The following table will give you a complete list of all changes made on priint:comet_pdf.

Since comet_pdf is based on the priint:comet Plugins, changes made on this plug-ins are effective for comet_pdf too. See here for the corresponding histories:

The document is in English. Nethertheless links like FogBugz ... may point to German content.

Release Title Description

v4.1.8 32712


Last Release of v4.1.8.

This is the last release of v4.1.8.

No functional changes

v4.1.8 R30871


FogBugz 32506 - Still Having Problems with Passwords in Web Image URLs

We still have problems with the encrypted passowords in URLs of Web Images. The fix of case 32406 is working: BUT : If the encrypted pwd ends with a slash itself, you will get 4 slashes and your method with the three slashes around the encrypred pwd will fail.

What a hassle. We would most like to write the password unencrypted into the document. But okay, we solved this problem too.

FogBugz 32406 - cURL Error 3 while downloading Web Images

I have an Web Image URL containing a user name and a password. The password is kindly encoded when writing to the document. But apparently the encoding can contain characters that break the URL, e.g. some additional /s.

This bug is fixed now. Encoded password are enclosed in /// now automatically. Here's an example:


v4.1.8 R30683


FogBugz 31606-2 - No Table Break while building product

We still have problems with tables not starting until the following page : Some table do not start at the current page but on the next page only.

If a frame has overset during product buildup, the continue-template is used. Before we do that, we test to see if increasing the frame size will reduce the overset. Unfortunately, in comet_pdf we can only see that we are inside a table - but not how far the table fits. For this we would have to draw the table - a huge lack of performance. But this way, unfortunately, we only see that we have an overset but it doesn't change.

With a little workaround we could fix the problem.

v4.1.8 R30603


No functional changes

v4.1.8 R30464


Editing Finished PDFs

We would like to post-process the finished PDF from comet_pdf. Is this possible within the program?

Yes , this can be done in the DocWatch "Before Close" script. For your convenience there is also the new global value gDocumentPathPDF now. In addition, so that the metadata can 'see' the changes, another DocWatch Before Close call is made directly before the metadata creation. In this situation the (new) variable gBeforeMetaData has the value 1.

See here for the whole story.

User Dictionaries

You now can define customized dictionaries for each language supported by your hyphenation rules. See here for more information.

FogBugz 32139 - Color Profile of Document

Can I query the color profiles of a document?

For this purpose there is the new function document::get_color_profiles now.

FogBugz 32138 - Get installed color profiles

In InDesign I can get the installed/used color profiles by the script functions

It would be nice to have these functions forcemeat_pdf too.

We have implemented both functions for querying the installed Color Profiles. For document color profiles the (new) function document::get_color_profiles can be used. Color profiles on frames are not supported.

FogBugz 32132 - Empty Metadata Previews

Shockingly, the program's metadata previews are all empty (white).

The problem is fixed and the previews are correct again.

FogBugz 32071 - Many crashes on Mac OS Monterey

After an update from Big Sur to Monterey, comet_pdf crashes in about 50% of the cases that worked fine before. It is not a certain configurations that cause the program to crash, but the same call leads to only about 50 successfully and correctly created PDFs in 100 attempts. In the other 50 cases, the program crashes. And, indeed, the error only occurs from Mac OS Monterey onwards, before that everything was fine.

We were able to identify and neutralize the problem. comet_pdf now runs correctly again under mac OS Monterey.

FogBugz 32017 - A cell text is not shown as of PDFlib 9.3.1

Under certain and very rare circumstances the text of a table cellmay not be displayed as of PDFlib 9.3. This is caused by special text lengths and separation rules.

The problem was caused by an extremely small rounding error of 0.006 pt. We now circumvent these errors by a slightly less stringent check. This solves the problem.

v4.1.8 R30323


FogBugz 31906 - Pdf renderer: color::redefine_swatch not possible?

color::redefine_swatch crashes comet_pdf reproducibly.

The problem is fixed.

FogBugz 31885 - Crash ofter Importing Styles

After importing paragrph styles using document::import_styles comet_pdf crashes while generating the final PDF.

The problem is fixed now.

FogBugz 31837 - $COMETDATA in Programm options

We would like to refer to files (e.g. fonts) in our XML folder in the program arguments. But at this point the program doesn't seem to know the $COMETDATA macro yet.

Yes, that's right. The program has not yet established a data connection. To solve the problem, we did the following:

If the -l (--login) argument points to an XML folder, the $COMETDATA alias is immediately (pre)assigned now. A data connection does not exist at this point, but the later program arguments can already use the alias $COMERTDATA. Again, this is only valid for connections to xml folders!

FogBugz 31836 - . and .. in paths Programm options

Would it be possible that paths in program arguments (e.g. -i) start with . or ..? That would be very useful.

Previously, "." was replaced by the current path of comet_pdf. This is changed now and follows the common replacement that "." means the current working directory.

v4.1.8 R30121


FogBugz 31719 -
productlist::get_established returns empty list

Using comet_pdf, the function productlist::get_established always returns an empty list of products.

This problem is solved now.

v4.1.8 R30060


All previous versions of comet_pdf contain a serious bug that can cause your entire hard drive including all mounted drives to be deleted.

Although the error only occurs in the following situations you should urgently replace older priint:comet plug-in versions.

The problem is solved now.

Bookmarks With comet_pdf you now can create bookmarks in PDF. Use the new bookmark functions to do this. A complete example of how to create bookmarks can be found here.
FogBugz 31553 - product::set for Infos1/2 not working

In the renderer, the functions product::set does not work for "Infos1" and "Infos2". The placeholders of the inserted products still have no "Infos1/2" set.


FogBugz 31652 - Option -h crashes comet_pdf sometimes My comet_pdf works prefectly. But if i call it with option -h (or --help) it crashes.

The problem comes from a shortcut entry without a <description> node. This problem is solved.

FogBugz 31612 -  Function to get the type of a hyperlink

To create bookmarks we need a function to determine the type of a hyperlink (frame, page, named destination, etc).

hyperlink::type will do what is required here.

FogBugz 31608 -  hyperlink::get_pos wrong for hyperlinks in tables

For hyperlinks in tables, hyperlink::get_pos unfortunately finds an incorrect text position. The position is always relative to the table cell, but it should be relative to the whole text (as usual in InDesign).

The position is now calculated correctly for hyperlinks in table cells too.

FogBugz 31607 - hyperlink::count ignores hyperlinks in table cells

The hyperlink::count function counts all hyperlinks in a text frame. However, hyperlinks in tables are unfortunately ignored.

The problem is solved now, hyperlinks in tables are now counted (and also found again).

FogBugz 31606 -  No Table Break while building product <

We repeatedly have the problem that comet_pdf does not wrap tables while building up products. The table then extends beyond the bottom of the page.

The problem always occurs when the continuation frame is so small that not even a single body row of the table fits into the frame.

After a long search, we were now able to solve the problem.

v4.1.8 R29606


FogBugz 31545 -  Cannot create PDFs with Turkish text <

If my PDF contains Turkish text, I cannot create a PDF. PDFlib aborts processing with error 1507.

The bug is fixed with case 31536 and was a consequence of the wrong upper/lower translation of the Turkish letter İ (Upper case I with Dot).

Here is a complete description:

As we already knew, the problem arises with hyphenation. But after a long search, we found out that hyphenation itself is also just a victim. The real mistake is a wrong upper/lower translation for the Turkish letters İ and ı. Everywhere we have checked İ is replaced by a normal lowercase i and ı is replaced by a normal uppercase I:
  • InDesign (Write the word etıketlı and set its character style to "Upper Cases")
  • Illustrator
  • boost
  • STL
  • gLib
  • Mac/Windows SDK functions
You can also try it online and will get the same wrong result :

ETİKETLİ -> etiketli
yapışkanlı -> YAPIŞKANLI

Since the TeX hyphenation always uses lowercase letters, the problem came up here this way:
  1. Input of the 10 byte UTF-8 word ETİKETLİ (UTF-8 ETx\C4\xB0KETLx\C4\xB0)
  2. Transform to lower cases : etiketli
  3. Insert the soft hyphens : eti~ket~li
  4. get the positions of the soft hyphens and insert them into the original word at the same positions (in this case 3 and 8 (each soft hyphen consists of TWO bytes too))) : : ETx\C4~\xB0KE~TLx\C4\xB0
Ha ha, nice result: The first ~ destroys an UTF-8 letter and the second one is on a wrong position. And all these only because of a wrong İ to i translation. Here's what we did:
  • Before the hyphenation, all İ are automatically converted to ı. So ETİKETLİ becomes ETıKETLı first. Then, with this input, Hyphenate can do its job properly.
  • Fixed the cScript function strlower, strupper, string::lower, string::upper for
    • InDesign plug-ins
    • Illustrator plug-ins
    • comet_pdf
FogBugz 31469 -  Parastyle changes destroys <b> and <I> settings <

I have an HTML text with <I> and <b> tags. The text is inserted in font, say, Times. Everything is beautiful and works. Now I'll change the font to, say, Helvetica after the fact. This preserves the Bold, but Italic is gone from the text.

Yes, the problem is the following: When inserting HTML, the font style is calculated depending on Font+Bold+Italic. For Times this is "Bold Italic" for <b><I> tagged text. But for Helvetica the same font style is called "Bold Oblique".

So when we change the font, we also need to adjust all the font styles that depend on it. A nightmare. But we have solved the problem now.

FogBugz 31464 -  Error with table::insert_taggedtext and trailing <ParaStyle:> <

When I import a text with table::insert_taggedtext, an empty paragraph is inserted too always.

Yes, we unfortunately evaluated the always required trailing <ParaStyle.> incorrectly at this point. (and just so I'm understood correctly here: This <ParaStyle.> is always required, if it is missing, it will be inserted internally automatically).

The problem is solved.

FogBugz 31466 - table::format : exclude parastyles

When I apply table::format to a text area, I would like to leave individual paragraph styles unchanged. For example, I have an HTML text with <li>s. I would like to change the paragraph style of the normal paragraphs - but the bullet points should keep their style. Is this possible?

We added the new (optional) parameter exceptThese to the function. In this parameter you can define a list of style names to exclude from the processing. The same applies to the textmodel::set_parastyle function.

Attention: The parameter is only working on comet_pdf for now!

FogBugz 31459 -  table::format only applies to the FIRST paragraph <

The table::format function apparently edits only the start position paragraph in the renderer. Other paragraphs of the desired range remain unchanged.


FogBugz 31452 - table::format removes all local overrides

The function table::format can be used to change the paragraph style in table cells. This works fine. But unfortunately it also removes all local overrides. I know InDesign does the same, but it would still be nice to be able to keep local overrides.

We add a new parameter to the function, so that the removal of local overrides can be prevented.

FogBugz 31387 - Error while creating hyperlinks in table cells with TaggedText

I have an HTML text with some hyperlinks in it. To create hyperlinks in the output pdf too, I replace the <a> tags by the according Tagged Text definitions for hyperlinks (and include it into <?IDTT ?>'s for html::to_tagged.

This works perfectly with normal text frames. But if the HTML is imported into a table cell, no hyerlink is created in the resulting pdf.

FXD. The procedure now also works in table cells.

FogBugz 31410 -  linklist::collect : wrong start position for placeholders in table cells <

The resulting Links of a linklist::collect are giving wrong text positions for placeholders in table cells.

This is fixed now.

FogBugz 31405 - Table not placed in next frame

We have (smaller) tables that are held together by a using a full merged column. This works well. But unfortunately these tables sometimes lead to errors in the page layout : Instead of starting a new text frame, the current frame is enlarged beyond the page size.

The problem was quite elusive.but we were able to solve it at last.

v4.1.8 R29511


FogBugz 31379 - hyperlink get unique function missing <

I need the function hyperlink::get_next_unique_key in comet_pdf, but unfortunately it is not implemented for the renderer.

The function is now also available for comet_pdf.

FogBugz 31378 - Error while reading HTML

The following html code will not work, if the font face at the insertion point is not "Regular" (that means empty). If the font face is (for instance) "medium", the COCKPIT text is bolded too: e!COCKPIT instead of e!COCKPIT.

Software <b><i>e!</i></b><i>COCKPIT</i>

This is fixed now.

FogBugz 31295 - Keep_With_Next_Row does not always work

I have a table where two rows are to be kept together at a time like this:

1 1
2 0
3 1
4 0

5 1
6 0

For this I have set a table::set_keep_with_next_row (T, r, 1) to rows 1, 3 and 5 respectively. But the table is still separated after row 3.

The problem is solved and the table is now separated correctly (in this case already behind the second row).

FogBugz 31178 - set_parastyle not working in table cells

For text in table cells, the textmodel::set_parastyle function does not seem to work.

This is fixed. The function now also sets the paragraph style correctly in table cells.

v4.1.8 R29363


FogBugz 31218 - EPS files on Desktop not found (Linux only)

Image paths in W2MLs to the Mac or Windows desktop files are not found on Linux.


FogBugz 31217 - Cannot auto-convert EPS to PDF on Linux

Postscript images are not automatically converted to raster images on Linux systems. Do I need to install or configure anything else for this?

On Linux, the ps2pdfwr program is used to convert Postscript to PDF. This program is part of the Ghostscript installation and can be installed by

sudo apt-get install ghostscript

Please take care the corresponding license terms of ghostscript!

If the program is not installed, a warning message will be written to the terminal when the first conversion attempt is made.

v4.1.8 R29300


FogBugz 31114 - Embedded original path missing after --autosave

After --autosave, embedded images lose the reference to their original image.


--unused-styles New performance optimization options (time optimizations)

v4.1.8 R29209


FogBugz 30967 - Pre/Post options for all calls to the renderer

In the PubServer environment, it is unfortunately not possible to provide the renderer with your own program options. The calls are completely created by the server. If you want to change e.g. only the image compression, someone must change the server. Is there any possibility to set own options here?

There is now the possibility to set local pre-setting and post-setting for the call parameters. See here for more information.

FogBugz 30965 - Keep rows together for vertically merged cells

PDFLib says : If a cell spans multiple rows the affected rows do not automatically form a join group.But InDesign keep rows with merged cells together and we want to have the same behavior in the renderer (if possible)

This is a problem, of course. InDesign interprets merged cells in such a way that the corresponding lines are not separated. But that is a matter of opinion.

We are proud to have found a solution here. Also comet_pdf now no longer separates lines with vertically merged cells.

v4.1.8 R29013


FogBugz 30780 - Crash at the very end of the comet_pdf run <

Under Linux, the renderer unfortunately always crashes at the very end of the processing. The PDF is created at this point - but the crash unfortunately leads to the fact that the caller does not receive a return code about the result.


FogBugz 30779 - cScript ~list::get_pos error

get_pos of lists returns -1 if an entry was not found. On Linux this value is unfortunately not -1 but 4.294.967.295 - and the test for -1 fails.

Apparently the different compilers resolve the corresponding typecast from unsigned to signed differently. The error is fixed. Also under Linux you get -1 in the mentioned situations now.

v4.1.8 R28935


No functional changes

v4.1.8 R28902


FogBugz 30594 -  string::lower and string::upper do not work under Mac too It is mysterious. Even on the Mac, lower and upper fails about 1% of the time.


FogBugz 30592 - Current page number not shown for grouped master frames In a master page frame I have a variable that shows the current page number. This works fine. But when I group this frame with other frames, the page number is no longer displayed.


FogBugz 30561 -  string::lower and string::upper convert Unicode characters to <0x00FF>

The string::lower and string::upper functions change Unicode characters to <0x00FF> notation. The result of strupper ("äöüddd") for example is "<0X00E4><0X00F6><0X00FC><0X00DF>DDD". But I would have expected "ÄÖÜDD", or not? Not to mention that <0x00E4> is a small ä.

Yes, that is certainly completely correct, but wrong for years without any of you noticing that. We have changed that accordingly. The capitalization of "äöüddd" now results in "ÄÖÜDD".

