System information
You will find a general example for the use of system here.
System informationThis module is used to get information about the current system settings such as date format, currency etc.
static char* login(char* s)
Login name of the user. The login name is the name under which the user has logged onto a computer, not the name which with the user may have logged on to a database.
Name | Type | Default | Description |
Return | String or char* | (Depends on parameter s) User name, same as parameter s | |
s | String or char* | - | Reserved memory for the result |
int main() { char *s = alloc(1000);
return 0; }
static char* host(char* s)
Host name of the computer.
Name | Type | Default | Description |
Return | String or char* | (Depends on parameter s) Host name, same as parameter s | |
s | String or char* | - | Reserved memory for the result |
int main() { char *s = alloc(1000);
return 0; }
static char* getenv(char* s, char* vname)
Value of the global sytem variables. With Mac OS X upon logging in onto computer these variables are read from from the file ~/.MacOSX/environment.plist and can be expanded by applications. Some variable are set by the system.
Name | Type | Default | Description |
Return | String or char* | (Depends on parameter s) Current value of the searched system variable, same as parameter s | |
s | String or char* | - | Reserved memory for the result |
vname | String or char* | - | Name of the searched variable |
int main() { char *s = alloc(1000);
showmessage(system::getenv(s, "PATH"));
return 0; }
static char* currency(char* s)
Mac OS X only With Mac OS X the currency is set in
System settings:country settings:Format:Numbers
Name | Type | Default | Description |
Return | String or char* | (Depends on parameter s) Currency symbol, same as parameter s | |
s | String or char* | - | Reserved memory for the result |
int main() { char *s = alloc(1000);
return 0; }
static char* AM(char* s)
Time symbol for before noon. With Mac OS X this setting is made in
System settings:country settings:Format:Time:Before noon
Name | Type | Default | Description |
Return | String or char* | (Depends on parameter s) Time symbol for before noon, same as parameter s | |
s | String or char* | - | Reserved memory for the result |
int main() { char *s = alloc(1000);
return 0; }
static char* PM(char* s)
Time symbol for the afternoon. With Mac OS X this setting is made in
System settings:country settings:Format:Time:Afternoon
Name | Type | Default | Description |
Return | String or char* | (Depends on parameter s) Time symbol for afternoon, same as parameter s | |
s | String or char* | - | Reserved memory for the result |
int main() { char *s = alloc(1000);
return 0; }
static char* decimal_sep(char* s)
Decimal separator (comma sign). With Mac OS X this setting is made in
System settings:country settings:Format:Numbers
Name | Type | Default | Description |
Return | String or char* | (Depends on parameter s) Decimal point, same as parameter s | |
s | String or char* | - | Reserved memory for the result |
int main() { char *s = alloc(10);
return 0; }
static char* thousand_sep(char* s)
Separator between thousands, for example 100.000. With Mac OS X this setting is made in
System settings:country settings:Format:Numbers
Name | Type | Default | Description |
Return | String or char* | (Depends on parameter s) Time information, same as parameter s | |
s | String or char* | - | Reserved memory for the result |
int main() { char *s = alloc(10);
return 0; }
static char* date_sep(char* s)
Mac OS X only Separator between day, month and year in the abbreviated date format. With Mac OS X this setting is made in
System settings:country settings:Format:Date
Name | Type | Default | Description |
Return | String or char* | (Depends on parameter s) Date separator, same as parameter s | |
s | String or char* | - | Reserved memory for the result |
int main() { char *s = alloc(10);
return 0; }
static char* time_sep(char* s)
Mac OS X only Separator between hours, minutes and seconds. With Mac OS X this setting is made in
System settings:country settings:Format:Time
Name | Type | Default | Description |
Return | String or char* | (Depends on parameter s) Time separator, same as parameter s | |
s | String or char* | - | Reserved memory for the result |
int main() { char *s = alloc(10);
return 0; }
static int time_diff(
char* dt1,
char* dt2,
int fmt)
Time difference in seconds. See system::now for supported date time formats.
Name | Type | Default | Description |
Return | int | Difference between the two date times in seconds | |
dt1, dt2 | String or char*, String or char* | - | Two date time strings. |
fmt | int | - | In what format are the two times given?< All system independent formats from system::now are allowed as formats. |
A timer should change the state of a multistate. The function time_diff is used here to calculate the timers run time.
#include "internal/types.h" #include "internal/text.h"
int gMaxLen = 1140;
int main () { char dt [512]; char now [512]; char str [512]; int sec = 0; int states = multistate::count_states (gFrame); int state = multistate::get_active_state (gFrame);
system::now (now, ddmmyyyy_hhmmss); timer::get_start (gFrame, "green-red", dt); sec = (system::time_diff (now, dt, ddmmyyyy_hhmmss));
if (sec >=>= gMaxLen) { multistate::set_active_state (gFrame, states-1); timer::stop (gFrame, "green-red"); return 0; }
state = (states * sec) / gMaxLen; multistate::set_active_state (gFrame, state);
return 0; }
static int time_scan(
char* dt1,
int fmt,
int* year = 0,
int* month = 0,
int* day = 0,
int* hour = 0,
int* minutes = 0,
int* seconds = 0,
int* milliseconds = 0)
Determines the partial values of a date-time string.
