Translate a text into the language of the used InDesign®.
Translate a text into the language of the used InDesign®.
The language of the InDesign® you are using is determined when the program starts. The following language versions of InDesign® are supported:
The translations made by translate are mainly used to support the InDesign UI like the names of menus, custom dialogs or the descriptions of own Layout Rules. For translations of document contents the text::translate function can be used. With the help of so-called Artificial Intelligence this function provides pretty good results.
For translations prepared Key (=text) : Value (=translation) mappings are used. Only the definitions of the current InDesign® language are searched for translationas of course. Translations are searched - in that order - in those places:
For each language you want to support, a file called message_<language-code>.xml must be created. For XML data pools, place this file directly into the XML folder. From SOAP connections the file must be delivered with the fieldId of the same name. The following example describes the syntax of the XML file:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <messages> <!-- Simplest case: key without wildcard, translation without wildcard --> <message> <key>HELLO_WORLD</key> <translation>Hallo Welt!</translation> </message>
<!-- translation and key can contain placeholders (sensibly the same ones, so that input parameters can be used even if no translation for a translation is found for a key) --> <message> <key>SPRINTF_STR_INT_DOUBLE %s %d %1,2f</key> <translation>Formatted output "%s" int: "%d" double: %1,2f</translation> </message> <!-- etc. -->
A table according to the following schema (MySQL dump) is required:
id INT(11) NOT NULL auto_increment,
`key` varchar(250) NOT NULL DEFAULT '',
language varchar(4) NOT NULL DEFAULT '',
translation text NOT NULL DEFAULT '',
UNIQUE INDEX key_language (`key`, language)
Translations independent of the data connection can be installed in the priint:comet plug-ins folder under the names message_<langcode>.xml. The files have the same format as the message_<langcode>.xmls of the XML offline folders and are read at program startup and each time the data pool is changed.
Built-in and available in every InDesign® language version is the following list of German (deDE) translations.
Code | Key | deDE |
deDE | ja | ja |
deDE | nein | nein |
deDE | links | links |
deDE | mitte | mitte |
deDE | rechts | rechts |
deDE | oben | oben |
deDE | unten | unten |
deDE | wahr | wahr |
deDE | falsch | falsch |
deDE | genau | genau |
deDE | mindestens | mindestens |
deDE | mitte (X) | mitte (X) |
deDE | mitte (Y) | mitte (Y) |
deDE | oben links | oben links |
deDE | oben Mitte | oben Mitte |
deDE | oben rechts | oben rechts |
deDE | Mitte links | Mitte links |
deDE | Mitte | Mitte |
deDE | Mitte rechts | Mitte rechts |
deDE | unten links | unten links |
deDE | unten Mitte | unten Mitte |
deDE | unten rechts | unten rechts |
deDE | kleiner | kleiner |
deDE | gleich | gleich |
deDE | groesser | groesser |
deDE | Breite | Breite |
deDE | Hoehe | Hoehe |
deDE | Process | Prozess |
deDE | beginning with | am Anfang |
deDE | first only | einmal |
deDE | All | Alle |
deDE | OK | Okay |
deDE | Cancel | Abbrechen |
deDE | test | Test |
deDE | Unused | Unbenutzt |
deDE | unused | unbenutzt |
deDE | [[unused]] | [[unbenutzt]] |
deDE | this is only a separator. | Dies ist nur eine Trennlinie. |
deDE | scale text | Text skalieren |
deDE | scales the text corresponding to the frame's size change. | Skaliert den Text entsprechend der Rahmengröße. |
deDE | factor | Faktor |
deDE | limits | Limits |
deDE | on overset | Bei Übersatz |
deDE | fit text to frame | Text an Rahmen anpassen |
deDE | fits the text content to the frame. | Passt den Textinhalt an den Rahmen an. |
deDE | fit | anpassen |
deDE | fit tables to frame width | Tabellen an Rahmenbreite anpassen |
deDE | fits all tables in the frame to the frame's width. | Passt alle Tabellen des Rahmens an die Rahmenbreite an. |
deDE | --- image --- | --- Bild --- |
deDE | scale image | Bild skalieren |
deDE | scales the image corresponding to the frame's size change. | Skaliert das Bild entsprechend der Rahmengröße. |
deDE | reference | Referenz |
deDE | fit image to frame | Bild an Rahmen anpassen |
deDE | fits the image content to the frame. | Passt den Bildinhalt an den Rahmen an. |
deDE | proportional | proportional |
deDE | fill frame | Rahmen füllen |
deDE | apply areas | Bereiche anwenden |
deDE | scales and positions the image corresponding to the always- and never-areas. | Skaliert und positioniert das Bild entsprechend den Immer- und Niemals-Bereichen. |
deDE | prefer | bevorzugen |
deDE | resize frame | Rahmengröße ändern |
deDE | --- frame --- | --- Rahmen --- |
deDE | scale frame | Rahmen skalieren |
deDE | scales the frame corresponding to the document's size change. | Skaliert den Rahmen analog zur Größenänderung des Dokuments. |
deDE | scale stroke | Linien skalieren |
deDE | fit frame to content | Rahmen an Inhalt anpassen |
deDE | fits the frame to its content. | Passt den Rahmen an seinen Inhalt an. |
deDE | constant width | Konstante Breite |
deDE | hold frame | Rahmen festhalten |
deDE | holds the frame in relation to the page. | Hält den Rahmen relativ zur Seite fest. |
deDE | direction | Richtung |
deDE | extend to bleed | Anschnitt anfügen |
deDE | extends the frame into the bleed area. | Erweitert den Rahmen in den Anschnittsbereich |
