Hyper link methods
You will find a general example for the use of hyperlink here.
Hyper link methods
static int is_valid(ItemRef itemRef)
Does the reference point to an existing bookmark?
Name | Type | Default | Description |
Return | int | 1 : Yes, the ref points to an existing hyperlink. 0 : No frame referenced. Do not use this reference as to be a hyperlink. |
itemRef | ItemRef | - | Any ItemRef or 0 |
static int count(ItemRef frameRef)
Get the number of hyperlinks in a textframe.
Name | Type | Default | Description |
Return | int | ≥ 0 : Number of hyperlinks in the text of the frame -1 : Error |
frameRef | ItemRef | 0 | Valid frame reference 0 : Current script frame |
static int get_nth(
ItemRef frameRef,
int nth,
ItemRef* result = 0,
int* start = 0,
int* len = 0)
Get the nth hyperlink of a text frame. The results are not sorted by text positions! For a sorted list of hyperlinks of a text please use the itemlist::hyperlinks function.
Name | Type | Default | Description |
Return | int | 0 or ErrorCode | |
frameRef | ItemRef | - | Valid frame reference 0 : Current script frame |
nth | int | - | 0-based index of the hyperlink -1 : Named anchor of the frame itself (comet_pdf only). (Only) in this case the frame does not have to be a text frame. frame |
result | ItemRef | 0 | Allocated ItemRef for the result or 0 |
start | int* | 0 | ≠ 0 : After successful execution, the variable contains the start position of the hyperlink in the text. 0 : Ignore |
len | int* | 0 | ≠ 0 : NAfter successful execution, the variable contains the length of the hyperlink in the text. 0 : Ignore |
Visit all hyperlinks of a frame.
int by_nth (ItemRef fr) { ItemRef hy = item::alloc (); int count = hyperlink::count (fr); int i, start, len;
for (i = 0; i < count; i++) { hyperlink::get_nth (fr, i, hy, &start, &len); wlog ("", "XXXXX %d : %d %d\n", i+1, start, len);
start = hyperlink::get_pos (hy, &len); wlog ("", "YYYYY %d : %d %d\n", i+1, start, len); }
return 0; }
static int get_pos(
ItemRef hyRef,
int* len = 0,
ItemRef parentFrame = 0)
Determine text position and length of a hyperlink in a text.
Name | Type | Default | Description |
Return | int | ≥ 0 : Text position of the hyperlink (0-based) -1 : Error |
hyRef | ItemRef | - | Valid reference to a hyperlink of a text. |
len | int* | 0 | ≠ 0 : After successful execution, the variable contains the length of the hyperlink in the text. 0 : Ignore |
parentFrame | ItemRef | 0 | Parent text frame of hyperlink. The parameter is needed for comet_pdf only, otherwise it will be ignored. 0 : Current script frame |
Visit all hyperlinks of a frame in the order of their text positions.
int by_list (ItemRef fr) { ItemList hys = itemlist::hyperlinks (fr); ItemRef hy = item::alloc (); int i, start, len;
for (i = 0; i < itemlist::length (hys); i++) { itemlist::get (hys, hy, i);
start = hyperlink::get_pos (hy, &len); printf ("YYYYY %d : %d %d\n", i+1, start, len); }
return 0; }
static ItemRef get_source(
ItemRef frameRef,
ItemRef hyRef = 0,
int* startpos = 0,
int* endpos = 0)
Retreive the hyper link of a given frame.
Name | Type | Default | Description |
Return | ItemRef/int | 0 : No hyper link set hyRef : The hyper link UID of hyper link : The frame is linked but hyRef is 0 |
frameRef | ItemRef | 0 | valid frame 0 : current script frame |
hyRef | ItemRef | 0 | allocated variable for the result or 0 |
startPos | int* | 0 | (in/out) If the variable is not 0 and its value is >= 0, the function looks for a hyper link at this text position. If there is a hyper link, the variable will get the hyper links start position. |
endPos | int* | 0 | (in/out) end of text range to search for hyper links. Used only if startPos != 0 ist. On successful return, the variable
contains the end position of the found hyper link. Hyper links are not sorted by their text positions. So if you search inside a text range you can NOT be sure, that you retreive the first hyper link in the text (you even get ONE, not even the first!). See below for an example of how to walk through the hyper links of a text. |
Create an URL hyper link for gFrame. If the frame is already linked, delete this link. Please note, the hyperlinks are invisible by default. The script therfor collect all UI settings of the old link and set the new one in the same way. Feel free to change the script, so that the very first link becomes visible too.
int main () { ItemRef hy = item::alloc (); ItemRef src = item::alloc (); int visible = 0; int width = 0; int style = 0; int hilite = 0; ItemRef colref = item::alloc (); int result;
if (hyperlink::get_source (gFrame, src)) { visible = hyperlink::visible (src); width = hyperlink::borderwidth (src, &style); hilite = hyperlink::hilight (src); hyperlink::color (colref, src);
hyperlink::delete_ (src); } result = hyperlink::frame_create_urldest ( hy, "not shared", gFrame, "http://www.priint-ii.com", 0); if (!result) return 0;
if (visible) hyperlink::appearance (hy, width, hilite, colref, 1, style);
return 0; }
Visit all hyper links of the text model.
int main () { ItemRef hy = item::alloc (); int start = 0; int end = -1; int p = 0;
while (1) { if (p >= frame::textlength (gFrame, 1)) break; start = p; end = p; if (hyperlink::get_source (gFrame, hy, &start, &end)) { wlog ("", "[%d, %d] : '%s'\n", start, end, hyperlink::name (hy)); p = end; } else p = p +1; }
return 0; }
static int create_pagedest(
ItemRef createdItem,
char* name,
ItemRef frameRef,
int startpos,
int endpos,
char* destDoc,
int pageNum,
float zoomPercent = 0.0,
int destType = 0,
float zoomRLeft = 0.0,
float zoomRTop = 0.0,
float zoomRRight = 0.0,
float zoomRBottom = 0.0)
Create a new hyper link from a text to a page. Links are shown in respect to the document settings for hyperlinks. Use hyperlink::appearance to change the visibility of the link.
