Methods for using objects of the string class.
Methods for using objects of the string class.String objects are expected to be encoded with UTF-8.
When creating String objects from differently encoded data, the results may be unexpected!
Please note the fundamental difference between strings of type String and char*.!
char* is a piece of memory that you have previously reserved with alloc. The contents of this piece of memory can be used up to the allocated size of this memory, but no further! An Ascii-0 within this reserved memory area signals the end of your string (but not necessarily the end of the reserved memory area).
The following table shows a char* character string allocated with the length 5. alloc has chosen the address 1000 for it and 5 bytes reserved for the content. With strcpy (my_char, "FUN"); four of the bytes of this area were filled, three with the text "FUN" and one at the end with \0 to indicate that the text ends here:
Address | 1000 | 1001 | 1002 | 1003 | 1004 |
Content | F | U | N | \0 | undefined |
String is an object that is much simpler. About the length and location of its content you don't have to worry about. This is done by object itself.
Address | 1000 | ... | char* with the content |
Content |
Internal object informations ... Current size of the reserved memory char* address to content |
... | FUN\0 |
Character positions within a string are counted always 0-based.
Since UTF-8 characters within a string can consist of up to 4 single bytes, there is a difference between the so-called letter or UTF-8 and the "real" or byte index: Because the letter ä consists of two UTF8 characters, the n in "Hände" (hands) has the index 2, but is actually at byte index 3.
Unless otherwise specified, the String functions use the UTF-8 index.
static String alloc(char* value = "", ...)
Create a new self-managing string. The object must be deleted again using string::release.
Name | Type | Default | Description |
Return | String | A new object of type String | |
value | String or char* | "" | Initial value of the string. This value is copied. The string can contain %-marks , see here to learn more. An additional parameter is expected in the (correct) sequence and with the correct type for each of these markers. since v4.1 R16516 |
... | Depending on the %-markers | - | Values or variables according to the %-markers in value since v4.1 R16516 |
String str = string::alloc ();
static void release(String str)
Delete a string object created using string::alloc
Name | Type | Default | Description |
str | String | - | Delete an object from the memory |
String str = string::alloc (); : : string::release (str);
static String set(
String target,
String format,
Set the value of the string
Name | Type | Default | Description |
Return | String | Changed input string | |
target | String | - | String object to set the value for |
format | String or char* | - | New value of the string. This value is copied. The string can contain %-marks , see here to learn more. An additional parameter is expected in the (correct) sequence and with the correct type for each of these markers. |
... | Depending on the %-markers | - | Values or variables according to the %-markers in format |
int main() { String str = string::alloc();
string::set(str, "Hello World"); showmessage(str);
string::release (str);
return 0; }
static char* get(String str)
Get the contents of a string as char*. The length of the contents of a string object may not be changed!
Name | Type | Default | Description |
Return | char* | The content of the object as 0-ended C-String.
The return value is read only! It must never (in words: NEVER be changed directly. Changes to this char * lead to an immediate crash of InDesign®. Use strcpy to copy the content of a string into an allocated char* pointer. |
str | String | - | String object the content of which is to be ascertained |
String str = string::alloc ();
textmodel::gettext (str, 0, kEnd); showmessage (string::get (str));
string::release (str);
static char* data(String str)
Content of a string object. The result can contain 0 bytes. Strings with 0-bytes be useful for transporting binary files.
