[Version 3.0, R1400] In the panel Comet Notes, all comments on a document are managed and configured. Comet Notes are small frames attached to a page, comet group, or frame, and may contain text comments or images.

Comet notes have several properties of their own, such as title, date of creation, creator, date of last change, state, type..., to support revision cycles. The selected Comet Notes properties are displayed in the panel's lower part. If the selected Comet Notes have different property values, no value is displayed for that property.

Comet Notes are not printed, and do not appear in PDF files exported from an InDesign® file. If you want to print or export them, set the printer / PDF export configuration for non-printable objects accordingly.

With the menues Plug-Ins -> To Dos -> Printable Comet Notes and Fly-out panel Comet notes -> Printable Comet Notes, you can globally configure notes to be printed. When this option is activated, ALL Comet Notes in a document will be printed.

You can attach any number of Comet Notes to both pages and frames. If attached to a frame, Comet Notes will be moved with the frame, when it is repositioned or moved to another page altogether. If attached to a page by page index, Comet Notes will follow the index.

When copying / pasting a frame, its Comet Notes are not copied automatically.



Comet Notes can be given their own title. If the option Titel im Dokument zeigen is enabled, the title will be displayed at the note's frame.


Note titles are also displayed in the panel (see above). Because they are commonly created without a title, the panel will display the Comet Notes text or the image path if no title is specified.

Comet Notes are created using the Comet Note tool of the toolbar (). You can select different basic types of Comet Notes. Comet Notes are automatically assigned a (random) color when they are created. New Comet notes are always assigned to the page on which they are created.

Alternatively, notes can also be assigned directly to a frame. To do this, first select the desired note type in the lower area of the panel. By clicking the - button you will be asked for title and content for the new note. With Okay click of the dialog a new Comet Note is created for the first selected document frame.

By default, all notes are created with a 0.5pt solid stroke, 33% opacity, and a 4pt text inset. You can find information about the fonts used here.

In rectangle notes the comment history is automatically enabled, in all other note types the automatic comment history of new notes is disabled. This default setting can be changed in the note settings.

Wir haben uns bei der Auswahl der verfügbaren Formen für Notizen an der Apple-App Vorschau orientiert. Folgende Formen von Comet-Notizen sind verfügbar. Der in der Tabelle angegebene Bezeichner wird in der sog. notes.xml zum Austausch von Notizen mit externen Quellen verwendet. Weitere Informationen dazu finden Sie hier.

We have based the selection of available shapes for notes on the Apple app Preview. The following shapes of Comet Notes are available. The identifier specified in the table is used in the so-called notes.xml for exchanging notes with external sources. More information about this can be found here.

Shape Identifier Description Text



Square or rectangle

Top inset 12pt



Circle or ellipse

Text is automatically centered vertically and horizontally.






Five pointed star

Arrow arrow-left

Pfeile in vier Richtungen

Using the tool panel, the direction of the arrow is automatically determined from the aspect ratio of the drawn rectangle: if the frame is wider than high, you get a horizontal arrow, if the frame is higher than wide, you get a vertical arrow.

Holding down the CMD key reverses the direction of the arrow.

Text centered vertically.


Text vertically centered and right-aligned


Text aligned on top and centered horizontally.


Text aligned at the bottom and centered horizontally.

Up to and including v4.1.8 of the priint:comet plug-ins, you set the paragraph style used for new notes in the Comet Notes panel.

As of v4.2 of the priint:comet plug-ins, the font setting of new Comet Notes is controlled centrally by panelstatement 150 of the current data connection according to the following procedure:

  1. If the paragraph style CometNote exists in the document, this style is used.
  2. If the panel statement 150 exists, the paragraph style defined there will be used.
  3. If the paragraph style specified in panel statement 150 does not exist, the font and font size specified in panel statement 150 are used.
  4. Otherwise, the default InDesign® setting for new text frames is used.

The panelstatement 150 must be implemented as cScript. The following global variables are defined in the script:

Variable Typ Data Type Description
gDocumentID in char[]

DocumentID of the current document

gParastyle out String

Name of the paragraph style to be used for new Comet Notes. If the specification is empty or the style does not exist in the document, the specifications from gFontName , gFontface and gFontsize are used.