Name | Type | Default | Description |
Return | int | 0 or ErrorCode | |
createdItem | ItemRef | - | Allocated result reference 0 : ignore result otherwise : with item::alloced reference |
name | String or char* | - | Name of hyper link. If empty, up to 32 characters of the current text are used |
frameRef | ItemRef | - | text frame of hyper link source 0 : text frame of script |
startpos | int | - | start position inside the text. Text positions are relative to the textmodel, not to the scripts placeholder. |
endpos | int | - | end position inside the text, must be greater than startPos. Text positions are relative to the textmodel, not to the scripts placeholder. |
destDoc | String or char* | - | Destination document for the link. 0, "", or current document path: Refer to a page inside the SAME document otherwise : Path to any existing InDesign® document. The document does not have to be opened. Please take care to refer to InDesign® documents here! |
pageNum | int | - | destination page (1-based) |
⇨ After jumping to the destination, the destination page size can changed | |||
zoomPercent | float | 0.0 | zoom factor for destination page (1.0 means 100%). Allowed range is 0.05 - 40.0. 0.0 : do not change |
destType | int | Fixed | Page position according to the "Zoom" popup in the "Hyperlink" dialog of panel "Hyperlinks" kBookmarkDestInheritZoom kBookmarkDestFitWindow kBookmarkDestFitWidth kBookmarkDestFitHeight kBookmarkDestFitView kBookmarkDestFitVisible You will get the "Fixed" setting by setting zoomPercent to 0.0. |
⇨ With the following parameters you can change the destinations view rectangle. In our tests we could NOT create hyperlinks using this zoom box well. In addition, JavaScript and the used C++-API differs in this point. Anyway, we set the given values into the document without any warranty. | |||
zoomRLeft | float | 0.0 | left side of view rectangle |
zoomRTop | float | 0.0 | top side of view rectangle |
zoomRRight | float | 0.0 | right side of view rectangle |
zoomRBottom | float | 0.0 | bottom side of view rectangle |
static int add_nameddest(
ItemRef createdItem = 0,
char* name = 0,
ItemRef frameRef = 0,
int pos = -1,
int len = 1,
float zoomPercent = 0.0,
int destType = 0,
float zoomRLeft = 0.0,
float zoomRTop = 0.0,
float zoomRRight = 0.0,
float zoomRBottom = 0.0)
Create a named anchor in the document. Anchors can be used as targets for bookmarks.
The function is implemented only for comet_pdf. In other environments the function returns the error code -1199.
Name | Type | Default | Description |
Return | int | 0 or ErrorCode | |
createdItem | ItemRef | 0 | Allocated ItemRef for the result 0 : Ignore result Otherwise : with item::alloced reference |
name | char* or String | 0 | Anchor name. Anker names must be unique inside a document! (0 or "") and len ≤ 4 : Recommended! Automatically assigned anchor name : anchor_get_next_unique_key. Otherwise : Text content shortened to 32 letters |
frameRef | ItemRef | 0 | Anchor target frame 0 : Frame of current script |
startpos | int | -1 | Text position of anchor -1 : Use the upper left corner as destination ≥ 0 : Text position of anchor. Text positions are relative to the text model not to the eventual placeholder of the script! |
len | int | 1 | Anchor length |
⇨ After jumping to the destination, the destination page size can changed | |||
zoomPercent | float | 0.0 | zoom factor for destination page (1.0 means 100%). Allowed range is 0.05 - 40.0. 0.0 : do not change |
destType | int | Fixed | Page position according to the "Zoom" popup in the "Hyperlink" dialog of panel "Hyperlinks" kBookmarkDestInheritZoom kBookmarkDestFitWindow kBookmarkDestFitWidth kBookmarkDestFitHeight kBookmarkDestFitView kBookmarkDestFitVisible You will get the "Fixed" setting by setting zoomPercent to 0.0. |
⇨ With the following parameters you can change the destinations view rectangle. In our tests we could NOT create hyperlinks using this zoom box well. In addition, JavaScript and the used C++-API differs in this point. Anyway, we set the given values into the document without any warranty. | |||
zoomRLeft | float | 0.0 | left side of view rectangle |
zoomRTop | float | 0.0 | top side of view rectangle |
zoomRRight | float | 0.0 | right side of view rectangle |
zoomRBottom | float | 0.0 | bottom side of view rectangle |
Here is a complete example of creating bookmarks in a PDF created by comet_pdf.
In the lower part of the script, the target anchors of the bookmarks are defined as named destinations for this purpose.
The script assumes the existence of frames with specified UID. You can find a corresponding test file here.