deDE | over spine | über Bund |
deDE | slack | Toleranz |
deDE | match page margins | Seitenränder anpassen |
deDE | matches one or all page margin to a given page margin. | Passt einen oder alle Seitenränder an einen vorgegebenen Seitenrand an. |
deDE | match | Anpassen |
deDE | row (0=all) | Spalte (0:alle) |
deDE | justify paragraphs | Absatz-Keil |
deDE | mitte (Y) | Proportional füllen |
deDE | justify | Vertikaler Keil |
deDE | leave untouched | Unverändert lassen |
deDE | use document image intent | Dokumentbildpriorität verwenden |
deDE | perceptual (images) | Perzeptiv (Bilder) |
deDE | saturation (graphics) | Sättigung (Grafiken) |
deDE | relative colorimetric | Relativ farbmetrisch |
deDE | absolute colorimetric | Absolut farbmetrisch |
deDE | no extras | keine |
deDE | uniform rows | Zeilen ausgleichen |
deDE | copy cell properties | Zellgestaltung anpassen |
deDE | frame only | nur Rahmen |
deDE | text only | nur Text |
deDE | Document | Dokument |
deDE | Publication | Publikation |
deDE | Publicationtype | Publikationstyp |
deDE | Ignore | Ignorieren |
deDE | Prefer latest | Letze bevorzugen |
deDE | File | Datei |
deDE | embedded | eingebettet |
deDE | Frame | Rahmen |
deDE | Image | Bild |
deDE | fit to frame width | an Rahmenbreite anpassen |
deDE | fit to frame height | an Rahmenhöhe anpassen |
deDE | fit to better side | an bessere Seite anpassen |
deDE | k_YES | ja |
deDE | k_NO | nein |
deDE | k_LEFT | links |
deDE | k_CENTER | mitte |
deDE | k_RIGHT | rechts |
deDE | k_TOP | oben |
deDE | k_BOTTOM | unten |
deDE | k_TRUE | wahr |
deDE | k_FALSE | falsch |
deDE | k_EXACTLY | genau |
deDE | k_ATLEAST | mindestens |
deDE | k_CENTERX | mitte (X) |
deDE | k_CENTERY | mitte (Y) |
deDE | k_TOPLEFT | oben links |
deDE | k_TOPCENTER | oben Mitte |
deDE | k_TOPRIGHT | oben rechts |
deDE | k_CENTERLEFT | Mitte links |
deDE | k_CENTERCENTER | Mitte |
deDE | k_CENTERRIGHT | Mitte rechts |
deDE | k_BOTTOMLEFT | unten links |
deDE | k_BOTTOMCENTER | unten Mitte |
deDE | k_BOTTOMRIGHT | unten rechts |
deDE | k_SMALLER | kleiner |
deDE | k_EQUAL | gleich |
deDE | k_GREATER | groesser |
deDE | k_WIDTH | Breite |
deDE | k_HEIGHT | Hoehe |
deDE | k_TEST | Test |
deDE | k_UNUSED | unbenutzt |
deDE | k_UNUSEDBRACKETS | [[unbenutzt]] |
deDE | k_ONLYASEPERATOR | Dies ist nur eine Trennlinie. |
deDE | k_SCALETEXT | Text skalieren |
deDE | k_SCALETEXTTOFRAME | Skaliert den Text entsprechend der Rahmengröße. |
deDE | k_FACTOR | Faktor |
deDE | k_LIMITS | Limits |
deDE | k_ONOVERSET | Bei Übersatz |
deDE | k_FITTEXTTOTFRAME | Text an Rahmen anpassen |
deDE | k_FITTEXTCONTENTTOFRAME | Passt den Textinhalt an den Rahmen an. |
deDE | k_FIT | anpassen |
deDE | k_FITTABLESTOFRAMEWIDTH | Tabellen an Rahmenbreite anpassen |
deDE | k_FITTABLESTOFRAMEWIDTHLONG | Passt alle Tabellen des Rahmens an die Rahmenbreite an. |
deDE | k_IMAGESEPERATOR | --- Bild --- |
deDE | k_SCALEIMAGE | Bild skalieren |
deDE | k_SCALEIMAGETOFRAME | Skaliert das Bild entsprechend der Rahmengröße. |
deDE | k_REFERENCE | Referenz |
deDE | k_FITIMAGETOFRAME | Bild an Rahmen anpassen |
deDE | k_FITIMAGECONTENTTOFRAME | Passt den Bildinhalt an den Rahmen an. |
deDE | k_PROPORTIONAL | proportional |
deDE | k_FILLFRAME | Rahmen füllen |
deDE | k_APPLYAREAS | Bereiche anwenden |
deDE | k_IMAGETOALWAYSNEVERAREAS | Skaliert und positioniert das Bild entsprechend den Immer- und Niemals-Bereichen. |
deDE | k_PREFER | bevorzugen |
deDE | k_RESIZEFRAME | Rahmengröße ändern |
deDE | k_FRAMESEPERATOR | --- Rahmen --- |
deDE | k_SCALEFRAME | Rahmen skalieren |
deDE | k_SCALEFRAMETODOCSIZECHANGE | Skaliert den Rahmen analog zur Größenänderung des Dokuments. |
deDE | k_SCALESTROKE | Linien skalieren |
deDE | k_FITFRAMETOCONTENT | Rahmen an Inhalt anpassen |
deDE | k_FITFRAMETOCONTENTLONG | Passt den Rahmen an seinen Inhalt an. |
deDE | k_CONSTANTWIDTH | Konstante Breite |
deDE | k_HOLDFRAME | Rahmen festhalten |
deDE | k_HOLDFRAMERELATIVETOPAGE | Hält den Rahmen relativ zur Seite fest. |
deDE | k_DIRECTION | Richtung |
deDE | k_EXTENDTOBLEED | Anschnitt anfügen |
deDE | k_EXTENDFRAMETOBLEED | Erweitert den Rahmen in den Anschnittsbereich |
deDE | k_OVERSPINE | über Bund |
deDE | k_SLACK | Toleranz |
deDE | k_MATCHPAGEMARGINS | Seitenränder anpassen |
deDE | k_MATCHPAGEMARGINSLONG | Passt einen oder alle Seitenränder an einen vorgegebenen Seitenrand an. |
deDE | k_MATCH | Anpassen |
deDE | k_ROWZEROALL | Spalte (0:alle) |
deDE | k_JUSTIFYPARAGRAPHS | Absatz-Keil |
deDE | k_FILLPROPORTIONALLY | Proportional füllen |
deDE | k_JUSTIFY | Vertikaler Keil |
deDE | k_LEAVEUNTOUCHED | Unverändert lassen |
deDE | k_USEDOCIMAGEINTENT | Dokumentbildpriorität verwenden |
deDE | k_PERCEPTUALIMAGES | Perzeptiv (Bilder) |
deDE | k_SATURATIONGRAPHICS | Sättigung (Grafiken) |
deDE | k_RELATIVCOLORIMETRIC | Relativ farbmetrisch |
deDE | k_ABSOLUTECOLORIMETRIC | Absolut farbmetrisch |
deDE | k_NOEXTRAS | Keine |
deDE | k_UNIFORMROWS | Zeilen ausgleichen |
deDE | k_COPYCELLPROPERTIES | Zellgestaltung anpassen |
deDE | k_FRAMEONLY | nur Rahmen |
deDE | k_TEXTONLY | nur Text |
deDE | k_DOCUMENT | Dokument |
deDE | k_PUBLICATION | Publikation |
deDE | k_PUBLICATIONTYPE | Publikationstyp |
deDE | k_IGNORE | Ignorieren |
deDE | k_PREFERLATEST | Letzte bevorzugen |
deDE | k_PREFERLATEST | Letze bevorzugen |
deDE | k_FILE | Datei |
deDE | k_EMBEDDED | eingebettet |
deDE | k_FRAME | Rahmen |
deDE | k_IMAGE | Bild |
Built-in and available in every InDesign® language version is the following list of English (enEN) translations.
