning. Example |
linklist::alloc | • | Create a new empty list for working with placeholders. |
linklist::apply | •• | Execute a specified action for linked placeholders of the document. |
linklist::clear | •• | Release and remove all entries from the list. |
linklist::collect | •• | Collect the placeholders linked to a product in a given document area. |
linklist::collect_any | •• | Collect the placeholders of a given document area. |
linklist::current | •• | Get the current element of a list. |
linklist::delete_toc_entry | • | Delete previously created table of content entries The function deletes previously created table of content entries of certain or all placeholders of a certain scope. |
linklist::find | •• | Does the list contain an element with the specified values? |
linklist::first | •• | Get the first element of a list. |
linklist::get | •• | Get an element of the list. |
•• | DEPRECATED Insert a new element in a list. |
•• | DEPRECATED Inserting a new element in a list. |
linklist::insert_id | •• | Insert a new product (record) ID in a list. |
linklist::insert_placeholder | •• | Insert a new placeholder ID in a list. |
linklist::insert_toc_entry | • | Collect data for a table of content. |
linklist::last | •• | Get the last element of a list. |
linklist::length | •• | Number of elements in the list. |
linklist::load | •• | Reloading linked placeholders of the document. |
linklist::next | •• | Get the next element of a list. |
linklist::prev | •• | Get the previous element of a list. |
linklist::release | •• | Release a list created by linklist::alloc. |
linklist::remove | •• | Remove the occurrence of an element from a list. |
linklist::remove_pos | •• | Remove the specified element from a list. |
linklist::set_pos | •• | Set the current list position. |
linklist::sort | •• | Sort a linklist. |
linklist::store | •• | Write (store) linked placeholders of the document back into the datapool. |
linklist::sync | • | Check the sync-styte of linked placeholders of the document. |
linklist::text_collect | •• | Collect all placeholder of a given text or a range of a given text |
linklist::type | •• | Type (Intention) of list. |
list64::alloc | ••• | Create a new empty list. |
list64::alloc | •• | Get the object list of the panel which contains the objects of the desired classid. |
list64::append | ••• | Append elements to the list |
list64::classid | •• | ClassID of the list entries. |
list64::clear | ••• | Remove all elements of the list |
list64::complete | •• | Does the list contain all the IDs of the panel, or only the selected entries? |
list64::first | ••• | Get the first entry of a non-empty list |
list64::get | ••• | Get the i-te element of the list. |
list64::get_autoload | •• | Is the "autoload"-Button |
list64::get_pos | ••• | Search for the position of a value in the list. |
list64::getfloat | •• | Get the value of a list element as a decimal. |
list64::getint | •• | Get the value of a list element as an integer. |
list64::gettext | •• | Get the value of the list element. |
list64::index | •• | Which IDs are contained in the list. |
list64::insert | ••• | Insert element in the list. |
list64::last | ••• | Get the last entry in a non-empty list |
list64::length | ••• | Ascertain the number of elements of a list |
list64::next | ••• | Get the next entry in a list. |
list64::open_tree | •• | Open all entries of a panel. |
list64::prev | ••• | Get the previous entry in the list. |
list64::release | ••• | Delete a created list again using list64::alloc |
list64::reload | •• | Reload the data records of a panel list. |
list64::remove | ••• | All occurrences of a value will be removed from the list. |
list64::remove_pos | ••• | Remove a position from the list. |
list64::set_autoload | •• | Set the "autoload"-Button |
list64::sort | ••• | Sort a list. |
list::add_all | • | Append all elements from list src to list target. |
list::alloc | •• | Get the object list of the panel which contains the objects of the desired classid. |
list::alloc | ••• | Create a new empty list. |
list::append | ••• | Append elements to the list |
list::classid | •• | ClassID of the list entries. |
list::clear | ••• | Remove all elements of the list |
list::complete | •• | Does the list contain all the IDs of the panel, or only the selected entries? |
list::first | ••• | Get the first entry of a non-empty list |
list::from_xml | • | Create a List object from a xml structure. |
list::get | ••• | Get the i-te element of the list. |
list::get_autoload | •• | Is the "autoload"-Button ![]() |
list::get_pos | ••• | Search for the position of a value in the list. |
list::getfloat | •• | Get the value of a list element as a decimal. |
list::getint | •• | Get the value of a list element as an integer. |
list::gettext | •• | Get the value of the list element. |
list::index | •• | Which IDs are contained in the list. |
list::insert | ••• | Insert element in the list. |
list::last | ••• | Get the last entry in a non-empty list |
list::length | ••• | Ascertain the number of elements of a list |
list::next | ••• | Get the next entry in a list. |
list::open_tree | •• | Open all entries of a panel. |
list::prev | ••• | Get the previous entry in the list. |
list::release | ••• | Delete a created list again using list::alloc |
list::reload | ••• | Reload the data records of a panel list. |
list::remove | ••• | All occurrences of a value will be removed from the list. |
list::remove_pos | ••• | Remove a position from the list. |
list::set_autoload | •• | Set the "autoload"-Button |
list::sort | ••• | Sort a list. |
list::to_xml | • | Generate a XML structure of a List object. |
ln | ••• | ln |
log | ••• | log |
logger::debug | ••• | Print a log message with the priority debug to the logger specified by category. |
logger::error | ••• | Print a log message with the priority error to the logger specified by category. |
logger::get_escaping | ••• | Get escaping of a category. |
logger::get_level | ••• | Get log level of a category. |
logger::get_path | ••• | Get log path of a category. |
logger::get_pattern | ••• | Get the pattern of a category. |
logger::info | ••• | Print a log message with the priority info to the logger specified by category. |
logger::log | ••• | Print a log message with the given priority to the logger specified by category. |
logger::reload_config | ••• | Reload all configurations from log.xml. |
logger::set_escaping | ••• | Set escaping of a category. |
logger::set_level | ••• | Set log level of a category. |
logger::set_path | ••• | Set log path of a category. |
logger::set_pattern | ••• | Set the pattern of a category. |
logger::trace | ••• | Print a log message with the priority trace to the logger specified by category. |
logger::warning | ••• | Print a log message with the priority warning to the logger specified by category. |
m | ||
macroman_to_tagged | •• | Convert a macroman string to TaggedText encoded unicode Example |
memset | ••• | Change one byte of a string. |
mm2pt | ••• | Conversion from mm to point (pt). |
• | DEPRECATED Please use the function interactive::add_frame instead. |
multistate::count_states | • | Number of states inside the object. |
multistate::get_active_state | • | Index iof th active state of a states object. |
multistate::get_state_name | • | Get a state name. |
• | DEPRECATED Please use the function interactive::get_frames instead. |
multistate::move_state | • | Move a state of a states object. |
• | DEPRECATED Please use the function interactive::resolve instead. |
multistate::set_active_state | • | Index iof th active state of a states object. |
multistate::set_state_name | • | Set a state name. |
p | ||
page::count_columns | •• | Count the columns of a page. |
page::create | •• | Create new document pages. |
page::crop | •• | Crop document pages to the bounding box of their frames. |
page::duplicate | •• | Duplicate a document page. |
page::get | ••• | Ascertain the (1-based) page index of a document object or the current index of the current front of the document itself. |
page::get_free_rects | •• |   |
page::get_info | •• | Retrieve information about the Page Template of a given page. |
page::get_margins | •• | Get the page margins in points. |
page::get_masterpage | •• | Find the masterpage of a given page of the front document. |
page::get_size | ••• | Get the page size in points. |
page::get_spread | •• | Get the spread index of a page. |
page::get_str | ••• | Ascertain the name of the page of a document object or the name of the documents current front page. |
page::get_str_by_index | ••• | Ascertain the page name of a document page given by its 1-based index. |
page::get_type | •• | Page type of a page |
page::get_uid | •• | Get the UID of a document page. |
page::guides::add | • | Create or change a guide line. |
page::guides::get | • | Get a list of all guilde lines of the spread of a given page. |
page::guides::get_colorindex | • | Determine the color index of a guide line. |
page::guides::get_direction | • | Is the guide line vertical or horizontal? |
page::guides::get_owner | • | Determine the type of a guilde line. |
page::guides::get_position | • | Determine the position of a guide line. |
page::guides::get_threshold | • | Determine the threshold value of the page zoom from which a guide line is to be shown. |
page::guides::remove | • | Remove a guide line. |
page::masteritems_load | •• | Load the placeholders of the frames from the parent pages of a page. |
page::move | • | Move a page of a document. |
page::remove | • | Remove a page from the current document. |
page::select | • | Go to a page. |
page::set_info | •• | Set infos about a page. |
page::set_margins | •• | Set the margins of a page |
page::set_masterpage | •• | Change the parent mage of a given page of the front document. |
page::set_number | •• | Set the page number and page number style of a given page. |
page::set_size | ••• | Set the size of a page. |
page::templates::count_elements | •• | Count the elements of a Page Template stored in the current data pool. |
page::templates::get_element_info_by_index | •• | Determine the properties of an Element of a Page Template. |
page::templates::get_element_info_by_sequ | •• | Determine the properties of an Element of a Page Template. |
page::templates::get_info | •• | Determine the properties of a Page Template defined in the current data pool. |
placeholder::build | • | Execute the build action of a frame. |
placeholder::can_create_items | • | Is a frame linked with a placeholder and does this placeholder contain a Build Action? |
placeholder::change_tags | ••• | In a specified frame all the found placeholders will be changed. |
placeholder::define | •• |   |
placeholder::get_funcvar_val | ••• | Get the value of a function variable of a placeholder. |
• | DEPRECATED Is there a postfix placeholder for the current script placeholder and, if so, return its position and length. |
• | DEPRECATED Is there a prefix placeholder for the current script placeholder and, if so, return its position and length. |
placeholder::get_sync | •• | Get the sync status of the placeholder which has triggered the script. |
placeholder::get_value | ••• | If a frame is linked with a placeholder, the value of the specified slots is ascertained. |
placeholder::is_valid_funcvar | ••• | Check wether a function variable is valid. |
placeholder::link | •• | Fix the object ID in placeholders of a frame, text or text area. |
placeholder::link2 | ••• | Fix the object ID in placeholders of a frame, text or text area. |
placeholder::load | ••• | Load a placeholder of a frame, text or text area. |
placeholder::path | •• | Get the path of an image. |
placeholder::prepare_statement | •• | Replace all <tags> of the statement by their current values of the given placeholder. |
placeholder::reload_panel | • | Reload the data records of a panel list. |
placeholder::replace | • | Placeholder specific replacements in a string. |
placeholder::set_funcvar_val | ••• | Set the value of a function variable of a placeholder. |
placeholder::set_sync | •• | Change the sync status of the placeholder which has triggered the script. |
placeholder::sget_value | ••• | If a frame is linked to a placeholder, the value of the specified slot will be ascertained. |
placeholder::store | ••• | Store the placeholder contents of a frame, text, or text area |
placeholder::sync | • | Ascertain the current value of placeholders in the document. |
placeholder::sync_definitions | • | Update thedefinitions of the placeholders of the entire documents. |
placeholder::to_xml_element | • | Create XML-Elements for Comet placeholders. |
placeholder::update_link_states | • | Update the link button in the panel. |
•• | DEPRECATED Saving IDML versions of templates. |
prefs::add_metadata_to_templates | •• | Saving Metadata of templates. |
prefs::add_w2ml_to_snippets | •• | Saving W2ML versions of snippets. |
prefs::add_w2ml_to_templates | •• | Saving W2ML versions of templates. |
prefs::enable_magnets | •• | Dis/Enable the appliance of magnets. |
prefs::enable_panel | ••• | Block Comet panels. |
prefs::enable_preflights | •• | Switch on/off preflights. |
prefs::enable_unicode_escapes | •• |   |
prefs::eps_import_options | • | Preference for reading EPS images. |
prefs::export_flattenerstyles | • | Export transparency flattener profiles to an XML file. |
prefs::export_pdfstyles | • | Export PDF profiles to an XML file. |
prefs::export_printstyles | • | Export printer profiles to an XML file. |
prefs::get_convert_quotas | •• | Replace typographic quotas or not while importing tagged text? |
prefs::get_fitframe_precision | •• | Currently used default precision for frame::fit. |
• | DEPRECATED Current method for inserting templates. |