The following terminal command can be used to run the script:
/.comet_pdf -i \$DESKTOP/bm.w2ml -e \$DESKTOP\bookmarks.cpp -L
Here is a screenshot of the result:
#include "internal/types.h" #include "internal/text.h"
int main () { ItemRef head = item::alloc (); ItemRef bm = item::alloc (); ItemRef bb = item::alloc (); ItemRef hy = item::alloc (); ItemRef fr = item::alloc (); ItemRef colid = item::alloc (); IDTypeList anchors = idtypelist::alloc (-1); IDType anchor; Table T = table::alloc (); int i, start, len; ItemList hyperlinks;
color::define_rgb ("", 255, 128, 0, 0, colid);
// Create some book marks // bookmark::create (head, 0, 0, 1, "pg. 1"); // jump to pg 1 bookmark::change_fontstyle (head, bold+italic); bookmark::change_color (head, colid);
bookmark::create (bm, 0, 0, 2, "pg. 2", "pg. 1"); // jump to pg 2 bookmark::change_fontstyle (bm, bold); bookmark::create (bm, 0, 0, 3, "pg. 3", "pg. 1"); // jump to pg 3
bookmark::create (bm, 0, 0, 4, "Seite 4", "pg. 1", -1, 0.0, kBookmarkDestXYZ, 0.0, 263.0, 1.0, 300.0); bookmark::create (bm, 0, 0, 2, "Seite 2", "pg. 1"); bookmark::create (bm, 0, 0, 3, "Seite 3", "pg. 1"); bookmark::create (bm, 0, 0, 4, "Seite 4", "pg. 1");
bookmark::create (bm, 0, 0, 4, "pg. 4");
printf ("UID_AAA of 'a4' : %d\n", item::getint (bm)); bookmark::add (bm, 0, 0, 1, "Sivu 1", head); bookmark::change_fontstyle (bm, italic); bookmark::add (bm, 0, 0, 2, "Sivu 2", head); bookmark::add (bm, 0, 0, 3, "Sivu 3", head);
// Check bookmark functions //
// name bookmark::find (bm, 0, "pg. 4"); printf ("UID_BBB of '%s' : %d\n", bookmark::name (bm), item::getint (bm));
// parent bookmark::find (bm, 0, "Seite 2"); bookmark::parent (bb, bm); printf ("Parent of 'b2' is '%s' with UID %d\n", bookmark::name (bb), item::getint (bb)); printf ("'b2' has UID %d\n", item::getint (bm));
// childs bookmark::find (bm, 0, "pg. 1"); printf ("'a2' has %d children\n", bookmark::childs (bm));
// nthchild bookmark::nthchild (bb, bm, 2); printf ("3rd child of 'a2' is '%s\n", bookmark::name (bb));
// child bookmark::find (bm, 0, "pg. 1"); bookmark::child (bb, bm, "Seite 2", 0); printf ("'a1' has direct child 'b2' ? %d\n", item::getint (bb));
bookmark::child (bb, bm, "Seite 2", 1); printf ("'a1' has child 'b2' ? %d\n", item::getint (bb));
// is_valid printf ("%d is a valid book mark ? %d\n", item::getint (bb), bookmark::is_valid (bb)); item::define (bb, 0, 123, 0); printf ("%d is a valid book mark ? %d\n", item::getint (bb), bookmark::is_valid (bb));
// change_pos bookmark::find (bm, 0, "Seite 4"); bookmark::change_pos (bm, 3);
bookmark::find (bm, 0, "Seite 4"); bookmark::change_pos (bm, 0);
// change_name bookmark::find (bm, 0, "Seite 4"); bookmark::change_name (bm, "New name of 'Seite 4'");
// change_parent bookmark::find (bm, 0, "Seite 4"); bookmark::find (bb, 0, "Sivu 1"); bookmark::change_parent (bm, bb, 1);
// remove bookmark::find (bm, 0, "Sivu 1"); //bookmark::remove (bm);
// Create named destinations to some text and add bookmarks // item::define (fr, 0, 330); hyperlink::add_nameddest (hy, 0, fr, 1089, 0); printf ("AA-> hyperlink dest of uid %d created at text position 1089\n", item::getint (hy)); bookmark::create2 (bm, 0, hy, "occusamus", 0, -1);
hyperlink::add_nameddest (hy, 0, fr, 1697, 0); printf ("BB-> hyperlink dest of uid %d created at text position 1690\n", item::getint (hy)); bookmark::create2 (bm, 0, hy, "oditasim", 0, -1);
table::get (T, fr, 0); table::cell::get_textpos (T, 1, 2, &start, &len); hyperlink::add_nameddest (hy, 0, fr, start, 7); inside a table printf ("CC-> hyperlink dest of uid %d created at text position %d\n", item::getint (hy), start); bookmark::create2 (bm, 0, hy, "AAAAA", 0, -1);
// Create named destinations to some frames and add bookmarks // item::define (fr, 0, 327); hyperlink::add_nameddest (hy, 0, fr, -1, 0); frame printf ("hyperlink dest of uid %d created\n", item::getint (hy)); bookmark::create2 (bm, 0, hy, "Blue Frame", 0, -1);
item::define (fr, 0, 369); hyperlink::add_nameddest (hy, 0, fr, -1, 0); frame bookmark::add2 (bb, 0, hy, "Yellow Frame", bm);
// Get anchors of frames // item::define (fr, 0, 327); if (hyperlink::get_nth (fr, -1, hy) == 0) { printf ("Frame %d has an named dest : '%s'\n", item::getint (fr), hyperlink::name (hy)); } else { printf ("Frame %d has no named anchor\n", item::getint (fr)); }
item::define (fr, 0, 330); if (hyperlink::get_nth (fr, -1, hy) == 0) { printf ("Frame %d has an named dest : '%s'\n", item::getint (fr), hyperlink::name (hy)); } else { printf ("Frame %d has no named anchor\n", item::getint (fr)); }
// Get hyperlinks of text // item::define (fr, 0, 330);
printf ("Frame %d has %d hyperlinks\n", item::getint (fr), hyperlink::count (fr));
hyperlinks = itemlist::hyperlinks (fr); printf ("Frame %d has %d hyperlinks\n", item::getint (fr), itemlist::length (hyperlinks)); for (i = 0; i < itemlist::length (hyperlinks); i++) { itemlist::get (hyperlinks, hy, i); start = hyperlink::get_pos (hy, &len, fr); printf (" %d : %d %d (%s) Type = %d\n", i+1, start, len, hyperlink::name (hy), hyperlink::type (hy)); }
return 0; }
static int create_urldest(
ItemRef createdItem,
char* name,
ItemRef frameRef,
int startpos,
int endpos,
char* url,
int shared = 1)
Create a new hyper link from a text to an URL. Links are shown in respect to the document settings for hyperlinks. Use hyperlink::appearance to change the visibility of the link.