Code | Key | enEN |
enEN | ja | yes |
enEN | nein | no |
enEN | links | left |
enEN | mitte | center |
enEN | rechts | right |
enEN | oben | top |
enEN | unten | bottom |
enEN | wahr | true |
enEN | falsch | false |
enEN | genau | exactly |
enEN | mindestens | at least |
enEN | mitte (X) | center (X) |
enEN | mitte (Y) | center (Y) |
enEN | oben links | top left |
enEN | oben Mitte | top center |
enEN | oben rechts | top right |
enEN | Mitte links | center left |
enEN | Mitte | center |
enEN | Mitte rechts | center right |
enEN | unten links | bottom left |
enEN | unten Mitte | bottom center |
enEN | unten rechts | bottom right |
enEN | kleiner | less |
enEN | gleich | equal |
enEN | groesser | greater |
enEN | Breite | width |
enEN | Hoehe | height |
enEN | Process | Process |
enEN | beginning with | beginning with |
enEN | first only | first only |
enEN | All | All |
enEN | OK | Okay |
enEN | Cancel | Cancel |
enEN | test | Test |
enEN | Unused | Unused")), false)); |
enEN | unused | unused |
enEN | [[unused]] | [[unused]] |
enEN | this is only a separator. | This is only a separator. |
enEN | scale text | Scale text |
enEN | scales the text corresponding to the frame's size change. | Scales the text corresponding to the frame's size change. |
enEN | factor | Factor |
enEN | limits | Limits |
enEN | on overset | On overset |
enEN | fit text to frame | Fit text to frame |
enEN | fits the text content to the frame. | Fits the text content to the frame. |
enEN | fit | fit |
enEN | fit tables to frame width | Fit tables to frame width |
enEN | fits all tables in the frame to the frame's width. | fits all tables in the frame to the frame's width. |
enEN | --- image --- | --- Image --- |
enEN | scale image | Scale image |
enEN | scales the image corresponding to the frame's size change. | Scales the image corresponding to the frame's size change. |
enEN | reference | Reference |
enEN | fit image to frame | Fit image to frame |
enEN | fits the image content to the frame. | Fits the image content to the frame. |
enEN | proportional | proportional |
enEN | fill frame | Fill Frame |
enEN | apply areas | Apply Areas |
enEN | scales and positions the image corresponding to the always- and never-areas. | Scales and positions the image corresponding to the always- and never-areas. |
enEN | prefer | Prefer |
enEN | resize frame | Resize frame |
enEN | --- frame --- | --- Frame --- |
enEN | scale frame | Scale frame |
enEN | scales the frame corresponding to the document's size change. | Scales the frame corresponding to the document's size change. |
enEN | scale stroke | Scale stroke |
enEN | fit frame to content | Fit frame to content |
enEN | fits the frame to its content. | Fits the frame to its content. |
enEN | constant width | Constant width |
enEN | hold frame | Hold Frame |
enEN | holds the frame in relation to the page. | Holds the frame in relation to the page. |
enEN | direction | Direction |
enEN | extend to bleed | Extend to bleed |
enEN | extends the frame into the bleed area. | Extends the frame into the bleed area. |
enEN | over spine | Over spine |
enEN | slack | Slack |
enEN | match page margins | Match page margins |
enEN | matches one or all page margin to a given page margin. | Matches one or all page margin to a given page margin. |
enEN | match | Match |
enEN | row (0=all) | row (0:all) |
enEN | justify paragraphs | Justify paragraphs |
enEN | fill proportionally | Fill proportionally |
enEN | justify | Justify |
enEN | leave untouched | Leave untouched |
enEN | use document image intent | Use Document Image Intent |
enEN | perceptual (images) | Perceptual (Images) |
enEN | saturation (graphics) | Saturation (Graphics) |
enEN | relative colorimetric | Relative Colorimetric |
enEN | absolute colorimetric | Absolute Colorimetric |
enEN | no extras | No extras |
enEN | uniform rows | Uniform rows |
enEN | copy cell properties | Copy cell properties |
enEN | frame only | frame only |
enEN | text only | text only |
enEN | Document | Document |
enEN | Publication | Publication |
enEN | Publicationtype | Publicationtype |
enEN | Ignore | Ignore |
enEN | Prefer latest | Prefer latest |
enEN | File | File |
