Change one byte of a string.

Change one byte of a string. The function is usefull even to define the terminating 0 of a string.

As described above, the function sets bytes, NOT letters. Do not use this funktion to set UTF-8s like ä! Please use strreplace (or any osimilar) in this case!

Name Type Default Description
Return int   0 or ErrorCode
str char* - input string
pos int - position in string
val int - New value at the given position pos
isBytePos int 0 Is pos a letter or a byte position?

0 : pos is a letter position
1 : pos is a byte position. Please take care not destroying UTF-8 letters in this case!

v3.4 R7101, 3. Dec. 2014

priint:comet InDesign® Plug-Ins, comet_pdf, Illustrator

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