Name | Type | Default | Description |
Return | int | Content of a string object. The result can contain 0 bytes. | |
str | String | - | Valid String |
Read a binary file and write the result to another file. (Please note: The script is for demonstration only, normally you would use file::duplicate here.)
int main () { String str = string::alloc (); int fileRef; int fileSize;
// Read file fileRef = file::open("$DESKTOP/b1.jpg", "r"); fileSize = file::read_str (fileRef, str, 4); file::close (fileRef);
// Write read data to another file fileRef = file::open("$DESKTOP/b2.jpg", "w"); file::write (fileRef, string::data (str), fileSize); file::close (fileRef);
return 0; }
static int length(String str, int countBytes = 1)
Current length of the string
Name | Type | Default | Description |
Return | int | Length of the string in bytes or letters | |
str | String | - | String object the length of which is to be ascertained |
countBytes | int | 1 | Which length should be determined? 0 : Letters, multibyte UTF8 characters count as one letter 1 : Bytes |
String str = string::alloc (); int len; : textmodel::gettext (str); len = string::length (str); : string::release (str);
static String append(
String target,
String toAppend,
Append to a string
Name | Type | Default | Description |
Return | String | Changed input string | |
target | String | - | String object to append into |
toAppend | String or char* | "" | Value to append The string can contain %-marks , see here to learn more. An additional parameter is expected in the (correct) sequence and with the correct type for each of these markers. since v4.1 R16516 |
... | Depending on the %-markers | - | Values or variables according to the %-markers in value since v4.1 R22201 |
int main() { String str = string::alloc("aaa");
string::append(str, "bbb %d", 123); showmessage(str); //shows "aaabbb 123"
return 0; }
static String insert(
String target,
int position,
String input)
Insertion into a string
Name | Type | Default | Description |
Return | String | Changed input string | |
target | String | - | String object to insert into |
position | int | - | Position to insert to -1: At end |
input | String or char* | - | Value to insert |
int main() { String target = string::alloc(); String input = string::alloc(); int length = 0;
string::set(target, "AAACCC"); string::set(input, "BBB");
//insert at position 3 (middle) string::insert(target, 3, input); showmessage(target); //shows "AAABBBCCC"
//insert at the end length = string::length(target, 0); string::insert(target, length, "DDD"); showmessage(target); //shows "AAABBBCCCDDD"
string::release(target); string::release(input);
return 0; }
static String erase(
String input,
int position,
int length = -1)
Delete characters from a string
Name | Type | Default | Description |
Return | String | Changed input string | |
input | String | - | String object to delete from |
position | int | - | Position to delete from |
length | int | - | How many characters should be deleted (-1 = to end)? |
int main() { String target = string::alloc();
string::set(target, "Hello World");
string::erase(target, 4, 1); showmessage(target); //shows "Hell World"
string::erase(target, 4, -1); showmessage(target); //shows "Hell"
return 0; }
static int find(
String searchIn,
char* searchFor,
int fromPosition = 0,
int* matchLength = 0,
int* matches = 0,
int compile_options = 0,
int study_options = 0,
int exec_options = 0)
Search strings inside a string
Name | Type | Default | Description |
Return | int | -1 : not found otherwise : Position of the searched string |
searchIn | String | - | String object to search inside |
searchFor | String or char* | - | Search for this substring. Must not be equal to "". The search string may be a regular expression. Use prefix "regexp:" or "pcre:" to mark a search string as a regular expression. |
fromPosition | int | 0 | Search from this position |
matchLength | int * | 0 | (For regular expressions only) Length of found sub string |
matches | int * | 0 | (For regular expressions only) int-Array containing pairs of positions and lengths for the sub-entries of the next match. The first pair gives the position and the length of whole expression. The following pairs containing the positions and lengths of every sub-expression. Sub-expressions of an regular expressions are every "(...)" substring of the regular expression, for instance ([a-z]{3,7}). The array is closed by the pair (-1, 0). Attention : Sub entries may have a length of 0! The regular expression ([0-9])([a-z]{0,7})([0-9])) applied to "14" will return an empty string for the second sub-expression. Take care to allocate enough space, if you are using this array. You need at least (1 + number of sub-expressions + 1) * 2 integers. Simple way to define such an array for a regular expression with 4 sub-entries. int matches [6]; |
compile_options | int | 0 | Additional options while compiling regular expression, see here |
study_options | int | 0 | Additional options while studying compiled regular expression, see here |
exec_options | int | 0 | Additional options while executing regular expression, see here |
int main() { String myString = string::alloc(); int position = 0;
string::set(myString, "123 444 555"); position = string::find(myString, "444", 0); showmessage("Found at %d", position); //Shows "Found at 4" string::release(myString);
return 0; }
//find regex with loop int main() { String myString = string::alloc(); String foundString = string::alloc(); int position = 0; int matchLength = 0;
string::set(myString, "ÄÄÄ 123 øøø 444"); while (1) { //find blocks of numbers position = string::find(myString, "pcre:[0-9]+", position + matchLength, &matchLength); if (position < 0) { break; } if (matchLength <= 0) { break; } string::set(foundString, string::substring(myString, position, matchLength));
showmessage("found match (with loop) at %d with length %d: %s", position, matchLength, foundString); } string::release(myString); string::release(foundString);
return 0; }
static int rfind(
String searchIn,
char* searchFor,
int fromPosition = -1)
Backward (reverse) search in a string.