Name | Type | Default | Description |
Return | int | 0 or ErrorCode | |
createdItem | ItemRef | - | Allocated result reference 0 : ignore result otherwise : with item::alloced reference |
name | String or char* | - | Name of hyper link. If empty, up to 32 characters of the current text are used |
frameRef | ItemRef | - | text frame of hyper link source 0 : text frame of script |
startpos | int | - | start position inside the text. Text positions are relative to the textmodel, not to the scripts placeholder. |
endpos | int | - | end position inside the text, must be greater than startPos Text positions are relative to the textmodel, not to the scripts placeholder. |
url | String or char* | - | Destination, valid URL. To create an email hyperlink, use urls of the following format mailto:name@...subject=... (wherby the subject part is optional) |
shared | int | 1 | since v3.3 R3820, 4. June 2013 Create a shared destination inside the document? For backward compatibility the default is
set to 1 but we recommend setting it to 0. 0 : No 1 : Yes |
The following script sets a email link to the current text selection.
#include "internal/types.h" #include "internal/text.h"
int main() { int start, len; ItemRef hy = 0; char hname [512]; char hlink [512]; ItemRef colref = 0; int err = 0;
textmodel::selection (&start, &len); if (start == kEnd || len <= 0) { showerror ("No text selection."); return 0; }
strcpy(hname, "Paul"); strcpy(hlink, "mailto:paul@werk.ii.com?subject=cScript question");
hy = item::alloc (); err = hyperlink::create_urldest( hy, hname, 0, start, start + len, hlink, 0); // do not create a shared destination inside the document if (err) { showerror ("Could NOT create hyperlink."); item::release(hy); return 0; }
colref = item::alloc (); color::define_rgb ("", 255, 128, 0, 0, colref); hyperlink::appearance ( hy, 1, // border width is of type int! kOutlineHyperlinkHilight, colref, 1, // visible 1); // dashed
item::release(hy); item::release(colref);
return 0; }
static int frame_create_pagedest(
ItemRef createdItem,
char* name,
ItemRef frameRef,
char* destDoc,
int pageNum,
float zoomPercent = 0.0,
int destType = 0,
float zoomRLeft = 0.0,
float zoomRTop = 0.0,
float zoomRRight = 0.0,
float zoomRBottom = 0.0)
Create a new hyper link from a frame to a page. Links are shown in respect to the document settings for hyperlinks. Use hyperlink::appearance to change the visibility of the link.
Name | Type | Default | Description |
Return | int | 0 or ErrorCode | |
createdItem | ItemRef | - | Allocated result reference 0 : ignore result otherwise : with item::alloced reference |
name | String or char* | - | Name of hyper link. If empty, up to 32 characters of the current text are used |
frameRef | ItemRef | - | text frame of hyper link source |
destDoc | String or char* | - | Destination document for the link. 0, "", or current document path: Refer to a page inside the SAME document otherwise : Path to any existing InDesign® document. The document does not have to be opened. Please take care to refer to InDesign® documents here! |
pageNum | int | - | destination page (1-based) |
⇨ After jumping to the destination, the destination page size can changed | |||
zoomPercent | float | 0.0 | zoom factor for destination page (1.0 means 100%). Allowed range is 0.05 - 40.0. 0.0 : do not change |
destType | int | Fixed | Page position according to the "Zoom" popup in the "Hyperlink" dialog of panel "Hyperlinks" kBookmarkDestInheritZoom kBookmarkDestFitWindow kBookmarkDestFitWidth kBookmarkDestFitHeight kBookmarkDestFitView kBookmarkDestFitVisible You will get the "Fixed" setting by setting zoomPercent to 0.0. |
⇨ With the following parameters you can change the destinations view rectangle. In our tests we could NOT create hyperlinks using this zoom box well. In addition, JavaScript and the used C++-API differs in this point. Anyway, we set the given values into the document without any warranty. | |||
zoomRLeft | float | 0.0 | left side of view rectangle |
zoomRTop | float | 0.0 | top side of view rectangle |
zoomRRight | float | 0.0 | right side of view rectangle |
zoomRBottom | float | 0.0 | bottom side of view rectangle |
static int frame_create_urldest(
ItemRef createdItem,
char* name,
ItemRef frameRef,
char* url,
int shared = 1)
Create a new hyper link from a frame to an URL. Links are shown in respect to the document settings for hyperlinks. Use hyperlink::appearance to change the visibility of the link.