Attention: The data type is String, not char*!

gFontname out String

Font for new Comet Notes. If the font name is empty or the font size is 0.0, the specifications are ignored and the InDesign® font settings for new text frames are used . If gFontface is empty, Regular is used.

Attention: The data type is String, not char*!

gFontface out String
gFontsize out float*

Here is a simple example of a Panestatement 150:

int main ()
	string::set (gParastyle, "my style");
	string::set (gFontname, "Arial");
	string::set (gFontface, "Bold");
	*gFontsize = 18.0;

	return 0;

Änderungen an den Einstellungen der Comet-Notizen werden immer an allen ausgewähltenund sichtbaren Comet-Notizen gemacht. Neben den Einstellungen zu Titel, Zuständigkeit usw. kann hier auch die Darstellung der Notiz selbst angepaßt werden. Verwenden Sie dazu die vier senkrecht angeordneten Buttons links unten in der Palette:

Changes to the settings of the Comet Notes are always made to all selectedand visible Comet Notes. In addition to the settings for title, responsibility, etc., the layout of the note itself can also be adjusted here. To do this, use the four vertically arranged buttons at the bottom left of the panel:

The properties of hidden Comet notes are not changed.

You can set the target property in the Comet Notes panel under the heading Target. First, select one or more Comet Notes and select a target type. If you selected Frame or Comet group, select the target frame by clicking in the document.

The target frame has to be a normal frame on the same page as the Comet Note. Comet Notes may not target other Comet Notes. If you click anything but such a frame, the target property remains unchanged. To change the target frame of a Comet Note, first select the Page target type, then Frame again, then select the new target frame.

Comet Notes can be deleted like any other frame. When the Comet Note's reference is deleted, the Comet Notes is deleted as well. When a page is deleted, all attached Comet Notes are also deleted. Comet Notes attached to a page by index are only deleted when the document page count goes below the page index. Otherwise, they are moved to the page that the index refers to next.

Hidden Comet Notes are not deleted automatically. They are only deleted when they are made visible and their reference cannot be found.

Comet Notes can be shown and hidden individually or globally (buttons and [+Shift for all Comet Notes]). In the list view, hidden Comet Notes are displayed in italic font. Text formatting and image transformations (position, scale, rotation, skew, mirroring...) are unchanged.

When you hover your mouse pointer over these buttons for a moment, a short text is displayed, explaining additional options for showing and hiding Comet Notes.

You can also show / hide Comet Notes from the menues in the Comet Notes panel fly-out and under Plug-Ins -> ToDos.

      Hide Selected Visible Comet Notes
      Hide All Comet Notes

      Show Seletced Comet Notes
      Show All Comet Notes

A Comet Note's frame is part of its design. Manual changes to the frame will be removed when the Comet Note is hidden.

Comet Notes whose reference is no longer in the document will be deleted automatically when they are shown.

If you change Comet notes, your name will be entered in the note. Your name will be searched for at the following locations:

  1. For checked-out documents, the login name of the user who checked out the document is used.
  2. In all other documents, the first entry of the List of Responsibilities for Comet Notes with ID2 = 1 (Me) is used.
  3. If no responsibility is marked as Me, the database, SOAP or PubServer login name is used.
  4. Otherwise the user name of the login on the computer is used.

Comet Notes can be assigned to other people for further processing. You can enter any name in the Assigned to field.

[Since v4.1.6 R25778] With the help of the button behind the field Assigned to the names of the responsible persons can be selected from a list of names. If a note is to be assigned to more than one person, the names are separated by commas automatically.

The list of responsibility names must first have been filled using the script command idtypelist::get_responsibles. A good time for this is the After-Login script in panel statement 92 of the current data connection. When the connection is disconnected, the list is automatically cleared again. This applies to the name entries of the responsibility list:

Here is a simple static example that marks changes with the name Geneviève and defines Peter, Paul, and Mary as additional names for responsibilities.

idtypelist::append (idtypelist::get_responsibles (), 1, 1, 0, "Geneviève");
idtypelist::append (idtypelist::get_responsibles (), 2, 0, 0, "Peter");
idtypelist::append (idtypelist::get_responsibles (), 3, 0, 0, "Paul");
idtypelist::append (idtypelist::get_responsibles (), 4, 0, 0, "Mary");

With the import and export buttons Comet Notes can be imported and exported.