Name | Type | Default | Description |
Return | int | -1 : not found otherwise : Position of the searched string |
searchIn | String | - | String object in which to search backwards |
searchFor | String or char* | - | Backward search for this substring. Must not be equal to "".
Attention : In contrast to string::find, the reverse search does not support regular expressions! |
fromPosition | int | -1 | Position to search backwards < 0 : End of string |
static String replace(
String input,
String searchFor,
String replaceBy,
int position = 0,
int replaceAll = 1,
int compile_options = 0,
int study_options = 0,
int exec_options = 0)
Replace substrings inside a string
Name | Type | Default | Description |
Return | String | Changed input string | |
input | String | - | String object to search inside |
searchFor | String or char* | - | Search for this substring. Must not be equal to "". The search string may be a regular expression. Use prefix "regexp:" or "pcre:" to mark a search string as a regular expression. |
replaceBy | String or char* | - | This replaces the found substrings |
position | int | 0 | Search from this position |
replaceAll | int | 1 | Should all occurrences (1) or only the first one (0) be replaced? |
compile_options | int | 0 | Additional options while compiling regular expression, see here |
study_options | int | 0 | Additional options while studying compiled regular expression, see here |
exec_options | int | 0 | Additional options while executing regular expression, see here |
int main() { String myString = string::alloc();
string::set(myString, "Hello Leo, how are you today Leo?"); string::replace(myString, "Leo", "Paul"); showmessage(myString); //shows "Hello Paul, how are you today Paul?"
return 0; }
//replace all white space in a string with underscores int main() { String myString = string::alloc();
string::set(myString, "Hello Leo, how are you today Leo?"); string::replace(myString, "pcre:[\\s]+", "_"); showmessage(myString); //shows "Hello_Leo,_how_are_you_today_Leo?"
return 0; }
String replace_multis(String str, String repl = 0)
Remove multiple characters from a string. The function replaces all repetitions of each character in repl in str. With the repl string "abc", all "aa", "bb", "cc" "aaa", "bbb", "ccc", ... are shortened to one character each.
Name | Type | Default | Description |
Return | char* | str ist returned for your convinience | |
str | char* | - | source string |
repl | char* | 0 | Replace all multiples of all letters of this string. Only ASCIIs are allowed here! 0 : Replace are multiple blanks ( ) by single blanks. |
Here's an example of a string compare script
char * prepare_string (char * str) { char * result = alloc (strlen (str)+10);
get_netweight_str (result, str, 1, 1); strreplace (result, "\t", " "); strreplace_multis (result, " \t");
return result; }
int main () { return strcmp (prepare_string (gDocumentValue), prepare_string (gDataPoolValue)); }
static char* replace_all(
String str,
char* search,
char* repl)
Replace all occurrences of a substring with another substring.
Name | Type | Default | Description |
Return | char* | The new content of the string as 0-ended C-String.