Name | Type | Default | Description |
Return | int | 0 or ErrorCode | |
createdItem | ItemRef | - | Allocated result reference 0 : ignore result otherwise : with item::alloced reference |
name | String or char* | - | Name of hyper link. If empty, the default name "Hyperlink" is used. 0 : text frame of script |
frameRef | ItemRef | - | Frame for which the link should be created. 0 : Current script frame |
url | String or char* | - | Destination, valid URL |
shared | int | 1 | Is the hyper link shared or not? 0 : not shared (only valid inside this document) 1 : Yes, shared |
static char* name(ItemRef hy)
Find the hyperlinks name. Further calls to the function will override the result string!
Name | Type | Default | Description |
Return | char* | Name of hyperlink or ""
The return value is read only, do NOT CHANGE. The result will be overridden on following calls to the function. See here to learn more about functions returning r/o char* values. |
hy | ItemRef | - | Valid hyperlink reference |
Dump the hyperlinks name to the default log file.
wlog ("", "%s\n", hyperlink::name (hy));
Keep the functions result for later usages:
char hyName[64];
strcpy (hyName, hyperlink::name (hy));
static int type(ItemRef hy)
Determine the type of a hyperlink.
Name | Type | Default | Description |
Return | int | Type of given hyperlink 0 : Undefined 1 : URL 2 : External File 3 : Mail (comet_pdf only). InDesign® returns 1 (URL) here too. 4 : Page 5 : Text Anchor 8 : Named Destination (comet_pdf only) |
hy | ItemRef | - | Valid hyperlink reference |
static ItemRef destination(ItemRef dest, ItemRef hy)
Find a hyperlinks destination.
Name | Type | Default | Description |
Return | ItemRef | dest in returned on successs, otherwise 0. | |
hy | ItemRef | - | Valid hyperlink reference |
dest | ItemRef | - | With item::alloc allocated variable for the destination reference. |
Create a bookmark for the hyperlinks destination.
int main () { ItemRef hy = item::alloc (); ItemRef dest = item::alloc (); ItemRef bk = item::alloc ();
hyperlink::create_pagedest (hy, 0, gFrame, 20, 30, "", 5); bookmark::create2 ( bk, 0, hyperlink::destination (dest, hy), hyperlink::name (hy), "");
return 0; }
static int visible(ItemRef hy)
Hyperlink visible or not?
Name | Type | Default | Description |
Return | int | 0 : invisible 1 : visible |
hy | ItemRef | - | Valid hyperlink reference |
static int hilight(ItemRef hy)
Hilite state of the hyperlink.
The hilight state is not used in InDesign® , it only matters when the file is exported to PDF. To change the visibility of a hyperlink, please use show and hide.
Name | Type | Default | Description |
Return | int | kNoHyperlinkHilight kInvertHyperlinkHilight kInsetHyperlinkHilight kOutlineHyperlinkHilight |
hy | ItemRef | - | Valid hyperlink reference |
static int borderwidth(ItemRef hy)
Borderwidth of an hyperlink..
Name | Type | Default | Description |
Return | int | Get the thickness of the border of the hyperlink 1 : thin 2 : medium 3 : thick |
hy | ItemRef | - | Valid hyperlink reference |
static ItemRef color(ItemRef colRef, ItemRef hy)
Get the color of the hyperlink border.
Name | Type | Default | Description |
Return | ItemRef | Returning colRef in case of success, otherwise 0 | |
hy | ItemRef | - | Valid hyperlink reference |
static ItemRef setname(ItemRef hy, char* newname)
Change the name of a hyperlink.
Name | Type | Default | Description |
Return | int | 0 or ErrorCode. | |
hy | ItemRef | - | Valid hyperlink reference |
newname | String or char* | - | New name. The name must not be empty! |
static ItemRef show(ItemRef hy)
Show the hyperlinks border.
Name | Type | Default | Description |
Return | int | 0 or ErrorCode. | |
hy | ItemRef | - | Valid hyperlink reference |
static ItemRef hide(ItemRef hy)
Hide the hyperlinks border.
Name | Type | Default | Description |
Return | int | 0 or ErrorCode. | |
hy | ItemRef | - | Valid hyperlink reference |
static ItemRef appearance(
ItemRef hy,
int borderwidth,
int hstate,
ItemRef colRef = 0,
int visible = -1,
int dashed = -1)
Change the appearance of a hylerlink.
