Write a time stamped log file message.

Write a time stamped log file message. Please also note the hints for writing logs.

In plug-in versions prior 3.2 R2300 the output length (after all %-markers are replaced) is limited to 9999. Longer strings may crash InDesign®.

Name Type Default Description
Return int   ignore
path String oder char* - Path of the log file.

0 or "" : Use standard log. To write to the Standard Logfile, the menu Plug-Ins ->Logfile -> Write... must be activated.

otherwise: Full path of the log file. Path and log file are created automatically if required. The log is written even if the standard log is deactivated.
formatStr String or char* - Message. The string can contain %-markes. For each of these markers an additional parameter is expected in the (correct) sequence and with the correct type.
... depending on the %-markers - Values or variables according to the %-markers in formatStr

Write an error message

wtlog ("", ".. %s .\n", serror (1113));

Version 1.1.10, 23 May 2005
Automatic creation of the log path since v4.2, R33425

priint:comet InDesign® Plug-Ins, comet_pdf

See Also

Alphabetic index HTML hierarchy of classes or Java