All plugins and renderers can be started without Python. The Python installation is checked only when Python is really needed (i.e. when a script starts with #!py). If the installation is missing, Python scripts return the error 1. For the first Python script, a corresponding warning message is also shown. The following Python versions are expected:

By the way, you can have any other, even newer Python version(s) installed. These versions are ignored by the priint:comet plug-ins and by comet_pdf.

Because this file contains entries from our bug tracking system, the content of this file is partly in German.

The table describes the features and bug fixes of the priint:comet pdf renderer 4.3.

Revision    Case Description

v4.3 R34671


Support of HTML and PDF Export Tags

TW 2950649

The priint:comet InDesign® plug-ins and comet_pdf are now supporting the HTML and PDF Export Tags (H, H1-H6, P, ...) when reading and writing W2ML files.

Smaller PDFs

With an automatic (bicubic) recalculation of the contained images the PDFs from comet_pdf can be significantly reduced in file size. See here for more information.

TW 2941874 - Wrong bleed settings

Apparently the trim and bleed boxes of the generated PDF do not match the settings from the PDF preset (joboptions). Everything is correct on single pages, But on double pages there are a few anomalies:

  • Left pages: The trim box appears to have been moved to the bleed. It starts at the same point as the left bleed and has the correct width. It therefore ends in the middle of the final format.
  • Right pages: The trimbox looks correct. But Bleedbox has no bleed on the inside edge

This has been fixed now hopefully.

TW 2912812 - frame::color_cmyk sets wrong color for 100%-CMYK-Black

If I call frame::color_cmyk with the color values 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0 (Black), I still always get white as the frame color.

This bug is fixed.

v4.3 R34458


Python improvements

The following improvements have been made to the Python integration:

New functions:

TW 2910718 - server::load_placeholder_str does not recognize function variables

Unfortunately, server::load_placeholder_str does not recognize the placeholder's Function Variables using comet_pdf.

This bug is fixed now.

TW 2877216 - Paragraph rulers not working in lists

comet_pdf supports bullet and numbered lists and it also supports paragraph rulers. But you can't have both together, can you?

Paragraph rulers are now supported in lists too by comet_pdf.

TW 2890371 - Some shortcuts for text formatting do not work

The documentation says that I can set a small selection of text formatting without using TaggedText: This is actually quite pretty and essentially works. But apparently the tags for font and font color do not work in comet_pdf.

This now also works in comet_pdf.

But please note, however: The text attributes cSkew and cCharRotate are not supported by comet_pdf and the shortcuts of the same name will therefore continue to have no effect.

TW 2877027 - Python - CTextModel.setParaStyle not working as expected

The Python function CTextModel.setParaStyle does not working as expected in comet_pdf.

This is fixed.

v4.3 R34266


Python improvements

The following improvements have been made to the Python integration:

CScript improvements
  • run_python parameter flags can now be used to disable logging about the script run (execution time, script ID etc...)
TW 2856980 - Wrong log messages while executing file::download_webimages

When executing file::download_webimages, incorrect log outputs are generated:

  • In a test with 29 (different) URLs, there were 29 different paths in the resulting IDTypeList. I was also able to find 29 different files there.
  • However, not all 29 different URLs are listed in the logs; some are repeated and others are not mentioned at all. Are the files mentioned several times actually downloaded or is this perhaps more a behavior when writing the log lines?
  • I also noticed lines in the logs with a special character and a truncated URL at the beginning of the line. Do these lines mean something specific? In one file, the end of the file name was chopped off. If I remove / correct the corresponding lines, I get the correct number of files again. So it only seems to affect the logs.

These problems arise because 'many' processes (here 29) are writing into one log file more or less at the same time. We removed the logs for this function.

We have also removed the 'Download file' terminal messages from comet_pdf.

TW 2848966 - Lots of log messages for loading the fonts

For some time now, the log has contained a very large number of messages for loading fonts. Could a few of them be removed again?

The log is not actually the subject of any discussions and is used solely for evaluation by the developers/programmers. But in this case, the messages were actually intended to solve a developers problem and we have now removed these lines again.