Name | Type | Default | Description |
Return | int | 0 or ErrorCode | |
dt1 | String oder char* | - | Valid datetime string |
fmt | int | - | Format of the give datetime string. As formats all system independent representations from system::now are allowed. |
year | int* | 0 | Year 0 : Ignore |
month | int* | 0 | Moth (1-12) 0 : Ignore |
day | int* | 0 | Day 0 : Ignore |
hours | int* | 0 | Hours 0 : Ignore |
minutes | int* | 0 | Minutes 0 : Ignore |
seconds | int* | 0 | Seconds 0 : Ignore |
millisecoonds | int* | 0 | Millseconds 0 : Ignore |
static char* email(char* s)
DEPRECATED! Standard email address of the user. With Mac OS X this setting is usually made in the standard email program.
Name | Type | Default | Description |
Return | char* | Email address of the user | |
s | char* | - | Reserved memory for the result |
int main() { char *s = alloc(1000);
return 0; }
static char* account(char* s)
Standard email account of the user. DEPRECATED! Standard email account of the user. With Mac OS X this setting is usually made in the standard email program.
Name | Type | Default | Description |
Return | char* | User's standard email account | |
s | char* | - | Reserved memory for the result |
int main() { char *s = alloc(1000);
return 0; }
static char* organization(char* s)
DEPRECATED! Standard company information of the user. With Mac OS X this setting is usually made in the standard email program.
Name | Type | Default | Description |
Return | char* | User's standard organization | |
s | char* | - | Reserved memory for the result |
int main() { char *s = alloc(1000);
return 0; }
static char* realname(char* s)
DEPRECATED! Actual name of the user as specified in the user administration.
Name | Type | Default | Description |
Return | char* | Actual user name | |
s | char* | - | Reserved memory for the result |
int main() { char *s = alloc(1000);
return 0; }
static char* signature(char* s)
DEPRECATED! User signature. With Mac OS X this setting is usually made in the standard email program.
Name | Type | Default | Description |
Return | char* | User signature | |
s | char* | - | Reserved memory for the result |
int main() { char *s = alloc(1000);
return 0; }
static char* homepage(char* s)
DEPRECATED! Standard homepage of the user
Name | Type | Default | Description |
Return | char* | Homepage of the user | |
s | char* | - | Reserved memory for the result |
int main() { char *s = alloc(1000);
return 0; }
static char* download(char* s)
DEPRECATED! Standard download folder of the user
Name | Type | Default | Description |
Return | char* | User download folder | |
s | char* | - | Reserved memory for the result |
int main() { char *s = alloc(1000);
return 0; }
static char* tcpip(char* s, int ix = 0)
Current TCP/IP address of the computer
Name | Type | Default | Description |
Return | String or char* | (Depends on parameter s) TCP/IP Address, same as parameter s in case of an error |
s | String or char* | - | Reserved memory for the result |
ix | int | 0 | 0-based index of address to retreive, only supported on Windows |
int main() { char *s = alloc(1000);
showmessage(system::tcpip(s, 0));
return 0; }
static char* macid(char* s, int ix = 0)
Get MacIDs of the computer.
Name | Type | Default | Description |
Return | String or char* | (Depends on parameter s) MacID, same as parameter s "" in case of an error |
s | String or char* | - | Reserved memory for the result |
ix | int | 0 | 0-based index of hardware |
int main() { char *s = alloc(1000);
showmessage(system::macid(s, 0));
return 0; }
static char* session_id(char* s)
SessionID of the current PubServer connection.
Name | Type | Default | Description |
Return | String or char* | (Depends on parameter s) SessionID of the current PubServer connection. "" : No active PubServer connection |
s | String or char* | - | Reserved memory for the result |
static int pid()
Get the unique process id of the application (InDesign®, InDesign® Server, comet_pdf).
Name | Type | Default | Description |
Return | int | pid of executing application |
static int shiftkey()
Is the Shift button currently being pressed?
Name | Type | Default | Description |
Return | int | 0 no 1 yes |
Simply release it!
int main() { while (system::shiftkey ()) {} showmessage("aaaaah!");
return 0; }
static int altkey()
Is the Alt button currently being pressed?
Name | Type | Default | Description |
Return | int | 0 no 1 yes |
static int cmdkey()
Is the Command button currently being pressed?
Name | Type | Default | Description |
Return | int | 0 no 1 yes |
static int controlkey()
Is the Control button currently being pressed?