FogBugz 30548 - string::lower and upper not working on Windows

The string::lower and string::upper functions do not work in Windows.


FogBugz 30544 - Table style is applied incorrectly

Since the last version of comet_pdf table styles with table::apply_style are applied incorrectly. Almost all cell stroke are wrong.

Yes, since this version new table cells automatically get 1pt thick black strokes. This creates local overrides that are not overwritten by applying a new table style. So this behavior was not quite right and was removed again.

Hint : New tables can now be given a style when they are created, see table::create.

FogBugz 30540 - Column width of table::create is ignored since last release <

Since the last release, table::create unfortunately ignores the column width. The table is always made as wide as the frame.

That was probably a bit overshooting the mark. The table is now only brought to frame width if the column width is specified as 0.0.

FogBugz 30538 - table::cell::apply_style not working

The cscript command table::cell::apply_style does not work in comet_pdf.


v4.1.8 R28746


FogBugz 30445 - Hyperlinks disappear after frame::fit < I have a table with hyperlinks. This all works very nicely now. But if I make a fitframe on the frame, then the hyperlinks are gone again.


FogBugz 30430 - itemlist::inlines wrong for table cells

If I try to get all inlines inside a table cell using itemlist::inlines, I always get all inlines of the according table.


FogBugz 30423 - Default settings for table::create <

If I create a new table in InDesign®, I will get a table with 1pt black strokes and just as wide as the frame. Can we have the same behaviour on comet_pdf?

We have expanded that accordingly: Tables created with table::create now get 1pt black cell strokes and are as wide as the first text frame of their text model.

FogBugz 30422 - Binding orientated justification wrong in table cells

The text alignments to page binding (to/away from) in table cells seem to be wrong.


FogBugz 30420 - table::justification missing

Unfortunately, the table::justification function is not implemented in the renderer.

The function is now available for comet_pdf too.

FogBugz 30412 - Cannot set hyperlinks to inline frames Cannot set hyperlinks to inline frames.

This is implemented now. You can use hyperlink::frame_create_urldest together with the inline frame to do that now. Here's a little code snippet to set a hyperlink to an image in a table cell:

table::cell::get_textpos (T, 1, 1, &p, &l);
inlines = itemlist::inlines (fr, p, l);

if (itemlist::length (inlines) > 0)
    itemlist::get (inlines, inline_, 0);
    hyperlink::frame_create_urldest (hy, "asd", inline_, "");
    hyperlink::appearance (hy, 2, -1, colid, 1, 1);

v4.1.8 R28683


Bugfixes and News from priint:comet plug-ins 4.1.8

v4.1.8 R28585


Bugfixes and News from priint:comet plug-ins 4.1.8

v4.1.8 R28513


FogBugz 29935 - Textwrap of master frames is ignored The master pages of my W2ML document contain frames with text wrap. But unfortunately these text wraps are not applied to the document pages.


FogBugz 29934 - HTML To TaggedText : Error using font-family

The CSS attribute font-family in HTML texts  is not evaluated correctly by the renderer. See the following example:

%!TT_html_aaa<span style="font-family:Arial;">bbb</span>ccc

The text bbb should be displayed in Arial - but it is not.

This is fixed.

FogBugz 30076 - Direct file setting for document hyphenations With the XML root element hyphenationLanguage you can set the hyphenation rules for the whole document. You specify the desired language - then the corresponding file is searched and every text of the document is hyphenated according to its rules then. Is it possible to specify a file directly?

You can prefix the value of hyphenationLanguage with file:// to do that now.

FogBugz 30057 - Line break in °C comet_pdf unfortunately inserts a line separator within °C if necessary. But the °-character should always remain connected to the following character. Is there anything that can be done?

The problem is solved now. The ° character is now always held together with the characters before and after it (like a normal letter).

FogBugz 29923 - Global hyphenation for comet_pdf We need to create documents in different languages. To ensure that the correct hyphenation is applied in each case, we would have to define separate character and paragraph styles for each language. Is it possible to set the language setting via the document?

You now can set an global language in the Root element of the documents XML structure by the elements 

  • hyphenationLanguage
  • hyphenationCountry

For more information see here.

v4.1.8 R28406


Bugfixes and News from priint:comet plug-ins 4.1.8

v4.1.8 R28315


FogBugz 29591 - # Fit frame NNN failed with error -1 < I see the error # Fit frame NNN failed with error -1 in the output, but everything seems fine in the document.

Yes, this error is erroneously written also for empty text frames. We have removed the error message in this case.

FogBugz 29598 - Table placeholder not working

Sometimes my table placeholders do not load. Table and placeholders disappear completely from the document.

This was an unexpected scrambling of tags in the InDesign® tagged text. The error is fixed.

Remove the table placeholder in the template document in InDesign® and set it again and save the template.

v4.1.8 R28201


Bugfixes and News from priint:comet plug-ins 4.1.8

v4.1.8 R28101


FogBugz 29206 - Time per page seems to be wrong <

The time measurement at the end of the programme seems to be (somewhat) wrong under Windows: With a duration of 16 seconds for 4 pages, a time of 4238,12 seconds per page is determined :-)


FogBugz 29204 - Metadata previews of comet groups too small

If a frame of a comet group is at the edge of the group and has a wider stroke, this stroke will be truncated in half width in the metadata previews.


FogBugz 29203 - JAVA_HOME ignored

Java can be installed in any path. To find the software, the environment variable JAVA_HOME must be defined accordingly. Could comet_pdf evaluate this variable when calling PDF2Image under Windows?

Yes, we now determine the value of $JAVA_HOME before calling java.

FogBugz 28184 - Fatal exception of PDFlib while autosaving since R28004

Since the last release of comet_pdf, the programme regularly crashes during autosave at my side:

fatal exception: [3425] PDF_fit_table: Calculated table height 181.574 too large (> 43.0252, shrinking 23.6957%)


FogBugz 29174 - page::get : Wrong result for inlines

In the renderer, the page::get function for inlines always returns 1.

Yes, the text position can only be determined when the finished text has been rendered. This actually happens only at the end of the document process. So, to determine the page of an inline, we have to internally render the entire text before. This is done now, but please note that this is a very time-consuming process.

Attention : The call is very time-intensive! Use the function sparingly. 

FogBugz 29173 - Missing function textmodel::get_frame_containing

We could use the function textmodel::get_frame_containing quite well. Unfortunately it does not exist in the renderer.

The function is now also available in comet_pdf.

Attention : The call is very time-intensive! Use the function sparingly. 

FogBugz 29167 - "Inline above" hides text content

Inline above the line are supposed to move text upwards - but they do not.

Now they are doing it.

FogBugz 29164 - frame::get_anchor always returns the first inline

The function frame::get_anchor always returns only the first inline of a text.


FogBugz 28884 - Crash at frame::fit

Frames with a single empty placeholder lead to an endless loop at frame::fit.

An empty placeholder contains a single Zero Width Space as text. Apparently, the PDFlib used cannot render such a "text" correctly and returns undefined results. We have found a workaround for this behaviour. This solves the fitframe problem.

v4.1.8 R28004


FogBugz 29103 - Option -e not working with cached data

The option 

-e actionID --playback on --playback_path ....

option does not work if --playback  is turned on. Then the script is not found.


FogBugz 28830 - Merging content of folder

In the XML file describing a PDF merge, I can specify a list of PDFs. Is also possible to concat all PDFs of a folder?.

From now on, folder contents can also be specified in the merge XML:

  • path/to/folder/* All PDF files in the folder
  • path/to/folder/** All PDF files in the folder and (recursively) in all sub folders

In both cases, the entries are sorted alpha-numerically for every (sub)folder.

v4.1.8 R27901


FogBugz 2849 - How to create hyperlinks in text?

In the documentation I see that the functions for creating links to other document pages are not implemented in comet_pdf.

With the following cScript functions comet_pdf can create hyperlinks now:

FogBugz 28793 - textmodel::start is wrong in table cells

Placeholders in table cells return an incorrect text position (relative to the table cell) with textmodel::start.


FogBugz 28806 - end of style not removed

Sometimes an "End of style" not removed from the textmodel.


FogBugz 28818 - Merging PDFs loses hyperlinks and notes

With option -m I can merge pages of different PDFs into one single document. Unfortunately, all references, notes, bookmarks etc. are lost in this case.

Yes, this is a limitation of the used PDFlib: See PDFlib 9 Tutorial, Chapter 8.3.2 "Using PDFlib+PDI":

It is important to understand that PDI only imports the actual page contents, but not any interactive features (such as sound, movies, embedded files, hypertext links, form fields, JavaScript, bookmarks, thumbnails, and notes) which may be present in the imported PDF document.

But if all PDFs are concatenated with all pages, we can use PDFBox and the interactive elements remain. You can find more info here.

FogBugz 28722 - Autosave not working for text model with hyperlinks <

If a text contains hyperlinks, autosaving will destroy it.


FogBugz 28706 - Crash while autosaving document

I'm using the renderer in a PubServer project. There the renderer is executed with the option --autosave here. Since the last release the renderer crashes when saving the W2ML

The crash is i side effect of the fix of FogBugz 28532 (hard to believe but true). The bug is fixed.

FogBugz 28696 - Web-Images ignoring alpha channel

For Web Images, the alpha channel is not applied in the renderer.

FXD. If an alpha channel is present, it is now automatically applied.

v4.1.8 R27830


Bugfixes and News from priint:comet plug-ins 4.1.8

v4.1.8 R27777


FogBugz 28532 - frame::get_anchor only searches at the given start position <

In the frame::get_anchor you can specify the text length in which an inline search is to be performed. Unfortunately the search is only done at the start position. 

FXD. We now search the entire given area until an inline was found.

FogBugz 28531 - frame::get_anchor returns wrong results <

If frame::get_anchor does not find an inline at the given position, the function should return a -1 in the parameter out_pos according to the documentation. Unfortunately the value remains unchanged even if no inline is found.

The problem is solved. If no inline is found at the given position, out_pos is set to -1 now.

FogBugz 28440 - Missing function document::import_styles <

We could urgently use the function document::import_styles also in comet_pdf.

The function is now available in coet_pdf too.

v4.1.8 R27722


Bugfixes and News from priint:comet plug-ins 4.1.8

v4.1.8 R27672


FogBugz 27268 - Bullet points wrong after changing the font size

It's very strange : I have a bettelt point list with a Wingdings hook. This also works in the renderer. But if I now change the font size in the paragraph (and only the font size), then suddenly a 9 appears instead of the hook in the PDF from the renderer.


v4.1.8 R27567


Bugfixes and News from priint:comet plug-ins 4.1.8

v4.1.8 R27515


FogBugz 27861 - Character setting cCASE not not supported <

In InDesign® a text can be displayed in capital letters (TaggedText tag <cCase:All Caps/Small Caps>) But this is not yet supported in the renderer, yes?

We support this tag now.

BUT : We can not support the so called "Small Capes" and the OpenType's. In both cases, normal upper letter are used too.

Although there has been a large ß for some time in Unicode, ß becomes SS as in InDesign®.

FogBugz 27860 - string::upper and lower do not work correctly

äöü... are not converted to upper letters by comet_pdf. The same applies to the lower case letters of ÄÖÜ... .


v4.1.8 R27405


FogBugz 27749 - Justify last line not working <

In a text with the paragraph formatting "justify full", the last line is not expanded by comet_pdf.

Yes, there is a maximum value for word spacing in the PDFlib. So far it is set to 5 spaces. I set it to 500 blanks - then it works - and it looks as nasty as you want.

v4.1.8 R27350


Bugfixes and News from priint:comet plug-ins 4.1.8

Release Title Description

v4.1.7 R27305


FogBugz 27591 - script function missing : textmodel::vertical_justification

The cScript function textmodel::vertical_justification is missing for comet_pdf.

This function is implemented now for comet_pdf too.

But please note : We can only support top, centered, bottom, but not justify!

FogBugz 27606 - frame::fit_better with ref point 'Bottom' does not work with text wraps

In most cases frame::fit_better also works with reference points at the  "bottom" or in the "middle". But if the frame meets a text wrap, then unfortunately it does not work.

Yes. The problem is, we have to find a new position for the beginning of the text depending on the length of the text, of course. But because of the text wraps, the text length depends on the text position vise versa.

Secret solution - but it works now.

FogBugz 27610 - Script functions for fitting options missing

cScript functions for frame fitting options missing in comet_pdf.

Implemented now:

v4.1.7 R27224


Excel Query

The new language excelquery to support Excel queries is available.

Here's an example

select "Our price %s%s<cPosition:Superscript>%s<cPosition:>" with
    tt "My Sheet"!B1 int and
    tt "My Sheet"!B1 value "." and
    tt "My Sheet"!B1 cent   	

See here for more information.

Excel Fonts All 500 Excel fonts used at our machines checked and the FontDB was extended accordingly. See here for more information.

v4.1.7 R27181



The plugins for Mac OS are now completely notarized by Apple. The statement

sudo spctl --master-disable

to switch off the checking of third-party software (gatekeeper) is no longer required. Please choose App Store and identified developers in your Security & Privacy of the System Preferences:

The Gatekeeper requires an active Internet connection the first time new plugins are started. Unfortunately, the so-called staple procedure (with which the gatekeeper can check new software even without an Internet connection) can not be performed with plug-ins because stapeling is not supported for plug-ins by Apple.

Please note: The process of notarization is very complex and can take up to 4 days. Hot fixes and intermediate builds can therefore not notarised. Similarly, plug-ins that you receive before the actual release date may not yet be notarized.

Bugfixes and News from priint:comet plug-ins 4.1.7

v4.1.7 R27144


Bugfixes and News from priint:comet plug-ins 4.1.7

v4.1.7 R27127


Bugfixes and News from priint:comet plug-ins 4.1.7

v4.1.7 R27017


FogBugz 27245 - Missing parameter lastFrameUsed for frame::overset in docu

The docu doesn't say anything about the the parameter lastFrameUsed of frame::overset.

Done now, see here.

FogBugz 27244 - RowHeight changed after --autosave

Sometime the height of a row is changed on --autosave.


FogBugz 27243 - frame::overset parameter lastUsedFrame doesn't work correctly

It seems that the function frame::overset sometimes returns the wrong frame as last frame with text content.

Yes, unfortunately this could happen if the last frame ended at the bottom and with a table. The error is fixed.

FogBugz 27242 - piddone already written at start time

Is it possible that the file --piddone is created directly after the program start since some releases?

Oh, thanks. We made a mistake. This is fixed. The file will now be written back to the end of the program.

FogBugz 27234 - Write some infos into --pidstart, --piddone

We use the --pidstart and --piddone options to determine when a renderer job is started and when it is finished. Could we write some more information into these files, e.g. the time and the user?

This is being done now, see --pidstart of documentation.

FogBugz 27231 - Set app path by command line option

Sometimes it can be helpful that different renderers should use the same configuration data (or the same renderer should use different configuration data). Is there a way to do this without changing all program parameters?

You can use the new option --config_path for this.

FogBugz 27221 - Company License

Are there also partner licenses for comet_pdf like for InDesign®?

This is supported as of this release. If you wish to obtain a partner license, please contact our support.

FogBugz 27215 - How to set the XML parser type in app xmlquery?

Is there a way to choose the global XML parser type for comet_pdf?

You may use the program option --xmlread to do this.

v4.1.7 R26981


Bugfixes and News from priint:comet plug-ins 4.1.7

v4.1.7 R26928


Additional Installation Required

Starting with this release we support Excel and CSV files (see below) as data sources for placeholders. (See the new script functions datapool::excel::~ and datapool::csv::~ for more information.) This requires the installation of new software for each comet_pdf installation:

  • Mac : The folder Frameworks must be located in the same folder as comet_pdf.
  • Windows : The DLL libxl.dll must be located in the same folder as comet_pdf
  • Linux : --

Without this additional software comet_pdf will not start anymore! The libraries are contained in the installation folder of comet_pdf. A copy of the libraries can also be found here.