TW 2815601 - document::select for comet_pdf

The document::select function does not exist for comet_pdf, does it?

We have now also implemented this function for comet_pdf.

TW 2803978 - Odd line breaks while using soft hyphenations in text

If my text contains softs hyphenations (U+00AD), the paragraph delimiter no longer work properly in comet_pdf.

This is fixed.

v4.3 R34034


Rotated Text Wraps

TW 2790257

Would it be possible to have text wraps for rotated frames as well? At the moment I get an error message:

Frame NNN has text wraps with unsupported rotations and/or skews.

This is a small mathematical problem that requires a few semesters of math study to solve. Text wraps of rotated frames are now supported by comet_pdf :-)

Set Page Size

TW 2788459

The new page::set_size function can be used to change page sizes in both InDesign® and comet_pdf.

Bitte lesen Sie vor Verwendung unbedingt die Hinweise zur Funktion!

TW 2810723 - Quadruple letters are always hyphenated

This was a special requirement from a customer that was included in the standard by mistake. The problem is solved now: If one paragraph of the given text model has turned off the hyphenation, Quadruple letters are not hyphenated in the whole text anymore.

Please take care: Since quadruple hyphenation is not an InDesign® feature (and we don't have a TaggedText tag for it therefore), we can't limit the feature to paragraphs only but only to the whole text.

TW 2810729 - Hyphenation character (-) is also shown in texts without hyphenation

If I have a text with very long words, the hyphenation character (-) is shown even if hyphenation is switched off. This does not happen in table cells.

The problem is solved now.

TW 2790313 - Cannot define a spot color using createSwatchCMYK

I try to define a spot color using document.createSwatchCMYK. But the created color is always a process color.


TW 2790340 - Python: incorrect creation of CFrame via comet.frame.createTextFrame

I use a script to create a text frame with comet.frame.createTextFrame. This works without errors. Then I would like to insert a text with frame.setText into the new created frame. But then I get the error message 'Not a text frame'.


TW 2792013 - comet_pdf ends with PDFlib Error 1118

Using Linux 22.04 comet_pdf always aborts with PDFlib error 1118 (Wrong font -1 in PDF_info_font). However, I am sure that all fonts are defined.

To create paragraph spacing and inlines, comet_pdf requires a font in the background. This is Arial for Mac and Windows. On Linux /usr/share/fonts/truetype/tlwg/Garuda.ttf is used for that. Unfortunately, this font is not always installed in Linux 22.04. We have therefore added the Ubuntu-Regular.ttf font to the installation folder. If the above-mentioned background font is not found, Ubuntu-Regular.ttf next to comet_pdf is used instead.

However, comet_pdf is not released for Linux 22.04! Then bugs like this can happen :-)

TW 2742343 - Ripped text in circles

In circles and ovals, the text is always split in the middle. It looks a bit like the frame has two columns - but the gap widens towards the bottom.


TW 2783323 - CFrame.hasOverset not working

The function Python CFrame.hasOverset always raises an error in comet_pdf.


TW 2479386 - Error while executing Layout Rules

The error only occurs using the Linux version of comet_pdf: Layout Rules that contain if-else-end constructions are not executed correctly by comet_pdf under Linux. It seems that rules are executed even if the if-condition is false. In addition, the message that the closing end cannot be found always appears in the log.

# ELSE/END not found for condition 'Frame is Empty' (list entry 0)

The bug is fixed now.

TW 2779755 - Python cannot remove pages

I have just tried to remove a page with a Python script. The script is a build script and the function is called after all products are already established.

page = comet.gDocument.getPages()[pagenum]

When the remove method is called, rendering is aborted with an error message.

Yes, the corresponding internal method for page.remove was not yet implemented for comet_pdf. It will be fixed in the next release.

v4.3 R33833


No Functional Changes

v4.3 R33655


See History of v4.3

v4.3 R33520


See History of v4.3

v4.3 R33466


See History of v4.3

v4.3 R33300


No Functional Changes

v4.3 R33179


Initial Version of v4.3

This is the first official release of priint:comet PDF Renderer v.4.3.