enEN | embedded | embedded |
enEN | Frame | Frame |
enEN | Image | Image |
enEN | fit to frame width | fit to frame width |
enEN | fit to frame height | fit to frame height |
enEN | fit to better side | fit to better side |
enEN | k_YES | yes |
enEN | k_NO | no |
enEN | k_LEFT | left |
enEN | k_CENTER | center |
enEN | k_RIGHT | rechts |
enEN | k_TOP | top |
enEN | k_BOTTOM | bottom |
enEN | k_TRUE | true |
enEN | k_FALSE | false |
enEN | k_EXACTLY | exactly |
enEN | k_ATLEAST | at least |
enEN | k_CENTERX | center (X) |
enEN | k_CENTERY | center (Y) |
enEN | k_TOPLEFT | top left |
enEN | k_TOPCENTER | top center |
enEN | k_TOPRIGHT | top right |
enEN | k_CENTERLEFT | center left |
enEN | k_CENTERCENTER | center |
enEN | k_CENTERRIGHT | center right |
enEN | k_BOTTOMLEFT | bottom left |
enEN | k_BOTTOMCENTER | bottom center |
enEN | k_BOTTOMRIGHT | bottom right |
enEN | k_SMALLER | less |
enEN | k_EQUAL | equal |
enEN | k_GREATER | greater |
enEN | k_WIDTH | width |
enEN | k_HEIGHT | height |
enEN | k_TEST | Test |
enEN | k_UNUSED | unused |
enEN | k_UNUSEDBRACKETS | [[unused]] |
enEN | k_ONLYASEPERATOR | This is only a separator. |
enEN | k_SCALETEXT | Scale text |
enEN | k_SCALETEXTTOFRAME | Scales the text corresponding to the frame's size change. |
enEN | k_FACTOR | Factor |
enEN | k_LIMITS | Limits |
enEN | k_ONOVERSET | On overset |
enEN | k_FITTEXTTOTFRAME | Fit text to frame |
enEN | k_FITTEXTCONTENTTOFRAME | Fits the text content to the frame. |
enEN | k_FIT | fit |
enEN | k_FITTABLESTOFRAMEWIDTH | Fit tables to frame width |
enEN | k_FITTABLESTOFRAMEWIDTHLONG | fits all tables in the frame to the frame's width. |
enEN | k_IMAGESEPERATOR | --- Image --- |
enEN | k_SCALEIMAGE | Scale image |
enEN | k_SCALEIMAGETOFRAME | Scales the image corresponding to the frame's size change. |
enEN | k_REFERENCE | Reference |
enEN | k_FITIMAGETOFRAME | Fit image to frame |
enEN | k_FITIMAGECONTENTTOFRAME | Fits the image content to the frame. |
enEN | k_PROPORTIONAL | proportional |
enEN | k_FILLFRAME | Fill Frame |
enEN | k_APPLYAREAS | Apply Areas |
enEN | k_IMAGETOALWAYSNEVERAREAS | Scales and positions the image corresponding to the always- and never-areas. |
enEN | k_PREFER | Prefer |
enEN | k_RESIZEFRAME | Resize frame |
enEN | k_FRAMESEPERATOR | --- Frame --- |
enEN | k_SCALEFRAME | Scale frame |
enEN | k_SCALEFRAMETODOCSIZECHANGE | Scales the frame corresponding to the document's size change. |
enEN | k_SCALESTROKE | Scale stroke |
enEN | k_FITFRAMETOCONTENT | Fit frame to content |
enEN | k_FITFRAMETOCONTENTLONG | Fits the frame to its content. |
enEN | k_CONSTANTWIDTH | Constant width |
enEN | k_HOLDFRAME | Hold Frame |
enEN | k_HOLDFRAMERELATIVETOPAGE | Holds the frame in relation to the page. |
enEN | k_DIRECTION | Direction |
enEN | k_EXTENDTOBLEED | Extend to bleed |
enEN | k_EXTENDFRAMETOBLEED | Extends the frame into the bleed area. |
enEN | k_OVERSPINE | Over spine |
enEN | k_SLACK | Slack |
enEN | k_MATCHPAGEMARGINS | Match page margins |
enEN | k_MATCHPAGEMARGINSLONG | Matches one or all page margin to a given page margin. |
enEN | k_MATCH | Match |
enEN | k_ROWZEROALL | row (0:all) |
enEN | k_JUSTIFYPARAGRAPHS | Justify paragraphs |
enEN | k_FILLPROPORTIONALLY | Fill proportionally |
enEN | k_JUSTIFY | Justify |
enEN | k_LEAVEUNTOUCHED | Leave untouched |
enEN | k_USEDOCIMAGEINTENT | Use Document Image Intent |
enEN | k_PERCEPTUALIMAGES | Perceptual (Images) |
enEN | k_SATURATIONGRAPHICS | Saturation (Graphics) |
enEN | k_RELATIVCOLORIMETRIC | Relative Colorimetric |
enEN | k_ABSOLUTECOLORIMETRIC | Absolute Colorimetric |
enEN | k_NOEXTRAS | No extras |
enEN | k_UNIFORMROWS | Uniform rows |
enEN | k_COPYCELLPROPERTIES | Copy cell properties |
enEN | k_FRAMEONLY | frame only |
enEN | k_TEXTONLY | text only |
enEN | k_DOCUMENT | Document |
enEN | k_PUBLICATION | Publication |
enEN | k_PUBLICATIONTYPE | Publicationtype |
enEN | k_IGNORE | Ignore |
enEN | k_PREFERLATEST | Prefer latest |
enEN | k_FILE | File |
enEN | k_EMBEDDED | embedded |
enEN | k_FRAME | Frame |
enEN | k_IMAGE | Image |
Built-in and available in every InDesign® language version is the following list of French (frFR) translations.
