Name | Description |
file::FTP-Upload einer Datei. |   |
Name | Description |
FormatStrings | Formatted outputs for strings. |
Includes | #include from various data sources. |
RegularExpressions | Regular expressions. |
Stringfunctions | Description of the string functions Example |
TaggedText | Description of the extended syntax for TaggedText as it can be used in textmodel, frame und table. Unfortunately, despite a long search, we have not been able to find an official documentation for TaggedText from Adobe. Here you can find an old description for CS 4 (boah, 2008!). But still ... Example |
batch | Batch methods You can find more information about batch support here. |
DEPRECATED Behavior of push buttons. Example |
book | Deal with InDesign® books Example |
bookmark | Bookmarks Example |
color | The color class functions apply records to the InDesign® color panel. |
csv | Read and write CSV files. Example |
datapool | Definition of the data pool for placeholder. |
dialog | Creation of custom modal dialogs. Example |
document | Document methods. |
element | Methods for using objects of the Element class. |
elementlist | Lists of objects of type Element |
excel | Read and write the cell contents of Excel tables. |
file | File operations. |
floatlist | List of float values. Example |
frame | The module processes document frames of InDesign® documents. Example |
graph | Drawing graphs. |
DEPRECATED Page grids |
html | HTML import and export methods You can find more information about HTML support here. |
hyperlink | Hyper link methods Example |
idtype | Methods for using objects of the idtype class. |
idtypelist | List of IDs of type IDType |
image | Creating previews from image files and images Example |
interactive | The class provides methods to deal with interctive objects like push buttons, multi state objects, text fields and so on. |
item | Definition and query of ItemRef objects. |
itemlist | The class provides methods to ensure the internal representation of InDesign® objects. |
itemlistlist | List of frame lists. |
json | Functions to read, write and manage JSON Objects |
keyvalues | Functions to manage key value pairs |
layer | Layers of an InDesign® document |
library | Using the InDesign® Libraries. |
link | Elements of placeholder lists (link list). |
linklist | Placeholder lists. Example |
list | Integer lists. Example |
list64 | Integer lists. Example |
logger | Customized log output. |
multistate | Support of InDesigns® multi state objects (panel Interactive:States). |
page | Pages and page numbers of a document |
placeholder | Comet placeholders |
prefs | Functions for exporting and importing user profiles and program settings. |
priint | priint. |
product | Methods to deal with the objects of the panel Product Pool. |
productlist | List of products. Example |
progress | Progress bar Example |
publication | Access to data and functions of the Publication Planner. Example |
query | A database connection can send and execute SQL instructions to the database with the assistance of a query, and retrieve the results of the instructions. Example |
rect | Rectangle. Example |
rectlist | List of rectangles of type Rect. Example |
server | Supporting data exchanges between the whiteboard and InDesign® Server. |
soap | Current SOAP/PubServer connection and execution of available services. |
sql | Current database connection and execution of database procedures and functions. |
string | Methods for using objects of the string class. |
stringlist | String lists. Example |
system | System information Example |
table | Working with InDesign® tables. Example |
test | Example |
text | Processing strings |
textmodel | Processing the document text. |
timer | Profiling / Benchmarking Example |
tvi | Adjust broadcast information in a frame |
xml | Accessing the XML structre of an InDesign® document. Example |
xmlexport | Export of InDesingn documents to XML. |
xmlnode |   |
xmlquery | Data selection from XML files. |
• InDesign®, InDesign® Server
• Illustrator®
• comet_pdf
Name | c/o | Description |
a | ||
abs | ••• | Absolut value of a given integer. |
absf | ••• | Absolut value of a given float. |
alert | •• | Display the standard dialog with a message and up to three buttons to answer. Example |
alloc | ••• | Memory allocation. Example |
aoinfo | •• | Open the AO dialog for additional information about edititions and pages Needs the plug in "Edition" to be installed and is not supported by InDesign® Server. Example |
askpopup2 | •• | dialog with two database-supported pop-up menus. Example |
askstring | ••• | Entry dialog for a text Example |
askstring2 | •• | dialog with a maximum of two entry fields and two database-supported pop-up menus. Example |
b | ||
batch::get_hotfolder_in | • | Get the input folder. |
batch::get_hotfolder_out | • | Get the output folder. |
batch::get_interval | • | Get the waiting interval between two batch jobs |
batch::get_running | • | Returns wether the batch operation is running |
batch::get_start | • | Get the designated starting time of the batch operation. |
batch::set_hotfolder_in | • | Set the input folder. |
batch::set_hotfolder_out | • | Set the output folder. |
batch::set_interval | • | Set the waiting interval between two batch jobs |
batch::set_start | • | Set the starting time for the batch operation To start the batch operation at the designated time, batch::start has to be called afterwards. Has no effect when the batch operation is already running. |
batch::start | • | Start the batch operation if it is not already running. |
batch::stop | • | Stop the batch operation if it is running. |
beep | •• | Generate a warning signal. |
• | DEPRECATED Please use the function interactive::add_action instead. |
behavior::audio | • | Set the Overlay Creator properties for a video. |
• | DEPRECATED Please use the function interactive::set_task_data instead. |
behavior::enable_action | • | Enable/disable oush button actions. |
• | DEPRECATED Please use the function interactive::get_task_data instead. |
• | DEPRECATED Please use the function interactive::get_event instead. |
• | DEPRECATED Please use the function interactive::get_task instead. |
• | DEPRECATED Please use the function interactive::get_actions instead. |
behavior::get_overlaycreator_type | • | Get the "Overlay Creator" of a document frame. |
behavior::hyperlink | • | Set the Overlay Creator properties for a hyperlink. |
behavior::image | • | Set the Overlay Creator properties for a web view. |
behavior::move_action | • | Move an action of a push button to a new event type and/or another position in the list of actions. |
behavior::panorama | • | Set the Overlay Creator properties for a panorama. |
behavior::remove_action | • | Delete a push button action. |
behavior::scrollable | • | Set the Overlay Creator properties for a scrollable frame. |
behavior::sequence | • | Set the Overlay Creator properties for an image sequence. |
behavior::slideshow | • | Set the Overlay Creator properties for a slide show. |
behavior::video | • | Set the Overlay Creator properties for a video. |
behavior::webview | • | Set the Overlay Creator properties for a web view. |
bit_and | ••• | Bit wise AND. |
bit_not | ••• | Bit wise NOT. |
bit_or | ••• | Bit wise OR. |
bit_xor | ••• | Bit wise exclusive OR. |
book::all_documents_do | • | Editing of all documents in a book. |
book::close | • | Close a book. |
book::count | • | Determine the number of currently open books. |
book::count_docs | • | Count the documents of an opened book. |
book::create | • | Create a new empty book. |
book::create_toc | • | Create a table of contents of all text anchors of all documents of a book. |
book::export_ | • | Export a book as a PDF document. |
book::get_by_path | • | Determine from the file path of an InDesign® book the current reference in the program. |
book::get_current | • | Get the currently 'active' book. |
book::get_master | • | Get the Style Source of the book. |
book::get_nth | • | Get the nth open book. |
book::get_path | • | Determine the complete path of a book. |
book::insert | • | Insert a document to a opened book. |
book::is_valid | • | Does a given reference point to an open book? |
book::moveto | • | Move a document to an new position inside the book. |
book::nth_doc | • |   |
book::open | • | Open a book. |
book::position | • | Find the location of a document inside a book. |
book::remove | • | Removes a document from an opened book. |
book::repaginate | • | Repaginate an open book. |
book::save | • | Save a book. |
book::set_current | • | Set the currently 'active' book. |
book::set_master | • | Set the Style Source of the book. |
bookmark::add | •• | Create a new bookmark as a sibling of an existing bookmark. |
bookmark::add2 | •• | Create a bookmark to an existing anchor created with hyperlink::create. |
bookmark::change_color | • | Change the font color of the bookmark. |
bookmark::change_fontstyle | • | Change the font style of the bookmark. |
bookmark::change_name | •• | Change the bookmarks name |
bookmark::change_parent | •• | Change the bookmarks parent |
bookmark::change_pos | •• | Change the bookmarks position inside the parent level. |
bookmark::child | •• | Find a child by its name |
bookmark::childs | •• | Count the number of children |
bookmark::create | •• | Create a new bookmark. |
bookmark::create2 | •• | Create a bookmark to an existing anchor created with hyperlink::create. |
bookmark::find | •• | Find a bookmark by its name |
bookmark::goto_ | •• | Jump to the bookmarks destination |
bookmark::is_valid | •• | Does the reference point to an existing bookmark? |
bookmark::level | •• | Get the nesting level of a bookmark |
bookmark::name | •• | Get the name of a bookmark |
bookmark::nthchild | •• | Get the n-th sibling of a bookmark |
bookmark::parent | •• | Query out the bookmarks parent |
bookmark::position | •• | Sibling position of a bookmark |
bookmark::remove | •• | Remove a bookmark from the document. |
boolstr | ••• | Return the boolean string representation (i.e. |
c | ||
clear_script_clipboard | • | Clear the memory of the Script Clipboard. |
color::count_profiles | •• | Get the number of available, used or embedded color profiles. |
color::count_swatches | •• | Number of visible color swatches of a document. |
color::define | •• | Define a new color entry in the InDesign® color panel. |
color::define_cmyk | •• | Define a new color entry in the InDesign® color panel. |
color::define_lab | •• | Define a new color entry in the InDesign® color panel. |
color::define_rgb | •• | Define a new color entry in the InDesign® color panel. |
color::get_colors | •• | Color values of a swatch. |
color::get_nth_profile | •• | Determine color profile data. |
color::get_nth_swatch | •• | Name of n-th visible swatch of a given document. |
color::get_space | •• | Color space of a swatch. |
color::get_tint | •• | Tint of a swatch. |
color::get_type | •• | Get the type of a swatch. |
color::is_locked | •• | Is a given swatch locked? |
color::is_reserved | •• | Is a given swatch reserved by InDesign®? |
color::is_spot | •• | Is a given swatch a process color? |
color::redefine_swatch | •• | Change the definition of swatches of type kSwatchTypeBaseColor. |
color::set_profile | • | Set color profile and rendering values for documents and images. |
cos | ••• | Cosinus |
cosh | ••• | Sinus hyperbolicus. |
cp1252_to_tagged | •• | Convert a cp1252 string to TaggedText encoded unicode Example |
csv::close | ••• | Close a CSV file and remove the object from memory. |
csv::cols | •• | Number of columns in a given line of the file. |
csv::lines | •• | Number of lines in file. |
csv::open | ••• | Open a CSV file. |
csv::read | ••• | Read a value from a CSV file. |
csv::save | ••• | Save a CSV file. |
csv::write | ••• | Write a value into a CSV file. |
d | ||
datapool::aem_get_list | •• | EXPERIMENTAL! Get the list of contents of a folder of an AEM® (Adobe Experience Manager®). |
datapool::alloc | ••• | Create a new variable from the datapool data type. |
datapool::get_dbc | ••• | Ascertain the database connection of the datapool. |
datapool::get_files | ••• | Ascertain the database connection of the datapool. |
datapool::get_label | ••• | Determine the (unique) name of a data connection. |
datapool::get_main_template | •• | Get the main template and (optionally) the sub templates of a template. |
datapool::get_products | •• | Create list(s) of products and sub-products |
datapool::get_template_name | •• | Get a templates name. |
datapool::get_vendor | ••• | Database vendor of the data connection. |
datapool::login | ••• | Create or change a database connection. |
datapool::logout | ••• | Finish current data connection. |
datapool::release | ••• | Delete a variable of the datapool type. |
datapool::set_dbc | ••• | Set the database connection of the datapool. |
datapool::set_files | ••• | Set the file source of the datapool. |
datapool::set_vendor | ••• | Set the database vendor of the data connection. |
datapool::suppress_warnings | •• |   |
datapool::type | ••• | Type of the (current) database connection. |
declared | ••• | Is an identifier defined in the script or not? Example |
decode_base64 | ••• | Decode a base64 encoded string. Example |
dialog::checkbox | •• | Insert a checkbox |
dialog::confirmbutton | •• | Insert a button. |
dialog::dialogbuttons | •• | Insert dialog button set |
dialog::dropdown | •• | Insert a dropdown |
dialog::floatfield | •• | Insert an input field, which only accepts float numbers. |
dialog::intfield | •• | Insert an input field, which only accepts float numbers. |
dialog::label | •• | Insert a text label |
dialog::listen | •• | Register a callback function |
dialog::multilinetextfield | •• | Insert a multi-line textfield. |
dialog::multilinetextinfo | •• | Insert a multi-line textinfofield. |
dialog::rbutton | •• | Get the value (label) of a button |
dialog::rcheckbox | •• | Get the value of a checkbox |
dialog::rconfirmbutton | •• | Get the ID of the closing button. |
dialog::rdropdown | •• | Get the value of dropdown |
dialog::rfloatfield | •• | Get the value of a float field |
dialog::rintfield | •• | Get the value of an int field |
dialog::rlabel | •• | Get the value of a label |
dialog::rmultilinetextfield | •• | Get the value of a textfield |
dialog::rmultilinetextinfo | •• | Get the value of a textinfofield |
dialog::rtextfield | •• | Get the value of a textfield |
dialog::setenabled | •• | Enable or disable an element |
dialog::setvisible | •• | Show or hide an element |
dialog::show | •• | Show a dialog |
dialog::size | •• | Set the dialog size |
dialog::suppress_listeners | • | (De)activate all listener functions. |
dialog::textfield | •• | Insert a textfield |
dialog::title | •• | Set the dialog title |
dialog::wascancelled | •• | Has the last dialog been cancelled? |
dialog::wasconfirmed | •• | Has the last dialog been confirmed? |
dialog::wbutton | •• | Set the value (label) of a button |
dialog::wcheckbox | •• | Set the status (checked or unchecked) of a checkbox |
dialog::wdropdown | •• | Set entries of a dropdown |
dialog::wfloatfield | •• | Set the value of a float field |
dialog::wintfield | •• | Set the value of a int field |
dialog::wlabel | •• | Set the value of a textfield |
dialog::wmultilinetextfield | •• | Set the value of a multi line textfield |
dialog::wmultilinetextinfo | •• | Set the value of a multi line textinfofield |
dialog::wtextfield | •• | Set the value of a textfield |
display | ••• | like printf |
document::adapt | • |   |
document::adapt_many | • | Apply page adaptions for the front document. |
document::adapt_self | • |   |
document::alloc | ••• | Create a reference to an open document. |
document::allow_shuffle | • |   |
document::apply_frame_info | •• | Restore saved information about a frame from the data sources and set it back to the frames. |
document::article::create | •• | Create a new empty article in the specified document. |
document::article::get_members | •• | Create a list of all elements (members) of an article. |
document::article::get_name | •• | Determine the name of an article within the articles list. |
document::article::get_pos | •• | Determine the position of an article within the articles list. |
document::article::get_use_for_export | •• | Is the article included to the accessibility tags of the document export? |
document::article::member::get_pos | •• | Determine the position of a frame in an article. |
document::article::member::remove | •• | Remove a frame from an article. |
document::article::member::set_pos | •• | Move frame inside the members list of an article. |
document::article::members::add | •• | Add a member (a frame) to an article. |
document::article::members::add_multi | •• | Add any number of members (frames) to an article. |
document::article::remove | •• | Delete an article. |
document::article::set_name | •• | Change the name of an article within the articles list. |
document::article::set_pos | •• | Move an article in the article list. |
document::article::set_use_for_export | •• | Should the article be included into the export? |
document::articles::count | •• | How many articles are in a given document? |
document::articles::find | •• | Create a list of all articles in a document that contain a specific frame. |
document::articles::get_nth | •• | Get the nth article of a document. |
document::begin_sequence | •• | End the undo sequence of the script and start a new sequence. |
document::build_products | • | Comet3-Product Build-Up. |
document::check_url_links | ••• | Check all Web Images of the document. |
document::clean_storyscrap | •• | Remove unused text stories of a document. |
document::close | •• | Closing a document. |
document::close_by_name | • | Closing a document. |
document::close_sequence | •• | Close a opened sequence and commit or rollback changes. |
document::cometgroup_recreated | • | Reset a Comet group ID. |
document::concat | • | Concatanation of one document to another. |
document::count | ••• | How many documents are open in the moment? |
document::count_missions | • | Counts the number of missions in the document. |
document::create | •• | Create a new empty document. |
document::create_mission_ui | • | Opens the dialog for creating missions. |
document::current | •• | Ascertain the InDesign® document of the script. |
document::delete_frame_info | •• | Delete saved information about the document's frames from the data sources. |
document::delete_frame_info2 | •• | Delete saved frame infos for this document data sources. |
document::delete_missions | • | Deletes all missions from the document. |
document::dump_uidtranstable | •• | Internal use only. |
document::duplicate | • | Copy a document in a new file. |
document::embedded_urls | ••• | Get all frames of a document which have an embedded Web Image. |
document::end_sequence | •• | End the undo sequence of the current script. |
