Page grids

Version :
15.02.2025, 08:35 Uhr
v4.0, Grids and grid based product building are deprecated since v4.0. Please use page templates instead.

Page grids

static int left(
  int gridID,
  int placeID,
  int page = -1,
  int flag = 0)

Get the X value of the left upper point of a grid place. Grid and grid place can be ascertained by means of the ID or name. Those values that are given are defined by the parameter flag :
flag Grid Placeholder
0 int int
1 int string
2 string int
3 string string
The function independently checks of the ascertained grid matches the type of the given page (left, right, unisex) and, where relevant, attempts to access the alternative grid referred to in the grid for the page type.

Name Type Default Description
Return float   X co-ordinate of the left upper grid point. If the result is smaller than 1,000,000.0, a error has occurred when ascertaining the value.
gridID|gridName int|char* - ID or name of the grid
The data type of the parameter must be specified in the flag, see table above.
placeID|placeName int|char* - ID or name of the grid place
The data type of the parameter must be specified in the flag, see table above.
page int -1 Target page
-1 is the current document page
flag int 0 Data type of the parameter, see above
float	x0	= grid::left (1, 1);
float	x1	= grid::left (1, "1st Placeholder", -1, 1);
float	x2	= grid::left ("1st Grid", 1, -1, 2);
float	x3	= grid::left ("1st Grid", "1st Placeholder", -1, 3);

Version 1.2.1, 14 July 2005

priint:comet InDesign® Plug-Ins


static int top(
  int gridID,
  int placeID,
  int page = -1,
  int flag = 0)

Get the Y value of the left upper point of a grid place. Grid and grid place can be ascertained by means of the ID or name. Those values that are given are defined by the parameter flag :
flag Grid Placeholder
0 int int
1 int string
2 string int
3 string string
The function independently checks of the ascertained grid matches the type of the given page (left, right, unisex) and, where relevant, attempts to access the alternative grid referred to in the grid for the page type.

Name Type Default Description
Return float   Y co-ordinate of the left upper grid point. If the result is smaller than 1,000,000.0, a error has occurred when ascertaining the value.
gridID|gridName int|char* - ID or name of the grid
The data type of the parameter must be specified in the flag, see table above.
placeID|placeName int|char* - ID or name of the grid place
The data type of the parameter must be specified in the flag, see table above.
page int -1 Target page
-1 is the current document page
flag int 0 Data type of the parameter, see above
float	x0	= grid::left (1, 1);
float	x1	= grid::left (1, "1st Placeholder", -1, 1);
float	x2	= grid::left ("1st Grid", 1, -1, 2);
float	x3	= grid::left ("1st Grid", "1st Placeholder", -1, 3);

Version 1.2.1, 14 July 2005

priint:comet InDesign® Plug-Ins


static int right(
  int gridID,
  int placeID,
  int page = -1,
  int flag = 0)

Get the X value of the right lower point of a grid place. Grid and grid place can be ascertained by means of the ID or name. Those values that are given are defined by the parameter flag :
flag Grid Placeholder
0 int int
1 int string
2 string int
3 string string
The function independently checks of the ascertained grid matches the type of the given page (left, right, unisex) and, where relevant, attempts to access the alternative grid referred to in the grid for the page type.

Name Type Default Description
Return float   X co-ordinate of the right lower grid point. If the result is smaller than 1,000,000.0, a error has occurred when ascertaining the value.
gridID|gridName int|char* - ID or name of the grid
The data type of the parameter must be specified in the flag, see table above.
placeID|placeName int|char* - ID or name of the grid place
The data type of the parameter must be specified in the flag, see table above.
page int -1 Target page
-1 is the current document page
flag int 0 Data type of the parameter, see above
float	x0	= grid::right (1, 1);
float	x1	= grid::right (1, "1st grid ", -1, 1);
float	x2	= grid::right ("1st grid", 1, -1, 2);
float	x3	= grid::right ("1st grid", "1st place", -1, 3);

Version 1.2.1, 14 July 2005

priint:comet InDesign® Plug-Ins


static int bottom(
  int gridID,
  int placeID,
  int page = -1,
  int flag = 0)

Get the Y value of the right lower point of a grid place. Grid and grid place can be ascertained by means of the ID or name. Those values that are given are defined by the parameter flag :
flag Grid Placeholder
0 int int
1 int string
2 string int
3 string string
The function independently checks of the ascertained grid matches the type of the given page (left, right, unisex) and, where relevant, attempts to access the alternative grid referred to in the grid for the page type.

