Using the InDesign® Libraries.

Version :
15.02.2025, 08:35 Uhr

Using the InDesign® Libraries. Opening and closing the InDesign® libraries. Library contents (assets) can be inserted at user-defined points in the document.

static Library open(char* path)

Opening the library. It's okay if the library is already opened.

Name Type Default Description
Return Library   Pointer to the library or 0
path String oder char* - Path to the library document. If the path is not complete, the folder of the current front document is used as the base.

Version 3.2.2 R2360, 16. March 2011

priint:comet InDesign® Plug-Ins

static int close(Library lib, int slot = 0)

Close a library. All assets from this library defined in the script becoming invalid at this point.

Name Type Default Description
Return int   0 or ErrorCode
lib Library - With library::open cursor returned for opened library

Version 3.2.2 R2360, 16. March 2011

priint:comet InDesign® Plug-Ins

static int count_assets(Library lib)

number of assets of a library.

Name Type Default Description
Return int   <=0 : Error
>0 : Number of assets in library
lib Library - With library::open cursor returned for opened library

Write infos abou all assest of a library to the log. Take care to release the asset reference at the end of every loop.

int main ()
    Library		lib		= library::open ("$DESKTOP/Bibliothek2.indl");
    Asset		asset	= 0;
    int		i;
if (!lib) { showerror ("Cannot open library"); return 0; }
for (i = 0; i < library::count_assets (lib); i++) { asset = library::asset::get_nth (lib, i);
wlog ("", "# Asset %d\n", i+1); wlog ("", "# Name : %s\n", library::asset::get_name (asset)); wlog ("", "# Descr : %s\n", library::asset::get_description (asset)); wlog ("", "# Usertype : %d\n", library::asset::get_usertype (asset)); wlog ("", "# Creation : %s\n", library::asset::get_creationtime (asset, 98));
library::asset::release (asset); }
return 0; }

Version 3.2.2 R2360, 16. March 2011

priint:comet InDesign® Plug-Ins


static char* get_path(Library lib)

Complete path of an open library.

Name Type Default Description
Return char*   Complete path of the given library.

"" : In case of an error

The return value is read only, do NOT CHANGE. The result will be overridden on following calls to the function. See here to learn more about functions returning r/o char* values.

lib Library - Reference of an open library

Open a library in a panel.

int main ()
    Library		lib	= library::open ("$DESKTOP/Bibliothek.indl");
if (lib) wlog ("", "# Libpath : '%s'\n", library::get_path (lib));
return 0; }

Version 3.2.2 R2360, 16. March 2011

priint:comet InDesign® Plug-Ins

static Asset add_asset(Library lib, ItemList frames)

Create a new asset. Use the library::asset::set_ functions to define the assets meta data.

Name Type Default Description
Return Asset   New created reference to the asset. If you do not need anymore, please release it by using library::asset::release.
lib Library - Reference of an open library
frames ItemList - valid and non empty list of frames. All frames must be on the same page of a document.

The currently selected frames are added as a new asset to a library.

int main ()
    Library		lib		= library::open ("$DESKTOP/Bibliothek2.indl");
    ItemList	frames	= itemlist::selected ();
    Asset		asset	= 0;
if (!lib) { showerror ("Cannot open library"); return 0; }
asset = library::add_asset (lib, frames); wlog ("", "# Add asset %d\n", asset);
library::asset::set_name (asset, "My new Asset"); library::asset::set_description (asset, "Asset created by cScript");
library::asset::release (asset);
return 0; }

Version 3.2.2 R2360, 16. March 2011

priint:comet InDesign® Plug-Ins

static Asset asset::get(Library lib, char* name)

Get a library asset by its (case insensitive) name. Names in InDesign® libraries must not be unique!

Name Type Default Description
Return Asset   New created reference to the asset. If you do not need anymore, you must release it by using library::asset::release.
lib Library - Valid reference to an open library
name String or char* - Case insensitive asset name. Names in InDesign® libraries do not have to be unique!

Code snippet to demonstrate the use of assets.

int main ()
    Library		lib		= library::open ("$DESKTOP/Bibliothek.indl");
    Asset		asset	= 0;
if (!lib) { showerror ("Cannot open library"); return 0; }
asset = library::asset::get (lib, "My Asset"); if (!asset) { showerror ("Asset not in library"); return 0; }
// // your code //
library::asset::release (asset); return 0; }

Version 3.2.2 R2360, 16. March 2011

static int get_nth(Library lib, int n)

number of assets of a library.