When you hover your mouse pointer over these buttons for a moment, a short text is displayed, explaining additional options for import and export.

You can also import / export Comet Notes with the menues in the Comet Note panel and under Plug-Ins -> ToDos.

      Export All Comet Notes ...
      Export Visible Comet Notes ...

      Replace Comet Notes ...
      Import Comet Notes ...

XML and PDF are supported as exchange formats. Simply select the appropriate file format in the appearing file dialogs.

A complete description of the XML format used can be found here.

Since v4.1 R23334 Comet notes can be exported into PDFs and imported from PDFs into InDesign® documents. PDF comments may viewed and edited for instance with Acrobat or Acrobat Pro.

The terms are a bit confusing. We use the following terms:

InDesign® has Comet Notes, these notes may consist of individual comments. Comments of Comet notes are divided by blue prompts of form > 28.07.2018, paul.

In PDF the notes are called comments, these comments can consist of individual posts.

When exporting Comet notes they are created as rectangular comments in the PDF.

The blue marked comment separators of a Comet note are used as separators for the posts of a PDF comment. Manual changes to the comment separator can lead to errors when exporting the comet note.

Inserting the Comet notes into the PDF of an InDesign® document is done after the actual PDF export. To do this, each page of the PDF is duplicated 1:1 into the resulting PDF. The comments are then created on the new pages. General document data may be lost during this process.

Do never use PDFs with Comet notes as to be the final print version!

Using document::pdf_export you can export Comet notes by cScript.

The import supports both, PDF comments created from Comet notes as well as comments created directly in the PDF.

Use document::notes::import to import PDF comments by cScript.

Unfortunately, the PDFs generated by InDesign® contain neither information about the originals of the PDF pages nor whether the PDF pages contain spreads or single pages. Therefore, for a one-to-one mapping between InDesign® and PDF pages, the Notes export always generates spreaded PDFs.

InDesign® text frames and PDF comments are not really compatible with each other. Please also note the following:

PDF export and import of Comet notes are done with the help of PDFlib.

For comet_pdf no additional installations are necessary.

Posts of comments can only be provided with a date from v9.0.6 of the PDFlib. For correct post, you should therefore use a comet_pdf version that supports at least v9.0.6 PDFlib.

Likewise, no further installations are required under MacOS X, the Comet plugins for MacOS X already contain version 9.0.6 of the PDFlib.

Under Windows, the required DLL of version 9.0.6 is provided in the standard priint Resources folder of the priint:comet plugins when installing the plugins.

Hint: Since v4.1.7 R26784 To support PDF notes under Windows, the two special plugins CometXML[PDF].pln resp. Comet[PDF][Server].pln were required previously. These plugins are no longer needed.

Without a PDFlib license, each page of the PDF will be watermarked with PDFlib.com. For the installation of a PDF license, please note:

Notes are commonly generated in external systems, and supplied together with the InDesign® document itself. They are then inserted into the document when it is opened. To generate a valid XML description, you can use a note export (button ) as a starting point. Your system has to ensure that all references in the generated XML are correct.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<notes default-layer-name="">
	<note id="1" type="hint" shape_type="arrow-left" customerID="0" customerID2="0" customerID3="0" customerStringID="" customerData1="" customerData2="" show_title="0" show_state="0"> <!-- NEW: show_title, show_state, show_connect, shape_type -->
	<title>Shape 1</title>
	<parentUIDs frame="" group="" page="199" spread="194" document="" layer="191" layer_name="Ebene 1"></parentUIDs>
	<parentIDs frame="" group="" page="1" spread="0" document=""></parentIDs>
	<created user="paul" role="proof_reader" on="20131029061041"></created>
	<changed state="todo" user="paul" role="proof_reader" on="20131029061041"></changed>
	<responsible user="" role="proof_reader" on="20131029061041"></responsible>
	<comments show_titles="0"> <!-- show_titles -->
		<comment num="1" user="paul" role="proof_reader" on="20131029061041">
			<plain>Bemerkung 1.</plain>
			<tagged>%!TT&lt;ParaStyle:NormalParagraphStyle&gt;&lt;cTypeface:LT 47 Light Condensed&gt;&lt;cFont:Helvetica Neue LT&gt; ... </tagged>
				<path></path> 			<!-- Complete path to image or empty-->
				<content></content> 	<!-- Base64 encoded image or empty -->
	<reference type="page" uid="199" id="" x="110.551178" y="114.803146" start="0" end="-1">
		<bbox x="0.0" y="0.0" width="153.070862" height="106.299210" fillindex="11" stroke="" stroke_width="" opacity="33.330002">
			<!-- stroke and stroke_width unused but required -->   
			<angle_ref_x>0.000000</angle_ref_x> 	<!-- unused but required -->
			<angle_ref_y>0.000000</angle_ref_y>  	<!-- unused but required -->
			<skew_ref_x>0.000000</skew_ref_x>  		<!-- unused but required -->
			<skew_ref_y>0.000000</skew_ref_y>  		<!-- unused but required -->
			<fill space="RGB" name="" c1="255.000000" c2="215.000000" c3="0.000000" c4="-1.000000" tint="100.000000"></fill>
			<edges>	<!-- NEW: edges -->
				<all type="nothing" radius="12.000000"></all>
				<lt type="nothing" radius="12.000000"></lt>
				<rt type="nothing" radius="12.000000"></rt>
				<lb type="nothing" radius="12.000000"></lb>
				<rb type="nothing" radius="12.000000"></rb>
			<insets left="0.000000" right="0.000000" top="0.000000" bottom="0.000000"></insets> <!-- NEW: insets -->
			<stroke>		<!-- NEW: stroke -->
			<!-- Can be empty for notes of defined shape-types -->
			<pathpoint num="1" type="tangent" t1_x="34.404152" t1_y="106.049210" x="76.535431" y="106.049210" t2_x="118.666718" t2_y="106.049210"></pathpoint>
			<pathpoint num="2" type="tangent" t1_x="152.820862" t1_y="82.365250" x="152.820862" y="53.149605" t2_x="152.820862" t2_y="23.933960"></pathpoint>
			<pathpoint num="3" type="tangent" t1_x="118.666718" t1_y="0.250000" x="76.535431" y="0.250000" t2_x="34.404152" t2_y="0.250000"></pathpoint>
			<pathpoint num="4" type="tangent" t1_x="0.250000" t1_y="23.933960" x="0.250000" y="53.149605" t2_x="0.250000" t2_y="82.365250"></pathpoint>

All sizes are given in points (pts). Angles are given in degrees. References to document objects have to be valid UIDs within the document.

Please note that for backwards compatibility, unused fields of the XML must also be specified. Missing fields may cause errors when writing back the notes XML at the external system.

Attribute Description Values

since v4.1 R22112 The specification is used for notes without own specification of a layer in the attributes layer or layer_name.

Empty: The note is placed at the top layer of the document, no matter of the layers name.

Not empty: The note is created at this layer. If the layer does not exist, it is created as the top layer in the document. If the layer already exists, it will not be moved!

id Unique note identifier > 0
type Note type



shape_type Shape of note rectangle

Here you will find a detailed description of how note shapes can be implemented in external applications.

If the specification is empty or undefined, <area> must contain a correct description of the note form!


Custom data. The values are copied into the notes unchanged.

Display note title in the document?

0 | 1
show_state Display note state in the document?
show_connect Display note connection in the document? (Only for frame and group notes)
title Title of the note

UID of the reference.