The return value is read only, do NOT CHANGE. The result will be overridden on following calls to the function. See here to learn more about functions returning r/o char* values. |
str | String | - | String object the content of which is to be changedobjekt |
search | char* or String | - | Search string |
repl | char* or String | - | Replace string |
String str = string::alloc ();
textmodel::gettext (str, 0, kEnd); showmessage (string::replace_all (str, "aa", "a"));
string::release (str);
static String substring(
String input,
int position,
int length = -1)
Extracts a substring from a string
Name | Type | Default | Description |
Return | String | Substring The result is only valid directly after the call. If it is to be used again it must be copied into another string |
input | String | - | String object to extract from |
position | int | - | Startposition of the substring |
length | int | -1 | Length of the substring (-1 = until the end) |
int main () { String str = string::alloc("Hallo Welt"); String sub = string::alloc();
sub = string::substring(str, 0, 5); showmessage(sub); //shows "Hallo"
string::release(str); string::release(sub);
return 0; }
static int compare(
String first,
String second,
int maxLength = -1,
int netweight = 0)
Alpha-numerical comparison of two strings.
The content of an empty placeholder isn't empty but a zero width space (<0x200B>).
In the following code snippet the showmessage will never reached:
int main ()
String docText = string::alloc();
if (string::compare(docText, "") == 0) {
return 0;
In this case, one must check the document text against the zero width space (UTF8 = E2 80 8B, Unicode = 200B):
int main ()
String docText = string::alloc();
if (string::compare(docText, "\xE2\x80\x8B") == 0) {
return 0;
If you use a tagged format to retreive the document text, please use the Unicode tag of zero width space to compare. This however complicates the string comparison as the tagged formats are more verbose and contain styles, which may be different :
#include "internal/text.h"
int main ()
String docText = string::alloc();
textmodel::gettext(docText, 0, -1, kExportTT);
if (string::compare(docText, "%!TT<ParaStyle:NormalParagraphStyle><0x200B>") == 0) {
return 0;
To compare the "net weight" strings you can use the function with netWeight = 1.
Name | Type | Default | Description |
Return | int | < 0 : first < second | |
Return | int | = 0 : first == second | |
Return | int | > 0 : first > second | |
first | String or char* | - | First string to compare |
second | String or char* | - | Second string to compare |
maxLength | int | -1 | Only compare to given length. If a string is shorter, the comparison ends there. |
netweight | int | 0 | Compare the net weight strings
int main () { return 0; }
static String upper(String input)
Covert string to upper case characters.
Name | Type | Default | Description |
Return | String | Changed input string | |
input | String | - | String to be converted to uppercase characters |
static String lower(String input)
Covert string to upper case characters.
Name | Type | Default | Description |
Return | String | Changed entry string | |
input | String | - | String to be converted to lowercase characters |
static String reverse(String input)
Reverse a string
Name | Type | Default | Description |
Return | String | Changed entry string | |
input | String | - | String to be reversed |
static String trim(String input, char toTrim = 0)
Remove the occurrences of a specified character at the start and the end of a character string.
Name | Type | Default | Description |
Return | String | Changed entry string | |
input | String | - | String to be trimmed |
toTrim | char | 0 | Character to remove. Only single-byte characters with an Ascii value < 128 are allowed. Higher-order Ascii or Unicode characters can cause InDesign® to crash. 0 : Remove all invisible characters (Blanks, Tabs, Line delimiters, ...) at the start and the end of the string |
static int token_count(
String input,
char delimiter,
int checkIfEmpty = 0)
When using UTF-8 strings, the function is extremely toxic and should be urgently replaced by string::get_token_count:
static String token(
String input,
char delimiter,
int tokenIndex)
When using UTF-8 strings, the function is extremely toxic and should be urgently replaced by string::get_token:
static int get_token_count(String str, String delimiter)
How many parts separated by a certain word (the so-called tokens) does a string consist of? Common uses are tab-delimited text lines or file paths. To simplify the calls, both strings may be specified as String as well as char*.