document::execute_missions | • | Executes all Missions of the document. |
document::export_ | • | Export a document in a specific target format. |
document::export_color_profiles | •• | Export color profiles of a given document. |
document::export_notes | • | See document::notes::export_ |
document::export_styles | • | XML-Export of document styles and colors. |
document::find_frame | •• | Find the first frame which is linked with an object of a required class. |
document::folder | ••• | Folder of the given document with path delimiter (: or /) at the end. |
• | DEPRECATED Please use the function document::path9 instead and remove the document name from this result. |
document::force_redraw | ••• | Force redrawing of the document window. |
document::get_articles | •• | Get a list of all articles in a document. |
document::get_bleed | ••• | Get current document bleed. |
document::get_blendingspace | •• | Get the transparency blending space of a document. |
document::get_book | • | Get the book of a document. |
document::get_color_profiles | •• | Determine the names of the color profiles set in the document. |
document::get_custompoints | • | InDesign® -API documentation : "custom points for horz/vert ruler". |
document::get_default_style | • | Get the current default paragraph or text style. |
document::get_display_name | •• | Title of the document in the document window. |
document::get_firstpagetype | •• | Determine if the first document page is a left, middle or right page. |
document::get_front | ••• | Get the front document. |
document::get_image_url_folder | ••• | Get the path for the downloads of Web Images of the document. |
document::get_keynudge_inc | • | Keyboard nudge increment. |
document::get_links | •• | Get document links. |
document::get_masterpages | •• | Get information about the parent pages/spreads of a given document. |
document::get_modified | •• | Get the modified-state of a document. |
document::get_notes_printable | • | |
document::get_nth | ••• | Path or window title of n-th opened document. |
document::get_pageref | •• | Get the UID of a page. |
document::get_pasteboard_gutter | • | Get the documents pasteboard borders. |
document::get_pdf_accessibility_order | •• | Which order is used for the tags of accessible PDFs? |
document::get_placeholder_visibility | ••• | Get the visibility of document placeholders. |
document::get_ppi | • | Pixel/Points for the document. |
document::get_slug | •• | Get current document slug. |
document::get_spreadref | •• | Get the UID of a spread given by its index. |
document::get_styles | •• | Collect all style names of a document. |
document::get_units | • | Get a document unit. |
document::get_visible_areas | • | Calculate the visibles areas of Comet groups. |
document::getid | ••• | Get the Comet id of a document. |
document::has_overset | • | Is there at least one text or table cell with overset text in the document? |
document::hide_notes | • | See document::notes::hide |
document::html_export | • | HTML export of a document or parts of a document. |
document::import_masterpage | • | Import/update parent spread(s) of a document from another document. |
document::import_masterpages | •• | Import all parent pages from another document. |
document::import_notes | • | See document::notes::import |
document::import_styles | •• | Import styles from another document. |
document::individualization | •• | Serialize a document, see here for more information about serializations. |
document::insert_macro | •• | Define a database-stored template within the given document. |
document::is_opened | ••• | Shows whether a document is opened or not. |
document::is_valid | •• | Does the reference point to an existing document? |
• | DEPRECATED Please use the functions file::get_nth and document::concat instead. |
document::jpeg | • | Export all spreads or pages to jpeg. |
document::justify_text | • | Vertical justification. |
document::justify_text_reset | • | Reset vertical justification. |
document::link_with_unique_placeholder | • | Synonym for prepare_translations. |
document::linked_urls | ••• | Get all frames of a document which have a Web Image. |
document::load | • | Create and open a document from a database template. |
document::metadata::get_author | •• | Get the author of the document. |
document::metadata::get_author_descr | •• | Get the document description of the author. |
document::metadata::get_author_title | •• | Get the title of the documents author. |
document::metadata::get_copyright | •• | Get the copyright note of the document. |
document::metadata::get_copyright_state | •• | Get the Copyright-State of the document. |
document::metadata::get_copyright_url | •• | Get the Copyright Info URL of the document. |
document::metadata::get_descr | •• | Get the description of the document. |
document::metadata::get_keys | •• | Get the defined keywords of the document. |
document::metadata::get_title | •• | Get the documents title. |
document::metadata::set_author | •• | Set the author of the document. |
document::metadata::set_author_descr | •• | Set the document description of the author. |
document::metadata::set_author_title | •• | Set the title of the author of the document. |
document::metadata::set_copyright | •• | Define a Copyright note of the document. |
document::metadata::set_copyright_state | •• | Define the Copyright-State of the document. |
document::metadata::set_copyright_url | •• | Define the Copyright Info URL of the document. |
document::metadata::set_descr | •• | Set the author of the document. |
document::metadata::set_keys | •• | Define the keywords for the document. |
document::metadata::set_rating | •• | Define the Rating of the document. |
document::metadata::set_title | •• | Set the document title. |
document::move_masterpage | • | Move a parent page entry in the list of parent pages on the panel Pages. |
document::move_pageitems | • | Reposition the contents of document pages. |
document::name | ••• | File name of the current document. |
document::notes::change_group | • |   |
document::notes::delete_groupnotes | • | Delete the Groups notes of a Comet Group. |
document::notes::delete_note | • | Delete particular Comet Notes. |
document::notes::export_ | •• | Export Comet notes of a document. |
document::notes::find | • | Find Comet Notes. |
document::notes::get_printable | •• | Printability* of Comet notes. |
document::notes::hide | • | Hide all Comet notes of a given document. |
document::notes::hide_note | • | Hide particular Comet Notes. |
document::notes::import | •• | Import Comet notes into an InDesign® document. |
document::notes::set_pdf_prefs | •• | Default setting for PDF comments. |
document::notes::set_printable | •• | Set the printability* of Comet notes. |
document::notes::show | • | Show all Comet notes of a given document. |
document::notes::show_note | • | Show particular Comet Notes. |
document::open | ••• | Open an InDesign® document. |
document::open_copy | •• | Open a copy of an InDesign® document. |
document::open_sequence | •• | Open a command sequence. |
document::page | ••• | Current page of a given document. |
document::page_elements_shown | •• | Are Page elements currently shown in the document? |
document::pages | ••• | Number of pages in the document. |
document::path | ••• | File path including file name of the given document. |
document::path9 | •• | The file path including file name of the given document in the syntax of MacOS 9 (':'). |
document::pathX | ••• | File path including file name of the given document. |
document::pdf_export | •• | PDF export of document pages or spreads in any order. |
document::place_indesign | • | Import frames from a InDesign® document or snippet (inds or idml). |
document::place_items | •• | Insert a template saved in the database or in a file into the given document. |
document::place_snippet | •• | Insert a snippet into the given document. |
document::plugin | •• | Wich plug-in executes the current cScript? |
document::preflight | •• | Preflight a document to check for errors. |
document::prepare_translations | • | Prepare a document for automatic translations. |
document::print | • | Printing a document. |
•• | DEPRECATED With long script actions it is sometimes the case that the undo memory managed internally by InDesign® can overflow. |
document::remove_duplicate_missions | • | Removes all duplicates of all missions in the document, leaving only one instance of each mission. |
document::remove_masterpage | • | Remove a parent spread from a given document. |
document::remove_redundant_tags | • |   |
document::remove_url_links | ••• | Remove the Web Image links from all frames of the document. |
•• | DEPRECATED Update the presentation of the complete document. |
document::resize | • |   |
document::revert | •• | Revert document to last saved version. |
document::save | ••• | Saving a document. |
document::saveas | ••• | Saving a document using a given destination path. |
document::schwarzfilmtausch | •• | Prepare document for the so called 'Schwarzfilmtausch'. |
document::select | ••• | Set the current front document. |
document::select_by_name | • | Set the current front document. |
document::set_bleed | •• | Change the document bleed. |
document::set_blendingspace | •• | Set the transparency blending space of a document. |
document::set_default_style | • |   |
document::set_display_name | • | Set the display name of the document. |
document::set_firstpagetype | •• | Define whether the first page of the document is a left or right page. |
document::set_modified | • | Set the modified-state of a document. |
document::set_notes_printable | • | |
document::set_pasteboard_gutter | • | Set the documents pasteboard borders. |
document::set_pdf_accessibility_order | •• | Specify which order should be used for the tags of Accessible PDFs. |
document::set_placeholder_visibility | ••• | Set the visiblity of document placeholders. |
document::set_slug | •• | Change the document slug. |
document::set_startpage | •• | Set the start page and numbering format of the front document |
document::set_units | • | Set document measurement units. |
document::setid | ••• | Set the Comet id of a document. |
document::show_folio | • | Open the Folio preview of a given document. |
document::show_invisibles | ••• | Show/Hide invisible characters of texts of the document. |
document::show_notes | • | See document::notes::show |
document::show_page_elements | •• | Show or hide the page elements linked with any document page. |
document::split | • | Split a document into its pages. |
document::start_stamping | • | Starts the 'Stamping' of frames. |
document::stop_stamping | • | Finish stamping frames. |
document::store_macro | • | Save the current frame selection to the database. |
document::sync::after | • | The synchronization of a variant is complete. |
document::sync::before | • | Prepare a variant for synchronization with the master document. |
document::sync::cleanup | • | Clean up the document after a /URL[synchronization]{../InDesign/Plugins/sync_documents.html}. |
document::sync::create_variant | • | Create a variant of a sample document. |
document::sync::groups | • | Synchronization of the frame groups. |
document::sync::layers | • | Synchronization of layers. |
document::sync::masterspreads | • | Synchronization of master spreads. |
document::sync::pages | • | Synchronization of pages. |
document::sync::possible | • | Check if a given document can be synchronized with another document. |
document::sync::remove_empty_layers | • | URL[Remove empyt local layers]{../InDesign/Plugins/sync_documents.html#remove_superflous_layers}. |
document::sync::remove_empty_pages | • | Remove empty local pages. |
document::sync::styles | • | Synchronization of style definitions. |
document::sync::swatches | • | Synchronization of swatches. |
document::table_of_content | • | Insert or update table(s) of content (TOC). |
document::update_crossrefs | • | Update all cross reference placeholders of a given document. |
document::update_links | • | Update (the) links of the document. |
document::update_url_links | ••• | Update all Web Images of the document modified on server side. |
document::write_frame_info | •• | Store all information about frames in the document to the data sources. |
e | ||
editscript | •• | Editing a script. |
element::alloc | •• | Create a new object of type Element. |
element::classid | •• | Get the class Id of an element |
element::copy | •• | Copy the contents of one element to another. |
element::entity_class | • | Get the EntityClass part of a StringID. |
element::entity_id | • | Get the EntityID part of a StringID. |
element::formatstring | •• | Get the format string of a given object. |
element::frames | •• | Get a list of all frames of an repeated element. |
element::from_xml | • | Create a Element object from a xml structure. |
element::group_id | • | Get the GroupID part of a StringID. |
element::id | •• | Get the first number of a given object. |
element::id2 | •• | Get the second number of a given object. |
element::id3 | •• | Get the third number of a given object. |
element::masterframe | •• | Get the main frame of a repeated element. |
element::ordernumber | •• | Get the order number of an repeated element. |
element::parent_entity_class | • | Get the Parent EntityClass part of a StringID. |
element::parent_entity_id | • | Get the Parent EntityID part of a StringID. |
element::parent_group_id | • | Get the Parent GroupID part of a StringID. |
element::parent_record_id | • | Get the Parent RecordID part of a StringID. |
element::record_id | • | Get the RecordID part of a StringID. |
element::release | •• | Delete an element object created using element::alloc |
element::set_classid | •• | Set the class Id of a given object. |
element::set_formatstring | •• | Set the format string of a given object. |
element::set_id | •• | Set the first number of a given object. |
element::set_id2 | •• | Set the second number of a given object. |
element::set_id3 | •• | Set the third number of a given object. |
element::set_stringid | •• | Set the string id of a given object. |
element::set_templateid | •• | Set the template Id of a given object. |
element::stringid | •• | Get the string id of a given object. |
element::templateid | •• | Get the template Id of an element |
element::to_xml | • | Generate a XML structure of a Element object. |
elementlist::add_all | •• | Append all elements from list src to list target. |
elementlist::alloc | •• | Create a new empty list of type ElementList. |
elementlist::append | •• | Append element to the list |
elementlist::from_xml | •• | Create a ElementList object from a xml structure. |
elementlist::get | •• | Get the i-th element of the list. |
elementlist::get_area_built_elements | •• | Get all elements built by an repeating element. |
elementlist::insert | •• | Insert element into the list. |
elementlist::length | •• | Ascertain the number of elements of a list |
elementlist::release | •• | Delete a list again that was created with elementlist::alloc |
elementlist::remove | •• | Remove the given ID from the list. |
elementlist::remove_pos | •• | Remove a position from the list. |
elementlist::to_xml | •• | Generate a XML structure of a ElementList object. |
encode_base64 | ••• | Create a base64 coded string of a given char* string. Example |
excel::close | ••• | Close an Excel file and remove the object from memory. |
excel::col2i | ••• | Convert an Excel column name of the form A, B, ..., Z, AA, AB, ... |
excel::count_sheets | ••• | Number of sheets in the Excel file. |
excel::first_col | ••• | Get the index of the first used column of an Excel sheet. |
excel::first_row | ••• | Get the index of the first used row of an Excel spreadsheet. |
excel::get_border | ••• | Determine the configured border style of a cell. When fetching the outer border for merged cells, you have to fetch them from the actual indices and not the anchorcell. e.g. |
excel::get_color | ••• | Determine the configured colors of a cell. When fetching the outer border colors for merged cells, you have to fetch them from the actual indices and not the anchorcell. e.g. |
excel::get_colwidth | ••• | Width of a column of a table relative to the total width of the table. |
excel::get_colwidth_pt | ••• | Width of a column of a table. |
excel::get_font | ••• | Font settings of a given cell. |
excel::get_format | ••• | Get the formula of cell of an Excel sheet. |
excel::get_formula | ••• | Formula of cell of an Excel sheet. |
excel::get_merge | ••• | Determine the merged area of a cell. |
excel::get_rowheight | ••• | Height of a row in a table |
excel::get_type | ••• | Type of cell of an Excel sheet. |
excel::i2col | ••• | Conversion of a column number into the form A, B, ..., Z, AA, AB, ..., which is commonly used in Excel. |
excel::last_col | ••• | Get the index of the first not used column right behind an Excel sheet. |
excel::last_row | ••• | Get the index of the first unused row under an Excel sheet. |
excel::nth_sheet | ••• | Name of the n-th sheet of an Excel file |
excel::open | ••• | Open an Excel file. |
excel::read | ••• | Read a value from an Excel sheet. |
excel::read_image | ••• | Read an image from an Excel sheet. |
excel::save | ••• | Save an Excel file. |
excel::to_xml | ••• | Export an Excel sheet into XML. |
excel::write | ••• | Write a value into a cell of an Excel sheet. |
f | ||
file::aem_get_asset | •• | EXPERIMENTAL! Download an AEM® (Adobe Experience Manager®) asset. |
file::aem_put_asset | •• | EXPERIMENTAL! Create and update assets and folders of an AEM® (Adobe Experience Manager®). |
file::close | ••• | Close a file |
file::count | ••• | Number of elements in a folder |
file::create | ••• | Create a file or folder in the file system. |
file::download | ••• | Load a file defined by an URL. |
file::download_webimages | ••• | Parallel download of a list of Web Images. |
file::duplicate | ••• | Duplicate a folder or a file. |
file::enable_datafile | ••• | Activate or deactivate a data file classification. If a classification is activated all classifications are automatically deactivated with the same alias name. |
file::exists | ••• | Does the file/folder exist? |
file::extender | ••• | Ascertain the file extension of a file. |
file::get_date | ••• | Get datetime of file. |
file::get_nth | ••• | Get the nth element of a folder |
file::getdatafile | ••• | Get the path of a data file entry. |
file::isfile | ••• | Does the specified path point to a file? |
file::isfolder | ••• | Does the specified path point to a folder? |
file::launch | ••• | Opening a file in your standard program. |
file::md5hash | ••• | Get the md5hash of a file. |
file::move | ••• | Move a folder or a file. |
file::name | ••• | Ascertain the name of the file. |
file::open | ••• | Open a file to read or write. |
file::path | ••• | Ascertain the path of a file. |
file::pdf_count_pages | ••• | Get the number of pages in a PDF document. |