Code | Key | frFR |
frFR | ja | oui |
frFR | nein | non |
frFR | links | gauche |
frFR | mitte | centré |
frFR | rechts | droite |
frFR | oben | haut |
frFR | unten | bas |
frFR | wahr | vrai |
frFR | falsch | faux |
frFR | genau | exactement |
frFR | mindestens | au moins |
frFR | mitte (X) | centré (X) |
frFR | mitte (Y) | centré (Y) |
frFR | oben links | haut gauche |
frFR | oben Mitte | haut centré |
frFR | oben rechts | haut droite |
frFR | Mitte links | centré gauche |
frFR | Mitte | centré |
frFR | Mitte rechts | centré droite |
frFR | unten links | bas gauche |
frFR | unten Mitte | bas centré |
frFR | unten rechts | bas droite |
frFR | kleiner | moins |
frFR | gleich | égal |
frFR | groesser | supérieur |
frFR | Breite | largeur |
frFR | Hoehe | hauteur |
frFR | Process | Processus |
frFR | beginning with | commençant par |
frFR | first only | Seulement le premier |
frFR | All | Tout |
frFR | OK | Okay |
frFR | Cancel | Annuler |
frFR | test | Test |
frFR | Unused | Inutilisé |
frFR | unused | inutilisé |
frFR | [[unused]] | [[inutilisé]] |
frFR | this is only a separator. | Ceci est seulement un séparateur. |
frFR | scale text | échelle du texte |
frFR | scales the text corresponding to the frame's size change. | Met à l'échelle le texte correspondant au changement de taille du cadre. |
frFR | factor | Facteur |
frFR | limits | Limits |
frFR | on overset | en excès |
frFR | fit text to frame | Ajuster le texte au cadre |
frFR | fits the text content to the frame. | Ajuste le contenu du texte au cadre. |
frFR | fit | Ajuste |
frFR | fit tables to frame width | Adapter les tables à la largeur du cadre |
frFR | fits all tables in the frame to the frame's width. | adapte toutes les tables dans le cadre à la largeur du cadre. |
frFR | --- image --- | --- Image --- |
frFR | scale image | Image d'échelle |
frFR | scales the image corresponding to the frame's size change. | Met à l'échelle l'image correspondant au changement de taille d'image. |
frFR | reference | référence |
frFR | fit image to frame | Ajuster l'image au cadre |
frFR | fits the image content to the frame. | Ajuste le contenu de l'image au cadre. |
frFR | proportional | proportionnel |
frFR | fill frame | Remplir le cadre |
frFR | apply areas | Appliquer les zones |
frFR | scales and positions the image corresponding to the always- and never-areas. | Les échelles et l'image correspondant aux zones toujours et jamais. |
frFR | prefer | préférer |
frFR | resize frame | Redimensionner le cadre |
frFR | --- frame --- | --- Cadre --- |
frFR | scale frame | Echelle du cadre |
frFR | scales the frame corresponding to the document's size change. | Met à l'échelle le cadre correspondant au changement de taille du document. |
frFR | scale stroke | Course d'échelle |
frFR | fit frame to content | Ajuster le cadre au contenu |
frFR | fits the frame to its content. | Ajuste le cadre à son contenu. |
frFR | constant width | Largeur constante |
frFR | hold frame | Tenir le cadre |
frFR | holds the frame in relation to the page. | Maintient le cadre par rapport à la page. |
frFR | direction | direction |
frFR | extend to bleed | étendre au fond perdu |
frFR | extends the frame into the bleed area. | étendre au fond perdu |
frFR | over spine | à la colonne vertébrale |
frFR | slack | Slack |
frFR | match page margins | Faire correspondre les marges de la page |
frFR | matches one or all page margin to a given page margin. | Faire correspondre les marges de la page |
frFR | match | Rencontre |
frFR | row (0=all) | colonne (0:tout) |
frFR | justify paragraphs | justifier les paragraphes |
frFR | fill proportionally | remplir proportionnellement |
frFR | justify | justifier |
frFR | leave untouched | Laisser intact |
frFR | use document image intent | Utiliser Colorimétrie Image |
frFR | perceptual (images) | Perceptuel (Images) |
frFR | saturation (graphics) | Saturation (Graphiques) |
frFR | relative colorimetric | Colorimétrie relative |
frFR | absolute colorimetric | Colorimétrie absolue |
frFR | no extras | Aucun extra |
frFR | uniform rows | Lignes uniformes |
frFR | copy cell properties | Copier les propriétés de la cellule |
frFR | frame only | bloc seulement |
frFR | text only | texte seulement |
frFR | Document | Document |
frFR | Publication | Publication |
frFR | Publicationtype | Type de publication |
frFR | Ignore | Ignorer |
frFR | Prefer latest | Préfère |
frFR | File | Fichier |