Name | Type | Default | Description |
Return | int | Number of tokens separated by delimiter in the input string. | |
input | String or char* | - | String to be searched in |
delimiter | String or char* | - | Separator. The separator may contain UTF-8 characters and can be several letters long. |
Here is a simple example:
String str = string::alloc ();
string::set (str, "Matthias"); string::get_token_count (str, "a") // returns 3 string::get_token_count (str, "i") // returns 2 string::get_token_count (str, " ") // returns 1
static String get_token(
String str,
String delimiter,
int nth)
Get the n-th word of the strings subdivided by a specified character. Common uses are tab-delimited text lines or file paths. To simplify the calls, both strings may be specified as String as well as char*. But please note that the result is of type String in any case.
Name | Type | Default | Description |
Return | String | Found token. If no further token was found, the result is empty. The result is only valid directly after the call. If it is to be used again it must be copied into another string. | |
input | String | - | String to be searched in |
delimiter | char | - | Separator. The separator may contain UTF-8 characters and can be several letters long. |
tokenIndex | int | - | 0-based index of the word |
Here is a simple example:
String str = string::alloc ();
string::set (str, "Matthias"); string::get_token_count (str, "a", 0) // returns M string::get_token_count (str, "a", 1) // returns tthi string::get_token_count (str, "a", 2) // returns s string::get_token_count (str, "a", 3) // returns the empty string string::get_token_count (str, "x", 3) // returns Matthias
static int to_int(String input)
Convert a fixed number string into a number. The string may also begin with hexadecimal or octal numbers. Hexadecimal numbers must begin with "0x".
Name | Type | Default | Description |
Return | int | Number value of the string | |
input | String | - | Number string |
//Different formats for representing the same number int main() { String myString = string::alloc(); int stringValue = 0;
string::set(myString, "255"); stringValue = string::to_int(myString); showmessage("%d", stringValue); //shows 255
string::set(myString, "0xff"); stringValue = string::to_int(myString); showmessage("%d", stringValue); //shows 255
string::set(myString, "0xFF"); stringValue = string::to_int(myString); showmessage("%d", stringValue); //shows 255
string::set(myString, "0xFFTTT"); stringValue = string::to_int(myString); showmessage("%d", stringValue); //shows 255
return 0; }
Data type int is 64bit aware. Here's an example with integers greater than 32 bit:
int main () { int a = 6917529027641081856; String str = string::alloc(); string::from_int(str, a);
//the messages below show the same value showmessage("Int value of a is %d", a); showmessage("Int value of str is %d", string::to_int(str));
return 0; }
static String from_int(int value)
Convert a fixed number into a string.
Name | Type | Default | Description |
Return | String | Value as string. The result is only valid directly after the call. If it is to be used again it must be copied into another string |
value | int | - | Value to be converted to a string |
int main () { int a = 1234; showmessage(string::from_int(a));
return 0; }
static float to_float(String input)
Convert a string of a float number into a string
Name | Type | Default | Description |
Return | float | Float value of the string | |
input | String | - | Float number string. The number must be point ('.') or comma (',') separated. No delimiters are allowed between the 1000s. |
//Different formats for representing the same number int main () { String myString = string::alloc();
string::set(myString, "12.3"); showmessage("%f", string::to_float(myString)); //shows 12.3000
string::set(myString, "12,3"); showmessage("%f", string::to_float(myString)); //shows 12.3000
string::set(myString, "1.23e+1"); showmessage("%f", string::to_float(myString)); //shows 12.3000
string::set(myString, "123.e-1"); showmessage("%f", string::to_float(myString)); //shows 12.3000
return 0; }
static String from_float(float value, String format)
Convert a float number into a string.
Name | Type | Default | Description |
Return | String | Value as string. The result is only valid directly after the call. If it is to be used again it must be copied into another string |
value | int | - | Value to be converted to a string |
format | String or char* | "%f" | Format string, e.g. "%f". See any public documentation of the C function sprintf. |
int main () { float f = 12.34567; showmessage(string::from_float(f, "%.2f")); //shows 12.35
return 0; }
static String get_netweight(
String source,
int convertUniTags = 0,
int replaceTypos = 0)
Get the net weight string of a given string. Net weight strings are calculated as follows:
Name | Type | Default | Description |
Return | String | String with the input text shortened as described above.