prefs::get_remove_old_masters | •• | Remove localized parent page items on parent page changes or not? |
prefs::get_script_buffer | •• | Current script buffer size. |
prefs::get_tags_readable | •• | Ignore Comet placeholders while importing tagged text or not? |
prefs::get_tags_writeable | •• | Write Comet placeholders to tagged text or not? |
prefs::get_transform_settings | •• | Get the current InDesign® program settings for frame scalings General : Object Editing : When Scaling. |
prefs::get_updatepath | •• | Get the path to current update folder for placeholder loadings. |
prefs::get_updatetype | •• | Get the current placeholder load behavior. |
prefs::get_urllink_folder | ••• | Get the currently set fallback folder for Web Image downloads, see set_urllink_folder. |
prefs::get_xml_parsertype | •• | Which XML parser is used for reading XML? |
prefs::import_flattenerstyles | • | Import transparency flattener profiles from an XML file. |
prefs::import_pdfstyles | • | Import PDF profiles from an XML file. |
prefs::import_printstyles | • | Import printer profiles from an XML file. |
• | DEPRECATED Install an image in the executing InDesign®. |
prefs::list_flattenerstyles | • | List all available transparency flattener profiles |
prefs::list_pdfstyles | • | List all available PDF profiles |
prefs::list_printstyles | • | List all available printer profiles |
prefs::set_convert_quotas | •• | Replace typographic quotas (or not) while importing tagged text. |
prefs::set_fitframe_precision | •• | Set the precision for frame::fit. |
prefs::set_logstate | •• | Write additional log information. |
• | DEPRECATED Color profile save insertion of Comet templates. |
prefs::set_remove_old_masters | •• | Remove localized parent page items on parent page changes or not? |
prefs::set_script_buffer | •• | Set the size of the script buffer. |
prefs::set_script_nullify_on_release | •• | EXPERIMENTAL For cScript calls of release functions, automatically set all variables that point to the released memory address to the value 0 (or not). |
prefs::set_tags_readable | •• | Automatically create Comet placeholders while importing tagged text or not? |
prefs::set_tags_writeable | •• | Write Comet placeholders to tagged text or not? |
prefs::set_transform_settings | •• | Set the current InDesign® program settings for frame scalings General : Object Editing : When Scaling. |
prefs::set_updatepath | •• | Set the update folder for placeholder loadings. |
prefs::set_updatetype | •• | Defining the method for handling or determining placeholder content. |
prefs::set_urllink_folder | ••• | Set the fallback folder for Web Image downloads. |
prefs::set_xml_parsertype | •• | Set the type of XML parser to be used for reading XML. |
prefs::show_note_history | • | State and behavior for showing the history of Comet notes. |
prefs::show_panel | ••• | Show/Hide Comet panels. |
prefs::show_url_progress | ••• | Show progress bar when downloading Web Images? |
prefs::snippet_filter | •• | |
prefs::snippet_match | •• | |
prefs::sync_server_notes | •• | Synchronize Comet Notes with InDesignServer®? |
prefs::webimage_connect_timeout | ••• | Set the timeout for connecting the server of a Web Image. |
prefs::webimage_get_proxy | •• | Get the current (or the soapflags.ini) proxy settings for Web Images. |
prefs::webimage_header_timeout | ••• | Set the timeout for the header downloads of Web Images. |
prefs::webimage_proxy_dialog | •• | Set the proxy for Web Images using the Proxy dialog. |
prefs::webimage_set_proxy | •• | Set the proxy for Web Images. |
prefs::webimage_timeout | ••• | Set the timeout for the download of Web Images. |
priint::call_checkin | •• | Run the checkin routines just like clicking the checkin button in the panel (even if the corresponding object isnt actually shown). |
priint::checkin | •• | Checkin a document. |
priint::checkout | •• | Checkout a document. |
priint::connection | •• | Get the current priint:comet server connection. |
priint::create_cometgroup_previews | •• | Create a preview of each Comet Group of a document. |
priint::create_metadata | •• | Create priint:comet meta data of a given document. |
priint::document_status | •• | Get a documents state. |
priint::get_pref | •• | Enable or disable the priint preferences panel. |
priint::revert | •• | Revert a document. |
priint::set_pref | •• | Enable or disable the priint preferences panel. |
priint::set_prefs_editable | •• | Enable or disable the priint preferences panel. |
printf | ••• | Write a formatted char* string to the standard output. |
product::alloc | •• | Create a new empty object of type Product. |
product::clone | •• | Create a copy of an existing product. |
product::copy | • | Copy all values from object source to object destination. |
product::from_xml | • | Create a Product object from a xml structure. |
product::get | ••• | Get an int value out of a product. |
product::get_children | • | Get the children of a given product. |
product::get_itemlist | •• | Get an ItemList value out of a product. |
product::get_itemref | •• | Get an string value out of a product. |
product::get_pageitem_type | • | Get the page type of the template used to build this product. |
product::get_parent | • | Get the parent object of a given product. |
product::gets | ••• | Get an string value out of a product. |
product::release | •• | Release a product. |
product::relink | • | Find all placeholders of a product and relink them to a new ID |
product::set | •• | Change a product value. |
product::to_xml | • | Generate a XML structure of a Product object. |
productlist::add_all | • | Append all elements from list src to list target. |
productlist::alloc | ••• | Create a new empty list. |
productlist::append | •• | Insert an object to the list. |
productlist::build | • | Product build. |
productlist::build_list | • | Product build. |
productlist::clear | •• | Clear list. |
productlist::create_snippets | • | Create Comet-Snippets from the Comet groups of a given document. |
productlist::establish | •• | Product building using page templates. |
productlist::first | •• | Get the first object of the list and define the current list pointer at the list start. |
productlist::from_xml | • | Create a ProductList object from an xml structure. |
productlist::get | •• | Create a new list from the entries of the product panel. |
productlist::get | • | Get the nth list element. Call with a char*-string only, the function creates a new productlist. |
productlist::get_build_trace | • | Get the current values used for build tracings. |
productlist::get_default_pageitem | • | Retreive the current default template selected in the Product pool panel. |
productlist::get_established | •• | Create a new list of the products built in a document and the page templates used for building these products. |
productlist::get_nth | ••• | Get the nth product of a given product list. |
productlist::get_pos | •• | Define the index which has an object in the list. |
productlist::grid_build | •• | Build a list of plannings according page, coordinates and dimension configured in grid planning. |
productlist::insert | •• | Insert an object in the list. |
productlist::is_in_build | •• | Is the currently executing script in a product build up or not? |
productlist::last | •• | Get the last object of the list and define the current list pointer at the list end. |
productlist::length | ••• | Current length of the list |
productlist::load | •• | Load a list of products from a file (XML or CSV), a database connection or an XMLTree. |
productlist::next | •• | Move the current list pointer toe position onwards and get the next object of the list. |
productlist::prev | •• | Move the current list pointer toe position onwards and get the next object of the list. |
productlist::release | ••• | Delete a list again from the active store. |
productlist::remove | •• | Delete an object from the list. |
productlist::remove_pos | •• | Remove an object from the list. |
productlist::remove_snippets | • | Remove Comet-Snippets. |
productlist::reorganize | •• | Reorganization of a document. |
productlist::seek | •• | Set internal list iterator to position pos |
productlist::set_build_trace | • | (De)activate build tracing. |
productlist::sort | •• | Sort a list of products. |
productlist::to_xml | • | Generate a XML structure of a ProductList object. |
productlist::trace_build | •• | Add an image to the build trace. |
productlist::update_findstatements | • | Update the search methods popup on the Products panel. |
progress::start | •• | Show the progress bar. |
progress::step | •• | Call this before processing a task. |
progress::stop | •• | Close the progress bar. |
progress::unit | •• | Change the chapter caption for the bar. |
pt2inch | ••• | Conversion from point (pt) to inch. |
pt2mm | ••• | Conversion from point (pt) to mm. |
publication::aftercheckout | •• | After check out a document. |
publication::aftersave | •• | After saving a publication document. |
publication::alloc | • | Create a new, empty Publication object. |
publication::apply_parameters | ••• | Fetch the parameters of a publication document and apply them as attributes to the XML Root of the document. |
publication::checkin | •• | Check in a document. |
publication::checkin_by_id | •• | Check in a document using the document ID This function defines the environment variables required for publication scripts and executes Panelstatement 115 (Checkin) Please note: this function allows to checkin documents independent of the Publication panel, this means: most of the values usually defined for publication nodes in the panel (such as status, info1, info2 etc.) are not available, if checkin is triggered by calling this function. |
publication::checkout | ••• | Check out a document. |
publication::checkout_by_id | •• | Check out a document using the document ID This function defines the environment variables required for publication scripts and executes Panelstatement 111 (Checkout) Please note: this function allows to checkout documents independently of the Publication panel, this means: most of the values usually defined for publication nodes in the panel (such as status, info1, info2 etc.) are not available, if checkout is triggered by calling this function. |
publication::checkout_clicked | •• | Check out a document. |
publication::collect_documents | ••• | Collect all documents of a publication in levels sub levels Only available when connected to a PubServer >= V4.1.5 Build #940 |
publication::copy | ••• | Copy all values from object source to object destination. |
publication::from_xml | ••• | Create a Publication object from a xml structure. |
publication::get | •• |   |
publication::get_all_parameters | ••• | Get list of available parameters Only available when connected to a PubServer >= V4.0.5 Build #585 |
publication::get_document_product_planning | •• | Get list of products scheduled for this document (new planning tool). |
publication::get_document_product_selection | •• | Get list of products scheduled for this document. |
publication::get_document_workflow_states | ••• | Get workflow states for a document. |
publication::get_document_workflow_status | ••• | Get current workflow status for a document. |
publication::get_label | ••• | Get label of a publication or a document. |
publication::get_master_documents | ••• | Get list of document templates. |
publication::get_next_workflow_states | ••• | Get next workflow states for a document. |
publication::get_parameter_from_document | ••• | Read value of a parameter from document Only available when connected to a PubServer >= V4.0.5 Build #585 |
publication::get_parameter_values | ••• | Get list values of a parameter of type kTypeCombo Only available when connected to a PubServer >= V4.0.5 Build #585 |
publication::get_parameters | ••• | Get the parameters of a publication document. |
publication::get_property | ••• | Get property of a publication or a document. |
publication::get_publication_id | ••• | Get publication ID of a document. |
publication::get_publication_path | ••• | Get path (folder) of a publication Only available when connected to a PubServer >= V4.1.5 Build #940 |
publication::get_publication_types | ••• | Get list of available publication types Only available when connected to a PubServer >= V4.0.5 Build #585 |
publication::get_rootpublication_id | ••• | Get ID of the root publication of a publication or document. |
publication::get_subnodes | ••• | Get the subelements of a publication. |
publication::get_workflow_states | ••• | Get all document workflow states. |
publication::gets | ••• |   |
publication::parameter::alloc | • | Create a new, empty Parameter object. |
publication::parameter::copy | • | Copy all values from object source to object destination. |
publication::parameter::from_xml | • | Create a Parameter object from a xml structure. |
publication::parameter::get | ••• |   |
publication::parameter::gets | ••• |   |
publication::parameter::release | ••• | Release a Parameter object |
publication::parameter::to_xml | • | Generate a XML structure of a Parameter object. |
publication::parameterlist::add_all | • | Append all elements from list src to list target. |
publication::parameterlist::alloc | • | Create a new, empty ParameterList object. |
publication::parameterlist::from_xml | • | Create a ParameterList object from a xml structure. |
publication::parameterlist::get | ••• | Get the nth Parameter from this ParameterList. |
publication::parameterlist::length | ••• | Get the length of a parameter list |
publication::parameterlist::release | ••• | Release a ParameterList. |
publication::parameterlist::to_xml | • | Generate a XML structure of a ParameterList object. |