file::read | ••• | Reading from a file. |
file::read_str | ••• | Read the contents of a file as a String. |
file::remove | ••• | Removes a file or folder. |
file::rename | ••• | Rename a folder or a file. |
file::select_file | •• | File selection by means of a file dialog. |
file::select_folder | •• | Folder selection by means of a file dialog. |
file::set_date | ••• | Change a files date and time. |
file::setdatafile | ••• | Change the path definition of a data file entry. |
file::shortname | ••• | Ascertain the name of a file without file extension |
file::size | ••• | Get the size of file or folder. |
file::uncurtain | ••• | Replace a possible $-alias at the beginning of the path by its current value. |
file::unzip | ••• | Extract from out from an archive. |
file::volume | ••• | Ascertain the drive part of a file path. |
file::wait | ••• | Test whether a file exist. |
file::write | ••• | Write in a file. |
file::zip | ••• | Create a ZIP archive from of a file or folder. |
floatlist::add_all | • | Append all elements from list src to list target. |
floatlist::alloc | ••• | Create a new empty list of type FloatList. |
floatlist::append | ••• | Append a value to the list. |
floatlist::clear | ••• | Remove all elements of the list |
floatlist::first | ••• | Get the first non-empty entry record of a given FloatList. |
floatlist::from_xml | • | Create a FloatList object from a xml structure. |
floatlist::get | ••• | Get the i-th element of the list. |
floatlist::get_pos | ••• | Search for the first position of a value in the list. |
floatlist::insert | ••• | Insert a value into the list. |
floatlist::last | ••• | Get the last non-empty record of a given list. |
floatlist::length | ••• | Ascertain the number of elements of a list. |
floatlist::next | ••• | Get the next record of a given list. |
floatlist::prev | ••• | Get the previous record of a given list. |
floatlist::release | ••• | Delete a list again that was created with floatlist::alloc. |
floatlist::remove | ••• | Remove the first occurence of an given value from the list. |
floatlist::remove_pos | •• | Remove a position from the list. |
floatlist::sort | ••• | Sort the list |
floatlist::to_xml | • | Generate a XML structure of a FloatList object. |
frame::add_list_to_group | ••• | Add a list of frames to an InDesign group. |
frame::add_to_area_build_chain | •• | Adds a frame to an area build frame chain. |
frame::add_to_cometgroup | ••• | Add a frame to a given Comet Group. |
frame::add_to_group | ••• | Add another frame to the InDesing group to which the first frame belongs. |
frame::anchor | •• |   |
frame::append | •• | Append text to a the text of a frame. |
frame::apply_display_details | • | Apply the display details given in the Page adaption. |
frame::apply_fitting_options | •• | Apply the frame fitting options of a given frame. |
frame::apply_frame_info | •• | Restore saved information about a frame from the data sources and set it back to the frame. |
frame::apply_layout_rules | ••• | Execute the layout rules of a frame. |
frame::apply_magnet_rules | •• | Apply adapter rules of a given frame. |
frame::apply_magnets | •• | Apply magnets of a given frame. |
frame::bbox | ••• | Get the co-ordination of the frames bounding box. |
frame::bbox_on_creation | •• | Get the frames bounding box at import time (only valid for frames imported by templates). |
frame::bring_forward | •• | Bring forward the frame for one Z-layer. |
frame::bring_to_front | •• | Bring the frame to the front of its page. |
frame::change_rule_param | • | Change a parameter of a layout rule. |
frame::check_url_link | ••• | Check whether the image is a Web Image and was changed on server side. |
frame::clear_fitting_options | •• | Clear the frame fitting options of a given frame. |
frame::color | ••• | Set the fill color of the frame. |
frame::color_cmyk | ••• | Fill the frame in the specified color. |
frame::color_rgb | ••• | Fill the frame in the specified color. |
frame::copy_image | • | Copy an image into another frame. |
frame::count_columns | •• | Get the number of text columns of a frame. |
frame::count_script_tags | ••• | Count the number of defined script labels of a given frame. |
frame::create | •• | Create a new frame or a line. |
frame::create2 | •• | Create a new frame, position is given releativ to the page (not as in create relative to the pages margins) |
frame::create_columns | •• | Create text columns in the specified frames. |
frame::create_subtextframe | • | Create a new text frame as a sub-frame to another frame. |
frame::create_subtextframe_f | • | Create a new text frame as a sub-frame to another frame. |
frame::create_textframe | •• | Create a new text frame. |
frame::create_textframe_f | •• | Create a new text frame. |
frame::delete_frame_info | •• | Delete frame infos from the data sources More information at Frame infos |
frame::delete_textframe | ••• | Delete a frame and its content from the document. |
frame::doclink::copy_to_folder | •• | Copies links' resources to the specified folder, and optionally relinks the resources. |
frame::doclink::get | •• | Get a frame's link. |
frame::doclink::get_frame | •• | Get the frame of a link. |
frame::doclink::get_path | •• | Get the complete path of a link reference. |
frame::doclink::get_state | •• | Get the state of a frame link. |
frame::doclink::get_type | •• | Determine the type of a frame link. |
frame::doclink::relink | •• | Import a new image into the link. |
frame::doclink::update | •• | Update the link by reimporting the data. |
frame::duplicate | ••• | Duplicate an existing document frame. |
frame::embed_file | •• | Embed an image into a frame. |
frame::embed_image | •• | Embedding an image in a frame. |
frame::embed_url | •• | MAGIC Import an embedded image from an URL. |
frame::excel_import | • | Insert the Excel table into the text. |
frame::excel_update | • | Update a table of the text in a text table. |
frame::export_embedded_image | •• | Export an embedded image into a file. |
• | DEPRECATED Please use the function html::export_ instead. |
frame::fit | •• | Adjust a frame and all its sub-frames to the size of its contents. |
frame::fit_better | ••• | Adjust a frame to the size of its contents. |
frame::fit_image | •• | Fitting an image and its frame together. |
• | DEPRECATED Please use frame::inline_, frame::inline_above, frame::anchor and frame::get_anchor instead. |
frame::get_alt | • | Determine the settings for the alternative text of a frame. |
frame::get_anchor | •• | Get the properties of an inline-above or anchored frame. |
frame::get_area_build_chain_members | •• | Moves a frame inside the order of an area build frame chain. |
frame::get_area_build_order | •• | Get the order of a frame inside an area build frame chain. |
frame::get_area_build_parameter | •• | Get a layoutparameter for the area build mode. |
frame::get_area_build_placed_into | •• | Get the layout frame in which an element frame was placed during an area build process. |
frame::get_blending | •• | Get opacity and blend mode of frames. |
frame::get_blendmode | • | Get frames blend mode. |
frame::get_chapter_id | •• | Find the chapter id of a frame. |
frame::get_color | •• | Get the background color of a frame. |
frame::get_cometgroup | ••• | Get the CometGroup-ID of a frame. |
frame::get_cometgroup_member | •• | Search for a frame with a given Comet label within the Comet Group of the frame. |
frame::get_corner | •• | Get corner options of a frame. |
frame::get_display_details | • | Find out the page adaption image details. |
frame::get_fill_level | • | Calculate the size of the shape and (if available) the image of a given frame. |
frame::get_fitting_options | •• | Get fitting options of a given frame. |
frame::get_frameinfoid | • | Returns the value of the script tag with the key "frameInfoId". |
frame::get_group | ••• | Query the InDesign® group frame of a frame. |
frame::get_layer | ••• | Ascertain the name of the layer on which a frame is located. |
frame::get_lineends | •• | Determine the line ends (aka arrows) of the path of a frame. |
frame::get_link | •• | Find the next text frame in a text frame chain. |
frame::get_magnet_is_rotation_only | •• | Is a given magnet used in format adaption or in page rotations? |
frame::get_magnet_is_white | •• | Is a given magnet a frame or an image (white) magnet? |
frame::get_magnet_reference | •• | Is a given magnet used in format adaption or in page rotations? |
frame::get_magnet_type | •• | Get the type of a magnet. |
frame::get_nail | •• | Is an edge or a side of a frame nailed by the page adapting tool? |
frame::get_name | ••• | Get a frame's name. |
frame::get_nth_script_tag | ••• | Get the nth key/value pair of the script labels of a given frame. |
frame::get_objectstyle | •• | Retreive (path and) name of a frames object style. |
frame::get_opacity | •• | Get the tranparency of a frame. |
frame::get_origin | •• | Get the UUID of the frame. |
frame::get_overprint | •• | Get the overprint of a frame. |
frame::get_page_element | •• | Find the page element of a given frame or its Comet group. |
frame::get_pdf_accessibility | • | Determine the settings for the accessible description text of a frame. |
frame::get_printable | • | Printability* of frames. |
frame::get_rotate | ••• | Get the current rotation of a frame. |
frame::get_scale | •• | Get the current frame scaling. |
frame::get_script_tag | ••• | Find the value of a script tag of a frame. |
frame::get_size | ••• | Get the co-ordination of the frames bounding box. |
frame::get_skew | •• | Get the current skew angle of a frame. |
frame::get_smart_item_data | •• | Get the frame properties to support products buildings. |
frame::get_stroke | •• | Get the properties of the frames stroke. |
frame::get_stroke_color | •• | Get the stroke color of a frame. |
frame::get_template | •• | Find the template that inserted a frame into the document. |
frame::get_textpos | • | Find the position of the text shown in a frame of chained text frame list. |
frame::get_type | • | Determine the (geometric) type of a frame. |
frame::get_url | ••• | Get the web address (URL) stored behind the frame. |
frame::get_url_alignment | •• | Get the initial alignment of the Web Image. |
frame::get_url_filedate | •• | Get the time stamp of the original file of a Web Image. |
frame::get_url_importdate | •• | When was the last time the Web Image was imported? Format: DD.MM.YYYY HH:MM:SS e.g. |
frame::get_url_importresult | •• | Get the last import result of a We Image. |
frame::get_url_sizeinfo | •• | Initial size hint of Web Image. |
frame::get_url_state | •• | Get the last import result of a Web Image. |
frame::get_visible_area | • | Calculate the size of visible part(s) of a frame. |
frame::get_z_order | •• | Get the Z order of a given frame. |
frame::getbbox_before_adapt | •• | Get the original bounding boxes of a frame before the current page adaption was started. |
frame::gettext | ••• | Get text content of a Text frame |
frame::getwrap | •• | Get contour and spacing |
frame::getwrap_contour | •• | Get options for text wraps around frames and objects. |
frame::getwrap_ignore | •• | Does a frame apply text wraps or not? |
frame::getwrap_invert | • | Inverted wrap |
frame::getwrap_side | •• | Get options for text wraps around frames and objects. |
frame::getwrap_zorderbased | •• | Check Z order of frame for text wrapings? |
frame::group | ••• | Group a selection of document frames. |
frame::group_content | ••• | Get a list of all frames of an InDesign®/Illustrator group. |
frame::has_embedded_image | •• | Does the given frame contain an embedded image? |
frame::has_embedded_url | ••• | Check whether a frame has an embedded Web Image. |
frame::has_image | •• | Does the given frame contain an image? |
frame::has_linked_url | ••• | Does a frame have a Web Image? |
• | DEPRECATED Please use frame::isinline and frame::get_anchor instead. |
frame::hide | ••• | Hide a frame. |
frame::image | ••• | Place a file into a frame. |
frame::image_blackcolor | • | Overlay the black of a B/W image with the given color. |
frame::image_blackcolor_cmyk | • | Overlay the black of a B/W image with the given color. |
frame::image_blackcolor_rgb | • | Overlay the black of a B/W image with the given color. |
frame::image_getpath | ••• | Ascertain the path of the image of a Graphic Frame. |
frame::image_getpath_bbox | •• | Calcalute the bounding box of the current clip path. |
frame::image_getpos | •• | Ascertain the position of an image in a Graphic Frame. |
frame::image_getrotation | •• | Rotation of an image of a Graphic Frame. |
frame::image_getscale | •• | Scaling of an image of a Graphic Frame. |
frame::image_getsize | •• | How big is the image of a Graphic Frame. |
frame::image_getskew | •• | Skew of the image of a Graphic Frame. |
frame::image_pos | •• | Set the position of the image inside a given Graphic Frame. |
frame::image_rotate | •• | Rotate the image inside a given Graphic Frame. |
frame::image_scale | •• | Set the scaling of the image inside a given Graphic Frame. |
frame::image_size | •• | Set the size of the image inside a given Graphic Frame. |
frame::image_skew | •• | Skew the image inside a given Graphic Frame. |
frame::incoming_magnets | •• | Get all incoming magnets of one given side of a frame. |
frame::inline_ | •• | Change a frame to a text inline or anchored frame. |
frame::inline_above | •• | Create an "inline above" frame at a given text position. |
frame::inlinepos | •• | Ascertain the text position of an inline frame. |
frame::insert | •• | Inserting the text into a frame. |
frame::insert_crossref | • | Insert a cross reference destination into a text. |
frame::insert_macro | • | Insert a text template. |
frame::is_area_build_masterframe | •• | Determines wether the frame is the first element of an area build frame chain. |
frame::is_at_back | •• | Is the given frame the last frame on its page? |
frame::is_directinline | •• | Is the frame a direct inline? |
frame::is_empty_graphicframe | •• | I the given frame an empty Graphic Frame? |
frame::is_graphic | •• | Is the frame a graphic? |
frame::is_graphicframe | •• | Is the given frame a Graphic Frame? |
frame::is_group | •• | Is the frame a group? |
frame::is_guide | • | Is the frame a "guide layer"? |
frame::is_hidden | ••• | Get the curren visibility of a frame. |
frame::is_in_front | •• | Is the given frame the frontmost frame on its page? |
frame::is_inline | •• | Is the frame an inline? |
frame::is_locked | ••• | Is the given frame locked by InDesign® ? |
frame::is_masteritem_overriden | •• | Given a parent page item, check whether it is overridden on a given document page. |
frame::is_media | • | Is the frame a media object? |
frame::is_member_of | •• | Check whether a frame is a member (direct or via sub groups) of the given Comet Group. |
frame::is_note | • | Is the given frame a Comet note or not? |
frame::is_overriden_masteritem | •• | Give a page item, check whether it is an overridden parent page item. |
frame::is_qrcode | • | Does the frame contain a QR code? |
frame::is_standoff | • | Is the frame a "stand off"? |
frame::is_textframe | ••• | Is the frame a textframe? |
frame::is_textinset | • | Is the frame a "text inset"? |
frame::is_textonpath | • | Is the frame a "text on path"? |
frame::is_valid | •• | Does the reference point to an existing frame? |
frame::isinline | •• | Is the specified frame located within the text? |
frame::link | •• | Connect two text frames so that the content of the first frame with continue into the second frame where there is an excess. |
frame::link_url | •• | Place a URL based file into a frame. |
frame::link_with_unique_placeholder | • | Synonym for prepare_translations. |
frame::lock | ••• | Protect a frame from manual changes. |
frame::move_in_area_build_order | •• | Moves a frame inside the order of an area build frame chain. |
frame::move_to_ilayer | ••• | Move a frame to another layer of the document. |
frame::move_to_layer | ••• | Move a frame to another layer of the document. |
frame::moveto | ••• | Move a frame to a specified position. |
frame::noshadow | • | Remove the shadow of a frame. |
frame::note::change_dest | •• | Change the destination of a Comet Note. |
frame::note::get_dest | •• | Determine the type and destination of a Comet Note. |
frame::note::remove | •• | Remove a Comet Note from the document. |
•• | DEPRECATED Change the transparency of a frame. |
frame::outgoing_magnets | •• | Get all outgoing magnets of one given side of a frame. |
frame::oval | • | Change the form of a frame to an oval or a circle. |
frame::override_masteritem | •• | Override a given parent page item for a document page. |
frame::overset | ••• | Should these text parts of the text model or frame be non-visible? |
frame::parent | •• | Determine the enclosing frame of a frame. |
frame::place_file | • | see frame::image |
frame::place_pdf | •• | Place a PDF into a given frame. |
frame::place_pdf_with_crop | •• | Place a PDF in a frame. |
frame::polygon | • | Change the form of a frame to a polygon. |
frame::prepare_translations | • | Like document::prepare_translations, but the function works in the text model of the given frame only. |
frame::rappend | •• | Recursive safe appending text to a frame. This function works like frame::append but it is 'revursive safe' for self calling placeholders. |
frame::rectangle | •• | Change the form of a frame to a square. |
frame::refpoint | •• | Get the co-ordinates of a reference point of a frame. |
frame::regrouped | •• | A group was resolved and recreated. |
frame::reimport | •• | Update the connection of a frame. |
frame::reimport_all | •• | Update the connections of all frames of the document. |
frame::reimport_list | •• | Update the connections of all frames of the given list. |
frame::reimport_selected | •• | Update the connections of all selected frames of the document. |
frame::release_inline | •• | Make an inline a 'normal' frame, i.e. |
frame::remove | • | Synonymous for delete_textframe. |
frame::remove_from_area_build_chain | •• | Removes a frame from an area build chain. |
frame::remove_from_cometgroup | ••• | Remove a frame from a Comet Group. |
frame::remove_image | •• | Delete an image of a grafic frame |
frame::remove_masteritem_override | •• | Remove all overrides from a given frame. |
frame::remove_redundant_tags | • |   |
frame::remove_sub_cometgroups | •• | Remove all frames from any Comet subgroup of a frame. |
frame::remove_url_link | ••• | Remove the link to a Web Image from the frame. |
frame::reorganize_area_build_frames | •• | Reorganizes the already built repeating elements in an area build chain. |
frame::replace | ••• |   |
frame::replace_all | •• | Replace text in a frame. |
frame::resize | ••• | Change the size of a frame. |
frame::restore_text | •• | Replace the specified text frame with database-stored content. |
frame::rinsert | • | Recursive safe inserting text in a frame. This function works like frame::insert but it is 'revursive safe' for self calling placeholders. |