Name | Type | Default | Description |
Return | int | 0 or ErrorCode. | |
hy | ItemRef | - | Valid hyperlink reference |
borderwidth | int | - | thickness of the border of the hyperlink -1 : Leave untouched 1 : thin 2 : medium 3 : thick |
hstate | int | - | Choose on of the following values, it only matters when the file is exported to PDF. -1 : Leave untouched kNoHyperlinkHilight kInvertHyperlinkHilight kInsetHyperlinkHilight kOutlineHyperlinkHilight The value kNoHyperlinkHilight does not change the borders visibility, use the parameter visible to change the visibility.. |
colRef | ItemRef | 0 | border color 0 : Farbe unverändert lassen |
visible | int | -1 | Visible or not? -1 : Leave untouched 1 : Visible 0 : Invisible |
dashed | int | -1 | Dashed border? -1 : Leave untouched 0 : No, solid frame 1 : Yes. dashed frame |
Set an orage border.
int main () { ItemRef hy = item::alloc (); ItemRef colid = item::alloc ();
hyperlink::create_pagedest (hy, 0, gFrame, 20, 30, "", 5);
color::define_rgb ("", 255, 128, 0, 0, colid); hyperlink::appearance ( hy, hyperlink::borderwidth (hy), hyperlink::hilight (hy), colid, 1);
return 0; }
static ItemRef goto_source(ItemRef hy)
Jump to the hyperlinks source.
Name | Type | Default | Description |
Return | int | 0 or ErrorCode. | |
hy | ItemRef | - | Valid hyperlink reference |
static ItemRef goto_destination(ItemRef hy)
Jump to the hyperlinks destination.
Name | Type | Default | Description |
Return | int | 0 or ErrorCode. | |
hy | ItemRef | - | Valid hyperlink reference |
static int find(
LinkList resultList,
ItemRef docRef,
char* crossRefName,
long classid,
long id,
long id2 = 0,
long id3 = 0,
char* sid = 0,
int findInBook = 1,
int inclSection = 1,
int intStyle = 1,
int numType = 0,
int abbrev = 1,
int calcTextPos = 0)
Find all cross reference destinations of a given name and a given Comet ID. Cross reference destinations are created using textmodel::insert_crossref, with the <w2cross> tag or using the product pool panel submenu Insert Cross Reference. A detailed description about Comet cross references is found here.
While creating cross reference destinations, InDesign® takes care of unique names by appending a counter to the names. This is the reason why you may have more than one cross reference destination with the same name and ID in the document. The find function ignores this counter and will find all cross reference destinations beginning with the given name and/or Comet ID string containing of classid, ID, ID2, ID3 and StringID of the given Comet-ID.
Cross reference destinations in overset will not be found!
You may wish to search all documents of the book containing the given document. In this case all documents of the book will be opened and closed in the background automatically. The Comet document watch mechanism is turned off in this situation.
After successfully searching the destinations, all results are collected and sorted by their page numbers in a LinkList. To get the appropriate page names you can give some information about the page name format to the function (inclSection, intStyle, numType, numType):
ab v3.3 R3116, 13.08.2012 If classid is 0, hyperlink and/or text anchor names are not appended by the Comet object ID. Use sid to check the beginning of the anchor names.
ab v3.3 R3116, 13.08.2012 By set crossRefName to "ANCHORS#" (exactly this!) you can search for text anchors instead of hyperlinks.
Name | Type | Default | Description |
Return | int | 0 or ErrorCode. | |
resultList | LinkList | - | Allocated result list. The list will be cleared at thne beginn of the search. You can walk through this list using the itemlist functions. Use the functions of the module link::crossref to get information about the cross reference destinations. |
docRef | ItemRef | - | Document to search in 0 : current front document |
crossRefName | String oder char* | - | Name of the destination to search for. Find all destinations beginning with the given name. May be 0 or empty. "ANCHORS#" : Search for text anchors instead of hyperlinks. To filter only anchors this names beginning of "what ever" set classid to 0 and sid to "what ever". |
classid | int | 0 | ClassID of the object ≤0 : Only use the StringID of the object |
id, id2, id3 | int, int, int | 0, 0, 0 | Comet object ID. With classid > 0and id = 0 the object ID is ignored. |
sid | String oder char* | 0 | Comet-StringID. classid 0 : Look for hyperlink/anchor names beginning with sid only |
findInBook | int | 0 | Search in all documents of the documents book too? 0 : No 1 : Yes. Automatically opened documents are closed at the next idle time without saving 2 : Yes. Automatically opened documents are saved and closed at the next idle time (since v4.3 R34280) |
inclSection, intStyle, numType, abbrev | int | 1, 1, 0, 1 | Document page name formatting hints, see page::get_str |
calcTextPos | int | 0 | Calculation of xy text coordinates is expensive. Turn on only if you need it! 0 : Not needed 1 : Calculate coordinates (in points relative to the text frame). Y is the baseline position. |
int main () { LinkList lks = linklist::alloc (); int res = hyperlink::find (lks, 0, "", 9, 4, 2008, "Matthias Seidel", 1, 1, 1, 0, 0); Link lk;
wlog ("", "Crossrefs in document\n"); for (lk = linklist::first (lks); lk; lk = linklist::next (lks)) { wlog ("", "%s --> '%s'\n", link::crossref::name (lk), link::crossref::destination (lk)); wlog ("", "\tPage %d (%d in '%s')\n", link::crossref::page (lk, 0), link::crossref::page (lk, 1), link::crossref::document (lk, 1)); wlog ("", "\tPagename %s (%s)\n", link::crossref::pagename (lk, 0), link::crossref::pagename (lk, 1)); } linklist::release (lks); return 0; }
Create a button for every hyperlink pointing to an text anchor. Clicking the button will jump to the same text anchor. The (long) function wcross is not necessary here but may serve as an example how to retreive the link data.