publication::planning::alloc | • | Create a new, empty Planning object. |
publication::planning::copy | • | Copy all values from object source to object destination. |
publication::planning::from_xml | • | Create a Planning object from a xml structure. |
publication::planning::get | ••• |   |
publication::planning::getfloat | ••• |   |
publication::planning::getlist | ••• |   |
publication::planning::gets | ••• |   |
publication::planning::release | ••• | Release a Planning object |
publication::planning::to_xml | • | Generate a XML structure of a Planning object. |
publication::planninglist::add_all | • | Append all elements from list src to list target. |
publication::planninglist::alloc | • | Create a new, empty PlanningList object. |
publication::planninglist::from_xml | • | Create a PlanningList object from a xml structure. |
publication::planninglist::get | ••• | Get the nth Planning from this PlanningList. |
publication::planninglist::length | ••• | Get the length of a planning list |
publication::planninglist::release | ••• | Release a PlanningList. |
publication::planninglist::to_xml | • | Generate a XML structure of a PlanningList object. |
publication::publicationlist::add_all | • | Append all elements from list src to list target. |
publication::publicationlist::alloc | • | Create a new, empty PublicationList object. |
publication::publicationlist::from_xml | • | Create a PublicationList object from a xml structure. |
publication::publicationlist::get | ••• | Get the nth Publication from this PublicationList. |
publication::publicationlist::length | ••• | Get the length of a publication list |
publication::publicationlist::release | ••• | Release a PublicationList. |
publication::publicationlist::to_xml | • | Generate a XML structure of a PublicationList object. |
publication::publicationtype::alloc | • | Create a new, empty PublicationType object. |
publication::publicationtype::copy | • | Copy all values from object source to object destination. |
publication::publicationtype::from_xml | • | Create a PublicationType object from a xml structure. |
publication::publicationtype::gets | ••• | Get a String property of a PublicationType object. |
publication::publicationtype::release | ••• | Release a PublicationType object |
publication::publicationtype::to_xml | • | Generate a XML structure of a PublicationType object. |
publication::publicationtypelist::add_all | • | Append all elements from list src to list target. |
publication::publicationtypelist::alloc | • | Create a new, empty PublicationTypeList object. |
publication::publicationtypelist::from_xml | • | Create a PublicationTypeList object from a xml structure. |
publication::publicationtypelist::get | ••• | Get the nth PublicationType from this PublicationTypeList. |
publication::publicationtypelist::length | ••• | Get the length of a PublicationType list |
publication::publicationtypelist::release | ••• | Release a PublicationTypeList. |
publication::publicationtypelist::to_xml | • | Generate a XML structure of a PublicationTypeList object. |
publication::release | •• | Release a Publication object |
publication::revert | •• | Revert a checked out document defined by its documentId. |
publication::revert_by_id | •• | Revert a checked out document defined by its documentId. |
publication::search | ••• | Search for documents. |
publication::set | ••• | Set the Integer property of a Publication object. |
publication::set_document_workflow_status | ••• | Set workflow status for a document. |
publication::set_label | •• | Set label of a publication or a document. |
publication::set_parameter | ••• | Set parameter of a publication or a document. |
publication::set_property | ••• | Set property of a publication or a document. |
publication::sets | •• |   |
publication::to_xml | ••• | Generate a XML structure of a Publication object. |
publication::unsaved_commit | ••• | Set behaviour when committing unsaved documents. Typically, this function is called in a login script to control the behaviour, when unsaved documents are checked in. Valid options are:
publication::workflowstatus::alloc | ••• | Create a new, empty WorkflowStatus object. |
publication::workflowstatus::copy | ••• | Copy all values from object source to object destination. |
publication::workflowstatus::from_xml | • | Create a WorkflowStatus object from a xml structure. |
publication::workflowstatus::gets | •• | Get a String property of a WorkflowStatus object. |
publication::workflowstatus::release | ••• | Release a WorkflowStatus object |
publication::workflowstatus::to_xml | ••• | Generate a XML structure of a WorkflowStatus object. |
publication::workflowstatuslist::add_all | ••• | Append all elements from list src to list target. |
publication::workflowstatuslist::alloc | ••• | Create a new, empty WorkflowStatusList object. |
publication::workflowstatuslist::from_xml | ••• | Create a WorkflowStatusList object from a xml structure. |
publication::workflowstatuslist::get | ••• | Get the nth WorkflowStatus from this WorkflowStatusList. |
publication::workflowstatuslist::length | ••• | Get the length of a WorkflowStatus list |
publication::workflowstatuslist::release | ••• | Release a WorkflowStatusList. |
publication::workflowstatuslist::to_xml | • | Generate a XML structure of a WorkflowStatus object. |
q | ||
query::close | ••• | Closing a query. |
query::commit | ••• | Confirm the changes to a query. |
query::exec | ••• | The sent command parts are sent as one instruction to the database. |
query::fetch | ••• | Fetch the next line of the results of the database command. |
query::fsend | ••• | Send a float number to an SQL query. |
query::get_command | ••• | Complete command already send (but not executed) to the query. |
query::input | ••• | Connect an integer value to the corresponding value placeholder in the SQL command. |
query::isend | ••• | Send an int number to an SQL instruction. |
query::output | ••• | Define a float output variable for the n-th column of a select instruction. |
query::output | ••• | Define an int output variable for the n-th column of a select instruction. |
query::output | ••• | Define a String or char* output variable for the n-th column of a select instruction.The definition of the variables must correspond to the type and sequence of the output column. |
query::rollback | ••• | Rollback the changes made to a query. |
query::send | ••• | Send an SQL instruction or parts of an SQL instruction. |
query::set_method | ••• | Set the SOAP call methods for the query. |
r | ||
random | ••• | Random number |
rect::alloc | ••• | Create a new rectangle object. |
rect::area | ••• | Area of a rectangle. |
rect::aspect_ratio | ••• | Calculates the aspect ratio for the rectangle. |
rect::bottom | ••• | Get the rectangle's bottom component. |
rect::center_on | ••• | Center a rectangle at a given position. |
rect::clone | ••• | Clone an existing rectangle. |
rect::contains | ••• | Determines whether the specified rectangle is contained with a rectangle. |
rect::contains_point | ••• | Determines whether the specified point falls within a rectangle. |
rect::height | ••• | Get the rectangle's height. |
rect::inset | ••• | Contracts the rectangle by (dx, dy) on all sides. |
rect::intersect | ••• | Determines if two rectangles intersect. |
rect::intersection | ••• | Calculates the intersection of two rectangles. |
rect::is_equal | ••• | Check whether to rectangles are equal. |
rect::left | ••• | Get the rectangle's left component. |
rect::move_rel | ••• | Move a rectangle relativ to its current position. |
rect::move_to | ••• | Move a rectangle relativ to a new position. |
rect::release | ••• | Release a rectangle object from the stack. |
rect::right | ••• | Get the rectangle's right component. |
rect::set_bottom | ••• | The rectangle's new bottom component. |
rect::set_height | ••• | Set the rectangle's height. |
rect::set_left | ••• | The rectangle's new left component. |
rect::set_right | ••• | The rectangle's new right component. |
rect::set_top | ••• | The rectangle's new top component. |
rect::set_width | ••• | Set the rectangle's width. |
rect::top | ••• | Get the rectangle's left component. |
rect::union_ | ••• | Unions a rectangle with another. |
rect::width | ••• | Get the rectangle's width. |
rect::xcenter | ••• | Get the rectangle's center on the X axis. |
rect::ycenter | ••• | Get the rectangle's center on the Y axis. |
rectlist::alloc | ••• | Create a new empty list of type RectList. |
rectlist::append | ••• | Append a value to the list. |
rectlist::append_by_value | ••• | Append a rectangle given by its components to the list. |
rectlist::bbox | ••• | Get the rectangles bounding box. |
rectlist::clear | ••• | Remove all elements of the list |
rectlist::first | ••• | Get the first non-empty entry record of a given RectList. |
rectlist::get | ••• | Get the i-th element of the list. |
rectlist::get_pos | ••• | Search for the first position of a value in the list. |
rectlist::get_pos_by_value | ••• | Search for the first position of a value in the list. |
rectlist::insert | ••• | Insert a value into the list. |
rectlist::insert_by_value | ••• | Insert a rectangle given by its components into the list. |
rectlist::last | ••• | Get the last non-empty record of a given list. |
rectlist::length | ••• | Ascertain the number of elements of a list. |
rectlist::next | ••• | Get the next record of a given list. |
rectlist::prev | ••• | Get the previous record of a given list. |
rectlist::release | ••• | Delete a list again that was created with RectList::alloc. |
rectlist::remove | ••• | Remove the first occurence of an given value from the list. |
rectlist::remove_by_value | ••• | Remove the first occurence of a rectangle givem by its components from the list. |
rectlist::remove_pos | ••• | Remove a position from the list. |
reflection | ••• | Determine the address of the executable function for a given function name. Example |
release | ••• | Release of reserved memory. Example |
retint_dialog | ••• | Special dialog with an image list. Example |
round | ••• | Round a given float value. |
run_applescript | • | Run an AppleScript. Example |
run_javascript | • | Run a JavaScript script. Example |
run_python | • | Run a Python script. Example |
s | ||
serror | •• | Description of an error message of the script language. Example |
server::count_session_args | •• | With how many additional arguments was the program called? |
• | DEPRECATED Load data from a dataprovider Please note:
server::get_cometgroups | • | The function collects information about a Comet group. |
server::get_elements | • | The function collects information about the elements of the document. |
server::get_notes | • | The function collects information about Comet notes in the document. |
server::get_nth_session_arg | •• | Value of the nth program argument. |
server::get_placeholders | • | The function collects information about placeholders in the document. |
server::get_session_arg | •• | Determine the value of an program option or an value of the environment configuration. |
server::get_spreads | • | Export document data to XML. |
server::individualization | •• | Serialize a document, see here for more information about serializations. |
server::load_elements | •• | Execute the standard build script of a multiframe placeholder in a PublishingServer environment. |
• | DEPRECATED Please use the function load_placeholder_str instead. |
server::load_placeholder_str | •• | Execute the standard load script of a placeholder in a PublishingServer environment. |
server::load_table_ids | • | Execute a TableInsert method. |
set_script_clipboard | • | Set a value in the Script Clipboard. |
showerror | •• | Display a standard error message. Example |
showhelp | •• | Show a file of the online docu or any internet site. Example |
showmessage | •• | Display the standard dialog with a message. Example |
sin | ••• | Sinus |
sinh | ••• | Sinus hyperbolicus. |
soap::call | ••• | Create a new transaction query for calls to the generic SOAP operation "call". |
soap::charset | ••• | Characterset of database connection. |
soap::client | ••• | Determine the client that was specified when logging into the SOAP/PubServer service. |
soap::connection | ••• | Get the current SOAP/PubServer connection. |
soap::download | ••• | Get the data of a SOAP/PubServer service. |
soap::download_config | • | Download all config files of the current SOAP/PubServer connection to an XML offline folder. |
soap::download_tofile | ••• | Get data from the SOAP/PubServer service. |
soap::getlist | ••• | Create a transaction for the SOAP operation getList. |
soap::getmessage | ••• | Get description for a result or errorcode. |
soap::language | ••• | Ascertain the language which is specified for the SOAP/PubServer connection. |
soap::login | ••• | Create a connection to a Soap service. |
soap::logout | ••• | End the connection to SOAP/PubServer service. |
soap::server | ••• | Ascertain the server name of a SOAP/PubServer connection. |
soap::setlanguage | ••• | Set the connection language. |
soap::upload | ••• | Send a file or a text to an SOAP/PubServer service |
soap::upload_folder | ••• | All files of the specified folder and all its sub-folders are uploaded to the server. |
soap::upload_metadata | ••• | Filing of all the description data for placeholders, scripts , ... |
soap::upload_pageitems | ••• | Upload all pageitems to the server. |
soap::user | ••• | Acertain the user name with which a SOAP/PubServer connection is to be created. |
sortlinks_dialog | • | Rearranging a list of placeholders using a dialog. Example |
sprintf | ••• | Create a formatted char*-string. Example |