Excel and CSV Support We can now read and write the contents of Excel and CSV files using cScript. For more infos see Excel functions and CSV functions.
FogBugz 27187 - Check for missing entries in font DB It is always quite difficult to add missing font definitions to the FontDB. Is it possible to support this a little bit on the plugin side?

We have implemented a new script command system::fontdb_check - this command may help you. In addition, comet_pdf can be called together with option --checkfonts N to get the same results.

FogBugz 27171 - Magnets on rotated frames produce wrong results

Magnets on rotated frames produce wrong results.


FogBugz 27186 - Option --upr ignores folder ~/.fonts

Fonts can also be installed in the ~/.fonts folder under Linux, so--upr should also look there.

This is being done now. fxd

FogBugz 26940 - Option --upr ignores folders set by --fontfolder(s)

Using option --upr will only check the fonts at the default font folders - but ignrores all additional font folders set by --fontfolder(s).Using option --upr will only check the fonts at the default font folders - but ignrores all additional font folders set by --fontfolder(s).

The option now also searches in the additionally defined folders.

JIRA 6611 - Improve Preview Generation Performance The standard pdf renderer setup uses apache pdf box to create previews from the generated PDF file. This causes a Java VM start for each spread / page of the pdf document, which takes quite a lot of time.
The pdf renderer behaviour has been improved to
  • respect the server configuration, when connected to PublishingServer: the files included in the metadata folder can be configured using the allowMetadataTypes property.
  • support additional metadata flag 32 to prevent creating previews at all (regardless of the allowMetadataTypes setting). In this case, preview generation is triggered from the application server. This option is supported with PublishingServer version 4.1.8 by default.
FogBugz 27030 - Frames with vertical justification "bottom" are very slow

I have a non-rectangular frame with text, that is verticaly aligned to the bottom of the 'potato'. There are hundreds of fitframes for this frame in the log.

Yeah, how do you think we can find the maximum lower text position? But we do that about four times faster now. So in the log there are no longer hundreds of fit frames but only dozens.

FogBugz 27029 - Backslashes at the end of the parameters in log

It is only a small wish: The current call parameters of the renderer are written into the log. This is great. But if you want to run this command again, you have to either remove the line separators from the log text or add backslashes to the line ends.

Okay, got it :-) We now add \ to the line ends of the command dump.

v4.1.7 R26755


FogBugz 26940 - Numbered lists not working

I have an InDesign® file with a numbered list. If I export it to W2ML and create a PDF with comet_pdf from it, the PDF will show the the characters #^.\t instead of the numbers.


FogBugz 26939 - Fonts of html output not showing under Safari

Under Safari, the fonts used in the generated HTML are not displayed, but it works with FireFox and Opera.

Safari apparently forbids the use of foreign fonts since some time. Only fonts that are installed by the default system are accepted.

A solution is described here.

FogBugz 26846 - PDF_fit_image error

I use an image several times in a document. Since the last releases I get a PDFlib error here:

PDFlib exception occured : [1110]
# Handle parameter or option of type 'image' has bad value 0


FogBugz 26845 - Unknown soapflags.ini entry while connecting to SOAP

When I try to connect to SOAP, I unfortunately get the following error message:

Invalid definitions in '/Users/****/soapflags.ini':


FogBugz 26844 - Renderer log of Application arguments

This is only a very small problem: The renderer log starts with the specification of the current program options. This can be quite helpful sometimes.  Unfortunately there is always some other text between the second and third parameter that the XML path is set to '' or something that does not belong to the parameters. Is there a way to suppress this? 

Yes of course. There are no more disturbing texts between the options output.

FogBugz 26843 - HTML to Text problem

I would like to insert the following text into my document:

%!TT_html_<p class='Hello'>Hello Ms. <i>Nelly</i>!</p>

where the paragraph style 'Hello' uses a Bold font. Als Ergebnis erhalte ich

Hello Nelly!

I would have expected that Nelly would also be set in Bold face.

Yes, this expectation is right - and is now being fulfilled.

FogBugz 26831 - Bullet points in Awesome fonts

Writing bullet points in Awesome fonts have a (white) width greater than 0 in PDFs of comet_pdf. But in InDesign® this white space does not arise.


FogBugz 26830 - Awesome font in unnumbered lists not working

In a paragraph style, I use a character from an Awesome font as the character for an unnumbered list. Unfortunately the character is not used.


Release Title Description

v4.1.6 R26666


FogBugz 26646 - frame::fit ignores the reference point

frame::fit ignores the reference point.

Oops. Thats fixed.

FogBugz 26638 - Apples SF Fonts missing in standard

The renderer has a built-in list for translating the InDesign® font names into postscript names. Could you please also insert the SF fonts from Apple there?

Done :-)

v4.1.6 R26620


Missing documentation for HTML export I cannot find any documentation about how to export HTML using comet_pdf.

It's done now. See here.

Missing documantion for deepl usage

I cannot find any documentation about how to use the automatic text translations provieded by comet_pdf.

It's done now. See here.

FogBugz 26524 - Fitframe creates huge frames for centered text

I have a frame with vertically centered text. If I make a fitframe on this frame, I get a frame that is about 25,000 pt high.

Oops. That's fixed.

FogBugz 26483 -

Where do I have to look for the Legal Notes:


The Legal Notes are now located right next to the renderer. With the program option --legalnotes they can be shown automatically in your WEB browser.

FogBugz 26558 - Renderer installer zip very large

The final package with the new renderers is always quite big (~1GB). Couldn't you at least leave out the documentary?

I don't like it. But if you really want to.... The documentation is now no longer included in the ZIP.

v4.1.6 R26535


FogBugz 26483 - Placeholder disappears after frame::append

I have a text placeholder with the following load script:

int main ()
    frame::replace (gFrame, "");
    frame::append (gFrame, "BBBB");

    return 0;

If you load such a placeholder, the placeholder remains empty at the beginning of the text, but BBBB no longer has a placeholder.


FogBugz 26465 - comet_pdf crashes when Minion Pro is missing

In certain circumstances the PDF renderer crashes when Minion Pro is not installed. Minion Pro seems to be a non-changeable standard for [No paragraph style].

This font behaves weirdly at least on my Mac: even when it's not installed, I can use it in InDesign® (including PDF creation), so this is hard to track down.

The problem seems to be that the renderer tries to default to [No paragraph style] whenever the tagged text contains an unknown paragraph style. When this happens, comet_pdf exits with PDFlib exception 2516 (EXIT CODE 6)

Also, the missing_font element in fontnames_default.xml is ignored in this case.

When I change the font for [No paragraph style] to another non-existent font, the renderer default to Arial (again, ignoring the missing_font element).

Well, the renderer's not crashing. An exception is thrown and no PDF is created. But anyway, the Minion Pro is used because it is probably the default font set in [No Paragraph Style] of your InDesign®.

The following simple line in your fontnames_default.xml should solve the problem:

<fontname id="Minion Pro Regular" ps="Arial"/>

But of course, if missing_font is specified, then it should be used at this point (without having to provide a special definition for every missing font). That's how it's gonna be from now on. So the bug is fixed now.

FogBugz 26470 - table::format not supported

I would like to use the function table::format in the renderer. Unfortunately it is not implemented. Can you do something about it?

The function is now also available in the renderer.

FogBugz 26469 - Autoconverting EPS to PDF does not work

The renderer should actually be able to convert PS images into raster images on its own, at least on the Mac. But somehow it doesn't do that.


FogBugz 26468 - gElements missing in build scripts

The scripts to build up repeating elements should have defined the global variable gElements. Unfortunately this variable is not defined in the renderer.


50% faster! The following two optimizations and some other minor improvements make the renderer on average 50% faster!
FogBugz 26473 - Speed up function variables

Function variables are expensive fun. Maybe there are still possibilities for (time) optimization?

We have succeeded in reducing the time by about 10%. Still.

FogBugz 26458 - Speed up table display

Large tables make the renderer slow.

Yeah, what did you think?!

But we have managed to shorten the time for table output extremely. In the example from 28 seconds to 3 seconds, i.e. to less than 10%! On average the time saving is about 35%.

FogBugz 26457 - Message 11---- at the start of the renderer

Not an error, but not nice either: After the program start, the two messages 111--- and 222--- are always written to the terminal.


v4.1.6 R26477


FogBugz 26423 - Infinite loop while exporting Sometime I get some log messages like

# Exporting page 1 / 1
# Fit frame 279, current size 509.236200 x 218.685000
# Fit frame 279 done, new size 509.236200 x 218.685000
# Fit frame 279, current size 509.236200 x 218.685000
# Fit frame 279 done, new size 509.236200 x 218.685000

with a lot of fitframes. Sometimes it never ends :-(

The problem are non-rectangular frames with the text alignment "Bottom". Then we must first find the Y-coordinate where we start to draw the text. This is a bit computational. Hence the many fitframes, which unfortunately cannot be avoided. But if the text is empty, then we get into an endless loop.

That is fixed.

FogBugz 26395 - Inserting %!TT does not remove the paragraph style

Inserting %!TT does not remove the paragraph style at the insertion point.


FogBugz 26388 - Logfile folders not created automatically

The logfiles for the renderer can be set to any path. But if the corresponding folders do not exist, then no log is written.

Fixed for the following log files:

  • -v, --log
  • --logx
  • -u, --pdflog
FogBugz 26339 - Single softreturns disappear from the text My text contains empty lines with softreturns. The first time these blank lines are inserted correctly in the PDF. But after a --autosave these blank lines disappear.


Release Title Description

v1.0 R26400


64Bit Versions for Mac Also the Mac versions of comet_pdf are now 64Bit.
FogBugz 26328 - table::stroke does not work when setting multiple sides

The cScript functions table::stroke et al. do not seem to do anything when setting the 'sides' parameter to a sum of values, e.g. eTopSideeBottomSide


FogBugz 26314 - Image frames sometimes lose their images after --autosave

When rendering a .w2ml file containing images which change their anchoring during rendering (e.g. by moving an inline frame somewhere else), the images are correctly visible in the exported PDF, but after rendering the result W2ML (from --autsoave) again, the images suddenly disappear.


FogBugz 26302 - Wrong results with document::update_url_links

When I use document::update_url_links all URLinks of the document get the same image. But the downloaded pictures are all correct.


FogBugz 26289 - system::os under Linux not defined

Under Linux, the function system::os has no defined return value.

The function now returns kLinux (=3) if the program is running on Linux.

FogBugz 26244 - Text is sometimes scaled in tables

Text in table cells, which was actually given in the same font size, is sometimes output by the renderer in different font sizes. Strangely enough, this only happens if the frame has a fitframe.

PDFlib has an automatically enabled feature that can automatically shrink tables if the frame is too small. By default, up to 90% reduction in height and up to 50% reduction in width are allowed. With the Fit frame, the frame is made small and then gradually enlarged - when the table fits for the first time, Fitframe has reached its goal - but the table only has 90% of its actual size.

That's fixed. But you can search for it for two or three days.

v1.0 R26314


FogBugz 26165 - Cannot read PDFlib licensekeys.txt

The license check for PDFlib fails if the XCACHE folder does not exists.

Ha ha, what a nice bug :-) FXD

v1.0 R26262


FogBugz 26099 -Sometimes strokes of type "None" are drawn in tables

Sometimes strokes of type "None" are drawn in tables.


FogBugz 26098 - Strokes of hidden cells are not drawn correctly sometimes

Strokes of hidden cells are not drawn correctly sometimes. It looks like these cells are ignoring the StylePriority.


FogBugz 26169 - document page margins wrong after --autosave

Document page margins wrong after Autosave.


You need W2MLs at least from release R25152.

FogBugz 26168 - first_page_type wrong after --autosave

first_page_type wrong after Autosave in documents with single page spreads (facing_pages="false")


FogBugz 26167 - document intention 'print' changed to 'web' after --autosave

Document intention 'print' changed to 'web' after Autosave.


FogBugz 26166 - Paragraph delimiters lost after --autosave

Paragraph delimiters lost after Autosave.

This is a side effect FogBugz 24807. FXD

FogBugz 26139 - Keep Rows Together missing after --autosave

The keepRowsTogether property is lost at Autosave.


FogBugz 26159 - frame:: shows_textend doesn't work

The cScript function frame::shows_textend always returns -1 (kFailure) when called with a linked textframe which is not the first in the chain.


v1.0 R26111


Bugfixes and News from priint:comet plug-ins 4.1 and/or 4.1.5

v1.0 R26010


Bugfixes and News from priint:comet plug-ins 4.1 and/or 4.1.5

v1.0 R25777


Bugfixes and News from priint:comet plug-ins 4.1 and/or 4.1.5

v1.0 R25678


Bugfixes and News from priint:comet plug-ins 4.1 and/or 4.1.5

v1.0 R25555


FogBugz 25604 - Infinite loop in text frames with only zero space placeholders

If a frame only contains empty placeholders (which were replaced by zero width spaces during loading), the frame::fit function leads to an endless loop in the product structure, in which more and more pages are created.

Yes, PDFLib believes that text of size 0 x 0 will be inserted. But the zero width space already has a height. We use the current font size. That solves the problem.

FogBugz 25603 - Infinite loop in multicolumn texts

If a multi-column text in the last column contains no text, the frame::fit function fails and does nothing. In the product structure, this results in more and more pages being created in an endless loop.


FogBugz 25512 - >> or << in text frame kills text placeholder

We have a test template, which contains >> and << as fixed text in a text frame. Between these characters there is a text placeholder (loads the string id). With PDF Renderer the template does not work correctly, the text is parsed wrongly. For comparison I replaced the >> and <<.
Both templates are shown in the whiteboard, see the text after String Id

StringId: >><cTypeface:><cLanguage:>...


v1.0 R25444


FogBugz 25470 - Text chains of templates are not recreated

Text chains in templates are apparently not restored when the template is used.


FogBugz 25374 - overset in rotated cells even though the content should fit

comet_pdf sometimes produces overset in table cells when the text content is rotated by either 90 or 270 degrees. This also happens when there is plenty of space for the text.

The cell space was coordinated without taking the rotation into account.

This is now fixed.

FogBugz 25359 - comet_pdf does not reexport the fill_priority attribute for table styles

When processing a W2ML from InDesign® through comet_pdf and saving it again without any changes, the attribute "fill_priority" on table styles is lost.

This leads to the cell fill attribute not being applied at all.


v1.0 R25345


FogBugz 25335 - Linux renderer doesn't accept the license file Under some circumstances the Linux renderer doesn't accept the license file.

Yes. The chance of this is about 1 : 109. In this case, there is a conflict between the old and the new type of license keys. To prevent this, we have removed the old license key check.

Old styled license keys are no longer accepted by comet_pdf. If you are using an old type of license key, please contact

FogBugz 25309 - table:: cell:: get_textpos returns wrong positions

The function table::cell::get_textpos returns wrong text positions for cells behind merged cells.


FogBugz 25293 - Oversets in table cells

In comet_pdf, oversets sometimes occur in table cells that InDesign® does not have. I understand that this is due to the different running widths of the text. But is there any way to get these oversets displayed?

When using the -ao program option oversets are now also displayed in table cells. In addition, warnings are now written to the output for all cell oversets.

To avoid oversets in cells, you may also use the table cell option "Crop content to cell", see here for more informations.

v1.0 R25255


FogBugz 25246 - Rules after paragraphs missing in linked text frames

In text chains the paragraph rulers are only shown in the first frames. In all other frames the lines are not shown.


FogBugz 25243 - Empty result for lastFrameWithText in frame::overset

In some cases the function returns frame::overset in the parameter lastFrameWithText 0.


FogBugz 25254 - Overset mark shown in result PDF although the frame has no overset

Sometimes a frames shows an overset mark in the PDF altough the frame does not have an overset.