frame::rmv_magnets | •• | Remove all nails, magnets and adapter script from all frames of a given list. |
frame::rotate | ••• | Rotate a frame. |
frame::rreplace | •• | Recursive safe replacing text in a frame. This function works like frame::replace but it is 'revursive safe' for self calling placeholders. |
frame::scale | ••• | Scale a frame by the given scaling factors. |
frame::scale_to | ••• | Scale a frame to the given factors. |
frame::select | • | Select a document frame. |
frame::send_backward | •• | Send backward the frame for one Z-layer. |
frame::send_to_back | •• | Send a frame to the back. |
frame::set_alt | • | Define an alternative text description for a frame. |
frame::set_area_build_parameter | •• | Set a layoutparameter for the area build mode. |
frame::set_blending | •• | Set opacity and blendings of frames. |
frame::set_corner | •• | Set corner options of a frame. |
frame::set_creationdate | •• | Set the frame date anew. |
frame::set_fitting_options | •• | Set the frames fitting options. |
frame::set_frameinfoid | • | Sets the script tag with the key "frameInfoId" to the specified value |
frame::set_lineends | •• | Set the line ends (aka arrows) of the path of a frame. |
frame::set_magnet | •• | Set or remove magnets for priint::adjust. |
frame::set_nail | •• | Set or remove priint:adjust nails. |
frame::set_name | ••• | Set a frame's name. |
frame::set_objectstyle | •• | Apply object style to a frame. |
frame::set_origin | •• | The call is part of the document synchronization. |
frame::set_overprint | •• | Set the overprint of frames. |
frame::set_pdf_accessibility | • | Define an accessible description text for a frame. |
frame::set_printable | • | Set the printability* of a frame. |
frame::set_script_tag | ••• | Set the value of a script tag of a frame. |
frame::set_smart_item_data | •• | Set the frame properties to support products buildings. |
frame::set_top_options | • | Set the (text on path) options. |
frame::shadow | • | Shadow (DropShadow) of a frame defined by the RGB values of the color. |
frame::shadow | • | Shadow (DropShadow) of a frame defined by color name. |
frame::show | ••• | Change the visibility state of a frame. |
frame::shows_textend | ••• | Does the frame contain the end of the text? |
frame::size | • | see frame::get_size |
frame::skew | •• | Skew a frame horizontally. |
frame::spline | • | Change the form of a frame to a potato. |
frame::star | • | Change the form of a frame to a star. |
frame::store_macro | •• | Exporting the contents of the current text model. |
frame::store_magnet_distances | • | Save magnet distances of a frame and all frames reachable from this frame. |
frame::store_text | • | Write the content of a frame in the data base. |
frame::stroke | •• | Definition of the frame contour. |
frame::stroke_cmyk | •• | Definition of the frame contour with CMYK color. |
frame::stroke_rgb | •• | Definition of the frame contour with RGB color. |
•• | DEPRECATED Please use the frame::parent function instead. |
frame::textlength | • | If the defined frame is a text frame, the length of the text will be returned, otherwise 0. |
• | DEPRECATED Please use the function interactive::get instead. |
frame::ungroup | ••• | Resolve frame grouping. |
frame::unlock | ••• | Allow manual changes to a frame. |
frame::update_url_link | ••• | Update a Web Image. |
frame::vignette | • | Edges and corners |
frame::wrap | •• | Set the contour type and spacing |
frame::wrap_contour | •• | Set options for text wraps around images. |
frame::wrap_ignore | •• | (De) Activate wrap for frame |
frame::wrap_invert | •• | Invert a text wrap. |
frame::wrap_side | •• | Set options for text wraps around frames and objects. |
frame::wrap_zorderbased | •• | Take care on Z order of text wrap. |
frame::write_frame_info | •• | Write information about a frame into the data sources. |
free | ••• | like release Example |
ftoa | ••• | Convert a float into a string |
fval | ••• | Convert a string of a float number into a string Example |
g | ||
get_netweight_str | •• | Get the net weight string of a given string. |
get_realindex | ••• | Get the byte index of an UTF-8 index. |
get_script_clipboard | • | Fetch a value from the Script Clipboard. |
get_utf8index | ••• | Get the byte index of an UTF-8 index. |
graph::draw | • | Replace the contents of a frame with a graph. |
grid::bottom | • | Get the Y value of the right lower point of a grid place. |
grid::height | • | Get the height of a grid place. |
grid::left | • | Get the X value of the left upper point of a grid place. |
grid::right | • | Get the X value of the right lower point of a grid place. |
grid::top | • | Get the Y value of the left upper point of a grid place. |
grid::width | • | Get the width of a grid place. |
h | ||
html::export_frame | •• | Export the content of a text frame as HTML. |
html::raw_text | ••• | Converts an HTML input String to raw text which contains not formatting options. |
html::tidy | •• | Cleans an HTML input string and tries to output valid XHTML. |
html::to_tagged | •• | Converts an HTML input String to InDesign® TaggedText. |
hyperlink::add_nameddest | • | Create a named text anchor in the document. |
hyperlink::appearance | •• | Change the appearance of a hylerlink. |
hyperlink::borderwidth | • | Borderwidth of an hyperlink.. |
hyperlink::color | • | Get the color of the hyperlink border. |
hyperlink::count | •• | Get the number of hyperlinks in a textframe. |
hyperlink::create_pagedest | •• | Create a new hyper link from a text to a page. |
hyperlink::create_textdest | • | Create a text link to a named text anchor. |
hyperlink::create_urldest | •• | Create a new hyper link from a text to an URL. |
hyperlink::delete_ | • | Delete a hyperlink or a hyperlink anchor. |
hyperlink::delete_all | • | Remove all hyperlinks from a document. |
hyperlink::destination | • | Find a hyperlinks destination. |
hyperlink::find | • | Find all cross reference destinations of a given name and a given Comet ID. |
hyperlink::find1 | • | Find on property of one cross reference destination with the given name and Comet-ID. |
hyperlink::frame_create_pagedest | •• | Create a new hyper link from a frame to a page. |
hyperlink::frame_create_urldest | •• | Create a new hyper link from a frame to an URL. |
hyperlink::get_alttext | • | Get the alternative text of a hyperlink. |
hyperlink::get_next_unique_key | •• | Get next available unique hyperlink key of a document. |
hyperlink::get_nth | •• | Get the nth hyperlink of a text frame. |
hyperlink::get_pos | •• | Determine text position and length of a hyperlink in a text. |
hyperlink::get_source | • | Retreive the hyper link of a given frame. |
hyperlink::goto_destination | • | Jump to the hyperlinks destination. |
hyperlink::goto_source | • | Jump to the hyperlinks source. |
hyperlink::hide | • | Hide the hyperlinks border. |
hyperlink::hilight | • | Hilite state of the hyperlink. Attention The hilight state is not used in InDesign® , it only matters when the file is exported to PDF. |
hyperlink::is_valid | • | Does the reference point to an existing bookmark? |
hyperlink::name | •• | Find the hyperlinks name. |
hyperlink::set_alttext | • | Set the alternative text of a hyperlink. |
hyperlink::setname | • | Change the name of a hyperlink. |
hyperlink::show | • | Show the hyperlinks border. |
hyperlink::type | •• | Determine the type of a hyperlink. |
hyperlink::visible | • | Hyperlink visible or not? |
i | ||
idtype::alloc | ••• | Create a new ID of type IDType. |
idtype::clone | ••• | Create a clone of an existing ID. |
idtype::copy | ••• | Copy the contents of one ID to another. |
idtype::entity_class | •• | Get the Entity.Class of a StringID in PublishingServer schema. |
idtype::entity_id | •• | Get the Entity.Id of a StringID in PublishingServer schema. |
idtype::from_xml | • | Create a IDType object from a xml structure. |
idtype::group_id | •• | Get the Record.GroupId of a StringID in PublishingServer schema. |
idtype::id | ••• | Get the first number of a given ID. |
idtype::id2 | ••• | Get the second number of a given ID. |
idtype::id3 | ••• | Get the third number of a given ID. |
idtype::is_equal | ••• | Compare two IDType objects. |
idtype::parent_entity_class | •• | Get the Entity.ParentClass of a StringID in PublishingServer schema. |
idtype::parent_entity_id | •• | Get the Entity.ParentId of a StringID in PublishingServer schema. |
idtype::parent_group_id | •• | Get the Record.ParentGroupId of a StringID in PublishingServer schema. |
idtype::parent_record_id | •• | Get the Record.ParentId of a StringID in PublishingServer schema. |
idtype::record_id | •• | Get the Record.Id of a StringID in PublishingServer schema. |
idtype::release | ••• | Delete an idtype object created using idtype::alloc or idtype::clone |
idtype::set_id | ••• | Set the first number of a given ID. |
idtype::set_id2 | ••• | Set the second number of a given ID. |
idtype::set_id3 | ••• | Set the third number of a given ID. |
idtype::set_stringid | ••• | Set the string id of a given ID. |
idtype::stringid | ••• | Get the string id of a given ID. |
idtype::to_xml | • | Generate a XML structure of a IDType object. |
idtypelist::add_all | •• | Append all elements from list src to list target. |
idtypelist::alloc | •• | Create a new empty ID list of type IDTypeList. |
idtypelist::append | •• | Append element to the list |
idtypelist::clear | •• | Remove all elements of the list |
idtypelist::find | •• | Search for the position of a given ID1 in the list. |
idtypelist::find_id2 | •• | Search for the position of a given ID1 in the list. |
idtypelist::first | •• | Get the first non-empty entry record of a given string list |
idtypelist::from_xml | •• | Create a IDTypeList object from a xml structure. |
idtypelist::get | •• | Get the i-th element of the list. |
idtypelist::get_from_panel | •• | Fill the list with the requested IDs of the given panel. |
idtypelist::get_pos | •• | Search for the position of a value in the list. |
idtypelist::get_responsibles | •• | Get the list containing the names of the people who can be entered as responsible for a Comet Note. |
idtypelist::insert | •• | Insert element into the list. |
idtypelist::last | •• | Get the last non-empty record of a given list |
idtypelist::length | •• | Ascertain the number of elements of a list |
idtypelist::mark_in_panel | •• | Change the eye mark of panel entries. |
idtypelist::next | •• | Get the next record of a given list. |
idtypelist::prev | •• | Get the previous record of a given list. |
idtypelist::release | •• | Delete a list again that was created with idtypelist::alloc |
idtypelist::remove | •• | Remove the given ID from the list. |
idtypelist::remove_pos | •• | Remove a position from the list. |
idtypelist::sort | •• | Sort the list |
idtypelist::to_xml | •• | Generate a XML structure of a IDTypeList object. |
image::alloc | ••• | Create a preview of a file. |
image::alpha_channel_index | • | Get the index of a given alpha channel inside the image of a frame. |
image::alpha_channel_name | • | Get the Name of n-th alpha channel of the image currently set in the frame. |
image::alphaindex | • | Get the index of the currently used alpha channel of a frame. |
image::barcode | ••• | Create a machine-readable code (Barcode, EAN, QR-Code, ...). |
image::bytes | ••• |   |
image::clipindex | •• |   |
image::clippath | • | Get the clip paths bounding box. |
image::count_alpha_channels | • | Get the number of alpha channels of the image currently used by a frame. |
image::count_layers | • | Count layers of an image. |
image::count_paths | • |   |
image::error | • | Error state of image. |
image::layerindex | • | Get the index of an image layer given by its name. |
image::layername | • | Get the name of an image layer given by its index. |
image::pathindex | • |   |
image::pathname | • |   |
image::preview | • | Mac only Create a preview of an image. |
image::qrcode | • | Create a QR code. |
image::qrcode_getcontent | • | Text content of a QR Code. |
image::qrcode_gettype | • | Type of a QR code. |
image::release | ••• | If images are no longer required, the image data must in any case be deleted again! |
image::save | •• | Save an image to a file. |
image::set_alpha_channel | •• |   |
image::setalpha2 | •• |   |
image::setclip | •• |   |
image::setclip2 | •• |   |
image::show_layer | • | Change the visibility of an image layer. |
image::snapshot_frame | •• | Create a preview of a document frame. |
image::snapshot_frames | •• | Create a preview of document frames. |
image::snapshot_page | •• |   |
inch2pt | ••• | Conversion from inch to point (pt). |
interactive::add_action | •• | Add an action to an interactive object. |
interactive::add_frame | • | Add a frame or group to a state of an interactive object. |
interactive::count_actions | •• | Count the actions of an interactive object. |
interactive::create | •• | Create a new interactive object from an existing frame. |
interactive::create_multistate | • | Create a new multi state object from a given list of objects. |
interactive::get | •• | Search the interactive object containing a frame. |
interactive::get_actions | •• | Get a list of (all) actions of a interactive object. |
interactive::get_event | •• | Event, that triggers an interactice objects action. |
interactive::get_frames | • | Get a list of all items (frames or groups) of an states object. |
interactive::get_nth_action | •• | Get an action of an interactive element by its index. |
interactive::get_pdf_option | •• | Get PDF options from an interactive object. |
interactive::get_task | •• | Get the task executed by an action. |
interactive::get_task_data | •• | Get the parameter of a task of an action of an interactive object. |
interactive::is_formfield | •• | Does the frame have a formfield object (but is not a multistate)? |
interactive::is_multistate | •• | Does the frame have a multistate object? |
interactive::move_action | • | Move an action of an interactive object. |
interactive::remove_action | • | Delete an action of an interactive object. |
interactive::resolve | •• | Resolve interactive objects. |
interactive::set_pdf_option | •• | Set PDF options of an interactive object. |
interactive::set_task_data | • | Change the properties of an formield task. The function may chenge the current document selection. Take care to use the task dependent function parameters! |
item::alloc | ••• | Reserve memory capacity for an InDesign® object. |
item::assign | ••• | Copy on ItemRef to another. |
item::define | •• | Define a reference to a document object. |
item::defined | ••• | Does the reference indicate a valid object? |
item::exists | •• | Does the reference indicate an existing object? |
item::fitframe | •• | Fit the frame, in which a reference is displayed, to its contents. |
item::get_class | •• | Get the class of an existing document object. |
item::getint | •• | UID of the reference. |
item::release | ••• | The reserved memory of an object reference is again released. |
itemlist::adapt_by | • | Adapt a list of frames by a given size change. |
itemlist::adapt_cometgroup_by | • | Adapt the frames of a Comet group by a given size change. |
itemlist::adapt_cometgroup_to | • |   |
itemlist::adapt_to | • | Adapt a list of given frames to a given size. |
itemlist::add_to_cometgroup | ••• | Add a list of frames to a Comet group. |
itemlist::align | • | Align a list of frames. |
itemlist::allframes | ••• | Create a list of all frames of the document. |
itemlist::allframes_of_doc | ••• | Create a list of all frames of a document. |
itemlist::alloc | ••• | Create a new empty list. |
itemlist::append | ••• | Expand the list with appending |
itemlist::appendlist | •• | Expand list by appending an additional list |
itemlist::apply | •• | Apply a function to all entries of an ItemList. |
itemlist::apply1 | •• | Applying a function on all entries of an ItemList and deleting the ItemList |
itemlist::apply_frame_info | •• | Restore saved information about a frame from the data sources and set it back to the frames. |
itemlist::apply_frame_info2 | •• | Restore saved information about a frame from the data sources and set it back to the frames. |
itemlist::apply_layout_rules | •• | Apply the layout rules for a given list of frames. |
itemlist::are_members_of | ••• | Check whether a given list of frames are members of given Comet group. |
itemlist::articles | •• | Get a list of all articles in a document. |
itemlist::bbox | ••• | Ascertain the frame surrounding the frame of the list. |
itemlist::chained | ••• | Create a list of all linked frames of a text. |
itemlist::check_url_links | ••• | Check the state of the Web Images of a frame list. |
itemlist::clear | ••• | Remove all objects from the list |
itemlist::convert_to_trailer | •• | Register frames added by the Build Support as to be a product trailer. |
itemlist::create_cometgroup | ••• | Create a new Comet group from the given frame list. |
• | DEPRECATED Please use the function interactive::create_multistate instead. |
itemlist::create_snippet | • | Create a new snippet. |
itemlist::delete_frame_info | •• | Delete frame infos for all frames of a comet group from the data sources. |
itemlist::delete_frame_info2 | •• | Delete frame infos for a list of frames from the data sources. |
itemlist::doc_notes | •• | Create a list of all Comet Notes of a document. |
itemlist::duplicate | • | Duplicate a list of existing document frames. |
itemlist::embed_urls | •• | Link the provided frames to the given images in the web for embedding. |
itemlist::embedded_urls | ••• | Get all frames of the given document with an embedded Web Image. |
itemlist::frame_notes | •• | Create a list of all Comet Notes of a given frame. |
itemlist::get | ••• | Get the i-th element of a specified list. |
itemlist::get_cometgroup | ••• | Get the Comet group ID of a list of frames. |
itemlist::get_cometgroup_members | ••• | Get all members of a Comet group. |
itemlist::get_pos | ••• | Position of an object in the list |
itemlist::group_notes | •• | Create a list of all Comet Notes of the Comet Group of a frame. |
itemlist::hyperlinks | •• | Get a list of all hyperlinks of the text of a frame. |
itemlist::inlines | •• | Get all inlines and anchored frames of a text or text range. |
itemlist::insert | ••• | Expand the list with inserts |
itemlist::intersections | •• | Create a list of all frames interseting the given frame. |
itemlist::length | ••• | State the length of the list. |
itemlist::link_urls | •• | Link the provided frames to the given Web Images. |
itemlist::linked_urls | ••• | Get all frames of the given document, linked against an Web Images. |
itemlist::logical_groups | • | Collect a sub-list of frames that satisfy the same logical conditions. |
itemlist::masteritems | •• | Create a list of all items on a parent page. |
itemlist::move_by | •• | Move a list of frames by a given offset. |
