Execute a cScript.

Execute a cScript.

Name Type Default Description
Return int   0 or Error Code
actionID int - ID of a defined action of the current data connection

0 : Use script path path
path String oder char* - Full path to a script file.
... Triples each consisting of int, String or char* and a value - FFunction parameters, each consisting of the data type, the variable name in the script and the (type-dependent) value. The following data types with the corresponding values are permitted:

Input parameters
1 - kInt : Integer or integer variable, e.g.:
    kInt, "myint", 12
    kInt, "myint", k
2 - kFloat : Decimal number or decimal number variable, e.g.:
    kFloat, "myfloat", 3.1415
    kFloat, "myfloat", pi
3 - kString : Text or char* or String variable, e.g:
    kString, "mystr", "Hello"
    kString, "mystr", str

Ein- und Ausgabeparameter Only variables of the executing script are permitted as values!
-1 - kInt : Integer variable, e.g:
    -kInt, "myint", k
-2 - kFloat : Decimal number variable, e.g:
    -kFloat, "myfloat", pi
-3 - kString, char* variable, e.g:
    -kString, "mycharstr", str (with str defined as char* or char[N])
-4 : String variable, e.g.:
    -4, "mystr", str (with str defined as String)
#include "internal/types.h"

The example executes the script aaa.cpp of your desktop.

#include "internal/types.h"
int main () { int res; String str = string::alloc ();
res = run_cscript (0, "$DESKTOP/aaa.cpp",   kString, "mystr", "Hello Paul",   kInt, "myint", 123,   kFloat, "myfloat", 3.1415926,   -4, "strout", str); showmessage ("str = '%s'\nResult %d", str, res); return 0; }
// With aaa.cpp, for example, like this: // int main () { showmessage ("%s\n%d\n%f", mystr, myint, myfloat); string::set (strout, mystr); string::append (strout, " (from sub-script)");
return 0; }

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