Name Type Default Description
Return Asset   New created reference to the asset. If you do not need anymore, you must release it by using library::asset::release.
lib Library - With library::open cursor returned for opened library
n int - Index of asset. Assets are sorted by their creation date/time.

Write infos abou all assest of a library to the log. Take care to release the asset reference at the end of every loop.

int main ()
    Library		lib		= library::open ("$DESKTOP/Bibliothek2.indl");
    Asset		asset	= 0;
    int	i;
if (!lib) { showerror ("Cannot open library"); return 0; }
for (i = 0; i < library::count_assets (lib); i++) { asset = library::asset::get_nth (lib, i);
wlog ("", "# Asset %d\n", i+1); wlog ("", "# Name : %s\n", library::asset::get_name (asset)); wlog ("", "# Descr : %s\n", library::asset::get_description (asset)); wlog ("", "# Usertype : %d\n", library::asset::get_usertype (asset)); wlog ("", "# Creation : %s\n", library::asset::get_creationtime (asset, 98));
library::asset::release (asset); }
return 0; }

Version 3.2.2 R2360, 16. March 2011

priint:comet InDesign® Plug-Ins


static Library asset::get_lib(Asset ast)

Get the library of an asset.

Name Type Default Description
Return Library   Reference to a library
ast Asset - Valid asset reference

Version 3.2.2 R2360, 16. March 2011

priint:comet InDesign® Plug-Ins

static int asset::release(Asset ast)

Release the memory allocated by an asset. The asset itself is left untouched of course.

Name Type Default Description
Return int   0 or ErrorCode
ast Asset - Valid asset reference

Version 3.2.2 R2360, 16. March 2011

priint:comet InDesign® Plug-Ins

static int asset::place(
  Asset ast,
  ItemRef docRef,
  int pg,
  char* layer = "",
  float x = 0.0,
  float y = 0.0,
  ItemList inserted = 0)

Place an asset into a document.

Name Type Default Description
Return int   0 or ErrorCode
ast Asset - Valid asset reference
docRef ItemRef - Destination document

0 : current front document
pg int - 1-based page number
layer String or char* 0 layer name
x, y float, float 0.0, 0.0 Position to place in points
inserted ItemList 0 Inserted frames (on successful return)

0 : ignore
otherwise : With itemlist::alloc allocated ItemlIst

Place an asset into the document.

int main ()
    Library		lib			= library::open ("$DESKTOP/Bibliothek.indl");
    Asset		asset		= 0;
    int			pg			= 1;
    char	*	layer		= "My layer";
    float		x			= 123.45;
    float		y			= 78.9;
    ItemList	inserted	= itemlist::alloc ();
if (!lib) { showerror ("Cannot open library"); return 0; }
asset = library::asset::get (lib, "My Asset"); if (!asset) { showerror ("Asset not in library"); return 0; }
library::asset::place (asset, 0, pg, layer, x, y, inserted);
library::asset::release (asset);
return 0; }

Version 3.2.2 R2360, 16. March 2011

priint:comet InDesign® Plug-Ins

static char* asset::get_name(Asset ast)

Get an assets name.

Name Type Default Description
Return char*   Name of the asset.

"" : In case of an error

The return value is read only, do NOT CHANGE. The result will be overridden on following calls to the function. See here to learn more about functions returning r/o char* values.

ast Asset - Valid asset reference

Write some infos about an asset to the log.

int main ()
    Library		lib		= library::open ("$DESKTOP/Bibliothek.indl");
    Asset		asset	= 0;
if (!lib) { showerror ("Cannot open library"); return 0; }
asset = library::asset::get (lib, "My Asset"); if (!asset) { showerror ("Asset not in library"); return 0; }
wlog ("", "# Libpath : '%s'\n", library::get_path (lib)); wlog ("", "# Asset-Infos\n"); wlog ("", "# Name : %s\n", library::asset::get_name (asset)); wlog ("", "# Descr : %s\n", library::asset::get_description (asset)); wlog ("", "# Usertype : %d\n", library::asset::get_usertype (asset)); wlog ("", "# Creation : %s\n", library::asset::get_creationtime (asset, 98));
library::asset::release (asset);
return 0; }

Version 3.2.2 R2360, 16. March 2011

priint:comet InDesign® Plug-Ins

static int asset::set_name(Asset ast, char* new_name)

Set an assets name.