itemlist::move_cometgroup_by | •• | Move a Comet group by a given value. |
itemlist::move_cometgroup_to | •• | Move a Comet group to a new (absolute) position. |
itemlist::move_to | •• | Move a list of frames to a new (absolute) position. |
itemlist::page_notes | •• | Create a list of all Comet Notes of a given page or page number. |
itemlist::pageframes | •• | Create a list of all frames of a document page. |
itemlist::pageframes_of_doc | •• | Create a list of all frames of a document page. |
itemlist::pdf_export | • | Creates a PDF of the provided frame list using the specified pdf profile. |
itemlist::release | ••• | Release of memory occupied by an ItemList. |
itemlist::relink | • | Find all placeholders in a frame list and relinks them to a new ID |
itemlist::remove | ••• | Delete an object from the list |
itemlist::remove_cometgroup | ••• | Remove all frames of a given Comet group from the document. |
itemlist::remove_from_cometgroup | ••• | Remove frames of a list of frames from a given Comet group. |
itemlist::remove_items | ••• | Remove a list of frames from the document. |
itemlist::remove_pos | ••• | Delete an object from the list |
itemlist::remove_url_links | ••• | Remove the Web Image links from a list of frames. |
itemlist::resolve_cometgroup | ••• | Resolve a Comet group. |
itemlist::revert | •• | Revert a given ItemList. |
itemlist::rmv_magnets | •• | Remove all nails, magnets and adapter script from all frames of a given list. |
itemlist::rotate | • | Rotate a list of frames. |
itemlist::scale | • | Scale a list of frames. |
itemlist::select | •• | Select the frame of a list in the document. |
itemlist::selected | ••• | Create a list of all selected frames of the document. |
itemlist::set_creationdate | •• | Reset the frame date of every frame in the list. |
itemlist::skew | • | Skew a list of frames. |
itemlist::sort | •• | Sort a list of frames. |
itemlist::store_magnet_distances | •• | Save magnet distances of all frames and all reachable frames of a given list. |
itemlist::subframes | •• | Create a list of sub-frames of an InDesign® group frame. |
itemlist::subframes_of_list | •• | Create a list of sub-frames of a frame list. |
itemlist::update_url_links | ••• | If neccessary, reload the Web Images of a list of frames. |
itemlist::write_frame_info | •• | Store information about a frame group to the data sources. |
itemlist::write_frame_info2 | •• | Write all information about a frame list to the data sources. |
itemlistlist::alloc | •• | Create a new empty list. |
itemlistlist::append | •• | Insert an object to the list. |
itemlistlist::clear | •• | Clear all entries of a ItemListList. |
itemlistlist::first | •• | Get the first object of the list and define the current list pointer at the list start. |
itemlistlist::get | •• | Get the list element |
itemlistlist::get_pos | •• | Define the index which has an object in the list. |
itemlistlist::insert | •• | Insert an object in the list. |
itemlistlist::last | •• | Get the last object of the list and define the current list pointer at the list end. |
itemlistlist::length | •• | Current length of the list |
itemlistlist::next | •• | Move the current list pointer one position onwards and get the next object of the list. |
itemlistlist::prev | •• | Move the current list pointer one position onwards and get the next object of the list. |
itemlistlist::release | •• | Delete a list from the active store. |
itemlistlist::remove | •• | Delete an object from the list. |
itemlistlist::remove_pos | •• | Remove an object from the list. |
itoa | ••• | Convert a number into a string. Example |
j | ||
json::alloc | ••• | Allocate a new JSON object. |
json::get_attributes | ••• | Get a list of all attribute names of a JSON object. |
json::get_error | ••• | Get the error description stored in the JSON object. |
json::get_float | ••• | Determine the floating-point value of a property of a JSON object. |
json::get_int | ••• |   |
json::get_list | ••• | Determine the list of values of a JSON attribute. |
json::get_object | ••• | Get a sub-object of a JSON object. |
json::get_string | ••• | Determine the string value of a property of a JSON object. |
json::get_type | ••• |   |
json::parse_array | ••• | Parse a new JSON object from a given JSON string. |
json::parse_object | ••• | Parse a new JSON object from a given JSON string. |
json::read | ••• | Allocate a new JSON object from an input file in JSON format. |
json::release | ••• |   |
json::serialize | ••• | Export a given JSON to a string. |
json::set_error | ••• | Set a JSON error. |
json::set_float | ••• |   |
json::set_int | ••• | Set the value of a property of a JSON object. |
json::set_list | ••• |   |
json::set_object | ••• | Insert a JSON sub-object into a JSON object. |
json::set_string | ••• | Set the value of a property of a JSON object. |
json::write | ••• | Write a JSON object to an output file. |
k | ||
key_value_mapping | •• | Dialog for assigning key-value pairs. Example |
keyvalues::add_all | ••• | Append all elements from list src to list target. |
keyvalues::alloc | ••• | Alloc a KeyValues list object |
keyvalues::clear | ••• | Release a KeyValues list |
keyvalues::contains | ••• | Check, if a particular entry exists in a KeyValues list |
keyvalues::from_xml | ••• | Create a KeyValues object from a xml structure. |
keyvalues::get | ••• | Get the value of an entry in a KeyValues list |
keyvalues::get_keys | ••• | Get all keys of a KeyValues list as a StringList. |
keyvalues::get_values | ••• | Get all values of a KeyValues list as a StringList. |
keyvalues::length | ••• | Get the length (number of entries) of a KeyValues list |
keyvalues::put | ••• | Add a key value entry to a list or replace an existing entry |
keyvalues::release | ••• | Delete a list created with keyvalues::alloc and all its entries from memory. |
keyvalues::remove | ••• | Remove an entry from a KeyValues list |
keyvalues::to_xml | ••• | Generate a XML structure of a KeyValues object. |
l | ||
layer::add | ••• | Create a new document layer behind a given layer. |
layer::add_i | ••• | Create a new document layer behind a layer given by its index. |
layer::add_prefixed | •• | Create a new named/prefxied document layer behind a given layer. |
layer::add_prefixed_i | •• | Create a new named/prefxied document layer given by its index. |
layer::copy | •• | Copy the contents of the layer from into the layer to. |
layer::copy_ii | •• | Copy the contents of the layer from into the layer to. |
layer::copy_in | •• | Copy the contents of the layer from into the layer to. |
layer::copy_ni | •• | Copy the contents of the layer from into the layer to. |
layer::count | ••• | How many layers does the active document have? |
layer::default_name | •• |   |
layer::front_name | •• | Get the name of the active document layer. |
layer::get_index | ••• | Find out the layer index of a given document frame. |
layer::get_lock | ••• | Is the given layer locked or not? |
layer::get_lock_i | ••• | Is the given layer locked or not? |
layer::get_name | ••• | Find out the layer name of a given document frame. |
layer::get_printable | ••• | Is a given layer printable? |
layer::get_ui_color | •• | Get the name of the color of a layer of the front document. |
layer::get_visible | ••• | Is the given layer visible or not? |
layer::get_visible_i | ••• | Is the given layer visible or not? |
layer::index | ••• | At which position is the layer at? |
layer::lock | ••• | Lock a layer by name |
layer::lock_i | ••• | Lock a index given layer. |
layer::merge | •• | Copy the contents of the layer from in the layer to. |
layer::merge_ii | •• | Copy the contents of the layer from into the layer to. |
layer::merge_in | •• | Copy the contents of the layer from into the layer to. |
layer::merge_ni | •• | Copy the contents of the layer from into the layer to. |
layer::move | ••• | Change the sequence of the layer. |
layer::move_ii | ••• | Change the sequence of the layer. |
layer::move_in | ••• | Change the sequence of the layer. |
layer::move_ni | ••• | Change the sequence of the layer. |
layer::name | ••• | Name of the i-th layer. |
layer::remove | ••• | Delete a layer specified by name. |
layer::remove_i | ••• | Delete a layer specified in your index. |
layer::rename | ••• | Change the name of a layer. |
layer::rename_all | •• | Rename all layers. |
layer::rename_i | ••• | Change the name of a layer |
layer::rename_prefixed | •• | Change the name of a layer in accordance with a specified prefix. |
layer::rename_prefixed_i | •• | Change the name of a layer in accordance with a specified prefix. |
layer::select | ••• | Activate a layer specified by name. |
layer::select_i | ••• | Activate a layer specified in your index. |
layer::set_printable | ••• | Set the printability of a layer. |
layer::set_visible | ••• | ZDisplay or hide a layer specified by name. |
layer::set_visible_i | ••• | Display or hide a layer specified in your index. |
layer::sort | •• | Sort from layer list from top to bottom. |
layer::unlock | ••• | Lock a named layer. |
layer::unlock_i | ••• | Unlock a layer by index. |
library::add_asset | • | Create a new asset. |
library::asset::copy | • | Copy an asset from one library to an other. |
library::asset::get | • | Get a library asset by its (case insensitive) name. |
library::asset::get_creationtime | • | Get create date/time of an asset. |
library::asset::get_description | • | Get an assets description. |
library::asset::get_lib | • | Get the library of an asset. |
library::asset::get_name | • | Get an assets name. |
library::asset::get_usertype | • | Get an assets user type. |
library::asset::place | • | Place an asset into a document. |
library::asset::release | • | Release the memory allocated by an asset. |
library::asset::remove | • | Remove an asset from its library. |
library::asset::set_creationtime | • | Set an assets creation date and time. |
library::asset::set_description | • | Set an assets description. |
library::asset::set_name | • | Set an assets name. |
library::asset::set_usertype | • | Set an assets user type. |
library::asset::update | • | Change an assets content. |
library::close | • | Close a library. |
library::count_assets | • | number of assets of a library. |
library::get_nth | • | number of assets of a library. |
library::get_path | • | Complete path of an open library. |
library::get_preview | • | Get an assets previews. |
library::open | • | Opening the library. |
link::bottom | •• | Positions of a frame placeholder or the frame around the current text of a text placeholder. |
link::classid | •• | Get the class number of the element |
link::clear_content | •• | Delete internal memory for the text content of a placeholder |
link::content | •• | Ascertain the text of a placeholder |
link::content_length | •• | Length of the text in bytes, which is to be ascertained for the placeholder. |
link::count_funcvars | •• | Count the number of defined function variables of a script action of a placeholder. |
link::crossref::anchor_ref | •• | Document reference of hyperlink destination. |
link::crossref::bottom | •• | Bottom coordinate of the of the cross reference destinations text frame. |
link::crossref::destination | •• | Comet ID of the cross reference destination (may append by a number). |
link::crossref::document | •• | Document name (folder, path) of the cross reference destination. |
link::crossref::frame | •• | Text frame reference of the cross reference destination. |
link::crossref::hyperlink_ref | •• | Document reference of hyperlink. |
link::crossref::info | •• | Information about the hyperlink destination (url, email, ...). |
link::crossref::left | •• | Left coordinate of the of the cross reference destinations text frame. |
link::crossref::name | •• | Name of the cross reference destination (may append by a number). |
link::crossref::page | •• | Page number of the cross reference destination. |
link::crossref::pagename | •• | Page name of the cross reference destination. |
link::crossref::pos | •• | Anchor text position of the cross reference destination. |
link::crossref::right | •• | Right coordinate of the of the cross reference destinations text frame. |
link::crossref::src_frame | •• | Frame of hyperlink source. |
link::crossref::src_textlen | •• | Text length of hyperlink source. |
link::crossref::src_textpos | •• | Text position of start of hyperlink source. |
link::crossref::top | •• | Top coordinate of the of the cross reference destinations text frame. |
link::crossref::type | •• | Type of hyperlink destination. |
link::crossref::x | •• | X coordinate of the of the cross reference destinations text position. |
link::crossref::y | •• | Y coordinate of the of the cross reference destinations text position (baseline). |
link::frame | •• | Frames or (for text placeholders) text frames of a placeholder |
link::get_nth_funcvar | •• | Get the name and the current value of a function variable of a placeholders action script. |
link::get_ui_value | • | Get the display text of a link in the dialog sortlinks_dialog. |
•• | DEPRECATED Get the text content which the placeholder shows in the document. |
link::height | •• | Positions of a frame placeholder or the frame around the current text of a text placeholder. |
link::id | •• |   |
link::id2 | •• |   |
link::id3 | •• |   |
link::imagepath | •• | Image of a frame placeholder |
link::isframe | •• | Is the placeholder a frame? |
link::layer | •• | Name of the layer on which the placeholder is located. |
link::left | •• | Positions of a frame placeholder or the frame around the current text of a text placeholder. |
link::length | •• | Length of the placeholder text in the document. |
link::override_sync | •• | Override the sync status which is stored in the element by the status "override". |
link::pagenum | •• | Page number (beginning with 1) of the placeholder in the document. |
link::pagestr | •• | Page name of the placeholder in the document. |
link::placeholderid | •• | Get the placeholder ID of the element. |
link::pos | •• | On text placeholder the start position of the placeholder. |
link::postfix | •• | Get the current postfix of the placeholder in the document. |
link::postfix_if_empty | •• | Get the current prefix of the placeholder if its content is empty. |
link::prefix | •• | Get the current prefix of the placeholder in the document. |
link::prefix_if_empty | •• | Get the current prefix of the placeholder if its content is empty. |
link::remove_override_sync | •• | Remove the "override" sync status which is stored in the element. |
link::right | •• | Positions of a frame placeholder or the frame around the current text of a text placeholder. |
link::set_maxlen | •• | Set the maximum length of the text which can be ascertained from a document placeholder. |
link::set_ui_value | • | Set the text to display in the dialog sortlinks_dialog. |
link::sid | •• |   |
link::sync | •• |   |
link::top | •• | Positions of a frame placeholder or the frame around the current text of a text placeholder. |
link::width | •• | Positions of a frame placeholder or the frame around the current text of a text placeholder. |
link_exportgroup | •• | Special dialog for the support of the transmission planning. Example |
linklist::alloc | • | Create a new empty list for working with placeholders. |
linklist::apply | •• | Execute a specified action for linked placeholders of the document. |
linklist::clear | •• | Release and remove all entries from the list. |
linklist::collect | •• | Collect the placeholders linked to a product in a given document area. |
linklist::collect_any | •• | Collect the placeholders of a given document area. |
linklist::current | •• | Get the current element of a list. |
linklist::delete_toc_entry | • | Delete previously created table of content entries The function deletes previously created table of content entries of certain or all placeholders of a certain scope. |
linklist::find | •• | Does the list contain an element with the specified values? |
linklist::first | •• | Get the first element of a list. |
linklist::get | •• | Get an element of the list. |
•• | DEPRECATED Insert a new element in a list. |
•• | DEPRECATED Inserting a new element in a list. |
linklist::insert_id | •• | Insert a new product (record) ID in a list. |
linklist::insert_placeholder | •• | Insert a new placeholder ID in a list. |
linklist::insert_toc_entry | • | Collect data for a table of content. |
linklist::last | •• | Get the last element of a list. |
linklist::length | •• | Number of elements in the list. |
linklist::load | •• | Reloading linked placeholders of the document. |
linklist::next | •• | Get the next element of a list. |
linklist::prev | •• | Get the previous element of a list. |
linklist::release | •• | Release a list created by linklist::alloc. |
linklist::remove | •• | Remove the occurrence of an element from a list. |
linklist::remove_pos | •• | Remove the specified element from a list. |
linklist::set_pos | •• | Set the current list position. |
linklist::sort | •• | Sort a linklist. |
linklist::store | •• | Write (store) linked placeholders of the document back into the datapool. |
linklist::sync | • | Check the sync-styte of linked placeholders of the document. |
linklist::text_collect | •• | Collect all placeholder of a given text or a range of a given text |
linklist::type | •• | Type (Intention) of list. |
list64::alloc | ••• | Create a new empty list. |
list64::alloc | •• | Get the object list of the panel which contains the objects of the desired classid. |
list64::append | ••• | Append elements to the list |
list64::classid | •• | ClassID of the list entries. |
list64::clear | ••• | Remove all elements of the list |
list64::complete | •• | Does the list contain all the IDs of the panel, or only the selected entries? |
list64::first | ••• | Get the first entry of a non-empty list |
list64::get | ••• | Get the i-te element of the list. |
list64::get_autoload | •• | Is the "autoload"-Button |
list64::get_pos | ••• | Search for the position of a value in the list. |
list64::getfloat | •• | Get the value of a list element as a decimal. |
list64::getint | •• | Get the value of a list element as an integer. |
list64::gettext | •• | Get the value of the list element. |
list64::index | •• | Which IDs are contained in the list. |
list64::insert | ••• | Insert element in the list. |
list64::last | ••• | Get the last entry in a non-empty list |
list64::length | ••• | Ascertain the number of elements of a list |
list64::next | ••• | Get the next entry in a list. |
list64::open_tree | •• | Open all entries of a panel. |
list64::prev | ••• | Get the previous entry in the list. |
list64::release | ••• | Delete a created list again using list64::alloc |
list64::reload | •• | Reload the data records of a panel list. |
list64::remove | ••• | All occurrences of a value will be removed from the list. |
list64::remove_pos | ••• | Remove a position from the list. |