sql::call | ••• | Using the methods sql::call and sql::calln procedures and functions (stored procedures) of a database can be executed. |
sql::calln | ••• | Execute a database function or procedure. |
sql::charset | ••• | Characterset of database connection. |
sql::client | ••• | Acertain the client which is to be specified when logging in to the database. |
sql::connection | ••• | Get the current database connection. |
sql::dbconnection | ••• | Get the current database connection. |
sql::dbname | ••• | Ascertain the name of the database to which a connection is created. |
sql::login | ••• | Create a database connection to a database service. |
sql::logout | ••• | End the connection to a database service. |
sql::query | ••• | Create a new transaction query. |
sql::server | ••• | Ascertain the server name of a database connection. |
sql::user | ••• | Ascertain the user name with which a database connection is created. |
sql::userid | ••• | Ascertain a unique iQuest Comet user ID of the database connection. |
sqrt | ••• | Square root Example |
str_append | ••• | Append the content of a char*-string to another char*-string - the content of s2 is appended to s1. Example |
strcat | ••• | Concatenation of char*-strings, append s2 to s1. Example |
strch | ••• | Change one byte of a string. |
strchr | ••• | Search for the first occurrence of the character ch in the string str. Example |
strchrpos | ••• | Search for the first occurrence of the character ch in the string str. Example |
strcmp | ••• | Comparison of two char*-strings. |
strcpy | ••• | Copy the contents of a char*-string into another, the contents of s2 will be copied into s1. Example |
strcut | ••• | Remove a number of characters from a string. |
strhash | ••• | Map a string to a number. |
string::alloc | ••• | Create a new self-managing string. |
string::append | ••• | Append to a string |
string::compare | ••• | Alpha-numerical comparison of two strings. |
string::crypt | •• | Encrypts a string. |
string::crypt_url_credentials | •• | Encrypts authentication tokens in an URL, e.g. |
string::data | •• | Content of a string object. |
string::decode_base64 | ••• | Decode a base64 encoded string. |
•• | DEPRECATED Decrypts a string encrypted with string::crypt. |
•• | DEPRECATED Decrypts authentication tokens in an URL, e.g. |
string::encode_base64 | ••• | Create a base64 coded string of a given string. |
string::erase | ••• | Delete characters from a string |
string::escape_tagged | •• | Replace all non-ASCII character with TaggedText markers. |
string::find | ••• | Search strings inside a string |
string::from_cp1252 | •• | Convert a 'Code Page 1252' char* into a String |
string::from_float | ••• | Convert a float number into a string. |
string::from_int | ••• | Convert a fixed number into a string. |
string::from_macroman | •• | Convert a system charset Mac Roman char* into a String |
string::from_systemcharset | •• | Convert a system charset encoded char* into a String |
string::from_wchar | •• | Convert a unicode int* to a String |
string::get | ••• | Get the contents of a string as char*. |
string::get_netweight | •• | Get the net weight string of a given string. |
string::get_token | ••• | Get the n-th word of the strings subdivided by a specified character. |
string::get_token_count | ••• | How many parts separated by a certain word (the so-called tokens) does a string consist of? |
string::insert | ••• | Insertion into a string |
string::length | ••• | Current length of the string |
string::lower | ••• | Covert string to upper case characters. |
string::md5 | ••• | Get the md5hash of a string. |
string::prepare_aem_url | •• | Prepare an asset URL from an AEM® for downloading the asset. |
string::release | ••• | Delete a string object created using string::alloc |
string::replace | ••• | Replace substrings inside a string |
string::replace_all | ••• | Replace all occurrences of a substring with another substring. |
string::replace_multis | •• | Remove multiple characters from a string. |
string::reverse | •• | Reverse a string |
string::rfind | •• | Backward (reverse) search in a string. |
string::set | ••• | Set the value of the string |
string::substring | ••• | Extracts a substring from a string |
string::to_cp1252 | •• | Convert a String to 'Code Page 1252' |
string::to_float | ••• | Convert a string of a float number into a string |
string::to_int | ••• | Convert a fixed number string into a number. |
string::to_macroman | •• | Convert a String to Mac Roman |
string::to_systemcharset | •• | Convert a String to the system charset |
string::to_wchar | •• | Convert a String to Unicode |
• | DEPRECATED When using UTF-8 strings, the function is extremely toxic and should be urgently replaced by string::get_token:
• | DEPRECATED When using UTF-8 strings, the function is extremely toxic and should be urgently replaced by string::get_token_count:
string::trim | ••• | Remove the occurrences of a specified character at the start and the end of a character string. |
string::unescape_tagged | •• | Replace all TaggedText markers with their UTF8 characters. |
string::upper | ••• | Covert string to upper case characters. |
stringlist::add_all | • | Append all elements from list src to list target. |
stringlist::alloc | •• | Get the string IDs of the panels which contain the objects of the desired classid. |
stringlist::alloc | ••• | Create a new empty list. |
stringlist::append | ••• | Append element to the list. |
stringlist::classid | •• | ClassID of the list records. |
stringlist::clear | ••• | Remove all elements of the list |
stringlist::complete | •• | Does the list contain all IDs of the panel or only the eye-marked records? |
stringlist::first | ••• | Get the first entry of a non-empty StringList. |
stringlist::from_xml | • | Create a StringList object from a xml structure. |
stringlist::get | ••• | Get the i-th element of the list. |
stringlist::get_pos | ••• | Search for the position of a value in the list. |
stringlist::getfloat | •• | Get the value of a list element as a decimal. |
stringlist::getint | •• | Get the value of a list element as an integer. |
stringlist::gettext | •• | Get the value of an element of a list element. |
stringlist::insert | ••• | Insert element into the list. |
stringlist::last | ••• | Get the last entry of a non-empty StringList. |
stringlist::length | ••• | Ascertain the number of elements of a list. |
stringlist::next | ••• | Get the successor of the current entry of a StringList. |
stringlist::prev | ••• | Get the predecessor of the current entry of a StringList. |
stringlist::release | ••• | Delete a list created with stringlist::alloc. |
stringlist::reload | •• | Reload the data records of a panel list. |
stringlist::remove | ••• | Remove first occurence of a value from a list. |
stringlist::remove_pos | ••• | Remove a position from the list. |
stringlist::sort | ••• | Sort the list. |
stringlist::to_xml | • | Generate a XML structure of a StringList object. |
strinsert | ••• | Insert a string at the specified position. |
strlen | ••• | Length of a string in letters. Example |
strlower | ••• | Convert string to lowercase characters. |
strmd5hash | ••• | Get the md5hash of a string. Example |
strncat | ••• | Append the contents of a char*-string to another char*-string, the contents of s2 will be appended to s1. Example |
strncmp | ••• | Length limited string comparison. |
strncpy | ••• | Copy the contents of a char*-string into another, the contents of s2 will be copied into s1. Example |
strreplace | ••• | Replace a substring of a string with another string. Example |
strreplace_multis | ••• | Remove multiple characters from a string. Example |
strreverse | ••• | Reverse a char* string. Example |
strsize | ••• | Length of a string in bytes. Example |
strstr | ••• | Search for the first occurrence of the string search in the string str. Example |
strstrpos | ••• | Search for the first occurrence of the string search in the string str. Example |
strsubstring | ••• | Part string of a character string. Example |
• | DEPRECATED When using UTF-8 strings, the function is extremely toxic and should be urgently replaced by string::get_token:
• | DEPRECATED When using UTF-8 strings, the function is extremely toxic and should be urgently replaced by string::get_token_count:
strtrim | ••• | Remove the occurrences of a specified character at the start and the end of a character string. |
strupper | ••• | Covert string to upper case characters. |
strword | ••• | Find the n-th word of a string. |
symname | ••• | For the address of a function, determine its current name. Example |
system::AM | ••• | Time symbol for before noon. |
system::PM | ••• | Time symbol for the afternoon. |
system::altkey | ••• | Is the Alt button currently being pressed? |
system::app_path | ••• | Get the current path of InDesign®. |
system::cmd | ••• | Execute a shell command. |
system::cmdkey | ••• | Is the Command button currently being pressed? |
system::comet_version | •• | Get the current version of Comet plugins. |
system::commit_global | •• | Write the current value of a global variable back to the current data pool. |
system::controlkey | ••• | Is the Control button currently being pressed? |
system::crypt | •• | Encrypt a text. |
system::currency | ••• | Currency symbol. |
system::date_sep | ••• | Separator between day, month and year in the abbreviated date format. |
system::decimal_sep | ••• | Decimal separator (comma sign). |
system::decrypt | •• | Decrypt an encrypted string. |
••• | DEPRECATED Standard download folder of the user |
••• | DEPRECATED Standard email address of the user. |
system::exclusive_layout_rule | ••• | Restrict the layout rules to specified exclusive rules. |
system::font_info | •• | Collect information to a given font. |
system::fontdb_by_index | •• | Get the font face of the font family for a given weight, stretch and style. |
system::fontdb_by_name | •• | Get the font face of the font family for a given weight, stretch and style. |
system::fontdb_check | •• | Check the \URL [font configuration]{../InDesign/Plugins/comet_pdf.html#fontstyle}. |
system::fontdb_count | •• | Number of entries in the internal font database. |
system::fontdb_get_fontname | •• | Get the font family name of the n-th entry of the font DB. |
system::fontdb_mark_missing | •• | Mark text for which the font DB can not find a suitable font style. |
system::get_docwatch | ••• | Get the current status of the document monitoring. |
system::getenv | ••• | Value of the global sytem variables. |
••• | DEPRECATED Standard homepage of the user |
system::host | ••• | Host name of the computer. |
system::is_server | ••• | You are currently run InDesign® Server or not? |
system::key_value | •• |   |
system::language | ••• | Language of the used InDesign®. |
system::login | ••• | Login name of the user. |
system::macid | ••• | Get MacIDs of the computer. |
system::now | ••• | Get the current system time. |
system::oem | •• | Customize the labels of the About dialogs. |
••• | DEPRECATED Standard company information of the user. |
system::os | ••• | Under what operating system is a script currently run. |
system::pid | ••• | Get the unique process id of the application (InDesign®, InDesign® Server, comet_pdf). |
system::placeholderversion | •• | Get the current internal placeholders versions of a given document. |
system::plugin_path | ••• | Get the current plugin folder |
••• | DEPRECATED Actual name of the user as specified in the user administration. |
system::reload_globals | ••• | Reload all global variables. |
system::revision | •• | Get the current revision of Comet plugins. |
system::send_mail | •• | Send an email to a given address. |
system::session_id | ••• | SessionID of the current PubServer connection. |
system::set_docwatch | ••• | Activate/Deactivate the document monitoring. |
system::shiftkey | ••• | Is the Shift button currently being pressed? |
••• | DEPRECATED User signature. |
system::sleep | ••• | Sleep |
system::suppress_layout_rule | ••• | Suppressing/re-activating specific layout rules. |
system::suppress_layout_rules | •• | Suppress layout rules for certain situations. |
system::tcpip | ••• | Current TCP/IP address of the computer |
system::thousand_sep | ••• | Separator between thousands, for example 100.000. |
system::time_diff | ••• |   |
system::time_scan | ••• |   |
system::time_sep | ••• | Separator between hours, minutes and seconds. |
system::used_memory | •• | Currently used memory of application (InDesign® or comet_pdf). |
system::version | ••• | Find out the type and version number of the applicartion that runs the script. |
system::wakeup_layout_rules | •• | Allow execution of layout rules for the given situation (again). |
systemcharset_to_tagged | •• | Convert a systemcharset string to TaggedText encoded unicode. Example |
t | ||
table::align | • | Set the text left-justified, right-justified, centered or as center-justified.. |
table::alloc | •• | Create a new object of the table type. |
table::apply_cellstyle | ••• | Apply a cell style to a given cell range. |
table::apply_style | ••• | Apply a table style to a given table. |
table::assign | •• | Cpoy one table reference to another. |
table::break_ | • | Wrap a table to match its frame width. |
table::broaden_to_frame | •• | Fit table to the with of the textframe by changing the width of a given/all column(s). |
table::build | • | Build a table using its table module settings. |
table::capital | • | Upper and lowercase in table fields |
table::cell::apply_style | ••• | Apply a cell style to a given cell range. |
table::cell::clear | • | Clear the table cells content. |
table::cell::clear_groups | • | Remove all groups from a table cell. |
table::cell::clear_overrides | •• | Clear all cell overrides from the given area that conflict with the applied cell style. |