#include "internal/text.h" #include "internal/types.h"
int wcross (Link lk) { int hasSource = item::defined (link::crossref::hyperlink_ref (lk)); int hasDest = item::defined (link::crossref::anchor_ref (lk)); int type = link::crossref::type (lk);
// headline if (hasSource && hasDest) { wlog ("", "Hyperlink '%s' --> '%s'\n", link::crossref::name (lk), link::crossref::destination (lk)); } else if (hasDest) { wlog ("", "Destination '%s'\n", link::crossref::destination (lk)); } else { wlog ("", "Wrong cross reference %d --> %d\n", item::getint (link::crossref::hyperlink_ref (lk)), item::getint (link::crossref::anchor_ref (lk))); }
// hyperlink data if (hasSource) { wlog ("", "\t=== Source ===\n"); wlog ("", "\tFrame %d, page %d\n", item::getint (link::crossref::src_frame (lk)), page::get (link::crossref::src_frame (lk))); wlog ("", "\tText %d-%d\n", link::crossref::src_textpos (lk), link::crossref::src_textpos (lk)+link::crossref::src_textlen (lk)); }
// anchor data if (hasDest) { if (type == 0) { wlog ("", "\t=== Text anchor ===\n"); wlog ("", "\tPage %d (%d in '%s')\n", link::crossref::page (lk, 0), link::crossref::page (lk, 1), link::crossref::document (lk, 1)); wlog ("", "\tPage name %s (%s)\n", link::crossref::pagename (lk, 0), link::crossref::pagename (lk, 1)); wlog ("", "\tFrame %d\n", item::getint (link::crossref::frame (lk))); wlog ("", "\tText position %d\n", link::crossref::pos (lk)); wlog ("", "\tCoordinates [%f x %f]\n", link::crossref::x (lk), link::crossref::y (lk)); wlog ("", "\tBbox [%f, %f] - [%f, %f]\n", link::crossref::left (lk), link::crossref::top (lk), link::crossref::right (lk), link::crossref::bottom (lk)); } else if (type == 1) { wlog ("", "\t=== Page ===\n"); wlog ("", "\tPage %d (%d in '%s')\n", link::crossref::page (lk, 0), link::crossref::page (lk, 1), link::crossref::document (lk, 1)); wlog ("", "\tPage name %s (%s)\n", link::crossref::pagename (lk, 0), link::crossref::pagename (lk, 1)); } else { wlog ("", "\t=== URL ===\n"); wlog ("", "\t'%s'\n", link::crossref::info (lk)); }
wlog ("", "\n"); }
return 0; }
int main () { LinkList lks = linklist::alloc (); int res = 0; Link lk; ItemRef fr; ItemRef btn = item::alloc (); ItemRef action = item::alloc (); float l, t, r, b; ItemList buttons = itemlist::alloc (); ItemList states = itemlist::alloc (); float offset; int i; char path [2000];
res = hyperlink::find ( lks, // result list 0, // front document "", // Hyperlink names 0, // classID (ignore Comet IDs) 0, 0, 0, // ID, ID2, ID3 (ignored if classID == 0) "", // StringID or anchor name 0, // find in book 1, 1, 0, 1, // page name formatting 1); // Calculate text pos of anchor if (res) { wlog ("", "# Error %d (%s) while retreiving cross references\n", res, serror (res)); return 0; }
document::path (path); wlog ("", "Crossrefs in document '%s'\n", path);
for (lk = linklist::first (lks); lk; lk = linklist::next (lks)) { wcross (lk);
if (0 && link::crossref::type (lk) == 0 && item::defined (link::crossref::hyperlink_ref (lk))) { // One text model can contain N hyperlinks offset = 10.0; for (i = 0; i < itemlist::length (buttons); i++) { itemlist::get (buttons, fr, i); if (item::getint (fr) == item::getint (link::crossref::src_frame (lk))) { offset += 52.0; } }
// Create a simple text frame fr = link::crossref::src_frame (lk); frame::bbox (fr, &l, &t, &r, &b); frame::create2 (btn, kRectangle, l, b+offset, l+150.0, b+offset+42.0, page::get (fr)); frame::append (btn, ">> "); frame::append (btn, link::crossref::destination (lk)); itemlist::append (buttons, fr);
// Make *btn* a button itemlist::clear (states); itemlist::append (states, btn); itemlist::create_multistate (btn, states, 1);
// and finally a the action behavior::add_action (btn, 2, 1, action); behavior::change_action_data (btn, action, "", item::getint (link::crossref::anchor_ref (lk)), 2); } }
linklist::release (lks); return 0; }
static char* find1(
int* res,
char* property,
int nth,
ItemRef docRef,
char* crossRefName,
long classid,
long id,
long id2 = 0,
long id3 = 0,
char* sid = 0,
int findInBook = 1,
int inclSection = 1,
int intStyle = 1,
int numType = 0,
int abbrev = 1)
Find on property of one cross reference destination with the given name and Comet-ID. For all other information see find.
Name | Type | Default | Description | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Return | char* | Get the retreived property as char* string. "" in case of any errors.