During import, these may omitted, but when filled, they have to be filled in with the corresponding values parentIDs and reference.uid (see also: Note 1)

Valid frame UID or empty

Valid comet group ID or empty


Valid page UID or empty.

    spread The spread the note is located on. Plugins only write this value, but never read it (see also: Note 1). Empty or UID of the note's spread.
    document Complete path to the associated InDesign® file. Plugins only write this value, but never read it (see also: Note 1). Empty or complete path to the associated document.
    layer The note's target layer. If the layer cannot be found by UID, it is searched for by name. Layers are not created automatically. Empty, layer UID, or layer name.

Like parentUIDs, but page is interpreted as to be the 1-based index of the page.

During import, these may omitted, but when filled, they have to be filled in with the corresponding values parentUIDs and reference.uid (see also: Note 1).

Valid frame UID or empty
    group Valid comet group ID or empty
    page 1-based page number

Attention : In versions prior v4.2 R29595 (16.12.2021) the page index is interpreted as to be 0-based. However, since page index notes created in the Whiteboard apparently got a 1-based index, the behavior was adjusted on plug-in side accordingly. See also FogBugz case 31425.

    spread 0-based index of the spread there the note is located on. Plugins only write this value, but never read it (see also: Note 1). 0-based spread index
    document Complete path to the associated InDesign® file. Plugins only write this value, but never read it (see also: Note 1). Empty or complete path to the associated document
    user The user name of the note's creator.

unused but required


The note's creation date.

Date/time in the form YYYYMMDDHHMMSS

    user User name of the person to last edit the note.
    state The note's current state okay



    role The note's current role



    on Date the note was last edited Date/time in the form YYYYMMDDHHMMSS

unused but required

    user Name of the user to whom responsibility was assigned.
    role unused but required
    on Date the responsibility was assigned on. Date/time in the form YYYYMMDDHHMMSS
    show_titles Determines if the user should be prompted to assign users and dates to individual notes. 0 | 1
    num Distinct increasing numbering of individual comments. 1 -n
    user User name of the comment's creator.
    role unused but required
    on Date the comment was created on. Date/time in the form YYYYMMDDHHMMSS

The comment's content.

Notes may consist of text and images. Images are only accepted in the first comment. In that case, all other comments are ignored.

Unformatted comment text
    tagged Comment text as %!TT-Text
    image.path Complete path to an image file
    image.content Base64 encoded image
    image.x If the comment consists of an image, define the image's positioning here.
    image.scale_x > 0.0 for images (1.0 is equivalent to 100%)
    image.scale_y > 0.0 for images (1.0 is equivalent to 100%)

unused but required

    type The note's target type


    uid The note's reference

Type "page" : page UID. If no page with the specified UID is found, the page index parentIDs.page is used (since v4.1 R21112).

Type "pageindex" : 1-based page number. Attention : In versions prior v4.2 R29595 (16.12.2021) the page index is interpreted as to be 0-based. However, since page index notes created in the Whiteboard apparently got a 1-based index, the behavior was adjusted on plug-in side accordingly. See also FogBugz case 31425.

Type "frame" : frame UID

Type "group" : Comet Group ID

    id unused but required
    x The note's position

Please note that the upper left corner of the frame around the (possibly rotated) note form is always meant here:.

Position in points (pts.) relative to the upper left corner of the reference
    start unused but required 0
    end -1
    stroke unused but required leer
    stroke_width 0.0
    x unused but required, use reference.x and reference.y




    width The note's size.

Please note that this always refers to the size of the frame including any outward frame strokes and around the (possibly rotated) note frame:

Size in points (pts.), > 0.0
    fillindex The note's color in the palette. If the fill element is not defined, this color will also be used for as the frame's background color. 0-50. Indices refer to entries in the color menu in the Comet-Notizen panel.
    scale_x Scale of the frame > 0.0 (1.0 is equivalent to 100%)
    angle Rotation of the frame Angle in °
    skew Skew of the frame Angle in °
    angle_ref_x unused but required 0.0
    space Color space the fill color is specified in RGB
    name Name of a defined swatch
    c1 c2, c3, c4 Color components. Only used if no color name is specified.