Name | Type | Default | Description |
Return | int | 0 no 1 yes |
static char* now(char* str, int td = kShortDateTime)
The following table contains a complete list of all supported output formats
Formatstring | Mac | Windows |
kShortDate | 04.09.2009 | 4.9.2009 |
kLongDate | 4. September 2009 | 4.9.2009 |
kAbbrevDate | 04.09.2009 | 4.9.2009 |
kShortTime | 08:02 | 08:02:54 |
kLongTime | 08:02:54 | 08:02:54 |
kShortDateTime | 04.09.2009 08:02 | 4.9.2009 08:02:54 |
kLongDateTime | 4. September 2009 08:02 | 4.9.2009 08:02:54 |
kAbbrevDateTime | 04.09.2009 08:02 | 4.9.2009 08:02:54 |
kShortDateLongTime | 04.09.2009 08:02:54 | 4.9.2009 08:02:54 |
kLongDateLongTime | 4. September 2009 08:02:54 | 4.9.2009 08:02:54 |
kAbbrevDateLongTime | 04.09.2009 08:02:54 | 4.9.2009 08:02:54 |
SSystem independent formats | ||
ddmmyyyy | 04.09.2009 | |
ddmmyyyy_hhmm | 04.09.2009 08:02 | |
ddmmyyyy_hhmmss | 04.09.2009 08:02:54 | |
dmyy | 4.9.09 | |
hhmm | 08:02 | |
hhmmss | 08:02:54 | |
hmm | 8:02 | |
hmmss | 8:02:54 | |
since v4.1 R23901 | ||
yyyymmddhhmmss | 20181022114501 | |
xmldatetime | 2018-10-22T11:45:01 | |
iso_time_colon | 11:45:01 | |
iso_time_hyphen | 11-45-01 | |
iso_date | 2018-10-22 | |
iso_date_time_colon | 2018-10-22 11:45:01 | |
iso_date_time_hyphen | 2018-10-22 11-45-01 |
Name | Type | Default | Description |
Return | String, char* or int |
td | String or char* | - | Reserved memory for the result With td == 111 and td == 112 the parameter is ignored and may be 0. |
tp | int | kShortDateTime | Format specification System depended kShortDate (= 0) kLongDate (= 1) kAbbrevDate (= 2) kShortTime (= 20) kLongTime (= 36) kShortDateTime (= 16) kLongDateTime (= 17) kAbbrevDateTime (= 18) kShortDateLongTime (= 32) kLongDateLongTime (= 33) kAbbrevDateLongTime (= 34) system independend ddmmyyyy (= 96) ddmmyyyy_hhmm (= 97) ddmmyyyy_hhmmss (= 98) dmyy (= 99) hhmm (= 100) hhmmss (= 101) hmm (= 102) hmmss (= 103) since v4.1 R23901 yyyymmddhhmmss (= 104) xmldatetime (= 105) iso_time_colon (= 106) iso_time_hyphen (= 107) iso_date (= 108) iso_date_time_colon (= 109) iso_date_time_hyphen (= 110) ab v4.1.6 R25678 111: Microseconds since 1. Jan. 1970, Return value is of type int 112: Microseconds since programm start, Return value is of type int |
#include "internal/types.h"
int main() { char dt [256]
showmessage ("%s", system::now(dt, ddmmyyyy_hhmm)); showmessage ("%d μsec", system::now(0, 112));
return 0; }
Test of system::now and system::time_diff. Take care, time_diff expects strings (char* or string) as input normally, but together with formats 111 and 112 it returns int-numbers and you do not need the time_diff function here. The output should be 2000NNN and 2.
#include "internal/types.h"
int main() { int sec; int startTime, endTime; char startTimeStr [256], endTimeStr [256];
startTime = system::now(0, 111); system::now(startTimeStr, yyyymmddhhmmss);
system::sleep (2000); // 2 seconds
endTime = system::now(0, 111); system::now(endTimeStr, yyyymmddhhmmss);
showmessage("Mikroseconds\t: %d\nSeconds\t: %d", endTime - startTime, system::time_diff (endTimeStr, startTimeStr, yyyymmddhhmmss));
return 0; }
static int os()
Under what operating system is a script currently run. This function requires the Include #include "internal/types.h".
Name | Type | Default | Description |
Return | int | kMacOS (= 1) kWindows (= 2) kLinux (= 3) |
int main() { if (system::os() == 1) showmessage("You're using a Macintosh."); else showmessage("You're using Windows.");
return 0; }
static int is_server()
You are currently run InDesign® Server or not?
Name | Type | Default | Description |
Return | int | 1 : InDesign® Server 0 : InDesign® |
int main() { if (system::is_server() == 1) showmessage("You're using InDesign® Server."); else showmessage("You're using InDesign® (Desktop).");
return 0; }
static char* app_path(char* path)
Get the current path of InDesign®.
Name | Type | Default | Description |
Return | String or char* | (Depends on parameter path) Path of the InDesign® program, same as parameter path. | |
path | String or char* | - | Reserved memory for the result. |
int main() { char *path = alloc(4068);
return 0; }
static char* plugin_path(char* path)
Get the current plugin folder.
Name | Type | Default | Description |
Return | String or char* | (Depends on parameter path) Plugin folder, same as parameter path. | |
path | String or char* | - | Reserved memory for the result. |
int main() { char *path = alloc(4068);
return 0; }
static char* crypt(char* str, char* crpt)
Encrypt a text. This command is only implemented for employees and staff of WERK II.