table::cell::copy_content | • | Copy the content of one table cell to another cell of the same table. |
table::cell::get_anchor | •• | Get the anchor cell of a given table cell. |
table::cell::get_box | • | Frame of a table cell in points. |
table::cell::get_cellid | •• | Get the ID of a table cell. |
table::cell::get_colid | •• | Get the ID of a table column. |
table::cell::get_fillcolor_cmyk | •• | Find the fill color of a given table cell. |
table::cell::get_fillcolor_lab | •• | Find the fill color of a given table cell. |
table::cell::get_fillcolor_rgb | •• | Find the fill color of a given table cell. |
table::cell::get_info1 | • | Get the table cell informatting Info1. |
table::cell::get_info2 | • | Get the table cell informatting Info2. |
table::cell::get_insets | •• | Insets of a table cell |
table::cell::get_parent | • | Get the parent cell of a given cell. |
table::cell::get_rotate | • | Get the text rotation of a table cell. |
table::cell::get_rowid | •• | Get the ID of a table row. |
table::cell::get_size | ••• | Size of a table cell in points |
table::cell::get_span | •• | Get the cell span of a given table cell. |
table::cell::get_stroke | •• | Retreive type and weight of a cell stroke. |
table::cell::get_strokecolor_cmyk | •• | Find the fill color of a given side of a table cell. |
table::cell::get_strokecolor_lab | •• | Find the fill color of a given side of a table cell. |
table::cell::get_strokecolor_rgb | •• | Find the fill color of a given side of a table cell. |
table::cell::get_style | •• | Find the cell style path and name of a given table cell. |
table::cell::get_text | •• | Get the text of a table field The result string must be sufficiently large in order to accommodate the result. If the text contains InDesign® variables, the internal code used in the document (and not the current value) is exported on pure text formats like kExportPlain. |
table::cell::get_textpos | •• | Text position and length of a table cell. |
table::cell::insert_taggedtext | •• | Insert tagged text into a table cell. |
table::cell::insertimage | •• | Insert an image into a cell of a table. |
table::cell::inserttext | •• | like insert_taggedtext. |
table::cell::is_anchor | •• | Is the given table cell an anchor cell? |
table::cell::is_member_of | • | Check whether a group contains a table cell. |
table::cell::is_overset | •• | Is there a text overset at the given table cell? |
table::cell::set_info1 | • | Set the table cell informatting Info1. |
table::cell::set_info2 | • | Set the table cell informatting Info2. |
table::cell::set_text | ••• | Set the text of a table field. |
table::cell_is_overset | •• | Is there a text overset at the given table cell? |
table::clear | • | Clear contents of given table cells. |
table::clear_celloverrides | • | Clear all cell overrides from the given area that conflict with the applied cell style. |
table::clear_overrides | •• | Clears any local table style overrides on the given table. |
table::colorize | ••• | Background color of fields in a table. |
table::colorize_cmyk | •• | CMYK Background color of table cells. |
table::colorize_cols | • |   |
table::colorize_rows | •• | Set the background color of rows. |
table::columns | ••• | Count the columns of a table. |
table::compress_colwise | • | Compress a large table to fit into its text frame. |
table::convert_to_bodyrows | •• | Convert header or footer rows to body rows. |
table::convert_to_footerrows | ••• | Convert table body rows into footer rows. |
table::convert_to_headerrows | ••• | Convert body rows to header rows. |
table::count | •• | Number of tables in the text. |
table::create | ••• | Create a new table within a text. |
table::decompress_colwise | • | Undo a table compression made by compress_colwise or woodoo. |
table::defined | •• | Is the table reference defined? |
table::equal_cols | •• | Fit all given rows to the same width. |
table::equal_cols_by_list | •• | Fit all given rows to the same width. |
table::find_overset | •• | Find the first cell in a table, that has a text overset. |
table::fit_col | •• | Fit columns to have no text overset in any of its cells. |
table::font | • | Font use in table fields. |
table::format | • | Set paragraph for table fields |
table::get | •• | i-th table of the text. |
table::get_anchorpos | •• | Text position and length of a table anchor. |
table::get_cellbox | • | Frame of a table cell in points |
table::get_cellinfo | •• | Experimentell Get informatting about a table cell set by the Comet table module. |
table::get_cellinsets | ••• | Insets of a table cell |
table::get_cellsize | ••• | Size of a table cell in points |
table::get_col_width | •• | Width of table columns. |
table::get_columns | ••• | Synonym for columns |
table::get_firstouter_column | • | Find the number of the first column that is not completely inside the text frame. |
table::get_footers_start | •• | Where does the table show its footer rows? |
table::get_headers_start | •• | Where does the table show its header rows? |
table::get_id | • | Get the root table record id of a given table. |
table::get_info1 | • | Get the table informatting Info1. |
table::get_info2 | • | Get the table informatting Info2. |
table::get_keep_with_next_row | • | Keep a table row together with its successor or not? |
table::get_keystring | • | Build a table key. |
table::get_parent | • | Refers to the automatic built table, that builts *me*. |
table::get_placeholderid | • | Get the id of the table placeholder that inserted the table into the document. |
table::get_row_height | •• | Height of table rows. |
table::get_row_max_height | •• | Maximum height of table rows. |
table::get_row_min_height | •• | Minium height of table rows. |
table::get_row_start | •• | Where does the next table row appear, if a table break is necessary at this row? |
table::get_rows | ••• | Synonym for rows. |
table::get_skip_first_header | •• | Does the table skip its header rows at the tables start? |
table::get_skip_last_footer | •• | Does the table skip its footer rows at the tables end? |
table::get_style | •• | Find the style path and name of a given table. |
table::get_table_placeholder_id | • | Get the id of the placeholder that built a table. |
table::get_table_placeholder_text | • | Get the text content of the placeholder that built a table. |
table::get_templateid | • | Get the id of the original table template of the table. |
table::get_text | •• | Get the text of a table field The result string must be sufficiently large in order to accommodate the result. |
table::get_textpos | •• | Text position and length of a table. |
table::get_type | • | Get the type and (on graphic cells) the frame reference of a table cell. |
table::getid | • | Get the root table record id of a given table (like get_id). |
table::has_parent | • | Short cut for table::is_valid (table::get_parent (T)); |
table::insert_cols | •• | Insert new columns into a table. |
table::insert_rows | ••• | Insert rows into a table. |
table::insert_taggedtext | •• | Insert tagged text into a table cell. |
table::insertimage | •• | Insert an image into a cell of a table. |
table::inserttext | •• | like cell::insert_taggedtext. |
table::inset | •• | Change the spacing of the contents in rows (inset_rows), columns (inset_cols) or table fields (inset) from the edge of the cell. |
table::is_valid | •• | Is the table reference defined? |
table::justification | •• | Justification of the cell contents. |
table::merge | ••• | Merge a table area to a cell. |
table::merge_equal | •• | Merge cells with same content. |
table::merge_equal_fr | • | Merge cells with the same content in a given frame. |
table::mirror | •• | Swap the columns of a table. |
table::move_cols | •• | Move columns within a table. |
table::move_rows | •• | Move rows within a table. |
table::oodoow | • | Tables that have been compressed with woodoo are restored to their original state. |
table::position | • | Text positioning in table fields |
table::release | •• | Delete a table object from the memory. |
table::remove | •• | Delete a table and its complete contents. |
table::remove_cols | ••• | Deleting columns of a table. |
table::remove_rows | ••• | Remove rows of a table. |
table::reset | • | Delete all rows and columns created by a table module built. |
table::reset_stroke | •• | Method to remove stroke-overrides from specified sides of cells in given area. |
table::resize_cols | ••• | Change the width of columns of a table. |
table::resize_rows | ••• | Change the height of row of a table. |
table::rotate | •• | Alignment of rows (inset_rows), columns (inset_cols) or table fields (inset). |
table::rows | ••• | Count the lines of a table. |
table::set_cellinfo | •• | Experimentell Setting table module infos to a cell |
table::set_footers_start | •• | Where shall the table show its footer rows? |
table::set_headers_start | •• | Where shall the table show its header rows? |
table::set_id | • | Set the root table record id of a given table |
table::set_info1 | • | Set the table informatting Info1. |
table::set_info2 | • | Set the table informatting Info2. |
table::set_keep_with_next_row | • | Keep a table row together with its successor or not. |
table::set_overprint | • | Set the "overprint" property of table cells. |
table::set_placeholderid | • | Set the "original" placeholder id of a table. |
table::set_row_start | •• | Where should the next table row appear, if a table break is necessary at this row? |
table::set_skip_first_header | •• | Table shall skip its header rows at tables start. |
table::set_skip_last_footer | •• | Table shall skip its footer rows at tables end. |
table::set_templateid | • | Set the "original" table template of a table. |
table::set_text | ••• | Set the text of a table field. |
table::set_type | • | Set the type of a table cell to text or graphic. |
table::setid | • | Set the root table record id of a given table (like set_id). |
table::size | • | Fonts sizes in table fields |
table::skew | • | Skew the script. |
table::space_after | •• | Set the space after a table. |
table::space_before | •• | Set the space before a table. |
• | DEPRECATED Using spin it is possible to rotate individual letters within a text. |
table::split | • | Splitting a table field. |
table::stroke | •• | Framing of rows (stroke_rows), columns (stroke_cols) or table fields (stroke). |
table::style | • | Set the text style of fields. |
table::textcolor | • | Set the color of the font and the color of the framing of the font. |
table::textstroke | • | Stroke colöor for the letters of the cell text. |
table::unbreak_ | • | Uncompress table. |
table::unmerge | •• | Reverse the merging of several table cells to one cell. |
table::woodoo | • | Reorder a 4 column table to make it as small as possible and still fit into the surrounding frame, see the following images: |
tagged_to_cp1252 | •• | Convert a TaggedText encoded unicode string to code page 1252. Example |
tagged_to_macroman | •• | Convert a TaggedText encoded unicode string to macroman Example |
tagged_to_systemcharset | •• | Convert a TaggedText encoded unicode string to the system character set. Example |
tagged_to_utf8 | •• | Convert a TaggedText encoded unicode string to utf8 Example |
tagged_to_wchar | •• | Convert a TaggedText encoded unicode string to unicode. Example |
tan | ••• | Tangens. |
tanh | ••• | Sinus hyperbolicus. |
test::assert | • | Set the assertion error state of the currently running assert test. |
test::connect | • | Connect to a definition file. |
test::count | • | Count all defined CometTests. |
test::count_runnings | • | Count all currently executing CometTests |
test::create_proofs | • | Proof creation for comet tests. |
test::delete_proofs | • | Proof deletion for comet tests. |
test::delete_test_results | • | Deletion of test results for comet tests. |
test::disconnect | • | Disconnect from a definition file. |
test::execute | • | Execute comet tests. |
test::get_default_definition_file | • | Get the default path to the definition file. |
test::get_definition_file | • | Get the path to the currently connected definition file. |
test::get_nth_ID | • | ID of nth CometTest. |
test::get_nth_actionPath | • | Script of nth CometTest. |
test::get_nth_connectionInfo | • | Error description of nth CometTest. |
test::get_nth_depth | • | Depth in hierarchy of nth test. |
test::get_nth_errorDescription | • | Error description of nth CometTest. |
test::get_nth_file | • | Test document (INDD) of nth CometTest. |
test::get_nth_name | • | Name of nth test. |
test::get_nth_numberInQueue | • | Index in queue as char*-string in the format "a/ALL", for instance "3/10". |
test::get_nth_postScriptPath | • | Post-Script of nth CometTest. |
test::get_nth_preScriptPath | • | Prescript of nth CometTest. |
test::get_nth_simulateOverprint | • | Overprint property of nth CometTest. |
test::get_nth_type | • | Type of nth CometTest. |
test::get_nth_wasInQueue | • | Is a CometTest currently in the queue? |
text::find_styled_font | •• | Find a font face of given properties in a font family. |
text::fortune | •• | Return a fortune cookie |
text::ireplace_all | •• | Replace all occurences of a string with a number. |
text::replace_all | •• | Replace all occurences of a string with another string. |
text::replace_typografics | •• | Replace typografic quotas. |
text::translate | • | Translate a text. |
text::unix_to_win | •• | Replace all unix line separators with Windows line separators. |
text::xpress_to_tagged | •• | Convert XPress marked text into tagged text. |
textcmp | ••• | Document and data pool may use different methods to encode characters (<0x00FC>, system character sets, UTF8, Unicode, HTML) The function compares the internal representation of the strings. |