FogBugz 25255 - Error on frame::replace with empty strings

I use frame::replace with an empty string to delete some text. This works fine in most cases. But if I try to delete text at the beginning of a paragraph it works only if I remove the complete paragraph. If I remove only a part of the paragraph at the beginning of a paragraph, I will loose this paragraph delimiter too.


FogBugz 25156 - Images in rotated frames haveing wrong positions and clip paths in the resulting HTML

Images in rotated frames haveing wrong positions and clip paths in the resulting HTML.


FogBugz 25155 - Rotated inlines in table cells are wrong

Rotated inlines in table cells are wrong.


FogBugz 25137 - Rotated inlines in rotated parent frames are wrong

Rotated inlines in rotated parent frames are wrong.


v1.0 R25152


FogBugz 25063 - table::merge_equal does not work correctly

Using comet_pdf, the function table::merge_equal doesn't work correctly. It sometimes merges cells with different content.


FogBugz 25080 - <, > not escaped after --autosave My texts contain < and > characters. After Autosave they are unfortunately no longer escaped. This causes the input text to be read incorrectly.


FogBugz 25080 - Wrong inline positions in PDFs

My W2ML contains a lot of inlines. Unfortunately the PDF doesn't always show the right inline.

This nasty error again :-( I hope I hava a final fix for that now.

FogBugz 25056 - save w2ml in renderer

Is there a way to save the finished input W2ML at any location (i.e. nothing per --autosave)?

You now have the new option

--save path

to do that.

FogBugz 25045 - Unescaped unicode letters like ä, ö, ü in HTML text are shown as √°, ... in the resulting PDF

In my datafile I have some HTML texts like 

%!TT_html_&lt;p class=&quot;priint_Maler&quot;&gt;Gabriele Münter...

Or, for better readability. un-escaped: 

%!TT_html_<p class='Priint_Maler'>Gabriele Münter...

The XML file containing this text has the encoding "uff-8".  

If I use this text, which is sent through html::to_tagged internally, in a placeholder, the result PDF unfortunately no longer contains Gabriele Münter but

    Gabriele M√°nter

Yes, this is a small conversion error unfortunately.

  • ü in UTF-8 consists of two characters : C3 BC
  • In Mac-Ascii these are exactly the characters √ and °.

In short - one convertation too much. The bug is fixed.

FogBugz 25000 - Wrong guides node in W2ML after --autosave

After autosaving a file, I always get the text "guides" right behind the first node (<psc:elementlist>) of the resulting W2ML. The text is not enclosed by any element, it appears directly on the top level of the XML structure.

Yes, this always happens, then the original W2ML does not contain any guide, e.g. it contains the empty element 


near the end of the XML.

The error is fixed now.

v1.0 R25000


FogBugz 24968 - Crash on --autosave again

Under some rare circumstances --autosave will crash the renderer.


FogBugz 24966 - textmodel::get text does not escape Unicode letters

I have the simple text aaübb. If I call

    frame::gettext (fr, str, 0, kEnd, kExportTT);

I always get 


for result and the ü inside the text is not escaped.

Yes. I fixed it. Result is now as follows:


v1.0 R24987


FogBugz 24943 - Unicode letters in function variables are converted to <0xXXXX> tags on import

My function variables still containing tags like <0xXXXX> instead of the original UTF-8 letters although the W2ML contains the correct letters (see below).


FogBugz 24941 - W2ML export always converts UTF8 letters in function variables to <0xXXXX> tags

I have some text placeholders with function variables with values like:

    max . 20°

If I export this to W2ML, the string max 20° is converted into

    max. 20<0x00B0>

Generally, this is no problem. BUT if I try to load the placeholder, the placeholders load command will use exactly this string - and is therefor executed wrong, because the database (or PubServer, or XML-query) expects exactly  max . 20°, and not  max. 20<0x00B0>.


To solve this problem with W2MLs, you need to re-export your INDDs to W2ML again!

FogBugz 24939 - table::cell::get_text returns always w2 tags

No matter what export format I choose, the function table::cell::get_text always returns w2 tags.


v1.0 R24942


FogBugz 24394 - placeholder:: get_value doesn't work inside table cells

placeholder::get_value works fine as long as the text index points to the primary story. But for text positions inside table cells it doesn't work.


FogBugz 24933 - frame::gettext are always writing w2 tags to the result

Using comet_pdf, all text exporting function like frame::gettext or table::cell::gettext are exporting TaggedText including w2 tags, no matter wich format the exporter wa given.


FogBugz 24848 - Blending mode on images not applied

Blending mode on images not applied

Done now

FogBugz 24813 - Wrong colors in tables after --autosave

Colors in tables are missing after --autsave.


FogBugz 24812 - Wrong row height behind merged cells

The renderer calculates the row height in merged rows incorrectly.


FogBugz 24807 - Missing paragraph delimiter after --autosave

I have a table cell with the content:


The content is shown well in the PDF. BUT if I use --autosave and opens the file again, the cell content is changed to



Awesome fonts

FogBugz 24931

The renderer now supports Awesome fonts. See here for more informations.
FogBugz 24798 - How to get the last frame of text chain containing text

Is there a way to find out in which frame of a text chain the text ends?

The function frame::overset has an additional parameter that contains this information now.

FogBugz 24797 - Placeholders are load up to six times in the renderer

I have inserted some log messages into my placeholders. I noticed that placeholders are loaded up to six times (!) by the renderer. The result is still correct - but it takes a lot of time.

Oops, that's not that good.


FogBugz 24796 - Placeholders in tables not loaded

In my script I use table::get_textpos to find out the internal text range of the tables cells content.

Then I link all placeholders of this text area with placeholder::link2. Unfortunately this doesn't work. All placeholders remain unchanged.

Using InDesign® instead of the renderer it works.

Yes, the difference is a completely different management of table cell texts in InDesign® and comet_pdf. (If you know how InDesign® does it, you'll understand why we did it differently.). But unfortunately, the functions for editing placeholders were only prepared to load ONE cell, but not an entire cell range.


FogBugz 24795 - Inlines in table cells are sometimes not loaded

Inlines in table cells are sometimes not loaded.


FogBugz 24794 - Postfix of a placeholder appears multiple times

If a placeholder is loaded multiple times, the postfix of the placeholder also appears multiple times in the PDF output. The prefix, on the other hand, is correct.


FogBugz 24793 - Log messages showing wrong record ID

I use the -Vi option of the renderer to see the current internal state of the text models. I noticed that the record ID of w2 tags is displayed further as to be 0, 0, 0, '', although I previously made a placeholder::link and the placeholder text was loaded correctly too. 

I'm sure it's just an output error. But it's a bit confusing.




PDFlib 9.2.0 support comet_pdf now has a PDFlib 9.2.0 based version.
PDFlib 9.1.2 support comet_pdf now has a PDFlib 9.1.2 based version.
FogBugz 24584 - Paragraph style hyphenation settings not written into W2ML

Paragraph style settings for hyphenations such as shortest word, shortest pre/post syllable are not written to the result W2ML by comet_pdf. When re-importing the W2ML into InDesign®, the default values are therefore always set there. 

This is done now. Paragraph style settings for hyphenations are now written back into the W2ML by comet_pdf. Only exception is "Duden Silbentrennung" - this setting unfortunately is localised by Adobe and can therefore not be transported without loss. 

But please note: The settings are transported by comet_pdf, but cannot be applied. See here for more informations.

FogBugz 24580 - Hyphenation in PDFRenderer

It seems that hyphenation is always activated. Settings to disable hyphenation in paragraph style or tagged text seem to be ignored.

Indeed, hyphenation hasn't been turned off yet. This will work now.

Also the settings

  • Distance -> Word distance : Minimum
  • Distance -> Word distance : Maximum

are supported.

But please note: Minimum and maximum word spacing are only used by comet_pdf in texts without hyphenation! Unfortunately, there is no direct equivalent of the word spacing between InDesign® and PDF:

  • In InDesign®, the values mean that the optimum word spacing can be changed up to the specified limit. Whatever the optimal word spacing is, 75% means it can be reduced to 75%.
  • In PDFlib, on the other hand, the word spacing is specified as a percentage of the space letter of the current font.

We can therefore only approximate the size of the word spacing, but not specify it exactly.

Other hyphenation settings supported by InDesign®, such as shortest word, shortest prefix and suffix, and maximum hyphens allowed, are not supported by comet_pdf.

However, values for hyphenation defined in paragraph styles, with the exception of Duden hyphenation, are retained when writing W2MLs (--autosave) and are thus restored when the W2ml is re-imported into InDesign®. (Duden hyphenation unfortunately is exported in the current InDesign® language by Adobe and can therefore not be supported.) Local deviations from the paragraph's hyphenation rules in TaggedText are ignored and will not be written back.

FogBugz 24484 - PDFRenderer: PDFLib+PDI license not work

The license works. Only the --pdflic option didn't work properly. That's fixed.

FogBugz 24501 - Cannot import PDFs without file extension 'pdf'

Importing PDFs is well done by the comet_pdf - but only if the file have the extension .pdf. Is there a way to import PDFs without a file extension?

Yes. For files without extension we now check whether it is a PDF. This allows you to import PDFs without an extension.

Please note: The PDF check is a special case. The renderer cannot (and does not want) perform a general format check on files. 

FogBugz 24226 - fit::frame bug with a table

I have a text frame with a table in my W2ML. If I adjust this frame to its content, the frame does not change its size. So the frame should be able to display its complete content. Nevertheless, the last row of the table is always missing in the PDF.

I have checked this and found a somewhat mysterious behavior of PDFlib in the special case when a table ends with line edges of weight 0.0. I corrected that carefully.

FogBugz 23904 - W2ML format problem with multiple tables with inline images in one text frame

If a text contains more than one table with inline frames, the W2ML generated by comet_pdf may not be opened in InDesign®. InDesign® crashes when you try to open the W2ML.

This is not an error in comet_pdf. It's InDesign® that crashes.

The reason was inlines in the tables. We're pretty close to the limits of what's possible - inlines are not supported by InDesign® in TaggedText-Export/Import: Instead of inlines, only spaces are exported. And all this in a rather idiosyncratic combination with additional ParaStyles. So that we can support inlines in the renderer, we have to calculate their positions in the tagged text over and over again. Unfortunately, this sometimes goes wrong because of the additional (and unexpected) line breaks that InDesign® comes up with. This is a very unfortunate problem.

That's why I re-implemented the complete export/import of inlines both in InDesign® and in the renderer. This should prevent the problem from occurring again in the future.

BUT: It is important to exchange plugins as well as renderers and create the W2MLs again!



Bugfixes and News from priint:comet plug-ins 4.1 and/or 4.1.5



Bugfixes and News from priint:comet plug-ins 4.1 and/or 4.1.5

FogBugz 24385 - Fatal exception in comet_pdf while using \$DESKTOP/cache/...

Using \$DESKTOP... as path for the XCACHE causes the program to terminate with thefollowing exception:

fatal exception: [2124] PDF_set_option: Can't set option 'topdown' in 'object


FogBugz 24397 - sudo password under Linux

Is there a way to avoid entering the admin password in the Linux version?

Yes, see here for more informations.

FogBugz 24387 - Function variables not replaced

Function variables not replaced in placeholders of frames not replaced.




Bugfixes and News from priint:comet plug-ins 4.1 and/or 4.1.5 only



FogBugz 24319 - The DEMO watermark is not drawn over all frames.

The DEMO watermark is not drawn over all frames.


FogBugz 24242 - Cannot save w2ml

Sometimes I get the message 

Cannot save '/Users/paul/Desktop/402653700 Kopie.w2ml'. Try to re-create w2ml with Comet plugins of at least revision R7901.

when I try to save a W2ML using option --autosave.


FogBugz 24202-4 - Overset in text frames

I have some text frames that have been fitted to their content in InDesign®. In the PDF of comet_pdf some of these frames unfortunately have an overset.

Yes, the text run widths of InDesign® and comet_pdf are not 100% the same. Both use different text renderers.

Text frames that were not treated with fitframe by comet_pdf itself, retain their original size from W2ML, but when rendering the text content, the available text area is slightly increased by 0.3 Pt. This helps to avoid small text oversets in comet_pdf. BUT: That won't work 100%. And values >0.3 will also cause the text to protrude beyond the bottom edge of the frame.

FogBugz 24228 - Fit frame does not work for frames with a single inline

In text frames whose content consists of a single inline, fitting the frame to the content is ignored.


FogBugz 24173 - Sudo password for Linux version of comet_pdf

I use the Linux version of comet_pdf. After starting the program, I am asked for a sudo password. What is that for?

We need the sudo password for license checking. If we don't get the right password, comet_pdf cannot check the license and is started in DEMO mode therefor. The password is encrypted and saved in the file zpasswd next to comet_pdf. If you do not want this, you can remove this file at the end of the comet_pdf. (But then you will be asked for the password again next time.)

FogBugz 24253 - Layoutrules if-else-end destroyed

All if-else-end constructions in layout rules seem to have been destroyed - and they no longer function. The error does not occur until R24142. If you open the document with an older release, everything is as it should be again.

Oh, that's a big mistake! R24142 should therefore not be used!

The bug happened while porting the plugins for CC2019 and is fixed now.

Attention: Layout rules with if-else-end that have been configured in R24142 must be reconfigured with another release!



Do not use!

FogBugz 24150.2 - Missing typographic quotas

Can comet_pdf convert quotes to typographic quotes?

Since now - yes. See here for more informations.

FogBugz 24150.1 - Embedded images have poor resolution

Embedded images in comet_pdf have a poor resolution

FXD. See here for more informations.

Attention: To fix the problem, you have to recreate the W2MLs using at least v4.1 R24141 of priint:comet plug-ins too!

FogBugz 24140 - Linux : Cannot open PDF created by ps2pdf

Calling comet_pdf -s hello under Linux, the resulting PDF does not contain the QR Code but I see the warning

Cannot load pdf '/home/..../XCache/U26831/my_temp_files/barcode_1.pdf' 

I add option -VX to the renderer call to see inside the XCACHE - the file barcode_1.pd is there and seems to be correct.

Unfortunately the conversion from PS to PDF is done asynchronously and the PDF is not ready at the time that is needed by the renderer.

FXD. Conversion is done now in time.

FogBugz 24139 - Error 2517 in PDFlib

Using the Linux version of comet_pdf with

comet_pdf -s hello

I get the error

Error 2517 in PDFlib pdflib font cannot be embedded (pfa or pfb font file not found)

Obviously the font Courier used in this document cannot be embedded into the PDF. Okay, we do not embed such fonts now. This fixes the error.

FogBugz 24128 - Render crash in server::load_placeholder_str

Suddenly the renderer crashes in a call to server::load_placeholder_str. In last revision, all works fine.

Ooh, this is a side effect of the fix of bug 24013. FXD

FogBugz 24106 - The "Space before" paragraph is a little bit too large

I have a para style with a "space before" greater 0.0. This setting is applied by the renderer - thats very nice. However, it seems that the space between paragraphs in comet_pdf is slightly larger than in InDesign®. Can you correct that?

I adapted that a little better. Unfortunately, we do not know exactly how Adobe calculates the distances. So we can only approximate that.



FogBugz 24085 - comet_pdf crashes while opening file

If I try to open the attached w2ml (see here for file), comet_pdf will crash reproducible.

Using option -V* I can see strange things like


in the internally transformed tagged text. May be, this is the reason?

Yes, this was the reason. FXD

FogBugz 23901 - Frames with tables sometimes become too small with fitframe

Frames with tables sometimes become too small with fitframe - just 0.5p, but this will cause the last row of the table to disappear. What can this be?

After that I searched for a long time. The problem is that the line width of such tables was not defined by the width but by the color [None]. In this case, InDesign® automatically uses the line weight 0, no matter what the width is actually set.

In the renderer we do the same now, so that the problem is solved.

FogBugz 24030 - Successive empty paragraphs become too high

I have successive empty paragraphs in my document - someone uses empty paragraphs for spacing. Anyway, the three empty paragraphs each have font size 12. But the paragraph before has font size 36. It seems that I get a distance of 96 points then.