Name | Type | Default | Description |
Return | String or char* | (Depends on parameter crpt) Encrypted string, same as parameter crpt | |
str | String or char* | - | String that is to be encrypted. |
crpt | String or char* | - | Reserved memory for the result. When using char* as the parameter type, the result string must be at least 256 bytes larger than the result. |
The examples shows the encryption and decryption of a string.
int main() { char *str = alloc(1000); char *crpt = alloc(1000); char *dcrpt = alloc(1000);
strcpy (str, "abc-äöü-ß"); system::crypt(str, crpt); system::decrypt(crpt, dcrpt); showmessage("Ursprung\t%sVerschlüsselt\t%s\nEntschlüsselt\t%s", str, crpt, dcrpt);
release(str); release(crpt); release(dcrpt);
return 0; }
static char* decrypt(char* crpt, char* str)
Decrypt a encrypted string. This command is only implemented for employees and staff of WERK II
Name | Type | Default | Description |
Return | String or char* | (Depends on parameter str) unencrypted string, same as parameter str | |
crpt | String or char* | - | encrypted string. |
str | String or char* | - | Reserved memory for the result. |
static int oem(char* type, char* label)
Customize the labels of the About dialogs.
To customize the company logos please contact our support team.
Name | Type | Default | Description |
Return | int | 0 or ErrorCode | |
type | String or char* | - | Which label is to be changed? "address" : Change the address information in the order and the About dialogs. "company" : Change the company name shonw in the dialogs of the trial period, (seit R 250). "contacts" : Change the contact information shonw in the dialogs of the trial period, (seit R 250). |
image_path | String or char* | - | New single lined label |
static int set_docwatch(int state = 1)
Activate/Deactivate the document monitoring. Where document monitoring is activated, it will be attempted to load and execute the Panel statements of document monitoring.
Document monitoring will be automatically deactivated upon disconnecting the data link (Database logout, SOAP logout, change XML folder). The instruction is to be implemented in the Login script of the data link.
Name | Type | Default | Description |
Return | int | 0 or ErrorCode | |
state | int | 1 | 0 : Off 1 : On |
static int get_docwatch()
Get the current status of the document monitoring.
Name | Type | Default | Description |
Return | int | 0 : deactivated 1 : activated |
static char* revision()
Get the current revision of Comet plugins.
Name | Type | Default | Description |
Return | char* | Revision of current Comet plugins.
The return value is read only, do NOT CHANGE. The result will be overridden on following calls to the function. See here to learn more about functions returning r/o char* values. |
Show current revision number.
int main () { showmessage (system::revision ()); return 0; }
The revision number is a string. Use it as integer:
int gRev = 0;
int main () { gRev = val (system::revision ()); showmessage ("%d", gRev);
return 0; }
static char* comet_version()
Get the current version of Comet plugins.
Name | Type | Default | Description |
Return | char* | Version of current Comet plugins.
The return value is read only, do NOT CHANGE. The result will be overridden on following calls to the function. See here to learn more about functions returning r/o char* values. |
Show the current environment.
int main () { showmessage ("Comet %s R%s, InDesign® CS%d", system::comet_version (), system::revision (), system::version ()-2); // Versionsnummer von ID ist CS-Version+2
return 0; }
You may use the function to take care on functions not implemented in earlier versions of Comet plugins.
int gMinRevision = 1881;
int main () { if (val (system::revision ()) >= gMinRevision) { if (fval (system::comet_version ()) > 3.1) { implemented_in_R1881_Comet32 ("aaa"); } }
showmessage ("Where if not now?!"); return 0; }
static int placeholderversion(ItemRef docRef = 0)
Get the current internal placeholders versions of a given document.
Name | Type | Default | Description |
Return | int | Placeholder version. | |
docRef | ItemRef | 0 | Document -1 : placeholder version supported by the plug-inss 0 : current front document otherwise : valid document references |
Show the current placeholder version supported by the plug-ins.
int main ()
showmessage ("Plugins : %d\nDokument : %d",
system::placeholderversion (-1),
system::placeholderversion ());
return 0;
static int version(int* hostApp = 0)
Find out the type and version number of the applicartion that runs the script.
Name | Type | Default | Description |
Return | int | InDesign® (major) version 12 : InDesign® CC 2017 13 : InDesign® CC 2018 14 : InDesign® CC 2019 15 : InDesign® 2020 16 : InDesign® 2021 17 : InDesign® 2022 18 : InDesign® 2023 ... 24 : Illustrator® 2020 25 : Illustrator® 2021 26 : Illustrator® 2022 27 : Illustrator® 2023 ... -1 : comet_pdf |
hostApp | int* | 0 | If the parameter != 0, it gets the following value for the type of the hosting app: 0 = InDesign® 1 = InDesign® Server 2 = comet_pdf 3 = Illustrator® |
int main () { int app; int version = system::version (&app); char cc [10];
if (app == 3) { showmessage ("Illustrator %d", 1996 + version); } else if (app == 2) { showmessage ("comet_pdf"); } else { if (version < 15) strcpy (cc, " CC"); else strcpy (cc, "");
if (app == 1) showmessage ("InDesign%s Server %d", cc, 2005 + version); else showmessage ("InDesign%s %d", cc, 2005 + version); }
return 0; }
static int language()
Language of the used InDesign®.