für RGB : c1, c2, c3 in the range [0.0 - 255.0]

für CMK : c1 - c4 in the range [0.0 - 1.0]

für Lab : c1 in range [0.0 -100.0], c2 and c3 in range [-128- +127]

    tint The color's opacity. Only for defined swatches 0.0 - 100.0
    all.type Type and radius of the "general" corners. This setting is used for non-rectangular shapes. One of {nothing, rounded, inverse, inset, bevel, fancy}
    all.radius Radius in points (pts.)
    lt.type Type and radius of the upper left corner of rectangular frames One of {nothing, rounded, inverse, inset, bevel, fancy}
    lt.radius Radius in points (pts.)
    rt.type Type and radius of the upper right corner of rectangular frames One of {nothing, rounded, inverse, inset, bevel, fancy}
    rt.radius Radius in points (pts.)
    lb.type Type and radius of the lower left corner of rectangular frames One of {nothing, rounded, inverse, inset, bevel, fancy}
    lb.radius Radius in points (pts.)
    rb.type Type and radius of the lower right corner of rectangular frames One of {nothing, rounded, inverse, inset, bevel, fancy}
    rb.radius Radius in points (pts.)
    left Text inset for text frames >= 0.0, value in points (pts.)
    valign Vertical text alignment 0 : top
1 : center
2 : bottom
3 : justified
    weight Thickness of the note's outline Value in points (pts.)
    type Style of the note's outline 0 : Solid
1 : Dashed (12 Pt)
2 : Dashed (4 and 4)
3 : Dashed (3 and 2)
4 : Dotted
5 : Wavy
6 : Straight Hash
7 : Right Slant Hash
8 : Left Slant Hash
9 : White Diamond
10 : Japanese Dots
11 : Thin - Thin
12 : Thin - Thick
13 : Thick - Thin
14 : Thick - Thick
15 : Thin - Thick - Thin
16 : Thick - Thin - Thick
17 : Triple
    start_type For line paths only : start and end of the line 0 : None
1 : Undefined
2 : Simple
3 : SimpleWide
4 : Barbed
5 : Curved
6 : Triangle
7 : TriangleWide
8 : Circle
9 : CircleSolid
10 : Square
11 : SquareSolid
12 : Bar
    miter Miter limit 0.0 - Outline width in points
    alignment Line alignment 0 : Center
1 : Inside
2 : Outside
    join Corners 0 : Miter join
1 : Round join
2 : Bevel join
    cap Ends 0 : Butt cap
1 : Round cap
2 : Projecting cap
    col_space Line color see frame color reference.fill
    col_c1 ... ~c4
    gap_space Color of the gaps in the line see frame color reference.fill
    gap_c1 ... ~c4
reference.area (siehe auch Bem. 2)

Increasing count of path points in the note's shape, starting with 1.

Gaps in the numbering will end the current path and begin a new one. You can create objects consisting of multiple paths with the command

    Object -> Paths -> Make Compound Path .

1 - n

point : Normal point

tangent : Point and tangent

start : Point with interrupted tangent

    pathpoint.t1_x XY-Coordinates of the first tangent point

point : 0.0 und 0.0

else : Coordinates of the first supporting point in points (pts.)

    pathpoint.x XY-Coordinates of the path point Coordinates in points (pts.)
    pathpoint.t2_x XY-Coordinates of the second tangent point

point : 0.0 und 0.0

else : Coordinates of the second supporting point in points (pts.)


Note 1: When importing notes into an InDesign® document, the attributes frame, group, page, spread, document of the elements parentUIDs and parentIDs may be left empty (empty, not set to 0). These values are used by various external tools. When exporting notes, they are set to the current values.

Note 2: Generally, you wouldn't manually describe a shape. That requires quite deep understanding of bezier curves. We recommend the following:

• Create the shape from within InDesign®
• Convert the shape to a page note
• Export the notes

The generated export will contain the correct description of the desired shape.

If you want to create notes outside of InDesign®, simply use the path points generated this way. Scaling a paths size is one of the most difficult problems in geometry. Adobe has solved this problem. You only need to set the scale factor (notes.note.reference.bbox.scale_x/y):

    scale_x = 100.0 * desired_size / notes.note.reference.bbox.width

With the following procedures, you can support comments with cscript :

cScript does not currently offer functionality to create, edit or delete comments.