FogBugz 24028 - Overset warning without a page number

If a frame has an text overset in the PDF, the renderer informs the user by an Export warning like

Export warning

 [To find frames by UIDs in the PDF, please use option -au.]
    [To find text frame oversets, option -ao may be usefull too.]

Overset in text of frame 4787

This is very fine! But it would be perfect if there were also a page number.

This is done now:

Export warning

 [To find frames by UIDs in the PDF, please use option -au.]
    [To find text frame oversets, option -ao may be usefull too.]

Overset in text of frame 4787 at page 14

FogBugz 24016 - Confusing error message "pstopdf failed on file ..."

If I want to insert PS images, I get now and then irritating error text of the form

%% BoundingBox ...

The message comes from the program that makes the internal conversion of the image to PDF. Apparently this program writes some issues to the terminal. We suppress these messages now.

FogBugz 24011 - Unknown variable gDocumentPath in doc watch script

The renderer does not know the variables gDocument and gDocumentID of doc watch scripts.

The variables are defined well now.



FogBugz 23896 - Some tables not drawn

I have a document with a long text (9 pages) with 5 tables. For some reason, the last two tables are not drawn.


FogBugz 23821 - Serialization

Using priint:comet, one can create serializations of documents in In InDesign®. This is not yet supported in comet_pdf, right?

Now you can :-)

FogBugz 23820 - Infinite loop at the end of the program

Sometimes the program falls into an infinite loop when creating the PDF.

The problem was an empty PDF preset and is fixed now.

FogBugz 23899 - Unexpected white lines in PDFs of comet_pdf

Sometimes empty lines appear in PDFs of comet_pdf that are not in InDesign®. The ID document only contains a soft return - but in the resulting PDF I get TWO line delimiters.

The problem is a strange construction inside the exported Tagged text:

<ParaStyle:abc><0x000A> WITHOUT a newline (\n) character before <ParaStyle:abc>

We are now removing such constructs from the W2ML export.



FogBugz 23698 - document::open fails for indd files

document::open fails for indd files.

Yes, it opens w2ml's in case of comet_pdf. But to avoid incompatibilities in code, we now replace the file extension "indd" by "w2ml" automatically.



Bugfixes and News from 4.1 and/or 4.1.5 only



Bugfixes and News from 4.1 and/or 4.1.5 only



Fogbugz 23378 - Positions of anchors of frame notes in PDF

The comment anchors of frame notes are mostly far away from the frame in the PDF. In the screenshot you can see a frame note in InDesign® and in the PDF. As you can see - it's not easy to see the connection between the frame and the note in the PDF:

We now placing the anchors next to the frame in the PDF:

If there are more than one frame note, the anchors are stacked:

Fogbugz 23377 - Cometgroup notes missing in PDF

The PDF contains the Comet notes for pages and frames only, all notes for Comet groups are missing.

FXD, also the notes for Comet groups are created.

Fogbugz 23633 - Double %!TT%!TT in tagged text of comet notes after autosave

After autosaving the input W2ML, the Comet notes elements <tagged> conaining doubled %!TT%!TT markers at the beginning of the text.


New cScript functions



Comet Notes export

Fogbugz 23269 - Comet notes not saved by comet_pdf

The Comet Notes of a W2ML are saved now too, if --autosave is used.

Fogbugz 23289 - Funcvars in direct statements of frame placeholders ignored by comet_pdf

If I have a placeholder with a direct statement, the function variables are ignored and the <funcvar> tags raising some errors while executing the statement. Here's an example:

#pragma var "Title" "Mr" "Miss"
select <Title> || ' ' || name from ... 


Fogbugz 23258 - Newlines omitted in Comet notes of comet_pdf

Comet notes can be shown as PDF notes in the resulting PDF using option --annot. But in these notes, all line delimiters are lost.

Strange behavior - FXD

Fogbugz 23257 - Missing blanks in Comet notes of comet_pdf

Using option --annot, comet_pdf can export Comet Notes as PDF note available in Acrobat Pro.

Unfortunately, blanks in Comet Notes are lost, if they directly behind a style change. For instance, if I have a green word followed by a red word, the blank between the two words are lost in the PDF note.




Fogbugz 23207 - Wrong paragraph alignment after inserting text

If text is inserted at the end of a paragraph, the alignment is no longer correct. This text is always left justified, no matter what the paragraph says.


Fogbugz 23205 - Font color wrong

Sometimes the font colors in the PDF are wrong. The error always happens when first a SWATCH color is used followed by a "free" color.


Fogbugz 23203 - Wrong frame sizes in w2ml after autosave

Sometimes the W2ML contains strange bbox values like 38373487348734785668457847 ... 464.002 after --autosave.


Fogbugz 23159 - frame::fit is not exact if the text ends by a table

If a text ends by a table, the fitted frame is 'a little bit' to high. It seems that the 'distance after table' is added to the frame height.




Bugfixes and News from 4.1 and/or 4.1.5
Create previews of pages

You now can create page previews of th resulting PDF. Use option --metadata 16 to do this.

Product lists from AEM To support AEM, product list can now be loaded directyl from the AEM. See here for more informations.



Fogbugz 23101 - Text chains broken after --autosave

I have a W2ML with two linked text frames. if I run ccc with the --autosave option, the text chaining will be gone, and in a second call I will no longer have text chaining.

Oh how disagreeable. Fxd.



Fogbugz 22990 - Loading master items needs an object link in comet_pdf but not in InDesign®

Loading master items using page::masteritems_load needs an product link in comet_pdf but not in InDesign®. That leads to different results in the PDFs of course.

The behavior of comet_pdf is now adjusted. Master page frames no longer need to be linked to a product.



Bugfixes and News from 4.1



Bugfixes and News from 4.1
Fogbugz 22990 - Crash while using string::md5hash or strmd5hash

If I use string::md5hash or strmd5hash in one of my scripts, the renderer crashes.


URLLink support

comet_pdf now supports the Web Images introduced in priint:comet plug-ins v4.1.

To enable/disable automatic updates of Web Images of the current input document please use option --urllink_update. To show the states of the Web Images in the generated PDFs, please use option -a with identifier h.

Fogbugz 22949 - Crash while using recorded SOAP data

Using recorded data of a PubServer project will crash the renderer immediately.

Erroneously, a timer was also started here (but not terminated) to determine long instructions. This error is fixed.

Fogbugz 22933 - frame::fit error 3425

Frames with tables often cause error 3425 when fitting to their content (frame :: fit_better). What does this error mean?

# Fit frame 424456, current size 476.220500 x 42.519685
PDFlib exception occurred in frame::fit : [3425]
# PDF_fit_table
# Calculated table height 55.4973 too large
   (> 42.5197, shrinking 76.6158%)
# Fit frame 424456 failed with error 3425

PDFlib raises this error, if a table inside the text cannot draw at least one body row. The minimum height of the frame is shown in the error description (55.4973 in the example shoewn above).

The renderer now independently enlarges the frame to the required minimum size. Then the renderer tries to adjust the frame again.



Bugfixes and News from 4.1



Bugfixes and News from 4.1



Bugfixes and News from 4.1
Fogbugz 22617 - frame::rotate produces incorrect results

frame::rotate produces incorrect results.

fxd. See frame::rotate for more informations.



Bugfixes and News from 4.1
Fogbugz 22564 - Masterpage not applied for new pages

When building products in the renderer, new pages are not linked to the current master page.

Masterpages are correctly applied now.



Bugfixes and News from 4.1



Bugfixes and News from 4.1
Fogbugz 22269 - Strange error messages about unsupported compressor 8

Since Mac OS 10.13 (High Sierra) I get strange error messages from the renderer:

   Error: unsupported compressor 8
   Error: Unknown compression scheme encountered for file
   Error: unsupported compressor 8
   Error: Unknown compression scheme encountered for file

These log entries are the result of a bug in the OS. They're  harmless and don't indicate a problem, although they do pollute Terminal output when they appear while using comet_pdf. Like dozens of others, we have reported this issue to Apple, and if you have a developer account, we would be grateful if you did likewise. 

Solution for us:

Since the error occurs only if you use the auto launch option -L, we slightly changed this implementation. The new auto launch can implementation now avoids the error messages.



Bugfixes and News from 4.1



Bugfixes and News from 4.1

Since this release, the priint:comet 4.0.5 based comet_pdf is history. Please use the 4.1 based version instead.

Please note:  You need a new comet_pdf license for 4.1. Please contact for a new license.



Fogbugz 21745 - centering inlines on pages is wrong

Centering inlines on pages is wrong, the inlines always appear at the top of the page.


Fogbugz 21755 - frame::resize with reference points other than left top does not work

frame::resize with reference points other than left top does not work - are better : Resizing works well, but the positions of the resized frames are amazing.


Fogbugz 21754 - Isolation - and knockout groups wrong after autosave

After autosaving a W2ML, all opacity properties for knockout -, isolation - and overprint groups are lost.

fxd. The new W2ML will contain the correct values for this properties now.

Fogbugz 21753 - frame::opacity not in range 0-100 but in range 0-1

The docu says, that frame::opacity returns its values in the range of 0.0 - 100.0, but the values are always in the range 0.0 -1.0.

fxd. Values are returned in the range 0.0 - 100.0 now.

Fogbugz 21752 - Transparent frames becomes invisible after autosave

Transparent frames becomes invisible after autosave.

Transparent frames now remain visible even after autosave.

Fogbugz 21731 - Rotated frames are placed differently in the renderer than in Indesign

Rotated frames are placed differently in the renderer than in Indesign.

InDesign® uses the upper left corner of the frame AFTER the rotation when placing rotated frames. The renderer has used the original point of the upper left corner, but this is no longer on the upper left corner on rotated frames (for instance, on a 90 ° counter-clockwise roatation this is the lower left corner).

The renderer does the same now and the problem is fixed.

Fogbugz 21715 - Inlines missing in PDFs after --autosave

After saving a W2ML file using --autosave, all inlines are missing.

Yes, the export of inlines wasn't supported until now. The inlines are properly exported now.

Fogbugz 21737 - Inlines with Y positions relative to text line (X height, cap height, ascent, ...) will lead to the PDFlib exeption 1420

Inlines with Y positions relative to text line (X height, cap height, ascent, ...) will lead to the PDFlib exeption 1420.


Fogbugz 21738 - itemlist::inlines ignores inlines in table cells

itemlist::inlines ignores inlines in table cells and returns only ilines of the primary story.




Bugfixes and News from Comet 4.0.5 resp 4.1
LINUX Version Linux version of comet_pdf is now available. You will find the binaries in the folder 3 bin/linux of the comet_pdf installation folder. See 1 ReadMe.html of the installation folder for a short installation guide.

Please note: comet_pdf Linux was tested with Ubuntu and is BETA for now.

Fogbugz 21674 - Embbeded images are saved by its temp path, not as blob

Using the option --autosave, embbeded images are saved by its temp path, not as blob.




Fogbugz 21444 - Windows renderer failed while loading images with Unicode letters on filename

Using the Windows version of comet_pdf, images whose names containing German Umlaute (ä, ö, ü, ...) can not be loaded.




Bugfixes and News from Comet 4.0.5 resp 4.1



Frame Fitting Options We now support the InDesigns® frame fitting options in the renderer too. To use frame fitting options, you must create the W2MLs with v4.0.5 R20104 of priint:comet plug-ins at least.

See here for more informations.

Graphic Cells The renderer now supports the graphics cells introduced in InDesign® CC 2015. To use graphic cells, you must create the W2MLs with v4.0.5 R20104 of priint:comet plug-ins at least.

See here for more informations.

Fogbugz 20886 - Crash on --autosave files with tables

I have a w2ml with some tables inside and the renderer can handle this file without any complaints. But if I save this file using the --autosave and try to open this new file, the renderer crashes.

...  some problems reading the TaggedText of tables ...


Combining characters

Letters with diacritical marks like the German ü can be written as so called combining characters: the letter itself and then the diacritical mark.

German ü as combining character : u<0x0308>

Combining characters are now normalized by the renderer by NFC algorithm.



Fogbugz 20722 - Place holders not loaded anymore

Since R19610 of comet_pdf, my place holders are not loaded anymore. Only the last place holder of texts is loaded correctly - all the other place holders are left untouched.

This was a real serious bug! It occurs as an unexpected side effect of the fix of bug 20687.

fxd! Place holders correctly loaded again!



do not use

Bugfixes and News from Comet 4.0.5 resp 4.1



do not use

Fogbugz 20623 - Global fontscale

Frames, fitted to their content by using frame::fit_better or any similar function can lead to an text overset in the renderer. 

Using the programm option

--fontscale float

you can force to scale all fonts and line spacing in the PDF accordingly. The font scaling has no influence on the document content itself.

Fogbugz 20621 - Column breaks not implemented

The text marker "Goto next column" is not supported by the renderer.

This is done now.


Goto next frame/page/even page/odd page are still NOT implemented and the usage of these markers may lead to some extra paragraph in the PDF. Please DO NOT USE markers other then "Goto next column" for now!

Fogbugz 20614 - White background of embedded JPEGS is transparent in InDesign® but not in comet_pdf

Embedded images with an active clippath are displayed incorrectly in the renderer. The clipping path is not used here.

InDesign® removes the according image option from such embedded images. The renderer will use the default clipping path for embedded images now by default.

Fogbugz 20613 - First line indents in bullet points wrong if bullet point contains TABs

Sometimes the first line indention of lists is wrong in the renderer.

This happens every time the paragraph does not define a corresponding tab, but the list uses tabs in their enumerations. The setting of the tablulator is now made automatically. This solves the problem.

Fogbugz 20611 - Bullet points from symbol fonts are wrong or missing

I have defined some bullet points with WingDings letters in my document. These bullet points are not visible in the renderer.

okay, another problem with symbol fonts. InDesign® defnines these letters by their GlyphID, not by the letter itself (or its unicode in the private space of the font). To solve this problem, we map the GlyphIDs according the font to the right Unicode inside the private space of the font. The following fonts are supported:

  • Zapf Dingbats
  • WingDings
  • WingDings 2
  • WingDings 3
  • WebDings
Fogbugz 20602 - Alpha channels not applied for embedded images

Some of my images are not shown with transparent background.

This happens whenever images with applied alpha channels are embedded in the document. In this case, InDesign® removes the local path settings for the image and uses the alpha channel automatically.

This is now done in the renderer too.

Fogbugz 20599 - Textvariable "TotalPageCount" missing for text frames on master pages

Textvariable "TotalPageCount" missing for text frames on master pages.


Fogbugz 20598 - Combined paths of shapes are not drawn correctly

InDesign® shapes built by combined paths are not drawn correctly by the renderer. The image shows a InDesign® shape (left) and the result of the renderer:

Hard stuff : Shape paths of InDesign® my consist of any number of sub paths combined by XOR in InDesign®. As you can imagine, implementing this behavior for comet_pdf isn't so easy. But now it works, hallelujah!

Fogbugz 20597 - Symbol fonts like Zapf-Dingbats and WingDings are not drawn

Text written in Wingdings or  Zapf-Dingbats not shown by the renderer.

Letters of symbol fonts are addressed completely different from 'normal' fonts: Instead of using the unicode of a letter directly, the PRIVATE SPACE of the fonts contains any number of letters for any unicodes and one should know, how to map the unicode of the letter written in InDesign® to the unicode inside the font. And, to make it a little bit more exciting, often there is no algorithmic way to find the unicode defining a letter in the private space.

We implemented the usage of following symbol fonts:

  • Zapf Dingbats
  • WingDings
  • WingDings 2
  • WingDings 3
  • WebDings

Letters using one of this fonts are shown correctly by comet_pdf for now.

Fogbugz 20569 - Circle frames are shown as squares by the renderer

In an InDesign® document I have a circle and an ellipse laying above a colored background: Using comet_pfd, the ellipse is drawn well but the circle is shown a square.