textmodel::anchor | •• | Make a frame an anchored frame at a text position. |
textmodel::append | •• | Appending text. |
textmodel::available | •• | Is a text model at all available in the script? |
textmodel::change_cometgroup | • | Change a Comet text group. |
textmodel::clear_placeholders | • | Hide placeholders from the text |
textmodel::coordinates | • | Determine the coordinates of a text character. |
textmodel::copy | • | Copy document text into an internal scrap. |
textmodel::create_cometgroup | • | Create a Comet text group for a given text range. |
textmodel::create_outlines | • | Convert letters to paths, the so called outlines. |
textmodel::cut | • | Remove text from the document and copy it into an internal scrap. |
textmodel::dump | •• | Write the content of the given text model into the log file. |
textmodel::excel_import | • | Insert an Excel table into the text. |
textmodel::excel_update | • | Update a table of the text. |
textmodel::export_and_create_link | • |   |
textmodel::export_html | • | Export the textmodel as an HTML file. Style information is put into a seperate .css file into a subfolder in the target folder. More information can be founde here. |
textmodel::find_surrounding_paragraph | • | Get the beginning (and possible length) of a paragraph at a given text position. |
textmodel::find_surrounding_word | •• | Get the beginning (and possible length) of a word at a given text position. |
• | DEPRECATED Please use frame::inline_, frame::inline_above, frame::anchor and frame::get_anchor instead. |
textmodel::force_redraw | •• | Render the given text. |
textmodel::fulllength | • | Ascertain the complete length (number of (unicode) characters) of the current text or the text of the current frame. |
textmodel::get | • | Obsolete Please use the alternative function textmodel::gettext instead of this. |
textmodel::get_anchor | •• |   |
textmodel::get_attr | • | Get text attributes. |
textmodel::get_boundary_length | • | Get the length of a text piece. |
textmodel::get_charstyle | ••• | Get the character style of a given text position In text placeholders the funktion is limited to the text range belonging to the placeholder. |
textmodel::get_color | • | Get the color of a text position |
textmodel::get_cometgroup | • | Get information about the identifier of a Comet text group. |
textmodel::get_composer | • | Get the composer useed for a text paragraph. |
textmodel::get_font | ••• | Font and font style at a given text position. |
textmodel::get_fontsize | ••• | Textsize of given text position. |
textmodel::get_frame | • | Find the frame at a given text position. |
textmodel::get_frame_containing | •• | Find the frame at a given text position. |
textmodel::get_hyphenation | • | Get the current hyphenation settings for a paragraph. |
textmodel::get_initiallines | • | Get the height of the initial cap. |
textmodel::get_initials | • | Number of initial characters of a paragraph. |
textmodel::get_insets | •• | Set insets of a text frame |
textmodel::get_linenr | • | Get the line number of a position in a text. |
textmodel::get_linkpath | • |   |
textmodel::get_orientation | • | Get the orientation of a text. |
textmodel::get_para_listtype | • | Get the list type of an paragraph. |
textmodel::get_parastyle | ••• | Get the paragraph style of a given text position In text placeholders the funktion is limited to the text range belonging to the placeholder. |
textmodel::get_placeholder | • | Determine the placeholder at a given text position. |
textmodel::get_shatai | • | Ask for shatai options, see set_shatai. |
textmodel::get_table | •• | Find out the table and the surounding grid area at a given text position inside a table cell. |
textmodel::get_tatechuyoko | • | Ask for tate-chu-yoko options, see set_tatechuyoko. |
textmodel::get_warichu | • | Ask for warichu settings, see set_warichu. |
textmodel::gettext | •• | Get the text from the document. |
textmodel::gremove_redundant_tags | • |   |
• | DEPRECATED Please use frame::isinline and frame::get_anchor instead. |
textmodel::image | • | Place a file as background image in a text frame. |
textmodel::initialchar | • | Changing cap chars of a paragraph. |
textmodel::inline_ | •• | Change a frame to a text inline or anchored frame. |
textmodel::inline_above | •• | Create an "inline above" frame at a given text position. |
textmodel::insert | •• | Inserting text. |
textmodel::insert_crossref | • | Insert a cross reference destination into a text. |
textmodel::insert_list | • | Like insert_products, but with a ProductList instaed of the selector statement. |
textmodel::insert_macro | • | Insert a table template. |
textmodel::insert_products | • | Insert products into a text. |
textmodel::is_linked | • |   |
textmodel::justify | • | Vertical justification. |
textmodel::justify_reset | • | Reset vertical justification. |
textmodel::length | ••• | Length of the document text which the script may have. |
textmodel::link_to_file | • |   |
textmodel::overset | ••• | Are text pieces of a text model or frame not visible? |
textmodel::paste | • | Insert a scraped text into a document. |
textmodel::position_visible | • | Determine whether a give text position is visible or hidden. |
textmodel::remove_redundant_tags | • |   |
textmodel::replace | •• | Replacing text. |
textmodel::replace_all | •• | Replace inside the entire text. |
textmodel::resolve_cometgroup | • | Resolve a Comet text group. |
textmodel::restore | • | Replace the text of the current text model with a database-stored content. |
textmodel::scale_font | • | Scale the font size of a given text. |
textmodel::scale_text | •• | Scaling a text or text range and its character and paragraph properties. |
textmodel::select | • | Set document text selection. |
textmodel::select_cometgroup | • | Select a Comet text group. |
textmodel::selection | • | Current document selection. |
textmodel::set_attr | • | Change text attributes. |
textmodel::set_charstyle | ••• | Set a character style for a given text range. |
textmodel::set_color | • | Set the text color. |
textmodel::set_color_cmyk | • | Set the text color. |
textmodel::set_color_rgb | • | Set the text color. |
textmodel::set_composer | • | Set the text composer of a text. |
textmodel::set_font | •• | Set the font size. |
textmodel::set_fontsize | •• | Set the font size. |
textmodel::set_hyphenation | • | Change the hyphenation settings for a paragraph. |
textmodel::set_insets | •• | Set insets of a text frame |
textmodel::set_orientation | • | Set the orientation of a text. |
textmodel::set_parastyle | ••• | Set a paragraph style for all paragraphs intersecting a given text range. |
textmodel::set_shatai | • | Apply Shatai to text. |
textmodel::set_tatechuyoko | • | Apply tate-chu-yokoto a given text range. |
textmodel::set_warichu | • | Apply warichu. |
textmodel::solve_overset | •• | Solve the overset of a textframe by creating and linking new frames on new document pages. |
textmodel::start | •• | Start position of the document text which the script may have. |
textmodel::store | • | Write the contents of the current text model to the database. |
textmodel::store_macro | • | Export the content of the current text model. |
textmodel::use_global_index | • |   |
textmodel::vertical_justification | •• | Set the verticale justification and the paragraph space limit of a text frame |
textncmp | ••• | Document and data pool may use different methods to encode characters (<0x00FC>, system character sets, UTF8, Unicode, HTML) The function compares the internal representation of the strings. |
timer::document_get_start | •• | Get the start time of a document timer. |
timer::document_start | •• | Install an idle-time handler to execute a script on a document. |
timer::document_stop | •• | Stop a timer of a document. |
timer::dump | •• | dump all timer data to log file |
timer::frame_get_start | •• | Get the start time of a frame timer. |
timer::frame_start | •• | Starts a timer that executes certain layout rules of the frame at the next idle time of the program. |
timer::frame_stop | •• | Stop a timer of a frame. |
timer::get_counter | •• | Get a value counted by a timer. |
timer::get_seconds | •• | Get the time counted by a timer. |
timer::reset | •• | reset all timer data |
timer::start | •• | Starts the timing of a cscript program section. |
timer::stop | •• | Stop timing of a cScript snippet. |
tofloat | ••• | Convert an integer to a floating. |
toint | ••• | Example |
translate | •• | Translate a text into the language of the used InDesign®. Example |
tvi::import_text | • | Lade Regeln und Sendungen von der Datenbank und versuche, den Text in den angegebenen Frame einzupassen. |
u | ||
utf8_to_tagged | •• | Convert a utf8 encoded string to TaggedText, ä is changed to <0x00E4> for instance. Example |
v | ||
val | ••• | Convert a fixed number string into a number. Example |
w | ||
wchar_to_tagged | •• | Convert a unicode string to TaggedText encoded unicode Example |
wlog | •• | Write a log file message. Example |
wtlog | •• | Write a time stamped log file message. Example |
x | ||
xml::add_attribute | • | Add or change an attribute to/of the XML element of a frame. |
xml::add_attribute_elem | • | Add or change an attribute to/of an XML element. |
xml::attribute_exists | • | Does the XML element have a certain attribute? |
xml::attribute_exists_elem | • | Does the XML element have a certain attribute? |
xml::attribute_exists_frame | •• | Does the frame have an XML Element containing a certain attribute? |
xml::count_attributes | • | Number of attributes of an XML element. |
xml::count_attributes_elem | •• | Number of attributes of an XML element. |
xml::count_attributes_frame | •• | Number of attributes of an XML element of a frame. |
xml::count_children | •• | Count the subelements of an XML element of the document. |
xml::create_element | •• | Create a new XML element in the XML structure of the document. |
xml::delete_element | •• | Remove an XML element and all its sub-elements from the XML structure of its document. |
xml::exec | • | Execute a script from the XML structure of a frame. |
xml::export_ | • | General data export from the database in XML. |
xml::export_action | • | Export an action of the database in an encrpyted text file. |
xml::export_actions | • | Export a selection of actions of the database. |
xml::export_placeholder | • | Export the placeholder definitions of the database in a XML folder. |
xml::fattribute | • | Get the value of an XML attribute as a real number. |
xml::fattribute_elem | •• | Like fattribute_frame, but the element is given by itself, not by its frame. |
xml::fattribute_frame | •• | Get the value of an XML attribute of an XML object of a frame as a real number. |
xml::get_child | •• | Get a sub element of an XML element. |
xml::get_document_attribute | •• | Get the value of an attribute of the root element of a document |
xml::get_element | •• | Get the XML element of the given frame (if any). |
xml::get_element_by_path | •• | Get an XML element by its XML path. |
xml::get_name | •• | Get the name of an XML element. |
xml::get_parent | •• | Get a parent element of an XML element. |
xml::getfloat | • | Get the text which is linked with an XML element as a real number. |
xml::getfloat_elem | • | Like gefloat_frame, but the element is given by itself, not by its frame and an XML path. |
xml::getfloat_frame | • | Get the text which is linked with an XML element a given frame as a real number. |
xml::getint | • | Get the text which is linked with an XML element as an integer. |
xml::getint_elem | • | Like getint_frame, but the element is given by itself, not by its frame and an XML path. |
xml::getint_frame | • | Get the text which is linked with an XML element of a given frame as an integer. |
xml::iattribute | • | Get the value of an XML attribute as an integer. |
xml::iattribute_elem | •• | Like iattribute_frame, but the element is given by itself, not by its frame. |
xml::iattribute_frame | •• | Get the value of an XML attribute of the XML object of a frame as an integer. |
xml::is_textlink | • | Does the element point to an piece of text of the document? |
xml::link | • | Link the current script frame or the current text model of the script with a new XML element. |
xml::link_frame | •• | Link a document frame with a new XML element. |
xml::path | • | Get the the path of the XML element of a frame. |
xml::path_elem | • | Get the the path of the XML element of an XML element the the XML structure of a document. |
xml::release | •• | Release memory of an XMLElement variable allocated by calls to get_element, get_parent or get_child. |
xml::remove_attributes_elem | •• | Remove attributes from an XML element of the XML structure of a document. |
xml::sattribute | • | Get the value of an XML attribute. |
xml::sattribute_elem | •• | Like sattribute_frame, but the element is given by itself, not by its frame. |
xml::sattribute_frame | •• | Get the value of an XML attribute of the XML object of a frame. |
xml::set_document_attribute | •• | Set or update a attribute of the root element of a document |
xml::strcpy | • | Get the text which is linked with an XML element. |
xml::strcpy_elem | • | Like strcpy_frame, but the element is given by itself, not by its frame and an XML path. |
xml::strcpy_frame | • | Get the text which is linked with an XML element a given frame. |
xml::untag | • | Remove the XML element(s) of a frame or text range. |
xmlexport::export_ | • | Export the current front document to an XML file. |
xmlnode::child | ••• | Number of direct children and attributes of a given XML node. |
xmlnode::children | ••• | Number of direct children and attributes of a given XML node. |