The return value is read only, do NOT CHANGE. The result will be overridden on following calls to the function. See here to learn more about functions returning r/o char* values. |
res | int*|float*|String or char* | - | Pointer to hold the property data. May be 0. If not null, the data type must correspond to the given property (see below). | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
property | String or char* | - | Property name as string
nth | int | - | Number of found reference 0 : First -1 : Last otherwise : This (0-based). If link doesn't exists, the function will return "" (error). |
docRef | ItemRef | - | Document to search in 0 : current front document |
crossRefName | String or char* | - | Name of the destination to search for. Find all destinations beginning with the given name. May be 0 or empty. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
classid | int | 0 | ClassID of the object ≤0 : Only use the StringID of the object |
id, id2, id3 | int, int, int | 0, 0, 0 | Comet object ID. With classid > 0and id = 0 the object ID is ignored. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
sid | String or char* | 0 | Comet-StringID. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
findInBook | int | 1 | Search in all documents of the documents book too? 0 : No 1 : Yes. Automatically opened documents are closed at the next idle time without saving 2 : Yes. Automatically opened documents are saved and closed at the next idle time (since v4.3 R34280) |
inclSection, intStyle, numType, abbrev | int | 1, 1, 0, 1 | Document page name formatting hints, see page::get_str |
int main () { int i; float f; char s[256];
wlog ("", "\n"); wlog ("", "Document %s\n", hyperlink::find1 (s, "Document", 0, 0, "", 3, 9, 4, 2008, "Matthias Seidel", 1, 1, 1, 1, 1)); wlog ("", "Docfolder %s\n", hyperlink::find1 (s, "Docfolder", 0, 0, "", 3, 9, 4, 2008, "Matthias Seidel", 1, 1, 1, 1, 1)); wlog ("", "Docpath %s\n", hyperlink::find1 (s, "Docpath", 0, 0, "", 3, 9, 4, 2008, "Matthias Seidel", 1, 1, 1, 1, 1)); wlog ("", "Page %s\n", hyperlink::find1 (&i, "Page", 0, 0, "", 3, 9, 4, 2008, "Matthias Seidel", 1, 1, 1, 1, 1)); wlog ("", "X %s\n", hyperlink::find1 (&f, "TextPosX", 0, 0, "", 3, 9, 4, 2008, "Matthias Seidel", 1, 1, 1, 1, 1)); wlog ("", "Y %s\n", hyperlink::find1 (&f, "TextPosY", 0, 0, "", 3, 9, 4, 2008, "Matthias Seidel", 1, 1, 1, 1, 1)); return 0; }
static int delete_all(
ItemRef docRef = 0,
int direct = 0,
int saveSteps = 0)
Remove all hyperlinks from a document. Documents older than Comet 2.1 R 704, 8. Mai 2008 can contain a long list of unused hyperlinks. If you try to remove this hyperlinks using the Hyperlink panel, InDesign® may crash. In this case, try this function. If you use direct = 1, all hyperlinks remove directly from the document structure without any tests or updates. The document is saved and reloaded in this case automatically. (Be sure to save converted new documents before deleting hyperlinks!)
Name | Type | Default | Description |
Return | int | 0 or errr code. | |
docRef | ItemRef | 0 | Document to work on 0 : Current front document |
direct | int | 0 | see above |
saveSteps | int | 0 | (direct = 0 only) : save the document after every step |
static int delete_(ItemRef hl)
Delete a hyperlink or a hyperlink anchor. Used anchors cannot be deleted from the document.
Name | Type | Default | Description |
Return | int | 0 or errr code. | |
hl | ItemRef | Valid hyperlink or hyperlink anchor |
int main () { LinkList lks = linklist::alloc (); int res = hyperlink::find (lks, 0, "", 0, 9, 4, 2008, "Matthias Seidel", 1, 1, 1, 0, 0); Link lk;
for (lk = linklist::first (lks); lk; lk = linklist::next (lks)) { hyperlink::delete_ (link::crossref::hyperlink_ref (lk)); } linklist::release (lks); return 0; }
static int get_next_unique_key(ItemRef docRef = 0)
Get next available unique hyperlink key of a document. The function is useful if you want to create hyperlinks using TaggedText. For more information see here.
Name | Type | Default | Description |
Return | int | Next available unique hyperlink key -1 : Error |
docRef | ItemRef | 0 | Document to search for the key 0 : current document |
The example demostrates the usage of the hyperlink methods. Be sure to use the hyper links destination if you link the hyper link against a bookmark - not the hyper link itself.
int main () { ItemRef hy = item::alloc (); ItemRef dest = item::alloc (); ItemRef colid = item::alloc (); ItemRef bk = item::alloc ();
hyperlink::create_pagedest (hy, 0, gFrame, 20, 30, "", 5); wlog ("", "name : %s\n", hyperlink::name (hy)); wlog ("", "visible : %d\n", hyperlink::visible (hy)); wlog ("", "border : %d\n", hyperlink::borderwidth (hy)); wlog ("", "hstate : %d\n", hyperlink::hilight (hy));
color::define_rgb ("", 255, 128, 0, 0, colid);
hyperlink::appearance (hy, 5, 1, colid); wlog ("", "border : %d\n", hyperlink::borderwidth (hy)); wlog ("", "hstate : %d\n", hyperlink::hilight (hy));
// Bookmark for the hyper link bookmark::create2 ( bk, 0, hyperlink::destination (dest, hy), hyperlink::name (hy), "");
return 0; }
Alphabetic index HTML hierarchy of classes or Java