list64::set_autoload | •• | Set the "autoload"-Button |
list64::sort | ••• | Sort a list. |
list::add_all | • | Append all elements from list src to list target. |
list::alloc | •• | Get the object list of the panel which contains the objects of the desired classid. |
list::alloc | ••• | Create a new empty list. |
list::append | ••• | Append elements to the list |
list::classid | •• | ClassID of the list entries. |
list::clear | ••• | Remove all elements of the list |
list::complete | •• | Does the list contain all the IDs of the panel, or only the selected entries? |
list::first | ••• | Get the first entry of a non-empty list |
list::from_xml | • | Create a List object from a xml structure. |
list::get | ••• | Get the i-te element of the list. |
list::get_autoload | •• | Is the "autoload"-Button ![]() |
list::get_pos | ••• | Search for the position of a value in the list. |
list::getfloat | •• | Get the value of a list element as a decimal. |
list::getint | •• | Get the value of a list element as an integer. |
list::gettext | •• | Get the value of the list element. |
list::index | •• | Which IDs are contained in the list. |
list::insert | ••• | Insert element in the list. |
list::last | ••• | Get the last entry in a non-empty list |
list::length | ••• | Ascertain the number of elements of a list |
list::next | ••• | Get the next entry in a list. |
list::open_tree | •• | Open all entries of a panel. |
list::prev | ••• | Get the previous entry in the list. |
list::release | ••• | Delete a created list again using list::alloc |
list::reload | ••• | Reload the data records of a panel list. |
list::remove | ••• | All occurrences of a value will be removed from the list. |
list::remove_pos | ••• | Remove a position from the list. |
list::set_autoload | •• | Set the "autoload"-Button |
list::sort | ••• | Sort a list. |
list::to_xml | • | Generate a XML structure of a List object. |
ln | ••• | ln |
log | ••• | log |
logger::debug | ••• | Print a log message with the priority debug to the logger specified by category. |
logger::error | ••• | Print a log message with the priority error to the logger specified by category. |
logger::get_escaping | ••• | Get escaping of a category. |
logger::get_level | ••• | Get log level of a category. |
logger::get_path | ••• | Get log path of a category. |
logger::get_pattern | ••• | Get the pattern of a category. |
logger::info | ••• | Print a log message with the priority info to the logger specified by category. |
logger::log | ••• | Print a log message with the given priority to the logger specified by category. |
logger::reload_config | ••• | Reload all configurations from log.xml. |
logger::set_escaping | ••• | Set escaping of a category. |
logger::set_level | ••• | Set log level of a category. |
logger::set_path | ••• | Set log path of a category. |
logger::set_pattern | ••• | Set the pattern of a category. |
logger::trace | ••• | Print a log message with the priority trace to the logger specified by category. |
logger::warning | ••• | Print a log message with the priority warning to the logger specified by category. |
m | ||
macroman_to_tagged | •• | Convert a macroman string to TaggedText encoded unicode Example |
memset | ••• | Change one byte of a string. |
mm2pt | ••• | Conversion from mm to point (pt). |
• | DEPRECATED Please use the function interactive::add_frame instead. |
multistate::count_states | • | Number of states inside the object. |
multistate::get_active_state | • | Index iof th active state of a states object. |
multistate::get_state_name | • | Get a state name. |
• | DEPRECATED Please use the function interactive::get_frames instead. |
multistate::move_state | • | Move a state of a states object. |
• | DEPRECATED Please use the function interactive::resolve instead. |
multistate::set_active_state | • | Index iof th active state of a states object. |
multistate::set_state_name | • | Set a state name. |
p | ||
page::count_columns | •• | Count the columns of a page. |
page::create | •• | Create new document pages. |
page::crop | •• | Crop document pages to the bounding box of their frames. |
page::duplicate | •• | Duplicate a document page. |
page::get | ••• | Ascertain the (1-based) page index of a document object or the current index of the current front of the document itself. |
page::get_free_rects | •• |   |
page::get_info | •• | Retrieve information about the Page Template of a given page. |
page::get_margins | •• | Get the page margins in points. |
page::get_masterpage | •• | Find the masterpage of a given page of the front document. |
page::get_size | ••• | Get the page size in points. |
page::get_spread | •• | Get the spread index of a page. |
page::get_str | ••• | Ascertain the name of the page of a document object or the name of the documents current front page. |
page::get_str_by_index | ••• | Ascertain the page name of a document page given by its 1-based index. |
page::get_type | •• | Page type of a page |
page::get_uid | •• | Get the UID of a document page. |
page::guides::add | • | Create or change a guide line. |
page::guides::get | • | Get a list of all guilde lines of the spread of a given page. |
page::guides::get_colorindex | • | Determine the color index of a guide line. |
page::guides::get_direction | • | Is the guide line vertical or horizontal? |
page::guides::get_owner | • | Determine the type of a guilde line. |
page::guides::get_position | • | Determine the position of a guide line. |
page::guides::get_threshold | • | Determine the threshold value of the page zoom from which a guide line is to be shown. |
page::guides::remove | • | Remove a guide line. |
page::masteritems_load | •• | Load the placeholders of the frames from the parent pages of a page. |
page::move | • | Move a page of a document. |
page::remove | • | Remove a page from the current document. |
page::select | • | Go to a page. |
page::set_info | •• | Set infos about a page. |
page::set_margins | •• | Set the margins of a page |
page::set_masterpage | •• | Change the parent mage of a given page of the front document. |
page::set_number | •• | Set the page number and page number style of a given page. |
page::set_size | ••• | Set the size of a page. |
page::templates::count_elements | •• | Count the elements of a Page Template stored in the current data pool. |
page::templates::get_element_info_by_index | •• | Determine the properties of an Element of a Page Template. |
page::templates::get_element_info_by_sequ | •• | Determine the properties of an Element of a Page Template. |
page::templates::get_info | •• | Determine the properties of a Page Template defined in the current data pool. |
placeholder::build | • | Execute the build action of a frame. |
placeholder::can_create_items | • | Is a frame linked with a placeholder and does this placeholder contain a Build Action? |
placeholder::change_tags | ••• | In a specified frame all the found placeholders will be changed. |
placeholder::define | •• |   |
placeholder::get_funcvar_val | ••• | Get the value of a function variable of a placeholder. |
• | DEPRECATED Is there a postfix placeholder for the current script placeholder and, if so, return its position and length. |
• | DEPRECATED Is there a prefix placeholder for the current script placeholder and, if so, return its position and length. |
placeholder::get_sync | •• | Get the sync status of the placeholder which has triggered the script. |
placeholder::get_value | ••• | If a frame is linked with a placeholder, the value of the specified slots is ascertained. |
placeholder::is_valid_funcvar | ••• | Check wether a function variable is valid. |
placeholder::link | •• | Fix the object ID in placeholders of a frame, text or text area. |
placeholder::link2 | ••• | Fix the object ID in placeholders of a frame, text or text area. |
placeholder::load | ••• | Load a placeholder of a frame, text or text area. |
placeholder::path | •• | Get the path of an image. |
placeholder::prepare_statement | •• | Replace all <tags> of the statement by their current values of the given placeholder. |
placeholder::reload_panel | • | Reload the data records of a panel list. |
placeholder::replace | • | Placeholder specific replacements in a string. |
placeholder::set_funcvar_val | ••• | Set the value of a function variable of a placeholder. |
placeholder::set_sync | •• | Change the sync status of the placeholder which has triggered the script. |
placeholder::sget_value | ••• | If a frame is linked to a placeholder, the value of the specified slot will be ascertained. |
placeholder::store | ••• | Store the placeholder contents of a frame, text, or text area |
placeholder::sync | • | Ascertain the current value of placeholders in the document. |
placeholder::sync_definitions | • | Update thedefinitions of the placeholders of the entire documents. |
placeholder::to_xml_element | • | Create XML-Elements for Comet placeholders. |
placeholder::update_link_states | • | Update the link button in the panel. |
•• | DEPRECATED Saving IDML versions of templates. |
prefs::add_metadata_to_templates | •• | Saving Metadata of templates. |
prefs::add_w2ml_to_snippets | •• | Saving W2ML versions of snippets. |
prefs::add_w2ml_to_templates | •• | Saving W2ML versions of templates. |
prefs::enable_magnets | •• | Dis/Enable the appliance of magnets. |
prefs::enable_panel | ••• | Block Comet panels. |
prefs::enable_preflights | •• | Switch on/off preflights. |
prefs::enable_unicode_escapes | •• |   |
prefs::eps_import_options | • | Preference for reading EPS images. |
prefs::export_flattenerstyles | • | Export transparency flattener profiles to an XML file. |
prefs::export_pdfstyles | • | Export PDF profiles to an XML file. |
prefs::export_printstyles | • | Export printer profiles to an XML file. |
prefs::get_convert_quotas | •• | Replace typographic quotas or not while importing tagged text? |
prefs::get_fitframe_precision | •• | Currently used default precision for frame::fit. |
• | DEPRECATED Current method for inserting templates. |
prefs::get_remove_old_masters | •• | Remove localized parent page items on parent page changes or not? |
prefs::get_script_buffer | •• | Current script buffer size. |
prefs::get_tags_readable | •• | Ignore Comet placeholders while importing tagged text or not? |
prefs::get_tags_writeable | •• | Write Comet placeholders to tagged text or not? |
prefs::get_transform_settings | •• | Get the current InDesign® program settings for frame scalings General : Object Editing : When Scaling. |
prefs::get_updatepath | •• | Get the path to current update folder for placeholder loadings. |
prefs::get_updatetype | •• | Get the current placeholder load behavior. |
prefs::get_urllink_folder | ••• | Get the currently set fallback folder for Web Image downloads, see set_urllink_folder. |
prefs::get_xml_parsertype | •• | Which XML parser is used for reading XML? |
prefs::import_flattenerstyles | • | Import transparency flattener profiles from an XML file. |
prefs::import_pdfstyles | • | Import PDF profiles from an XML file. |
prefs::import_printstyles | • | Import printer profiles from an XML file. |
• | DEPRECATED Install an image in the executing InDesign®. |
prefs::list_flattenerstyles | • | List all available transparency flattener profiles |
prefs::list_pdfstyles | • | List all available PDF profiles |
prefs::list_printstyles | • | List all available printer profiles |
prefs::set_convert_quotas | •• | Replace typographic quotas (or not) while importing tagged text. |
prefs::set_fitframe_precision | •• | Set the precision for frame::fit. |
prefs::set_logstate | •• | Write additional log information. |
• | DEPRECATED Color profile save insertion of Comet templates. |
prefs::set_remove_old_masters | •• | Remove localized parent page items on parent page changes or not? |
prefs::set_script_buffer | •• | Set the size of the script buffer. |
prefs::set_script_nullify_on_release | •• | EXPERIMENTAL For cScript calls of release functions, automatically set all variables that point to the released memory address to the value 0 (or not). |
prefs::set_tags_readable | •• | Automatically create Comet placeholders while importing tagged text or not? |
prefs::set_tags_writeable | •• | Write Comet placeholders to tagged text or not? |
prefs::set_transform_settings | •• | Set the current InDesign® program settings for frame scalings General : Object Editing : When Scaling. |
prefs::set_updatepath | •• | Set the update folder for placeholder loadings. |
prefs::set_updatetype | •• | Defining the method for handling or determining placeholder content. |
prefs::set_urllink_folder | ••• | Set the fallback folder for Web Image downloads. |
prefs::set_xml_parsertype | •• | Set the type of XML parser to be used for reading XML. |
prefs::show_note_history | • | State and behavior for showing the history of Comet notes. |
prefs::show_panel | ••• | Show/Hide Comet panels. |
prefs::show_url_progress | ••• | Show progress bar when downloading Web Images? |
prefs::snippet_filter | •• | |
prefs::snippet_match | •• | |
prefs::sync_server_notes | •• | Synchronize Comet Notes with InDesignServer®? |
prefs::webimage_connect_timeout | ••• | Set the timeout for connecting the server of a Web Image. |
prefs::webimage_get_proxy | •• | Get the current (or the soapflags.ini) proxy settings for Web Images. |
prefs::webimage_header_timeout | ••• | Set the timeout for the header downloads of Web Images. |
prefs::webimage_proxy_dialog | •• | Set the proxy for Web Images using the Proxy dialog. |
prefs::webimage_set_proxy | •• | Set the proxy for Web Images. |
prefs::webimage_timeout | ••• | Set the timeout for the download of Web Images. |
priint::call_checkin | •• | Run the checkin routines just like clicking the checkin button in the panel (even if the corresponding object isnt actually shown). |
priint::checkin | •• | Checkin a document. |
priint::checkout | •• | Checkout a document. |
priint::connection | •• | Get the current priint:comet server connection. |
priint::create_cometgroup_previews | •• | Create a preview of each Comet Group of a document. |
priint::create_metadata | •• | Create priint:comet meta data of a given document. |
priint::document_status | •• | Get a documents state. |
priint::get_pref | •• | Enable or disable the priint preferences panel. |
priint::revert | •• | Revert a document. |
priint::set_pref | •• | Enable or disable the priint preferences panel. |
priint::set_prefs_editable | •• | Enable or disable the priint preferences panel. |
printf | ••• | Write a formatted char* string to the standard output. |
product::alloc | •• | Create a new empty object of type Product. |
product::clone | •• | Create a copy of an existing product. |
product::copy | • | Copy all values from object source to object destination. |
product::from_xml | • | Create a Product object from a xml structure. |
product::get | ••• | Get an int value out of a product. |
product::get_children | • | Get the children of a given product. |
product::get_itemlist | •• | Get an ItemList value out of a product. |
product::get_itemref | •• | Get an string value out of a product. |
product::get_pageitem_type | • | Get the page type of the template used to build this product. |
product::get_parent | • | Get the parent object of a given product. |
product::gets | ••• | Get an string value out of a product. |
product::release | •• | Release a product. |
product::relink | • | Find all placeholders of a product and relink them to a new ID |
product::set | •• | Change a product value. |
product::to_xml | • | Generate a XML structure of a Product object. |
productlist::add_all | • | Append all elements from list src to list target. |
productlist::alloc | ••• | Create a new empty list. |
productlist::append | •• | Insert an object to the list. |
productlist::build | • | Product build. |
productlist::build_list | • | Product build. |
productlist::clear | •• | Clear list. |
productlist::create_snippets | • | Create Comet-Snippets from the Comet groups of a given document. |
productlist::establish | •• | Product building using page templates. |
productlist::first | •• | Get the first object of the list and define the current list pointer at the list start. |
productlist::from_xml | • | Create a ProductList object from an xml structure. |
productlist::get | •• | Create a new list from the entries of the product panel. |
productlist::get | • | Get the nth list element. Call with a char*-string only, the function creates a new productlist. |
productlist::get_build_trace | • | Get the current values used for build tracings. |
productlist::get_default_pageitem | • | Retreive the current default template selected in the Product pool panel. |
productlist::get_established | •• | Create a new list of the products built in a document and the page templates used for building these products. |
productlist::get_nth | ••• | Get the nth product of a given product list. |
productlist::get_pos | •• | Define the index which has an object in the list. |
productlist::grid_build | •• | Build a list of plannings according page, coordinates and dimension configured in grid planning. |
productlist::insert | •• | Insert an object in the list. |
productlist::is_in_build | •• | Is the currently executing script in a product build up or not? |
productlist::last | •• | Get the last object of the list and define the current list pointer at the list end. |
productlist::length | ••• | Current length of the list |
productlist::load | •• | Load a list of products from a file (XML or CSV), a database connection or an XMLTree. |
productlist::next | •• | Move the current list pointer toe position onwards and get the next object of the list. |
productlist::prev | •• | Move the current list pointer toe position onwards and get the next object of the list. |
productlist::release | ••• | Delete a list again from the active store. |
productlist::remove | •• | Delete an object from the list. |
productlist::remove_pos | •• | Remove an object from the list. |
productlist::remove_snippets | • | Remove Comet-Snippets. |
productlist::reorganize | •• | Reorganization of a document. |
productlist::seek | •• | Set internal list iterator to position pos |
productlist::set_build_trace | • | (De)activate build tracing. |
productlist::sort | •• | Sort a list of products. |
productlist::to_xml | • | Generate a XML structure of a ProductList object. |
productlist::trace_build | •• | Add an image to the build trace. |
productlist::update_findstatements | • | Update the search methods popup on the Products panel. |
progress::start | •• | Show the progress bar. |
progress::step | •• | Call this before processing a task. |
progress::stop | •• | Close the progress bar. |
progress::unit | •• | Change the chapter caption for the bar. |
pt2inch | ••• | Conversion from point (pt) to inch. |
pt2mm | ••• | Conversion from point (pt) to mm. |
publication::aftercheckout | •• | After check out a document. |
publication::aftersave | •• | After saving a publication document. |