xmlnode::content | ••• | Text content of an XML node. |
xmlnode::content_of_child | ••• | Text content of an XML sub node or attribute. |
xmlnode::is_attribute | ••• | Is the node defined as an attribute in the original tree? |
xmlnode::name | ••• | Name of an XML node |
xmlnode::path | ••• | Path to an XML node |
xmlnode::root | ••• | Get the root element of an XML tree. |
xmlnode::type | ••• | Type of an given XML element. |
xmlquery::app_path | ••• | Ascertain the current program path to the iQuest Comet XML data files. |
xmlquery::close | ••• | Closing an XML tree. |
xmlquery::errnum | ••• | Error code of the last XML instruction execution. |
xmlquery::error | ••• | Error description of the last XML instruction execution. |
xmlquery::exec | ••• | Executing the XML instructions. |
xmlquery::fetch | ••• | Get the next result column of the XML instruction. |
xmlquery::flush | ••• | Remove any Comet internal data for the given XML file. |
xmlquery::fsend | ••• | Send a decimal number to an XML instruction. |
xmlquery::get_exec_infos | ••• | Does a xml query produce some warnings or errors? |
xmlquery::input | ••• | Connect a value to the corresponding value placeholder in the SQL command. |
xmlquery::isend | ••• | Send an integer to an XML instruction. |
xmlquery::open | ••• | Open an file based XML tree. |
xmlquery::output | ••• | Allocating variables to the results column of an XML instruction. |
xmlquery::parse | ••• | Read a string based XML tree. |
xmlquery::process | •• | Generate an XML file (and/or an internal representation) from a given Service definition. |
xmlquery::send | ••• | Send an XML instruction to ascertain values of an XML tree. |
xmlquery::send_cdata_begin | ••• | Open a CDATA block inside a xmlquery. |
xmlquery::send_cdata_end | ••• | Close a CDATA block inside a xmlquery. |
xmlquery::serialize | ••• | Serialize an XML tree. |
xmlquery::to_json | • | Create a JSON string of an XML tree or parts of it. |
xmlquery::write | ••• | Write an XML tree to a file. |
Name | Description |
gAddAlpha | Should the result of comet_pdf's conversion of PDF to raster images contain an alpha channel? |
gAreaBottom | Area of ashape method |
gAreaLeft | Area of ashape method |
gAreaRight | Area of ashape method |
gAreaTop | Area of ashape method |
gArgument | gArgument is defined in scripts, which are executed by calling the Scripting functions eval or exec. It's value is the value of the argument parameter passed to the function call. |
gBuildTable | Automatically build table |
gButtonState | Loading the previews using scripts. |
gCallingActionID |   |
gCellRecordID | ID of table cell |
gCellRecordID2 | ID2 of table cell |
gCellRecordID3 | ID3 of table cell |
gCellRecordStringID | StringID of table cell |
gCheckFrame | Used in itemlist::logical_groups only |
gClicked | Clicked row in panel list |
gClipBottom | Lower image clipping for the Conversion from PDF to raster images of comet_pdf. |
gClipLeft | Left image clipping for the Conversion from PDF to raster images of comet_pdf. |
gClipRight | Right image clipping for the Conversion from PDF to raster images of comet_pdf. |
gClipTop | Upper image clipping for the Conversion from PDF to raster images of comet_pdf. |
gCol | In scripts for the dynamic calculation of function variables in table cells, the variable contains the 0-based column number of the cell. |
gColumnRecordID | ID of table row |
gColumnRecordID2 | ID2 of table row |
gColumnRecordID3 | ID3 of table row |
gColumnRecordStringID | StringID of table row |
gCreated | Placeholders creation date and time, format YYYYMMDDHHMMSS. |
gCurrentPageTemplate | If a Layout Rule was called by a Product Build-Up or a Reorganization, the variable contains the ID of the current page template. |
gCurrentSeq | If a Layout Rule was called by a Product Build-Up or a Reorganization, the variable contains the 1-based index of the current page element. |
gDestfolder | Destination folder of batch run. |
gDestinationPath | Path for an output file, empty, if not defined for this script. |
gDocument | Document with which the script was called. Example |
gDocumentID | gDocumentID is defined in Publication scripts. |
gDocumentPath | gDocumentPath is defined in Publication and in DocWatch scripts. |
gDocumentStatus | gDocumentStatus is defined in Publication scripts. |
gEditionDate | Editions date (4th row in panel Editions) |
gEditionID | ID of edition |
gEditionID2 | ID2 of edition |
gEditionID3 | ID2 of edition |
gEditionName | Name of edition (First row in panel Editions) |
gEditionPages | Pages of an edition (Thirst row in panel Editions) |
gEditionPublication | Type of edition (Second row in panel Editions) |
gEditionStringID | StringID of edition |
gElement | ID of page element in scripts for Page Element Determinations and in Alternative Template Scripts. AttentionSince the next free place inside the element (also) depends on the size of the template, the actual insertion element may differ from this specification. |
gElementBottom | ICurrent page element coordinates in Alternative Template Scripts. AttentionSince the next free place inside the element (also) depends on the size of the template, the actual insertion element may differ from this specification. |
gElementLeft | ICurrent page element coordinates in Alternative Template Scripts. AttentionSince the next free place inside the element (also) depends on the size of the template, the actual insertion element may differ from this specification. |
gElementName | Name of page element in scripts for Page Element Determinations and in Alternative Template Scripts. AttentionSince the next free place inside the element (also) depends on the size of the template, the actual insertion element may differ from this specification. |
gElementRight | ICurrent page element coordinates in Alternative Template Scripts. AttentionSince the next free place inside the element (also) depends on the size of the template, the actual insertion element may differ from this specification. |
gElementTop | ICurrent page element coordinates in Alternative Template Scripts. AttentionSince the next free place inside the element (also) depends on the size of the template, the actual insertion element may differ from this specification. |
gElements | List of objects to build by a Build script for repeating elements. |
gErrMess | Error description from the product building |
gErrorfolder | Error folder of batch run. |
gFormat | Image format for the Conversion from PDF to raster images of comet_pdf. |
gFrame | Current frame for which the script is executed. |
gFrameBottomBefore | Current frame coordinates of gFrame before applying the a Layout Rule. |
gFrameLeftBefore | Current frame coordinates of gFrame before applying the a Layout Rule. |
gFrameRightBefore | Current frame coordinates of gFrame before applying the a Layout Rule. |
gFrameTopBefore | Current frame coordinates of gFrame before applying the a Layout Rule. |
gFrames | Build Support : All currently inserted frames of the current product In Layout Rules : All frames of the Comet Group after loading and after Building Repeating Elements |
gFuncVars |   |
gGridPosX | Insertion position within a 1:N element relative to the page element in Alternative Template Scripts. AttentionSince the next free place inside the element (also) depends on the size of the template, the actual insertion position may differ from this specification. |
gGridPosY | Insertion position within a 1:N element relative to the page element in Alternative Template Scripts. AttentionSince the next free place inside the element (also) depends on the size of the template, the actual insertion position may differ from this specification. |
gImageAlign | Setting of image position and scaling of the Previews panel for post-processing previews and alternatives in the Link Script |
gImageSize | Setting of image position and scaling of the Previews panel for post-processing previews and alternatives in the Link Script Currently the value is set to 0.0 always. |
gIndexOffset | Current grid place there to place the product |
gInfile | Complete path of an input file of an automatisc image conversion of comet_pdf. |
gInfile | Complete path of an output file of an automatisc image conversion of comet_pdf. |
gInsertedFrames | Currently inserted frames by a snippet for postprocessing in the Link Script |
gIsInBuild | In which context Layout Rules was called? |
gItem | Frame of a placeholders in an action script of the placeholder. |
gJobID | ID of current batch job |
gKey | In the Layout Rules of the condition Handle Event the variable contains the key assigned by the sender. |
gLastFrameBottom | Coordinates (in points) of the frame gFrame when calling a pageadapter rule. |
gLastFrameLeft | Coordinates (in points) of the frame gFrame when calling a pageadapter rule. |
gLastFrameRight | Coordinates (in points) of the frame gFrame when calling a pageadapter rule. |
gLastFrameTop | Coordinates (in points) of the frame gFrame when calling a pageadapter rule. |
gLastResizeX |   |
gLastResizeY |   |
gLayer | Current layer in Alternative Template Scripts |
gLen | Length of the document text which a script is permitted to have. |
gLink | Full path of image shown in a frame placeholder or empty, only defined inside sync scripts of frame placeholders. |
gLinkFolder | Path without file name of image shown in a frame placeholder or empty, only defined inside sync scripts of frame placeholders. |
gLinkName | File name of image shown in a frame placeholder or empty, only defined inside sync scripts of frame placeholders. |
gLinkScript | Loading the previews using scripts. |
gMasterFrame | Used in itemlist::logical_groups only |
gMasterpage | Parent page for the product build-up. |
gMasterpageL | Left parent page for the product build-up. |
gMasterpageR | Right parent page for the product build-up. |
gMediaProxy | Unused global variable. |
gModified | Placeholders last modification date and time, format YYYYMMDDHHMMSS. |
gMoreGroups | Additional group mappings for table building |
gName | Definition of additional HTTP Header Data for Web Images. |
gNewFrames | The list supports the creation of additional pages in the product build with the help of the Buold Support Script and is only evaluated in the kProductPlaced situation. |
gNewValue | gNewValue sets the text of New Value on the ToDo-list-panel. Example |
gObjectName | Output name of the Object Name Script. |
gOldValue | Use gOldValue to set your own 'Document' value for an unsynched placeholder in the ToDos panel. |
gOrgFrame | This variable is only defined for the purpose of backwards compatibility. |
gOrgFrameBottom | In Layout Rules : Coordinates (in points) of the frame gFrame when setting the rule. In Page Adaption Rules : Coordinates (in points) of the frame gFrame before adapting the document. |
gOrgFrameLeft | In Layout Rules : Coordinates (in points) of the frame gFrame when setting the rule. In Page Adaption Rules : Coordinates (in points) of the frame gFrame before adapting the document. |
gOrgFrameRight | In Layout Rules : Coordinates (in points) of the frame gFrame when setting the rule. In Page Adaption Rules : Coordinates (in points) of the frame gFrame before adapting the document. |
gOrgFrameTop | In Layout Rules : Coordinates (in points) of the frame gFrame when setting the rule. In Page Adaption Rules : Coordinates (in points) of the frame gFrame before adapting the document. |
gOrgImageBottom | Image coordinates when calling Page Adaptation Rules. |
gOrgImageLeft | Image coordinates when calling Page Adaptation Rules. |
gOrgImageRight | Image coordinates when calling Page Adaptation Rules. |
gOrgImageTop | Image coordinates when calling Page Adaptation Rules. |
gOrgResizeX |   |
gOrgResizeY |   |
gOutFrame | Script created new group frame. Example |
gOutput | gOutput is defined in scripts, which are executed by calling the Scripting functions eval or exec. . |
gPSCellEntityClass | PubServer connections only: CellEntity.Class part of the gRecordStringID in the PubServer StringID scheme. |
gPSCellEntityId | PubServer connections only: CellEntity.Id part of the gRecordStringID in the PubServer StringID scheme. |
gPSCellGroupId | PubServer connections only: CellRecord.GroupId part of the gRecordStringID in the PubServer StringID scheme. |
gPSCellParentEntityClass | PubServer connections only: CellEntity.ParentClass part of the gRecordStringID in the PubServer StringID scheme. |
gPSCellParentEntityId | PubServer connections only: CellEntity.ParentId part of the gRecordStringID in the PubServer StringID scheme. |
gPSCellParentGroupId | PubServer connections only: CellRecord.ParentGroupId part of the gRecordStringID in the PubServer StringID scheme. |
gPSCellParentRecordId | PubServer connections only: CellRecord.ParentId part of the gRecordStringID in the PubServer StringID scheme. |
gPSCellRecordId | PubServer connections only: CellRecord.Id part of the gRecordStringID in the PubServer StringID scheme. |
gPSColumnEntityClass | PubServer connections only: ColumnEntity.Class part of the gRecordStringID in the PubServer StringID scheme. |
gPSColumnEntityId | PubServer connections only: ColumnEntity.Id part of the gRecordStringID in the PubServer StringID scheme. |
gPSColumnGroupId | PubServer connections only: ColumnRecord.GroupId part of the gRecordStringID in the PubServer StringID scheme. |
gPSColumnParentEntityClass | PubServer connections only: ColumnRecord.ParentClass part of the gRecordStringID in the PubServer StringID scheme. |
gPSColumnParentEntityId | PubServer connections only: ColumnEntity.ParentId part of the gRecordStringID in the PubServer StringID scheme. |
