Current database connection and execution of database procedures and functions.
Current database connection and execution of database procedures and functions. Transactions can also be executed using the current database connection, in this case use sql::query and the class query.
Query erfordert #include "internal/types.h"
static DBC dbconnection()
Get the current database connection. The database connection may never be deleted by means of a script command.
Name | Type | Default | Description |
Return | DBC | Current database connection of InDesign® or 0 |
static DBC connection()
Get the current database connection. The database connection may never be deleted by means of a script command.
Name | Type | Default | Description |
Return | DBC | Current database connection of InDesign® or 0 |
static DBC login(
char* service = 0,
char* user = 0,
char* passwd = 0,
char* dbname = 0,
char* client = 0)
Create a database connection to a database service. If one of the specifications equals 0 (not ""!!), the login dialog will be opened. The result is in every case to be checked for 0. The received pointer must be deleted with sql::logout.
Name | Type | Default | Description |
Return | DBC | Pointer to a database connection with the successful connection or 0. The pointer must be deleted again with sql::logout! | |
service | String or char* | 0 | Service name |
user | String or char* | 0 | User name |
passwd | String or char* | 0 | Password |
dbname | String or char* | 0 | Database name |
client | String or char* | 0 | Client informationen |
Create a connection to the database service werk2. A login dialog will be automatically shown which is initialised with the values werk2 and paul as user name.
DBC dbc = sql::login ( "werk2", "paul", 0, 0, 0); : if (!dbc) ... : sql::logout (dbc);
Create a connection to the database service werk2. The connection is created with login dialog.
DBC dbc = sql::login ( "werk2", "paul", "pauls_password", "", ""); : if (!dbc) ... : sql::logout (dbc);
static int logout(DBC dbc)
End the connection to a database service.
Name | Type | Default | Description |
Return | int | 0 or error code | |
dbc | dbc | - | Pointer to a database connection create with a login. The command may not delete the database connection of InDesign® (sql::connection)! |
static Query query(DBC dbc)
Create a new transaction query. The InDesign® database connection may never be deleted using a script command.. Der
Name | Type | Default | Description |
Return | Query | A new query to manage database transactions. If dbc is empty, the call returns 0. You should in every case test the query received for 0. | |
dbc | DBC | - | Valid database connection, dbc can also contain a SOAP connection. All commands, which are directed at the query, are executed by this service. |
Create a new transaction query
DBC dbc = sql::dbconnection (); Query qu = sql::query (dbc);
if (!qu) { Error notice and possible termination }
static int call(
DBC dbc,
char* fname,
void* ret_val,
Using the methods sql::call and sql::calln procedures and functions (stored procedures) of a database can be executed.
This process is generally designated with remote procedure call (RPC). RPCs can have input and output parameters and
return values. cscript supports the standard data types for parameters and return values : whole numbers, real numbers and strings.
If strings are used as the outparameter of a call, for this
at least SQL_MAXSTRLEN (=4001) bytes should be reserved!sql::call does not work with OCI connections. Use sql::calln instead.
[err_code = ] sql::call ( dbc, proc_name, // Procedure name return_value | 0 // Return value or 0 { , parameter1 , parameter2 : , parameters })A distinction is made between two methods, the first, sql::call, does not require description of the return value and parameter. It is easier to program but, because this information must first be enquired of the database, it is significantly slower.
Name | Type | Default | Description |
Return | int | 0 or ErrorCode 1 No database connection 2 Procedure or function not found 3 Procedure parameters could not be ascertained 4 Return value of a function not specified 5 Error in executing the RPC 6 wrong type, must be kInt | kFloat | kString 7 wrong column type, must be kIn | kOut | kInout -41 No more active store |
dbc | DBC | - | Current database connection |
fname | String or char* | - | Name of a database function or procedure |
ret_value | Address | - | Pointer to a return variable for functions or 0 for procedures. It is the responsibility of the script programmer to select the correct data type. |
[parameter] | Value or address | - | Input parameter : Value or address Input and output parameter : Address Output parameter : Address |
see sql::calln
static int calln(
DBC dbc,
char* fname,
void* ret_val,
int ret_type,
int param_count,
Execute a database function or procedure.
This process is generally designated with remote procedure call (RPC).
RPCs can have input and output parameters and
return values. cscript supports the standard data types for parameters and return values : whole numbers, real numbers and strings.
If strings are used as the outparameter of a call, for this
at least SQL_MAXSTRLEN (=4001) bytes should be reserved!
[err_code = ] sql::calln ( dbc, proc_name, ret|0, type, counter, // Anzahl der Parameter [ , val, inout, type // 1st Parameter , val, inout, type // 2nd Parameter : ])
A distinction is made between two methods. In sql::calln a description of the parameter and the return value is expected. The write effort leads to a significantly faster execution of the function than that of the comparable function sql::call, which must first ascertain the parameter and return types from the database.