frFR | embedded | ancré |
frFR | Frame | Bloc |
frFR | Image | Image |
frFR | fit to frame width | ajuster à la hauteur du cadre |
frFR | fit to frame height | ajuster à la largeur du cadre |
frFR | fit to better side | s'adapter à une meilleure page |
frFR | k_YES | oui |
frFR | k_NO | no |
frFR | k_LEFT | gauche |
frFR | k_CENTER | centré |
frFR | k_RIGHT | droite |
frFR | k_TOP | haut |
frFR | k_BOTTOM | bas |
frFR | k_TRUE | vrai |
frFR | k_FALSE | faux |
frFR | k_EXACTLY | exactement |
frFR | k_ATLEAST | at least |
frFR | k_CENTERX | centré (X) |
frFR | k_CENTERY | centré (Y) |
frFR | k_TOPLEFT | haut gauche |
frFR | k_TOPCENTER | haut centré |
frFR | k_TOPRIGHT | haut droite |
frFR | k_CENTERLEFT | centré gauche |
frFR | k_CENTERCENTER | centré |
frFR | k_CENTERRIGHT | centré droite |
frFR | k_BOTTOMLEFT | bas gauche |
frFR | k_BOTTOMCENTER | bas centré |
frFR | k_BOTTOMRIGHT | bas droite |
frFR | k_SMALLER | moins |
frFR | k_EQUAL | égal |
frFR | k_GREATER | supérieur |
frFR | k_WIDTH | largeur |
frFR | k_HEIGHT | hauteur |
frFR | k_TEST | Test |
frFR | k_UNUSED | inutilisé |
frFR | k_UNUSEDBRACKETS | [[inutilisé]] |
frFR | k_ONLYASEPERATOR | Ceci est seulement un séparateur. |
frFR | k_SCALETEXT | échelle du texte |
frFR | k_SCALETEXTTOFRAME | Met à l'échelle le texte correspondant au changement de taille du cadre. |
frFR | k_FACTOR | Facteur |
frFR | k_LIMITS | Limits |
frFR | k_ONOVERSET | en excès |
frFR | k_FITTEXTTOTFRAME | Ajuster le texte au cadre |
frFR | k_FITTEXTCONTENTTOFRAME | Ajuste le contenu du texte au cadre. |
frFR | k_FIT | Ajuste |
frFR | k_FITTABLESTOFRAMEWIDTH | Adapter les tables à la largeur du cadre |
frFR | k_FITTABLESTOFRAMEWIDTHLONG | adapte toutes les tables dans le cadre à la largeur du cadre. |
frFR | k_IMAGESEPERATOR | --- Image --- |
frFR | k_SCALEIMAGE | Image d'échelle |
frFR | k_SCALEIMAGETOFRAME | Met à l'échelle l'image correspondant au changement de taille d'image. |
frFR | k_REFERENCE | référence |
frFR | k_FITIMAGETOFRAME | Ajuster l'image au cadre |
frFR | k_FITIMAGECONTENTTOFRAME | Ajuste le contenu de l'image au cadre. |
frFR | k_PROPORTIONAL | proportionnel |
frFR | k_FILLFRAME | Remplir le cadre |
frFR | k_APPLYAREAS | Appliquer les zones |
frFR | k_IMAGETOALWAYSNEVERAREAS | Les échelles et l'image correspondant aux zones toujours et jamais. |
frFR | k_PREFER | préférer |
frFR | k_RESIZEFRAME | Redimensionner le cadre |
frFR | k_FRAMESEPERATOR | --- Cadre --- |
frFR | k_SCALEFRAME | Echelle du cadre |
frFR | k_SCALEFRAMETODOCSIZECHANGE | Met à l'échelle le cadre correspondant au changement de taille du document. |
frFR | k_SCALESTROKE | Course d'échelle |
frFR | k_FITFRAMETOCONTENT | Ajuster le cadre au contenu |
frFR | k_FITFRAMETOCONTENTLONG | Ajuste le cadre à son contenu. |
frFR | k_CONSTANTWIDTH | Largeur constante |
frFR | k_HOLDFRAME | Tenir le cadre |
frFR | k_HOLDFRAMERELATIVETOPAGE | Maintient le cadre par rapport à la page. |
frFR | k_DIRECTION | direction |
frFR | k_EXTENDTOBLEED | étendre au fond perdu |
frFR | k_EXTENDFRAMETOBLEED | étendre au fond perdu |
frFR | k_OVERSPINE | à la colonne vertébrale |
frFR | k_SLACK | Slack |
frFR | k_MATCHPAGEMARGINS | Faire correspondre les marges de la page |
frFR | k_MATCHPAGEMARGINSLONG | Faire correspondre les marges de la page |
frFR | k_MATCH | Rencontre |
frFR | k_ROWZEROALL | colonne (0:tout) |
frFR | k_JUSTIFYPARAGRAPHS | justifier les paragraphes |
frFR | k_FILLPROPORTIONALLY | Remplir proportionnel |
frFR | k_JUSTIFY | justifier |
frFR | k_LEAVEUNTOUCHED | Laisser intact |
frFR | k_USEDOCIMAGEINTENT | Utiliser Colorimétrie Image |
frFR | k_PERCEPTUALIMAGES | Perceptuel (Images) |
frFR | k_SATURATIONGRAPHICS | Saturation (Graphiques) |
frFR | k_RELATIVCOLORIMETRIC | Colorimétrie relative |
frFR | k_ABSOLUTECOLORIMETRIC | Colorimétrie absolue |
frFR | k_NOEXTRAS | Aucun extra |
frFR | k_UNIFORMROWS | Lignes uniformes |
frFR | k_COPYCELLPROPERTIES | Copier les propriétés de la cellule |
frFR | k_FRAMEONLY | bloc seulement |
frFR | k_TEXTONLY | texte seulement |
frFR | k_DOCUMENT | Document |
frFR | k_PUBLICATION | Publication |
frFR | k_PUBLICATIONTYPE | Publicationtype |
frFR | k_IGNORE | Ignorer |
frFR | k_PREFERLATEST | Dernière préférence |
frFR | k_FILE | Fichier |
frFR | k_EMBEDDED | ancré |
frFR | k_FRAME | Bloc |
frFR | k_IMAGE | Image |
Built-in and available in every InDesign® language version is the following list of Japanese (jaJP) translations.