Name | Type | Default | Description |
Return | int | Language Key 0 : English (US) 1 : English (UK) 2 : German 3: France 4 : Japanese 5 : Spainish 6 : Portgese 7 : Swedish 8 . Danish 9 : Dutch 10 : Italian 11 : Norwegian 12 : Finnish 13 : Greek 14 : Czeck 15 : Polish 16 : Croatian 17 : Hungarian 18 : Russian 19 : Slowakian 20 : Turkish 21 : Romanian 22 : Bulgarian 23 : Belorussia 24 : Estonian 25 : Latvian 25 : Lithuanian 27 : Slovenian 28 : Ukrainian 29 : Hebrew 30 : Arabic 31 : Korean 32 : Chinese 33 : Chinese (Taiwan) 34 : Tamil 35 : Thai 36 : Vietnamese 37 : Albanian (Windows only) |
int main () { int isServer;
showmessage ("IDVersion : %d\rServer : %d\rSprache : %d", system::version (&isServer), isServer, system::language ());
return 0; }
static int sleep(long time_ms)
Name | Type | Default | Description |
time_ms | int | - | milliseconds |
static int suppress_layout_rules(int what = 0)
Suppress layout rules for certain situations. The instruction applies globally and until released by wakeup_layoutrules or until the current data connection is disconnected.
Please note that this function determines in which situations layout rules should be suppressed and applies to all layout rules. To supress individual layout rules or to execute them only exclusively use the functions suppress_layout_rule (without s at the end) or exclusive_layout_rule.
Name | Type | Default | Description | |||||||||||||||||||||
Return | int | Currently acivated rule types | ||||||||||||||||||||||
what | int | 0 | What types of rules you wish to suppress. (Its a bit field, you may add the following values)
static int wakeup_layout_rules(int what = 0xFFFFFFFF)
Allow execution of layout rules for the given situation (again). Be extremely careful here : Only wake up rules you definitely turned off using suppress_layout_rules.
Please note that this function cancels locks of specified execution situations only. The function does not have any effects to individual locks or releases of layout rules using the suppress_layout_rule (without s at the end) or exclusive_layout_rule functions.
Name | Type | Default | Description | |||||||||||||||||||||
Return | int | Currently activated rule types | ||||||||||||||||||||||
what | int | all | What types of rules you wish to wake up. (Its a bit field, you may add the following values)
static int suppress_layout_rule(int ruleID = 0, int doSuppress = 0)
Suppressing/re-activating specific layout rules. Disabling a layout rule applies globally and until it is enabled again or until the current data connection is disconnected. The IDs of the default rules can be found here.
Conditions cannot be suppressed.
Layout rules rules can be additionally blocked for fixed situations with suppress_layout_rules (with s at the end). Re-releasing a layout rule with doSuppress = 0 has no influence on the general lock of the situation!
Please also note that re-activating a rule does not execute the rule immediately. The call only has the effect that the rule may be executed again the next time the layout rules are executed.
Name | Type | Default | Description |
Return | int | 0 or ErrorCode | |
ruleID | int | 0 | ID of the layout rule 0 : Re-enable all suppressed layout rules, ignoring the doSuppress parameter. |
doSuppress | int | 0 | 0 : Re-enable rule 1 : Suppress execution of the layout rule |
static int exclusive_layout_rule(int ruleID = 0, int doSuppress = 1)
Restrict the layout rules to specified exclusive rules. If at least one layout rule is marked as exclusive, only rules marked as exclusive are executed and all other rules will be ignored. The exclusivity of a layout rule applies globally and until the exclusivity is withdrawn or the current data connection is disconnected. The IDs of the default rules can be found here.
Conditions can not be marked as to be exclusive.
Layout rules can be locked for certain situations by suppress_layout_rules (with s at the end). The locking of the situation also applies to exclusive rules and the withdrawal of exclusivity has no influence on the locking of the situation!
Please also note that granting exclusivity does not execute the rule immediately. The call only causes all non-exclusive rules to be suppressed the next time layout rules are executed.
Name | Type | Default | Description |
Return | int | 0 or ErrorCode | |
ruleID | int | 0 | ID of the layout rule 0 : Withdraw all exclusive rights, the parameter doInclude is ignored in this case. By removing all exclusive rights, all rules suppressed with suppress_layout_rule will be ignored further! |
doInclude | int | 0 | 0 : Withdraw exclusivity again. If no rule has exclusive rights after that, all rules suppressed with suppress_layout_rule are still ignored. 1 : Mark rule as exclusive. |
static int commit_global(char* name = 0)
Write the current value of a global variable back to the current data pool.
Global variables can be created, modified and deleted via the Settings panel.
Global variables are not supported by PubServer connections.
Name | Type | Default | Description |
Return | int | 0 or ErrorCode | |
name | String or char* | - | Write the value of this variable. Take care to take the variable name, not the variable itself (for example "gCounter" instead of gCounter). empty or "" : Write values of all global variables |
Change the value of gInt to 123.
int main () { gInt = 123; system::commit_global ("gInt");
return 0; }
static int reload_globals()
Reload all global variables. Changes made on globale will be lost. To save local changes to global variables, use system::commit_global.
Global variables can be created, modified and deleted via the Settings panel.