gPSColumnParentGroupId | PubServer connections only: ColumnRecord.ParentGroupId part of the gRecordStringID in the PubServer StringID scheme. |
gPSColumnParentRecordId | PubServer connections only: ColumnRecord.ParentId part of the gRecordStringID in the PubServer StringID scheme. |
gPSColumnRecordId | PubServer connections only: ColumnRecord.Id part of the gRecordStringID in the PubServer StringID scheme. |
gPSEntityClass | PubServer connections only: Entity.Class part of the gRecordStringID in the PubServer StringID scheme. |
gPSEntityId | PubServer connections only: Entity.Id part of the gRecordStringID in the PubServer StringID scheme. |
gPSGroupId | PubServer connections only: Record.GroupId part of the gRecordStringID in the PubServer StringID scheme. |
gPSParentEntityClass | PubServer connections only: Entity.ParentClass part of the gRecordStringID in the PubServer StringID scheme. |
gPSParentEntityId | PubServer connections only: Entity.ParentId part of the gRecordStringID in the PubServer StringID scheme. |
gPSParentGroupId | PubServer connections only: Record.ParentGroupId part of the gRecordStringID in the PubServer StringID scheme. |
gPSParentRecordId | PubServer connections only: Record.ParentId part of the gRecordStringID in the PubServer StringID scheme. |
gPSRecordId | PubServer connections only: Record.Id part of the gRecordStringID in the PubServer StringID scheme. |
gPSRowEntityClass | PubServer connections only: RowEntity.Class part of the gRecordStringID in the PubServer StringID scheme. |
gPSRowEntityId | PubServer connections only: RowEntity.Id part of the gRecordStringID in the PubServer StringID scheme. |
gPSRowGroupId | PubServer connections only: RowRecord.GroupId part of the gRecordStringID in the PubServer StringID scheme. |
gPSRowParentEntityClass | PubServer connections only: RowRecord.ParentClass part of the gRecordStringID in the PubServer StringID scheme. |
gPSRowParentEntityId | PubServer connections only: RowEntity.ParentId part of the gRecordStringID in the PubServer StringID scheme. |
gPSRowParentGroupId | PubServer connections only: RowRecord.ParentGroupId part of the gRecordStringID in the PubServer StringID scheme. |
gPSRowParentRecordId | PubServer connections only: RowRecord.ParentId part of the gRecordStringID in the PubServer StringID scheme. |
gPSRowRecordId | PubServer connections only: RowRecord.Id part of the gRecordStringID in the PubServer StringID scheme. |
gPSTableEntityClass | PubServer connections only: TableEntity.Class part of the gRecordStringID in the PubServer StringID scheme. |
gPSTableEntityId | PubServer connections only: TableEntity.Id part of the gRecordStringID in the PubServer StringID scheme. |
gPSTableGroupId | PubServer connections only: TableRecord.GroupId part of the gRecordStringID in the PubServer StringID scheme. |
gPSTableParentEntityClass | PubServer connections only: TableEntity.ParentClass part of the gRecordStringID in the PubServer StringID scheme. |
gPSTableParentEntityId | PubServer connections only: TableEntity.ParentId part of the gRecordStringID in the PubServer StringID scheme. |
gPSTableParentGroupId | PubServer connections only: TableRecord.ParentGroupId part of the gRecordStringID in the PubServer StringID scheme. |
gPSTableParentRecordId | PubServer connections only: TableRecord.ParentId part of the gRecordStringID in the PubServer StringID scheme. |
gPSTableRecordId | PubServer connections only: TableRecord.Id part of the gRecordStringID in the PubServer StringID scheme. |
gPage | Current page of the Product Build-Up or of the Alternative Template Scripts |
gPageHeightNew | New height of the page of the frame gFrame in points in Page adaptation rules. |
gPageHeightOrg | Original (old) width of the page of the frame gFrame in points in Page adaptation rules. |
gPageItemIDs | List of templates for the objects to build by a Build script for repeating elements. |
gPageNum | 1-based page number of the current product build-up in the Build Support Script and in scripts for the Page Element Determinations. |
gPageTemplateID | ID of page template in scripts for Page Element Determinations and in Alternative Template Scripts. AttentionSince the next free place inside the element (also) depends on the size of the template, the actual insertion element may differ from this specification. |
gPageTemplateName | Name of page template in scripts for Page Element Determinations and in Alternative Template Scripts. AttentionSince the next free place inside the element (also) depends on the size of the template, the actual insertion element may differ from this specification. |
gPageWidthNew | New width of the page of the frame gFrame in points in Page adaptation rules. |
gPageWidthOrg | Original (old) height of the page of the frame gFrame in points in Page adaptation rules. |
gPageitemID | Template-ID in Alternative Template Scripts. Example |
gPageitemName | Name of the template in Alternative Template Scripts. |
gPageitemName | Name of the template in Alternative Template Scripts. |
gParam1 | First input parameter of a Layout Rule or a Page Adaptation Rule. |
gParam2 | Second input parameter of a Layout Rule or a Page Adaptation Rule. |
gParam3 | Third input parameter of a Layout Rule or a Page Adaptation Rule. |
gParam4 | Fourth input parameter of a Layout Rule or a Page Adaptation Rule. |
gParamFloat1 | Decimal value (or 0.0) of the first input parameter of a Layout Rule or a Page Adaptation Rule. |
gParamFloat2 | Decimal value (or 0.0) of the second input parameter of a Layout Rule or a Page Adaptation Rule. |
gParamFloat3 | Decimal value (or 0.0) of the third input parameter of a Layout Rule or a Page Adaptation Rule. |
gParamFloat4 | Decimal value (or 0.0) of the fourth input parameter of a Layout Rule or a Page Adaptation Rule. |
gParamInt1 | Integer value of the first input parameter of a Layout Rule or a Page Adaptation Rule. |
gParamInt2 | Integer value (or 0) of the second input parameter of a Layout Rule or a Page Adaptation Rule. |
gParamInt3 | Integer value (or 0) of the third input parameter of a Layout Rule or a Page Adaptation Rule. |
gParamInt4 | Integer value (or 0) of the fourth input parameter of a Layout Rule or a Page Adaptation Rule. |
gPlaceholderID | ID of the current placeholder inside placeholder actions Only defined iside placeholder action, otherwise undefined |
gPositionX | Insertion position relative to the page in Alternative Template Scripts. AttentionSince the next free place inside the element (also) depends on the size of the template, the actual insertion position may differ from this specification. |
gPositionX | Insertion position within a 1:N element relative to the page element in Alternative Template Scripts. AttentionSince the next free place inside the element (also) depends on the size of the template, the actual insertion position may differ from this specification. |
gPositionX_out | Positioning of repeated elements |
gPositionY_out | Positioning of repeated elements |
gPosition_changed | Positioning of repeated elements |
gPreviousFrames | In the situation kAfterCreateContinue of the Build Support the list contains the frames of the continuation's predecessor. |
gProduct | Currently processed product, |
gProductCounter | Index of the currently processed product gProduct in gProducts. |
gProductIDs | List of objects to build by a Build script for repeating elements. |
gProducts | List of products in product- and table build processes. Example |
gPublicationId | ID of the publication to be processed |
gPublications | List of documents, which are allowed to be processed in this script. |
gRecordID | ID of the database object linked with a placeholder in actions of placeholders. |
gRecordID2 | ID2 of the database object linked with a placeholder in actions of placeholders. |
gRecordID3 | ID3 of the database object linked with a placeholder in actions of placeholders. |
gRecordStringID | StringID of the database object linked with a placeholder in actions of placeholders. |
gRecordStringID1 | First part of a |--| delimited StringID of the database object linked with a placeholder in actions of placeholders. |
gRecordStringID2 | Second part of a |--| delimited StringID of the database object linked with a placeholder in actions of placeholders. |
gRecordStringID3 | Third part of a |--| delimited StringID of the database object linked with a placeholder in actions of placeholders. |
gRepagination | Generell script call or script call after book::repaginate, document::update_crossrefs or while automatic repagination after loading all placeholders of a document, see also cross reference placeholder. |
gResizeX | Resize factor of the current size change (1.0 being equivalent to 100%) in Page adaptation rules. |
gResizeY | Resize factor of the current size change (1.0 being equivalent to 100%) in Page adaptation rules. |
gResolution | Image resolution for the Conversion from PDF to raster images of comet_pdf. |
gResult |
Message after Deleting a Page-Template As *int : Result of an automatic image conversion of comet_pdf |
gRootTableRecordID | ID of table record |
gRootTableRecordID2 | ID2 of table record |
gRootTableRecordID3 | ID3 of table record |
gRootTableRecordStringID | StringID of table record |
gRow | In scripts for the dynamic calculation of function variables in table cells, the variable contains the 0-based row number of the cell. |
gRowRecordID | ID of table record |
gRowRecordID2 | ID2 of table record |
gRowRecordID3 | ID3 of table record |
gRowRecordStringID | StringID of table record |
gRun | Request status for a script |
gScriptType | Product building scripts of script class 14 or a page adaption script with script class 35
gSearchField1 | Loading the previews using scripts. |
gSearchField2 | Loading the previews using scripts. |
gSender | In the Layout Rules of the condition Handle Event the variable contains the frame reference to the calling frame. |
gSenderData1 | In the sender of an event two further values can be specified in addition to the key. |
gSenderData2 | In the sender of an event two further values can be specified in addition to the key. |
gSeq | Defined in scripts for the Page Element Determinations. Example |
gSituation | In which sitoation is the Build Support? |
gSnippetLen | Current insertion length of text alternatives for postprocessing in the Link Script |
gSnippetStart | Current insertion position of text alternatives for postprocessing in the Link Script |
gSourcefolder | Source folder of batch run. |
gStart | Start position of document text which may be held by the script. |
gSyncChanged | Does a script changing the placeholders sync state? |
gTable | Action of table module. |
gTableID | Get the table ID for a table placeholder |
gTemplateID | TemplateID in scripts for the Page Element Determinations. |
gTemplateName | TemplateID in scripts for the Page Element Determinations. |
gTimestamp | Currently unused and set to 0. |
gURL | Definition of additional HTTP Header Data for Web Images. |
gWhen | In which situation a Layout Rule was called? |
kBreakExecution | Cancel processing of possible further frames by the script. |
kEnd | The constant kEnd (== -1) can have various meanings. |
kRollbackExecution | Undo all document changes of the current script and cancel the processing of possible further frames. |
kSelection | For text positions in text function such as textmodel::insert, the current table is used. |
kTotalEnd | The constant kTotalEnd (== -3) is used as the identifier for the end of the text including all tabular texts. |
Name | Description |
Asset | Reference to an InDesign® library element |
CSVFile | Opened CSV file. |
DBC | Connection to a database. Example |
DataPool | Datatype for the definition of the data source for placeholder. |
Element | Data type Element, see here for more information. |
ElementList | List of Element objects, see here for more information. |
ExcelBook | Opened Excel book. |
FloatList | List of float values. |
IDType | Object for one Comet-ID. |
IDTypeList | List of IDs of type IDType |
Image | Reference to a preview or image |
ItemList | Reference to a list of document frames. |
ItemListList | Reference to a list of document frames lists |
ItemRef | Reference to a InDesign® object (frame, table, document, , ...). |
JSON | JSON object. |
KeyValues | List of key value pairs |
Library | Reference to a InDesign® library |
Link | Database objects with classnumber of the element |
LinkList | List of database objects with the classnumber of the element. |
List | List of integers. Example |
List64 | Like List, but List64 is 64bit aware. |
Parameter | Publication parameters. |
ParameterList | List of Parameter objects |
Planning | Planning type. |
PlanningList | List of Planning objects |
Product | An object of the Product pool |
ProductList | List of products. Example |
Publication | Publication or Publication Document. |
PublicationList | List of publication objects |
PublicationType | Publication type. |
PublicationTypeList | List of PublicationType objects. |
Query | Request to a data connection for DBC or SOAP connetions. Example |
Rect | Rectangle. |
RectList | List of rectangles of type rect. |
SOAP | Connection to a SOAP or Pubserver connection. Example |
Scrap | Content of a scrap, generated by a call to textmodel::cut or textmodel::copy. |
String | Character strings with automatic adjustment. |
StringList | List of strings. Example |
Table | Reference to an InDesign® table |
WorkflowStatus | Workflow status. |
WorkflowStatusList | List of WorkflowStatus objects |
XMLElement | XML element of the document structure |
XMLNode | Element of an xml tree. |
XMLTree | Represantation of a valid read XML file or string. |