Code | Key | jaJP |
jaJP | ja | はい" |
jaJP | nein | いいえ" |
jaJP | links | 左" |
jaJP | mitte | 中心" |
jaJP | rechts | 右" |
jaJP | oben | 上" |
jaJP | unten | 下" |
jaJP | wahr | 正" |
jaJP | falsch | 誤" |
jaJP | genau | まさに" |
jaJP | mindestens | 少なくとも" |
jaJP | mitte (X) | 中心 (X)" |
jaJP | mitte (Y) | 中心 (Y)" |
jaJP | oben links | 上左" |
jaJP | oben Mitte | 上中心" |
jaJP | oben rechts | 上右" |
jaJP | Mitte links | 中心左" |
jaJP | Mitte | 中心" |
jaJP | Mitte rechts | 中心右" |
jaJP | unten links | 下左" |
jaJP | unten Mitte | 下中心" |
jaJP | unten rechts | 下右" |
jaJP | kleiner | 以下" |
jaJP | gleich | エコール" |
jaJP | groesser | 以上" |
jaJP | Breite | 幅" |
jaJP | Hoehe | 高さ" |
jaJP | Process | プロセス" |
jaJP | beginning with | で始まり" |
jaJP | first only | 最初のみ" |
jaJP | All | すべて" |
jaJP | OK | オーケー" |
jaJP | Cancel | キャンセル" |
jaJP | test | テスト" |
jaJP | Unused | 未使用")), false)); |
jaJP | unused | 未使用" |
jaJP | [[unused]] | [[未使用]]" |
jaJP | this is only a separator. | これはセパレーターのみです。" |
jaJP | scale text | テキストをスケール" |
jaJP | scales the text corresponding to the frame's size change. | サイズ変更フレームに適応するテキストをスケール。" |
jaJP | factor | ファクター" |
jaJP | limits | リミット" |
jaJP | on overset | オーバーセット" |
jaJP | fit text to frame | フレームにテキストをフィット" |
jaJP | fits the text content to the frame. | フレームにテキストコンテンツをフィット。" |
jaJP | fit | フィット" |
jaJP | fit tables to frame width | フレーム幅にテーブルをフィット。" |
jaJP | fits all tables in the frame to the frame's width. | フレーム幅にフレーム中のすべてテーブルをフィット。" |
jaJP | --- image --- | --- 画像 ---" |
jaJP | scale image | 画像をスケール" |
jaJP | scales the image corresponding to the frame's size change. | サイズ変更フレームに適応する画像をスケール。" |
jaJP | reference | リファレンス" |
jaJP | fit image to frame | フレームに画像をフィット" |
jaJP | fits the image content to the frame. | フレームに画像コンテンツをフィット" |
jaJP | proportional | 比例" |
jaJP | fill frame | フレームを埋める" |
jaJP | apply areas | エリアに適用" |
jaJP | scales and positions the image corresponding to the always- and never-areas. | 常に又は一度もないエリアに適応する画像をスケール及びポジション。" |
jaJP | prefer | 好み" |
jaJP | resize frame | フレームをサイズ変更" |
jaJP | --- frame --- | --- フレーム ---" |
jaJP | scale frame | フレームをスケール" |
jaJP | scales the frame corresponding to the document's size change. | サイズ変更ドキュメントに適応するフレームをスケール。" |
jaJP | scale stroke | ストロークをスケール" |
jaJP | fit frame to content | コンテンツにフレームをフィット" |
jaJP | fits the frame to its content. | フレームコンテンツにフレームをフィット。" |
jaJP | constant width | コンスタント幅" |
jaJP | hold frame | フレームを保持" |
jaJP | holds the frame in relation to the page. | ページに関わるフレームを保持。" |
jaJP | direction | 方向" |
jaJP | extend to bleed | ブリードを拡張" |
jaJP | extends the frame into the bleed area. | ブリードエリアにフレームを拡張。" |
jaJP | over spine | オーバースパイン" |
jaJP | slack | スラック" |
jaJP | match page margins | ページマージンをマッチ" |
jaJP | matches one or all page margin to a given page margin. | 指定ページマージンに一つもしくは全てページマージンをマッチ。" |
jaJP | match | マッチ" |
jaJP | row (0=all) | 行 (0:全て)" |
jaJP | justify paragraphs | パラグラフを整列" |
jaJP | fill proportionally | 比例的に埋める" |
jaJP | justify | 整列" |
jaJP | leave untouched | 放置" |
jaJP | use document image intent | ドキュメント画像インテントを使用" |
jaJP | perceptual (images) | 知覚的 (画像)" |
jaJP | saturation (graphics) | 飽和 (グラフィック)" |
jaJP | relative colorimetric | 相対比色" |
jaJP | absolute colorimetric | 絶対比色" |
jaJP | no extras | エクストラなし" |
jaJP | uniform rows | 均一行" |
jaJP | copy cell properties | セルプロパティをコピー" |
jaJP | frame only | フレームのみ" |
jaJP | text only | テキストのみ" |
jaJP | Document | ドキュメント" |
jaJP | Publication | パブリケーション" |
jaJP | Publicationtype | パブリケーションタイプ" |
jaJP | Ignore | 無視" |
jaJP | Prefer latest | 最新を好み" |
jaJP | File | ファイル" |
jaJP | embedded | 組み込み" |
jaJP | Frame | フレーム" |
jaJP | Image | 画像" |
jaJP | fit to frame width | フレーム幅にフィット" |
jaJP | fit to frame height | フレーム高さをフィット" |
jaJP | fit to better side | より良い側にフィット" |
jaJP | fillprop | 比例的にフレームを埋める" |
jaJP | fitprop | 比例的にコンテンツを埋める" |
jaJP | fittoframe | フレームにコンテンツを埋める" |
jaJP | centercontent | コンテンツ中心" |
jaJP | k_YES | はい" |
jaJP | k_NO | いいえ" |
jaJP | k_LEFT | 左" |
jaJP | k_CENTER | 中心" |
jaJP | k_RIGHT | 右" |
jaJP | k_TOP | 上" |
jaJP | k_BOTTOM | 下" |
jaJP | k_TRUE | 正" |
jaJP | k_FALSE | 誤" |
jaJP | k_EXACTLY | まさに" |
jaJP | k_ATLEAST | 少なくとも" |
jaJP | k_CENTERX | 中心 (X)" |
jaJP | k_CENTERY | 中心 (Y)" |
jaJP | k_TOPLEFT | 上左" |
jaJP | k_TOPCENTER | 上中心" |
jaJP | k_TOPRIGHT | 上右" |
jaJP | k_CENTERLEFT | 中心左" |
jaJP | k_CENTERCENTER | 中心" |