Global variables are not supported by PubServer connections.
Name | Type | Default | Description |
Return | int | 0 or ErrorCode |
static int send_mail(
char* to,
char* subject,
Send an email to a given address.
The function is a nice to have: We will help you by any problem, but the function in not subject of support.
On Mac OS X we use the standard servive Postfix to send emails. You need to configure this system at first. Followthe nexts steps to configure postfix. (You will need admin access for configuration!
Open programm Terminal and navigate to /etc/postfix:
cd /etc/postfix
Open file /etc/postfix/ and append the following lines. Replace your_smtp by your mail server, e.g. Do not remove the brackets!
As sender address yur login name and the value of myorigin is used: My login name is paul. So myorigin = will create the sender address
If you know how to change the name in the sender address too, please let us know!
relayhost = [your_smtp] myorigin = your_mail_domain smtp_sasl_auth_enable = yes smtp_sasl_password_maps = hash:/etc/postfix/smtp_sasl_passwords smtp_sasl_security_options = noanonymous smtp_use_tls = yes
Don't forget the brackets around the server.
Create the file /etc/postfix/smtp_sasl_passwords and add the following line. Replace \span[src]{your_smtp by your mail server, your_mail_address by your email address on this server and your_password by the according password, e.g.
[your_smtp] your_mail_address:your_password
Set owner and permisssions of the new file and init the Postfix lookup table:
sudo chown root smtp_sasl_passwords sudo chmod 411 smtp_sasl_passwords sudo postmap smtp_sasl_passwords
Restart the Postfix mail service:
sudo Postfix stop sudo Postfix start
You're ready now. Try the confugration by sending you an email:
date | sendmail -f your_mail_address your_mail_address
You should get an email after a short while.doc
Using Windows, the confuguration is much more simpler - you have to do ... nothing. But : You have to give the function itself all the needed information about the mail account. Alternatively you can store the account information:
Name | Type | Default | Description |
Return | int | 0 or ErrorCode | |
to | String or char* | - | Complete address of receiver |
subject | String or char* | - | subject of mail, may be 0 or "". |
type, content | int, String or char* | -,- | List of (Type, Content) pairs to compose the mail. Under Mac OS X, account information like (kSMTPServer, ...)
are ignored kBopy Text (plain or HTML) kInline : Cpmplete path of file. Under Mac OS X, the file will be placed inside the text. Unter Windows, the file is appended as a regular attachment. kAttachment Complete path of attachment file kSMTPServer Windows only SMTP server kLoginName Windows only user name on SMTP kPassword Windows only passwort of user kSenderName Windows only anme of sender (used only to show in mail application) kReplyTo Windows only mail address of sender and to replay to kMailAccount Windows only Use this mail account, see above |
Here's an example:
system::send_mail ( "", "Hier die Dokumente", kMailAccount, "emile", kBody, "Hello Paul!\nHere are the desired files", kInline, "$DESKTOP/Bilder/buffer.jpg", kInline, "$DESKTOP/Bilder/docu.pdf", kBody, "\n\nFor me it was a pleasure!");
static int font_info(
char* platform_name,
int style,
char* postscript_name,
float* asc,
float* desc)
Collect information to a given font. You will need this function to configure the comet_pdf font settings well.
Name | Type | Default | Description |
Return | int | 0 or ErrorCode | |
platform_name | String or char* | - | InDesign® name of a font. The name can include a blank delimited style information (But no NOT append the default style 'Regular'). If empty, the variable will contain the font name of postscript_name after successful return. |
style | int | - | font style 0 : normal 1 : italic 2 : bold 3 : bold italic 4 : small caps 4 : caps (Ja, dieser Fehler ist so in der InDesign®-API enthalten.) In most cases you will define the style in the name and leave this parameter 0. |
postscript_name | String or char* | - | Postscript name of the font. If empty, the variable is filled by the ps name of platform_name on successful return. if not empty, platform_name is filled with the font name used by InDesign® vice versa. |
asc | float* | 0 | Ascender of font in 10 Pt. |
desc | float* | 0 | Descender of font in 10 Pt. |
Get the font of the current text selection, query information about the font and show the result in a dialog. Users may copy the dialogs result into fontnames.xml of comet_pdf.
int main () { int start; ItemRef fr = item::alloc (); char fname [512]; char font [512]; char style [512]; char idname [512]; char psname [512]; float asc = 0.0; float desc = 0.0; char s [4096]; char s1 [4096]; char s2 [4096];
if (gRun > 1) return 0;
strcpy (font, ""); if (textmodel::selection (&start, 0, fr) == 0 && start >= 0) { textmodel::get_font (fr, start, font, style); } if (strlen (font) == 0) { beep (); return 0; }
strcpy (fname, font); if (strcmp (style, "Regular")) { strcat (fname, " "); strcat (fname, style); } asc = 0.0; system::font_info (fname, 0, psname, &asc, &desc);
sprintf (s, "<fontname id=\"%s %s\" ps=\"%s\"/>", font, style, psname); strcpy (s1, s); strcat (s1, "n"); sprintf (s, "<fontname id=\"%s %s\" ps=\"%s\" asc=\"%f\" desc=\"%f\"/>", font, style, psname, asc, desc); strcat (s1, s); sprintf (s2, "InDesign®-Name\t: %s\nPostscript-Name\t: %s\nAscend\t\t: %f\nDescend\t\t: %f", fname, psname, asc, desc); askstring2 ( s1, "XML", 1, s2, "Font", 1, 0, "", "", 0, "", 0, "fontnames.xml");
return 0; }
static int cmd(char* cmd_string, int createProcess = 0)
Execute a shell command.