Name Type Default Description
Return int   0 or ErrorCode
ast Asset - Valid asset reference
new_name String or char* - Assets new name

Set an assets name.

int main ()
    Library		lib		= library::open ("$DESKTOP/Bibliothek.indl");
    Asset		asset	= 0;
if (!lib) { showerror ("Cannot open library"); return 0; }
asset = library::asset::get (lib, "My Asset"); if (!asset) { showerror ("Asset not in library"); return 0; }
library::asset::set_name (asset, "New name");
wlog ("", "# Asset-Infos\n"); wlog ("", "# Name : %s\n", library::asset::get_name (asset)); wlog ("", "# Descr : %s\n", library::asset::get_description (asset)); wlog ("", "# Usertype : %d\n", library::asset::get_usertype (asset)); wlog ("", "# Creation : %s\n", library::asset::get_creationtime (asset, 98));
library::asset::release (asset);
return 0; }

Version 3.2.2 R2360, 16. March 2011

priint:comet InDesign® Plug-Ins

static char* asset::get_description(Asset ast)

Get an assets description.

Name Type Default Description
Return char*   Description of the asset.

"" : In case of an error

The return value is read only, do NOT CHANGE. The result will be overridden on following calls to the function. See here to learn more about functions returning r/o char* values.

ast Asset - Valid asset reference

Write some infos about an asset to the log.

int main ()
    Library		lib		= library::open ("$DESKTOP/Bibliothek.indl");
    Asset		asset	= 0;
if (!lib) { showerror ("Cannot open library"); return 0; }
asset = library::asset::get (lib, "My Asset"); if (!asset) { showerror ("Asset not in library"); return 0; }
wlog ("", "# Libpath : '%s'\n", library::get_path (lib));
wlog ("", "# Asset-Infos\n"); wlog ("", "# Name : %s\n", library::asset::get_name (asset)); wlog ("", "# Descr : %s\n", library::asset::get_description (asset)); wlog ("", "# Usertype : %d\n", library::asset::get_usertype (asset)); wlog ("", "# Creation : %s\n", library::asset::get_creationtime (asset, 98));
library::asset::release (asset);
return 0; }

Version 3.2.2 R2360, 16. March 2011

priint:comet InDesign® Plug-Ins

static int asset::set_description(Asset ast, char* new_descr)

Set an assets description.

Name Type Default Description
Return int   0 or ErrorCode
ast Asset - Valid asset reference
new_descr String or char* - Assets new description

Set an assets description.

int main ()
    Library		lib		= library::open ("$DESKTOP/Bibliothek.indl");
    Asset		asset	= 0;
if (!lib) { showerror ("Cannot open library"); return 0; }
asset = library::asset::get (lib, "My Asset"); if (!asset) { showerror ("Asset not in library"); return 0; }
library::asset::set_description (asset, "New descr");
wlog ("", "# Asset-Infos\n"); wlog ("", "# Name : %s\n", library::asset::get_name (asset)); wlog ("", "# Descr : %s\n", library::asset::get_description (asset)); wlog ("", "# Usertype : %d\n", library::asset::get_usertype (asset)); wlog ("", "# Creation : %s\n", library::asset::get_creationtime (asset, 98));
library::asset::release (asset);
return 0; }

Version 3.2.2 R2360, 16. March 2011

priint:comet InDesign® Plug-Ins

static int asset::get_usertype(Asset ast)

Get an assets user type.

Name Type Default Description
Return int   -1 : Error

0 : Image
1 : EPS
2 : PDF
3 : Geometry
4 : Page
5 : Text
6 : Structurs
7 : InDesign® document
ast Asset - Valid asset reference

Write some infos about an asset to the log.

int main ()
    Library		lib		= library::open ("$DESKTOP/Bibliothek.indl");
    Asset		asset	= 0;
> if (!lib) { showerror ("Cannot open library"); return 0; }
asset = library::asset::get (lib, "My Asset"); if (!asset) { showerror ("Asset not in library"); return 0; }
wlog ("", "# Libpath : '%s'\n", library::get_path (lib));
wlog ("", "# Asset-Infos\n"); wlog ("", "# Name : %s\n", library::asset::get_name (asset)); wlog ("", "# Descr : %s\n", library::asset::get_description (asset)); wlog ("", "# Usertype : %d\n", library::asset::get_usertype (asset)); wlog ("", "# Creation : %s\n", library::asset::get_creationtime (asset, 98));
library::asset::release (asset);
return 0; }

Version 3.2.2 R2360, 16. March 2011

priint:comet InDesign® Plug-Ins

static int asset::set_usertype(Asset ast, int newType)

Set an assets user type.