jaJP | k_CENTERRIGHT | 中心右" |
jaJP | k_BOTTOMLEFT | 下左" |
jaJP | k_BOTTOMCENTER | 下中心" |
jaJP | k_BOTTOMRIGHT | 下右" |
jaJP | k_SMALLER | 以下" |
jaJP | k_EQUAL | イコール" |
jaJP | k_GREATER | 以上" |
jaJP | k_WIDTH | 幅" |
jaJP | k_HEIGHT | 高さ" |
jaJP | k_TEST | テスト" |
jaJP | k_UNUSED | 未使用" |
jaJP | k_UNUSEDBRACKETS | [[未使用]]" |
jaJP | k_ONLYASEPERATOR | これはセパレーターのみです。" |
jaJP | k_SCALETEXT | テキストをスケール" |
jaJP | k_SCALETEXTTOFRAME | サイズ変更フレームに適応するテキストをスケール。" |
jaJP | k_FACTOR | ファクター" |
jaJP | k_LIMITS | リミット" |
jaJP | k_ONOVERSET | オーバーセット" |
jaJP | k_FITTEXTTOTFRAME | フレームにテキストをフィット" |
jaJP | k_FITTEXTCONTENTTOFRAME | フレームにテキストコンテンツをフィット。" |
jaJP | k_FIT | フィット" |
jaJP | k_FITTABLESTOFRAMEWIDTH | フレーム幅にテーブルをフィット。" |
jaJP | k_FITTABLESTOFRAMEWIDTHLONG | フレーム幅にフレーム中のすべてテーブルをフィット。" |
jaJP | k_IMAGESEPERATOR | --- 画像 ---" |
jaJP | k_SCALEIMAGE | 画像をスケール" |
jaJP | k_SCALEIMAGETOFRAME | サイズ変更フレームに適応する画像をスケール。" |
jaJP | k_REFERENCE | リファレンス" |
jaJP | k_FITIMAGETOFRAME | フレームに画像をフィット" |
jaJP | k_FITIMAGECONTENTTOFRAME | フレームに画像コンテンツをフィット。" |
jaJP | k_PROPORTIONAL | 比例" |
jaJP | k_FILLFRAME | フレームを埋める" |
jaJP | k_APPLYAREAS | エリアに適用" |
jaJP | k_IMAGETOALWAYSNEVERAREAS | 常に又は一度もないエリアに適応する画像をスケール及びポジション。" |
jaJP | k_PREFER | 好み" |
jaJP | k_RESIZEFRAME | フレームをサイズ変更" |
jaJP | k_FRAMESEPERATOR | --- フレーム ---" |
jaJP | k_SCALEFRAME | フレームをスケール" |
jaJP | k_SCALEFRAMETODOCSIZECHANGE | サイズ変更ドキュメントに適応するフレームをスケール。" |
jaJP | k_SCALESTROKE | ストロークをスケール" |
jaJP | k_FITFRAMETOCONTENT | コンテンツにフレームをフィット" |
jaJP | k_FITFRAMETOCONTENTLONG | フレームコンテンツにフレームをフィット。" |
jaJP | k_CONSTANTWIDTH | コンスタント幅" |
jaJP | k_HOLDFRAME | フレームを保持" |
jaJP | k_HOLDFRAMERELATIVETOPAGE | ページに関わるフレームを保持。" |
jaJP | k_DIRECTION | 方向" |
jaJP | k_EXTENDTOBLEED | ブリッドを拡張" |
jaJP | k_EXTENDFRAMETOBLEED | ブリッドエリアにフレームを拡張。" |
jaJP | k_OVERSPINE | オーバースパイン" |
jaJP | k_SLACK | スラック" |
jaJP | k_MATCHPAGEMARGINS | ページマージンをマッチ" |
jaJP | k_MATCHPAGEMARGINSLONG | 指定ページマージンに一つもしくは全てページマージンをマッチ。" |
jaJP | k_MATCH | マッチ" |
jaJP | k_ROWZEROALL | 行 (0:全て)" |
jaJP | k_JUSTIFYPARAGRAPHS | パラグラフを整列" |
jaJP | k_FILLPROPORTIONALLY | 比例的に埋める" |
jaJP | k_JUSTIFY | 整列" |
jaJP | k_USEDOCIMAGEINTENT | ドキュメント画像インテントを使用" |
jaJP | k_PERCEPTUALIMAGES | 知覚的 (画像)" |
jaJP | k_SATURATIONGRAPHICS | 飽和 (グラフィック)" |
jaJP | k_NOEXTRAS | エクストラなし" |
jaJP | k_UNIFORMROWS | 均一行" |
jaJP | k_COPYCELLPROPERTIES | セルプロパティをコピー" |
jaJP | k_FRAMEONLY | フレームのみ" |
jaJP | k_TEXTONLY | テキストのみ" |
jaJP | k_DOCUMENT | ドキュメント" |
jaJP | k_PUBLICATION | パブリケーション" |
jaJP | k_PUBLICATIONTYPE | パブリケーションタイプ" |
jaJP | k_IGNORE | 無視" |
jaJP | k_PREFERLATEST | 最新を好み" |
jaJP | k_FILE | ファイル" |
jaJP | k_EMBEDDED | 組み込み" |
jaJP | k_FRAME | フレーム" |
jaJP | k_IMAGE | 画像" |
The second version of the call works on unformatted strings (strings without %d, %s, ...). It translates/re-translates simple strings and the first parameter is for distinction from the first version only, and must always be 0! Re-translations you may need to work with user input given in the foreign language.
Name | Type | Default | Description |
Return | char* | Translation of the given text ofter replacing the %-placeholders. The result exists only temporarily. For further script uses, please copy its content. | |
formatStr | char* | - | Message. The string can contain %-markes , see here to learn more. An additional parameter is expected in the (correct) sequence and with the correct type for each of these markers. |
... | depending on the %-markers | - | Values or variables according to the %-markers in formatStr |
Unformatted string | |||
p | int | - | Must always be 0. |
char* | keyOrVal | - | Key or translation to find its sibling. Key are evaluated case insensitiv! |
findKey | int | 0 | 0 : search for the translation of keyOrVal 1 : search for the key of keyOrVal |
Some possibilities to translate/retranslate strings. The 4th call finds the key to the given value. Be careful to use a showmessage with %s. Otherwise showmessage
will tranlate your key automatically again. You should have defined the following translation:
<key>deutsches <0x00F6></key>
<translation>german <0x00F6></translation>
int main () { showmessage (translate ("deutsches ö")); showmessage (translate (0, "deutsches ö")); showmessage (translate (0, "deutsches ö", 0)); showmessage (translate (0, "german ö", 1));
return 0; }
Alphabetic index HTML hierarchy of classes or Java