Name | Type | Default | Description |
Return | int | 0 or ErrorCode 1 No database connection 2 Procedure or function not found 3 Procedure parameters could not be ascertained 4 Return value of a function not specified 5 Error in executing the RPC 6 wrong type, must be kInt | kFloat | kString 7 wrong column type, must be kIn | kOut | kInout -41 Out of memory |
dbc | DBC | - | Current database connection |
fname | String or char* | - | Name of a database function or procedure |
ret_val | Address | - | Pointer to a return variable for functions or 0 for procedures |
ret_type | int | - | On the return value of suitable type specification suitable to the function (kInt, kFloat , kString) oder kIgnore for procedures. |
param_count | int | - | Number of the parameter of the database function or procedure. param_count Triples of the following parameters must ensue. |
param_value | Value or address | - | param_inout == kIn Value or address param_inout == kInout or kOut address |
param_inout | int | - | Is the parameter an input and/or output parameter? Select one of the following specifications kIn, kInout, kOut. It is the responsibility of the script programmer to select the correct parameter type. kInout must not be used with OCI connections! |
param_type | int | - | Which data type have value and parameter. Select one of the folllowing data types kString, kFloat ,kString. It is the responsibility of the script programmer to select the correct parameter type. |
: | Further triples according to param_count |
Following test table are defined :
create table PP1_Table ( number(10) not null, varchar2(255), number(10,2));
And following function is defined :
create or replace function PP1_Function_Str ( id number, i out number, str in out varchar2, f out number) RETURN VARCHAR2 AUTHID CURRENT_USER is begin i := id; str := str || ' : ' || to_char (i)||' - inserted' ; f := i/2.0; insert into PP1_Table values (id, str,f); commit; return str; end PP1_Procedure; /
The folllowing script should have two messages :
a=10, b='Hihi ... : 10 - inserted', c=5.0000
a=10, b='Hihi ... : 11 - inserted', c=5.5000
Check the contents of the PP1_Table, two entries should be found here
#include "internal/types.h" int main () { char * name = "PP1_Function_str"; char s[SQL_MAXSTRLEN]; int a; char b[SQL_MAXSTRLEN]; float c; int err; strcpy (b, "Yeah, it works, that was InDesign"); err = sql::call ( sql::dbconnection (), // current connection name, // function s, // return value 10, &a, b, &c); if (err != 0) showerror ("Fehler %d bei sql::call '%s'", err, name); else showmessage ("a=%d, b='%s', c=%f", a, b, c); err = sql::calln ( sql::dbconnection (), // current connection name, s, kString, // return value 4, // Number of parameters 11, kIn, kInt, &a, kOut, kInt, b, kInout, kString, &c, kOut, kFloat); if (err != 0) showerror ("Fehler %d bei sql::call '%s'", err, name); else showmessage ("a=%d, b='%s', c=%f", a, b, c); return 0; }
static char* server(DBC dbc, char* str)
Ascertain the server name of a database connection.
Name | Type | Default | Description |
Return | String or char* | (Depends on parameter str) Name of the server which is using the specified database connection. The return value is identical with the call parameter str. | |
dbc | DBC | - | Database connection |
str | String or char* | - | Reserved memory for the server name. When using char*, the memory should be at least 256 bytes in size. |
char s[256];
showmessage ("%s", sql::server (sql::dbconnection (), s));
static char* user(DBC dbc, char* str)
Ascertain the user name with which a database connection is created.
Name | Type | Default | Description |
Return | String or char* | (Depends on parameter str) User name for the specified database connection. The return value is identical with the call parameter str. | |
dbc | DBC | - | Database connection |
str | String or char* | - | Reserved memory for the user name. When using char*, the memory should be at least 256 bytes in size. |
char s[256];
showmessage ("%s", sql::user (sql::dbconnection (), s));
static int userid(DBC dbc)
Ascertain a unique iQuest Comet user ID of the database connection.
Name | Type | Default | Description |
Return | int | User ID or 0 | |
dbc | DBC | - | Database connection |
showmessage ("%d", sql::userid (sql::dbconnection ()));
static char* dbname(DBC dbc, char* str)
Ascertain the name of the database to which a connection is created..
Name | Type | Default | Description |
Return | String or char* | (Depends on parameter str) Database name/schema for the specified database connection. The return value is identical with the call parameter str. | |
dbc | DBC | - | Database connection |
str | String or char* | - | Reserved memory for the server name. When using char*, the memory should be at least 256 bytes in size. |
char s[256];
showmessage ("%s", sql::dbname (sql::dbconnection (), s));
static char* client(DBC dbc, char* str)
Acertain the client which is to be specified when logging in to the database.
Name | Type | Default | Description |
Return | String or char* | (Depends on parameter str) Client for the specified database connection. The return value is identical with the call parameter str. | |
dbc | DBC | - | Database connection |
str | String or char* | - | Reserved memory for the client name. When using char*, the memory should be at least 256 bytes in size. |
char s[256];
showmessage ("%s", sql::client (sql::dbconnection (), s));
static int charset(DBC dbc)
Characterset of database connection.
Name | Type | Default | Description |
Return | int | -1 : Error 0 : System characterset 1 : UTF8 2 : Unicode 16 Bit 3 : Unicode 32 Bit |
dbc | DBC | - | database connection |
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