Name Type Default Description
Return int   0 or ErrorCode
ast Asset - Valid asset reference
newType int - Assets new user type

0 : Image
1 : EPS
2 : PDF
3 : Geometry
4 : Page
5 : Text
6 : Structurs
7 : InDesign® document

Set an assets user type.

int main ()
    Library		lib		= library::open ("$DESKTOP/Bibliothek.indl");
    Asset		asset	= 0;
> if (!lib) { showerror ("Cannot open library"); return 0; }
asset = library::asset::get (lib, "My Asset"); if (!asset) { showerror ("Asset not in library"); return 0; }
library::asset::set_usertype (asset, 1);
wlog ("", "# Asset-Infos\n"); wlog ("", "# Name : %s\n", library::asset::get_name (asset)); wlog ("", "# Descr : %s\n", library::asset::get_description (asset)); wlog ("", "# Usertype : %d\n", library::asset::get_usertype (asset)); wlog ("", "# Creation : %s\n", library::asset::get_creationtime (asset, 98));
library::asset::release (asset);
return 0; }

Version 3.2.2 R2360, 16. March 2011

priint:comet InDesign® Plug-Ins

static char* asset::get_creationtime(Asset ast, int fmt)

Get create date/time of an asset.

Name Type Default Description
Return char*   Creation time of the asset.

"" : In case of an error

The return value is read only, do NOT CHANGE. The result will be overridden on following calls to the function. See here to learn more about functions returning r/o char* values.

ast Asset - Valid asset reference
fmt int - Format specification

system depended
kShortDate (= 0)
kLongDate (= 1)
kAbbrevDate (= 2)
kShortTime (= 20)
kLongTime (= 36)
kShortDateTime (= 16)
kLongDateTime (= 17)
kAbbrevDateTime (= 18)
kShortDateLongTime (= 32)
kLongDateLongTime (= 33)
kAbbrevDateLongTime (= 34)
system undependend
ddmmyyyy (= 96)
ddmmyyyy_hhmm (= 97)
ddmmyyyy_hhmmss (= 98)
dmyy (= 99)
hhmm (= 100)
hhmmss (= 101)
hmm (= 102)
hmmss (= 103)
#include "internal/types.h"

Write some infos about an asset to the log.

int main ()
    Library		lib		= library::open ("$DESKTOP/Bibliothek.indl");
    Asset		asset	= 0;
> if (!lib) { showerror ("Cannot open library"); return 0; }
asset = library::asset::get (lib, "My Asset"); if (!asset) { showerror ("Asset not in library"); return 0; }
wlog ("", "# Libpath : '%s'\n", library::get_path (lib));
wlog ("", "# Asset-Infos\n"); wlog ("", "# Name : %s\n", library::asset::get_name (asset)); wlog ("", "# Descr : %s\n", library::asset::get_description (asset)); wlog ("", "# Usertype : %d\n", library::asset::get_usertype (asset)); wlog ("", "# Creation : %s\n", library::asset::get_creationtime (asset, 98));
library::asset::release (asset);
return 0; }

Version 3.2.2 R2360, 16. March 2011

priint:comet InDesign® Plug-Ins

static int asset::set_creationtime(Asset ast, char* dt)

Set an assets creation date and time.