Name Type Default Description
Return float   Y co-ordinate of the right lower grid point. If the result is smaller than 1,000,000.0, a error has occurred when ascertaining the value.
gridID|gridName int|char* - ID or name of the grid
The data type of the parameter must be specified in the flag, see table above.
placeID|placeName int|char* - ID or name of the grid place
The data type of the parameter must be specified in the flag, see table above.
page int -1 Target page
-1 is the current document page
flag int 0 Data type of the parameter, see above
float	x0	= grid::bottom (1, 1);
float	x1	= grid::bottom (1, "1st grid place", -1, 1);
float	x2	= grid::bottom ("1st grid", 1, -1, 2);
float	x3	= grid::bottom ("1st grid", "1st grid place", -1, 3);

Version 1.2.1, 14 July 2005

priint:comet InDesign® Plug-Ins


static int width(
  int gridID,
  int placeID,
  int page = -1,
  int flag = 0)

Get the width of a grid place. Grid and grid place can be ascertained by means of the ID or name. Those values that are given are defined by the parameter flag :
flag Grid Placeholder
0 int int
1 int string
2 string int
3 string string
The function independently checks of the ascertained grid matches the type of the given page (left, right, unisex) and, where relevant, attempts to access the alternative grid referred to in the grid for the page type.

Name Type Default Description
Return float   Width of the grid place. If the result <= 0, an error has occurred in ascetaining the value.
gridID|gridName int|char* - ID or name of the grid
The data type of the parameter must be specified in the flag, see table above.
placeID|placeName int|char* - ID or name of the grid place
The data type of the parameter must be specified in the flag, see table above.
page int -1 Target page
-1 is the current document page
flag int 0 Data type of the parameter, see above
float	x0	= grid::width (1, 1);
float	x1	= grid::width (1, "1st grid place", -1, 1);
float	x2	= grid::width ("1st grid", 1, -1, 2);
float	x3	= grid::width ("1st grid", "1st grid place", -1, 3);

Version 1.2.1, 14 July 2005

priint:comet InDesign® Plug-Ins


static int height(
  int gridID,
  int placeID,
  int page = -1,
  int flag = 0)

Get the height of a grid place. Grid and grid place can be ascertained by means of the ID or name. Those values that are given are defined by the parameter flag :
flag Grid Placeholder
0 int int
1 int string
2 string int
3 string string
The function independently checks of the ascertained grid matches the type of the given page (left, right, unisex) and, where relevant, attempts to access the alternative grid referred to in the grid for the page type.

Name Type Default Description
Return float   Height of the grid place. If the result <= 0, an error has occurred in ascetaining the value.
gridID|gridName int|char* - ID or name of the grid
The data type of the parameter must be specified in the flag, see table above.
placeID|placeName int|char* - ID or name of the grid place
The data type of the parameter must be specified in the flag, see table above.
page int -1 Target page
-1 is the current document page
flag int 0 Data type of the parameter, see above
float	x0	= grid::height (1, 1);
float	x1	= grid::height (1, "1st grid place", -1, 1);
float	x2	= grid::height ("1st grid", 1, -1, 2);
float	x3	= grid::height ("1st grid", "1st grid place", -1, 3);

Version 1.2.1, 14 July 2005

priint:comet InDesign® Plug-Ins


Paul Seidel
15.02.2025, 08:35 Uhr
v4.0, Grids and grid based product building are deprecated since v4.0. Please use page templates instead.
Plugin Version 1.2.1, 14. Juli 2005

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