The return value is read only, do NOT CHANGE. The result will be overridden on following calls to the function. See here to learn more about functions returning r/o char* values. |
source | String oder char* | - | String to get the netweight for |
convertUniTags | int | 0 | Auto replace Unicode tags of form <0x200B>? 0 : No else : Yes |
replaceTypos | int | 0 | Replace quotes, blanks and hyphens by unique letters? 0 : No else : Yes |
int main () { String source = string::alloc("ÄÖÜ"); String netWeight = string::alloc();
string::set(string::get_netweight(source)); showmessage(netWeight); //Shows "<0x00C4><0x00D6><0x00DC>"
string::release(source); string::release(netWeight);
return 0; }
static String md5(String input, int upperCase = 0)
Get the md5hash of a string.
Name | Type | Default | Description |
Return | String | 32 hex digits long md5hash of the string.
The return value is read only, do NOT CHANGE. The result will be overridden on following calls to the function. See here to learn more about functions returning r/o char* values. |
input | String or char* | - | Any string |
upperCase | int | 0 | Use capital letters for hex numbers? 0 : no 1 : yes |
Get the md5hash of a string.
int main () { String str = string::alloc("Hallo Welt"); String md5; md5 = string::md5(str);
if (md5 != 0) { showmessage(md5); }
return 0; }
static String encode_base64(String source)
Create a base64 coded string of a given string.
Name | Type | Default | Description |
Return | String | Base64 coded input string.
The return value is read only, do NOT CHANGE. The result will be overridden on following calls to the function. See here to learn more about functions returning r/o char* values. |
input | String or char* | - | Any string |
Encoding a text and decoding the result again should yield the original text.
int main () { String str = string::alloc("Hallo Welt"); String reconverted; String base64;
base64 = string::encode_base64(str);
if (base64 != 0) { showmessage(base64); reconverted = string::decode_base64(base64); if (reconverted != 0) { showmessage(reconverted); //Shows "Hallo Welt" } }
string::release(str); //Do NOT release base64 and reconverted!" //This strings are r/o return values of built-in functions."
return 0; }
static String decode_base64(String source)
Decode a base64 encoded string.
Name | Type | Default | Description |
Return | String | Newly created string with the base64 coded input string.
The return value is read only, do NOT CHANGE. The result will be overridden on following calls to the function. See here to learn more about functions returning r/o char* values. |
input | String or char* | - | Any base64 encoded string |
Encoding a text and decoding the result again should yield the original text.
int main () { String str = string::alloc("Hallo Welt"); String reconverted; String base64;<> base64 = string:br:encode_base64(str);
if (base64 != 0) { showmessage(base64); reconverted = string::decode_base64(base64); if (reconverted != 0) { showmessage(reconverted); //Shows "Hallo Welt" } }
string::release(str); //Do NOT release base64 and reconverted!" //This strings are r/o return values of built-in functions."
return 0; }
static char* to_cp1252(String source)
Convert a String to 'Code Page 1252'
Name | Type | Default | Description |
Return | char* | Newly created char* with changed encoding
The return value is read only, do NOT CHANGE. The result will be overridden on following calls to the function. See here to learn more about functions returning r/o char* values. |
input | String | - | Any String |
static char* to_systemcharset(String source)
Convert a String to the system charset
Name | Type | Default | Description |
Return | char* | Newly created char* with changed encoding
The return value is read only, do NOT CHANGE. The result will be overridden on following calls to the function. See here to learn more about functions returning r/o char* values. |
input | String | - | Any String |
static char* to_macroman(String source)
Convert a String to Mac Roman
Name | Type | Default | Description |
Return | char* | Newly created char* with changed encoding
The return value is read only, do NOT CHANGE. The result will be overridden on following calls to the function. See here to learn more about functions returning r/o char* values. |
input | String | - | Any String |
static int* to_wchar(String input, int* destination)
Convert a String to Unicode
Name | Type | Default | Description |
Return | int* | Converted String, same as parameter destination | |
input | String | - | Any String |
destination | String | - | Reserved memory for the result |
static String from_cp1252(char* input)
Convert a 'Code Page 1252' char* into a String
Name | Type | Default | Description |
Return | String | Newly created string.