Name Type Default Description
Return int   0 or ErrorCode
ast Asset - Valid asset reference
⇨ datetime string
dt String or char* - Valid datetime string
⇨ datetime components
d, m, y int, int, int - day, month, year
h, mm, s int, int, int - hour, minutes, seconds

Set an assets creation date and time.

int main ()
    Library		lib		= library::open ("$DESKTOP/Bibliothek.indl");
    Asset		asset	= 0;
> if (!lib) { showerror ("Cannot open library"); return 0; }
asset = library::asset::get (lib, "My Asset"); if (!asset) { showerror ("Asset not in library"); return 0; }
library::asset::set_creationtime (asset, 26, 11, 2008, 19, 10, 12);
wlog ("", "# Asset-Infos\n"); wlog ("", "# Name : %s\n", library::asset::get_name (asset)); wlog ("", "# Descr : %s\n", library::asset::get_description (asset)); wlog ("", "# Usertype : %d\n", library::asset::get_usertype (asset)); wlog ("", "# Creation : %s\n", library::asset::get_creationtime (asset, 98));
library::asset::release (asset);
return 0; }

Version 3.2.2 R2360, 16. March 2011

priint:comet InDesign® Plug-Ins

static Image get_preview(Asset ast, int sz = 200)

Get an assets previews. A document must be opened to execute this function.

Name Type Default Description
Return Image   New created image reference or 0 in case of some errors.

Don't forget to release created image references by using image::release at the end of your work.
ast Asset - Valid asset reference
sz int 200 Size of preview in pixel

0 : Origina size

Create an assets preview and save it as jpg file.

int main ()
    Library		lib		= library::open ("$DESKTOP/Bibliothek2.indl");
    Asset		asset	= 0;
    Image		img		= 0;
if (!lib) { showerror ("Cannot open library"); return 0; }
asset = library::asset::get (lib, "My Asset"); if (!asset) { showerror ("Asset not in library"); return 0; }
img = library::asset::get_preview (asset, 500); if (img) { image::save (img, "$DESKTOP/aaa/bbb/My Asset.jpg", 1); image::release (img); }
library::asset::release (asset);
return 0; }

Version 3.2.2 R2360, 16. March 2011

priint:comet InDesign® Plug-Ins

static int asset::update(Asset ast, ItemList frames)

Change an assets content.

Name Type Default Description
Return int   0 or ErrorCode
ast Asset - Valid asset reference
frames ItemList - valid and non empty list of frames. All frames must be on the same page of a document.

Set the current frame selection to an asset.

int main ()
    Library		lib		= library::open ("$DESKTOP/Bibliothek2.indl");
    ItemList	frames	= itemlist::selected ();
    Asset		asset	= 0;
if (!lib) { showerror ("Cannot open library"); return 0; }
asset = library::asset::get (lib, "My Asset"); if (!asset) { showerror ("Asset not in library"); return 0; }
library::asset::update (asset, frames);
library::asset::release (asset);
return 0; }

Version 3.2.2 R2360, 16. March 2011

priint:comet InDesign® Plug-Ins

static int asset::copy(Asset ast, Library dest_lib)

Copy an asset from one library to an other. Take care : Names of assets of InDesign® libraries must not be unique. If you want to have unique names, your script must handle this.

Name Type Default Description
Return int   0 or ErrorCode
ast Asset - Valid asset reference
dest_lib Library - library to copy in

Copy an asset from one library to an other.

int main ()
    Library		lib			= library::open ("$DESKTOP/Bibliothek2.indl");
    Library		lib_dest	= library::open ("$DESKTOP/Bibliothek.indl");
    Asset		asset		= 0;
if (!lib || !lib_dest) { showerror ("Cannot open library"); return 0; }
asset = library::asset::get (lib, "My Asset"); if (!asset) { showerror ("Asset not in library"); return 0; }
library::asset::copy (asset, lib_dest);
library::asset::release (asset);
return 0; }

Version 3.2.2 R2360, 16. March 2011

priint:comet InDesign® Plug-Ins

static int asset::remove(Asset ast)

Remove an asset from its library. This action is not undoable!

Name Type Default Description
Return int   0 or ErrorCode
ast Asset - Valid asset reference

Remove an asset from its library.

int main ()
    Library		lib		= library::open ("$DESKTOP/Bibliothek2.indl");
    Asset		asset   = 0;
if (!lib) { showerror ("Cannot open library"); return 0; } asset = library::asset::get (lib, "My Asset"); if (!asset) { showerror ("Asset not in library"); return 0; }
library::asset::remove (asset); library::asset::release (asset);
return 0; }

Version 3.2.2 R2360, 16. March 2011

priint:comet InDesign® Plug-Ins

Paul Seidel
15.02.2025, 08:35 Uhr
Plugin Version 1.0.10
Relaunch Version 3.2.2

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