publication::alloc | • | Create a new, empty Publication object. |
publication::apply_parameters | ••• | Fetch the parameters of a publication document and apply them as attributes to the XML Root of the document. |
publication::checkin | •• | Check in a document. |
publication::checkin_by_id | •• | Check in a document using the document ID This function defines the environment variables required for publication scripts and executes Panelstatement 115 (Checkin) Please note: this function allows to checkin documents independent of the Publication panel, this means: most of the values usually defined for publication nodes in the panel (such as status, info1, info2 etc.) are not available, if checkin is triggered by calling this function. |
publication::checkout | ••• | Check out a document. |
publication::checkout_by_id | •• | Check out a document using the document ID This function defines the environment variables required for publication scripts and executes Panelstatement 111 (Checkout) Please note: this function allows to checkout documents independently of the Publication panel, this means: most of the values usually defined for publication nodes in the panel (such as status, info1, info2 etc.) are not available, if checkout is triggered by calling this function. |
publication::checkout_clicked | •• | Check out a document. |
publication::collect_documents | ••• | Collect all documents of a publication in levels sub levels Only available when connected to a PubServer >= V4.1.5 Build #940 |
publication::copy | ••• | Copy all values from object source to object destination. |
publication::from_xml | ••• | Create a Publication object from a xml structure. |
publication::get | •• |   |
publication::get_all_parameters | ••• | Get list of available parameters Only available when connected to a PubServer >= V4.0.5 Build #585 |
publication::get_document_product_planning | •• | Get list of products scheduled for this document (new planning tool). |
publication::get_document_product_selection | •• | Get list of products scheduled for this document. |
publication::get_document_workflow_states | ••• | Get workflow states for a document. |
publication::get_document_workflow_status | ••• | Get current workflow status for a document. |
publication::get_label | ••• | Get label of a publication or a document. |
publication::get_master_documents | ••• | Get list of document templates. |
publication::get_next_workflow_states | ••• | Get next workflow states for a document. |
publication::get_parameter_from_document | ••• | Read value of a parameter from document Only available when connected to a PubServer >= V4.0.5 Build #585 |
publication::get_parameter_values | ••• | Get list values of a parameter of type kTypeCombo Only available when connected to a PubServer >= V4.0.5 Build #585 |
publication::get_parameters | ••• | Get the parameters of a publication document. |
publication::get_property | ••• | Get property of a publication or a document. |
publication::get_publication_id | ••• | Get publication ID of a document. |
publication::get_publication_path | ••• | Get path (folder) of a publication Only available when connected to a PubServer >= V4.1.5 Build #940 |
publication::get_publication_types | ••• | Get list of available publication types Only available when connected to a PubServer >= V4.0.5 Build #585 |
publication::get_rootpublication_id | ••• | Get ID of the root publication of a publication or document. |
publication::get_subnodes | ••• | Get the subelements of a publication. |
publication::get_workflow_states | ••• | Get all document workflow states. |
publication::gets | ••• |   |
publication::parameter::alloc | • | Create a new, empty Parameter object. |
publication::parameter::copy | • | Copy all values from object source to object destination. |
publication::parameter::from_xml | • | Create a Parameter object from a xml structure. |
publication::parameter::get | ••• |   |
publication::parameter::gets | ••• |   |
publication::parameter::release | ••• | Release a Parameter object |
publication::parameter::to_xml | • | Generate a XML structure of a Parameter object. |
publication::parameterlist::add_all | • | Append all elements from list src to list target. |
publication::parameterlist::alloc | • | Create a new, empty ParameterList object. |
publication::parameterlist::from_xml | • | Create a ParameterList object from a xml structure. |
publication::parameterlist::get | ••• | Get the nth Parameter from this ParameterList. |
publication::parameterlist::length | ••• | Get the length of a parameter list |
publication::parameterlist::release | ••• | Release a ParameterList. |
publication::parameterlist::to_xml | • | Generate a XML structure of a ParameterList object. |
publication::planning::alloc | • | Create a new, empty Planning object. |
publication::planning::copy | • | Copy all values from object source to object destination. |
publication::planning::from_xml | • | Create a Planning object from a xml structure. |
publication::planning::get | ••• |   |
publication::planning::getfloat | ••• |   |
publication::planning::getlist | ••• |   |
publication::planning::gets | ••• |   |
publication::planning::release | ••• | Release a Planning object |
publication::planning::to_xml | • | Generate a XML structure of a Planning object. |
publication::planninglist::add_all | • | Append all elements from list src to list target. |
publication::planninglist::alloc | • | Create a new, empty PlanningList object. |
publication::planninglist::from_xml | • | Create a PlanningList object from a xml structure. |
publication::planninglist::get | ••• | Get the nth Planning from this PlanningList. |
publication::planninglist::length | ••• | Get the length of a planning list |
publication::planninglist::release | ••• | Release a PlanningList. |
publication::planninglist::to_xml | • | Generate a XML structure of a PlanningList object. |
publication::publicationlist::add_all | • | Append all elements from list src to list target. |
publication::publicationlist::alloc | • | Create a new, empty PublicationList object. |
publication::publicationlist::from_xml | • | Create a PublicationList object from a xml structure. |
publication::publicationlist::get | ••• | Get the nth Publication from this PublicationList. |
publication::publicationlist::length | ••• | Get the length of a publication list |
publication::publicationlist::release | ••• | Release a PublicationList. |
publication::publicationlist::to_xml | • | Generate a XML structure of a PublicationList object. |
publication::publicationtype::alloc | • | Create a new, empty PublicationType object. |
publication::publicationtype::copy | • | Copy all values from object source to object destination. |
publication::publicationtype::from_xml | • | Create a PublicationType object from a xml structure. |
publication::publicationtype::gets | ••• | Get a String property of a PublicationType object. |
publication::publicationtype::release | ••• | Release a PublicationType object |
publication::publicationtype::to_xml | • | Generate a XML structure of a PublicationType object. |
publication::publicationtypelist::add_all | • | Append all elements from list src to list target. |
publication::publicationtypelist::alloc | • | Create a new, empty PublicationTypeList object. |
publication::publicationtypelist::from_xml | • | Create a PublicationTypeList object from a xml structure. |
publication::publicationtypelist::get | ••• | Get the nth PublicationType from this PublicationTypeList. |
publication::publicationtypelist::length | ••• | Get the length of a PublicationType list |
publication::publicationtypelist::release | ••• | Release a PublicationTypeList. |
publication::publicationtypelist::to_xml | • | Generate a XML structure of a PublicationTypeList object. |
publication::release | •• | Release a Publication object |
publication::revert | •• | Revert a checked out document defined by its documentId. |
publication::revert_by_id | •• | Revert a checked out document defined by its documentId. |
publication::search | ••• | Search for documents. |
publication::set | ••• | Set the Integer property of a Publication object. |
publication::set_document_workflow_status | ••• | Set workflow status for a document. |
publication::set_label | •• | Set label of a publication or a document. |
publication::set_parameter | ••• | Set parameter of a publication or a document. |
publication::set_property | ••• | Set property of a publication or a document. |
publication::sets | •• |   |
publication::to_xml | ••• | Generate a XML structure of a Publication object. |
publication::unsaved_commit | ••• | Set behaviour when committing unsaved documents. Typically, this function is called in a login script to control the behaviour, when unsaved documents are checked in. Valid options are:
publication::workflowstatus::alloc | ••• | Create a new, empty WorkflowStatus object. |
publication::workflowstatus::copy | ••• | Copy all values from object source to object destination. |
publication::workflowstatus::from_xml | • | Create a WorkflowStatus object from a xml structure. |
publication::workflowstatus::gets | •• | Get a String property of a WorkflowStatus object. |
publication::workflowstatus::release | ••• | Release a WorkflowStatus object |
publication::workflowstatus::to_xml | ••• | Generate a XML structure of a WorkflowStatus object. |
publication::workflowstatuslist::add_all | ••• | Append all elements from list src to list target. |
publication::workflowstatuslist::alloc | ••• | Create a new, empty WorkflowStatusList object. |
publication::workflowstatuslist::from_xml | ••• | Create a WorkflowStatusList object from a xml structure. |
publication::workflowstatuslist::get | ••• | Get the nth WorkflowStatus from this WorkflowStatusList. |
publication::workflowstatuslist::length | ••• | Get the length of a WorkflowStatus list |
publication::workflowstatuslist::release | ••• | Release a WorkflowStatusList. |
publication::workflowstatuslist::to_xml | • | Generate a XML structure of a WorkflowStatus object. |
q | ||
query::close | ••• | Closing a query. |
query::commit | ••• | Confirm the changes to a query. |
query::exec | ••• | The sent command parts are sent as one instruction to the database. |
query::fetch | ••• | Fetch the next line of the results of the database command. |
query::fsend | ••• | Send a float number to an SQL query. |
query::get_command | ••• | Complete command already send (but not executed) to the query. |
query::input | ••• | Connect an integer value to the corresponding value placeholder in the SQL command. |
query::isend | ••• | Send an int number to an SQL instruction. |
query::output | ••• | Define a float output variable for the n-th column of a select instruction. |
query::output | ••• | Define an int output variable for the n-th column of a select instruction. |
query::output | ••• | Define a String or char* output variable for the n-th column of a select instruction.The definition of the variables must correspond to the type and sequence of the output column. |
query::rollback | ••• | Rollback the changes made to a query. |
query::send | ••• | Send an SQL instruction or parts of an SQL instruction. |
query::set_method | ••• | Set the SOAP call methods for the query. |
r | ||
random | ••• | Random number |
rect::alloc | ••• | Create a new rectangle object. |
rect::area | ••• | Area of a rectangle. |
rect::aspect_ratio | ••• | Calculates the aspect ratio for the rectangle. |
rect::bottom | ••• | Get the rectangle's bottom component. |
rect::center_on | ••• | Center a rectangle at a given position. |
rect::clone | ••• | Clone an existing rectangle. |
rect::contains | ••• | Determines whether the specified rectangle is contained with a rectangle. |
rect::contains_point | ••• | Determines whether the specified point falls within a rectangle. |
rect::height | ••• | Get the rectangle's height. |
rect::inset | ••• | Contracts the rectangle by (dx, dy) on all sides. |
rect::intersect | ••• | Determines if two rectangles intersect. |
rect::intersection | ••• | Calculates the intersection of two rectangles. |
rect::is_equal | ••• | Check whether to rectangles are equal. |
rect::left | ••• | Get the rectangle's left component. |
rect::move_rel | ••• | Move a rectangle relativ to its current position. |
rect::move_to | ••• | Move a rectangle relativ to a new position. |
rect::release | ••• | Release a rectangle object from the stack. |
rect::right | ••• | Get the rectangle's right component. |
rect::set_bottom | ••• | The rectangle's new bottom component. |
rect::set_height | ••• | Set the rectangle's height. |
rect::set_left | ••• | The rectangle's new left component. |
rect::set_right | ••• | The rectangle's new right component. |
rect::set_top | ••• | The rectangle's new top component. |
rect::set_width | ••• | Set the rectangle's width. |
rect::top | ••• | Get the rectangle's left component. |
rect::union_ | ••• | Unions a rectangle with another. |
rect::width | ••• | Get the rectangle's width. |
rect::xcenter | ••• | Get the rectangle's center on the X axis. |
rect::ycenter | ••• | Get the rectangle's center on the Y axis. |
rectlist::alloc | ••• | Create a new empty list of type RectList. |
rectlist::append | ••• | Append a value to the list. |
rectlist::append_by_value | ••• | Append a rectangle given by its components to the list. |
rectlist::bbox | ••• | Get the rectangles bounding box. |
rectlist::clear | ••• | Remove all elements of the list |
rectlist::first | ••• | Get the first non-empty entry record of a given RectList. |
rectlist::get | ••• | Get the i-th element of the list. |
rectlist::get_pos | ••• | Search for the first position of a value in the list. |
rectlist::get_pos_by_value | ••• | Search for the first position of a value in the list. |
rectlist::insert | ••• | Insert a value into the list. |
rectlist::insert_by_value | ••• | Insert a rectangle given by its components into the list. |
rectlist::last | ••• | Get the last non-empty record of a given list. |
rectlist::length | ••• | Ascertain the number of elements of a list. |
rectlist::next | ••• | Get the next record of a given list. |
rectlist::prev | ••• | Get the previous record of a given list. |
rectlist::release | ••• | Delete a list again that was created with RectList::alloc. |
rectlist::remove | ••• | Remove the first occurence of an given value from the list. |
rectlist::remove_by_value | ••• | Remove the first occurence of a rectangle givem by its components from the list. |
rectlist::remove_pos | ••• | Remove a position from the list. |
reflection | ••• | Determine the address of the executable function for a given function name. Example |
release | ••• | Release of reserved memory. Example |
retint_dialog | ••• | Special dialog with an image list. Example |
round | ••• | Round a given float value. |
run_applescript | • | Run an AppleScript. Example |
run_javascript | • | Run a JavaScript script. Example |
run_python | • | Run a Python script. Example |
s | ||
serror | •• | Description of an error message of the script language. Example |
server::count_session_args | •• | With how many additional arguments was the program called? |
• | DEPRECATED Load data from a dataprovider Please note:
server::get_cometgroups | • | The function collects information about a Comet group. |
server::get_elements | • | The function collects information about the elements of the document. |
server::get_notes | • | The function collects information about Comet notes in the document. |
server::get_nth_session_arg | •• | Value of the nth program argument. |
server::get_placeholders | • | The function collects information about placeholders in the document. |
server::get_session_arg | •• | Determine the value of an program option or an value of the environment configuration. |
server::get_spreads | • | Export document data to XML. |
server::individualization | •• | Serialize a document, see here for more information about serializations. |
server::load_elements | •• | Execute the standard build script of a multiframe placeholder in a PublishingServer environment. |
• | DEPRECATED Please use the function load_placeholder_str instead. |
server::load_placeholder_str | •• | Execute the standard load script of a placeholder in a PublishingServer environment. |
server::load_table_ids | • | Execute a TableInsert method. |
set_script_clipboard | • | Set a value in the Script Clipboard. |
showerror | •• | Display a standard error message. Example |
showhelp | •• | Show a file of the online docu or any internet site. Example |
showmessage | •• | Display the standard dialog with a message. Example |
sin | ••• | Sinus |
sinh | ••• | Sinus hyperbolicus. |
soap::call | ••• | Create a new transaction query for calls to the generic SOAP operation "call". |
soap::charset | ••• | Characterset of database connection. |
soap::client | ••• | Determine the client that was specified when logging into the SOAP/PubServer service. |
soap::connection | ••• | Get the current SOAP/PubServer connection. |
soap::download | ••• | Get the data of a SOAP/PubServer service. |
soap::download_config | • | Download all config files of the current SOAP/PubServer connection to an XML offline folder. |
soap::download_tofile | ••• | Get data from the SOAP/PubServer service. |
soap::getlist | ••• | Create a transaction for the SOAP operation getList. |
soap::getmessage | ••• | Get description for a result or errorcode. |
soap::language | ••• | Ascertain the language which is specified for the SOAP/PubServer connection. |
soap::login | ••• | Create a connection to a Soap service. |
soap::logout | ••• | End the connection to SOAP/PubServer service. |
soap::server | ••• | Ascertain the server name of a SOAP/PubServer connection. |
soap::setlanguage | ••• | Set the connection language. |
soap::upload | ••• | Send a file or a text to an SOAP/PubServer service |
soap::upload_folder | ••• | All files of the specified folder and all its sub-folders are uploaded to the server. |
soap::upload_metadata | ••• | Filing of all the description data for placeholders, scripts , ... |
soap::upload_pageitems | ••• | Upload all pageitems to the server. |
soap::user | ••• | Acertain the user name with which a SOAP/PubServer connection is to be created. |
sortlinks_dialog | • | Rearranging a list of placeholders using a dialog. Example |
sprintf | ••• | Create a formatted char*-string. Example |
sql::call | ••• | Using the methods sql::call and sql::calln procedures and functions (stored procedures) of a database can be executed. |
sql::calln | ••• | Execute a database function or procedure. |
sql::charset | ••• | Characterset of database connection. |
sql::client | ••• | Acertain the client which is to be specified when logging in to the database. |
sql::connection | ••• | Get the current database connection. |
sql::dbconnection | ••• | Get the current database connection. |