The return value is read only, do NOT CHANGE. The result will be overridden on following calls to the function. See here to learn more about functions returning r/o values. |
input | char* | - | CP1252 encoded String |
static String from_systemcharset(char* input)
Convert a system charset encoded char* into a String
Name | Type | Default | Description |
Return | String | Newly created string.
The return value is read only, do NOT CHANGE. The result will be overridden on following calls to the function. See here to learn more about functions returning r/o values. |
input | char* | - | System charset encoded String |
static String from_macroman(char* input)
Convert a system charset Mac Roman char* into a String
Name | Type | Default | Description |
Return | String | Newly created string.
The return value is read only, do NOT CHANGE. The result will be overridden on following calls to the function. See here to learn more about functions returning r/o values. |
input | char* | - | Mac Roman encoded String |
static String from_wchar(String source)
Convert a unicode int* to a String
Name | Type | Default | Description |
Return | String | Newly created string.
The return value is read only, do NOT CHANGE. The result will be overridden on following calls to the function. See here to learn more about functions returning r/o values. |
input | int* | - | Unicode encoded string |
static String escape_tagged(String source)
Replace all non-ASCII character with TaggedText markers.
Name | Type | Default | Description |
Return | String | Changed String, same as parameter input | |
input | String | - | Unicode encoded string |
static String unescape_tagged(String source)
Replace all TaggedText markers with their UTF8 characters.
Name | Type | Default | Description |
Return | String | Changed String, same as parameter input | |
input | String | - | Unicode encoded string |
static String prepare_aem_url(
String url,
char* user = 0,
char* pwd = 0,
int pwd_encrypted = 0)
Prepare an asset URL from an AEM® for downloading the asset.
If you drag&drop an asset from an AEM®, the drop coontains an URL without credentials. But for downloading assest from an AEM® crendetials are required. The function inserts the user name and password of the current AEM® connection into the URL. Defaults can be used, if no AEM® connection is established.
In addition to adding the credentials some corrections on the URL are done to create a valid download request:
You may use all string functions, to do further preparations.
Name | Type | Default | Description |
Return | String | Changed String, same as parameter url | |
url | String | - | URL of an AEM® asset |
user | String oder char* | 0 | User name. The parameter is used only, if no AEM® connetion is established. 0 or empty : "admin" |
pwd | String oder char* | 0 | Password. The parameter is used only, if no AEM® connetion is established. 0 or empty : "admin" |
pwd_encrypted | int | 0 | Is the password encrypted? The parameter is used only, if no AEM® connetion is established. 0 : No 1 : Yes, encrypted by crypt |
static String crypt_url_credentials(String url)
Encrypts authentication tokens in an URL, e.g.
The URL can be decrypted using string::decrypt_url_credentials
Name | Type | Default | Description |
Return | String | Changed string, same as parameter url | |
url | String | - | URL |
static String decrypt_url_credentials(String url)
Decrypts authentication tokens in an URL, e.g.
The URL can be encrypted again using string::crypt_url_credentials
Name | Type | Default | Description |
Return | String | Changed string, same as parameter url | |
url | String | - | URL |
static String crypt(String str)
Encrypts a string. The result is a encrypted and Base64-encoded string. The encryption can be undone with string::decrypt.
Name | Type | Default | Description |
Return | String | Changed string, same as parameter str | |
str | String | - | String to encrypt |
static String decrypt(String url)
Decrypts a string encrypted with string::crypt.
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