Fogbugz 20550 - Error with floats in cScript under Windows

Floating numbers (float) in cScript are always rounded to the next smaller int in cScript. For instance, the call 

wlog ("", "%f\n", 2.5*2.5);

will write 4.0 to the log file.




Bugfixes and News from Comet 4.0.5 resp 4.1



Bugfixes from Comet 4.0.5 resp 4.1



Log SOAP traffic We now can log the soap traffic. See here for more informations.



PDF compression

This the new programm option --compression you can control the compression of the output PDF. Choose on of the values 0 (no compression) up to 9 (best compression).

Fogbugz 19862 - Underlines above text Underlines drawn above the text in comet_pdf, but below the text in InDesign®.




Fogbugz 19789 - image::alloc does not work on Mac The script function image::alloc always returning empty images. The problem only occurs in comet_pdf  on the Mac.




Fogbugz 19671 - Errors on tables with footer rows If a table contains some footer rows, the cell stroke for this foster rows are not drawn correctly. The contents and repetition of the cells are correct.


Fogbugz 19659 - Wrong cell strokes in merged cells of tables I have an InDesign® table looking like this:

If I try to show the same table with comet_pdf, the black line between AAA and DDD is missing.

Strange behavior of InDesign® here: Cell DDD used the stroke style defined by the hidden cell above the anchor cell of DDD.


Fogbugz 19658 - Autogrow of table rows wrong in merged cells

A cell consisting of merged rows can only "grow by content" if the first row is set to "auto grow". If the first row of the range has a fixed height, the merged row can not get higher at all.




New programm option --playback

EXPERIMENTAL : New programm option --playback. Please do not use for now! See here for more informations.

Crash on table::get_row_height

Crash on table::get_row_height


New cScript functions
  • textmodel::force_redraw (but it's a nop)
  • xml::attribute_exists
  • xml::attribute
  • xml::iattribute
  • xml::fattribute
  • xml::sattribute
  • textmodel::set_insets



Bugfixes from Comet 4.0.5 resp 4.1



Bugfixes from Comet 4.0.5 resp 4.1

Support of new 4.1 area build features



Bugfixes from Comet 4.0.5 resp 4.1



More hyphenation files

There are some new hyphenations available:

  • Spanish (es)
  • Italian (it)
  • Danish (dk)
  • Finnish (fi)
  • Estonian (ee)

See here for more informations about hyphenations.

Hyphenations wrong

It seems that the hyphenations are wrong in the PDF.




Fogbugz 19129 - Suppress colors in terminal output

If I redirect the output of comet_pdf, I get a log of [m33; ... in my file. I assume, this is needed for colorization of the output. Is there any way to suppress this?

You may suppress output colorization by using the new option:


In this case also the SOAP long time calls only showing the amount of the time, not the progress.



Bugfixes from Comet 4.0.5 resp 4.1



Bugfixes from Comet 4.0.5 resp 4.1



?Fogbugz 18731 - Indentions wrong in first bullet point

If the left and first-line indentions of bullet points are defined in the tagged text (and not in a para style), the first bullet point is indented wrong.




Fogbugz 18650 - Log current program options

Reading log files, it's quite hard to find out the current program options used by a renderer call. It would be nice, if the program would write it's current program options to the log file.

The renderer now writes the current program options to the logfile. To see, what happens , if option -s is used, this entries to shortcuts.xml are resolved.

comet_pdf -s posters_build -L -auf -v \$DESKTOP/aaa.log

# Application arguments :
    -s posters_build
        -l : posters
        -i : $DESKTOP/fifo/render/template_de.w2ml
        -p : $DESKTOP/fifo/priint 5.5/data/all_posters.xml
        -P : fontnames.xml
    -v $DESKTOP/aaa.log

Fogbugz 18649 - Anchored inlines in cells are placed wrong in case of "non-left" anchor references

Anchored inlines in cells are placed wrong in case of "non-left" anchor references - Ooops, what can this mean? Simply this:


Try to find out the InDesign® behavior for this case (and play around with the ref-point of the object too and change 'relative to spine' sometimes) :-)

We hope, we found the right solution here now.

FogBugz 18648 - Cell strokes are drawn over anchored inlines of cells

I have a table cell with an anchored object. The object is placed with an negative x-offset:


As you can see, the anchored object lies BEFORE the table. In my eyes this incorrect because the inline is owned by the cell - so it must be drawn before the cell:


Anyway, InDesign® draws the inline after the cell - so we have to do the same.


FogBugz 18578 - Rectangle frames with scalings not equal |100%| are wrong

Rectangle frames with scalings not equal |100%| wrong will get wrong sizes in the PDF. It seems that the scaling is applied two times to the frame size.

Yes, if you ask InDesign® for the size of a scaled frame, you will get the size with the scale factors already applied. This we have in mind now while drawing frames in the renderer.



Color profiles support

Comet_pdf now supports color profiles set in the W2ML. See here for more informations. To turn on color profile handling, see here.

Checking licenses

Using the new programm options --w2lic or --pdflic you can validate the installed licenses.

License paths

Using the new programm options --w2lic_path and --pdflic_path you may use customized locations for license files.

FogBugz 18436 - Wrong color values for table::get_strokecolor_...

The functions table::get_strokecolor_... will return wrong colors always.


FogBugz 18435 - Wrong page heights in PDFs for spreadwise output

If you create a PDF with spreadwise ordered pages, spreads are too small, if the left page of a spread has a smaller height than the right page. The spread will have the height of the left page only.


New cScript functions


New script functions


New script functions
FogBugz 18340 - frame::bbox ignores spreadRelative

The results of frame::bbox are still the same, no matter if I set the parameter spreadRel to 0 or 1.

You're right, the parameter spreadRel was ignored in the past. This is fixed now.



FogBugz 18305 - Extented prefix/postfixes for place holders not working

I have a place holder with prefix if non empty set to # "/r" pStyle "Bullets" . This prefix has no effect : No new paragraph is created, and the paragraph style is left unchanged. If I change the prefix to a single /r, a new paragraph is created.


FogBugz 18008 - frame::fit is wrong for frames with a single text line

I'm using frame::fit to fit the width of a text frame with only one line of text. This works, if the frame has no insets. But the frame becomes to small, if the frame has an left and/or right inset. 

Yes, yes, yes. fxd.

FogBugz 18007 - Invisible text characters : Indent to here missing

In InDesign®, a 'Indent to here' is shown as a †, if I show invisbles. In comet_pdf not.

shown now if you use option -a i

FogBugz 18006 - Indent to here is wrong sometimes

I have a bullet point text with an "Indent to here" at the beginning of the text. In the first bullet point, the "Indent to here" is applied well, but in the second not.




FogBugz 17918 - In comet_pdf findet linklist::collect_any keine Rahmen

In comet_pdf findet linklist::collect_any keine Rahmen.

Ganz recht, das war ein Fehler im Renderer, der hier beim Suchen der Seiten eines Rahmes zu früh aufgegeben hat. Das ist gefixt.



FogBugz 17881 - autogrow of table rows not set correctly by table::resize_rows

Documentation says that table::resize_rows will set the autogrow property of rows depending on the values given for minHeight and maxHeight. But if I call

table::resize_rows (T, 0, 1, 0.0, 10.0, 40.0);

the first row will not get autogrow-able.

Oops, a == instead of a !=.


FogBugz 17863 - Cell fill color "None" is ignored, if an alternating pattern is given for a table If a table has an alternating pattern defined for its rows and/or colums, cells using the "color" None locally are drawn in the color given by the alternating anyway. 


FogBugz 17862 - Wrong tint for cell colors in alternating patterns for rows/columns If a table uses alternating patterns for row/column fills, a wrong tint is used if a cell uses its own fill color. In this case, the tint defined by the alternating pattern is ignored even if the cell color has no tint.

Instead of using the tint given by the alternating pattern the cell uses the default tint of 100% here. This is fixed and the cell now takes care on the tint given by the alternating pattern.



FogBugz 17802 - Master page items wrong after document::set_startpage

After calling document::setstartpage the master page items on the first page are wrong.

The problem were some overridden master page items on the first page.


FogBugz 17808 - Wrong page type after document::set_startpage We have to build products in documents starting with left pages. Therefor we call 

document::set_startpage (2);

at first in our script. But it seems, that the templates placed later to the document not matching the according page types.


FogBugz 17591 - frame::rotate always uses (0,0) as reference point of the rotation

Using comet_pdf, frame::rotate always uses (0,0) as reference point of the rotation. Right?

As written in the documentation, yes.

You now can use the two types of reference points for rotation in comet_pdf too:

  • Reference point in page co-ordinates relative to the left top corner of the frame
  • Reference point given in frame co-ordinates. RECOMMENDED.


Whiteboard support Some more functions are implemented, see here for more informations.


FogBugz 17542 - How to set a clipping path using comet_pdf?

How to set a clipping path using comet_pdf?

Use the new cScript-functions image::setclips and/or image::setalpha2. In addition, all situation, where you can set in clipping index, set a clipping path too - the renderer now can read this paths.

Whiteboard support

A lot of more functions are implemented, see here for more informations.
FogBugz 17522 - Crash if option -g is used without a connection

If I use option -g (global variables), the renderer crashes every time, I call a script and no datapool connection is defined.


FogBugz 17419 - frame::image -> fit content to frame failed

frame::fit with the image placement kFitContent produces an obviously wrong result. 


FogBugz 17521 - Images in rotated frames with contours are placed incorrect

Not sure, if this is an floating point rounding error or if it is miscalculated: Rotated images in frames with a contour are placed a little bit incorrect (not much but 2 or 3 points).

Wrong calculation - fxd.

FogBugz 17520 - frame::fit_image is wrong

This is fixed for all methods of frame::fit_image now.

FogBugz 17519 - Frame edges of stroked frames

The blue frame edges shown by option -af are drawn inside the stroke for inner strokes and outside the stroke for outer strokes. It must be vice versa, or not?

Yes, of course. This is fixed.

New script function(s)
Redefinition of Cometgroups (Internal news only) uidstranstable implemented
FogBugz 17414 - Drive letters missing on image paths after saving a w2ml

I have a document with image paths like


After autosaving my w2ml on a Macintosh computer, the drive letter E: is missing for such paths.




FogBugz 17253 - Fehlerhafte Auswertung von Softreturns nach --autosave

After the fix in R11411 : Now I will loose the softreturns when I open the w2ml in InDesign®:-(

Aaargh!! fxd.

FogBugz 17330 - Invisible PS images (Windows only)

In my document are some PS images. Using option -VX I can see, that the renderer converts this images into PDF - but in the document, I can see nothing but a white frame. In addition, after autosaving the file, I can see, that the frame contains the right PDF as image.

Yes, this behaviour depends on a non empty crop box inside the PS image, which wasn't applied till now.


FogBugz 17329 - Crash when using VeryDoc license for ps2pdf (Windows only)

I now have a VeryDoc license for ps2pdf. But if the renderer tries to use this license, it crashes in the moment, it tries to convert a PS to PDF. Only if I have no (or an empty license, the conversion works.


Whiteboard support

To support the White board, we started to integrate the COMET API into the renderer. See option -j (--comet-api) for more informations.

Implementation will take a little time. The following methods are implemented now:

FogBugz 17326 - Missing images after reorganization and --autosave

After reorganizing and autosaving a document, some of the images in the document are missing. The frames itself are still valid, but they are empty.

This occurs only on template changes. After duplicating an image from its old to its new frame, the new frame was still a text frame. We now convert it to an image frame. This solves the problem.



New cScript function(s)
FogBugz 17291 - Where to place a OpooSoft license file?

To create image previews from the PDFs, the renderer can use pdftoimage.exe from OpooSoft on Windows (See here for more infos.). Generated images are watermark if no license is given. After buying a license - where we have to place it?

Please follow this steps:

  1. Open the license file you've got from OpooSoft
  2. Open the file \imgconv\pdftoimage\licensekey.txt inside you renderer installation
  3. Copy/Paste the content from file 1 to file 2. Attention! Do not add any white spaces, quotas, nor returns around this content.
  4. Save file 2.


To activated the using of pdftoimage.exe, please edit file imgconv\pdf2image.cpp of your renderer installation and enable line 

// *gResult = do_opoo ();

near the end of the file by removing the first two slashes.

FogBugz 17287 - Where to place the VeryDoc license?

To temporary convert Postscript images to PDF, ps2pdf.exe is used on Windows systems (See here for more infos.). This is third party software implemented by VeryDoc. If no license is given, the software draws watermarks above the created PDFs. Therefor we bought a license. The question is, where we have to place this file?

Please follow this steps:

  1. Open the license file you've got from VeryDoc
  2. Open the file imgconv\ps2pdf\bin\licensekey.txt inside you renderer installation
  3. Copy/Paste the content from file 1 to file 2. Attention! Do not add any white spaces, quotas, nor returns around this content.
  4. Save file 2.
FogBugz 17271 - Last page missing in metadata previews fxd
FogBugz 17266 - Renderer 4.1 failed while executing load scripts

Load scripts in renderer 4.1 are not executed but raised an "Unexpected end of file" error always. Using 4.0.5 the same scripts are executed well.


FogBugz 17221 - Missing overidden master items after --autosave

A document contains various overidden master page items. All of this items are correctly shown in the PDF But if I autosave the W2ml and reopen it, the overiden master page items are missing.

The problem depends on the well known issue, that the renderers autosave function is stiil in work. In the cuurent situation, two things are went wrong:

  1. Wrong positions of rotated frames in w2ml export.
  2. Overidden master items were placed on a wrong layer


FogBugz 17253 - Fehlerhafte Auswertung von Softreturns nach --autosave

Ein TaggedText enthält Softreturns (\n). Die erste Darstellung dieses Textes im PDF ist richtig. Wird aber das erzeugte Dokument mit --autosave in die w2ml-Datei zurückgeschrieben und dann aus dieser geänderten w2ml ein PDF erzeugt, dann sind in diesem PDF aus den Softreturns offenbar normale Absatztrenner geworden. Insbesondere bei Absatzformaten mit Abständen davor/danach oder mit linken Einzügen ist das natürlich dann nicht mehr so schön.

Das Problem ist, dass die PDFLib \r und \n genau andersrum als InDesign® anwendet. Das war an einer Stelle (nämlich beim Schreiben des TaggedText) nicht bedacht.


mmmmmmmm (second)

In case of strings consisting of at least four equal letters, hyphenation marks are inserted after every TWO letters now. For example, mmmmmm will become mm-mm-mm.




Substrings of text like mmmmm, bbbbb, ßßßßßß (Yes, people do this!) will now get hyphantaions after every four equal letter.

FogBugz 17220 - Renderer draws font coloured paragraph lines in black Renderer draws font coloured paragraph lines in black.


FogBugz 17214 - table::cell::clear does nothing

Same with 

All fxd

FogBugz 17192 - Sometimes paragraph delimiters belonging to a place holder are not removed

Sometimes a paragraph delimiter belonging to a place holder is not removed from the text when the place holder is loaded.


FogBugz 17191 - Wrong page numbers

The first section of documents always starts with page number 1, no matter, what the document says about its start page number.


FogBugz 17166 - renderer does not ignore \r, \n at the end of a tagged text

... but obviously InDesing does.

And the renderer now too. fxd

New cScript function(s)


FogBugz 17143 - Masteritems_load not executed fxd
FogBugz 17162 - Escape unicodes with small letters are not read

I have a tagged text with escaped Unicodes. But the escapes are using small letters like <0x00fc>. This letters are not read by the renderer.

Not sugar, but icing sugar ... fxd

FogBugz 17158 - Overflow warning for empty text frames fxd
FogBugz 17157 - Wrong height of table rows with empty cells

I have the impression that the height of table rows with empty cells are not correct.