Name | Type | Default | Description |
Return | int | 0 or ErrorCode | |
platform_name | String or char* | - | Valid command for terminal shell. |
createProcess | int | 0 | The parameter is meaningful under Windows only. To execute the instruction, a new console is started under Windows. This console is visible for a short moment. Set createProcess to 1 to suppress this window. Attention: compound statements with redirects (>, <) and/or pipes (|) can not be executed here and generate the error 1290 (cannotCreateProcessErr). |
Copy the ID1 of currently selected text placeholder to the clipboard.
int main () { int sel; int id; char cmd [5000];
textmodel::selection (&sel); if (sel >= 0) { id = placeholder::get_value (gFrame, "ID", sel); if (system::os () == 1) sprintf (cmd, "echo \"%d\\c \" | pbcopy", id); else sprintf (cmd, "echo | set /P=\"%d\" | clip", id); } system::cmd (cmd);
return 0; }
static char* key_value(
char* key,
ItemRef frameRef = 0,
int startPos = 0,
int len = -1)
Get the value of a tagged key. In direct statements of placeholders and in panelstatements a set of <Taggged_keys> are defined. (See here for a complete list of supported tags.). All this values are available in various functions of cScript. We offer an uniform method here.
Name | Type | Default | Description |
Return | char* | Value for the key.
The return value is read only, do NOT CHANGE. The result will be overridden on following calls to the function. See here to learn more about functions returning r/o char* values. |
key | String or char* | - | Name of key, see here Keys must be given without the angle brackets. |
frameRef | ItemRef | 0 | Frame reference. Ignored in case of independent keys like "now" or "user" 0 : Current script frame |
startPos | int | 0 | Start position in text given as letter position (not in bytes). Only used for text based keys like "text". |
len | int | kLen | Length of text in letters (not in bytes). Only used for text based keys like "text". |
static int used_memory()
Currently used memory of application (InDesign® or comet_pdf).
Internal use only %nbsp;The function is for internal usage of WERK 2 only.
Name | Type | Default | Description |
Return | int | Currently used memory of application (InDesign® or comet_pdf) in bytes |
showmessage ("RAM : %2.f MB", ((float)system::used_memory ()/1024.0)/10.24.0);
static int fontdb_count()
Number of entries in the internal font database. The font DB is needed to correctly resove bold and italic while converting HTML into TaggedText. See here for more information.
Name | Type | Default | Description |
Return | int | Number of entries in font DB |
The script writes all entries of the font DB into the current log file.
int w_stretch (int s, char* fontname, int * done) { if (!(*done)) { if (fontname) wlog ("", "# Stretch %d '%s'\n", s, fontname); else wlog ("", "# Stretch %d\n", s); } *done = 1; }
int main () { int fcount = system::fontdb_count (); int f, w, s; // font, weight, stretch int pr, pi; // priority (explicitly defined or 'autofill') char fontname[512], regular[255], italic[255]; int shift = system::shiftkey (); int stretch_wrote;
wlog ("", "# Font DB : %d fonts registered (%d mappings!).\n", fcount, fcount*81*2);
for (f = 0; f < fcount; f++) { // Get the font family name strcpy (fontname, system::fontdb_get_fontname (f)); wlog ("", "# %d. Font '%s'\n", f, fontname);
// for all stretches for (s = -4; s <= 4; s++) { stretch_wrote = 0;
// for all weights for (w = 0; w <= 8; w++) { strcpy (regular, system::fontdb_by_index (f, w, s, 0, &pr)); strcpy (italic, system::fontdb_by_index (f, w, s, 1, &pi));
if (!shift) { // Write explicitly defined entries only if (pr) { w_stretch (s, 0, &stretch_wrote); wlog ("", "# %d N '%s'\n", (w+1)*100, regular); } if (pi) { w_stretch (s, fontname, &stretch_wrote); wlog ("", "# %d I '%s'\n", (w+1)*100, italic); } } else { // Write auto-filled entries too w_stretch (s, fontname, &stretch_wrote); if (pr) wlog ("", "# %d N+ '%s'\n", (w+1)*100, regular); else wlog ("", "# %d N- '%s'\n", (w+1)*100, regular); if (pi) wlog ("", "# %d I+ '%s'\n", (w+1)*100, italic); else wlog ("", "# %d I- '%s'\n", (w+1)*100, italic); } } } } return 0; }
char* fontdb_get_fontname(int nth)
Get the font family name of the n-th entry of the font DB.