sql::dbname | ••• | Ascertain the name of the database to which a connection is created. |
sql::login | ••• | Create a database connection to a database service. |
sql::logout | ••• | End the connection to a database service. |
sql::query | ••• | Create a new transaction query. |
sql::server | ••• | Ascertain the server name of a database connection. |
sql::user | ••• | Ascertain the user name with which a database connection is created. |
sql::userid | ••• | Ascertain a unique iQuest Comet user ID of the database connection. |
sqrt | ••• | Square root Example |
str_append | ••• | Append the content of a char*-string to another char*-string - the content of s2 is appended to s1. Example |
strcat | ••• | Concatenation of char*-strings, append s2 to s1. Example |
strch | ••• | Change one byte of a string. |
strchr | ••• | Search for the first occurrence of the character ch in the string str. Example |
strchrpos | ••• | Search for the first occurrence of the character ch in the string str. Example |
strcmp | ••• | Comparison of two char*-strings. |
strcpy | ••• | Copy the contents of a char*-string into another, the contents of s2 will be copied into s1. Example |
strcut | ••• | Remove a number of characters from a string. |
strhash | ••• | Map a string to a number. |
string::alloc | ••• | Create a new self-managing string. |
string::append | ••• | Append to a string |
string::compare | ••• | Alpha-numerical comparison of two strings. |
string::crypt | •• | Encrypts a string. |
string::crypt_url_credentials | •• | Encrypts authentication tokens in an URL, e.g. |
string::data | •• | Content of a string object. |
string::decode_base64 | ••• | Decode a base64 encoded string. |
•• | DEPRECATED Decrypts a string encrypted with string::crypt. |
•• | DEPRECATED Decrypts authentication tokens in an URL, e.g. |
string::encode_base64 | ••• | Create a base64 coded string of a given string. |
string::erase | ••• | Delete characters from a string |
string::escape_tagged | •• | Replace all non-ASCII character with TaggedText markers. |
string::find | ••• | Search strings inside a string |
string::from_cp1252 | •• | Convert a 'Code Page 1252' char* into a String |
string::from_float | ••• | Convert a float number into a string. |
string::from_int | ••• | Convert a fixed number into a string. |
string::from_macroman | •• | Convert a system charset Mac Roman char* into a String |
string::from_systemcharset | •• | Convert a system charset encoded char* into a String |
string::from_wchar | •• | Convert a unicode int* to a String |
string::get | ••• | Get the contents of a string as char*. |
string::get_netweight | •• | Get the net weight string of a given string. |
string::get_token | ••• | Get the n-th word of the strings subdivided by a specified character. |
string::get_token_count | ••• | How many parts separated by a certain word (the so-called tokens) does a string consist of? |
string::insert | ••• | Insertion into a string |
string::length | ••• | Current length of the string |
string::lower | ••• | Covert string to upper case characters. |
string::md5 | ••• | Get the md5hash of a string. |
string::prepare_aem_url | •• | Prepare an asset URL from an AEM® for downloading the asset. |
string::release | ••• | Delete a string object created using string::alloc |
string::replace | ••• | Replace substrings inside a string |
string::replace_all | ••• | Replace all occurrences of a substring with another substring. |
string::replace_multis | •• | Remove multiple characters from a string. |
string::reverse | •• | Reverse a string |
string::rfind | •• | Backward (reverse) search in a string. |
string::set | ••• | Set the value of the string |
string::substring | ••• | Extracts a substring from a string |
string::to_cp1252 | •• | Convert a String to 'Code Page 1252' |
string::to_float | ••• | Convert a string of a float number into a string |
string::to_int | ••• | Convert a fixed number string into a number. |
string::to_macroman | •• | Convert a String to Mac Roman |
string::to_systemcharset | •• | Convert a String to the system charset |
string::to_wchar | •• | Convert a String to Unicode |
• | DEPRECATED When using UTF-8 strings, the function is extremely toxic and should be urgently replaced by string::get_token:
• | DEPRECATED When using UTF-8 strings, the function is extremely toxic and should be urgently replaced by string::get_token_count:
string::trim | ••• | Remove the occurrences of a specified character at the start and the end of a character string. |
string::unescape_tagged | •• | Replace all TaggedText markers with their UTF8 characters. |
string::upper | ••• | Covert string to upper case characters. |
stringlist::add_all | • | Append all elements from list src to list target. |
stringlist::alloc | •• | Get the string IDs of the panels which contain the objects of the desired classid. |
stringlist::alloc | ••• | Create a new empty list. |
stringlist::append | ••• | Append element to the list. |
stringlist::classid | •• | ClassID of the list records. |
stringlist::clear | ••• | Remove all elements of the list |
stringlist::complete | •• | Does the list contain all IDs of the panel or only the eye-marked records? |
stringlist::first | ••• | Get the first entry of a non-empty StringList. |
stringlist::from_xml | • | Create a StringList object from a xml structure. |
stringlist::get | ••• | Get the i-th element of the list. |
stringlist::get_pos | ••• | Search for the position of a value in the list. |
stringlist::getfloat | •• | Get the value of a list element as a decimal. |
stringlist::getint | •• | Get the value of a list element as an integer. |
stringlist::gettext | •• | Get the value of an element of a list element. |
stringlist::insert | ••• | Insert element into the list. |
stringlist::last | ••• | Get the last entry of a non-empty StringList. |
stringlist::length | ••• | Ascertain the number of elements of a list. |
stringlist::next | ••• | Get the successor of the current entry of a StringList. |
stringlist::prev | ••• | Get the predecessor of the current entry of a StringList. |
stringlist::release | ••• | Delete a list created with stringlist::alloc. |
stringlist::reload | •• | Reload the data records of a panel list. |
stringlist::remove | ••• | Remove first occurence of a value from a list. |
stringlist::remove_pos | ••• | Remove a position from the list. |
stringlist::sort | ••• | Sort the list. |
stringlist::to_xml | • | Generate a XML structure of a StringList object. |
strinsert | ••• | Insert a string at the specified position. |
strlen | ••• | Length of a string in letters. Example |
strlower | ••• | Convert string to lowercase characters. |
strmd5hash | ••• | Get the md5hash of a string. Example |
strncat | ••• | Append the contents of a char*-string to another char*-string, the contents of s2 will be appended to s1. Example |
strncmp | ••• | Length limited string comparison. |
strncpy | ••• | Copy the contents of a char*-string into another, the contents of s2 will be copied into s1. Example |
strreplace | ••• | Replace a substring of a string with another string. Example |
strreplace_multis | ••• | Remove multiple characters from a string. Example |
strreverse | ••• | Reverse a char* string. Example |
strsize | ••• | Length of a string in bytes. Example |
strstr | ••• | Search for the first occurrence of the string search in the string str. Example |
strstrpos | ••• | Search for the first occurrence of the string search in the string str. Example |
strsubstring | ••• | Part string of a character string. Example |
• | DEPRECATED When using UTF-8 strings, the function is extremely toxic and should be urgently replaced by string::get_token:
• | DEPRECATED When using UTF-8 strings, the function is extremely toxic and should be urgently replaced by string::get_token_count:
strtrim | ••• | Remove the occurrences of a specified character at the start and the end of a character string. |
strupper | ••• | Covert string to upper case characters. |
strword | ••• | Find the n-th word of a string. |
symname | ••• | For the address of a function, determine its current name. Example |
system::AM | ••• | Time symbol for before noon. |
system::PM | ••• | Time symbol for the afternoon. |
system::altkey | ••• | Is the Alt button currently being pressed? |
system::app_path | ••• | Get the current path of InDesign®. |
system::cmd | ••• | Execute a shell command. |
system::cmdkey | ••• | Is the Command button currently being pressed? |
system::comet_version | •• | Get the current version of Comet plugins. |
system::commit_global | •• | Write the current value of a global variable back to the current data pool. |
system::controlkey | ••• | Is the Control button currently being pressed? |
system::crypt | •• | Encrypt a text. |
system::currency | ••• | Currency symbol. |
system::date_sep | ••• | Separator between day, month and year in the abbreviated date format. |
system::decimal_sep | ••• | Decimal separator (comma sign). |
system::decrypt | •• | Decrypt an encrypted string. |
••• | DEPRECATED Standard download folder of the user |
••• | DEPRECATED Standard email address of the user. |
system::exclusive_layout_rule | ••• | Restrict the layout rules to specified exclusive rules. |
system::font_info | •• | Collect information to a given font. |
system::fontdb_by_index | •• | Get the font face of the font family for a given weight, stretch and style. |
system::fontdb_by_name | •• | Get the font face of the font family for a given weight, stretch and style. |
system::fontdb_check | •• | Check the \URL [font configuration]{../InDesign/Plugins/comet_pdf.html#fontstyle}. |
system::fontdb_count | •• | Number of entries in the internal font database. |
system::fontdb_get_fontname | •• | Get the font family name of the n-th entry of the font DB. |
system::fontdb_mark_missing | •• | Mark text for which the font DB can not find a suitable font style. |
system::get_docwatch | ••• | Get the current status of the document monitoring. |
system::getenv | ••• | Value of the global sytem variables. |
••• | DEPRECATED Standard homepage of the user |
system::host | ••• | Host name of the computer. |
system::is_server | ••• | You are currently run InDesign® Server or not? |
system::key_value | •• |   |
system::language | ••• | Language of the used InDesign®. |
system::login | ••• | Login name of the user. |
system::macid | ••• | Get MacIDs of the computer. |
system::now | ••• | Get the current system time. |
system::oem | •• | Customize the labels of the About dialogs. |
••• | DEPRECATED Standard company information of the user. |
system::os | ••• | Under what operating system is a script currently run. |
system::pid | ••• | Get the unique process id of the application (InDesign®, InDesign® Server, comet_pdf). |
system::placeholderversion | •• | Get the current internal placeholders versions of a given document. |
system::plugin_path | ••• | Get the current plugin folder |
••• | DEPRECATED Actual name of the user as specified in the user administration. |
system::reload_globals | ••• | Reload all global variables. |
system::revision | •• | Get the current revision of Comet plugins. |
system::send_mail | •• | Send an email to a given address. |
system::session_id | ••• | SessionID of the current PubServer connection. |
system::set_docwatch | ••• | Activate/Deactivate the document monitoring. |
system::shiftkey | ••• | Is the Shift button currently being pressed? |
••• | DEPRECATED User signature. |
system::sleep | ••• | Sleep |
system::suppress_layout_rule | ••• | Suppressing/re-activating specific layout rules. |
system::suppress_layout_rules | •• | Suppress layout rules for certain situations. |
system::tcpip | ••• | Current TCP/IP address of the computer |
system::thousand_sep | ••• | Separator between thousands, for example 100.000. |
system::time_diff | ••• |   |
system::time_scan | ••• |   |
system::time_sep | ••• | Separator between hours, minutes and seconds. |
system::used_memory | •• | Currently used memory of application (InDesign® or comet_pdf). |
system::version | ••• | Find out the type and version number of the applicartion that runs the script. |
system::wakeup_layout_rules | •• | Allow execution of layout rules for the given situation (again). |
systemcharset_to_tagged | •• | Convert a systemcharset string to TaggedText encoded unicode. Example |
t | ||
table::align | • | Set the text left-justified, right-justified, centered or as center-justified.. |
table::alloc | •• | Create a new object of the table type. |
table::apply_cellstyle | ••• | Apply a cell style to a given cell range. |
table::apply_style | ••• | Apply a table style to a given table. |
table::assign | •• | Cpoy one table reference to another. |
table::break_ | • | Wrap a table to match its frame width. |
table::broaden_to_frame | •• | Fit table to the with of the textframe by changing the width of a given/all column(s). |
table::build | • | Build a table using its table module settings. |
table::capital | • | Upper and lowercase in table fields |
table::cell::apply_style | ••• | Apply a cell style to a given cell range. |
table::cell::clear | • | Clear the table cells content. |
table::cell::clear_groups | • | Remove all groups from a table cell. |
table::cell::clear_overrides | •• | Clear all cell overrides from the given area that conflict with the applied cell style. |
table::cell::copy_content | • | Copy the content of one table cell to another cell of the same table. |
table::cell::get_anchor | •• | Get the anchor cell of a given table cell. |
table::cell::get_box | • | Frame of a table cell in points. |
table::cell::get_cellid | •• | Get the ID of a table cell. |
table::cell::get_colid | •• | Get the ID of a table column. |
table::cell::get_fillcolor_cmyk | •• | Find the fill color of a given table cell. |
table::cell::get_fillcolor_lab | •• | Find the fill color of a given table cell. |
table::cell::get_fillcolor_rgb | •• | Find the fill color of a given table cell. |
table::cell::get_info1 | • | Get the table cell informatting Info1. |
table::cell::get_info2 | • | Get the table cell informatting Info2. |
table::cell::get_insets | •• | Insets of a table cell |
table::cell::get_parent | • | Get the parent cell of a given cell. |
table::cell::get_rotate | • | Get the text rotation of a table cell. |
table::cell::get_rowid | •• | Get the ID of a table row. |
table::cell::get_size | ••• | Size of a table cell in points |
table::cell::get_span | •• | Get the cell span of a given table cell. |
table::cell::get_stroke | •• | Retreive type and weight of a cell stroke. |
table::cell::get_strokecolor_cmyk | •• | Find the fill color of a given side of a table cell. |
table::cell::get_strokecolor_lab | •• | Find the fill color of a given side of a table cell. |
table::cell::get_strokecolor_rgb | •• | Find the fill color of a given side of a table cell. |
table::cell::get_style | •• | Find the cell style path and name of a given table cell. |
table::cell::get_text | •• | Get the text of a table field The result string must be sufficiently large in order to accommodate the result. If the text contains InDesign® variables, the internal code used in the document (and not the current value) is exported on pure text formats like kExportPlain. |
table::cell::get_textpos | •• | Text position and length of a table cell. |
table::cell::insert_taggedtext | •• | Insert tagged text into a table cell. |
table::cell::insertimage | •• | Insert an image into a cell of a table. |
table::cell::inserttext | •• | like insert_taggedtext. |
table::cell::is_anchor | •• | Is the given table cell an anchor cell? |
table::cell::is_member_of | • | Check whether a group contains a table cell. |
table::cell::is_overset | •• | Is there a text overset at the given table cell? |
table::cell::set_info1 | • | Set the table cell informatting Info1. |
table::cell::set_info2 | • | Set the table cell informatting Info2. |
table::cell::set_text | ••• | Set the text of a table field. |
table::cell_is_overset | •• | Is there a text overset at the given table cell? |
table::clear | • | Clear contents of given table cells. |
table::clear_celloverrides | • | Clear all cell overrides from the given area that conflict with the applied cell style. |
table::clear_overrides | •• | Clears any local table style overrides on the given table. |
table::colorize | ••• | Background color of fields in a table. |
table::colorize_cmyk | •• | CMYK Background color of table cells. |
table::colorize_cols | • |   |
table::colorize_rows | •• | Set the background color of rows. |
table::columns | ••• | Count the columns of a table. |
table::compress_colwise | • | Compress a large table to fit into its text frame. |
table::convert_to_bodyrows | •• | Convert header or footer rows to body rows. |
table::convert_to_footerrows | ••• | Convert table body rows into footer rows. |
table::convert_to_headerrows | ••• | Convert body rows to header rows. |
table::count | •• | Number of tables in the text. |
table::create | ••• | Create a new table within a text. |
table::decompress_colwise | • | Undo a table compression made by compress_colwise or woodoo. |
table::defined | •• | Is the table reference defined? |
table::equal_cols | •• | Fit all given rows to the same width. |
table::equal_cols_by_list | •• | Fit all given rows to the same width. |
table::find_overset | •• | Find the first cell in a table, that has a text overset. |
table::fit_col | •• | Fit columns to have no text overset in any of its cells. |
table::font | • | Font use in table fields. |
table::format | • | Set paragraph for table fields |
table::get | •• | i-th table of the text. |
table::get_anchorpos | •• | Text position and length of a table anchor. |
table::get_cellbox | • | Frame of a table cell in points |
table::get_cellinfo | •• | Experimentell Get informatting about a table cell set by the Comet table module. |
table::get_cellinsets | ••• | Insets of a table cell |
table::get_cellsize | ••• | Size of a table cell in points |
table::get_col_width | •• | Width of table columns. |
table::get_columns | ••• | Synonym for columns |
table::get_firstouter_column | • | Find the number of the first column that is not completely inside the text frame. |
table::get_footers_start | •• | Where does the table show its footer rows? |
table::get_headers_start | •• | Where does the table show its header rows? |
table::get_id | • | Get the root table record id of a given table. |
table::get_info1 | • | Get the table informatting Info1. |
table::get_info2 | • | Get the table informatting Info2. |
table::get_keep_with_next_row | • | Keep a table row together with its successor or not? |
table::get_keystring | • | Build a table key. |
table::get_parent | • | Refers to the automatic built table, that builts *me*. |
table::get_placeholderid | • | Get the id of the table placeholder that inserted the table into the document. |
table::get_row_height | •• | Height of table rows. |
table::get_row_max_height | •• | Maximum height of table rows. |