Well, you're right. fxd

... and plz take a moment to think twice about from where the height of cells are coming - in most cases this is the UNDEFINDED default font size used at the insertion point of the table. Is that really what you want?

FogBugz 17156 - Vertical lines in tables missing In me tables, all vertical lines are missing.

Why do you use alternating vertical lines with a weight of 0 and then set cell styles to all cells overriding this weight?

fxd (We now take care of overridings of alternating strokes.)

FogBugz 17155 - Paragraph delimiters at the beginning/end of place holders

Place holders beginning or ending with paragraph delimiters do not remove the delimiters. This leads to extra white spaces between paragraphs in the PDF.

Very hard to solve, took me ten (!) days! fxd

Pre/Postfixes of place holders

The renderer now can insert and replace prefixes and postfixes of place holders.
FogBugz 17153 - Confusing build error messages

Error messages generated by the product building process and shown in the program output are unreadable.

Yes, the messages containing Windows line delimiters (\r\n) and this is not, what the Mac Terminal expected to get.


FogBugz 17152 - Space before/below tables

It seems that the renderer ignores the space before/below tables. 

Not any longer

FogBugz 17151 - Lot of "Hyphenation file not found for ..." warnings Sure, my dear. I now write the message only once.
FogBugz 17149 - Write informations about a text model into the log file

Is there any way to look into a text model a little bit closer?

You may use option -V or the new script function textmodel::dump to see the current state of one or all text models of the current document. But take care : This may produce a lot of output and the output may may only be meaningful for the guys of WERK II. 

FogBugz 17056 - ZERO WIDTH NON-JOINER (0x200C) behind inlines

Showing the hidden letters of a text (option -ai), I can see a big blue + in a text consisting of two inlines only. This means, between the tow inlines must be a ZERO WIDTH NON-JOINER (0x200C), but I'am sure, this letter wasn't imported. But where does it come then from?


FogBugz 17038 - Margin-Offset in frame::create(2) falsch angewendet

Ich hab gerade eine Funktion auf Basis von bbox und frame::create2 gebaut. In Indesign sieht es gut aus, aber im PDF Renderer leider nicht.

Es sieht eigentlich auch im Renderer sehr gut aus - wenn man bedenkt, wie lang der Weg dahin war. Nur die Margins waren in der falschen Richtung gerechnet.

Long time calls

In SOAP connections you will get an instant message now if the renderer must wait longer than two seconds for a server respond. You will see messages like this in this case:

# Waiting for long time call [1] '...'ReferencesTT',...' : 8.8 secs
# Search logfile for '# Waiting for long time call [1]' for full command.
# Enable logfile writing by option -v log_path.
# Waiting for long time call [2] '...'grouped_article_table',...' : 11.4 secs

Show invisibles in text

Using option -ai you now can show invisibles in texts.

FogBugz 17007 - Verankerte Rahmen erzeugen hohe Textzeilen

Verankerte Rahmen machen die Textzeile des Ankers so hoch, wie der verankerte Rahmen ist.


FogBugz 17006 - Inline "Eingebunden oder über Zeile" ignoriert Abstand darüber und darunter

Inlines vom Typ "Eingebunden oder über Zeile" haben über und unter dem Inline einen Abstand. Vom Renderer wird der leider ignoriert.


New cScript functions


Text variables

The renderer now supports nearly all text variables used in InDesign®, see here to learn more.
New cScript functions
FogBugz 16983 - Space before/after tables

Is it possible, to implement this for the renderer?

Yes, it's done now.

FogBugz 16982 - Missing in inline at the end of the text I have an inlne at the end of the text. The inline is exported to the w2ml - but I cannot see the inline in the PDF generated by the renderer.

Hard to find ...

The error was caused by a ZERO WIDTH NO-BREAK SPACE inside the text. InDesign® does not support this letter into TaggedText! And, as a result of this, the w2ml-index of the inline points behind the text end - and isn't drawn therefor.

The only solution here is : Remove the ZERO WIDTH NO-BREAK SPACE from the InDesign® document and do not use this letter anymore!

To impede the use of this letter, we removed the Non-breakable zero Space menu from the InDesign® menue Font -> Spaces.

FogBugz 16981 - Inlines in table cells not drawn

Sometimes, inlines in table cells are not drawn.

In most cases this depends on to small columns. In oposite to InDesign®, table columns must be wide enough to show inlines. See here for more infos.

FogBugz 16980 - Image position kFitContentHeight failed

Placing an image into a frame using frame::image and the placement info kFitContentHeight will fail with an error message:

Value -1.0 for width too small. 


FogBugz 16979 - Overset warnings in renderer

Is it possible, to find out text oversets in files generated by comet_pdf?

You may use option -ao to show text oversets in PDF.

In addition, we now write a list of warnings with all text frames and (new) all table cells with text oversets. If search for "Overset in" in the output and/or in the logfile, you can easily find the oversets now.

Exit values

The renderer now finishes its work with exit codes, see here for a complete list of exit codes.
New cscript functions
FogBugz 16977 - Text after softreturns in lists

Text after softreturns in lists is not indented well but starts at x-position 0. fxd

FogBugz 16976 - What to do on "No post script name found for font ..." warnings?

What to do on "No post script name found for font ..." warnings?

Solution is described in your local offline documentation. A short note is now written to the output of the program now:

No post script name found for font 'Arialette Regular', using 'Arial'.
Font used in frame 394 for text 'sqd?fl AAAA sa?Hen?dip?sam s...'.
    To define font name mappings, edit fontnames_default.xml
    or your local fontnames.xml
    See manual for more informations:
    -> YOUR_DOCU_FOLDER/InDesign/Plugins/comet_pdf.html#Schriften

FogBugz 16975 - Page number prefix missing Page numbers in the document are shown, thats very nice! But if the section ha a prefix, this prefix is not shown as a part of the page number. - fxd
FogBugz 16974 - Alternating column patterns are drawn as row patterns Alternating column patterns are drawn as row patterns. - fxd
FogBugz 16973 - Tables with alternating row colours are not drawn Tables with alternating row colours are not drawn. - fxd
FogBugz 16972 - Quoted program parameters misinterpreted sometimes

Quotas (", ') about program parameters are now ignored by default.

FogBugz 16971 - Tracking and kerning Does the renderer support tracking and kerning of letters?

Yes, but the units where misinterpreted. This works now.

Please note: Optical and metric kernings are not supported.

FogBugz 16912 - <in>-Tag : No warnings about missing images of in-Tags

Missing images of in-tags are not shown in the warnings. -Fixed -

FogBugz 16857 - Paragraph justification 'Away from binding' ignored

It seems that the paragraph justification 'Away from binding" does not work. All other justifications and even "To binding' are working well. 

A little export error wrote binding instead of binding in this case.


FogBugz 16845 - Wrong frame size on products with continuing templates

I have

  • A page template with one element. The elements size checking is disabled
  • A template with one frame only. The frame has a continuing frame. 
  • A product with a text longer than the templates frame.

Building the product is done well BUT the first text frame seems to be too large: The bottom side of the frame exceeds the page. Building the same product in InDesign®, the frame ends at the bottom margin of the page. 

This is fixed.


FogBugz 16843 - Farbtonfelder werden nicht unterstützt : Der PDF-Renderer scheint die in InDesign® möglichen Farbtonfelder nicht zu unterstützen. Sei fehlen jedenfalls in den <swatches>-Einträgen der w2ml und in den erzeugten PDF wird statt des Farbtones die entsprechende mit 100% Deckkraft verwendet.

Sowohl Renderer als auch Comet-Plugins unterstützen jetzt auch Farbtonfelder. 

ACHTUNG: Um Farbtonfelder zu unterstützen, müssen die W2MLs mind. mit v4.0.5 R10600 erzeugt worden sein!

New cscript functions
FogBugz 16827 - Missing bullet point right after tables

Bullet points are missing right after tables if the parastyle around the table differs from the style with the bullets.


FogBugz 16826 - Missing indention after soft returns

Indentions after soft returns are treated like indentions after hard returns.


FogBugz 16816 - Error on fitframe with tables in text

In same rare cases a fitted frame is too small and can not show the last line of the text. is occurs only if the text contains tables. But not every text frame with tables is wrong.

This amazing behaviour is fixed now.

FogBugz 16817 - Warning "Cannot auto delete LinkList in comet_pdf"

What does this renderer warning mean?

# Cannot auto delete LinkList in comet_pdf

To avoid this lines, call itemlist::release directly in your scripts. But since today, we can auto delete this lists in the renderer too.

Guide Lines Guide lines are read from/written to w2ml now. You need Comet plug-ins v4.0.5 R10556 at least to export guide line to w2ml.
Mac OS X 10.11 comet_pdf is now running on Mac OS X 10.11 too.


Export tables to w2ml

W2ML files created by --autosave, document::save and document::saveas now contains all tables too.
New cscript functions
FogBugz 16740 - Non escaped unicode letter in TaggedText export

TaggedText generated by comet_pdf contains unescaped Unicode letters.


FogBugz 16725 - table::cell::set_text does not replace text but insert it

Instead of replacing the cell content, table::cell::set_text inserts the text at the beginning of the cell.


FogBugz 16721 - Missing values for in spreads.xml

The spreads.xml of the metadata contains the fields:

Created by InDesign®, this fields are filled with page numbers, but comet_pdf will leave this fields empty.




FogBugz 16705 - Missing inlines in tables

I have a simple InDesign® text with only one table. The table only consists of two cells. Every cell contains only one inline. Showing this text in comet_pdf, the first inline is missing.

The problem occurs only if the table is followed by a single empty paragraph and is fixed now.

New cscript functions
  • frame::duplicate,
  • frame::create
  • frame::create2
  • frame::create_textframe
  • frame::create_textframe_f
  • frame::rectangle
  • frame::count_columns
  • frame::create_columns
  • frame::bbox_on_creation
  • frame::add_to_cometgroup
  • frame::remove_from_cometgroup
  • frame::is_member_of
  • frame::remove_sub_cometgroups
  • frame::apply_layout_rules
  • frame::apply_magnets
  • frame::store_magnet_distances
  • itemlist::add_to_cometgroup
  • itemlist::remove_from_cometgroup
  • itemlist::apply_layout_rules
  • itemlist::get_cometgroup
  • itemlist::get_cometgroup_members
  • itemlist::are_members_of
  • itemlist::create_cometgroup
  • itemlist::resolve_cometgroup
  • itemlist::move_cometgroup_to
  • itemlist::move_cometgroup_by
  • itemlist::remove_cometgroup
  • itemlist::store_magnet_distances
  • xml::attribute_frame
  • xml::iattribute_frame
  • xml::fattribute_frame
  • xml::sattribute_frame
  • xml::attribute_elem
  • xml::iattribute_elem
  • xml::fattribute_elem
  • xml::sattribute_elem
  • xml::link_frame
  • xml::attribute_exists_frame
  • xml::count_attributes_frame
  • xml::count_attributes_elem
  • xml::add_attribute
  • xml::path
  • xml::get_xmlelement
  • xml::count_children
  • xml::get_child
  • xml::get_name
  • xml::get_parent
  • xml::release
  • xml::exec

XML tag support

The renderer now supports the InDesign® XML structure and XML elements for frames.

XML elements for text, tables and cells are not supported!



List all available standard PDF presets See here for more infos.
Standard PDF presets See here for more infos.


Error while loading images with missing clipping path

Opening an image with a missing clipping path will fail on comet_pdf. InDesign® will open the image without a clipping path in the same situation.

In this situation, comet_pdf now opens the image without a clipping path.

New cscript functions
Programme option --crypto Get a crypted version of a password.
Programme option --l_PWD Option for crypted version of password for data connections
Crypted passwords connections.xml may contain crypted password now, see here for more infos.


Single login options For more informations see here.



Overprints are now supported for frames, strokes and text.

Please not the following restrictions:

  • Gap colours of strokes using the overprint of their strokes.
  • Gap colours in rules above/below using the overprint of their strokes.
  • Underlines and strike thrus using the overprint of their texts.
  • Overprints in tables are not implemented for now.
Missing XML attributes of document after --autosave Fixed
Invisible small text in export

Text is exported - but only in a size of 0.01 pts.

This happens, if the text has a trailing horizontal text scaling of 1%. Resetting scalings after using it solves the problem.

Creating metadata of documents with only one page ... works now
Writing metadata next to w2ml Normally, metadata are created next to the PDF output. Using flag 8 here the metadata are created next to w2ml instead.
--metadata failed for 'export only' PDFs

If you simply create a PDF by using -i the metadata export fails while creating temporary PDFs of single pages.


Crash on --autosave

Writing object styles to w2ml will crash down the renderer.


Crash if rule above/below is set in style definitions Fixed
Wrong drawn rules above/below Fixed, see here for more informations.
Wrong color for strike thrus Fixed, see here for more informations.
Wrong weight and offset for underlines Fixed, see here for more informations.
Wrong color for underlines Fixed, see here for more informations.


How to set the priint document Id? Using option --docid you now can now set the priint document Id into the document.
Insets not drawn in chained textframes

Using option -af you can draw text insets and gutters into text frames. But this only works in the first frames of text chains not for the remaining frames.




Compose PDFs

With option -m | --merge and a composition xml it is possible to build up a new PDF from single pages of various PDFs. See here for more informations.

Multi-columns in text frames

YES, we now have it! Short words - long work.
Insets in non-rectangulare shapes

Insets in non-rectangulare shapes are done by path scalings in the past. Of course, this is not the best solution. Therefor we implement a new and complex technique to calculate path out- and in-lines.

In the screenshot you can see an (for this case) extreme situation. The red triangle is the scaled version of the blue triangle and was used as to be the inset path for the text in the past. But the correct solution would be the text as shown here. And, well, exactly this is done now!


Text wraps on product buildings It's implemented now!

Text wraps

Renderer now supports text wraps. To use text wraps please use at least R9900 to create w2ml's.


  • Rotated and skewed frames are ignored for now.
  • On non-rectangulare frames, only completely overlying wraps are allowed. Or, in other words, wraps must not intersect the shape!

Im Bild sehen Sie links, wie der Text um den grünen Stern läuft. Der rote Stern dagegen liegt nur teilweise über dem Text. Hier ist die Textverdrängung nicht möglich. In der Ausgabe wird in diesen Fällen eine Warnung geschrieben:

Non rectangular frame 281 has text wraps with unsupported partial intersections.



Die Einschränkung resultiert aus einem Implementierungsdetail der PFDlib und kann (mit gewissem Aufwand) beseitigt werden. Als Feature-Request erledigen wir das gerne, für die Standardanwendung erscheint uns der Aufwand momentan zu hoch.

Multiple drawn inlines

In text chains inlines were drawn ones per chained frame, and as a result of this, transparencies are multiplied.


Transparency and blend modes for frames

In the past we set individual transparencies and blend modes for strokes, fills and contents. As a result of this, transparent text was coloured always a little bit by the translucent background color.

Now we can 'bundle' transparencies and blend modes for the whole frame. Here's a preview from a PDF showing different combinations of transparencies:


New cscript function(s) available
Object styles

We now support object styles! To use object style please use at least R9900 to create w2ml's

Please not that object styles are limited to following properties:

  • Fill
  • Stroke
  • Stroke & Corner Options
  • Text Frame General Options
  • Text Wrap & Other
  • Anchored Object Options
  • Transparency
Knockout & Isolation groups Knockout & Isolation groups are supported now for objects. The distinction between content, stroke and fill possible in InDesign® is not possible in renderer. We only apply knockouts and isolations to the complete frame object.

Spreaded PDFs

Using the new option


you can create PDFs with spreads instead of single pages.

Save as w2ml

Using the new option


you can create a w2ml version of the resulting document. The w2ml version is generated in the same folder like the PDF.

Long time to open documents

Especially large documents with dozens of master pages and hundreds of styles will need a very long time to open. We therefor re-implemented the whole part of the renderer that reads the w2ml.

Documents, that need 600 seconds before are now read in 0.15 seconds. 4,000 times faster!