Name | Type | Default | Description |
Return | char* | Font family name of the n-th entry of the \URL[font DB]URL[Font-DB]{../InDesign/Plugins/comet_pdf.html#fontstyle} "" : In case of an error The return value is read only, do NOT CHANGE. The result will be overridden on following calls to the function. See here to learn more about functions returning r/o char* values. |
nth | int | - | 0-based index |
char* fontdb_by_index(
int nth,
int weight,
int stretch,
int italic,
int* priority)
Get the font face of the font family for a given weight, stretch and style. The font family is adressed by its index inside the font DB.
Name | Type | Default | Description |
Return | char* | Font face defined in the font DB "" : In case of an error The return value is read only, do NOT CHANGE. The result will be overridden on following calls to the function. See here to learn more about functions returning r/o char* values. |
nth | int | - | 0-basierter Index in der Font-DB. |
weight | int | - | 0 ... 8 0 : font-weight:100; 1 : font-weight:200; : 8 : font-weight:900; |
stretch | int | - | -4 ... 4 -4 : font-stretch:ultra-condensed; -3 : font-stretch:extra-condensed; -2 : font-stretch:condensed; -1 : font-stretch:semi-condensed; 0 : font-stretch:normal; 1 : font-stretch:semi-expanded; 2 : font-stretch:expanded; 3 : font-stretch:extra-expanded; 4 : font-stretch:ultra-expanded; |
italic | int | - | 0 : normal 1 : italic |
priority | int* | 0 | Return value: 1 : explicitly defined 0 : auto filled Variable may be empty. |
char* fontdb_by_name(
char* fontname,
int weight,
int stretch,
int italic,
int* priority)
Get the font face of the font family for a given weight, stretch and style. The font family is adressed by its index inside the font DB.
Name | Type | Default | Description |
Return | char* | Font face defined in the font DB "" : In case of an error The return value is read only, do NOT CHANGE. The result will be overridden on following calls to the function. See here to learn more about functions returning r/o char* values. |
nth | char* or String | Font family name inside the font DB. | |
weight | int | - | 0 ... 8 0 : font-weight:100; 1 : font-weight:200; : 8 : font-weight:900; |
stretch | int | - | -4 ... 4 -4 : font-stretch:ultra-condensed; -3 : font-stretch:extra-condensed; -2 : font-stretch:condensed; -1 : font-stretch:semi-condensed; 0 : font-stretch:normal; 1 : font-stretch:semi-expanded; 2 : font-stretch:expanded; 3 : font-stretch:extra-expanded; 4 : font-stretch:ultra-expanded; |
italic | int | - | 0 : normal 1 : italic |
priority | int* | 0 | Return value: 1 : explicitly defined 0 : auto filled Variable may be empty. |
int fontdb_mark_missing(
int type,
int red,
int green,
int blue,
float tint)
Mark text for which the font DB can not find a suitable font style. We offer three ways to mark text for which no matching typeface is found:
The setting applies globally to all documents. Activated markers are reset when disconnecting the data connection.
Attention: The markings must be removed manually!
Name | Type | Default | Description |
Return | int | 0 or ErrorCode | |
⇨ No markings | |||
type | int | - | 0 : No markings |
⇨ Font tint | |||
type | int | - | 1 : Font tint |
tint | int | - | Value of tint : 0.0 (invisible) - 100.0 |
⇨ Font color and tint | |||
type | int | - | 2 : Font color and tint |
red | int | - | Red part of color (0-255) |
green | int | - | Green part of color (0-255) |
blue | int | - | Blue part of color (0-255) |
tint | int | - | Tint in the range 0.0 (invisible) - 100.0 |
⇨ Farbband | |||
type | int | - | 3 : Colored background![]() Under comet_pdf the slanted gray lines are omitted. |
char* fontdb_check(int what)
Check the \URL [font configuration]{../InDesign/Plugins/comet_pdf.html#fontstyle}. The function checks whether all fonts currently installed on your computer are defined in your font database.
The function checks the existence of the entries, not their correctness.
To complete a comet_pdf installation you first have to define the font names (what=2). After that you can adjust the font-DB in a further step. Alternatively you can do it without this script function and call comet_pdf with the option --checkfonts N.
Name | Type | Default | Description |
Return | char* | String with the missing defitnions "" : In case of error The return value is read only, do NOT CHANGE. The result will be overridden on following calls to the function. See here to learn more about functions returning r/o char* values. |
what | int | 4 | Type and format of the review. The results must be checked before further usages! 1 : comet_pdf only Missing entries for translating InDesign fontnames into PDF. The output is C++ formatted. If you think that these fonts must be included in the standard please send it together with a short message directly \URL [to us]{ Extension}. 2 : comet_pdf only Missing entries for translating InDesign fontnames into PDF. The output is XML formatted and can be inserted directly into your fontnames~.xml. 3 : Missing definitions in Font-DB. The output is C++ formatted. If you think that these fonts must be included in the standard please send it together with a short message directly \URL [to us]{ Extension}. 4 : Missing definitions in Font-DB. The output is XML formatted and can be inserted directly into your font_db.xml. |
int main () { wlog ("", "%s", system::fontdb_check ());
return 0; }
int main ()
char s1 [256];
char s2 [256];
char s3 [256];
showmessage ("%s : %s@%s",
system::realname (s1),
system::login (s2),
system::host (s3));
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