Cannot insert Adobe Illustrator files We now support Adobe Illustrator files (.ai). They are handled like any other postscript files.

priint meta data

Using the new option


you now can create the priint meta data of the generated document. See online help or use option -h to learn more

Inlines and images in tables with merged cells

If a table contains merged cells, inlines and images inside the table are placed into wrong cells.


Inlines after tables are at wrong text positions

If a text contains inlines after tables, this inlines are placed at wrong text positions.


Asking for <layer> in statements failed for cells

If I use <layer> in a place holder statement and the place holder is inside a table cell, the answer is always empty.


Artefacts of text frames on new pages

If a text chain contains inlines, artefacts of previous frame are shown at the next page.


Default image clip path is not applied Fixed
New cscript function(s) available
Numbering styles missing in the generated w2ml

If the renderer writes an output w2ml (option --autosave) the numbering styles are missing in the file.


Embedded images

Comet plugins and renderer now supporting embedded images. Embedded images are written to the w2ml as a base64 coded blob and read from the renderer. You need at least R9812 of Comet plugins to export embedded images.
New cscript function(s) available

3. Nov 2015

Comet Plugin Base 4.0.5

Renderer is now Comet 4.0.5 based and will follow the head version of the Plugins now.

ATTENTION : Old Comet3 based renderers may need a new licence file!

Rotations and skews

We now fully support InDesign® frame rotations and skews.

ATTENTION : If your InDesign® document uses rotations and/or skews, the files must re-exported to w2ml again!

%!T+ et al. The new tagged text prefixes invoked in v4.0.5 R9501 are also supported by comet_pdf.
Wrong image positions

Magnets may reset image positions set by layout rules.


Comet notes

The InDesign® Comet notes now shown in the PDFs as PDF notes. Use option -A to activate the creation of PDF notes.
Font not found Although all needed fonts are installed, the renderer cannot find fonts in some rare cases.


system::commit_globals warning

Calls to system::commit_global will force an alert, that the function is not implemented for the renderer - but it seems that the function works well.

Yes, the function works well. The alert is removed now.

system::setdatafile warning

The function system::setdatafile is marked as available for the renderer in the docu. But calling this function will lead to a warning and the function does nothing.

This is fixed now.

But take care: The function will change the data files definition in the database too!

Styled corners on text frames may bother insets

Styled corners on text frames may lead to wrong text insets.


Styled corners on text frames may bother table insets

Tables are placed without left inset if the text frame has some styled corners.


Unexpected text insets

Sometimes text is placed with double sized insets. What happens here?

This error occurs an frames they had styled corners in InDesign® in the past, but the corner radius is set to 0 in the mean time.




Missing \<, \>, \\ in tags

TaggedText tags may contain escaped <, >, \ characters. But obviously they are miss-interpreted.


Unnumbered and numbered lists

Renderer now fully supports InDesign® lists.
New cscript function(s) available


Inner strokes of cell spans Inner strokes of cell spans must NOT have a weight nor any other line values. The table::cell::get_stroke~- functions therefor return 0-values for inner strokes now.
Wrong frame positions for magnets

Frames with an incoming bottom magnet and an oposite nail at the top are resized well - but at the reference point left-top, not right-bottom.


Wrong distance between products

If the last frame of a product is a line, the distance to the next product is wrong. Obviously the line is ignored for bounding box calculations.




Unknown hyphenation 'Reformed' .. points now to 'German Reformed'.
Wrong colours Duplicating things from one document to another does not override any styles nor swatches in the destination. I thought. But if a swatch already exists, a new one is created automatically by InDesign®. The renderer now does the same.

Pre/Postfix of place holders

Renderer now supports the Comet pre/postfixes for place holders.

ATTENTION: In the current version, text is only inserted! If a place holder is loaded twice, old prefixes are not deleted.

Indent to here This funny option of InDesign® is now supported by the renderer too.
Missing place holders in text

After loading all place holders one may ask for text place holders (linklist::collect). This failed because place holders are lost while loading.


Wrong cell strokes

Sometimes table::cell::get_stroke returns wrong results.




What about page numbers?

We now fully support page numbers except of repaginations after page removes.
New cscript function(s) available
Missing text in table cells In some situations, an InDesign® table cell contains text but the same cell in PDF not. After looking around and around for hours and hours we found out, that InDesign® auto-splits unbreakable text longer 32 chars at any place to fill the cell. If the text contains at least one letter (A, a, B, b, ...) 16 chars are enough. Renderer now does the same.
No tables drawn on too flat-bottomed frames Frames must contain at least one body cell of a table. Otherwise the table is not shown even after fit frame. This is fixed.
Missing inlines in table cells Sometimes inline images in table cell are missing.


New cscript function(s) available
Table module

Some cells are not loaded after building the table.


Double loaded place holders

Place holders in completely inserted tables (PubServer tagged text) are loaded two times.



21.05. 2015

Work around PubServer table TT errors The TT text generated by the PubServer may need some help from time to time. We help them :-)
New cscript function(s) available
General fixes Internal handling of styled text is renewed completely.


Document Reorganization

Renderer now can reorganize the contents of given input files.
New cscript function(s) available

Table place holders

As a missing link to the table building process we implemented table place holders for the renderer.
Horizontal scaling of glyphs Renderer now supports horizontal glyph scalings (cHorizontalScale). You need at least R7778 of Comet plug-ins to create the w2ml's.
To much white space after tables

Sometimes empty paragraphs are inserted after tables.


New cscript function(s) available

Doc watch scripts

Support of doc watch scripts now implemented.

26.03. 2015

Comet 4 tables Comet 4 tables coming as very poorly formated tagged text and its very hard to understand all the InDesign® rules to complete this definitions. This version of comet_pdf fixes the missing or empty parastyles at the beginning of table cells.
Wrong placed tables in case of right indentions > 0

Paragraphs with right indentions > 0 moving tables to the right.


Fitted frames to big

If a texts ends with a table, the frame is a little big to high after fitting the frame.


Fit frame failed for frames with tables

Texts without any table are fitted correctly. Also texts with exactly one table (and no text around the table) are fitted correctly. But If a frames contains tables and text, fitframe failed.


Reading tagged text with escaped escapes failed Tagged text containing escaped escapes like \< produces wrong output.




Empty text place holders not replaced by hair spaces

In case of formated but empty tagged text like

%!TT<ParaStyle:> or simply '%!TT'

text place holders are not replaced by hair spaces but removed. This misbehaviour leads to errors in the following process.


Infinite loop on frame of 'potatoes'

'Potatoes' and cornered frames may lead to an infinite loop in frame::fit.


Fit frame failed for frames with a single hair space

PDFLib doesn't draw single hair spaces. And, as a result of this, we cannot calculate the height of this 'letter'.


Cannot get text in format kExportXUnitext

textmodel::get seems to ignore text formats like kExportXUnitext.


Cell stroke joins Completely refactored implementation for joins of cell strokes. We now also support the InDesign® 'Stroke Drawing Orders
  • Row Strokes in Front
  • Column Strokes in Front

Please not that the stroke drawing orders

  • Best Joins
  • InDesign® 2.0 Compatibility

are NOT supported.

Line types 'Dots' and 'Japanese Dots'

The renderer now can draw lines using the line types

  • Dots
  • Japanese Dots
Master page not set

The new pages created by the product building process do not have master pages.


Frame boxes

Using the option

-a f

the resulting PDF will show the bounding boxes of all frames in the stock color defined by their layers. This is usefull for debugging cases. But all boxes are drawn as the bounding box of the outer stroke, not of the box itself.


Cell edges

Using the option

-a c

the resulting PDF will show the edges of table cells. This in fact is usefull for debugging cases. But in the current version in can only draw ONE of the lines, strokes or edges.

We now draw the strokes every time, and, if you wish, we draw the edges above the strokes. :-)

Long list of short cuts

After working with the renderer a while I have a very long list of short cuts. Is there any way to shorten this list in the programs out put but not in the short cuts file?

Yes. Let the description of the entry begin with the key word


Thats all.


10.02. 2015

Images too big

Placing images normally limits the scaling to 100%. But not in comet_pdf.

-- Fixed --

Cannot load SOAP based templates

Downloading templates from a SOAP service always fails. Yes, this was an error. Templates were stored with id 'pageitem/data/...' but retreived with '/pageitem/data/...' (with a trailing /).

-- Fixed --

< and > in string IDs

< and > in string IDs of place text place holders will lead to errors while reading the tagged text.

-- Fixed --

Long tagged text (> 65 kB) will crash comet_pdf

Using tagged text longer than 65 kB will crash comet_pdf.


New cscript funktion(s) available
Better cell strokes I've changed the drawing methods for table cells. Hopefully the new methods matching the InDesign® rules for table cells better.
How to avoid page bleeds? My output always contains the bleed. How can I cut the bleed? This was wrong, bleed is now cutted be default.
Errors in image placements

At least the image placements 13 & 14 for frame::image are not working.

-- Fixed --

Lost text formattings while inserting text

Inserting unformatted text longer than one paragraph destroys all text attributes inside the inserted text.


Wrong text formattings after empty place holders

Replacing a text place holder by nothing ("") leads to wrong formated text behind the place holder.




New cscript function(s) available
Image placements failed for rotated images

In case of rotated images, the image placements like in frame::image are wrong.

This is fixed.

Unicode letters in string IDs

Unicode letters in string IDs of text place holders are <0xXXXX> encoded and can not used in database compares therefore.




Infinite loop

<0x000D> in tagged texts may lead into an infinite loop while inserting this text.

This error is fixed.

Lots of 'missing cScript function' warnings It's enough to warn once per function :-)
Infinite loop in table::cell::is_overset In most cases table::cell::is_overset is called in a while loop. But because the function returns -1199, the loop will never exit. Therefor is_overset now returns 0.
table::resize_cols does not resize columns This is fixed now.
Cell styles missing Cell styles were missing in every cell of the first row of tables. This is fixed. I forgot only one ':' ion the code.
fontnames_default.xml ignored

Fontnames_default.xml is ignored, if no option -P (fontmappings) is given.

Fixed - reading Fontnames_default.xml now

New cscript function(s) available

--- Non ops ---


18.12. 2014

New cscript function(s) available

18.12. 2014

Optimizations Renderer now runs up to four times faster!
Invisible content in merged cells

Merged table cells are getting the concated text of all sub cells. But empty cells may contain an empty paragraph at their very beginning and we have to take care not to add them to the anchor.

This is done now.

Wrong color tints in table cells

In some rare circumstances, cells may get a wrong color tint for their fill color: If the table defines alternating fill rules but single cells are using local colours, the tint was taken from table anyway.

This is fixed.



Master pages

The renderer now supports master pages. You need Comet plug-ins of at least R6162 to create the W2MLs.
New cscript function(s) available

04.11. 2014

Error while reading SOAP based page items This is fixed.
Pre script for building products In case of building products given by option -p we now execute the script given in option -e as a pre script of the build process.
Parameters for script give by -e You now can define parameters to the script given by option -e using the new option -Q. The tokens of the string are taken as the values for

int gParamNInt
float gParamNFloat
char gParamNString [] with N = {1, 2, 3, 4}

For example -Q "'21.5\"' 123 4.6" will define the following for param 1

int gParam1Int = 12;
float gParam1Float = 12.5;
char gParam1String [] = "12.5\"";

Empty pages Till this day the renderer ignored empty pages in the W2MLs. Since today no more. W2MLs must have revision 6124 at least for this.


Infinite loop on frame::fit_better Empty text frames with non-rectangular shapes will lead the renderer into an infinite loop on fit frame.

This is fixed.

New cscript function(s) available
Alternate fill colours of table rows and columns Fixed an error that wrong tint values are used
in case of alternating fill colours in table cells.
Last paragraph delimiter in table cells are lost Fixed
Option -e now can take a script path If you set the value of option -e to the path of an existing script file instead to an action ID (or the word 'place'), this local script is executed instead of the datapool based script. You can use this behaviour to do some serializations on input files with no data connection defined.
Empty inline images

No images were visible in inlines on Window machines.

This error is fixed.

New cscript function(s) available

Please note that only


are supported.



Autogrow of table row heights fixed Due to an error in R5931 ALL table rows got the property 'exact height'. This of course was NOT the intention! I fixed this, and, in the default case, table rows now can grow again.
Lost paragraph delimiter In %TT texts like

%!TT<ParaStyle:>1. A<ParaStyle:>2. B<ParaStyle:>3. C

the second parastyle was lost. The resulting text was

1. A2. B
3. C

This is fixed.

Unformatted letters at the beginning of paragraphs In some cases, the first letter of a paragraph lost its local character style settings. This is fixed.


No page elements visible for option -a e Page elements are visible again if you use option -a e. This was a small copy/paste error.
<0x00FC> in place holders Place holders not beginning with %TT containing <0x00FC> in the PDF. This error is fixed. All <0x00FC> are replaced by their Unicode letters now.
New cscript function(s) available


Layout condition 'Has overset' failed If a frame is too small to contain at least one letter, the layout condition 'Has overset' failed. This is fixed. This also fixes the C script functions
Exact row heights Table rows are growing automatically depending on their cells content. In some rare circumstances you may wish to suppress
this behaviour by setting 'exact row height' in InDesign® or using the C script function table::resize_rows with min and max height
are equal. The renderer complies with these settings now.

ATTENTION : Exact row heights may lead to invisible cell oversets!

Unexpected line heights In same circumstances new paragraphs lead to wrong line heights in the next to last line of the previous paragraph. This failure is fixed.
Show this history Using option -B one can show this list of changes made on the program. If ONE of the arguments is -B, the renderer now stops immediately after showing this list. All the other arguments are ignored if -B is given.


Script execution is now MSSQL save If you use an ODBC connection to MSSQL, the renderer produced a lot of errors while executing C scripts. This errors are depending on an unexpected behaviour inside ODBC. We now 'work around' this behaviour.
New cscript function(s) available

Support of repeating elements

We now support building repeating elements.

26.09. 2014

First page type and facing pages The renderer now takes care on the type of the first page and whether a document has single or facing pages. Use Comet plug-ins of at least revision R5801 to create the w2ml!
New cscript function(s) available
Printer marks Printer marks are now supported. See here for more informations.

13.09. 2014

frame::image_scale fixed The function now takes care on the current image position.


We proudly present postscript support!. To import postscript files we create local PDFs from the files. See here for more informations.
New cscript functions available

10.09. 2014

Option -C now needs an argument The crop option -C or --crop now needs an argument.
  • "" : turn off cropping
  • "x", x : side-cut width in points
  • "l t r b" : use different side-cuts at every side
Bleed If the input file contains a non zero bleed, this bleed is applied to the PDF. Use Comet plug-in of revision R5678 at least to create the input w2ml.
Option -z (--pdfset) invoked for PDF settings Reading bleed information from a PDF preset file giving by option -z. Simply duplicate an InDesign® PDF preset with the appropriate settings to the path given in the options argument.

You may find the InDesign® PDF presets here:

    /Library/Application Support/Adobe/Adobe PDF/Settings
    ~/Library/Application Support/Adobe/Adobe PDF/Settings

Meta data support Take the following meta data from the template file into the PDF
  • title
  • author
  • subject
  • keywords
Product building Renderer now takes care on the items.xml importFlag provided by the plug-ins since R5678. The error, that pages created by the build process are inserted at the wrong position is fixed.

13.08. 2014

Windows version

We proudly present the Windows version of the renderer today. Please read the manual for more informations about fonts for Windows.

12.08. 2014

Layout layers for product building The products building process now takes care on layout layers.

To use layout layers, create the layer in InDesign® document and insert it in the page template entries of your items.xml into the element <layout_layers>.

Layer visibility Layer visibility integrated
layer::move fixed layer::move is now ready to use. The error on this function is fixed.
Frame visibility Frame visibility integrated, cscript functions


Day 0 Base version of comet_pdf. Change log starts today.